The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 21, 1897, Image 1

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,viil bes li;iblo lo prosecution.
blfint iil txit paper
oo the Columbia River
THE ASTORIA 5 Hi tU Urfest
circulation of an paper
on the Columbia River
ft ft 1 "
vol xirn.
NO. 81.
Sole Agents for Knox
Hatters and
Furish ers
94 Third Street,
....Tbe Only Exclusive
- Fireworks
A I'cuutiful lHk containing sixty views of the city and river
BO Cent
J. M.
Convent of the
...Holy Names
Will rooptui tholr Boarding and Day
School tploinbr O.
For rate, .tc., address th. Superloreaa
c n c n e 2 n
u n u si u u u
. . . IMPROVED . . .
White Mountain Freezer
Will in Four Minutes
Freeze Cream to a..
.... Hard Even Grain
All sizes, from 1 to 15 quarts, at
Ross, Higgins & Company
Suits to order,
from $12.50
Pants to order,
from $3.00
..'FLYNN, the Tailor.
and Winburton Uats
Men's Furnishers....
MENTAL. Ml'810.
Monmouth, Oregon
KwuUr Normal Court nl Hire year.
Ksntor var tthollv lirufoaatniisl.
detriment of olur ir.1m with 300 children.
iiiiirui'iiiui ami inun ii in iiymnartic tswedlih ir.
leml.and Voci Mualo (or tmlillo nelumli.
Normal diploma It reenfnlied br Uw M iCSTATI
. vai.r,i.j.n mi I'm II.
1 1, lit eiij-na. Tultluii. bonks, bowel and lodtllltl!
proilmsleU), IIM.iw mi yr.
rlluilenu lrdlnt lnmlTs, ln 00 per yr.
Acaileiiil r.l accepted from tilth i.hooln.
Catalogue ehrnilly ,uiil oil i.Uet,m.
I. L. (UMTIIKLL, President, or
W. A. WANS, Kecrelary Faculty.
Mount Angel College
This I. Jut th. place for your boy..
Delightful location, large building, and
ground, good meals, plenty of healthy
exercise, excellent teacher, and cartful
training- thl. U what they all My of
alogu. and apeclaj term..
School will opon September a.
P. F. PIACIDUS. Director.
JtiNt arrival u new linn
iii-niHu nHriiivri iroiu
Larn,c Crowds, dixid Weather and
Successful Cvcnts.
Crotticd Amid laipreiic Ctrcmoaie Liod
r.r.dc Craad Dill Dttnlitut H
f air Splcadid Kacti.
The iiit nif Jy of Avrln'4 fo'irth
atmudl ft'.itU downed lrgU and -l a-
oni, wlih a rJr lrrct jl.yli ir over the
itlnr of 1! bay. TIit huo-lroH of vl-
inr In the city rr not illininwlntcJ
by tlw rvenu of the liny.
The curnlvol w 0n''l In tho morn
ing by a RrUHl iwtrail under the
dlrrotlon of Admiral I. N. 1'ny. Cmnmo-
rtor W. K. Gn-gory. VlcoCommodor. J.
O. II mi I bom. and Cnploln of the F.rt
Hiuvliill. Kvery vmk, ulriln-r, binnvrl
uI Mil txmt in the hiirlxir. gaily ib-co-rtl
Jhl fllltMl with puMifis'. pm .icl-
In the vrt aa fcortt to tbe royal
lM'. tb llellcf. wtilch convrytsl th
gu.-rn of tho camlval. Mr. W. fJ. Goai
lln. ami her miUda of honor, up th har-
or to th grand h-re rhe ai
crownml, conducted t- hr thron and
rrwnted lo tbe mayor of the oliy. who.
m an appropriate mldreMi, In which he
contnwied tlx rvllltii:lon of todr.y with
the wllil found hirv by John Ju-ob
Amur'i (tvri, cave over to the .)'ieen the
goblnn k) of the c;ty nd eundeJ
a her l: freedom during h-T rNrfn.
Tbe rciiK evini u.iJ!; c;oit
lurlii the uftrrnon wr- piilb 1 off
on time, iui.1 th- crne m the buy. Kbkh
wm t'Onllnuouely ilolle.l wlih while s.illi.
n a very brill. unt one. Tomorrow'
itt! Muml.iy'ii riu"" pruinlne lt le etlll
nn rxrltiiig nd nt.T.- 1 1. The
grnnd txtll h Id l.Kt nliibt r. jvel
ulTUr. turi liirKrly attpM-d by !lu "four
hundrvl." The Siwuiljh lnn. lu.d the
oM-fimlilon.-d nikmi. Ji'.T".! b-fore Ir.t
qiU'ni'n throne, were upecl illy pb'imiv'
feature. Thv tllumlmitetl marine pm .ide
to be glvnn t'inlKtit, and the procelon
of Wooilmm of the World, will be lead
ing attraction. The of c Ivlc
order on liore yeelvrday morn.n c wo
very creditable oe. and (!ninl Milt-
hell Wherf:y corel nnother uccea.
The Klondike iwck ti'wm w-m i nili:lc
xhlblllcm. All of the Kinrllnh luid Amer
ican hlp In trw harlKr are Jn full ilrc
and the entire city I hamlfomely lieco
rnted. If tht favorable wwither coo-
tjlniies. Atorla' rvg.wtia will be
rvcordvtl u live greotet Ui It hh'ory.
At the. conclusion of the morning cer
emonies, the of the queen wan
he mot beautiful event of the day.
Ml Madge Sovey, who jwrformed the
rownlng, addreMcJ tbe queen a fol
"Fair Ijady I am cboen to place uKn
your brow nn emblem or tne mom ex
ited lKnlllcanoe. In the name of nil
your loyal ami olmllent unject, I crown
oil iiitrn of our carnival of th glonous
The speech of Mayor Taylor In prc-
ent. tho golden keys of the city to
he queen wa a masterpiece, and held
the rlose ntteiMlon of nil within sound
of bis voice.
In the evening the youth, beauty and
iillnntry of this Occidental Venice gath-
eriMl to dance and nuike merry nt the
court of tho Cunilvul Quej. Tbe even
ing wns ovih-f with the royul march of
ho queen mm her court, after
he itieen tmik her throne, wfth her
ninUI.H seated about her. Tlien followed
be royal entertainment. Tho first wns
he court minuet, by Master Lawrence
nogi'r and Miss Nam-tte Adams. After
his came n Highland lllng. by Miss
JiMinlo Curtis, a Sptudsh diuice by Miss
Madge Sovey nnd Fay ltbvrman, and
Sir Roger ile Coveiley by a handsome
otcrlo of ladle, runl gentlemen. To make
projier nnd deerveI mention of each of
these would rvqulre the major part of
newspaper. Suffice It to say that, un
r the irtteile trnlnlug of Prof. Heggs.
the dancers acquitted themselves with
credit to themselves and the:r Instructor.
After this port of the function, the
hnll proier opened, anO dospltt the
throng and heat, the jolly, pleasure-bent
dancers made of It Indeed a royal af
fair. They danced until the weo sma,'
ours, nnd those w-ho attended will long
hold In pluuuurt remembrance the fourth
annual regatta Kill, and those who know
Of his efforts to forward their pleasure
ill Include Trof. Reggu m that remem-
brnn ?e.
The winners of yesterday' race are
follows: The scow schooner and can
nery tender race were declared off on
account of the boat not making the
course In the required time.
The .loop race, 20-footer. wa won by
the Curio, of Portland.
Sloop. T. F. A. First, 'W hite Wlngi:
cond. t'ndlne; third, Mayflower: fourth.
of Lu'Iich N-pnrato Skirt, in black
up. jx'iore miving your .aje, louw ur jacices, ec ours,
Whll-lNill siillmg-Flrot. Will Talbmt:
second. JumM rhrlwtle.
Cat Ik.! rac Finn, I). MCrokU
(Ouilngi; avTond, no t me.
Klsli bom, selling-First, J. O. Talvt
llu; Kecond. Nestor Forv.ilem; third. Ou
I'luat'T of Kighteen Million Dollar on u
Itiillrotxl Line.
New York. August ii.-A dmputch to
the Tribune from Hulilmore may:
1 V. Whipple, of New York, filed u
mortgage In the recorder' offlrx- today
for lln.W.OuO, cxn-ertng the proportle and
fraiu'hlae of tlie Ilaltlmore, Cincinnati
At Western Ridlrotid C'omMy. It wa
made In favor of tlv Mauf.icturT' Trust
Comjmny lo our nn lsu of tlVWOw
f.fiy-yeur gold lionds darling S per cent
nl,r-:. The company hn been Incor
iwrated In MarybuKl. West Virginia and
Oli.o. Niw York cap'tnllat are Inttr-
eatnl In the enterprise. The route ha
lie-timvyed through the above named
Mr. Whipple ' that 0 mile of
the road hav been conitructed from ihe
tlnelimatl end. and lw bell-e. that with
returning good Ume the bond enn be
floatid and the road compl-ted
New York. Augul .-Ttie firi official
trip of the romprvfctk-d air motor designed
by ItoU rt Hardy has been made on th
Sixth avenue lvMt,n of the Manhattan
elevated. Ortwral Manager Fronsl A. a
number of engineers, capitalist an tu
des. wvt on tsMnl (he train, which
made the run from IVolor to Fifty-eighth
treet, over five mile.. In eighteen min
ute. On the return trip top were mad
at each of the aUtion. and the regular
K'hedule of twenty-seven minutes for
th- return trip was maintained. The
trial was a rjccessful one, and the mo
tor earr.eJ a charge of compreesed air
of Kan pounds to the square Inch.
Worcester. Mm., August J". In th
memorial hospital a hletlc g.inv thl
afu-rnuon. Wefers broke the D'-yar
world s record by two-flfth" of a second
111 time was llj swa.t: tt prevlouk
time. US-
Sun S-Ui!, August fti. The quien
regent to-l.iy ronferrvd tlie premlershli
uion (nweral Axcnraga. who Is o1m mln
inter of war. The cnWne: will not ne
Dr. Darrln. the ceUbratod prlJI't
and wife, will arrive In thl place Aug
IS atwl have off!? nt the Ocilm
hotel, where the doctor will administer
treatment to th. afflicted. Ur. Darrln
needs no recommendation, for the won
derful cures effect! by ruin tlir ugv
out the state during hi many year, of
prnotlco hi ForUand speak for them
selves, and are living testimonial of hi 4
superior skill and success in the treat
mont and cure of the moat stubborn and
aggravated cases, and chronic d leases.
We have known the dootor personal!.;
for year. In Fortland. and have e ime
face to face with many of bis patient t
r-fter being tucconsfully treated by him
In our buslnees relation, wo have always
found him to be strlaUy rellabl-.' and a
gentleman of prompt and praoUcal bial-
nesa metiiods. His treatment by elec
tricity nnd medicine has become so pop
ular with tho afflicted that his patteuvts
do not seek In vain for relief from the
tils that flesh Is heir to, which U poai
tlve proof of the superiority of hU il.-c
trlcal treatment over nil other methyls
of cure.
A. F. McCary. Jacksonville, Or., deaf
ness, ten years, restored In ten minutes
G. B. Mathews. Eagle Point Or., con
sumption nnd abscess or tumor in Side,
cured five years ago: A. Pool, E.iglo
Polat. Or., heart dlea.e and gcenl de
bility, not expected to live, 'ured four
years (fgo, and remains a perfectly well
man to this day; Wm. Sanor, Med'ord,
Or., deafness twenty years, made to
hear ordinary conversations; ex-Judge
Garrett Crockett, Merlin, Or., deafneM.
ten years, oured In twenty minute; Garl
T. Jones. Medford, Or., report himself
rapidly Improving from an affect'on O'
the heart, also that h. brother, Milton
Jones, was cu--ed eight ye.irs ago of
polypus of the nose, catarrh and bron
chitis; Mrs. Martha Woodru.T, Cleveland,
Douglas county. Or., cured of paralysis
nine years ago; S. P. Goosllxo. Roscburg,
Or., deafness many years, oured eight
years ago; Mrs. Blckford, Roseburg, Or.,
cured of different trouble, peculiar to be.
sex; Mrs. H. Eaton, an old resident of
Roseburg, Or., almost total bllndneai
from granulated eyelldn. Sh wa. led to
the dootor. offtoe four yeir ago and
now enjoy, perfect eyealgnt and Is able
to conduct a mercanOl? huslneis. Mrs.
C. Morris, of Madford, eur.'d four years
ago In Seattle of kidney trouble, after
an outlay of $1,000 with other dootor.
Score, of other might be mention! did
not apace forbid.
Dr. Darrln treats the poor free, .xoept
medicines, from t to U a. tn. daily. Tho.)
able to pay, 10 a. m. to t p. m. Consul
tation free.
ami colored, full width 81.M) and
Wealth That Cannot Be Mined
Fiftv Years.
Tell Wonderf! Stories tod Cey Nn
Vrniag Htliroad to be Built fro C.i.ot Cet
Port Towruwuvl. Wn., August Jft. The
teamer AI-KI got away thl afternoon
with tU passenger, and 800 head of live
stock. One hundred tons of freight for
Jumju merchant wa left here. Among
the Al-Ki'g ptum-nger wet Meosr.
Thompson an-1 Rrmmgton. who go north
as reprt-seotalivea of th Montana Live
Stock Syndicate. They will leav the
t earner at Fort Wrangel and attempt
to locate a new trail to the Yukon coun
try by way of Sly keen valley. When
the trail Is located a large force of men
111 be put to work to carve out snd
construct a good road aver which the
rattle and sheep can be driven and stage
op rated.
J. P. McCormack. of New York, wa
a passenger on te Al-KI with an outfit
for the corottrucCon of the coble road
from Dyea over the pass to Lake Lln
derman. He says a cable road will be
in operation In 25 days after arriving
nt Dyea. He ys th new mode of
transportation will reduce th cost of
packing to from 10 to 15 certts per pound
Istcad of 3 cent per pound, as Is now charged.
San Francisco. Auugt !0. The gs.wlln
schooner Bexsle K. will leaw for SL
Michaels today. The men who will go
on her have incorporated under the title
of the El Suemo Mining Compxny. Cap
tain Leo.-urd, of the Encinui Yacht Club.
Is at tbe head of tho expedition. The
yacht El Sueno has been changed to a
steamer launch. Slie will steam up the
Yukon towing supplies on a barge. Both
launch and barge are On the deck of the
Bwtoie K.
When the steam schooner Navarro
leaves stu will be perfecUy equipped
and will tow up the temwheeler Dwyer
nnd will also carry three Ice boats, which
may be used In aa emergency.
The schooner La Nlnfa Is being fitted
out for a trip to the Copper river. She
will not carry paadengvrs. but will carry
a private cxred-tlon. H. S. Bennett, of
Los Angeles, who Is Mtorewted In the
voyage, states that he has positive ln
form:iion that there Is plenty of gold
on Stewart river nnd that prospectors do
no: have to undergo the hardships which
confront them on a Journey to the Klon
Son Francisco, August 20. A sprln!
correeinileiit of the BulleUn, writing
frcm Juneau. Alaska, under date of Aug
ust 11. says that railroad commulcntlon
between Juneau and Dawson will be one
of the things of the near future. Ntxt
spring 5,oa num will be at work night
and day and :he road will be completed
before next fall. The proposed, road Is
to start frorr. the head of navlgatlsn on
the Aku river to Lake Teslln. Light
iraft steamboats will be operated from
each end of the new rood, and It will
take four days to make the Journey
from Juneau to Dawson. There Is a
surveying party already in the Meld, con-
sing of W. A. Pratt, of Wilmington.
Del., and T. C. Jeroinn. P. I. Packard,
promoter of the road, and A. E. John
son, his assistant.
Aother roati Is being surveyed to start
from Skaguny bay. crossing White pass.
This road will be built by an English
Victoria, B. C, August 30. The steamer
George E. Starr called at Union today.
having oo board a number of returning
Klondike, one man having $16,000. He
Is from Seattle, but his name is not ob
tainable. Four Victorians have between
them $20,000. They only went in last
May and will return Immediately.
In a letter from Montreal, Arthur Bel-
lmghom, of the BrlUsh Yukom Company,
who goes to London, says his company
will start work on the railway from
Skaguny from the headwater, of the Yu
kon and haw It completed in 1S99.
Dyea, August 12. Fweod Sam (Harris):
I am camped two miles above Dyea.
That city Is not very large, but has
two saloons and two stores, and there
are a lot of Indian shacks. There Is
nothing here, so I guess I will have to
go trw-that is. If I can make IL Will
have to do aii my own packing;. Don't
think Joe and his party will get In un-
up. We Lave the largest lino of
we jiave
vc all tilt- latest fctylea at
Ie they hire Indian to do lh packing.
If he lo that It will about break him.
I offered cent to Irvlhuui to pack my
freight to the. summit, but could not get
them to do t at that pticm. It took
Tom and old Mack two and a half d iy:
to make the trip over the trail and
down to the lake. They say the trip Is
corker, but the summit I not as bad
as tome of Itu- rest of It.
Toll Joe Oardln not to come up be-
to go Into butane, in hi. line, and tell
everyone else to stay away ante they
have money, and lots of t. 1 am gomg
In If not another man get through
Large number are turning hack, and
outnt can he purchased at your own
price. Home, are worth I2W and tip
waroa. ot one-neur the people hr
win get tnrougn this fall. Boat. (-
selling on the lake for flOO, and if It
wasn't for 'Joe I could not make It
will buy a boat. Joe t. wmped three
mile above. He took hi. stuff up In
a cr.rr. i naa mm nauied tip in a
wagon. The river route to this point Is
(omcrthlr.g awfuL It take, four or five
men on a line and on m a boo: to haul
a inouaam pound, joe ana his men
did the beat work of that kind on '.he
liver. Every day you can, see overturned
boats and outfit, floating; by. Some poor
fellow have lost their all Direct let-
r to Dawson City, aa I think I win
be there In days. C. F. WISE.
Will Take Fifty Tear to Mine the
New York. August 20. The World
Portu B. Wear, a western capitalist,
who is largely lot e rested in many enter
prises with John Cudahy of Chicago, is
In the city. He Is one of the originators
of the IS.OCO.ftjO company formed by Cud
ahy and others to develop, the Klondike
territory, Talk-ng to a, reporter he said:
"I have been In Alaska. There is pi en.
ty of gold there. It carmot be mine! in
50 years. Owing to the limited facilities
for transportation it Is impossible that
more than WOO of the large army that bas
started for the anw fields can reach there
this year. That is a very liberal estimate.
Tbe divide will be closed in a few weeks
and those who do not succeed In crossing
before that tine will have to turn back
to the settlements or run the risk of
death from cold or starvation. Our com
pany owns a fleet of 10 ships' and we have
begun to construct Ave steamboats at
Port Oct There. We also propose to
erect buildings in the mining region. To
do this we must have wood and labor.
Heretofore the timber has been cut by
Indian, but nearly all of them have
gone to the mines, leavjig the wood
camps almost deserted.
"We shall send out two expeditions
from Seattle Sept. 10th and 15th. We
have already hired 300 men who propose
to prospect for gold. We want no others.
Prospectors must have endurance and
that Is the kind nf men we wanL We
con find remunerative employment for
many more. It is our intention to sail
for Port Get There on St. Michaels Is
land, where all who want ?t will be fed
and lodged and paid li a cord for cutting
wood. An average man can cut a cord
and a half a day. We must have wood
for our boats and for the buildings we
propose to erect. The doors, windows
and other ports as far as possible will
be made at Port Got There.
"At the proper time our ship will leave
Port Oct There and go to the mouth of
the Yukon via the Aleutian islands. The
gold fields will be reached by June 13th
as early a date. If not earlier, than by
any Oiher route for those who did not
start some weeks ago. Then, too, the
jourwey wil be attended wfch loss dan
The Eugene arrived down yes:erday.
Captain C. H. Lewis In charge, with a
crew of 14 men. The boat Is In ballast
and has fuel enough for th? voyage
to the Sound, where she will be towed
by the steamer Escort, Captain Howes
and Chief Engineer Russell. From the
Sound she will proceed direct to St. Mi
chaels in tow of the steamer Bristol,
and will proceed up river with her pas
sengers and freight, which have been
shipped overland via the Sound and the
Brlstcl. All on board the Euge-ae are
Americans and expect to make a strike
in Alaska,
Ottawa. August 20. The deputy min
ister of the interior has called the atten
tion of the Associated Pressi correspond
ent to the fact that a great many Amer
ucan newspapers are disc use tnc the
question of royalty upon the gold in th
Yukon valley as If the tax were going
to be levied only upon Americans work
bur there. He stated that Canadians
&b well as Americans will have to pay
the royalty.
Gram ma u & Mcintosh, of San Fran
cisco, have established a new line of
steamers to Dawson City via St. Mi
chaels. The first boat, the Noyo. SCO
tons burden, will sail from San Francisco
Sunday, calling at Astoria Wednosday or
Thursday for passengers and freight. Stu
art Bros , of this city, have been appoint
ed agents.
Ladies' ond Misses' Sweaters-
astonishingly low prices.
Wave of Bull Sentiment Spreads Like
Wild Plre.
Conatrcial Report. Show the Greatest lav
provetntat 1. rive Test Jothloj to
Check Vive ol rrosperitr.
New York, August Now that th.
bull. hav. attained their wishes of car
ryinsj wheat up to a dollar a brahel,
they are as far aa ver from being sat
isfied and claim that the wave of bun
sentiment, which has spread 11k. wild
fire over the country, will carry the' price
her to at leadt 11.25 per bushel, and
per hap evwn higher.
That dollar wheat is already a thing
of the past wa. demonstrated on the
curb, whan the clamorous demands from
high strung looal report, raised tbe prlo
to ft one-fcalf of a cent a bushel ad
vance from the official close. About
fifty thousand bushel of wheat changed
hand, at L Tbe Bnarllsb market wa
up in air, keeping; free pace with our
advances. Their closing price, were th.
top for the day, t and 4Hd higher than
last night. Th. French markets, on the
ether hand, held back.. There was prac
tically no response to the extraordinary
strength in the other marketa.
Private cable, credited the English ad
vance to rainy weather and excited cov
ering by shorts.
Son Francisco, August 20. Intense ex
citement prevailed In the local wheat
market today and options advanced with
great leaps. December opened at 11-50,
receded for a moment and closed at
11.00. After call there wa. an advance
to fl.slVi. An hour later It rose to I16J,
but at 11:50 there were large sale, to
secure profits and prices hod a sharp de
cline.. May opened at 11.9) and closed
at tLGn,. This afternoon December sold
at tlM and closed at IL63U. while May
opened at tl.62 and closed at JLS1H- j I
v; K'r i
THE MARKETS, ; ; - ;
. ii ' ,r t j
Portland. August 20. Wheat Valley.
Sc; WaUa Walla, 8!c
San Francisco, August 20. Hop. S and
7c; fancy, 9 and 10c
Liverpool, August 20. Wheat Strong;
No. 1 California, s 10d and lid.
San Francisco, August 20. Wheat
Shipping, tl.56 for No. 1 and H.57V4 for
New York, August 20. Hope Quiet.
Minneapolis, August 20. Wheat sold
for $1 a bushel today.
Philadelphia, August 20. No. 2 Penn
sylvania red Is quoted at $1.02. This la
the highest quotation In years.
Chicago. August 20. September wheat
closed at 93c and December at P2:c, a
gain of nearly 6 cents for the day.
New York. August 20. Bradstreet's to
morrow will say:
Special telegrams from trade center,
throughout the country emphasize th.
growing prosperity of the farmers, due
to the higher prices of all agricultural
products. The volume of trade continue.
to increase, and prices are advancing;.
No such volume of business, largely In
anticipation of requirements, has been
experienced since lf!2. This week's totals
of clearings show a gain of 13 per cent
In 82 clUes reporting. Bank cletrMfrs
at other cities than New York are 17
(Continued on Third Pag.)
Royal auk, the tood pare,
wboleaos. and dllcl .
Absolutely Pure
aom in som eo uw row.