THE DAILY ASTOitlAN, WEDNESDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 1, 1897. When you go to Warren ton Don't fall to vlcilt KELLY & PALMBERG'S SAMPLE ROOMS .The best of Wines, An Elegant Line of the famous Edwin Clapp Fine Shoes FOR MEN A complete assortment of Ladies' Shoes of the very best makes. Durable heavy Boots and Shoes for laborers. John Hahn & Co. Ar WamM 479 Commercial St. 18- Fall and Winter -97 , DRESS GOODS See what we are showing in the new styles. Our new samples are coming in every day. ALBERT DUNBAR Agent Butterick Patterns NOBBY Green COLUMBIA SHOE CO. TODAY'S WEATHER. Clearing weather, cool westerly winds. AROUND TOWN. WEDNESDAY. Love all, trust few, do wrong to none. Shakespeare. Today Is collection day. Beat meala 10c. at Casino restaurant. The public schools will open September rtb. Cucumbers, very cheap, at Ross, Hig sjins ft Co.'s. ' Next Monday Is Labor Day and a legal holiday. Fine cabbage for kraut at Ross, Hlg gina ft Co. 'a, . 1 v . - ' " Groceries at the lowest prices at the Pacific Grocery Co. Lemons at great reduction at Ross, Higgins ft Ca's. . At price Ml net and Children's Tan Shoes. Columbia Shoe Co. An elegant line of Little Genu' Shoes Just arrived. Columbia Shoe Co. Ask for sample of Chose & Sanborn's famous teas, at Ross, Higgins & Co.'s. Ice cream and other refreshments at the lawn party on Friday evening. John F. McGovern of San Francisco Uraa In the city yesterday. For roofllng and skylights go to the Astoria Roofing and Cornice Co., 34 Ninth street. When you are looking for fresh fruits and vegetables call on the Pacific Gro cery Co, ...". f Ashland peaches, Bart'ett pears, silver prunes, choice apples, etc., etc., at Ross, Higgins & Co.'s. New style hats, latest blocks, at C. H. Cooper's. Hiss Alice Munseil, resident optician, office in Bhanahan building. Hours, 9 to U and 1 to 4. C. C. McDonald has changed his terri tory and will not visit Astoria so fre- You probably pay too much a month for tea; it is probably not very good. Try Schillings Best. If you don't like it, your gro cer returns your money. You may find unexpected pleasure and profit in it A Scl'i iiti A Co ni jr fcan t rjtiaco Suits to order, from $12.50 Pants to order, from $3.00 up up ..FLYNN, the Tailor.. Liquor otid Clnr.. TE flstop House CLEAN AND A'RY BOOHS Rates, SI and f 1.25 a day ; Meals, 25 ct. Pileher & Taylor, Proprietors A New Store CHAS. KAN & CO 367 Commercial St Manufacturers of Ladies' aiul Gent's Underwear Oriental Fancv Goods at the Low est Prices in the Citv. quently. He is one of the best known commercial im-n out of Portland. In the police court George Kearney was fined 13 for being Intuxicated. The new roof on the O. R. & N. dock will be completed In a short time. At the bowling alleys yesterday Mrs. Delllnger scored SI and Ted Lewis 58. P. J. Meany. the leading merchant tailor. 137 Tenth St. The highest price paid for fur skins. The up-river boats last night did not pet away until 9:50 as they again waited for the Ilwaco boats. New clothing of the latest and best material at C. H. Cooper's. The rains of yesterday and last night freshened up the gras plats and laid the dust for tho city. Ashland peaches cheap and good; al?o a large supply or otner nne rruns at Ross, Higgins ft Co. There are some parties In town look ing for a suitable sr.ore-room In which to oten a farmers market. The auction sale of lots, yesterday afternoon. In Case's Astoria brought bet ter prices than Monday's sale. Laird, ehnler O. S.OO. S3.SO and 6.00 Shur; your choice for 10 day, 3.98. Columbia Shoe Co. Fancy goods and fumishlr.g goods, reasonable prices, at C. H. Cooper's. , The members of the A. F. C. bowled last night at the new alleys of the Irving club by special Invitation. Special sale of fine fruits today at Roes, Higgins & Co.'s. Ashland peaches, Bartlett pears, silver prunes, choice ap ples, etc., etc. Don't miss the lawn party at the resl dice of Mrs. Mary Ross, corner Frank lin avenue and 11th street, Friday even ing, Spt. 3rd. Ladle' Tan and xhixl Oxford,, 94.00 cut to VI. 00, :!.( rut to 91.30, Ltiirrt. Scholar & Cn. 84.00 Oxford cut to a.'.OO. Columbia Khoe Co. The ladies of the M. E. church will have a sale of fine needle work In con nection wjlth the lawn party Friday evening. H :rrr' , " " " Jim West, the Chicago barber anl master of the ton so rial art, has his shop opposite Kopp's N. P. B. When yon want a good shave or hair-cut, glv. him a call. Lum Ong and Me Nom, two Chinese gamblers who were arrested 'and placed under VJI ball each, were granted a con tinuance of "their cases by Judge Nelson until today. When you want a real life-like and artistic photo, don't fall to call on Bnod grass. The work he Is turning out now is ahead of anything ever made In As toria before. Will close business at rM Commercial street, Atf'oria, In a fpw days. Anyone wishing to purchase counters, shelving, spool cases and other goods, can have them ait an lmmmw b.'irgaim. Persons owing me and can, will please call and settle, and all who have not the means need not worry. Friedman, GOO Commer cial street A new river service has been Inaugu rated between Astoria -and Rainier, Ore gon, Including all Intermediate landings. The fine steamer "Pilgrim," Captain A. L. Erazee, will make round trips dally, except Sunday, leaving Kalnier at fM n. m., reaching Astoria at 'i:3ft, landing at the Fourteenth street wharf, and de parting on her return at 1:20. Prompt tlm. and th bet service U guarantee for both pMwncfti and freight. Twelve engineer and surveyors will leant Portland lii a day or two to make the lurwy for tho now rlliMl from Pe to th Klondike country. Mr. Porrcr. Monday, olmivronod a party of yotiufc people 9' mile u the river on a picnic excursion. Everybody Iwil n good time. The sohoom-r Janus will make fta third attempt to go to Alaska this afternoon. This tlm Cnptnm Hell. f the Sonrte, will take the helm and is confident that he cun put the little vessel stifcly Into IVrt Townend. Two Aftorla yvung ladies, summrr mK on the bench, take turr.a at cooking. Sunday, one of thorn prvpsnM. In the highest lylo of the ,irt. a dish of mashed potatoes. The pepper used turned out to be flea powder . M. Fo.u", Chris Everson. P. Ryerson. T. Olrsoo are In the Nehalem valley on a hunting trip. It U reported that Geo. Nelson, V. Rovtllng. Chas. McDonald and H. Thing will Join them today. Th.'y expect to bag an elk. it Is your last chance. The Eawtem Clock Co, are offering the i!rree.teit bar gains In clocks, cupes, curtains, picture. mtrrors, rugs, Imported suiting, etc., ever offered on the Pacific const. Two more day and the entire remalnlng; mock will be shipped away. It transpires tht the delay to the steaimr Ilwaco Monday afternoon was canvj by tlie hont Iwing overloudc.1 with oysters and having about T3 people- n K-wrd. making It Impossible for her to get away until about S o'clock and n.vt-s-sltating her camping out on n sand bar all night on a low tide. Siturday a nnrny of youna- people scvikd Mount Nevamey. Tho trip was a hard one. but all enjoyed It to the fullest extent. Among those who mode the as cent from Elk creek were Miss I.yman. of S-in Jow. Missi Lane, of Illinois. Miss Holden und Mrs. Timnon of Astoria. Mr. MoKinile and Mrs. And.-nin of Portland; M-ssrs. Will Sherman, C. H. Callender, Robt. Gibson und Alcrnta. It I s'rated In Porttand by a railroad cfflcial who was b Seattle aw.iltlnK the arrlwU of the steamer Portland from the Yukon that the press reptrts of the ilth brought ilown by thnt st.wmer are misretresemat1onii. He snys there was hardly a dollar on the ship, lee nletie JO.OXi. The siori-s. he think wvre man ufactured by the reporters, who at grat expense went out on tints to meet the Incoming vessel. PRIVATE WORna FOR WOMEN. The eminent and suossful electric physician, Dr. Darrln. h.ia discover-1 and perfecteil a system of trentm-nt that has caussl a revolution In the treatment of fc-male disenav-s. Wherever this treot Is tested and knov.n It has don? away with all dosing, with natis-'ous drugs and sunrlcnl o-r.itlons whor-by so many precious lives have lon lost. As a discovery, it rar.ks w t;h Harvey's discovery of the circulation of the hlool. It has proven In mor.? than a thousand cas of the worst kind tc be a pol:!v; cure for the following female diseases: Ovarian tumors, polpyus, ulceration, and dropsy of the womb. Inflamatlon. con gestion and filing of the womb, l-ucliorr-hoe. painful and suppressed nvTSura'lon. floodine. frequent urinxMon, bearing down pains, backache, headache, hacking coush melacholy, alwence of ambition or de sire to live, or, In fact, any complaint having its origin In a dUord-red ;ate. of the generative and afcompanyin onrsns, whether from contagious diseases, here ditary, accident, tight lacing, mlscirrlng' or other causes. Thtelr method of treatmont Is harmless, pleasant and mlid. It Is applied dlre.-ily to the womb without the use of Instru ments; can be applbsl by the patient themselv, thus securing correct local treatment at home, ard Its application Is easy and slmpl'-. Its curative action on th Inflamed, coniresttd and ulcerated Mariner's ...Resort A QUIET RETREAT The Best Brands!of Liquors Served on Call Bavarian National and Kopp's Beer on Draught DAY AMD NIGHT AT THE NATIONAL GEORGE BAPTLEY, Prop. Warrenton Is Columbia Harbor Land Co. CORNER... BOND and ELEVENTH STS. N on application. parts is Immediate. Or. lMrrtn refrains frni ni iklit luitillc the nanii's of hmxlrtsls of hutK who haw Ni'ii restored to health, with due refer ence to the delicacy of tlulr aitllcilons. I'r. tVirrln can bo inult,sl fw at the Occident hotel, Astoria. un;;l Sept. ISth. TDK It IV Kit UTK1KK. Much satisfaction has Nvit expressed In Portland and all along tho river. I: chiding Astoria, i the nuisterly manner In which President Mottler In a few hours put down the sKrtke of dvk hands on the river boot. Mr. Mohlor I n man who sticks to the njiKro iiietits h makes and expeot others to ,U likewise. It apieirs tluit dlssatlsibsl men lre- sviue'i ineir a-nevam-os io uio i"iiiy :uul after u confcixtro ngrenl to wiUt a reasonable K'tis-tl of time tv the pr., r constd.Ttl.Mi of thvlr .hums. Within .1 few hours th.-y a notice with tho company tlw.t iu.s fh.-lr dirr.renc, were aoJustvU within tehe hours thov would walk out. This was an attenit at a Kmc of d:ch, Hili-lt naturlly pro vokeil the nianasem -nt and w hen the nm-i w.ilksl out at the time set. they found others nt th.Mr sets of duy """he new men. nlthoush tiuny of them were nnn h:nds antt were Imrr.i.""! In ihv .llscfuuTTf of their dutl.-s w i;.t hold of the ropes and not a lU cm the I'ppi-r the costs of nnd upon this wri' eon.-Wlllam.-t.e or Columbia lost a rim. but mantling uml requiring me to make sale on th. contrary extra Nnix were nm of the following dej-rlt-! ro il pioper on the Columbia iukI tte business was ': to-w.t: handl d to the satlsfuctl.w: of all The 1 All of bl.vk No. 10. In th town of White Collar lfc ntl n. her lliu s ha I simll ir expiTlelice JJiil ma-rl the sf: nation. Had the old men kept their conference acrremeiit It Is morv than pnihaMe that an understanding could hive .-.n renclDsl .uid that no serl.vis illfflcultles would have tn encou'!t-r.'l by ,t'h r side. THE MCM'RE PRAIN. Work on the MeClure draltuce system has tvn delayed because of a mistake In the ordering of the sew.-r pipe. Four cur hvuls of plp are lylr.K on ( dork but are of no u The new pip- will ! here In a day or two. fNintractor Nr mile reports havlntc n't with itreut sue. cess so far i:i dining this drain. Every inch of the way Increast.l the flow of water which was t tl.l up In ihe Mils. Sometimes the m-n Ivad to if", out of the ditch or !e drnwne,!. This Is certain. ly the ts; Improvement by the city. ver und. rnkn Gold Watch FREE .TO.. Boys , Girls and ...Young Ladies VT. . . . I GREAT AMERICAN IMPORTING TEA COMPANY'S -t ...Pure Food Stores... Every watch Is a p-rfeot timepiece, l"-year guaranteed case. Heal gems. Don't mips this opportui.l-y to secure o.e of these pntty w.itcbta fr.?1?. Call pnl ask about It at the fjreat American Importing Tea Comp-iny's Pure FoI Store, 171 Commercial street., Astoria, Oregon. Call and see the handsome watche. Teas, Coffees, Splcjes, Baking Powder, Extracts Highest auallty, Lowest M STORES IN OPERATION. Oriental Novelties Japanese Goods ..WING LEE.. 543 Comni'trcinl f-'treet Nf it to Madihnii's C';(;ar Mum) NOTICE OF MEETING OF STOCK HOLDERS OK UNION FISHERMAN'S CO-OPERATIVE PACKING CO. Notice Is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the suxkhold-rs of the I.'nion Fisherman's Co-Operative I'a-k ing Compl y held at th office of said i-ompany in Astoria, Claitsop county, Or' trra, at h;ilf part seven o'clo. k p. m.. on Saturday, the el.-vervth day of K o- i tcmber, y.r,, tor the purpose of consider- Ing the advls.-ilalltyof I:icr-o3 g the cap- Ital atoek of paid corporation In the itmount of yH)Sf) or any par. th. rof that may sem expII'-nt to aMd stock- holders and of takti such actl.. In the Best... i THE CENTER ON THE Evcrytody knows that Warrenton values will soon doubled. It is distinctly the best property on the market. Fine large level lots, surrounded by many Improvement, at very low prices. Is it not a fine investment? W. F. SCHEIBE, A lull line nl I'lpo. T,.tac, ad .taiuker' Anitlr. 4T-4 Comnianlnl HI. refund to liu-rroslng said caltal stock as to tkild stoi'kliolders may appear ad vsahle. CIIAItt.CS WII.80N. 1'reald. nt of il-1 Cotniwny. Attei:: KOFI'S JENSKN. rV--retary of said Company. SIIKIHKK'S 8AI.K. I!y virtue of an execution and or.ler of sale Issued out of the Circuit Court of the Sl.ue of Or on for the Cnmtv j of nat.Hp. on tne oy oi juiy. a. t... , sn7. upon a )u.s-nnt and decrr rrn- , ..frd thero.n on the thlr.l day or JUD. issT, In favor of C. r. Ilaylee and t. II. luimlig. plaintiff, and aalnst the Klavel Hotel Company, and In favor of .defendants. Hiuul Manufai -uruig to., J P. llasmusann. A. S. C.illlple. Organ Pine LumNT Comiwny, G. U. Kate, and o. F. Marstoo, and ngelnst said Klavel i lot el Company for the sum total of p'.spi.W. tnterret ther-in from third day of July, IW. at the rw!e of ! r mot pv annum, tintether with th. co a ru-id dls!ur mi nt. taxed at 1111 and Flnvel. n laid out and re-.vde.l by th ..... , I UHI I.Je tV I i.'l,irH, , .-oil.,,! ! together with the Flnv.1 Hotel, iliua l '(hereon, and together ".Uh the lerament herclltamenls and appurteiani-r there! N locKlng or In anywise appertaining, all In the County of Clatsop, Slate of Ore ' in. Not.ce I hereby given that I will, on ! M.indiv. the "Oth day of September. ! at 'he hour of 1 o'clock In thi fotei.oon ' of said day. In front of ao.1 at tl court house door. In the C.ty of AV.oru. In said county a-xl state, sell at public auc j Hon. to the highest bidder. Or ca.h. lha : nlHjve re U property, or o i much thereof as may he necc.ary to .satisfy said ju.lgin.-nt. Interest, costs and all a.-crt.ltig costs. JAMES W. HAPi:. Sheriff of Clit-n' Co.. ir. Dated Astoria. Or.. Auaust ?). IV. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of a wurrtint Issued by tho Auditor and Po lice Judge of the City of Astoria, lo me j directed, dale.1 the 12th day of July A I-'.iT, and against. It. It. MARION. is In block No. 16.McClurea Astoria and collect the asMsment due thereon (amounting to the sum of fil.W for the 'construction of a sewer on Second atreet. ! I have this day levied upon tho 'ild 'described property and on the 10th day of S.-tteml r, A. IJ. 1 MiT. ut 2 o'clock p. m. of said day at und In front of the court hcuse door In the City of Astoria, Clatsop county. Orison, will proceed to sell said property to the highest bidder therefor P - '' said assessment and costs and f sole Bald sale to he for I'nlted States gold and sliver coin. Chief of Poll -a. E. HAI.I.OCK, Dateil at Astoria, Oregon, August 12, 1WT. lAwtoriH Ironworks Front Street, foot of Fourth, Astoria. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND IiOILER MAKERS I Land and Marine Englns. Poller Work, Steamboat and Cannery Work a sp. cialty. Castings of all descriptions made to order on short notice. John Fox. .President and Superintendent A. L. Fox Vloe President O. B. Pral Secretary Astoria Savings Bank Treasurer Astoria Public Library READING ROOM FREE TO ALL Open every day from o'clock to l:0 and 6: JO to 1:30 p. m. Subscription rates $3 per annum. 8. W. Cor. Eleventh and Duane Streets. RAINIER TO ASTORIA RAINIER TO ASTORIA RAINIER TO ASTORIA And Return In Ons Day BTEAMER PILGRIM STEAMER PILGRIM A. L. B RAZEE, Master, Will leave Rasder dally, except Sunday, at 6:30 a. m., touching at La Du, May. gers. Stella, Oak Point, Eagl. Cliff, Knappa, Clifton, Westport and other jlandlngs, arriving at Fourteenth street .wharf, Astoria, at 10 aV m, Teavs Astoria at 1:30 p. m., cnlUng at way landings on return. Past time and satisfactory service guaranteed Ir - - - - - i iii 1 " I Ladies Who Value j I A refined eorrplcxittr rr.. '.vc P' "' Id r. " r'-xl-r.i -. ( ft ! ' "- ';! f OF DEVELOPMENT WEST SIDE Mnniiliitlurtr ami llr In FINE CIGARS! lii'ND HTKKKT IMI'llOVEMKNT NOT1CK. Notice I hereby gtvon that lha Cum. nin Comuiil propoM to Improve ttond tre.1 fiom the wont side of Ninth afreet to the weal II lie of block l and 17 In the rlly of Aativrtu na laM out a l re corvlesl by Jotm MeClure. Bld Improve. ,,( t() riVit if sradlng ld lrool to tiir retaMlehnd grade ami planking the . ,Ama t,( i, f W,lih and neiul.n.ticd grade lth new a..t .uttd fir plank a follow ilwk t w 1(,(W1)) J ; Nmh ai ft( between Fifth street ,x..t the IK line of ! tli ks la and 17. and by building aid. walks on I oh aide tluTesif It feet wtda. In a'Mldiiner with the plan nd apeclfl oatlo a prepared and drpalrl by tti C.ty 8urvyor In the office of the Ati.U'or and Police Ju.lj.-e. and In ronformlty la tho orllniinee In relation to 'he Improve. ' m. 1 1 of !re't. j Said Improveinnnt to lw made at the 1 exix nao of the property benerttr.) therehy a r-"i'ilred by the Charter of the City of Astoria. The land arut premise upon ml, ..I. . . I , ', . . t. I . . I.I . , " ' .... ' lo 1. fray the owl of auld Improvement, . an 1 the illslrlet embraced therefci and the ' li i. Mix kit and premise In lv n -sxnt. shall t known as Itiand Htreet A'.rs.- , nieut titrot No. 3' H.ild ill.tri. t ,m (racing sold lots, bltn k a'sl to le oae-nand for utd Improvnun t are ; designate! a follow: ) lligtuning on the m line of Ninth ' 1 street at the center of bl.H'k Jl. ri .nbig , "w'" '' r"' hn'Kli t'e renter of 1 I " K ! . a . ' ! f l'"'- ;: ,n-"' n"r" '"" j " : " '" ' " . ter of block H. tho ..- east th.our.h the i center of lh ka I. IS. II. U. 13. II. U and 9 to the we' I tie of Ninth atrert; ! theme south along the west Woo of Ninth ' street to the place of Ix glnr tug, enntnln- lug lota I. I. S. 4. bl.k :t. th.- iiortii half 1 of block a; I 't I. S. J. 4. block r.'; lota I I- J. i, block !l; lots I. 1. 1. I. block t 2n; lot 1, !. 1. 4. block 19: Iota I i. J, 4. j bio. k II; l"la I. I, X I. block 17; lo'a S. ., 7. X. Mo k II: lol b. , 7. . bl.x k IS; lot 5. . 7. 8. Mock 16; 6, . . block 11; lol S. , 7. 8. t'lo'k i:: lots S. , 7. . block I ll- I.e. r. II 7 a lln, k 1(1: Inia k t 7. I block -nll In the City of AatorU us laid out and reconlesl by John MeClure. Estimates of the expense of urh Im- proveni'-nl ml plans and apei'ini-atlon of audi work or Improvement, and of the locality to bo improved have leen j ,i'(xmllral by the City Surveyor with th. Amlttor and Police Judge for publ.c ei- nmlnalliMi and may be t::pected at th. office of such ofn"eT. At the next regular meting of th. Common Council following the flmil pub lication of this, w hich mooting will ! bld on Krl.kiy. S.-pt.-rnl.-r 1, Ui!7, at the hour of 7:30 p. m., at the d'y hall, uny obj.rtitlo .s tlint may 1m made to such Improvement will be. considered by the council, and If nt the time of said meet ing a remmianmnce ngaV.nt su-h Im - provement, lKtiel by resldi-nts of the city owning more that, one-hiilf of th. property In said d.sirii-t, shall lie tllrd with the, Auditor and Police Judge, such Improvement shall not m ordered, If at nil except by a vote of two-thirds of all members of the Common Council, Ity order of the Ciunmovi Council. Attest: 11. K. NELSON, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Oregon, August 24, 1107. l73 Hgl Fisfper Brothers, Sell -"VI Lubrlratlng OILS A Specialty Ship Chandler Hardware, Iron & Stftel, Coal, CJrocerio & Provision. Flour & Mill Feud, Paints, Oil. Varnish.. Loggers Supplies, Fairbank'a Scales, Doors & Windows, Agricultural Implement Wagons Veliiflps. ..The FnHt LonMncli.. "HERCUI.ES,, Is open to apeclal charter for excursion parties or river freighting. Dock at Ross, Higgins & Co.'s slip. THOS. DALOITY. Leave orders at 214 Bond street. m ASTORIAN WAST COLUMNS run miint. I nit ItKNT .Trn.nmii houan In l'pi'r tonn, on ativet car Hue; tl per month, Inquire at this olDee. I'i'lt ltl;NI'-l'urullird, a laise fiunl riMMii, with bay wliiilow; centrally In. cnled; 414 Kuchmiua ltvol, near Ninth. One of the niost desirable room In th. city for rent. Hh hoard, for a ltil. aeiitleinaii; also Inhle lwnl for wi. or tno sellllelllell nl UV Ktehangn streel. KtHt HICNT-Furnlahed rHiiia, tut suite or single, by the day or month. Hotel Tlghe, under .ntlr. n.w nmnago mottl. (Irral reduction In rates. Mrs. tl. V, l'ortor, manager. l'r. Klevatilsj and Franklin. MEN WANTKP. lUllroad hand waJiled for ImmtxllaU work on track. Apply al ivk'HI n.l block. A. C. It. It. II. - ' Full HA I.E. Folt 8AI.K-A at a. room coltaae, tot log liW, with water, etc , 'within four blocks of Commercial lrel. In lha center Die city. A rare chance I'rlcs, 11,404. Addrrsa C, Atoran uffloe. ult HAI.E 'he.p, an l'l. Ill" lady's Columbia bicycle. In prte. t cuiulltlun. Api'ly at the Atorlo ofrii-e. LOST. I . oHT-lluiich of keys Ho.1 lih red rib- Ism. I.nve at Atrlan office. WANTED. VV.VNTI.I--Youn girl Ivl-ig ailMi pi is iits, l take car of oM and do lla-hl housework. Apply at Ul luaa treet. PKOFICBnlONAI. CARl'H C. C. HHOWUIl. ATToUNKT AT LAW. U undersoil Hmldlng. Astoria. Uregoi Hit O. II. F.bTEH. I'liVHICIAN AND Bt'HCBoN. Dpeclal attention lo dlMosee of MI and aurgery. Oftlca over Ian'gr tor AatorU. Ttlephon No. U. Kit II. I.. HKNUEIlBtiN. omce. Klnucy Uulldlng, Aalorta. Offlca hours, 7 to f a. m.; 1 to I and to 7 p m. Special ottenton given lo the trtmnt of UIoaea of th Ey Chronic I'lav sr, and Surgery. ! .... . V 'W f I.- " ,l PHYSICIAN AND Ht'IttlEON Office, room I and t, Pythian bulldg. fjllS Contnierclal t, Itreldenre umt Telephone M. Acting assistant surgeon (J. H. Ua- rlne hospital isrvlce. : " J H. A. SMITH, DENTIST Wife i Rooms 1 and 1, Pythian Uulldlng, j over C. II. Cooper's store. , JOHN T. LIOIITEH. ATTORN ET-AT-LAW. Office, upatalrs, Aatorlan HuiMIng H. T. CIMJBBT, ATTORNET-AT-I.AW. Ml Commer-lal sti.L 1 - . . j J. Q. A. HOWLBT, I ATTORNET AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Omce on Bond street. Astoria, Or. Ch.ater V. Dolph. Richard Nix. a. HOI. I'll & NIXON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Portland, Oregon, 24. II, M and tl, Hamilton Uulldlng. All legal and col lection bu!n as promptly attended te. Claims agalnat the government a pe nalty. SOCIETY MEETINGS. TEMPLE LODGE NO. T, A. F. ana) A. M. Regular communication held on the first and third Tuesday .v.nlug of bob month. O. W. LOUNBBERRT, W. M. B. C. HOLDEN. Beer La ry. Reading: or Distance. Glasses 16 00 Eye Glasses for 13 25, or 13.00 Eye Olassw for tL7t. Warranted Gold Plated Frames. Make your frlund a beautiful and use. ful present We guarantee a perfect nt by mall providing when you order th. glasses you answor the following quea. tlons: How old Ever used gin most How longT Male or female? GEO. MATERLE, Export Optician, 28 Third street, San Francisco Opticians' and Photographlo Supplies. CHARLES KAN & CO. SOT Comm.rct'il Btrnet, We will open up with a large stock of Oriental Fancy Goods, Decorated China ware, Fancy Bilk Goods, Etc Also mon ufuctur. a full line of Ladles' and Gents' Underwear at reasonable prices. Store w.ll be open about September 1. CHARLES KAN 5: CO.