ASTGiU PUBLIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. , ' '- to '),, THE ASTORIAN Ms the lirfcst circulation of inv paper on the Columbia River THE DAILY ASTORIAN Is the biggest and best paper on the Columbia Fiver FIJI!, ASW)CI ATI2I) I'liKSS NEPOHT. VOL. XLV1I. ASTORIA, OHWiOX: MM DAY MOIiMNt, AldlST 27, 17 r v. iv . 7 jt , NO. Hi . I Sole Agents for Knox and Wauturton Hats BUFFUM & PENDLET9N Hatters and Ftirriishers 94 Third Street, PORTLAND, OR. .The Only Exclusive Men's Furnishers. City Book Store Klondike Mujh, Klondike (itiiill1 Hook. I'uitfil SIiiIcm (lovcnimcnl (Minriil rtvlr. up to ilutf. loii't Mart witlmtit n Itliiiik MiK.k iinl Stationery. I m I i i 1 1 Tinkle, IlnniluiM'k, Kt Latct Novel, iVrioilieaN ati'l .Mituinc, Clnirt co y. of Alaska; cur- GRIFFIN 6t REED- New Trimming.. nk' tu i.oini'l- of ll-.iir. tl.ri li'iiii, tin- while ni tw t-oe. ut I. in-, ii tin' in i I.. Ii.ilf a i 1 1 1 ! of, -i-vi n vhpI vow 'if int .f I'lai'iiii' ..ii tin litilk, Millie iii'iilii'l 'if Irf'il'l tl ilMllillL!. SIIANAHAN BROS., I'-iiion ki I, witli .wiahi-li lure ic,i ; i-tir will. Coi.-nh The Store that Sells Cheap pupils hkchivkd IN TUB PKIMAHY. UHAMMAH AND ACADEMIC O HAD EH J. M. THE SISTERS OF THE Convent of the ...Holy Names ASTORIA. OREGON. Will reopnu their Hoarding and Day 8chool September 0. For rate, mic., addrwu tti. BuperloroM INSTRU MENTAL. MUSIO. PAINTINO AND VOICB CCLTCRK FORM A SPECIAL DEPARTMENT OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Monmouth, Ortgon A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS llwulur Nunnal Coiir.e ol (hire yer hantor )r.r whollr prufrtiiiuJ. 'I raliilii Irp.riiiirni i( nine ia1r with Jon children liiallui'iliiu n. I irnlu tig lit (iymniMtlrt Swrillih j Iriu , and V.'' Mii'le lr fill. Hi- .. h..,. i i'J'J ,'Vri;ll,'l'."n ' """'",t tr l TATK .i.r. ii.itiirn rtlft ininril. Ilhl Plli-IIM. Illllll.ll, IxHikl, lH.lI lllt MtilK ( lir..llint.-lr , l.ttolr wr. iihI.-ii. Uuir.llin llirinxOTpi. 1 1 In au iwr vnt Ai'iulriiilc . rrpiml (rum lil.h K-h.l. ( i h-rril) tu mi ,i,ir.t..u. Ail I". U. PAMI'IIKM.. Pr.tnt, or W. A. WASN. K,cr.ury Facility. uuuuazia c n e ti a a b Mount Angel College MOUNT ANGEL. Mirk County, OREGON Tlili I Jint th. pine, for your boy., Irllhtful liK-atlon. Iur bullillngi and round. ood rimI. plenty of healthy rxrrvlM, xilrnl trarhera and careful trutnlnj- thli Ii what they ail My of MT. ANOEIi COLLEGE. 8nd for CaU aloi-ue and ipeolal term. Hohool will oiwn Beiitrtnber I. P. F. PLACIDUS. Director. Our Royal Cream Flour WHEAT ABOVE THE DOLLAR MARK Chkmjo .Market Tiiko a IS i j .lutnp in September Ottion. (;i:oh(,i: it. i ni.ncii i hi: ki; Malt No Secret ol MaviDij Lint ol Yooo ihmi (Ittthcl ol Stptcucr Vhcat Dollar Vkrat i lillcapnli 'lit.-ii-ii, AuKiml -Tiluy. fi the nrat time Kltue iIm. pd-Hcnt hull cumt'UlKii In li...n h l iiirt. lite prl.v uf Hep. t.-mUr Ik-.i mI ulve Hi., ilulhir mirk 1. Chli aj;.). T-ii mjnitr aft- tin1 open Pllt II "31 1 ll ufT'tval. Ill) in. i- ov.-r il, I. i) i ImltiK prl.n .f Pic K.ven lit Hint lemt.tliiK fmure the hull ellipie Tub- .1 (o M iiu of tfx-lr !) IIukm. i-viH.iixii n. .u cjiine on iiw nun ki t fj l.r.-.ik the prlre to :.'r l.y the time the i I.Mnir hr iwnjn.t.vl. hut tlu. hrok r Mo artiiwrwl tlwe ilenl tMitly ..-tii Hun It eunie frirtn them It a.i rnr-r-t:y tvopnxt on Mundny. vIm prlie K) elmrply. that tlir h.. fiw e.1 to put up tn..ii in rrmnr.n Tin y retiuMily hibl ttwlr reventf tcluy Th. rim. o plnlnly dii to 1rw clique, which I now ..ll. hy nimor to Im-lmle Jtt ph IHler. O.-onte It. Frn rh. All-1 lirl.-r A Co.. mi.) J,in K-n... of 'h!I tie.. Tlv only ...r. fl-ome Kr.m h. who iit -iir.-l ilMlntly iilove the aur frn-.-. niuk-- no w-r..t thnt he tin n line of S.imiow liuoh.-la of K-plnrilr wh. at. Th.rp wa not miM-:i more th.m llo.or.i lmlivl of rontrn.-t wlmit m Thli .iko. with hardly rv ecmitnii. nnd nn Imnn line Mlutit IP- of i.iKh ah. nt n. for .iir:. Thin l th.. liu; .i i It now pl.iy Into il. hniule of the hull eoniMnr. Th.. ti.l . i rl- of ,r, r not r. tl.'t.-. In i. v o'h.r l..rif.-nmrk.-t .n 'he .mintrv. wfTh the .-;-tlon f Minn, opolm, where D. pi.-mher hounded fr.m : II St. !iui ml vitn.-i-.l Jo .it on. time, hut r.l'ip.-! to the op.-iil it iil.' for iM-.-rnlN r. Al- . Ihoimh Kt:itli.tlin were not riven much : i:t ntloi one It.nn of foreign m -. h i-i n ! distinct Uiflui-nee. Th.. foreltf . o:nto i top nhiM-tai;.. U .-ntlniiite.1 lit n total, Of .(.l,(..i..l hlloh. I. wlhi'h .; ex-p.-iMed to Incren.. tlw ih'tiuind for Amer-!-nn wh.-nt. Ii ttiiM i'mimm-ImIIv felt In I ecein! r, which In i.o; up M)i.d to l lu'id.-r the thumh of nny ellnue. r...iu.-.. M i.i i- il.iuiih-.r .i :..III.K liiiii.tiir of vili.' h lh.- w l-'nlr Hliorliie n of A-;i',M, hi .- I iitnin.r h.-r". I In I li the '.r:i -el vl.'U hol.-l ) le atoppt 4(. It tli.-lr po lo lilllollfit UK I" II .'.Vl. 1'hey mi Hi. pr .prh'tor to in r.v. r. Mm. Ii. A Vo'.hik. proprtoir. w of the nie an iu-ir iiM'k'liiif In il.t.i.'i i. tht t n ewfil ff wo-in I Ihi' I'Oiilur 1;. -ly wu i'i i i'm -.l end riiiin:ii.i.-d to llr. the ht-l. le 'i hi. r.-tlred lo In-r rom It le l..liii.d tmt he IPi.r.illy oy.d th In I'.iie iio-i .Hid rol.liel h'Twir of the rlifht ;o Hie . I' 'I" ! To niK 'AW. "i DIRECT FROM DAWSON CITY Ktturniny Miners an the Sander Ttll the Latest News. ".mmiuie. To th.- ur.U-jit. ,,t Hrt. It i a trifl- innoylrir, hut a f.- m!n p n aft-r tu: -ivr.r h; wn having n h'.ir.y !..uh ovr It ,i..l exfiiKlnir the '.! - .il w o r-f-iw d him witr.-inre hy ay lr,i" that th miin iiu rlsht lo ohi y order, no matter who dmn.!e! i.lmatanre. The,n for ;he rf'jjal tlmt in w-ntry hol h-n ordered to admit no earrlnirva to the eamp. I'r. khl-i it MrKlnl.-y and party left thli nflernofn for Cleveland on bourl Hen .i:or H:uina'ii yacht. l'LINTV OF (iOI.I) IX siht ''I.i .ko Auirum IG-H.-v, T. Iew tt I'.ilnn ife Hill r- '.ve a call to I'ly mouth, Mh-hlK,. memie iw i Tw. nty-f i Cut " BiS tleaiap Sinte Jnljr-Tbe fort- i -t fliliiuru. The rlmnh trimt-a luive I .ii.. the viu-ntlvn Kv. I". W.I '.iirii.ihu. th.. ri.'-n' p.'iM.or. until p. n-mi.-r, iind Ir. Talnuiip. will Im nirel to (ill thr pilpit, If poealhle. on-- FOft PARIH. New Yoik Auifuet W. Major Mo- I. Il.iiely uiio wua npiln:el t.y Prenl il.. i! MiKi .. y an a rmmlnlon'-r to the Piirm ixhililtion of n 111 lime for Vr.inre on the Frm.-h II:;. m.-amer La f JamOKii,. on Katurliiy for he iuroie of iiir:triKt g tor (.p.o e for the exhlh.tom of the I'tilte.1 Slate" A I'LKAHINO A SOV NCKM KNT. lK tir Darrln, the Kininit Hpec.allHt. In Aittorla. land Will I'rutialily Not bring Mure ttua "Vi.immi. fivattl':. Aufcust V,. Th schooner "red K. S.i':.Ji-r arrived at Von Town?end, SZ day from Hi. Ml..-lia.l. thia uttemoon. Ijii .1 for 8..u.h. Amotiir hT pagn Kr ifv Jow.h lowe. toe mayor of C'lrdB City. Harry Auh. weil known amo: (f upoitlnK m-n on tlie Pacific coast, and John 8. Oinnmor-.. ICach hrtnga ti wrruill iu:.t.ty of (rold diut Mr. Lowe wa choii mayor of Circle City hy the uaa:lmou wish of in people. He aaid: "One can tee a waxhtuh full of nug- i Ifi-tn at any time In tfciwuon.- At 3t. j Mli-haeU there wen- -.Xt lo: of freight . pil.M up whtvi we came down. In my Th.-re la a phyalcla.! i, amotI i not nw m,,r ",i,n V cent of -Imply ii nwllral practitioner, hut a , ihmV NU"d tor Da"'son b- river M.yaleiun of very hlirh ord-r of merit, a ! a!'le ,0 Kvt lhrouh b'oT ft a.-ien:lt. if whoiw yearn of roe miirty. j '''r- look tor xbv boaU 10 'n:e do- ot..-rvat.on. close practical expert- l'lo,'k;ul,"1 ''' " the case for i iK-e. Iuim enuhhl him to draw not only tUrM year." t.tlmiKilal. hua p-"'l e.-.doremnt ) Wnmoro ald: "There ha-e been no from the l.-ndlnir m-vi of the country- ,,'f clwinuiw alnce the l.uit of June and 'Otu,'renmii. Ju.Ivk. .-u-.- ind hoeuc-; ,ln,t of July. They hnve had very little eras In the medical field l today without I r,ljn- l-1 'hla haa prevented work heing lll'AVIKST IN IHSToltV. HhipmentK of Ur iln From Ohlraito KnonnoiiH. Are NONE BETTER FOARD & STOKES CO. Sole Agents ASTORIA OREGON UNION MEAT COMPANY Shield Brand Hams, Bacon, Strictly Pure Lard ALL KINDS OF CANNED MEATS Guaranteed th Heat In th Markat CORNER FOURTH AND (ILISAN STREETS IK)RTLAND, OREUON J. A. FASTABKND IIOUHK, General Contractor HHIDCJK AND WIIAKK HUILDEU HUUMlt MUV1NU XtiOLH liKNTKH Ross, Hlggins & Company GROCERS and BUTCHERS AHTOHIA AINU t'.AHT ASTORIA CHOICE FRESH AND SALT MEATS "hlciKii. Aiiiiut - ShlpnMntK of i;r.'ln from I'hliiiK'O are the heovlowt In the hltory of the hike tr.nU'. The eh-vaior eonipiinlei. hiive te-en "n the niMrkit for nevernl -liiya and t.ikl nhont nil the honta In alRht. craft that up to till!" time have heen (MHt.'Hivl iilnu'St mtlrely In the Iron ore. trndp nro In-lnir divert. .1 to the milr trule. (l.yinince nt the custom hoii' for the tn ty four honin endlni; l:i"t nlirht iimotin.iil to I.IUT.'C htishehi of corn, nnd In aMItton there, are nearly half a m.llton husticls of other sralim. Tho rnormou crop that Im crniln In haa forcl elevator tnano:rn to make room for the new Bruin, and the hlir cull for Ixvitu l the rwult. The rise In fivlij-hts has fon-ed the rates on Iron ore to take an upward tun- and were It not for the commercial miniMV strike which makes it inipuHslUle for Unit to Bet a return eaiKO. the rate would he Kllll hlirher. HoSKlU'ltfl MAliKKT VNSKTTI.KH. Tto.hur. Or.. Ani',ut 2fi. Fnm Smith DotiKhi cornea the report of n rich strike on the property of the Victory Mlnliur Coinimny'a irrii-l tm-or t'.lenilulc. Work will 1h- utartiil up on tho Sherwood pocket mine mar Hldlile Monday. The Rosehutx weluit marki: Is uniett tlinl. The Hos.'hmx' fompa-'y hua noillUil Its :iretiti tlmt all previous Uilot.itlonM are wlthilnuw'K Local millets ill',. imyltiK lac clear of sacks. Tho l-'nrl Krult Company has shlppul seven ears of prunes from Kiddle east. .Messrs. Oixlfrey and Johnson nro lotidtntj two cars of prttnert for eastern Hhlpnuiit nt Hosolinrsr 'today. TI1IC MAUKIOTS. Portland. AuKVist :fi. Wheat Valley, S7 and SSc; W.ilal Walla. S4 tin 1 vv. Sun l-'t-ai :clsco, Aneu Wheat $1.S.". and tl.."a. San Francisco, Annus! 20 Hops--5 and 7c: fancy; S and lac. New York. AiiKiist 2tl. Hops Ste.i ly. SKNS.VTION IN OKOROTA. Tallulah Fulls. 'Ja., Aitiftist Si. A suit for fLfuO dainnfren hn heen filed In this ounty, which develoiies very sensational a parall. I. Thin ref.n to Ir. Iarrln. late from Portland, who ha ur at the (Hcklont hotel. Dr. Harrli luu us envltthle rank In his pn.f.-sslon as a wonderfully aueccssful physician. Ho j euwutlally orlKlnal In his m.-t hods of iwactlce. an.1 thot-e who have been under his treatment are aur prlse I ut the neunesM and novelty of his ;. m of practice hy .leelrlclty. Ills hotw.'t and straightforward advice -fore taktiifc- a case han iui for h.m the ciki-llili.-ue of his Mitl.ts as well as th. Keiierni The doctor la a Kcntle man of eenlal. social nature, and liH fr vaie practice Is marked hy the fornia-.loi of it personal frlondahlp with those with whom he comes In professional contact. He Is without douht one of the most thoroughly physicians now tw foie the puhlli'. as his wonderful cures testify. Read his cures: ieo. Smith. Astoria. denfnts. curM. i John Savitu.oti. Farmlneton, cr.. deaf ness, cured. J. II. Wilson. Mist. Or., skin disease, cured. I A. Pool. K.iikIc Po. it. Or., heart nnd In. r trouhle. n-storul. lsiiae Thompson, La Center. Wash., deafness, enrol In the mlnut -9 Milt Joins, lvrrydale. Or., cind of K'l.-pus of the raise. Mrs. A. K. Pa:., Albany, Or. ovarian iihl womb trouble, cured. Wm. M. Post. Troutdale, Or., almost total ilea Cues, cured. J. T. O.orire, Oleneden. Wash., chronic ih. umiulsm. K years curel. Jlrs. Mary A. Johnson, McMlnnvllle. nr.. ilealness many years, cured. C. F. Mayluiy, II Mark't street. Port land, ihcumutlsm. Ii Its worst form, Clllisl. Henry Von Helms. Sandy, Or., cancer of the nose nnd cir.arrh, cured. J. S. Jennliifrs. Sollwood, Or., ccaem.i or skli disease, 15 years, cured. .Mrs. T. n. Hatfield boy. 2H Klcventh stieet, discharging: car and deafness, cured. Jno. M. Simmons, Onkvllle, Wash., ca tarrh, bronchitis and nervous debility, restored. Many others mlsrht be meintloned did not want of space forbid. Or. Darrln make a liberal offr of treatlnK tho worthy poor free of chnrge dally (exc. pi medicines) between the hours of 9 and 10 n. m., In acordance with his time-honored custom. Or. Oarrln makes a sieclnlty of all the diseases of the eye, ear, i:c3e, throit, catarrh, deafness, bronchitis, la Krlppe. consumption, heart, liver and kidney discuses. lie peiiniinently cures all diseases of the Kotilto-urlnary orga. i-s In either sex, such as syphilis, blood mints, scrofula, sleet, gonorrhea, stricture. s-mlual weakness, sefmatorrhen. loss of mnn IhmkI, nnd loss of desire of sexual power In man or womrui. All pcoulltlF female troubles, displace ments, etc., all conlUlomtlally treated, as well ns nil acute, chronic, private and nervous diseases, of whatever nature, if curable. ConsultnMoa free. Otln-e hours nro V a. m. to 5 p. m. ila ly: evening, 7 to S. Charges low nnd rexsiuiahle. according to circumstances and iihiMiy to pay. I'r. Damn will remain ki Astoria at the Occident hotel until September IS. and patients would do well to consult him at ouee. as many cases rtqulre a second nnd even a third operation with electricity. All business relations with Dr. Darrln are strictly confidential. inished. I twlmnte thnt the Portland will not bring down more than MOO.flOO or poslbly fa'.i... There Is plenty of frk Tor i.ll thos. who get on there tills fall at $1". a dny. Ih-caus,. the holders of rli h claims are desirous of getting out the gold .us fast as poewlhle." sh I Ursula to winter here, lie sl-1m-s a II coplo to stay out this winter, unle.-s they already have mines. He has interests in eignt ;roiTtK-i and says that the Hunker district Is one of the richest:. Dominion crc-k ind Victoria gulch districts are also nearly or quite as rich as F.Morado and Bonanza. Mr. Ash predict that at least three million dollars will come out In the spring at the first chtin'.ip Yukiivrs are of opinion that the value of the gold cargo of the Portland will I- I7;i.lxi. They explain that while the product of the Yukon basin has been hirve. a gr.iit iK-al of dost has heen re Invested aid Is held for development work on the properties. There has lwcii llwly speculation among the miners, many of wtiom haw not stojpe.l to es timate the value of their holdings. Ash has six claims, and like his associates In the Klondike, has reinvested all hi" gold, except enough to live on com-' fofiaMy during the year. Followt v .s the list of the Sander's passengers direct from Dawson City, to-j gcther with the amounts they brought: Jam.s McNamce. Jumau. $!0.'X: Cha-!. Vest. Portl:i.:id, pvo. Jo.1 I)we. Junenu $r,."ii: Harry Ash. $lii.i't J. S. Dins more. Eureka. Cnl., IS.tXH). STARTLING ADVICE. lirtter Gold FleHs Thao the Klondike Counry. Washl irton, August 26. General W. W. DitflMd. suiwrtntendent of th coast and gMlc survey. In discussing the gold discoveries in Alaska, gave this advice to young mn: "If I were a young man," he said. "I should get about a T5-i schooner ad take supplies arvl engage the wrvtce of a flrt-clas prwpeotor. Thn I should cruise along the- southeastern part of Alaska In what Is called Alex ander archipelago. There are a number of Islands there and more gold lodes than at n.iy place with which I am ac quainted. The mining would not be 'pla cers.' but tho ore can bet gottor out very rhenply. and being directly on the sea. the transportation amounts to al most nothing, except the time spent." DI! Nebraska, Pennsylvania and Maryland Leaders Meet. DEATH KNELL OF FREE SILVER Nebraska Delits Btiag raid Dollar Wheat, Kluadike Gold and .Ic.linlejr Molding the Keiis .lei fro'perity. A WHALER S EXPERIENCE. Two Roa:' Crews Come to Grief In the North Llrcolrr, August 2H. The repuhllca.1 state convention was called to order at noon. Norrls Brown, temporary chair man, sold In part: "The debts of Nebraska are being paid, been urn of the brain and exuergy of Ne braska debtors. If our people were to follow the political doctrines) of their governor they would adopt a policy of repudiation. I understand why you ap pear so well and happy. You are thlnk bur of wheat and sliver. They have come to a passage of ways since the good old days of Benjamin Harrison un til last October, when The republican vic tory became assured, they have not been within speaktricr distance of each other, j The first great promise of the St Louis I platform has been kept and fulfilled. With the redeemmcr of that promise prosperity has come. This to the hour and opportunity for us to begin the work San Francisco. August 26. A private I letter from I'nalaska tells of the two ' boats' crews of the whaler Giyhead. The boats, -) charge of Second Mate Hen- I Sen and Third Mate RandolL folios nl - a whale a long distance. When the at- I f Jffbra"ta Wk lnto th i ion aguii. -i t? immediate prooiem tor us today Is to save our supreme court from populist Invasion, and save our state 1 from the contempt of good men." tack was made the whale struck the j second mate's boat and Hansen and three of his mo j were badly Injured. Night , came on and the boats lost their bear ings. The next day the Gayhead could j not he seen and the men started for the j Alaska coast. luO miles away. Their suf- j IN PENNSYLVANIA ferlntrs) were terrible. They were badly frost-Mtten and several became 111. The won ded nearly tUe.1 on the trip. When the tat tvaerwd shore the sailors ff 'l In wlrh other hunters, who cared for trcm is best they cculd unt.I the cu'ter Grant relieved them. VP THE NILE. Cairo. August !. It Is reported here that four gu .boats belonging to the Anglo-Egyptian expedition for the recon quer of the Soudan have already passed the fourth cataract of the Nile beyond Mernwl. arti tha ihe passage was ef fected much more easily than had been exeoted. One of them' has reached Abu Hamld. now the extreme southern point of the British advance. It '.s thought quite possible that a dash, will be made for Herler. beyond the fifth catarnct. shortly. MANY ARE RETURNING. Seattle. August id The steamer City of Toi'ka arrived from the north this morning, hringl g excursionists nr. I nlout S1 men from Skagu.iy. who came down N-c luse they wvro afraid they could no: get over the passes this win ter. This is the largest number ye! to como back, and the men who enme nvcr that there will be many more li the next few weeks. No chnnge In the condition of tlx trail Is reported, nnd m Yukon miners direC! from the nil es came by this steamer. ANOTHER MINE DEAL. Carrville, Tal., August 2rt.-John D. El-drldj.-v. of San Francisco, acting for a Hoston syndicate, has Just completed a deal for the purchase of mining proper ties in the great bed of gravel oi which the town of Trinity Center Is The old Wive-" M.'Cletiry hydraulic property Is the chtef feature of the purchase, but a number of other pltves of ground are Includvd. The first: ixiyment Is to lie made tomortcw. Tlu ItuJ will coct the syndicate $2T5.0O3. THE TORTLAND NOT IN. Port Townscnd. August 2t'. At fi o'clock tonight nothing had In-on heard from tie steamer Portland. The wire to Ta toosh island ;s down but It Is probable tho Port-I.ia.1 has Iwn delayesl and may not put In for a week. SFICIDK IN PORTLAND. PromltnMt Man Takes the tol Route. ris Porllat.d, Aa-iiM 2ii.-(S.e'lal to th.' Aotri:'-i.l-D.iid S. Ttithlll. cashier of Allen - Lewis, commitlixl suicide in hD Ivd last niKht by shooting himself In the head, litis. tie .s troubles are assigned its the cause. ARTIST IN JAIL. Chicago. August; 2fi. Adjlph Felson, an artist a.n.1 sculptor whose work has re ceived favorable mention from critics In Euroiv n.nel America, was sentenced tu six moHhs la the house- of correction by Judge Chetltind. after entering n plea of guilty to a charge of forging the name of a Catholic priest to an order for J30. Fe-'sevi came here from New York In 1?2. Dissipation, the man acknowledged, has caused all his misfortunes. Ill' IA AND GERMANY. lt(elon. August IS.-Tho St. Petersburg correspondent of the Daily New? says that Count Mutavleff, the Russian for eign minister, has Informed M. Han otaux. the Frevtrh foreign minister, now ln St. Petersburg with M. Faure, (hat Russ.a will act hand In hand with Ger many in the iice negotiations betwce-.i Gnvce and Turkey. Harrlsburg. Pa.. August 26. The staite republican convention met today to nom- l.Kire candidates for state treasurer and ' auditor gerwral. State Chairman E'kln was made temporary chairman. He ron ' grntulaited the party on the victory of ; la-st November and the prospects of suc ! cess In Pennsylvania this fall. He closed j by sayl r: ! "With more gold In the Klondike, gold I In the harvest fields, the republican party : dlrecttnir the administration of rational I affairs, the D ngl?y hill on our statu' 1 books i il MeKmfc-y holding the r-lns of government, peace and prosp-rlty shall dwell within our borders, let us ! hope, forever." I The platform adopted reaffirms e doctrines enunciated In the national plat ' form adopted In St. Lous k 1SS8. Tl.e platform continue: "Dollar wheat j has sounded the death knell of the free coinage heresy. The farmer now re ceives a dollar for wheat payable In gold. The dollar thus received will buy two dollars and thirty-five cents worth Of silver. We pledge, ourselves anew to the republican doctrine of sound moiu?y and nn honest dollar." Janus S. Beacom. of Westmoreland counl;y. was ip.omlnated for state treas urer, and Major G. McCatiley. of Ches ter county, for auditor general. IN MARYLAND. Ocean C.ty. Md.. August 2S. T'..e re publican state conventtloa' was called to order by Senator Wellington. Wellington reeid the list of delegates. The list recog read the list of dele'galtes The list recog nizee! the organlaztlon of candidates from Baltimore and Prlntv George county. C-aptaln Turner was put In nomlnat.'on for temoprury cluilrman a.nd Conrges mt Mudd named W M Tucks. Tucks was elected the vote of 60 to 56 being the finw blood for Mudd. PREFERENTIAL ORDER. Ottawa, August 2fi. An order In coun cil has been passed entering the prefer ential to the following countries: Argt-nttlne, Austria-Hungary. Bolivia, Colombia. Denmark, Persia, Russia, Swe den, Tunis, Vemezuela, Switzerland. The benefit of this clause has already bce.i given to France, Belgium and Germany. THE PRESIDENT SNUBBED. lira' il Army li. fused Him Admlttuiic to Th. ir Camp. HOT IN ST. LOUIS. St. Louis. August 111 This was by far the hottest day of 'the year for St. Louis a'nl vloln-ity. From early morning the mercury climbed steadily up until i nt 4 o clock this afternoon 101 in the shade was recorded hy the weather ba re u'i thermometer. Or. the street th.' h:at was fully the decrees worse. l:un"a'o. Aui'ust L'lV-The president of the United S.ates was refused admission to thi Grand Army ( imp this mornliir. although he had come at the sjieclal In vitation of the veterans and everything was IM readiness to receive him. GREEK FINANCES. London. August 2'-.. A dispatch to the Standard from Athens says the Greek government is reior;ed as prepared ti furnish full guarantee for the due pay- The incident proved one of gre it niertl-1 ment of Interest on any loan destined Mention nmo-ng the memlers of the local for the liberation, of Thessaly. Royal make the food pure, wholeaoma and dallclous. SeOY4 POWDER Abtolutel Puro OTA. tAKjha oo CO., u vowc