1 ( THK DAILY ASTOKIAN, SIM) AY .MOKNINH, AHM'Si 2l. I1W7. JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Tel phone No. M. TKKM Of M Kll'lll. DAILY. 8nl by mall. pr year Bent by mall. per month Borvfd by carrhr, per month I rlloions with reference to th rop. t ' n of other Amorton.it product In Or i : n a-nd Frewh per:. It Is hl t yt Europe Is jivk only tniluni to take i the supplies wo oiut furnlh, and th.it t y will advimcv In prUv In sympathy 1 ,;a wihsk. lut that our mint tariff l I ctsUtlcn. will teach Oermany and .16.00 ! ' "" 'oo "he futility of thi retaliation pol . .60 i y Uuy have pursued for thrw y,vnrs ! ti. and tii.u they will lir.ulinilly tv- I tho liiiKiririK's plaoaM vipon otir !l:..- stock and our meat products, tfer- n any. which ha Nvn tho ohlof offender I WEEKLY. fWt bv mail. Par year In Jvn.-e...$i.ft Pontage fr to iuhcrUer. ; fa" "' regard. Is already making ndvnn- ; i t.nvnrd a, mocv ltli.sr.il policy, having J o. noliuloj that It nivi! admit American All commui.lcAtioni Intended for pubU- priuct wi.hont har.-a.lng dicrlml:;s catlon should bo directed to the .dltor. ( ns (f (Vrnwn lir,, w ,ol gooJ( Business communications of all kinds and remittances rau he addressed to ' sM umr- "Tne Astorlan." ' 'n ,ho '""W"1 condition Mr. Armour The Astorlan ruarant"i to 1. tub- d:ci(rs the u.imisiak.ibla? evidences of scrlber. tho larswt circulation of aw ' pr,Ivrl!v for ,,, Amorloan farmer. newspaper published on the cviumtua tlver. Advertising rates can be had on appli cation to the business niajHiger. The Weekly Astorl.in. the stcond old. ! tst weekly In th aiate of Oregon, ha. ! s,lH Mr kickm' bout the t.me. next to the Portland Orsgct.taa. th Olt htw .w yu; largest weekly circulation In the r.ats. Skirmwh 'round and Krab the dime John F. Handler Co. are our Portland i E lnf " hn chi. ipnu, and copies of the Astorlan cam jCiwiki never l-ousht a dres be hod every morning at their sttvr.d, 124 Third street THE NEW YORK BULLS AM) BEARS rictiicnt Kc!iH.'iut; Mailc Kuilui Than Bid Deal. rrssiMisrs i akix; in -mi.. lndos I'to Kclu.t.int to uu.oli' l!.il There U Trospcct i. Sliiiit tit i j Cold to lilts Innntiv. j h f MARIN I: NI-WS. VKv-H.i (IV IIIK W Y H IIIKt lil.r.MIIIA KIVhK MHM ; n-amifaotvm-r and lalwcr. STOP YEB KIOK1NV The mntttT ot the permanent orfran .1.1 of the regatta committee should not be dropped. PwUiuidl Is with ua. It is Time to strike while the iron Is hoc There la trouble brewirajr in Alaska. The last Issue of the Alaska Miner frtves some Interesting details concerntruy tbe shipments of goods by British vels through the sub-port of entry at Dyea a: a lo of m:uiy thousands of dollars to our government. Our revenue collector In the district do no: jet-m to und.rtind their bu.infa or how to grapple with a delicate Mtu;ioa. Ti-. collect. dutlea cn roo.ls passtrtj throuph I'ntted States territory should I. enforceit as well aa such rollion by the British on goods Imported Into their territory. It is h"lutely oiliga!ory upon the oflliHuJs of both governments to see that the situ ation Is not complicated. There is no pos sible excuse for feeling on either side, and the minions of the law must rot be permitted to engender such feeling. Fair treatment and ihe Just mnLsuremert of law to ail Is all that Is required nziS is what must be secured, cost what it miy. ttrowlin' Isn't m K. Fix your pe'iers on succewe. ! Then go In to win it. Times is ciittn' good agtn Tr- to help them all you kin. rn't sit rou.1 with hacartn Hp, Thnt Is sure to floor you; j Try to git a bettor gr."p On :h work lefore you. ! Put some ginger In your words When you greet a neighbor. Throw your troubles to he birds, Git right down to ltbor. I An- you'll notice ev'ry day i Things ! comtn' right your way. S?:op yer kickfci" get a hold Of the wheel and turn It; You kin never handle gold 'Less you try to earn It. c Unish the cobweb from your eyes. top your Mam d replnln'. An" you'll aoti-e thnt yer skies Al'usil le snlnin'. If you hai.t the nerve to try. Svnk away omeheres and die. Barton. a I il!.e one. The time h.is come when all business Interests on the Pacific coaot should uniie In the funlx ranee of the Nicaragua eanal J. M. Eddy writes to the Pan Francisco papers a pithy letter upon tho subject Congress can orjy be ex-pe-ted to act In repon-e to the urgent requests of the people. If there is an aP Fi. .nt apathy on the part of the public th r prtsntaUves will agiun ignore the oft-reiiea-ed iae-ljre. 0f the party T,ia:. forms. The in the prire of agrlcul tnral products and the revivi-g inJjs trries of th cour.iry, tak-n in con-ction wiih the passage of Ui new revenue bill, ruoxantee a sufflctvnt surjIus n the n tonal tnaaury. above th ;ir. m-nu loi ordlnnry ex.; ej-tures to contru the -a-iii und-r the provisions it Conirres. m; n I'-rharn's bill, without rortir. to the sole of a slmjl- lonl. The caiaj must " i -ne lime to wac. wanare in Its behalf. L-i th. lrw..il . . . .. ""'"lriBl Wljf? of the r-onsf y .. ....... ' G,';A uujie. a the aJil of i r:.. r- ire,; basin, pa-sa the wor.1 on to th- . ... i'15rV south and by Deomlr .ev-ry comm-r- V&ff'' 'wVw' eiai body and every right min-M b-.i.. ' C uVV . ' C-.'A. ict.1- man win tje working to have h: r "Ko, I rsi't vors a job. I've as iuaDT l:aS si'r : I c.u find wort for.'"' ' .;: c:u in yer way, ' . .... uoal'lu't - " Je L"p jtuv'li :. make iiv 1 '-n-. .'S ' resttntative and his senat' a canal. r Instrj'-!.! for ARMOfP. OX DOLLAR WHEAT. I.'. w Yt-rk VcrM. No yj .r do we rejoice over the lo-ey vra:h-r than some croaker arises and - i: "Just you wait; you'll pay for It n September." Tlmes-Heral'L More tlutn onllniir significant at taches to the utterance of Mr. P. D. Ar mour on the whrat situation at thi. time. jays claim to any .-p-r-ia i gifts aji a prophet, but because hi? state- The KM who ott know how to mwits are hasiA upon accurate know), i 'w!m lokirs; forward fo the season edrv of acturd eswdltlicis. A.t ad V 1 Wh n ''h"' wl!l,!,lislim!lU w"l 'n , .... ' ' high favor. weight is also given to .Mr. Armour's ; - "v""""" Lf.-ii.u? or rns twer.ty-I:ve y-.ars I experienon as the heaviest wheat and proiucc- UsJer In Chicago, and, because of his personal observations In Europe, the sonny, of the present demand. Two points, in Mr. Armour's Interview which will attract especial attw.loi are tlai rt-asons he aligns for l !l( v1rg "hat aby's Second whiflt will remain very :.nr the dollar ; mark nnd his predictions with rrf -n tice to a chanjred policy on the part of f-r-matty, France and oither European co n tries 1th reference to the admission of our meat products Bo far as oxnsils are concerned, Mr. Armour believes thnt the people of the tTnlted States ore masters of the flt'ia tion. All Europe Is wheat hungry. AH the cereal products over there are either short or are total failures, and there is no hope for Oie people except through the rnited States. The Europeans are not only anxious to get our wheat but they have the money to pay a good price for tt. It Is for these reasons that Mr. Ar mour regards the rise In wheat a legiti mate one, and It Is on this condition of the European market that the veteran operator bases his statement that the year's crop Is worth n a bushel and that the farmer ought to get that price for ft Equally significant are Mr. Armour's lOl is the time that tries all the care cf the mother arid ail the skill cf maternal management Eaby comfort comes from fat ; fat tables have nothing to do but to sleep and grow. If your baby ccs not eecm to prosper, if he Goes not gain in weight, ycu must get more fat there. A few drops of n vl4 i ATI cnmi each cay will put on plump ness; fat outsfde, life Inside, baby and mother both happy. Your baby can take and rel ish Scott's Emulsion as much In summer as in any other Reason. For sal by an druggists at pc. and tucm New York. August :'l Snvml con.-- iviid.!.ve of the Astorlati 1 -The put till; reliction n the stock market during the : i'k has not lo-en en iiely unnatural. It bad been preceded by a lame ah w covvrlug ah unprviUsitl range of is-j sues. lHnitor! wvre therefore carrying j :ui itnunxit of stock far In ex.-ess of j anything experienced for m.uiy e.trpast i a cvMiditcan which tended to cxpose holders to attack. The "bwirs." c.fter a long (ilisthience. were hu.ig. ling for a meal, and not a few "bulls" were willing to take their handsome protl.s; wi ll.' others who hud already done so were quite willing to see. if not to help, a re action. At the same time, there Is a class of conservative bulls who. while believing that the market Is dewtined for a greater rise. y t exteot it to come step by step a-nl through a course of fre- juent cautious realixings. Tl elass fifty Years Aro. lent r-olk lath While K. n.e chait, . i.i l.otvrlt w l,. ... , , , ! .'Hi ci buijr lot hiiet .a ,1 "'vc t (avetn Slut cue t 'u .!. If I. .i .i i'reldent' ihmvci I wt! -ei,liiHr.lrpclia en a luci j'lli, y.. imiv, took Aet rilt. I ttu lc lii liver, $0 )irt w . Ayer's Cathartic Pills worn designed to supply a nuxlel puwativo to ptoplo who had so long injureid thfmsilvi'8 with tfriping uitHiioi;u-s. IIoiub cnrt'fully preptvrod and thoir in erodiouts adjusted to tho exact nwosnitiea of tho bowela nnd liver, their popularity was in stnutaneous. That this popu larity has been maintained is well marked in the medal awarded these pilla at the World's Fair 1893. SO Years of Cures. j i.MTIli. Vevl. Ton ll.ile l' t'tiw Winii. I t li , I . Iul . - I limre, Mr h Anw ..Ul ' Mancliiil Mieiie, lr i v.Hli. , Hut uniMi.lt. t-t ll t:W! I'l .. - v i k i. r, 0. lit iiv to Hr bk IM Imui... ill , l.ialiilinoH .lur', Hr li I.vr l Al .. '.s II tl I IHIllt. lii.in" s:,..,.ii, Vin sli . l;to .cs,ll ',11 j 1 tIK tow N j SiMll.iilMIIII, l ll j.'V llVil , V II III I Al.la . . , III !' IVil IvHUI III j n it vi imii. u I An 'in1' r l'l itt to--a I ... ill 1 II I.H.tl I; -nee lilrVlll.T'. ."t ll I'.Ml , llDltl 'I I ' ,1 liii'hli 111 all . ,1,'j . 1.11,1 ! I t tt'ft., i. il ll . ., w lllul , - ; It.' ,li klutr, l-ei alt '.'In ;ilt It ill tun. ill II llt, brail ... I.i' IUIU. I lli'VilKoNll. M nii.i,i.liirv, III nil . tM , lint .. - lUoilllll, II, lit ' a tHV. IHIAl llMNolt'lt' ll-l lllill'lll, Hr all ... ll,MI llla ki i iii.Mitn . 1. 'ei' li Mr sir . ,W bl I urn ii nk k nr lilie, Hr alt . . ... ;iita m .-. tiM Biiii.l.iiii ii i, Hr li i:: luiti Ml taut, A I II U'llien- . Ilf ait .'.J Itl tl Si I f". it..c. br -li it.-i , nam Nitlii'il in ;-luri' Hr alt , ... Iivtl ol t: i , lit of IV, lit, Hr all .V lt,iAI all i,ll al, K ijlnal 1:,', I'r ' ;ivt IK'al Hl'.tl llll Kix k, Hr all :SI tlKAl I llllit-r Mil r. His. Ilf ah l.i lialat .. - sumlijr. i, Hi giiai lit'Al mil i. j I'ruinlui !.., Hi iii trr.i nui . -- t A II t K IH V. , lViltillo. h, Hr h ;l v . luiti , . luri ridk. Hi alt . . ;-. t-a 1 ... I YOkOllaHA ' I'eru, tier all .1i . luwl . ' Moiikt.iriK, Hr lt i:: lia-at i. Arracuu. Hr ah . Ham la, and In a survrwlngly short time. haw wme mtluenw iion Wall street "I'l" Hie will cine itgalti. anal come - Li N -' kz&Si MP11 to stay. A co ttlng of suntrt m may tn ly mean that you are an enthusiastic cyclist In stead of indicating, as formerly, that you have l n to 'he 'iL"!iorc on your VUCUlilX.'. I Whoi one note the pvkless way In wiileh woiiiis run hat ! n through their niUllnery the mily utualer U that 'her,- are n: mor- ca-.s of ti i.'i.'turi.t trains ! T Some mascull".' ! . y iiatH who rl le i with :h..'r shirt -I .v. p'll.1 tif to the1 elt.ow look as thoiikli t .'! were prepor - i lug to sh-ih1 a loni; vlay at the waihttib. CAHTOriTA. ! Titfis- Km: baa: if Fnm the seashore r-s.rts conic thril ling talm of thv onsl.tiighr's of ferocious niosultoii. quite outdoing previous e. fernent recorils. li n I'trf CASTOR I A For Infanu and Children. it ittr tF. opmion. and they are likely to sit an effective precwlent of taking fair iro:lts, which will have Its result In chastenng an over-sanguine temper. Another factor which tends to encourage these freijiu-.nt reiiliiiiigs comes from the great breadth' of the market. With such an enlarged, assortment of Issues as the list now prv-s-nts, there are always stocks which have no: had the average f.se; and. when prices weaken, those who hive profit o.-. tluir holdings atv ready to take them and buy those negl.vted slkires. In brief, It seems to Ih a rule in st.n k op r Ions that, when the market Is rt broad one, prices advane morei by a jg-j.tg moe nivn! than In a continuous straight line. Tho weuthw and crop a-ondttlons of the last two weeks have afforded a mo tive fr essinvlsts anl timid ojn-rators taking in sail. Th.- larars have ejtxag. r a;id ll.t) tenor of these reiioris. and have made laold ventures on the barest lol bility hat there may tie a fulfillment of the grrnt proeiH-s have N--n contribu ted to the late advance In prices. So long as It Is not wholly Impossible tluit there may be some disappointment In the eors crop and a better rcsuk of the foreign harvests- than has lie-sa expected. I: may be prudent to give the bears plenty of roe. us the ba-st rm-ans of prot c Ins the Inti-reats of the bulls; Indea d. Il seems likely that the next upward spurt j yv, f.,. will bt mainly stimulated by the over s' lllng of the prophets of crop .!saters A few days more will s-ttle these tin- cer.aintles: but there will still remain I Take gool c.r- of th- hair of th h;ad. those who prefer to postpone until th- iU11 c u-vnt to ,,n ni fa:i 1ff frost line has been Pl. So that, on I or turn gray apply Hall's H.,ir lb-newer, the whole. It Is not Improbahl- t at . ,,.! tmi result will be pb-o-t g. may have to face a brief p rtoal of vac- j illation, prolubly culir.hintir.g in a short inter-st larg- enough to give another good upward turn to prices. It Is not easy lo fully explain the tem per of the Iondon market for our se curities: It Is still sending stocks home, and It would se- m that the supply h-Id fcr pi-c'.ila.tive account mimt l! ap- preaching exhaustion After such a strik ing dt-morastnuion of the strength of the home market afl of the certainty of still higher prices In the fu:ure, It Is not snppos ible thiLt this realizing :trles from lai k of confidence In our market S-n'l-ment seems to have much to do with the movement. hr.glaJKl ruis, at tnls mo ment, some ra,th-r tmphatlc grievances against us. The tariff Is a biit.-r pill, the more so because It throws a w-t blanket Uon an active revival In the trade of tile r.Mted Kingdom. The jiox-potwrtnent by io;.gr--s,s of action on the currency fjiii-sti-jn lias no doubt lnti-nsltled the K.'4;llsh distru.tt of our f I mince at Its most sensitive and positive point. Secre tary .Sherman' r-cent blunt n:'-rance, coming after the famous flevelad Vene zuela m. SS.Ige, s.-. m tl n.lVe Jee,y rouw-d tie ire of the Lor.don sp-ciilator and the Iinglish people, and so seriously doe the Koglishmfiji apimir to have tak-tr. the-; nifitters to heart that con ceivably hn thinks I: prudent to give Anieric.ui securities the cold srioi'll--r. Whatever cause rruiv Is; assigned for the lirltisli negk-'Jt of our securities, the it.,- h.-,s II Hie or i.o Dvrct-ptlble effect upon the New York market. The Ioiclon pres is r-ltict.'bKt to con cede that th're Is nny n.ar prosji--'.: of tii shipment of gold to this country. Wc ..r.- toll th.-t; our i-aym-ei's for int'Ie!. and dlvid-nds. the remittances mad" on nccotint of cltir.TS tr--ve!r-g abroad, the payments -o lie m.'ule on .-.count of s r-nrl: now t omlr.ir horn" tvA t'r the sugar and wool purchased to untlclpa lion of the new tarifr, will about offset Jvunyis-'H i.-nii'iually lare purchases In The l.'nft s! States. No knowledge, how- ev-r is shon of the fact thnt th in debt-ylneKS accruing n these several nc-eour.ts- In'iudlng the large .-L-Ji'ipatory importations l.a-s already Inn s- ttled for, .nd thr-.t our lrnjirtatl'.-is are show ing a large fal!l-:g off, while our erpor's are grwitly vxe-dlng the extraordinary dlm'insions of a year ago. I'r(-s-r;t Indl cations favor the prtpect of the Impor tation of gold noting in ts-fore the dose of the) (resent month and running on Into sui umusua.1 aggregate. HKNKT CLKWS. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE AM7: ASSr.KTINaj IN TIIK Cot'KTS Ol'K KHIIIT TO Till? ItXCl.l'StV i: I'SK OK T' K Wiiim "CAHTOIMA," AM) "PITCIIER'B CASTORIA," AS oi'K tkaii-; m.Vkk, 7, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Ihjnnnis, Massachusetts, was tho originator r "PITCHER'S CAST0RIA," ' shim i t i mat aas (who ami uws now w7 an every This is thv original " PITCHER'S CAST0RIA,' uhica has been used in tho homes of tho Mdhers of America jUr aivr thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and ivr hat it is the kind you have always haught w7 rr r""J 0,1 and has the signature of CXvACu' wrap per. No one has authority from mo to ..; my name cx cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. It. Fletcher is President. i. y March S, 1S97. Q,twf- &sSU Do Not Bo Docoivod. Do not cntlanrr the lifo of your child 1y nrrrptinj .1 cheap substitute which some ilrujjgist may olicr you (bocauso ho makes j few more pmnics on it), the in gredients of which even he docs not know. "The Kind You Havo Always Bought" BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF choanT Ju.mi ailiil iig tin ycsti-r-day tit 1 o'clock for Ahmka. The stammer KUUt up to u. lata, hour last night had not shown up but was expected toalny. Til. :iig Ksrt will prolably go Into i iinms-lii!t tl'mit the tl-im the M.viinnlt.1 Is launched. Th.- river Isants yaasinrday were crowd- ' i I Willi l.tltle, aild rxtm tntata will tx ! run out of Aatorl.i toulg!t, Insist on Having Tho Kind That Never Failed You, NO-TO-BAG CUARANTEED TODACCO HABIT CURE Oreff l nv mi tviiM sutit. ll'tillrora nioTS lis mwaw ilMtror Itedsilra rut ltam in fi.rtu. N.-l.e,4C la lltgrMtt ttr'fiiaftl lu th vaar.4 Mnr lu SI IHiultiU In lla An4 II IMVaal fAlla lo tvaha lite sk tinei'lvnl Uiar tra-aas. vli(fa(aM Ami aiAtrnvtlil. Jttal Irr A U-s. feat will 1 lltilal IA r IV-va-l f ' lo Wtlna-ai lil w n mj for A cuff II lailnMlF gUAfAMleaMl l? drulal t at hrav ano l.-f onr i--s ie. -..i i iim. neif .. (.itsva luair I Aim jaarnr. arm .all UAiSatlaaS aVUI ISAAAWAS AAA.. AUIMI aC JiSW SAaTSk IrMMUitil AilwirUtll' Bold and (Juaraittcapal by ('has Itogcrs, Orugglsl. I ! I'rl.-i p!t-r .iy tin-re will lc a largaa i I rl...: of grain vMi from that port to i the lolim'ea rh.-r for the loadlrur of I I Tea! on W ha Ut. i Weakness of r.lEH Qalckly, Tharauchly, rnrTir Cord MANHOOD RESTORED Dr. frM'm r fill. avutitlaf lul . .- r:uAtntraTdlurulAll Btrvi.UAUlWAarA, AlMh A rak Mrmurv Li,,f ifiin ruaitr. llc.a.liA. W'Akriuluna. LuM MabIuuJ mi.ii. nt, KrtvuuAUraA, All Utslua, Ua ut poatrr In Grat-iaMia t)ita. of either m.nutil Lt utt eieiiu.n, oult.lul n. ri,Talr uw of toliAiTn, uplum nr llniulAnta. which In4 lo Infltou. ,eJL. ar ) r:,7 c,V"uia,,,rr.rr r .-t ? - li w cw., UiMilbuiiMgagtuu. rL.ua iui Vwtam u , riUiU. ut. i. W. CONN. ifMl. AllMlft rw ih Am 4ftf 11 fllf7 drnf. ttwu hmmw bf prfcU1 ietcni id lkotf ittl M.nit fail uoia U4. 1 li C rt urMlf disc mtnottt mm im totl, Btatl Mil brv Auliny mf !, r rwiiorttHl b? lhi lflinni Ail Mb Mirtlmit of tr. olf-l nl (frh- tttM Wntforntir Kouk, with pinirt)t tu4 cdic ucnirm pn mnuiib5t. kiliL niLUIOML UUi ml iW.Wtl. seaside SflWjviiiih Emil Schacht ARCHITECT BtrALO, N. V. A oimpleta stiH-k uf lumber ou Unai In Ihe riub or dressed. Kbxirlnn, ru tic. celling and all kinds uf finish; mold l,it and shlnglsa. Terms rsasunabls . and prlt ra at bedrock. All ordsrs ! promptly attended M. Offles and yari I at mill II F !- I.niA. Heaslde, Oreiron. I'mprletor Wooms JI7-JIH PorlUnJ 5(ti( lUnk IllJg. Portland, Oregon. Warrenton Is the Best... Columbia Harbor Land Co. THE CENTER OF DEVELOPMENT ON THE WEST SIDE f Northern Paiflc railroad trains ln Portland dally at 11 o'clock a. m f r Tacoma, Spokane, and tl Eat. Cb-iae conneothan made at Sjikane fur I toss- land, Nels.n, Sandow and Urttltih Co-' MA Oil application lumbla mining camps. For maps and Information call on r addrefw C. W. STONE. Astoria, Or. CORNER... BOND and ELEVENTH STS. Everybody knows that Warrenton values will soon doubled. It Is distinctly the best property on the market. Fine large level lots, surrounded by many Improvements, at very low prices. Is It not a fine Investment? BEFORE YOU BUY Property look at our list and see uihat cue have in the may of bargains Aistorif. WeHt Do not Jtidire persons on inveterate drunkards because a beer waj?on ojs before thfclrl door. There are such thlriffs ns sarsaparllla' ejid ginger ale bottpd, you know even, by the bre-wers. No appelate? Then do not try to force food oown; but two the most scientific means for re?trlnir ton to the stomach. How? Why, by taking Ayer's Sarsaparil- 7.-.X1.-0 KKKT ON' THIItTy THIItli ANti I'r.-niMln: four hnu,j-; payliig i;ood In 'orne; KaHy terrn". "'x"5 f''KKT ON Ki'itl.KT CAR M.NK. tjpponlt.. White Swan slnon. l!ar(?nln. Side WAItiii;.N"J(iN'. I.OTH IN mJf'K J9, 1 'heap. I.OTH III AND a), lil.OCK 1, Warrenton. Crimp. Hetich Property HICAS1DK TWO I.OTM NKAU M'lirillK'H IIOT;li; 11") each. W J-.HT LOT 7, Itl.OC'K Rnln. M' i.i;ni;'H. itAii- OooD il'.SINKHH LOT IN IIKAKT of Wan-nlon; ll.V). Cheap. FOt I', LOTS IN Jtl.Of'K if,, M'CM.'ltirS. Very Oje-ip and eay terms. A OltKAT UAI'.OAIN Hustler St Alk.-n'K. IN lil.OCK !), II-I'.OOM HOL'SK AND faWj-FOOT LOT In McClun-'s; &.. Part cnh, balanco -isy terms Ml ixl'i T-'KET NKAlt N1CW RAILH' iAD dpot at a great bargain. PROPEHTY IN ALDKRHROOIC, TAY lor's, Case's, .MoClure' and Bhlveley's. TWO ;ool LOT8 IN II LOCK 1, RKII' anon; II 25 each. '.'OliNER IN IlLOCK 12, WARRENTON; J.'.V). I OOOD LOTS IN O'HARA'B ADDI llon. Exceedingly cheap. 7-ROOM IIOCHE, NEW.IN EAST WAR-n-nlon. Small cash paymont, balance t-iiHy terms. IF YOU DKSJJ.K i;.n- guiriH in business, r"si.enc or acrenge jiropcrty, lie ,-uro a if I sto our list. North Beach TEN-KOOM HOUSE, FURNISHED, AT North Deach; for sals choap. Close to b -iich and railroad. Form LondB 117 ACRES GRAZING LAND, NORTH Niyarnle; 100-acre farm on Upper No halem; IM acres on Elk Crook beach nnd 200 acres near Olnoy. 7-ROOM CoTTA'll-:, NEW; I7M PART wish, eniy paytnenls. Clone lo beach. TWO IIOI'HES AND TWO LOTS NEA Il ly opiioHltu M'Oulro's holil. Very cheap. LOTS IN OKIMES' OROVE. HER.MORA Park and Hill's addition. All are bar gains. LOTS AT SILVER POINT, SEAL ROCK and Elk Crock . For Kent 6-ROOM HOUSE, FRANKLIN AVENUB and Tldrty-thlrd stmet; t por month. 2 FURNISHED ROOMS FOH HOU8E kiytplng, over Astoria t.nd & Invest niont Co.'s office,; 12 per month. A 20-ROOM LOUOINO HOUSE, 8A loon, dining room and kitchen; 135, SALOON AND LODGING HOU8IS ON Astor street. SEASIDE COTTAGE, 7 ROOMH, K PER month. Cottage I rooms and ono cot Oigs I rooms. Apply for terms. ASTORIA LAND & IHVESTJIIEKT CO., 355 Commercial Street, Astoria, Oregon.