THE DAILY A8T0K1AN, Kltlll.VY MOIiXlX". Al'flUST 211, - i , i 7i v - f - a. V '!, ' f'" V 'AN I When you go to Warrenton Don't fail to KELLY & PALMBERG'S SAMPLE ROOMS ..The best of Wlnen, Liquors ntid Clgnra.. GREEN5 Are the Btyle. We have on hand the latest ehflws. We bought them to sell. We are selling them at ex tremely reasonable prices. Ladies', gents', misses' and children's. Drop in and examine them. John Hahn & Co. Art Warranted 479 Commercial St. BATTENBURQ Braids, RitlgS "! Patterns AT .ALBERT DUNBAR, September Delineator do on sale NOBBY COLUMBIA SHOE CO. TODAY'S WEATHER. FRtr and north w inds. oonttnued warm; east to AROUND TOWN. FRIDAY. The ragged daisy Btarring all the fields. The buttercup abrtm with pallid nU. '. i e thirtle and burr flowers hedged with prickly BhUdji, All common weels the draggled pas tures hold. , - - . ' Best meals 10c, at Casino restaurant. Judge Dean Blanchard, of Raider, tn the city. Is Bee Rose. Hglns & Co.'s offer to sell goods for cash. See Ross, Hlfc-glns & Co. for tresh fruits and vegetables. Mr. E. C. Russell, Jr., riwnt yesUrday at Long Beach. Groceries at the lowest Pacific Grocery Co. prices at the The Bomers Family Saturday night at Fisher's opera house. Ml9S Sawyer, of Sacramento, Cat., .s Visiting Miss Gilbert. Mrs. A. N. Frederickson, of Cathlamet, Is visiting In the city. Ice cream, wholesale Bmith's candy factory. and retail, at Leave your orders for wild blackbrrles at Ross Hlgglns & Co.'s. At M price M ! and Chllilrtwi's Tan Shoes. Columbia Shoe Co. Mr. Dlmmlck, the renowned f&o:bali player of Ilwaco, is In the city. , It Is reported that Tom Quinn, fisherman, has gone to Klon like. th? An elegant line of Little Cent' Shoe. jom arriiaa. toiurama nne -o. Trv Cmlth'l for ir enrt xTin sodas. Private parlors for bdies. Mr. Robert Wakefield, the Por Iind contractor Is down for the regatta. Mr. Crawford is up from the TUlamock rock lighthouse to attend the ngalta. Miss JuLa Kopp and MIpa Elna Cur ran, are up from Seaside for the regatta Mr. Jarvls L. Bmiley, the cannery man of Eugle Cliff, arrived In town yester day. Collector of Internal Revenue He-ry , Blackman, of Portland, Is visiting In the j cifty. Superintendent Lester and his men ar- sre.ting' ready to take care of the crowds Which will visit th. beaches during th Suits to order. from $12.50 Pants to order, from $3.00 "P ..FLYNN, the Tailor.. regatta. Mr. Lester reports that travel Is wry good this year, 'till -,n ,n? Increase. Regatta cap, all at C. H. Cooo- er's. For roofllnf and skylights p to tin Astoria Roofing and Cornice Co.. J Ninth street Mr. Anstead. of Vppertown, has com menced the erection of a handsome resi dence. Regatta ribbons an Cooper's. .ill width a: C. II. Reduction of SO per cent on all roods at th. Eastern Clock Co. a, j tentn street. Crowds of people arrived on the after- noon boats yesterday to attend the re- ' ratta. New style hats, latest blocks, at C H. Cooper's. When you are looKin lor inma imu and veretablea call on the FadSo Gro cery Co. Miss Laura H umbel, of Portland, visiting with ber mother, Mrs. O'Brien. Is T' Xew clothing of th latest and best material at C. H. Cc-jper's. P. J. Meaoy. the leading tailor. 117 Tenth 8t- The hitiea price j paid for fur skins. Rev. J. J. Walter will hold wrvtces at Prospect Park Sunday, at 2 O'clock In the afternoon. Fancy goals and furnishing gnods. reasonable prices, at C. H. Cooper's. Mias Alice Munell, resident optician, office in Shanahan building. Hours. to 13 and 1 to 1 J. K. Kearney is in the d y. bavin r Just come down from the Hunt's back training grounds. A.shland pe.iches clienp arl (rood. alo a laree supply of other fine fruits at Ross. Higslns & Ca , " i Laugh and grow fat. Go and see the Somers family at Ft'her's opera house : next Btaurday evening. t L.lrJ. Heboher l'o. 3.IKI. S5.50 and ' S6-00 Shoe.; your choice fi.r 10 days, 3.98. Columbia Shoe Co. W. B. Edwards and wife returned from Foruano. yesieroay, w.iere jar. ujur'i. was on a short business trip. Harry Louderbuch. the well-known nf TOTTUr- Point. WOS In th ? . cty Wednesday paylr.g off his men. I I Alex. Gilbert yesterday closed the oou- j trac, wUh H j, imonreux '.or the con trudgen of his new cottage at Seaside. Morning prayer at Grace church Sun day morning (Auxust 22) at U o'clock Evening prayer at Holy Inmcens at 7:30. Reserved sents on sale at Qrlffln & Reed's for the Sommere Family enter tainment at the opera house Saturday nlgtu. E. E. Lewellyn, who has been for years employed at the Parker hous?, has re signed to take the position of driver for Engine Co. No. 1. C. W. Eabcock and daughter, Ilwoci; Chas. R. Johnson, Chinook; C. L.. Parker, Seiuii'le; W. B. Jenkins, St. Paul, are at the Parker house. The Rev. John E. Simpson .nnrt wife. , of Portland, are vlIt;ng Kv. Mr. Hnort ' arM wfe. Mr. Slmp?On If rector Of I St. Mark's church. , : Thomag e. F. Keegan and L. E. Be- lig were worn in to act a ieclal police- ' I -...,. .-, k rii. TiMD - Nelson yesterday. For fine t, as and- coff-es use Chase & i s.inrioTi,o'. Th 'anyone. EVeiy y are good enwh for package gn'eed. ! Hlln C Two lr.i.ln loads of camp rs arul cot- i A new river service has twywi lruuru taers will arrive from Seii'le thU, rated letween Astoria and Rainier, fre- (n rtari tn thA orjil S7 . , i J ' 'P, .V . .. J - " ' - 1 1'" of the rf,gatU- A -, Un. nm f mm II waco yestcroay ruj uiai i, I Keabnrg was verj' busy paying off hM trappers ami gill netters. Judge Gray and the eounty commlf siofvers expect to make a trip of inspec I tlon. commencing Tuesday, the 21th, of ' the roads and brUges In the county. Comedy Somers Family Concert and i Co.. who gave an entertainment here last ! March, will nppeor aaln under the aus- pices of the Macabces. Miss Nellie as a soprano soloist has jo superior of !' years on the American nnge -cday. Mns- CANDY Ask for a 25-cent box Assorted Candy at ...BURLEIGH'S... ter Perrin. th boy alto, la wotbrful Little Lottie and Carl simply cipUvat. th audience In thoir character songs. I Ladle.' Tao and Oxblood Osfords. .00 cut tu Ht.OO, .1.00 rut l Sl-ftO, Laird. Mrbnber Ca. 4.0O Oxford, cut In S4.00. Columbia Mho Co. I I The einrtneers tn charg of the con struction of the temporary brMe across th John Day's report that tney epct to have the work finished by Saturday. A Urge number of the Finnish Trother hood turned out yesterday to attend th removal of the remains of two of th deceased brother, to Greenwood ceine- tery Jim Weet, the Chicago barber an I : to the John Day's people, as well as master of the tonsortiU art. has hU shop m.iklng a fine runway for bicycle, Th. ; opposite Kopp's N. P. B- When yo i ' fell short In their fund, ami It la .n. want a good shave or hair-cut, glv. him ; proper tharf the city should help a call When you want a real B.'e-llke and artietlo photo, don't fall to call on Snod- m Th. amrk K la turnln out nw ' 'is ahead of anythbi ever made In As-1 Itorla before. i , Mr. Chris. Gramme has reope.afd his store at the old location, and is actively In the field svUfc gTOeertea at bedrock prices. He invites all his old patron to glve hlm , call I Henry Blackmao. Henry Lang. J. X. 'BranilJi oq, e, c. Kelbourne. g Portland: J. P. Gleason, Seat- I tie; Chos. A. Park. Salem, . tered at the OcclOent are rcgl1"- Excurskin to Ilwaco and Fl ivel. Th I imiikt OceAt Wave lenvos Tel 'phon . ; w harf at S o'clock 8'mday mornlnir fo. ; FHvel and Ilwaco. To Fli.vel. 13 cent round trip; IIa?o. $1 roi:n.l trip. The Wooilmen of the World hay. made arraJiKements with Sir. Logan. w!:o will h.n-e full tiiartre. ?or rh'l -clambake at Seasld.; on Sunday nxt. It will be a grand affair, and don't f rga' to be there. n TesterLiy after.ioon Mrs. Ftrry Trul. )jngw er.tertainM a numlT of fil nd njr a pnlc on thve shores of Tounn's y. The party walkl o'-. r the hi;! t the bench, enjoyed a ih-lightful supp-ir. and roturne"! by moonlighL , , i' . . r h.M,, th agency for the famou "Corrallh," m ... . TV. isbi-La. rrvn& hr for thm yesterday and they wrtl from now on furnish deaJars with the siun. at mill prtoes m lots to suit. Work on the McO'-re drainage sys tem Is well umler way. under the super vision of Contractor No;m.le. Sewer connection wi.h the new drain w II be miule at the corntr of Ninth and Gran 1 and Seventh and Franklin streets. Mr. W. E. MiCortn.iK, u wel known dry goods merchants of Van couver. B. C, and Miss Josle E. Dealey, one of Astoria's beet known and mOt topular teachers, will be .narri -i In Port land August 31st, ant tt on?e take up their resMence In Vancouver. I I One of the evants of the seasn In East Astoria was the wedding, Wednes- day night, of Mr. John Ruthe and Miss : Helma Erickson. The marriage cere- mony took place at the residence of th brile's parents and was attended by a lare numler of Portland people. The Somers Famfly w-:il give an en tertainment at Fisher's opera houRe Bnt ur lay nlt;ht, Aiigufit ilst. under the aus. pices of Oie Knights of the Maccnbeet of this city. Prices of admission only 30 rents; gallery, 2a cents. Reserved seats at Griffin at Reed'H hook store wl'hout extra charge. It is well kr.own that Jim weHt ' not idull of apprehension, but he feels qulbj !" kn(w 18 mcaJlt tn5 Astoria FraOr In saying that It takei ' only ore vte to elect him. Jim say ' tnat ne wen rememners wmi eit,..i i-uj , seven when Hayes and Tllden ran fori prul'lent of the repuwic in I if --. The fine steamer "Pllirrlm," Captain A, L. Brazee, will maki round trips dully, except Bunday, leaving Rainier at 6:30 a. m., reaching Astoria at ri:H, lanaing sv&txng on ner return at 1:30. Pmmpt time and the best service Is guaranteed for both passengers and freight. The rinlnnum Club of Port! ind wl l fo al Hotel Gfrhart on Saturday and Sun day to crUrtaln the v.sliors at that re sort with their vocal .-elections. Satur day evenlrur there will be a rlambake J and concert and on 8'ind iy mus!c will also be rend-rel at the hotel. The fol. lowing named pentlo.nen compose 'he club: Messrs. W. A. Montgomery, J. I'. CHrson, W. H. Boyer, I). J. Zan, (nd H. W. Hogue. O, 15. .'Si S. ENTKKHUSK. Handsome Steamer to Ply lb ft.iy Dur ing th Regatta. With It iunl liberality, th O, It. N. tv tin. coin ill J with th r. uuysl if the reii.tits committee, ha fum!ihi ;lte handsome steamer linker tJ ply on the Kiy. fallowing the course of all th r.icvJ thus affording- nwetators tli cp Ijort unity of closely lervtir all f the details of 1I1 chief event on the water. A nxm.nal rhiirg of 9 xnt a trip for each passenger will l mrt. in order to partially cover tb. actual ex penscs of nmnliig th boat. Huivlrtdt have already Indicated their of inking advantage of Uil unusual p. prtunf:y of viewing th. race. All thus who ar in t treated In se tur.i:ty following th. course of th. p:ln clpal race on the water during th. re gatta will have ample oivortunly to do so by t'lkkiNt advantage ef th f-ic I Hies furnished by th. O. It. A N. Co. on Ita steamer P. 8. tiakcr. which wl: make th rounds of the various rac.i during each day. ItOAT CArSlZKP. Two dny aw (julte a number of Colum bU river flahermen. In ttuv'r flh b ats sailed for Shoalwnter bay. where th.y re ltiterert tn th packing company jat that po.m. Veatenlay murnltur, oiia rr me men, tinix-i Arxierwon, wno nml anchor.1 for th najht oft North beach. whs very nearly drowrwd. It seem hi boat lmitRTui anchor and ilil'tcd Int h surf, where It Andersoi wn In th water for a l.iirth of time, but when nlmcMt exhAtistd was rescued by the llfe-Mvtm crew. TIIR ROAP CLl-lt. It la belVved that at the meetlnir of the city council, to be h.1.1 tonltrht, there will ho ii uruur'.moua vote uiHtn the ordi nance u'troprllln 1J to the Astort i Itoad Club from the dry road fund. The 'club brill th t.font l:cyel path to iTuntrue Point, thi s oimmHiu; a Kod roo.1 cut In the tffort to bmeflt the nui.M. IIODT RECOVERED. Word waa reclvel yesterday that th body of Jick Hams-n, the employe of Walter I Main's clr.-us who Jnmi J 'overboard when that company ti cn i Its way to Astoria, some three weeks ago. was recovered yeaterday near Oath. ' lamet. A reward of S3 was offered by 1h frt.xls of the i1ceuied. but It wna not known yttwkiy who found th. J body. It was In a bodly decomposed : t!ite, and will be burl.-d at one. TUB POTRIMPOS. j Martin Fonrd roturned from North . beach yeetenkiy an.1 reported that two 1 boilers and all of the miichlnery had itx-si plucel on board the Qermiin ship iPotrmp-w In r"ftdiniM for the attempt to I made In September to flout thnt unfortunate vessi-1 oft th sunds. Com petent -iir!n"rs have l.-n fwwl to take ch inre. an t It l Iwlieved. that thl iffof! will b successful. 8. B. S. NOTICE. The members of the 8 andtnavlnn Tit' r evoh'nt SoeUny nr.' reuuest-xl to inejt at their hall tomorrow mornl ;g, Frld ly, August th. at i o'clock a. m.. for the purpotu of taking part tn th. land parade in a body, ami to help muktt! the an. nual regatta a success. By order. K. 8 LATER. Pr.s. Aug. Danl'-lson, Sec. TO THE PUBLIC. Noiioe Is hereby given that the under pinned has purchased the store of th. Webfoot Commlnslon House and will rwreafter conduct the business at tne old stand. All accounts du. the Web foot Commission House ar. payable lo me. E. A. DE TO. NOTICE. , The underMUrned will not be responsible for any dibts contracted In his name without a written order signed by him. VICTOR SANDERSON. Astoria, Or, August 11, 1S97. The famous Somers family will glv. one of their Inimitable entertainments ; at FLsh r's opera house, Saturday even- in)ri August 21. for the benefit of Gateway i Tfru of tha Maccabees. B-e th. show , nmg LOOK I L00K1 Prices That Talk : OUR CROCKERY, CHINA, QLAB3 AND TINWARE DEPARTMENTS Are complete with Die neweit and prettiest designs. In our Crockery D-partment will be found beauti ful wml-poroelaln decorated goods of the latest and prettiest pat terns, sold at less than you pay for common white goods el-tewher DINNER BETS 60 Plec-s. Complete for 6 persona, 15.25, tf.25, (6.50, '7.2S, ti.K DECORATED CHINA WARE. Cups and saucers 13c, Vic, 25c Plates 10c, Vie, VK Vases 'r, CRYSTAL GLASS WARE Tumblers 2ViC. Butter Dishes 10c, 15c Sugar Bowls 10c, 15-: Berry Bowls 10c, 15c, 20c TINWARE. Coffee Pots 5c, 10c, 15: Buckets, covered 5c, 10,- Sauce Pans, lip 7'Je, 10c, 15 Fry Pans 10c, 17c, H GREAT AMERICAN IMPORTING TEA COMPANY 571 Commercial Street, Astoria. Handsome presents to every customer. Warrenton Is Columbia Harbor Land Co. CORNER... BOND and ELEVENTH STS. Mw on application. FIRE IN ITPERTOWN. At 3:30 this morofcvtr an al inn of fir. was turned In, cnuwd by a bias In th upper story of Chris Orumm'a residenc, Kt Astoria. Kniibte Co. No. S qulckl.' responded and th flames wr xt n- gulshrd. Loos, 1 100. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. All b.lls contracted by th 1S9T r entt i commut e mum be prrnt"d to the ,eo- retnry for pymeu by o'clo k H.itu--duy evening. August 91. W. 0. OOSSLIN. Chairman. W. L. HO 1 1 II, Bo rtnry. At the annual meeting ye(.rlsy 0" the stockholder of tlx. Odd Fellows' I-arrd IlulMlttc Asexx-lailon. the Unual routine bita-ness, wns transacted, a'ter which th old board of directors, com. kwpI of tit following member. wa re-decled: O. need, J. Q. A. isowlby. C. S. Wrls-ht. J. Hahn. Ale. Camplwll. A. J. MeicWr. REGATTA.... FIREWORKS We have on hand a I irge a o.'k of Sky Rtvka. Roman t'andlra. Etc. Will s-ll at ptl:s; also a large assortmmt of Oriental fancy guuls. Come a.i-1 examne cur stoi-k. W ar a'way pie.i c-l to how our goods. ANDREW KAN & CO. Sn fltrect. Thc FnMt L.nMrtc1i.. ttHERCULESM Is open to sptclal charter for excursion parties ot river freighting. Dock at Ross, Hlgglns ft Co.'s slip. THUS. PALUITY. Leave orders at tit Bond street SfxAP A KODAK. at ant man oomlug out of our nor. and you'll get a portrait ot a man brltomlim over with pteasaut thoughts. Murb quality lu the liquor, we hsv.lo offer an enoiisbt pleai. nj man. COME AND TRY THEM . ..I I .. " HUGHES & CO. Reading or Distance Glasses 16.00 Eye Glasses for 13.25, or $3.00 Eye Glassea for L7S. Warranted Gold Plated Frames. Make your friend a beautiful and use. ful present W. guarantee a perfect fit by mall providing When you order th. glasses you answer the following ques tions: How old Ever used glasses? How longT Male or female? GEO. MAYERLE, Expert Optician. 28 Third street. Ban Frnnelsco Opticians' and Photographic Supplies. TiE AstoF House CLEAN AND mi ROOMS Rates, SI and fl.2.r a day; Meals, 25 cts Pilcher & Taylor, Proprietors Oriental Novelties Japanese Goods ..WING LEE.. 543 Commercial Ktret Next to Madison's Ci(fr Stand HOP LEE CO. CLOTHING, Merchant Tailors. Underclothing made to ruder. Suits and troiiian niadHB perfect fit. Erery oroVr punctu ally on tune, hstlifaction guaranteed. Cheaper Than Any Other rlace l the Git. Welch lll.iek, SflH Catnmsrelal St. BOCIETT MEETINGS. TEMPLE LODGE NO. 7, A. F. en A. M. Regrular communications held on th. first and third Tuesday .vening of each month. O. W. LOTJN8BERRT, W. 1L E. C. HOLDEN, Secretary. the Best... THE CENTER OF. DEVELOPMENT ON THE WEST SIDE Everybody knows that Warrenton values will soon doubled. It is distinctly the best property on the market. Fine large level lots, surrounded by many improvements, at very low prices. Is it not a fine Investment? W. F. SCHEIBE, A lull tin. ol I'Ip... Toh.ico, nil' AMII. 4 74 Comm.riial ,. m mm want columns run hint, Foil house In t'pimr. town, on street car lluv; 11 H-r tiionth. Inquire at this office. Foil itKN'T-Furnlshod. a lara. front room, with bay window; centrally lo. cated; ill Kxchangt stivet, noar Ninth. On of th must drslrabla rooms In th city fur rt.nt. with buard, for a single entlonuui; alao labia board fur uti. or two gentlemen at Ut Exchange street. FOH IlKNT Furnlalied rooms, ae suit or single, by the day or m-'i-h Hotel Tight, under ntlr. new muiias nieut. Ureal reduction in rate. Mis O. V. l"orter, nianager. O. Eleventh and Franklin. MEN WANTED. Railroad hands wanted for InunedUU work on track. Apply at ron 4. riav.i block. A. C. R. R, R, FOH SALE. FOIl BALE A slx-room cottage, lot tci 100, with water, etc., within four blocks of Commercial street. In th. center of the city. A rr chano. Price, l.w) Addrras C, Astoiian offia.. loll SALE- Clieup, an liM, tl Udy's Culumbla bluycl.. In perfect condition Apply at th. Atorla:v o(ftc. LOST. I.OMT-C"W marke.1 white and y How. w-l h sluirt hirn. isw. horn I. tiill cut short. Will pay rcA.trd. Ja.'ob lLhnrd. t'H"rtuwn. I.OST-A '-"tie of .bLrk w.mj.1, wl h all., work nnl lnarrlptln on the h"id, l".'i uptKi 'lie wharf n ar the grand etanl. Hultabl reward will be given up-xi !: return to this uftl.-c. WANTED. WANTED Young girl hvlng wl'.h pi (vnts, to take car. of ohl'dr.n and do light housework. Apply at 431 Duan :reet. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. C. C. BROWEH. ATTOHNET AT LAW. Uunderson Building. Astoria, Oregon. JOHN T. LIOHTER. ATTORNET-AT-LAW. Office, upstairs, Astortan Bull lit ,. DR O. B. EST KB, PHIBICIAN AND BUROICON. Special attention to diseases of women and surgery. Office over Dsnsig.r's store, Astoria Telephone No. U. DR H. L. HENDERSON, Omce. Klnuty Building, Astoria. Offlc. hours, 7 to a. to,; U to 1 and I to 7 p. m. Special attcnlon glv.n to th. treatment of Diseases of th. Ey. Chronlo Dis eases, and Surgery- DR. JAY TUTTLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office, rooms 5 and 6, Pythian builds, 63114 Commercial Bt, Residence aams Telephone M. Acting assistant surgeon U. S. Ma rine hospital service. H. A. BMITIL DENTIST. Rooms 1 and 2, Pythian Building, over C. H. Cooper's store, H. T. CROSBY, ATTORNET-AT-LAW. Ml Commercial street J. Q. A. BOWLBT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office on Bond street, Astoria, Or. Chester V. Dolph. Richard Nlxsa. OOLI'H & NIXON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Portland, Oregon, U, , M and tl Hamilton Building. All legal and col lection busln-ss promptly attended t. Claims against th. government a ipe-lalty. If Manufacturer "nil Dottier FINE CIGARS! NO't'lt'K OF COMPLETION AND AC CK'ITANCK W THE TlllltTr.TllinD BTItEirr. FRANKLIN AVENUIC. HAItRIHON AVIvNUi:. ANlvrilUlTr FIFTH HTII KET IMl'ltoVEMENT. Notice Is hereby glvea that 8. NormUA ratitraotisr for the grading, a'id W. A. OiKklln. contract. for Hie planking of lb Thirty-third street, Franklin ivnu, llarrlsn avenue. id Thirty-fifth street Improvement, utid.-r tho provl.O.l ol urdlnaiiee No, m tt 17 h day of August, l!W7. filed III lh 'ttlc. of th. Audit. and Folic Jmur of the CVy et Astoria. tla rwrtlrti-at. ..f the t'ily ur. veyr and fluperbitm.Vnt of Htts, ap proved by the Oommt'te on Htieeta anil 1'ubllo Ways, on the lomploitmi of the wild Improvenviil. Aftor the rplrntln of the tlui h.r. Imf:.r S- fled. If no o J-ollon. :o ths A.etxnni. -t suelt work Pled, sal the Common Council shall dem such Improvement properly iomplett, accord Ins; lo tha cvitract and plan, and sp.wi. incatloii tlierefor, th. same may b. ac reptrd. Objection to Hi a-eitanv of std Improvement, or any part thereof, may b. fllnl in th oflloo of tl Auditor and I'ollre Judg. on or before Friday. August , 1W7. 11 IS. NEtJION. Audit. and I'b- Judg. Aatoria. Ornron, August II, !B7. CHIEF OF I'oUCK HAl.K Notice la hereby given Hint by virtu of a warrant Puttied by Ihn Auditor and Po-lU-o Judge of the I'll of Atnrl, to m directed, dated llw IJth day of July A D. 1-sT, and ugnlitsl. It. II. MAIlloN ( nie to levy utx.n I. it No. S In block No. IS, Me 'lures Astoria and rollei'l the nt.emrnt tine thereon I amounting to llu mini of H fir the i instruction of a newer mi Xreon.1 street. I I h.iv this day lotted upon the tild drtHTttvd pnerty and ixi lh P'th dny of AugiiM A. i. Iv7, al 3 ii'.'Iik k p in. of 1 il.iv nl nn. I In of the ryiirt b, i e io,.r In It.e t'lty of A'lorla. t'luoop 'county, Unumi, will prm-erd to ell aald in"-rty to the highest bidder therefor ' to pay sal.1 awYStiiriil and t-ot and . exeehiM-. of sale Hald al to be fr Vnlled Htnrf-e gul l and ullver clti I Chief of I'oll-e. ! II. IIAI.I.NK. Iiaredal Astoria. Oregon. August 1. I871 189. Fisl?er Brothers, Lubricating OILS A Specialty. Sel AfHIA. Ship Chandler ', Hftnlwaro, Iron ASM, Coal, Orocor'n'M A Provisions, Flour it Mill Feed, Paints, Oils, Varnishes. ' Ijoggers Supplies, Fairhank's denies, Doorfl tt Window s, Agricultural Inipk'menta Wagons iv. Veliicles. J. B. WYATT, Phone No. 68 Ast.rls, Oreg.a Hardware, Ship Chandlery, GrocerleH, ProviHU)nn PAINTH ttnd OIUH. Special AtUnlloa Paid t. Supplying Ships. Antorla Iron Works Front Street, foot of Fourth, Astoria. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS Land and Marine Engines, Boiler Work, Steamboat and Cannery Work a ape. clulty. Castings of all descriptions made to order on short no lo. John. Fox.. President and Superintendent A. L. Fox vice Fr.sld.nt 0. B. Prael Secretary Astoria Savings Bank Treasurer Emil Schacht AP.GHITEGT Rooms 317-318 Portland Savings Bank Bid. Portland, Oregon. 1 X I 1 'I 1 .1 -L