THE HA1LY ASTOiUAN. THIKSDAY MOKN1XH. ANWST , 11197. The Instantaneous Success of "the Manufacturers' Big Piano and Organ Movement Crowns It as One of the Greatest Mercantile Events of the Year Wider in Scope, More Far-Reaching in Meet, and Planned on Broader Lines than Any Similar Sale Kver Rolore the Pnhlio Without indulging in any indiscriminate statements, we claim for this sale pakamoi nt iniortikv. Kirst Mivamo (!u assortment is the most enmilele aul oonipivliensivo ever simmi under roo' in Astoria. Sn oiul rrausi all of the Tianos and Organs in this shipment have been selected with a view to their peculiar fitness and adaptit'ilitv to the Astoria climate, and are manufactured in our own factories, of the lu st material that money can procure, ly the mtwt skilled piano and organ builders a fact that enables us to warrant the style and quality of every single piece -absolutely tvrftvt"; and last, but not least, tiik run .s auk io-r kmi iiai k ai.i.v tiik h.wot iivik jioi'r.t i "i ni-uniTi. tS 1GH-GRADK HAXOS AND OKGANS OF SITU AI...-KH'ND KXCKM.KXCF. STUPENDOUS VALUES IN PIANOS One beautiful, seven and one-third octave piano, in French walnut, swinging music desk, triple-strung, over-strung bass, carved trusses, and six feet, six inches high sell in the retail market of any city in the country for $375.00. iHuing our manufacturers special sale only This shipment contains every variety of style, size, wood and priced instrument all to be sold at correspondingly low prices, TF.RMS Organ, $ln to $15 cash and $1 to $ii per month. I'iauos, fj: to fill cn-li and ?0 to $I,i pep month. As all instruments are priced on a cash basis. 8 per cent interest will be charged on deferred or time payments. Trices quoted apply only on (his .shipment and will positively not he duplicated under any circumstances alter this sale. Every instrument backed by a five-years unconditional written warranty, and that warranty backed by live million dollars capital. the sale closes ox W. Y. KIMBALL COMPANY, Manufacturers SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 L. V. MOOUE. He.rewnlllve Kimlxttl KcU Hen -! I litiul Htcecl. Comer u. AHTOUIA OMKllON When you go to Warrenton Don't fall to v!lt KELLY & PALMBERG'S SAMPLE ROOMS .The best of Wlriet, GREENS Are the style. We have pn hand the latest shapes. We bought them to sell. We are selling them at ex tremely reasonable prices. Ladies', gents', misses' and children's. Drop in and examine them. John Hahn & Co. Are Wi 1 479 Commercial St. BATTENBURG Braids, Rings .nd Patterns AT .ALBERT DUNBAR. September Delineator now od sale NOBBY Green COLUMBIA SHOE CO, TODAY'S WEATHER. Fair weather, fresh to west winds. AROUND TOWN. WEDNESDAY. Life Is short and we have never too much time for gladdening the hearts of those who are traveling th dark Journey with us. AmleL Best meals 10c, at Casino restaurant. Cucumbers, very cheap, at Pujss, Hlg glns & Co.'s. Fk cabbage for kraut at Ross, Hig glns & Co.'s. Groceries at the lowest prices at the Pacific Grocery Co. Lemons at great reduction at Koss. Higgins & Co."s. At M price Misses' and Children's Tan Oboes, Coluwb'a Shoe Co, w At the bowling alleys, yesterday, M. M. Picken scored 06. Three carloads ot" salmoa were Bh!ppd East last :i4ght by the Telephone. An elegaut Una of Little Gents' Shoes Just arrived. Columbia Shoe Co. Ask for sample of Chtu-e & Sanborn'E famous teas, at Ross, Hlgglns & Co.'s. Frank Sanborn, who has b-n suffcrlr-g with scarlet fever, Is now convalescent. For roofilng and skylights go to the Astoria Roofing and Cornice Co.. 34 Ninth street. Reduction of SO per cent on all goods at the Eastern Clock Co.'s, ISO Tf-nth j street, , When you are looking for fresh frulta and vegetables call on the Pacific Gro cery Co. Mr. M. Anstead Is building a handsome new house on Foriy-four h street. East Astoria. ' Mr. Will Martison has purchased cigar :ore formerly owned by W. Beveridge. Mrs. AK-xa-'ider Tagg and R. H. Sale have purchased the confectionery btorc fermerly owned by C. B. Smitii. The hew firm will add many new attractions to this already popular store, and will no doubt cont.-ue to give the came sa-ls- Liquors nnd Cljjnr?. TE AstoF House CLEAN AND AIRY 500MS Kates, SI and $1.25 a day ; Mm fa 2 . Pileher & Taylor, Proprietors faction which Mr. Smith has given dur ing hi seven years' business In this city. AsWand peaches. Part'ett pears, silver prune choice apples, etc.. etc.. at Ross, Hipglns & Co.'s. New style bats, latest blocks, at C H. Cooper's. All old-timers airree that the weather during thj month has been the finest known In years. Miss Alice MunsHl, resident optician. office in Bhanahaa building. Hours. I to II and 1 to 1 Mrs. M. Trenchard and Mrs. George Trenchard and family haw gone to Vic toria to visit trjfxda. New clothing of the latest and best material at C. H. Cooper's. I There will be a free concert and dance ever' right at the Lofran pavilion at Sea side until further notice. Lalnl. Nrhoher Co. SS.OO. .V50 and Ofl. 00 Shoea: your choice for lo days, 3.98. Columbia Shoe Co. P. J. Meany, the leading merchant tailor, 137 Tenth St. The highest price paid for fur skins. Ashland peaches cheap and good; abo a large supply of other fine fruit, at Ross, Hlgglns & Co. Bids for the purchase of the lumber In the grand stand will be received at regatta headquarters. Th regular weekly meetln; of the W. C. T. V. will be held in Rescue parlors this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Manufacturers' Sale, Kimball Pianos and Organs. 490 Bond street, corner Eleventh. Bala closes Saturday, Sep t.mb.r 4. Fancy goods and furnlshlr.g gocds, reasonable prices, at C. H. Cooper's. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Chapln, of Port land, who have been visiting Mibs One Iewis, have returrsed home. Tacoma. Spokane, and the East. Close A large party of young people went connection made at Spokane for Rosa to Knappton on the steamer Queen. last land, Nelson, Sa.ndow and British Co. t:vrdng, to attend a dancing party. lumbla mining camp. For mapa and - (Information call on or address Mauafa turera' Sale, Kluiball Planus and Organs. 400 B nd street, corner Eleventh. Sale closes Saturday, Sep tember 4t The funeral of the late Peter Neaman was largely attn.ded yesterday, the bur ial taking place In the new city cem etery, Mr. Harry Webb-r, of Portland, who was in the city Tuesday, has gone to Knappton to his brother, Nick Webijer. Special sale of fine fruits today at Roes, Higgtns & Co.'s. Ashland peach' ?, tiur'.lett pears, silver pntn-''. choice ap-pl-s, etc., etc. I.adle.' Tan and Oxblood Oxfords, 2.00 cut to HI.UO, B).1.0O eut to l.30, I.alrd. Sehober & Ce. SJt .OO Oxfords cut to i.OO. (tolilmbia Shoe Co. j A yellow dog and a white cat voluntar , lly tok up their abode with Harry ! I-Uiv-n last rdgfit, and he now pfTdl-us ! all kinds of luck In th Klondike. In the police court yesterday, Jo'm hue, who got mixed up with the r-'-Kar.a, forfeited Sin bail on a charge of (iru .keniK s.s ai!.l uMsord'-rly o.tdun. Large for-st lires were raging yester day in Alderbrook and Just east of Tongue Point. No '-erlou.? d. imago wns n e",n-I up o a la'..- hour la' nlht. The iflunty court yesterday entered an cr-lcr placing In th- custody of the Ore gon Chlldn n's Horn5 So d'-ty. Portland, Oussle Iv-rson, a 11-momths-old girl, re- rently abar.lcn'-l by Its. m'Hlier The- Children's Home, cond.jcted by I. F. To- bey. i run on the honie-ilndlr.g niethvl. unJ makes A a, oi it to provide suitabl, home for all waifs pMced In it car. Jim West, th. Ctucairo lrber nnl J nutw of th. ton aortal art. h Ms hop opposite Kopp's N. P. D. Whsn yo i want a good shava or hair-cut. (Iv. him a call. When you want a real life-like and artistic photo, don't fall to call on Snod- grass. Th work h la turning out now la ahead of anything ever mad. In As- toria before. Manuf rtur.rV Male, Klin toll Plan a and Organ,. 49(1 Hi. u.1 street, corner Klrtentb. Sal. clo.ra Saturday. Sep teniber 4. Captain C. F. Astbury. while emcnirl In a g.imt of tennis, TiirsJ.iy ev,rl-K. sustalneal a Ui.l spniln In one of his iUikl. and was civin--.-d to th houso all day yesterdjy. As I have sold my confectionary busi ness In this city. I will iro Ka: Septem- j tr. Thov ha-lmr unsottleJ accounts j w., me win knjy t:le up lhls wrfk and oblige. C. B. Smith. Workmen are busily en,-ajr.-.l 1-v holst- kng the ballast out of th ship Potrimpoo o- North Beach. I: is ex pected that both this ship and the G!tn morng will he floated next month. C. E. Griffiths. Mrs. D. Gordon. Mrs. K. E. Brown. Portia,!: Henry V. Butler. Seattle: Fred Beermnn, Neotwinlrunv T. M. Gride. W. E. Watson, John Day's, were at the Parker house yestrJiy. I Mnofetnrer Hat, Kliahslt I'Unot i and Organa. 49U K"nit street, nr-r I El.Tenth. al closes alurdar.' Sru. mhe. 4 The ladies of the sewing society of the Swedish Lutheran rhurcli will give a sociable In the Uusemn: of their church Saturday begl. nlns at S o'clock. M;uny valuable nricl"s 1I1 be sold to th hitrheit bidder. Mls Ida Biuwy. of SJilcm. Or., was vis. It.r.if friends In Astoria yest 'rd.ty. She returns to Portland this morning, ti company with Miss Uizi- H'jlman. also of Salem, who h-is ben her" and at S-aside for the pnst thnc Weeks. During the iKist or two ofi'ciaU have been eng;us'e,l In Vnsin-cting the work done on the Mi nznita. It is now expwt-l that the coppr sheathing will all tie in place by the flrft of the month, when the vessel wili le? launched. Maoufacturers' 8ale, Kimball l'ianr and Organs. 490 Bonl atreet, enrner Elevsuth. Sale elites Saturday, Hep. tember 4. Dr. R. L. Gill -epic, city physlchn and officer at Portliirwl. was In the ci'y ytfierlny. He Is very much interested In quarantine matters, and Is working for the etabllshmnt of a sta tion at the mouth of the Columbia. Northern Pacific railroad trains leava Portland dally at 11 o'clock a. m. f x C. "W. STONE, Astoria, Or. A new river eervlc has been Inaugu rated between Astoria and Rainier, Ore gon, Including all intermediate landings. The fine steamer "Pilgrim," Captain A. L. Brazee, will make round trips dally, except Sunday, leaving Kalnler at 6:30 a m., reaching Astoria at 11:30, landing at the Fourteenth street wharf, and de parting on her return at 1:30. Prompt t)me and the beat service Is guaranteed for both passengers and freight Manufacturers' Sale, Kimball I'lanoa and Organs. 4!)U lioud atreet, corner Klerenth. Sale Hatnrdaj, Sep tember 1. W. H. liradford, W. W Hubbard, T. W. Jenkins, T. . Oro-n, lortland. J. Fdell, H. 1). Taft ai-j-l wife, Han Francis fo; F. I.. Washburn. Eu-'-ne: Miss t',rurt Fostor, Medford; Miss Fr-incs Curnes, J:ieksoi,-,-e; Itr. A. T. Mcl.arn. Hai rier; lAut. J. J. lir.idlcy and wi.'e, Van couver, Wn.; J. O. Mgl r a-,d wlf-, Urookfi"d, were guests at the O'l.Ment yesterday. The bulled , Just !-su. d by t,',-. ,-ver I;ehaa at Fort f.'.in'iy shows the kind of .v. 1 h r that may be "xpeci.-j next month. During four'. -en years th- mean temper:. -uk- for S- pt.-rnb'r has l.'.-n f." -!n-,-.-s. The av.-r.or- Iv. v.hl-b th tirst kllll g frost occurred wa- on Oc :l r The av.-rae dale on whl'-ri th' last kiill.'.K fro't oc:urr.-l was March 2. Average precipitation for H'-ptembi r, 3.17. Inches. Prevailing winds have v-eri fr'-m th" north, un-1 the highest velocity attain' -1 was TC miles, from the south, o -the .':S:h of September, OKKCSi'N S FISHERIES. Th lul:lvatloi of I'tot-ul-lo Eastern Cyitri SlHVoW. Fiof. F. I.. W i-httn. of thf eha'r cf . biology of the State I'nivrrslty u! F-U- i kcilc. 1 , f s.he 1'tilt.d S.nti : Flh Ooninilss on. arrived In Aiorla yes- t. nl.iy. Tl professor nikl that he wa ' """ " "p. '!"' lho growth of Eastern osyters In oson waters. .i " My. c.U. "T!l' M"nm-tu of growing Eastern on the I'uoliV tm nig- . ! sctcl l.i-n y,-ar by Mm. V. P. l.c- 1. of Salem. Th mutter was taken up by mylf .ml o'hfs. ;i ul tile It.-l SlaliS Klh i'ommU.l'n ."it out several bush. of oys:er' for exprr nir!tal purponeo. They re plan1..! In Ytiiltvi Ky. Or. and HunilH.R bay. til. 1 have Just I -spi-cted the Iw.U at thoe places and found that the oyster have irrn well and are In healthy conditio ,. They are now sMnliiK. It run w be definitely deiernilnnl a tut her the eH'rlment will be a success until It Is whether or no: the youn oysters Pi the I'ols rl crow. "To.liiy I lnve:!jrat-'d the situation at Carhart park. lth a view as to the practicability of pl.mtlrur oysters there. 1 think the water Is too freh and Hint ih.-re H not rwm .ough to suece sfully propug.ite. I don't lieKeve there is any opening Into the lower ColumbU where Eastern oysters can le grown sue-r-ssfully. I sh.ill next go to Tillamook, to ascot-taii whiu the clwuux nre of eAuvs-wfiilly Krniiig oyt,TS In that lay." TrtACK -LATINO. Y-vrday the tnirk-lay.-rs reachel a point mor- thai .1 mile wist of the John I'wys river. M b nger Johnson, of the Western I'nlon. who made a trip up ih line. mv 'h.u while he stood there yesterilay nftemrmn the nvn put down luilf a mile of trick. The work W lN-!ne d'ne i the l-t jhhIi,. manner, nnl the way In which. It Is l-lnic rushed l a guanirrt.v that tlw inipa'!y 1 co:u to (lnl.-h the line at -Ik- .-arll-at pnaslblr mim tit. From Pp-sldent town, every man on the ronil Is work-nit to the limit of his rapacity. In order to push the w.tcrprUo along. There Is a general feel! g extant that Mr. Ham mond will o(; lftn to l.ulld large ec vators, Wirehous.-s, Hour mills, saw mills, dry doek. etc. Uj,.k.n at th- matter from a bulni- st.'indpolnt, a gentleman remark""! vest, r Iny thir. It wai n tretty safe gamble that Mr. Hammond had all he cidd attend to hi Lull. II r the rail road, without moMlisr in or taking up outside enterprises, which Iv-lnng to pri vate 'r.,liv1.iu:.l ',t handle. The hig moKiil emrlne will arrive In : day or two. and is soon n It ;o,'S Into srVe a birve enmp will tw .itnb l!she.l rar the John Day's, and a train of iKxirdr.g ears will ! put lr:to s.-rvlce. MT-.T UK seen to itr: CI AT ED. AI'I'HE- Sab- C.e Sptcmb-r 4th. It Is necessary to see our big ehlpmrnt of and organs awl get, our prices o appreciate the big values we nre of f"rtng. t.ome and s.-e them for yourself. It .," 1 core you a cent nnd will save you dollars. Don't diM-nd on hearing about th. m from your nHghliors nnd friends, but come and we nnd hear them yourself. Tills sab- will cloee J ,it one week from nxt Saturday-H'-prr-mber 4th. Talk It over nnd come and se us at AW Bond str?t, corner of Klcverth. L. V. MOORE. Representing Klmbnll Factories, DOWN TO C0BT. Having n,M all but a few of the big lot of pl.-u.o" and organs we had In As toria, we have d'-ei-l-1 to offer the re niainltig liiMpirn'". .ts at alnobile cost, In Td'T to 'los., '.ln-iii out In the next few di'. These are some of the finest In the stock, of Mandard makes, and In beautiful e.-i.-.v. ve particularly Invite thr-e who apprecate n renliy first-class piai.o to exnmii.e the liiAtruni'-nts and get our prices. THE V-H.IIV It. AI.I.EN CO. V,r, Commercial, r. x: door to l:udg-t 'dli.y. A Krf'Cfl.sHFI'I. RACE. At 1 o'clock yesterday nf ernooti the (i-h bout race under the agreement be-tv.- -.ei :h- coM'-vta.t.ts of Saturday's race and the rit;at'a eommltiee, was sail", ov-r 'li-- l-'i-tmle c'rtirse. T!i.- -lay w.o- mag ifleent. and a fresh breeze v-. -.,. th sailors all they wantMl to d'i. Tli" r I rn- made was the beef on r.rord for 1I-I1 boats In Aslorln, and the race d. lit'til-l 1 h- hundre-ls of In ti r'-ted sjn ,t;.: or s. It wa- a great source of satisfaction to the committee and all interested that the two tcoats, which were on Saturday, secured first and secon! fdfice yel.-rflay. Some scoundrel evidently had grudge agalnnt fisherman .Mattson, and, binding BARGAINS IN ORGANS WORTH TALKING AUOUT l hie beautiful, live octave organ, two full ets of reeds, treble and bass octave coupler, two fortes, and swell and grand organ in bountiful canopy top parlor style, case richly carved, beaded edge, French mirror. UelaiN anywhere in the 1'nilcd Nates fnr?IO' ()()() I hiring our manufacturer's special sale onlv k ,,MM Warrenton Is Columbia Harbor Land Co. CORNER... BOND and ELEVENTH STS. 00 application. a large uloth about his head, so (hat j h could aot te, .UIsl out Into the hay and suddenly appeared In j me courne 11 trie n.11. roun.ici :t.e buoy, lie houled for Mattaoa'a Ikvih nnd furvesl not only Mattaon but some of the othira to keep mit ti the chanm! w hera the runvnt waa awtft, thus pre - nttitnr them from sailing over the sands. Deaf to nil uppmla from the racers, having ucconii-H'tw-l bl purpoe. he put off airoiw :h buy tiortlo rly. well knowing Ihut had he Iwn caught t.n indignant fUhcrmtin would huve dealt with him as tie deMived. The following are the winners and prli,-: First-No. 10, Charlea WUon. i bouts IT minute 9 secu ds. I'nxc. Iwile of Mar shall's twin. S,vond-No. 5. I. Mattmm. J IT I'. Prii", UiU' of BarlsMir's tit-ltlng. Thlpl-No. 3. N. Tolvotioti. i. II Prlie. four ciiKes corn Ixn-f, Fourth No. IT. A. Saund.-rs. 2 ?" 1.1 I'rlie, pulr ruhU-r twi-its. Fifth-No. I. ius Sukk, 2 Ji ll. I'rlie. two cases corne,l brf PWT iiVFItleV'K IT. If yiMt wru-.t or ev-r i-xpe-t to own' a fiMt-chu plJino or organ, you r-m't : affonl to overlook the fin,. nsortmin of w-orl-l ren-.w ne-1 Klmbrdl plan -s nial w ll-kftwti Whitney amt Hlnl- plai os which wo are now offering for sale at ' i: Ilon-1 gTeet. j This Is 1. cluince m a llf.-tlm.- to net : a tine Instrumont from the mruiufnclur ers dires t ut the wlndeitale ir.c. and on caj-y monthly tr quarterly paym-t-is, Ir 1 you wish. I We take old pianos and organs In part 1 payment for new or-s. Call and see these Instruments and get (nir prices. I.. V. MiKiltE. itlng Kimball Factories. OF II FISHEHIEH. Sinto Fish and (lame Protector II. I. M-Oulre Is making a tour of the lower; Columbia, gatherl-K statistic of the 1V..T t pack of fish. Mr. M'-Gulro has originated a bliuik form of reoprt, which will give the most complete statistic ever 0I1 tnjniil In th state, ft provides for n (Mailed showing of the value nnd kind of nil npparatus In use on the river; the numtter of cas's of fish takon of both spring an! fall pack of each varloty ? ? ARE YOU A LOVER OF Fine Teas, Delicious Coffees, Pure Spices, Baking Powders and Extracts? WE CAN PLEASE YOU asm Inisjrlin all our own goods 11ml run- (j in K KM) stores i-nuliles lis to suit you to ft " 'l ' flIJ(, HnvP j-ou nn mi'Kiiu men's profits. , . . COFFEE . . Onr coflwa nr; th fmesl, oven I v refined Btil fully llavoretl. Hint are hiire to I IilefiHe all lorers 01 the good. AMERICAN'S BEST StiiVc", l'-kint I'ow.lers and Kxlracls Hie jcte. iliul's run . Money refunded if itooiIh don't suit Vihi, t.ur Ktnrc, try -tir ""oils ntnljoti will wp.iit oo "llicr. GREAT AMERICAN IMPORTING TEA COMPANY 671 Commercial Htreet, Astorls Oo'jds Retailed at Wholesale Price the Best... THE CENTER ON THE Everybody knows that Warrenton values will soon doubled. It Is distinctly the best property on the market. Fine large level lots, surrounded by many Improvements, at very low prices. Is it net a line investment? W. F. SCHEIBE, A lull lint al Pipes, 1fctte. j and Stnoktri' A'lUlet. jf j Conimsrclal Ml I 1 of aalnion. by each k.nd of apparatus, j are I live numlsf of employed In the 1 iiUi:w.. ho nnployed, & 1 tin- nv, mac I r,ll(. f iwu for the aeajUMi't work. The r1(.-ri rt- of Mr M. li.lrc I" to b h.rtlly cotiimrsabtl. nnd It la to Ix hoped that all engaged In th laiatneM will c'.o-mu wlUi Mm tn th. formula lion of the., valuable (alll.- Five or nix tune Adopted Mr. M luirr' form of r p--r , It Is a .otlnaldc fact ttuit last year. With ?.' Ill- !l rlltfag-si 111 the boil. an (,f flNt-;- l' In ,r--g-tn, the pria'-l 1: f.-r tte malm-no. .- nn-l r liloll t.f Hie flBlirrte. W '! ic Now Y.,rk i.r. wlib only T Ti" iii-mi - tiiph-y.-.l In her nlw-rl, nppropriatM tTJ.noO for th- Ir titiiltit-, ,ia--'- THE 'i'lMVA AltltlVFH. Tin- l:rillh ship il-llvn. which was ro I.rt..l Iti llo- iittlcK l il o'i li k last nit!!, was low.-l lii-o x.rt by the He ll. I .iUu! la '. l--k Hhe la T days from I'hlna. and the cipl.iln rewts that one Pl.t i d!'d 'in Ihe 0VI1ge. and lhat for liilite, 11 .'.ay. Hie slip was In a terrible tipiio-ii, will- h iiIiikm: 1-aus.d ln-r wreck. The li-.liMI -l.tllea In Isillant nn-l will l--.l l Wheat, I TO THE P'ni.IC. Notice la hereby given Hint the undcr- lune-l has piir-hnaed the store of the Web foot f'onimlaliiii House and will ! hs-reuficr coii.luct the biislneas at the old stand. All arc.. mils due th. Wrh. foot Commission House are payable lo me. E A. DK YO. I1h i ul iJanie Commissioner H. I. M'fiulrc. whn v. sited the city yratcrdny, sal-l tw sincerely hojMl tlui Astoria nnd Portbi. 1 people would Join hands In making Astoria's regatta n stale affair. All of his friends, he said, were favor 11I.I1. to tin- Idea. Astoria has the wnt'-r a. il tlu- br.-. ie, and n tvat.iltn should be held every yur, parHclimti-d In by nil licovli, on fiie coast and siiportcd by evcryliody In the stiite. CHARLES KAN & CO. 307 C0mmerc.1l Btreet. I We w.l 1 1 open up with n large stock of Oriental Fiinry !xnIs, DiK-orated China ware, Fancy Hilk floods. Etc. Also man ufacture a full lino of Iridic' and Gents' Vndi-rwenr at reasonable price. Hiore w.U Is, opin alsDul Seplembrr . CHARLE5 KAN 5c CO. Reading or Distance Glasses J00O Eye Oliisw-s for 3.r., or 13 00 Eye Glasses for tl.TI, Warranted Gold Plated Frame. Maka your friend a beautiful and use. ful present. Wo guarantee a perfect fit by mall providing when you order the KHMI,.a y0 an,wf.r t(,e following que.. tlons: How old Ever used glnssesT How long? Male or femnle? OEO. MAVERLE, Expert Oi.tlclan, 28 Third street. Ban Francisco Opticians' and Photographic Supplies. ..Tlic I "nut LnMiicli., "HERCULES" I Is open to sp-clal charier for excursion 1 parties or river freighting. ! Dock at Ross, Hlgglns & Co.'a slip. THOB. DAL01TT. ts;ave orders at 214 Bond atreet f OF DEVELOPMENT WEST SIDE Mnn,dn,lnrtr nml Dtnlor In FINE CIGARS! ii"M Hlltl:i:T I.MI'ltitVCMKNT N"TH'i: N ull t IWid.y k-s." thai Ilia Com moil Council pn.H.,a to lmprue tloint aire t fiitm it,, ... rf.- Ninih ,,rr., to tho wnai liiw ,.f ,,.k. 1 a ,,,! the rlly of A.t.-rlii ., laH ,mii .1 r.. Iior.lnt by John M i 'lure H.,1.) :ii,.rov. I nvit t.i c...i-t ,,f Fialiiig tal l .trr. ( 10 j tie e,Nl.lH .I ,r ,.,l,. :,nd plaliklt,,, 1 1, ! .allle lo II. foil wi ll), ! e,lal.u,tiel I Hall ..u;k t- j Miilli and F rt! 1.(1. l- ls-. li Fifth .ir.-.-' l-l-e k. 1. and 1.'. ;lt ttj liu l.e IrlBniiD t". an I Jl; 10, hea 1 ,1 t ti. a - '.(,,. ( -I ! bull II ,1.1,. walks on Uc.'i ,i.t, th.r,-.-r , f,t tde, In n.-cnbiii,-.. with the ,,. ,,,,,1 ,,,erlfll all.. i pi- i-.r-l I , I. ,. ., ,! ,,. () iVtv Hiii y,., lo ti. m.. r n.r Au-Utor and Police JiuU--. ,,,1,;, iby MM' oi-iill.ill-. 1 In .a,,, ,, .I,, 1110 t of MtrtB Ituprov.- Hal-I ltliltli-in-vi to U etpellse -f l,e ,,, i-y lw 1 a r--ulr.-, by tl hint. lli-i-le at the ellt. -I thereby i-r the my of Asloit,,. The land, and pi.,,,,.. , ,, In-clid ,ln. eiln-Ot U, rl t.) lefiuy the owl of ..,(.1 lll,.r,nelle, ant tin- district eii, 1.1 , ,. ,,,, ,, lhtl lots. bl.s krtJand pr.-nila I,. t. shall be knonn as t.,n, sli,,,.t Ar.,. Ill' llt HlMllot N. J, Said .!.rl, I ,.ni- bracing ol-l l-.. I.. k. , ,,r. 11. .e. to br as-K.. f,.r .,,1.1 lini-im,,,,,,,, ru us follow : lt.g1llllS.llg .Ml the we., llu, .,r Ninth stre,.: at the c, i,t,.r f k -., lh.-n-e Went ihtough the c-nte, ,,f bi-n ka :i. a. E.'. i-i. j.. it., l ,, 1; , ,,IP M, in.. f block i;; th-ni - ,,h ..i..tlK """' uiiw-K. 1, net t., f. c-n- tor of l.. K-k K tho center of bio, ka p; ea-.i hioukli the ' n 1:. II. I) and 9 lo the w-st: l.j,.- f M,, .,rej Ihen.-c notiih along the ,t n ,f Siuih tre.,l to the pi,,.,. ,,f Ik kI M(1 .,,. lug lots 1. 2, 3. I. block :i. tl,.- ,,.,r,, h,,lf of block 23. lot. I. , 3. , ,,,- k M. ,ot I. i, 3, 4, bluek lots I, :-, 3, 4 ,1(1(.k 9: lots I, 2. 3, 4, bl.s k i't, .,t, 1 ; a 4 block lx; Iota I, 3, i.Iik k 17. 1 a tl T. K, blo-k II; lots r., ii, 7, s, block IV lots s. o. 7, h. bi,.k is; r. f.. 7. v. bi, k 13; lols 5, . 7. . block 12; loia ,;, y hhKk II; lots 5, tl, 7, ft, b,k Hi; lou 11, 7, ( block -iill In tin, Cliy f Aki.,,1, 'J i oul and r-cor-1,.1 by John Mci'hi,,.. j EsMlmilH of the cxi-'lise of !,, ), ;m. j prov-ni. iil 11 l plasm a!i , ,(,, lun, t of such work or Improvement, and of the locality tJ bo Improved have been deposited by h City Hurv.yor with the Auditor tind Police Judge fr u,i,.e cx iimlnalliMi and may ,,. l,.w,H., t,, ,, ,ll4 ofllcr of such olllis-r. At the next tegular in, si 1, ,H r tha Common Council following ti llu, pub llcu,tliti of lhls which in.s-tiim u-iii lm ludil on FiHikiy, H.-pi.-iuiH-r 3, p-,.7, n.t" the hour of 7.:i p. m., ,1.1 th, ,-i,v 10l)i any obJeott,i lm,t i,u,y l, ,,. (J lcn Improveinoiit will lie considered by tha council, and If nt tire time of wild meot Ing a remouKiTanc,- nga :t such In. provemeni, slmusl by lesldeuis of tU cliy owning more tbn,:i or.e-balf of the properly In said d.strict, shall be niefl with flic Aiidilur fuid Police .lu-lg,-, such Improvement shall not bi, cr-b-red, If nt all except by 11 vole of nvo-llilrds of all members of the Common Council, Hy order of llu- Commou Council. Atlesl: 11, K. NI-II.HDN, Aild.tor mid Police Ju.lge, Astoria. Oregon, August 2H, ls.iT. Astoria Public Library READING ROOM FREE TO AtJ, : Open every day from 3 o'clock to 5:90 I and 6:30 to 9:30 p. m. j Subscription rates S3 per annum. 8. W. Cor. El-ivanth and Duana Stresta.