i 5 THE DAILY ASTOttlAN, KK1UAY MOKMXU, SKI'TKMUKU .', 18D7. i t j j i 4 V1 . v if. 'I t !'' ' v 1 1 i 4 JOHN T. LIGHTER, pilot. Trl phone No. M. tkkms or slliSl "KII'UON DAILY. Bent by mall, jxr rear Bent by mall per month Bervtd by carrltf, pr month .W.to ' . ' WEEKLY. 8t by mail. Per year In advanc. . .B.W Postage fret to subscribers. All communications Intend.tl for pubU- oatlon should be directed to th idl.or Buaimas communication of all kinds and remittances must be addressed to "The Astoriao." Tha Aatortaa guarantees to Its b- scrtbera th largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be bad on appll- j cation to th business manager. j The Weekly AstorlAn, the second old. j ret weekly In the state of Oregon, fat, i oext to th Portland Oregoi.tan. the Urges weekly clrculaUon In th state. John F. Hafldley Co. are our Tortland actntN and copies ot th Astorlaa can be had every morning at their s a.-.d. VH Third airt . . The strike situation now demands car. ful and wise action. Somo of :he leaders are becoming excited and bad results may follow. The cotton market Is showing the falUoy of the Bryan humbug that prices of pro- j ducts rise and fall in correspondence with the price of silver. I Potatoes are goinj up In price while ft-red the torments th.it cltronl? Indtses silver is falling. An-Mher of the many " Inflicts will neeitvt to take adv..n . . , t.tce of a remetly which, if the most pos:- proofs that the prices of farm products ... , tlve evidence of the medic il profession have no real relation to the ptcc of silver. ,, ,ho p.lMl0 , , t re.,.(v,s, wuh ,hlf, SSSSS? credence, is an ihobite specific for the There are about $'. Mi.tv t owing by Sruln to her army ani rivy. and no' means of raising It. The crat1! Is coming In her finances, and every -lay brings her nearer to her inevitable end. The republicans of Iowa are in excellent fighting trim. They are in solid ph.ilarx full of confidence basel on very tangible grounds, and arrayed under a candidate-. for governor who Isj unhampered by any , personal pledges, and whos? record is such that he can make the race -in his own merits and win. The platform is frank and open. There Is r.o dodge, no evasion, no attempt at a straddle. It e - dorses the St. Louis platform In em- ... . . . , . , phatio terms, and especially declares In : . favor' of honest money. No silver man ' en mistake that uttrance. nor can any i voter fall to understand that, in votir.g the lowa republican ticket he Is casting his ' , . ' ballot against Bryanism and Its financial ' fallacies. The people of Iuw:i can see that prosperity Is here. The show has csught up with the advance agent. The farmtrs are selling their products at hl?h and profitable prices. ray;rt.f off their debts, and buying liberally. The- state is 1 erjoyln? the sunshine of good tinvs. and its teoi)le propose to insure a continuance ' thereof by supportlns th? republican party and its policies. AMERICAN SHIPPING AND THE DINGLET BILL. The last rumber of the New York Sea- : Dru Co- St- Loui' Mo" "x d,V9s, ,h wound, a-'d appH--i Chamberlain's P:.in board, the leading journal devoted to ship-, BaJm fry A c am, ,n ping intertsts in the t'nited State v has a a renu-rkably short time It healed whh long article on the application of section i out leaving a scar. For wounds, sprains. M , . , ,,,,i 1 swellings and rheum.ttism I know of no 22 of the Dingley tariff to goods Imported In British vessels, and sav thr.t its efc-ct will be to subject all such goods, "not coming from British Eurojean territory." ; to a duty of W per cent higher th m the duties imposed on all other Import?. ; The Seacard goes on '. siy th;:t the , discovery that this ptovlsloa of th- IMn? j lty bill might be so applied was sta.tllr.g I to shipping Interests thro'ihou' the country. The point, according t Sea hoard, is thle : ; Previous to the adopti'1'1 jf th': new j tariff act, all Imports in for.-tgn -.essels 1 were subject to tr.e .'iscrimin.ain,' -I iiy, except those entitled to 'X-np!,"H by tieatles or by any act of congress. l"h.t in the Dlngl y law the words, "or any art of congress," are omitted. The rtsult of this omission Is that, from the date of the adoption of th it act, only such imports as are "entitled" to exemp tion 'from our discriminating duty "by treaty or convention," may legally escape It The only treaty, it so happens, which Creat Britain has with the United States on this subject Is that concluded 011 July 3, 1S15. which limits the exemption specifl ..cally fo Imports In BHtlsh vessels coming from European territories. Basing his action on the then existing lnws of the United States an 1 Great Brit ain, Secretary of the Treasury Morehouse ordered the exemption of all imports In British vessels, from wherjver brought, from our discriminating duty on and after January 1, 1W. But this latter exemption Is now valueless, because the only imports now entitled to such exemption are those provided for by treaty or convention. .seaboard belle-es that the omission of theBO words was Intentional, and In tended to carry out, out, to a decree, the promise of the republican national plat form to"restore the early American policy of discriminating duties for the upbuilding of our nuTohant ni.iiino .r.i.l H'i pintoo- lion of oir shipping In itH- foivip't ir.i If " 1 1 ;i : I "Sliuv Kv. wht-n tin- iil: !.II:T ;:i't ,n I pi.M'.. ilis.Tinilniiilnii .luiU-a haw boon pr.ixi.lv.i for In tariff a.l. tV oolKo'l n of whti-h has. from nun' so turn', boon n-lrli-til by iv.atli s or a i Min:r brovlilint! th.-r. lor. It va o". ivt by thu roulll.-aii lon.lt r lit .oati ton to nt- tmpt to ivMoto iho itolioy o" -luoiln-ln , liii ih;u.-s fully m tin- 'tow : in.f lil might j fnuw th- ibtiat of fit' Mil. llfiict'. It i i attompi. o. ,m .n ,,.k,.., ..,. ; piuMdiinr for tht ri'Mor.itl m of iho dis- crlmlnatliii: Huy policy. --n,l.'ti.--.l !a much as posMUo an.l ':)oorpoi-;ir.'. In the tariff l'lll :u section ri piir- jtosrly .lono, so a. to f.icilttiito. at a ftntire tlni. tin- i-aaco of such rm.isurv as would fully r-noro th- dts- 0, immatlir j,,y oolt.-y, .y ahrtj .tlnn Mich trv.itt.n .in stoo.1 i t th- way of thit rt-soratlon." WHEN WE PF.MORALI7.S Till: STOMACH m. r tn.p.u.l.tmv In eating, we ian M hrt,v u u, cn!lt.)Ul.tV, ffr KV K ,,.,,., of ,,, Th m,t iroblM dl(!0llon muM Mlooumb , ,,,,., ;of th u lmport;in. (l;ni.llrtn. But ,UIpp,. nK ,hnt w(, hno Nfl) en.tush to , ni,vM,- ih tomuch. Is the damage lr- reiarille? By no means. The ity:cptlc ' . bas only to do two things to instip his ; ulm.e r,H-vry. First, he should xd.rt an easily dicestlhl dl(t. Stcond. he should !,,f "h regularity and rx-rslsienc, Ho-,- ti tter's Sbtmach Pittcrs. he It-ailing (ta- ' trie Invlg.irator of the aue. The multl- ' f.-.tn vttti.tI.m ..r ilvctt.Xtxiit nn.l lhA nt. mo' Itivariable attendant dlsjrlrs. Ml- ! lousnes and constip-ition. will assuivilly ! ct ae to persecute the suffrrcr If the above 'advice Is attended to. Who that has suf- complaint. It may not indicate a very his1! ttass P'.usic-'.l taste, hot there Is a lt of vim and go to some of the melodies poured forth by the Itinerant piano ors ins that appeals to the ear a? times more than the symphonies of the grat masters The sick man knocking at the door of h-alth gets in If he knocks the right way. nd. stvys out if he doesn't. There are thousands of ways of getting sick b-t only one way to get well. Do whatever you will. if you do not put your digestion ;n good order -intl mike vnnr ht.t.t.1 H..h tn.l r.Mrt " . . . ' you will not get well. Rich. pu-? blood , the only thin tn. can hrjni prfwf healtn. Constipation is a disease of the b'00"1- A large part of all diseases are traceable directly to Impurities in the blood and can be cured by eliminating tfu.m wjth Dr pjce., GolJen MlM,ca, Discoverj-. The first thing it dos is to put the whole digestive system Into per- fcct orier- U "mulates the apr-tit. cites a copious secretion of the lig-stlve , fluids anl promotes assimilation. It Mri.hes out .nae !rrm, wh. rever they may he. kills tht-m and forces them out vt the system. The ' Golden Medi-'ul Dis covery has ho used with unvarying suc cess for iver thirty years. ,t ,hl? w,sc woman who .,n-t shflW that she kn"Ws the point of a good story, tnus breakir.g up the masculine teller be- : fore he has had a chance to make the .impression he intended. "My boy came home from school ' on day with his hand badly lacerawd 1 and bl-ecjng, and suffering great pain," : says Mr. E. J. Shall, with Meyer Bros.' I medicine or prescription equal to It. I con sider it a household neo-efcy." The 23 an( 5,, c.nt fjZ for v,!e ,y Est-s-Conn Drug Co. Felt Alpine hats with coque plume af side trimming will be Worn during ejrly September. The "Bicyclist's Be.n Friend" Is a fa miliar name fr DeWitt's Witch Hazel Slv. always ready for emergencies. Willie a specific f jt piles, it alo in s:ai.tly nii'V-s and cures cuts, bruises, s.il; rheum, tczema and all affections of he ,ikin. It never fails. Charles Rogers. Weak Lungs Hot weather won't cure weak lungs. Yo j may feel better be cause out of doors more, but the trouble is still there. Doa t stop taking your Scott's t.d.Ji ..Vi 'JOt tl., ,4,, Emulsion SMaSSMBSSSSSBSBSBSWaSHSSSSSSSSHSSsa because the weather happens to be warm.- If you have a weak throat, a slight hacking cough, or some trouble with the bronchial tubes, summer Is the best time to 'get rid of It. If you are losing flesh there is all the more need of attention. Weakness about the chest and thinness should never go to gether. One greatly increases the danger of the other. Hea' the throat, cure the cough, and strengthen the whole system now. Keep taking Scott's Emulsion ail summer. for sal by sil dru.k-.s at joe snd $i-aa Do You Use It? It's the lx?st thing; for the? hair under all circumstances. Just as no man hy taking thought can iuM an inch to his stature, so no preparation cau make hair. The utmost that catt be ilone is to pro mote conditions favorable to growth. This is done by Ayer's Hair Vigor. It re moves damlrutf, cleanses the scalp, nourishes the soil in which the hair grows, nnd, just as a desert will blossom under rain, so bald heads grow hair, when the roots are nour ished. But the roots must be there. If you wish your hair to retain its normal color, or if you wish to restore the lost tint of gray or faded hair use Ayer's Hair Vigor. IT SAVES THE OROITY CHILDREN. Soavlvw. V.u We have a splvndld .ile on Chamberlain" Cough Remedy, and our customers coming from far and near. speak of it in th- hUrhewt terms. Many have s.iid that their children would have died of croup if Chamlterlain's Cough Renitdy h.i.l not Netn given. Kellon Jt Ourrvn. The C." end .v cent sites for eale by Kstvs-Conn Ur'ig Co. The enthusiastic yachtsman Is not apt to invite out a second time the young woman who when they are well out at sea begs him to put ashore to buy her a box of candy. A CI" R E F-R I'.ILIors COI.I( Rt source. Screven Co.. via I have been subject to a: tacks of bilious colic for ever.il yours. Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era, and Diarrhoea Remedy is the only arc relief. It acts like a charm. One dose of H gives relief wtvn all other remedies fall. G. D. Sharp. For sale by E:-Conn Drug Co. It is all very well to talk about toe march of progress, but there Isn't a wo man living but prrfers candle light to electricity when a question of becoming ntss enters into the case. Owinjf to over-crowding and bad ventilation the air of the schoolroom Is often close -.d impure, and te-icht-rs and pupils fr-'i'i-ntly suffer from lung and throat truM-s. To all such we would say, try f'h,iml-Hams' Cough Remedy. For coughs, colds, weak lungs nnl bron chial troubles no other remedy can com pare with it. Says A. C. Freed, superin tendent of schools. Prairie Dej:. O.. "Having some knowledge of the efficacy of Chamleri.iin"s Cough Remedy. I have ro hesitation In rtcommedlng K to all who s'iff.r from coughs. lung troubles, etc." For aje by F-stes-Corm Drug Co. An excellent plan In life Is to Just think out want you would do If the very worst possible thing should happen to you. All lesser evils then become almost Joys In comparison. Certainly you d-n't want to suffer with dyspepsia. ronrip(.tlon. sick headache, sallow skin and loss of appetite. You have never tried Dsfl'lr.'s Little Early Risers fcr these complaints or you would havi? ien cured. They are small pills but ?rat rvgula'ors. Charl's Rogers. The man who do -s the rrfst loitering In hotel corridors is genntlfy 'be one who has his real residence Ira some cheap hoarding house. A dose of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral taken in time? has prevented many a fit of elck-t.t-s-i an") saved numerous lives. This prove the necessity of keeping this ln-'omparabl- medicine wh.-re it can be readily rxtchiM at all hours of the day and night. It : delightful tn t lov.-d, but every woman hopes that It will not be ber fate, to be loved so hard that she will be shot for it. No hpp"tlte? Thn do not try to fore foed down; bur twe the most scientific means for restjrlng tone to the stomach. How ? Why, by taking Ayer's Sarsapnrll la. and in a surprisingly Bhort rime, your appetite will come again, and. come to stay. Some fo the gowns In the sh'.p windows that blafin forth the legend "greatly re duced," look the pe.rt to perfection. llommts are usdeas If trifled away; and they are dangerously wasted if con sumed by delay In cases where One Minute Cough Cure would bring Immedi ate relWf. Chart e Rogers. Why do moths appear to take fiendish delight in feasting on the most cosplcu ouh portion of a garment? Take good care of the hair of the head, and whn ft begins to loosen and fall off or turn gray apply Hall's Hair Renewer, nnd th result will be pleasing. OABTOniA. r.aiis li(U'.U( af it Chamberlain's CoHc, Cholera and Disr rhoea Remedy always affords prompt re lief. For sole by Estes-Conn Drug CO. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WK AUF. ASSI KTIM; IN TMK COl'UTS l'l ll KinilT T THK VMirstYK I'SK iF TMK WURt "OASTORIA," ANO " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS 01 K TRAl M.VKK. 7, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hytumis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA." the same that has borne and decs now 'JS77" CVCr bear the facsimile signature of Cfarfv&eXfi: imipfwr. This is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA,' irhch has been used in the homes of the Mother of America fir over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY c' t':e wrapper and mv V-,it it is the kind iou have always rVvi'V on the and has the siyKc.t::n vf C&fr7&Xk( wrap per. No one has authority from me to v my ihune ex cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. j March S, 1S97. Qc Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may otiVr you (because he makes a few morn pennies on it), the in gredients of which even lie Kcs not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAC'SIMILE SIGNATURE Or Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. IUhioI fftiunu I-iKifliiiU, lmJiv f -,,ntitUii&. II D m ot il.'hr, KM il h..mir t4 BCFOnK IMSMln kKtnTssnd llonrlnvyonisnsut aUUUHintia Tiit, rt-iwen uiTerr re not mrxl by lnnti w berii nmety T seat issa iiiieiiiiiisma TmULlUlL''n IlKNIM llH.MU no remedy aie.ir.wli bi I si. or-. a...ll.k wriu.n mrniriyo and mnwT reinmytl if Mi bnte tlnee not ket a pstniaaMiew JJ0 twi.iti f.-r vuu. by intlL (tend f..r rsrircul sad muuuwista AJdw PA Vol. KDICIM stf. F.ttBos Vr,mmTt skwi.fat MUM ( HAH KOiJt-RS. 461 NO-TO-BAG OyetljntoilboressiAlWinneearss proe HnrHaii tk4mf9 ft nAaans t tmr Jm form. Kt-uebc l ihirriwi nam-Oul la ib wo.4. Mint sia B vamaAt la Ud,. 11 ny fslltio miint" impt'teat mu atnus. tUumioiI ww. "f 1' illb lKhWtl. Wt, imi it to blliy wli va&r. Tu Bold and MANHOOD The Choicest Table Wines FOR FAMILIES Also forMedicinal . . and Cooking Purposes CARLSON'S FAMILY LIQUOR STORE, 103 Twelfth Street ASTORIA k COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD Time Cnnimmf "t .imr , w7 I.KAVK Atorla for Vhivvl al 7 a . m., t:3u v. m. Saturday wily; at i0 at 7:10 p. m. Saturday only; and l.KAVK Astoria for Stinlite at 7 a. n. only; at 5:30 p. rn. dully exctpt ami Sunday, I.KAVE Flavcl for Astoria at ;05 a. m., at 3:30 p. m. Satur't-iy only; at day; at p. m. dally except Saturday, and at :16 p. in. Saturday only. I.KAVE Flavel for Seaside at 7.27 a. m. only, and at 6:57 p. ro. dally except Saturday and Sunday. l.KAVK 8..ttJilde for Astoria at 5 20 a. m. and : a. m. dally; at J:15 p. m. Batur day only; at 3:49 p. m. dally except Saturday and Bunday; at 5:20 p. m. Sunday onry, and at p. m. Saturday enly. UCAVE Sfaslde for Tlavel at 6:20 a. m. only, and at 1:45 p. m. dally except ntaiiimarai-itif seaside SAwriliiii A complete slock of lumber on hand I In the'rough or dreased. Flooring, ru tic, celling and all kinds of finish; mold- j lngs and shingles. Terms reasonable ' and price at bedrock. AH orders I promptly attended to. Office and yard I at mill. H F L. LOOAN, j Seaalde, Oregon. Proprietor. 1 MANHOOD RESTORED-""? k'rnrb itytM-iui.wliI qytcKly rur q i ail Her IN UH iKM ft.Bvniinau rmMti4M, wrrrm ibUH) sutlt sll Uamm by tts or hl. ptsvvttl qob-k w lilrb li not chock M Wtt to HpsrtnsMtrlnM sittl ImptHsoer. n rinm iniiiimiim, w Commercial Btraet CUARANTCED TOBACCO HABIT nry la toUIly nl Of ruarlWTyry Guaranteed bjr CW. Koare, DruftUL RESTORED S if Br. !' auiilflul itinady suaraDimi tocurc aft aitmii diaraan, tmh a Wmk Mrmorr lMuf brain ir, Mcadacha, Wakclulotaa, Luat MasUiuwl, Nibils ataua. 10m, Nrryouaiiraa, n draioa, loaa of puirrr In Ucncrstl Oraa of siihtr sex, cauaytl liy over sscrttoii, vuuliiful arrara, ricMla sat of kibacra, opium or annuitants, which lead b Inflmttv, ConaamoTkia or Inaanliv. Can bacarHetl la cst pocket. i soikt boa, lor t by mail rryjKiid Circular Free. oM b all tlruf (lata A. for II. takenvulhrr. Maniifarturrtl br th Feas Mrtllrint to., Pan. France l.aue liayia liug u., iiiuibuUu(sgc4Ua. TUuii athl YambiUau., 1'oilUud, ut. J W COSH. Asaal Aawna "Private Stock" Xream Rye" Old Hickory" "Pride of.. ..Kentucky' ...and... "Hermitage0 Refold California Brandies 10 a. m. and 12 in., and t p. m. dally; at p. rn. dally except But Urdu y and Sunday; at 7:20 p. n. dally exoopt Saturday. and 10 a. m. dally;; at 4:3" p. m. Saturday Saturday and Sunday; at 7:10 p. m, Saturduy 8:50 a. m 10:iS a ,m. and :J0 p. no. dally; 4:3f p. m. dally except Saturday and Sun and 10 a. m. dully; at 4:57 p. m. Saturday and M a. m. dally; at 2:46 p. m. Saturday Saturday; and Sunday. uThe Louvre" 18T0RU'9 CORGC0L9 ENTERTAINMENT' HALL r ritaa Jloaio fisiiiaa of 'All' Klntla. ' Tw Macalflrentr Bars. CVCBYTIIING FIRST-CLASS Cood Ofdeif h6d-Everybody's Rights 'StBlCTtlf OKDRKtED. Emil Schacht ARCHITECT Rooms 317-318 Portland Savings Bank Bldg. Portland, Oregon. 1W."' .1 Or i rt-tV . ,.,iars' ' OlOOOl IViMlTA - itXL- !uA). l.KAVK. lnhll M' ,IIHI K tVrhl iN I N I'llt-s', l"i "I ItiiM'tillru. A i I HI t . haolMitii'iilii. Ol'l.'ll, n m I'. M ti H11 A M hn Kraiii'lM'ii, Mim luvi', Uia AiiM'l', Kl I'aa.., Nw ili li'aiii ami Hi" Kat. Kiiat'hiirv l aMi'iigft ' I' M Via WiMnlbiiru, for M1111MI Aiiaal. "II- 'v lloli. We' StM.i, mt'i'l inilill . Hl'ilus Miuil.'f llflj and NiiirH t'tirvalll' iiainrnsiT. (H M !' M. Mi-Vintivlll i'tn :IJ. l'll ati'vpl Milllila) . A. M llly I'lC'lll Mimlay. 17 W A. M. !"Nl y m. M'allr Conneotliie; at San Trancta.- UI I'lilnntal A Oriental, roMo Mall. aa4 Oo-aitlo leainalilp llnoa for JAPAN. CHINA, AUBTUAlJA, AND HAWAII. LOW FAHKS. KVKRT DAT roitTlNU TO HAN WANHHOO KmXI. 8-ond Cluaa; 110 , Klnt Claas liii'lutllns birth. Hlnillnr rrdiii'tlona 10 U- Anfalaa, rreano nd iher CailrVnda pototfc nascaaT chKi ko.1 to ilaall.mlii.n It. KOEIlt.BH. C. II MAUKHAM, T( K ONLY DISINil-l'All Kut TK fRUM rOKfl.AM' T" TH t KAST. TIIKOM.Y IIOI TK TH I'llK Yri.l.nWdTiiHi N I HiN 1 1. 1' 1 M K. U A V K I'HKTI AM' AKUIVK t-'a-l Mall for ha aula.. I llrh.l . lV,l,aU, , No. 1 IH0IIII1 llf ll, lolitrv.aoo .Vo I ,lH-rilrrlt. I M li.l.la. I a-1 oina. M-.1MK VI Mil 1.: Il-ort T-'aiirml. Mm. i lUirs, ?ii kajir K- lai"!j M C Tntil II I'.. '..I lui, ll I'., K' ". M'"l koiiU, lim a. tua'. lota. ll: a. 54. iMfi,.. -1 r..i, y ii.; v 10 r. M li-ait I K li.a. ' 1' I uiualia, (ion,t"l 11. 1, R.i 't. I.iil .riin .iK". nth imion Nr y .f. riiii- ' att'litila.H'Mtnii, arol al ; fH'lril. K.l an. I mil 1 , rail. I , I DAYS (o MliiMfui-ili. onuilia. Kaaa- sos (It)' HI l aul. j ft DAYS to Mllrsiikr nnd Ctil.-aso. ' 44 DAYH to WaM-tMi. IMtitUphta. j Ni-w Y r al Iloaioi. and I ot fwr FrtN-rm toinla. : flaasaa rhrt k. il ihr ' (it to .tratlojllcm I of tUkfta , For ale4n-rr rrrr alliwa, tli'ICja, j rruirta and full Inforinntlo , -all on a! rlta t A. D. CHARLTON Aaa'a Oon'l I'a.a. tani. I'nrllaii-t. it tsa Morrlaoii 11.. I Thlril. C. W. HTi'NK, Aatorla. Tli Mlaaiaaijuu t'l'llll' I. III. Only three trains in the world worthy of cuniparUaan with tli Lurllnirtoii's . I'aui CIU' IJ111lt.1l." line in Kiir'('f, two rust of ttil r.u;o N'uiu. weat. H. i lAiillfiil. as) luxurl oua. ao rioily a train has ii' vr 1 f"rc brn at the ,,..) of I In. (rnvfllnc pul.llc ut 1 ho Norttiwsat. Kli-oirlo llitht-d. Hlwim tii'ilul. WliJn vrmlbllled CompariniPiw al-pTS. din- r, liuffot amoklng cur. No KXTUA FA (IKS. I, ivta St. Taul 1.0 p. rn. ilmly, after arrival of No. l'.i. lfV', Oritnt Nor. and H.hi I'm iric trains from the at. Tlis"U at otilrvs of all otiiii-c.Ung llnim. '. SllKLIiON, Ofneral Atonl, i'ortlanil, O.tnon WHITE COLLAR LINE f.'oluiiihlH Itlvcr and Fiigrt Hound Nv Iffatlon Co. flTEAMKFl "TKLKPIIONK." Irfuvta Aatorla dully ncept Bunday, 7 p. m. Leaves Fortland d.Uly ncept flunday, 7 a. m. 8TBAM fiR I'atAILBY -OAT2EKT." Leaves Aatorla dully except Bunday and Monday at I l m.; Bunday nighu at 1 o'clock. Lavea I'ortlund dally exoetrt Bimday al I p. m. Leaves Baturday night at 10 o'clock. ' STEAMER "OCEAN "'WAVE" ' Leaves Astoria for PtfrUand" "Wednesday and Friday at 1.90 a, m.; Bunday at 7 p. m. ' Laana" Astoria for ruvej and nwttm Tuesday and Thursday at t p. m.: Batur day at 7 p. m.; Bunday at I a. m. STEAMER "OCEAN WAVE" Makes round trips every Bunday' from Astoria, to Flavel and Ilwaoo. Returning, leave Ilwaoo Bunday night at t o'clock, Wednesday - and Friday morniiiga at 7 o'clock; always landing at FlaveL Leaves Portland for Astoria, Flavel inii Clatsop Beach and Ilwaoo, Tuesday, and Thursday at 8 a. m.: Baturilav .1 U o'clock noon. U. B. BCOTT, Prsaldeat E. A. Beeley, Agent, Portland. C. W. Btone, Agent, Aatorla. Telephone No. It I EAST ,., noiiii 8 m oIoIaIo w UIVKH t'JIDlCKl tK -2- Transcontinental ROUTES. Via Spokaot aod St. Paol Via Ogden, Denver and Omaha or Kansas City. Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Free Reclining Cbalr Cars Astoria to Sao Franolsoo. I'nliiiiihlii, Nun4ay, H.plniilwr ' Htuta r riillf.walu. Friday. H-l'li'mlT l". Columl'lll. Wi'illiaailtty. Ht.itilllirl I Htnta of ralllBrnln. Moii.ln. M.-itMii-drr CulumliU, tnltitur, Haptnmlwr 3 Hlalo jf Callfoaiil. Thuai1.iy. Hop'ai" lar Ju I'l'luinlila. TunHay, o. totwr 1, Htalt of t'nllfornlu, Hund i). Ui'lotwr 10. Tor raiae and isnarai tnforwanou sail : on er addreae ! O. W, I.OI'NUIKHHT. I Asallt I W. H Ht'RI.III'KT. Oan. "ss Asi . ruriian t. ur i A I. Will-1 II , VI' o rri-aiint -AUK YOU OolNO KAMTT -Al TOU OOIN'J KABTT--AltK YOf OOINO KATT- Ha stir and 'not T'n'f ilikst rraiia vi THE NOUTIIWICHTI-ltN LINK THE NOKTII-WICHTKItN LINE 111". NOItTH Va-.TKHN LINE 1 UK NOI'Tlft-WfrtTFlIN LINK Th CHICAUO. ST. I'Al'l WINNEAroiJll AND OMAHA ItAll.WAYH Thla U I be OHEAT HI!" HIT LINK llrtwvn M'LLTH. BAINT I'Al'U CIIK'AOO And all I'uUna Kast ad Huutl Tlwir Manlflin Trn.'k l'rrl Vaail hukal 1'lniK an.l Hli-li s ar Trains and Muito. "ALWAYS ON TIMi:'" llava klvrn Ihla road s iij!JiuO rt-puta-ttn. All rloaaaa of poawcra tarrt'd on tl vcat.bulrd trains al'hmit s'r rharc Whip your frlgh and irsel ,rr tola famaua I111 All aoni Hairs llt'krts F. C. 8 A VAUI. T F anl IV A. W. II MF.AI linrral Agmi. ! Vaahliik-ti H'.. I'orll.ii.d. Or. coiNu liOl.N'Li f SOI NO Oi UNO OOINO K.A.TT T k.AHT T KA5T ? FAnT T FAST ? noi no i'.aht r tJOINO KAHT t IIOINO 1'AHT T OOINO KAHT T OOINO KAHT T If you r. l not fir( 1 Til HUE IMI'OHTANT I'HINT TlllllCr: IMFOUTANT l'uNT ! THRKE IMFOItTANT l'-MNTi First -On via the HI. I'nul Ivum the llnt-a tit ttiat point will nfTorl ym ihe very laat rrvl'''. SacoB.l Am that th niioti l-ayotlt St. Paul mill v;a th Wlaoonsta Cen tral bcailM tluit line mik.- rleaa con- jmctluna wt:h nil tlm tmuai'tmlliienlal IIiii-n nnt-rlna tiv Ut l-.n Ii-i! Ihi-re. anl Ita servli-e la flr-t t china In evrry psrtlrular. Third For trformstl ni. mil 011 your ni-lghhor iml M nl the umim: II, k"t rnt and axk for a tlki-t fading vH the VI onaLa C' 11I1 ul llnt-a. or address JAM i' rii.NI. t:l;"lli I'linsi'lllinr Agailt, Mllwaukae. Wlaoonsln. Old . H HATTY, fluneral Airant. rortliind. Oregon. Til IH ItAII.UAV COMPANY Opcralaa It lia.tm on Ilia famous I1IO1 k syslcm. I.IkIHb Ha trnlna l.y . l-i ti h lly through - out; L'sta tine ncl,rati-l O.oirle tx-rth read ing Inmp, Runs splonilldly eiii,i psaaengi-r trains evrry duy iuu olght brtwren 8U Paul and ChUgo; Uie CHICAOKi. MILWAUKKK A BT. PAUI. Also operiilta atnam-healed vesilbuh-d trains. carryUiia the lut-t private com partmetit enrs. lihrnry bnffet smoking oars, u i t4iw e drawing room aUcps" Parlor cars, frt rrclinlng chair car and the very bast, dining car an-vlce. For lowest rat., to any point In ths United Btatrs or Canada, aiply to ticket iigKiit, or n.ldrcas C. J. EDDY, GcniTAl Artl'. J. W. CASlffT, T. P. A. Portland, Oregon. A. V. ALLEN. DEALtD IM Grocirles, Flour, Feed, Provlilons, Fruit Vigetablen, Crockery, Glass grid Plated Ware. Loggers Supplies. ecr- Tastfh sad Commerolal streets.