The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 25, 1897, Image 4

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The Instantaneous Success of the
Manufacturers' Big Piano and Organ Movement
:.. ..:..
the Pianos and Organs in this shipment have been selected with a
skilled piano and organ builder a fact that enables us to warrant
One beautiful, seven and one-third octave piano, in French walnut, swinging music desk,
triple-strung, over-strung bass, carved trusses, and six feet, six inches high sell in the
retail market of anv citv in the country for $375.00. During our manufacturer's
special sale only
tu. ,,ti,,a
month. As all instruments are priced on a cash basis, S per cent interest will U charged on deferred or time payments. Prices .noted apply only on this shipment and will positively not be duplicated under any circumstances alter tins sale
Every instrument backed by a five-years unconditional written warranty, and that warranty backed by tive million dollar capital.
the sale closes on V. V. KIMBALL COMPANY, Manufacturers
ISATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 L. V. MOOHB, RePreentntlve Kimlwill KacUrlc .o llo.ul Htrc-ct. Corner 11. AHTOU1A HCOON
When you go to Warrenton
Don't fail to visit
.The bent ol Wines,
Are the style.
We have on hand the latest
shapes. .
We bought them to sell.
We are selling them at ex
trfmdv reasonable nriees.
- Ladies', gents', misses' and
Prop in and examine them.
John Halm & Co.
1 479 Commercial St
A 1
Rings and
September Delineator now on sale
Fair weather; fresh northerly winda.
Diligence will conquer all enemies, over
come all difficult!.! and show us the
Dearest and best way to succss ta life.
Best meals 10c. at Casino restaurant.
J. G. Boras Is visiting in Aurora, Ma
rion coucty, .. ,
r - ' " "
See Ross, HIgglns & Co. for fresh fruits
ana vegetables.
Alprlw-Miiwi'ud Children's Tan
Shoes. Columbia Shoe Co.
Before Judge Nelso.i, yesterday, who
acted as ex-officio Justice of the peace,
is the case of R. N. Gaston vs. Busman,
charged with wrongfully obtaining a
iJ All, or your share of it, if you find the
missing word.
Schillings Best tea is not only pure but it
is f because it is fresh-roasted.
What is the missing word ?
Get Shilling's Best tea at your grocer's; take out the Yellow Ticket
(there is one in every package); send it with your gueis to address below
before August 31st
One word allowed for each yellow ticket.
If only one person finds the word, he gets one thon-md d'.hrs
several find it, the money will be divided equally atm-r.g t!i-:n.
Every one sending a yellow ticket will get ;i --t ! cni- 'i-ir I re
babies at the end of the contest. Those s'-ndht, v r.i
'Weftpe will receive a charming 1898 calendar, no ,;dvwr;. :. m 1
t f - ! i - i j "; ; '
Besides this thousand dollars, we
vko send in the largest number 01 yellow ik . in o;.t -;. . ;
Junt 15 and the end of the contest August 31st.
Cut this out. You won't c:.
Crowns It as One of the
Planned on Broader Lines than Any Similar Sale hver Hetoro the rublie
c.winic o iUn fur tliis slo ivuamhi nt iinnortiinoo. First lUvmwo tho u.-wortmcut is tho most cmilit mul omuiuvliousivo t-ver s.-ou under oiu roof in
v.ri.,11- r tvl.v si. wood and
Liquors one! C!gnrt..
TE Astor House
Bates, fl and 1.25 a day; Meals, 25 cts.
Pilcher & Taylor, Proprietors
hide, the Jury rendered a verdict of not
STUlty. - J
Groceries at the lowest prices at the
Pacific Grocery Co.
New style hats, latest blocks, at C, H.
Leave your orders for wild blackberries
at Ross HIgglns 6 Co. 'a.
Try Smith's for Ice cream and crera
tcdas. Private parlor3 for ladle.
Ad elegaat line of Little Gent' Shoes
Jnat arrived. Columbia Shoe Co.
At the bawling alleys yesterday, Mrs.
Dellinger scored 44 and C. R. HIgglns SL
New clothing of the latest and best
material at C. H. Cooper's.
For rootling and skylights go to the
Astoria Roofing and Cornice Co.. 34 Ninth
Reduction of SO per cent on all goods
at the Eastern Clock Co.'s, 1S6 Tenth
Miss Augusta Klose, of Oakland, Cal.,
is visaing Miss Maud Warren, in War
renton, When you are looking for fresh fruits '
and vegetables call on the Pacific Gro- .
eery Co.
Miss Alice Muaseil, resident optician, ;
office in Shanahan building. Hours. 9
to li and 1 to 4. ;
Laird, Schober A Co. s.5.00, sr.. SO and
SA.00 Shoe.; your choice for 10 days,
3.98. Columbia Shoe Co.
Fancy goods and furnishing goods),
reasonable prices, at C. H. Cooper's.
P. J. Meany, the leading merchant
tailor, 137 Tenth St. The highest price
paid for fur skins.
Ashland peaches cheap and good; also
a large supply of other fine frulta at
Ross, HIgglns & Co,
Bids for the purchase of the lumber
In the grand stand will be received at
regatta headquarters.
Mr. E. Medcalf, of Catlin, Wn., is
visiting in the city. Mr. Medcalf reports
that crops of all kinds In the CowllU
valley are very fine and above the aver
age this season. Cattle, hay, potatoes
will si j -.c ) ! .
Greatest Mercantile Events of the Year Wider in Scope, More Far
view to their peculiar fitness and adaptihility to the Astoria climat,
the style and quality of every single pirn, -absolutely correct"; and
urieeJ instrument all to be sol.l
grain of all kind nrv very plajitiful
and the farmers ar rejoicing owr govvt
The funeral of FVter Xman will take
place from the utuk-rtuklK parlors of
Coroner Tohl at 9 this mornliiK-
Ivewls F. Torn. Jihlge E. P. Shatusck
an.1 J. W. Hum. of Porlhintl. were
guests of the Farker house itiTliiy.
M.ourarlur.r.' S.le, I'l.nns
and Orgiuis. tNl llon.l .lr..t. eorn.r
Elei.oth. Sale rl.a. Salnrd.y. S..
t.iub.r 4.
It is expected tha today there w.ll be j
receive.! a large batch of Klondike news 1
by the steamer Elder, which shouhl ar
rive this morning.
Ladle' Tan and Osblood Oxford., 1 00
eut to S)i.oo, .1.04 cut la SI.Brt, Laird, ';
Schober Co. 9i W Oxford, ent tit "I.OO. ,
Columbia Shoe Co.
For flne teas and- use Chase A ,
Sanborne'a They are good enough for
anyone. Every package r'amnieed.
Ross. HIgglns ft Co
Mr. W. E. Niles. the wll known trav.
ellng freight agent of tho Union Pacific
railway, spent yesterday In the city look
ing after the fc-tereets of his company.
Manufacturer.' Sale, Kimball Piano,
and Organ. 490 Bond .treet, eorn.r
El.Tsnth. Sale close. Saturday. Sep
tember 4.
It Is reported that the steamer Janus,
which will shortly fit out for the Klon
dike territory, will take all the fre.ght
and passwngers she cr-n possibly carry.
Jim West, the Chicago barber an)
I master of the ton serial art. has his shop
j opposite Kopp's N. P. B. When yo i
want a good shave or hair-cut, give him
a call.
I When you want a real life-like and
' artistic photo, don't fall to call on Snod-
grass. The work he Is turning out n'w
'is ahead of anything ever made In As
toria before.
In the probate court, yesitenliy, Mr.
Alex. Gilbert was aPiointfl ndmli.itrator
of the estate of G. CapHlo. d-os-d.
Mr. Gilbert afterwards appointed ColonW
'. C. Hughes, H. H. Ingalls and Cosmo
Franclsoovltch appraisers.
; Judge E. D. Bhattuck. of Portland Is
pending a few days in Astoria otji vlcln
1 ity on his regular annual vocation. The
Judge Is one of the hanlost working
members of the bench In Portland, and
always enjoys a f-w days of salt nlr.
Manufacturers' Sale, Kimball I'laao.
and Organs. 4!lO Koni street, corner
Eleventh. N.le Saturday,; Nep
' tern hec 4.
Ross, Hlgslnfl & Co. have taken the
agency for the famous "Corvallls" ,
flour. Three carloads arrived here f r
them yesterday and they will trom
now on furnish dealers with the same
at mill prices in lota to am It.
A new river service has been Inaugu
rated between Astoria and Rainier, Ore
gon, Including all Intermediate landings.
The flne steamer "Pilgrim," Captain A,
L. Brazee, will make round trips dally,
except Sunday, leaving lialnler at 5:30
a. m., reaching Astoria at 11:30, landing
at the Fourteenth street wharf, and de
parting on her return at 1:30. Prompt
time and the best sendee Is guarantees
for both passengers and freight.
Contractor Mint:k Is completing nr
rangemeMs to Ixgln work upon the im
provement of Asur tftrwt from Ninth
street west to Fourth or Fifth. The
improvement Is on which has beam sadly
need.-fl for a !onr time, and the pror?y
ownrs on that K reet are. dotermlned to
have th work dome tire wt't weather, j
Mr. L. Letx-ek, th; contractor, will P ave
at 1 o'clock today for Clifton, where he
will start hJs mon in the work of build- ;
rng a n?w China m-sshous' for f'ook'8
eannery. licfore leaving, he will also 1
s-.'irt another gang of men to work at j
Scow bay movlrur Mr. Larson's house and
raist:? th-: reswli nee of CaitaJn P-tlt'-s. !
Maiiiirarturers Hale, Kimball I'l.n'.a
and Organs. 40O Koiid street, corner
. Kleyenth. Nale close. Haturday. Hep
teiuber 4.
A dodgT was . circulatcl alrtut town
: yest.rday offering a. reward for three
lost Woodmen. Up to a late hour last
', nlt'ht the police departm'iit and city
ffli'l.ils h;.l not hrard wlK-ther the mlss
' in? m n had Ix en found or not. The
r wanl offered . was certainly enough of
an lnduo.emnt for the orgai'dzatfon of
earch parties. .
Northern Pacific railroad trains leave
j Portland dally at 11 o'clock a. m. for
' Tacoma, Spokane, and the EaM.-doee
connection made at Spokane for 'ftbato
1 land, Nelsfn, Bandowr and British Co
lumbia mining camps. For maps and
j Information call on or add reus
: C. W. STONE,
Astoria, Or.
at eorrcM'onilmuly low prices. 1
Mineral Cl.i.v Kiunl In (JiiantiHeS In
There tun Nso In l"nt As
torln a tlt- mmllly of blue m vti clay,
eijiml In even' reet o tt- tltrtniiii
clay used in the m;imifolui of eeinisd.
This clay w .is t1rt found In the lot
the roidtYH-e of Mr. Al 8cfeldt.
In steiklni of the matter yesterday, be
"We flrt found the clay when ilbiitlnK
In the ynut iuM nuikkig some repnlis in
tN o of the hone,-. Tho same quality
of clay was also found on the adjoining
property, the oM brxwery. where a well
was dug 1 f-et deep. The quality of
Ihe clay :is the same all the wiy down.
It Is of a, hlulth itlor and can le taken
out In lig clu;k. It of exactly the
same, quality as th clay unJ Ki my
old home In Germany In the m.xnufac
ture of ivm.tit It can l- cut Into any
form with a knife, and attains great
hiintrtess by simple exposure to the sir.
Here Is a sample which I mnde
I to the form of a p pe eoljre.1 on the
oarHiile with w-alnut stain. It has not
b-en biikiil."
When shown the sample of clay yes
tTday, Contractor .el.-k,l that It
Wius certainly goml in Its natural state
for c-nn-ntltut the tl'"rs of cellars, arsl
that It had every appearance of telng
a flrt-lass rl.iy for the manufacture
of pottery and sewer pipe. Th-re l
evhlently a re-w .r.diistr- In store for
At 1 o'ebvk th! afternoon the fluh
IxKit race with working sails will be
re-salll. as a result of tho meeting of
the fnmmtMiw and iroti-sting nh.'rmen
ymterlay A number of matters were
found whj-h made It lmposlll" to rn.
l-r a fair d.-clmi on Saturday's rare.
It I also ulalmixl that Ciplatn Mattson's
N-Kit. w hl'-h eanie In tlrt, us. d a
s'unsull that was too lnnre, and that
Captain Wll"im. who earn.- In lecotwl. had
wa.hlwinls nci his Unit. Th n gov
er .trig th. ru e toilay will 1- ns fol
lows: T me to start, with ten minutes
to erne the line; rruUnsalts to measure
W yanls. stunsalls' W yards; three hours
In whl'-h to eompl-te th eourse No
w-a.-ddarb or rwirs will allowr.l to
I- Used.
Tie rac will l- from the llyln start
and will tak" place o-.vr th- sam-- e(ure
as th.- "." nvntta. The utiirt will be
made frt,m ftti.iMite Flavel's do k. The
Judges will follow the race, ni-tt the eon
t. Mt.ui s will t- held strictly to the rules
'ind conditions argeel upon In yester
day's m i-ijtn of the rotit.-tnntjt and
the eommlttw.
thi: ni;v f.i.fctric plant.
The ex-nsve Improvements being
made l.v tl.. West Hhore Mills Company
will make that. Institution ot.c of the
leiul ng rrrprl-a of the city. A nw
station, with separate boll-r hotise, Is
now under ronxt ruction, ajid the hollers,
which were manufactured 1.t the Fat.
are lying on the dock ready to b placed
In position. Th- do ks are Isdng thor
nughly ri-jKilred ami tlw piles for the
founil.i.ons of the nw station house are
all on the grou d. The Improvements
will coel nUxil $10, W. (rm- of the sp.clal
features of the Improved plant will be
the cheap, nlng of the fuel for the steam
liolbra. Two large barges, 114 feet long,
M ten ham and ft feet depth of bold
have bc.-n constructed by the company
to ply 1 11 ween Knnpptoii. and the mills
for the 1 m.Twportut Ion of slab wood,
which will be uHcd as fuel. The compiny
expects to thus rrslucc the comt of pro
duclng electricity so that they will have
plenty f jt 10 sell at prices within the
reach of the masses.
CIATF.D. Bale Closes Seiptemtx-r 4th.
It Is necessary to we our big shipment
of pianos and organs and get) our prices
to appreciate the big values we are of
fering. Come tvl se thm for yourself. It
won't cost you a rent nnd will save
you dollars. Don't depend on hearing
about Ihem from your nHghliors and
friends, but come nnd we and hear them
This sale will close Just one week from
next Saturday fHflemlier 4th. Talk It
over and rome and see ns at 4fi0 Pond
strft, corner of TTli vrt'.S.h.
I K-prewn t li.g Kimball Fac'(orl'-s.
The latent reports from ti-sts made fa,
Ireland of flax grown In Clatsop courrty
Indleaie that thiufarswdrs here have much
to learfi In rr-gard to the growing and
handling of the plant. It Is denviostratcj
Iwyond a doubt that the quality of flax
grown In this county Is equal to the
b-t: but It Is plainly established that
many of those who made the experiment
i . . 'II 'II I V tl I
and are niamtaetured in our own lactones, ot the Lest material that money can .r.-ur n mt intmi
last, but not least, tmk hucks akk M.wr kmimi ail ai l.v tiik i.mwkst kvkk n.TMi K-u ti imi'tikix
One beautiful, live octave organ, two full sets if reeds, treble and hav octave coupler, two
fortes, and swell and grand organ in beautiful canopy top parlor style, ease richly
carved, beaded edge, French mirror. KctaiU anywhere in the I'nited States for ?I0. () )()()
our maiuuaciurer s special saie ouiy
l.KMs-( )rgans, $10 to $i: cash
Warrenton Is
Columbia Harbor
Land Co.
BOND and
Msw on application.
of flax growing this nn n hate i t
fully understood th proper method of
tutTMllkur It. In some ruse, th ec.l was
not sown thick enotuh to make plants
suitable fur (lhr To nils flu seed
It I not Important to w thickly; la
fact. Iwtter rrwulls ore ol.lnliicd ly hav
ing the pi mis separated. It Is well (bus
euiy to learn of the mistake, mail' and
le prepared to sntHllgrotly grow plants
loth for flbre and aerl. The following
letter trom Irebv.l explains the matter:
UeUirn, Ir-land. Aug. I, Wj'.
Miwrs. Kounl Ktokr. Co.. Astoria,
opgon itmtlemin: I nm In recel t tif
yours of thr llth and Kth lilt., not.fyln
thjit you had forwarded to me sample,
of llax plant No. S nnd 9. I am Very
much dlsapjiolntixl Ii !hne two .ample.
The flax has grown long, strong and
what we cull runk I have very grae
f.iu-s riarllng the pr'Mt-ct of getting
any quality from these plants To be
gin with, there nr- too many double
a! tr-lli platyrs; that Is to say. the
plants haT grown In two or line, .hoots
from the root, thus weakening tlie . rut
iiuil lant. and con qu ully th. re an.
ton many branches at 'be I op .f tie
pla t. Loth of these are serious faults,
as the top branches will break ff In the
scutching and tlx- prwvr stmols at the
root will also deteriorate the value of
the fibre very much.
You never tob! me wh-thrr you pro
pose having the (lax retted-Hint Is.
st. . tiesl-ln your district, or If von will
forward the plant to nte pres.-l packed.
It will U. time -noiigh coming by sailing
ship, anil do not think of putting n the
expi-nse of forwardln overlaid. If nny
of my brother's 'vessels nre '.n your
ts-lghliorhoo. I f-l certain they will
bring Ihe lot home for you free. Men
tion the matter to the captain and ask
him to bring forward whatever you have
to Uvrpool for in struct ins. whb-h they
will receive from my brothT on arrival.
I shall as soon as 1 receive the fibre
from you proceed to make It Itvto salmon
twt:e. If possible, for your market.
I shall be pleased to h.-nr from you
later on. T. I'OHTKIl.
If you want or ever expert to own
a flrst-elnss or organ, you rsn't
afford to overlook the fine nssortmenl
of world-renowned Klmbnll pianos nnd
? ? ?
Fine Teas,
Delicious Coffees,
Pure Spices,
Baking Powders
and Extracts?
Im(HrtinK all our own kooiIh and ruri
ninvt HH) stores enatilttb us to suil you
to a "T" ami Hnvo yon nil middle
men's profits.
. . . COFFEE . ,
Onr coffees re the finest, evenly refined
and fully llavoreil, ami are Mire to
j)leaMs all lovers of the good.
Hplcea, Unking 1'owilern and Extract
. nre Jitite, 1 1tHl'a sure.
Mdney reftjinlftirif ood don't anit
Visit out" store, try our foods mul yon
will want do other, . .
671 Commercial Htreet, Astoria
Goods; Ik'tailed at Wholesale Prices
- Reaching in K fleet, ami
and ? to n p.r intuitu. I uiiios,
the Best...
Everybody knows that Warrenton values will soon
doubled. It is distinctly the best property
on the market.
Fine large level lots, surrounded by many Improvements,
at very low prices.
Is ii not a line investment?
A lull I ln .1 IMn... Tobatce,
anil .euj.r' Arikl...
At- Comm.rvlal Ml.
wrll-kssiwii Whitney iw.l Jllni. lmuia
w hl.-li we are now offering for aula at
r.i llond '.re.t.
Till. Is u cluing In a lifetime to get
11 tine in.truiuiint frum (he manufaclur.
' ,-rs direct at the wholesale price, and on
eay monthly cr quarterly isiymo is. If
you wl.h.
We luke old piano and organs In part
payiiw-iit for n iMH'..
foil and see the.o Instrument, and get
our prt' r U V. M' dti:.
11,-presnitlng Kliiilmll Fuctcrl.-a
Ibulng m)Ii all but a few jf the bltf
.,t of plai.Mi .uimI fincnns we ha I In As
toria, we luv- decide.! to offer the r
niah tint tit uinss t at nlnolul.' cn.t. In to e.,m. tlii tn out In the next few
ilnys. Thee are some of tbo lines! In
Dm- .to. k, of Kland tril make., and In
tHiiutlful CUM-. Wo particularly Invite
thiM. who iipprec.iite a tBl'.y flrl-cl,is
pu.ii to examine the Instruments and get
our prices.
WZ Commercial, nrxt door to lludg-t
Notice Is hereby given that Ihe under,
signed hns purchased the store of the
Webfoot Commission House and will
lK-reafter conduct the business at the
old stand. All accounts due the Web.
foot Commission House are payable 10
me. E. A. PK YO.
lishcr I'.ros are planning to lit out
a steamer li the spring lo ply IxMween
Astoria and Alaska. It Is thought by
many, who nre studying the sliuntlon,
that It would not only Is- mill h more
advantageous to the Intercuts of Astoria
and her Individual merchants If all who
exih-'it to fit nut Alaska vessels would
Jon together anil thus strengthen this
pnttlcular line of business for the rlly,
but that such sctlott would of Itfelf In
crease tin- business llh of Astoria end
the state at large.
j deniif.rtiirer.' Mal. Kimball IManns
I and Organs. 4MO llnnd street, eorner
Klesenth. flals elos.s Haliirday, p
Member 4.
Much satisfaction has le expressed
by the merchants nnd cltlzisis generally
that 'the regatta fttsinoe commltk-o, of
whl-h Herman Wlsrt was chairman, was
not only so sueocesful Im securing and
coJIei-IIng sulsTltl(i to the fund, that
nil bills anil debts for this year's en
teriiiUdnent are limply provlibsl for, but
a few dollars will probably remain In
tie- treasury as a nest egg for next
ye ir's fund.
Manufa' tnrer.' Hale, Kimball Vlano
and Organs. 4IM II mil street, eorner
(eleventh. Nale Haturday, Sep
i tember 4.
C. II. Jackson, O. F. Ibck, Jl. W,
Van Ieurs, W. K. Nib's. Mrs. Ceo. R.
Iewis tmd daughtrr, Mrs, J. R. Illlnn,
fortland, were at tho Occldiwit yester
day. CHARLE5 KAN & CO.
3K1 Commerciil Street.
We wlll"op.-n up with a large stock of
Orti-ntnl Knney' fSnnls, Decorated Cblna-
ware, Fancy Rllk Ooc-ls, Ktc. Also man- I
ufucture a full lino of Iwidb-s)' and Gents'
Underwear at reasonable prices.
Storv w.ll be open about September 1.
Stvninl IWiiiw all of
m ..u om. mm i - ,.e,
Msmilniliirfr nit
lnlr In
: Reading or Distance Glasses
l OO (llnaars fur $J . or
JOO Ky (llasare for II. rj.
Warranted Oold listed Frame.
Make your friend a beautiful and use.
ful preanlit W guarantee a perfect ft!
by mall providing when you ordar Ihe
gUurs you answer th. following quas.
lions: I low old Kver ul glaahieT
How long? Mnlo or ferns.?
OKO MAYK'ltl.lx I'.it-rt tjHian.
a Third street. Hon
Optlnlan.' and photographle 8vippll.s.
.Tlio I'liftt li.nticti..
(la open to special chart. r for excursion
parties or river freighting
Dock st Itoes, llligln. A t'u.'s slip.
Leave ordtrs at til llond street.
Ph.nt No. SI A.larls, Or.geS)
Hard wore,
HAINTH tn.1 t)lUM. Alt.atlon P. I a te lupplylng ghlps.
AHtorla Iron Works
Front Bireet, foot of Fourth, Astoria.
Land and Marine linglius, Holler Work.
Bteamboat and Cannnry Work spe.
clalty. Castings of all description
made to order on short notice.
John Fog. .President and Superintendent
A. L. Fox Vloe President
0. B. Prael Secretary
Astoria Bavl.g-s riank Treasurer
Astoria Public Library
Opeji every day from 8 o'clock lo 1:80
and 6:80 to 1:80 p, m.
Subscription rates 83 per annum.
B. W. Cor. Eleventh end Duano Streets.
I87J 189s
Sell Astoria,
A Specialty,
Ship Chandler
Iron A Stfiel,
flrocerie8 A Provision!
Flour A Mill Feed,
Paints, Oils, VarnisLc.
Loggers Supplies,
Fairbanks Scales,
Doors A Windows,
Agricultural Implement
Wagon 8 A Vehicles.