THE DAILY AdTOlUAN, THURSDAY MORNING, AliOUBT 19. 187. GRAND OPENING PARADE Details for the IMrst Dny Arrunucd liy the Committee. THE I.KII.LIANT URI'MONIIH (Jam of the CiuUil ! Her rtlilol rioter - tirtad r)ll-Vvtit Arrl--Chmue It Kucti, lleyond all iMclaUM of th meM mamlH'fti of th raUa commit. 1m, uh. detail uf (ho idvt carnival ate wiarktaig ixK IU a suwewaful iMilt. Many II w entries WWo rclvsl ) Uirday fir tha various nww and the committee In charge, of Dm land lorln Ivan a.verylldng woll hi hand and assure ilxy nmunntnetit mlwi"ii ll events ua thr. wur. A lrlmni wan rwll from Om Union ti,m taurine Company uf Hm KmiidM U. nlnilng that lhir uf: f a M mip Id the wlmwr of III liunoh rmi v utiltt h open I' ll Iwil I'"' all boat on nn equal Unas. Al lw n.vriliig of tin commute last nllil the Hum win fl1 for the lnriin of the I awl liv Friday' ro-ea. Ciipta ii tlrrgory, wan apluld Mud d nrorcr. VllM taptHll UoWC. who m ci.mpelle.,1 tn huve fur th Hound tltl iiiornliw Willi Ida llnoott. lowing tin- taiimir ihi(a on her war Aluk.t Th skiff ailing linen wrtn ih-cliired off itliil (ha duck hunt rao- for Friday wahanol la a more liilerenll'ig eviil cnllraj a unt race. Chief llalhwk. with a corpa of amrveyorn. will thin morning not out thn buoys mark In th officii our, wlili h will he all and a baif mite in roumfnrenne. The Jeanlo U o'P'otsd In Inlay. Tliw Hire craek yai-hls of HlioaJw.itivr bay. after a om-wluit d-i'iger u ex partonro. arrival In lh birbor ys taarday, having sailed from t'y ' tar al 6 M o'clock yrt. r lay morning, lit npenkl r iif th- viiir. Cnplnln I.. U llunh, of the Columbia all: "Wh i wa laft out llm weather wn clear, hu! Iipcamn tlilrk mul foy li foro wo raaulmt tha lr. It it tmiltl W am mir way. an.) wa war.- ' lljfO'l t folluw tlir liipaki-ra alurg Ihi !.: o' (Ian m.ll lii iifli-r to t:it ml l limn wa n-iu'lmt U- rti Ilia a the )hu1 i'tHir1 iinirn uml rtii'Miil until wa wiTn iurl' off mmilli f tl.- OiltiiiiMa. Il tfirti Ixvnma -v.Ty thick rat Wi wrrn nlm l h-l'la- IVfjrr Wa knw 1 1 wa rr lii I ha lirrakm aolllh i-f ' If- l.HV hill lllUMiC'-l !' (at Into tlva harbor nfJy. Thj l.'mlln mul Whim Vi' i til fival .lirTloiilt lit makln lha irlp." Tin: mill 'Nation Tha prutrrun fur lh roroimilon of tha Jili'!l of i-iirnlvitl ll frl til nltt-nlntf uf Ihn KT'iioY Imll hiui ttrm itriancil by l'nf lirvKH follow: KiMay morn 'rig tha lU r auta UI loin Hi- ma- rtll" irwaon poalla Ilia ilOi'k nl priafnl tu Ilia front of tho grnml atajiA wla m II a III iiiu hor. Tha mitlri- fl"t Will Mill nrnlilnl tha hl of al.iln M rxmia to nnohor li liu rf,ir hil" tha rhorun niH-otiiiwnliol Uy tha bul lnn ('oliiiiiblii tha Ham of I ha Uiaan.'1 Th. roynl all i will llian tnnva tow.inla tlia muni tnml, tha hau l 1 tylntr P, ro Iwiata nrkitiitial nlna, and romn tn aiiiolior. Tlia rrownllm of tlx- guoivi will tpkn Ilai-a m 1 li. follow,! by tha alnitlnK of u n4imtr:ula antham. Tha qin wi Ix-r i-ourt will ba rixjril to tt tliruna on tha Brand stand, during flia mnalorlnir of miaalo by tha Intnl. and thorn will ! pr-aantid by tl'.o mnjror with tlia. irnMrn ka- and lh frcol"m of tha. Hly. Aftr tha ulntrtiiR- of "Amer-V-a." by tlio rhiwua, tha ooronallon i-ara. moiitin will conrluil,.. tin' roynl party will ba iMHirtnil to thalr rorrliiffia an I 4rtviu to tha tVoliVnt for lutwihi-on. Thn fnllowlMtr nre tha m mlari of tha roynl party; Quaan of tha rnrnlval. Mr! W. (1. (ImtKl.n. Milila of honor. Mmni'ii Friuikla lloldan. All.,. !tiiak-ll. J. -aula Jcwolt, MiiiiiIk lwln. Mail.l Hhrklon, Adoln Bovcy. Amy Imon. Allco Oray. llaam lliimimnn, Mary (Iniy. Mny Mor. Knn. IVnrl VMm. TriUn-banr,T. Mlaici llnaal Itohh, Wliml,. mi, Mlimla Vfcn "DiiHim. IhiM Rtooklon. Nanrtla Adamn; Mnatora Wllnon. Btain, Jnmla Iti bh, Iw. rinn-a ttoKi-m, Arthur Vnn Humti. Mian MiulK," Povoy hiui tvix-n inl ott 1 to arnwn tha quvn. At I ho ktmihI bnll In thn ev.filnn laa Vlivlnlii nl will In diuinail bi foio th 1 thnina, tho MIb-u-h Mmlfro Rovoy nil'. Fiiy'tmnnnn will rmiiler the Rpnnla'i tlanro, and nn old-fnahlnnd minuet will bo dnneod by tho ctiiKlren. TIIK" Itri.KH. l-'ollowlmc nro the rub-a iidnpteil by tha ri'itntm comnilttt'O. ItKOATTA rOMMITTKK. The nwiltii rommhti'O have full pow' over nil riicm. All quiwUnna nrlnlnt; In thn miIILiik of viLrlinia t-viMifa ithnll be otlUil by the JinUton. nnd tholr diolilon Iteblnn, Irritated, araly. orualril Sculp, dry, thin, and falling Hall clanad, piirldad, and baantW Btd by warm ahampooa with COTIocaa 8or, and oeeuloaal dreathiga of CVTiocu.purMt.oi molllnu, lh greatmt ak In curea. Tretmnt will prodoe a clean, healthy tealp with luiorlant. Itutrona hair, whan ail la fall!. Bali ikmarlHnt tha wort. ramnDauaMDCasa. anve. enla raipa., rJoatnn. . . . ar''U fc pradiMi Lanrlaal UaU," Ballad fiaa. tFIUf) flat ClDC aama laalanUr rtllaraal ticu aliall I mi I mi awl upon Ihoaa rulna 0 fur ni I hay will "M'ly, nd ain. li .In laioiia, If nu iipHii In mud U) tli gnnaral rommlHae, hull bn rtnal, 'l'lia Jll l" aal.avll ituUta) ttJiioria of th ri'iuln to Ilia n' ooui lilltuii of i-iirh iluy'H rmma, wlthlll ' flv'(. hoiira from tha a d ng of th lnt rai', nfur whlrh Hi gwrntary atinll glv to tha owiiar of Mi'h winning bout, un onlar nn tlm tranaiirer, iipiiroi'nd by th clmlr limn of th goii'TBl cnininlit", for pill won, If no uppaal In Hindu aa uhoy. nui.n i. MICAHI'llltlCMUNTfl, iiwiar dnalrlng to lmv their loat mmuiiirol ahnll t'.v notion at ragnfa lwoi1iurliTi, wJHiln ti rrnnnnnMa time hrforo tha firm day of tha ragaila. , ItCI.IC 1 KNTIIIKH. All nitrlm inuai b mola at rigaltii I a,i()iuart..ra Ix-for Hi II rat day uf the ti'gnila. Kiilry f for all nulling anil row ig rnooa, ina dollnr. nvuK i. rni.KB No prlsa ahull Im uwiirdnd tn nny rao iinlaea two or mora roimaaiunt niurt. HVLK 4. CI.AHHIKICATIDNH, ftiUllHICH AND All J Will l di-ngniiawl by th regatta i"m mlltaa tn th official program. Kvrry nlo-ni aluill carry bar piivat alirnal at tha pank. A raring Hag muni uIimi ba rarrtad by ruiUmU at tli mart Imm'1, Any nloop or rmlnna not romply lug with thin nil". Indian prevanted by an oor.dant o'iiiirilnt aftar nt&rtlng. aluill forfait all i l.ilma lo a I Me itri.i: f. MKKTINO. Iionta gotiur fma mu( alwaya glvo way tu lioe by th wind. Ilintln mi Ihn elurtmrd lurk nhail hnv the rlght-of-wuy. If Iwo yui'hta ura riKailng end on. er tMvirly and on. nn n to Involve rlk of rollln.on, Ilia halma of ln(h ahull la put to I ho prt no I mt i-ru'h mny p.ina oi thai port nlile of enr'h othrr. uri.i: liVKKTAhlMI, ItiU NMNO. KTC. A Ixntt mriiiklng onoili.r ahull keep out of Iut wny, but wlinn roumllng any buoy or vaanrl unol to murk out the roiirna, If two yiic-htn lire not i.-r if null lalUr ill Ilia tlllK' Uir liUng yiirht In rlona to, und aituully rounding, thn nmrk. thn uutldn yaohl muat give lha odwr room to puna rlnur of the mark, wlxithar It li the be uf weuth t boot whh'li I In daiuiar of fouling It. No (.out hull la roiiahlarrd i h ur of unother, unhon aha In an much abend a to give tha othar a fraa chotoo on whloh alia will puna. An overtaking bont lm not, bownvor, be Juntlfled In at tempting to aalahllnti an ovrrlnp, nl Ihiu foron a panaiur ImlWran tli leal Ing I ixkt twnl tho murk, after live lat'rr ImhiI lum altera,! hrr hrlm fr th pur iov of roundliut. Itri.K 7. olMTUfCTIiiNH Td HKA ItOOM. Whin pueel.ig a plor.rOtk. vrnUrl. or ol l.r ittmi ruotlon to eva room. ahoulJ Umln not ba door of h Other, the outnlda boatt or In atn munt glv loom 1 1 the bout In daiurar of fouling audi ob ui. n-la-iii-r It lr Uiil Ire or on i hrr loa:: provl.leil nlwnyi an over, hip hna Itain antahllalanl 1 efoiv un ob nlrurtlon la actually naihoj. ItUI.K 8. t.fKriNU AND IIKAIUNd A WAT. A Ih.i! mny luff ibo plroix to pr--vont nnwh,f Umt .arwiig to windward, but mum not l-nr uway ma of her oourae to htnd-r the other paaatng to uliiilwurd. Tha ,v, to ba ciwiablera.1 I ha I on whli-h tha bailing boat of (he two enrrtaa her mnln boom. The owr tiiklng Uiat, if to larwiird. munt not luff u n 11 aho haa drawn clear nhaid of the I "lot aho hoa ovrtJtn. HVI.K t. CUiHK ' I1AI I.1U) AITROACIIINO BHOItK. If two boata are atandlng toward a nhure or nlionl, or toward any buoy, boat or vomoI, niul tl IxmiI to laeward In likely to run aground, or foul of nuch buoy, Null or Venn.-) (expapt nn provided In ruin I), and 1 not able to tack without coming Into collision with the bout lo wlmlwnrd, the latter shall at nnoe tuck upon be4r hailed to do to by tha parson ea.llng the I -cwnrJ lio.U, who muat ,-e that his own boat tak al the name Ulna. UVI.E 10. TOULINO. Kuch boat must full ly round the coursa. iiihI munt not touch any buoy, boat or vranol una. I to murk It out, but aluill no. ho dlniiiinllfi.'d If wrongfully compell-d In do so by another lont. If a boat, U conm qinince of her ncgliKit of nny o thane rulos. nhnll foul another bont cr rompfl oilu-r lHt, to foul, she ahull foifult nil claim to tlw irlso, and nhall p.iy nil dnning-'. Ttila rulo iitpKa to flnhliur Nkl (uni'hor atnrt) only after thoy hnvo rouudtxl the first buoy, no foul being al-low-i-d from tho atnrt to the tlrat buoy. ItVI.K II. M KAN'S OV I'HlUM I.atON. No incnn of propnlilon, oxcept sails iiluill Ihi iillow',. JtUI.E 12. WOt'NDINQ. Nothing but ft hand lino nnd loud nhall lu umsl for miundlnT during a race. IU'I.K 13. rilOTKSTS. Any liout donlrtnit to enter a protest munt at once elvow the reattn, slgnnl connnloloualy In the rigging, and keaii It flying until sho hna crossed the line or hna uiitarod l-r proteat Trotalt must be made Ira writing, within two hours after tho conclusion of the raoe. RULR 14. BAILS. Scow schooner ajul cannery lenders will uso only thlr .working galls. Can nery tender will be rUlow-ed malnnall, foreno.ll and one. or mora Jibe, Columbia river flab, boata, first day, August fOth, will use only working sails (no water- anil or topsails) and on th second day any kind of sails will be allowed. Winner of first prlae In tho fish bout race, (salluvr) flrat day will not b al lowed to participate In tho second day'a rnce. , RULE IS. ; ,' STARTING. Five ml nut. before tha time for starl ing of each raoe a gun will be fired from the flagship, and boats muat prepare for their race. The second gun la designed for starting and any boat fa.Hng to crown the line within five minute after the second gun, shall be disqualified. 1'ftoan.AM. Klr'nl 'ty, August fr-7oriioon , Lund iWriido and aiarclna uahore. Wi l. uotiin ,U thn carnival queen by a gor iiaoui mnrlne prooaaion and by tli ting. lug of national air by a cliorun of goo voh en on th grand stand at Ftuvl'i dM'k, Aflarnnon (.'nlunibla river flail boats, sailing, an chor slnrt, racing nul l, First pri (n.i bain Fliiluynon'a twine; sacond, I'M; Ihlrd, IIS, Orninad poln ront"ntlloX Of Cigars. Whitehall nailing, anchor atnrt First, 2l; a-wrtid, 110. Dni k hunt-II'ix of cigars. Cnniiary tonder. aoliooniar. lulUiig Flrat, Va; ae.iond, JO. Bniw schooner, sailing Flrat, 130; sac. md 19); third, II", Hloop. -footra First Pi; second in. Olxtacln race i, Hloop. free for all Flrat, I12S; aocond, .'; third, 2I. Cat boaU, three to Urt-Flrat, 3J; econd, lio; third, U. Fishing skiff, sailing, U to JO fnet Hrnl, ; second, IS. F.xhlhitlvn, llf.avln( crews. drund lll In lb vnlng at Foard Htokaaj' hall. Hecond lny, August 21 Forenoon Whltrhall boats, doubl acull-Flrat. fX; second, IS. Duck hunt J. Llfe-lioal, llfn-navliig crew-Flrat, l-Vi; second, 126. 0ra-d pole con lost- IS. Hlwll race by tlw Wlllamett Rowing Club-UUJ. Ix-g-rolllng conteat. Bwlmmliif content, 71 yard, free for all-Mailul. Hhlps' boat race, four oand-Ftrat, tJO; second, I0. Dwlmmlng race, M yards, boy under II -turFirnt. ti; aaound, 12. Indian riuioe rai-e First, IX; second, III Cuiu-rn, lighthouse teiuU-ra-Flrst, necoiid, 110. Tub me U. Fish bouts, pulllng-Flrst, W; second 110. Mnrlne International tug of war IW. Ni-t-ilirunlng lonUst First, W, second. 110. Chine borne, rac-IO. Double-scull pleasure, three to start First, 110; second, 15. Oliaiacla ruca llox of cigars. Gigs, Itghthouan tenders Flrat, 13; fee ond, 111 Milk boat rare, suam flrat, ; aec. ond, 110. , Afternoon- Columbia river fish boats, sailing, an chor start, working sulln. F.rnt und atwctd r1a, choioe of tulo of IluT' hour's Hotting or Irnla or Marshall's twkfia; thlnl. four cunen corned bef fourth. mlr ruUicr hoots; flfht. two ciuhw corned bo-f. Whltennll, sailing, anchor aturt First iro; s.vond, 111). Greased iole contvat Fint, bog of cl gur; acond, 12.50. Cat boat mcvi. sailing-First, Ii5; aec ond. 110; thml, li tilnatacle raco Box of cigars. Cannery Utulcra, sailing schooners Flrat, tM; ond. (30. hoow -hiiiars. soiling f irst, 130: oc ond. :: third. 110. Duck hunt-U lH'n. JO-foolera First, IK; neeond, 115. Sloops, frew for all First 1125: second 100; third, IS. Gasoline launclx-a, anchor atart First 130; mt'oud, 110. Fish skiff, anlllng. anchor start Fliat IS); second, 15. At night Grand marine parade, at which a prize will be given for tho beet drcsned and ncatrat appearing crew. Fireworks and other amusements. AMTLET1C SPORTS. Third dny Forenoon- Grand challenge shoot, clay pigeons, free for all-First. S25; second, 115; third, no. Log rolling contest-First, 125; second IK'. GranJ International tug of war First, 135; second, 110. rinitmn pillow conteat rlrst, 16; aec ond, 15. Championship of th world. tluavball content Fats vs. Leon. Grand athletic carnival, under the a us Pliwe of the Aatorla Football Club. Frlica, mmlnls. Sundiiyv- Grand excursion by the Woodmen of the World. Launching of the Mansnnlta. Orand clam bake. Kntry books are now open for all events ..t i rice of secretary. W. L. Robb, nt re gatta ho-idqunrtera. There will bo no war ships In attend ance at this year's regatta, at least none if t'nola 8nm's. It Is lust posxlble, how. ever, that a foreign vessel will come In here nt the Invitation of Hr'U-horn who reside Inere. The onlry books will lie opened at re gatta headquarters today, nnd all thono who wish to participate are requested to get In early with their entries. Sail- Ing rules nnd Instruction will be printed In duo time and distributed to those who wish to participate In the various events. It In especially reuqeated that the bunl nens houses und realdoiices of the city lie as handsomely dooorated as poxalhlo during carnival week, and merchants who carry bunting In ntock will do wnll to provide a goodly supply. One thing Is certain. It la going tn be tho moat auccoanful retratta ever hold in Astoria, and will brlnga large num ber of people to the city. The cltlsens will do well to keep up the enthusiasm to Uie end. CLEVER DETECTIVES. Richard T. Wilson's Jawelry Recovered and Robber Caught. Now Tork. August 18. Richard T. Wilson. Sr., on June 21 th last reported nt police headquarter that his man si op on Fifth avenue had' bean robbed the night previous and that on entrance had been effected without breaking any door or window. The deiocUvas assigned to the Investigation of the burglary learned that Albert V. Sugden, a former valet of Mr. Wilson, had been tn the house on two occasions after he had left the latter' employ, nnd that na one knew how he had obtained on entrance. This Information waa the bnals of the suspicion that caused the former valet Lard Creates CSV Dyspepsia COTTOLENE cures Taa) canal n OottoUm Is powna Una, wllo oar irao nuarvaw-unaowns, as aWl Ktad an KUon-ointU aeaeoaA on reary tta. Dot guratd If stAM THK W. K. VaXKBAVK OOsTFAaTT Chtnaao. ML Lou t-K. MootraaX to I wati bed by th airthortlb. Fl- nnlly a deteollve "stool pigeon," whos name Is also Albert BuguVn, ga;ned the cotif)d-ire of ti suspi-ctl young man nnd finally wrung from tha bitter the details of th robbery and th, Inalde purilcul.irs of s suit which th -valet bail brought ngaltmt Mr. Wllnon for all'gtl services In in-ekhg to discover the author of scurrilous latter atlock'ng Mr. Wllmm's daughter, now Mm. Cor nelius Vanderbtlt, Jr. Thane liters, which appeared nliout the time of Ihi murrUige. were written on l-tter pa t or two of Die mont arista rule New York clubs and cleat, d a great s nut!on De. coy Sug.b n wroia lii ttaa yoti'ia; Krwllnh miin that un aci-ouril of the similarity end oihmess of their tmmi-s, they munt be relative. The vabet ti-pllnl to the note anl somi an uppar.-nrly strong frli)'lhlp siirung up betwean the lalr. VuitiK KuK'U-n gaw bin niimiaakp a seul- 1 mvi l'Hia roirtulnlnu B rec-l!,t for Mr. Wllwn's Jewelry, which hud lean pl,vd the d iv after the robin ry In the vaults of thu New Jern-y TI.Ui arnl Gu-irant . I foinpiiny. Jersey Clly. Tlia nust while j In In nhud iwe.l wan found to 1 con- , nortlng with nn -x-rom1et who hud tuat ! Is-n ri l'-iimd from the Klng'n county ' peitiltentliiry. ' In the fa. of the ril lenee the accused broke down and ecu.'. nl the crime uml the Jewelry wu r-ccnTed. ANDHEE'8 EXPEDITION. f?clil!lo Men Are Greatly Interfiled In i the Viture. r N-w York. August 15. A special to the Herald from Washington jmyn: Kehntlllc nu n In Waehlnir.oa are great ly lntertinl In Andrew's polur rxiedltioi nnd are eager to glean from any relia ble quarter .nformatlan conorrnlivg It. Prof. William Hnrkmwei. of the observ atory'. In dls.-usa.nir It, fold in un Inter view: "I have no reason to doubt that An drea may have rvurhed us far as tl ifc'grev) north latitude. There Is nothing so remarkable In that- Nan son. for In- ntaui-e, w-it on far or farther, but I am Inclined to think the Christiana ttory In utiivllulilc. I will not say that It In tmKMM.ble for a currW pigeon to cover , th,. On or M.J miles IndlcauJ owr Icy ; eon. but It would be only one chnocj i tiioosnn.! if ioic ,m-i route and If I s vagaries war extendeil It would die liefore long from lick' of food. Under the let jioralble chances a bird might, perhaps, covr the distance in from 10 to 12 hours .rent jig on the llouting Ice cn route "One strong reison for doutK Is that tha latitude nod Kmarltuda of the place where the pigeon In raported to have been shot arc not given m the dl-ajmtchei nnd that is so contrary to a navigator's ! system as to glvo rise to suspicions. Then, granting the plseon wna found I rjid sliol, nnd the alleged letter obtnin-d ; from It. It Myms very Improbabl that j a captain so well acquainted and so t much lntnr,ted tn Andree's plans ns this one In sold to be. should refuse to give the letter Into the hands that I would carry It directly to clvllliii'.lcn, I but carry It with him furthaT Into the Arctic regions. He would naturally have , , , . , , . been glad to give any such Important new to the world ns quickly as poa- i slble." ', 1 MORE GOLD IN CALIFORNIA. CiUTville, Cal., August IS. William iruu aim uin imrmer, nn ac.or nameu ' D.llon. have struck what I said to be one If the richest ledges .that have been .......I In .1.1. ,( . . . T-1. . ... I ... io. au.wu.-i. l,k men oiuj or- HvimI hore about noon on Monday, and before sundown Truax, who Is a miner recently from Cripple Creek, hud found what was probably a fortitrs? for both. Th-s latest find Is situated on Morrison crea.k. Just lolow the Graves brothers' chum, nnd atom the Davis placer mine. Tlw two men were up at daylight yvster- lay morning and by noun had stripped elioliL-h lo show- thorn n l.vlim ln-n e., ,, , . , , , , , i w ide and of wonderful richness. Dillon , canm from Siioranmnio, whora ho was i stopping. He : known on the variety stage ns a partner of Lynch. JOHN BULL AGAIN. Now Wants to Grab Cllpperton Island From United States. j San Francisco, August IS. The arrival ! of the summer Navarro from Clipper- town Inland confirms previous rumors of possible diplomatic! complications with Great Britain over the ownership of that bit of lund sltuulted 600 miles west of Acapulco. It seems that England has never ocqlred a title to the tsalnd. Sev eral years ago It was discovered that the Island was rloh In phosphites. The Onenlc Phosphite Company of thl city was then organised, and since that time tlw island has been owned here and has practically been United States terri tory. It Is now asserted that English capitalists propose to buy the: San Fran- cssca company's Interest, and having acquired a commercial control, to plaoa the island undar Great Britain's ling. A gentleman familiar with the. matter aays: i t, inimn 'Mexico may assert a claim if England attempts to annex CUppertoo, and un der the Monroe doctrine the United States has a commercial claim that is ahead of any other. Oven though neither Mexico nor the United Stabea may want the Island, the it. sold rrrywhr Id on to m soM la any otnar wa. Mir T la. MewTork. policy of the Unlurf Blown against th tauvuAia of Eurufwan dorrfnatl'n. on this oontftem may be exUndd to th coral Island. Diplomatic difficulties may arlne In any event unless England de- abats from attempUns; to acqitr owner ship." THE MARKETS. Wheat Make Another Big Jump and Raoheaj High Water Mark. Bon Francisco, August li. Hops-Fancy, 10c. Liverpool. Auguat 18. -Wheat Firm. New York. August IS. Hops ulot. Portland, August lit. Wheat Valley, v3 ami Mc; Walla Wall. S2 and !2'iC. New York, August IS HUh water mark for the season wa reach -d In the wleat mark, today, not only cn value, but aa to volume of the tians aclung aa well. Prices advanced 4 to 5c for the day and sal -s reached the big total of U.2VJ.M bushels. Kxcit -raw. . preva.lod In the market from tlart to , flnliih. but parleularly In he las: hour, when the wheat advances became so : rapid that frequently fluctuatlvis m-rkel ! ')' Vc f ractlu. s Instead of ko unl c. I the changes that are ordinarily seen. jThe total range of September was from SlVa to V5t4. against U, the lowest prlcj I of yesterday, and (S'i. the previous Mffh notch for the reason, . ( INJUNCTION ENFORCED. I Pittsburg, August 18. Special to th- Astorlnn.) When court opened this moru- trig Judges St owe and Collier handed i down the decision In the Injunction pro ' oeligii of the Nbw York & Clevcl .n 1 Gas Coal Company agai-mt the United Mine Workers of America, Patrick Do- Ian. William Warner and others. l"he 1 preliminary Injunction was made perma , noffit. , , f f ; ' t- BASEBALL SCORES. 1 Baltimore, August IS.-Baltlm Te 6. Brooklyn 2. New York. August IS. New York ! "'"ulnlnia ' Boston, August 18.-B5ton S. Wash 'nSton 0. i "- " ! MARINE NEWS, j 1 ! VESSELS OX THE W tY TO THE COLUMBIA KIVER FKOM Vessel. Tons Kate Dy Car Wr h, Br h .les...uiAl... Dunayre. Hrsh aJrt...lniAl... Marechal auche, br th ANTWESr. Oeht rlvre. Br I k .. 1 I...100a1 5 Uiilllhgjwsdiire, Br ill lii,...KXAl. 21 SALTiaOKt. George Stetson, Am sh 1710...33.11... 18 c api tou'M, Sprlngburn, Br ih 2CM...iO0a1... cAKDtrr. Aancaley, Brih U91...1O0A1...1O4 FKtr.aliNTLI, Al'S. Ansmbi, Br bk mono IK5...1iX'a1 16 crown of feotland. Br h.... ; Keiiee Ktetiuern. tier ah i I.adv W etitsftinh. Br ih .... Hottbek,t,erh Uti-IOOA... S4 Isn)...UWa1.. iM2...inOl. - 1SNJ...100A1-. HO.MUK0N0. I Godlva. Br h. ! .Moamouthalure, Br th. 1!12...1TAl. 61 l.71...UK'Al. lornsdale, Br 2ltt...l0UAe.. I UONolXLr. j Brenliilda, Brh bML.lOHl... HELBOl'KSX. K nrosahlre, Brsh J21tW...10OAl - NAGASAKI. Bandaiielra, Br th- 177S...10Ua1. vau'r.sTla A i phiiomene, Br sh 1SS2...10ia1... K I Fmvlnce, Brsh 1hVi!...uioa1... sutherlandslilre, Br sn ij4a...lU0Ai... SHANGHAI, Elginshire, Br sh. . 9W...M0.U. Beacon KiK'k, Br sli 17:a...l0UAl... lilnhr iiii hine. Brsh i.W...1iHa1... Strathsri fe. HrSh... 21.J...10U.U... j swahsea. ' Prunibu ton, Br tli 17 :...10UA1. ! table bay. Poltulloch, Br th :'l.i9.liAi l iauiiwim a. lilen;ui-ret. Hr str Citj of 1'eith, Br sh iiTs. Yokohama. IOJaI... loOAl Peru, Oer sh A JSlOOal Monkbarns, Brsh 1771...HXIA1... 'M Arrucou, Br sli ."J2...iuua1.. - MARINE n?CMFWTPSHR The stern-wheeler Eugone wag expeeted to leave last night for Alaska. The Norwegian steamer Florida will leave dow from Portland this morn- Ing. The steamer State arrived in yesterday from Son Francisco with a large freight and passenger list. The yachts Columbia, Undine and White Wings arrived from Shoal water bay yesterday for the regatta. The British ship Andreta, Captain Nlckerson, from Newcastle, cool-laden, cleared for Portland yesterday. She docked In the afternoon at the coal bunkers and will discharge here before going to Portland. NOTICE-BRITISH SHIP SYNE. EUPHRO- I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by the officers or crew of th above namrd vessel while tn thl port without my written order. DAVTD THOMSON, Master. NOTICK f)F RECEIVER'S SALE OF NOTES AND ACCOUNTS. Nolle la haretry given, that tha unda- slKiud as receiver tn tha suit of C. T, Crosby aa administrator of the estate of M. C. Crosby deneaaed. Plaintiff v. Sol Oppnh4mr rt sin, defendants, no a pand Ing In th Circuit Court of tha Btata of Orngfm for On loop county and pursuant to in order of said Circuit Court, will sell at public auction, to the highest bid der for cash, the following note) and ac counts, due from the following named person, to th eatat of the said M. C. Crosby deceased, on Monday the 13rd day of August. li7, at the hour of 10 o'clock In th forenoon of amid day. In front of th court house door In the City of As toria, In Clatnop county. In th State of Oreg'jn, to-wlt; ACCOUNTS N. Ullmor f Tillamook Lumber Co David Upton I 71 Robt. West John Whaldon. I 00 O. 0Brm I SS Qua Osmundson , 1 10 Herbert Petit. IU Peter John I 71 C. C. Babbtdg I M Chas. C. Rosenberg I 14 Str. Mt. Duck 47 27 Union Pacific Co I 91 Barney Gallagher C E. Llbke K Owen Mailoo I 25 W. II. Whllcomb 71 A. K. Anderson IK H. D. Adair 45 16 An lone Antonlch 1 66 Joe Anderson 15 TO Theo. Broemner 1 7$ A. Bartholomew I 23 C. W. Ham'blln 10 X P. D. Hull 10 00 Geo. P. Ashley 146 23 Jan. W. King 0 41 John McGuire I 46 Nehab m Lumber Co 29 11 Jno. Pike 10 00 Pacific Pavlrg Co 554 16 A. B. Thompson I 5 W. W. Bracket 66 E. J. Smith 4 15 F. H. Frederckson 4 62 Marry Richard 1 30 A. E. King 43 49 Chas. Stanley I 75 Columbia amusement Co 61 1 Ben Ekoes 1 45 Chas. Addis 1 15 R. M. Lowe 60 SIT, Rsetlew 100 H. E. Stephenson 75 Warren ton Mill Co 23 12 Vorhess - Co iK O. BUne 66 F. E. Pike 160 Astoria Street Ry. Co 125 Dalglty Iron Works 71 58 Geo. Hill 12 40 Cornahon & Co 14 M L. Blaman I 00 Scow Bay Foundry IS 51 a Smith 100 John Flenhaara. ( 79 Mrs Upshur 30 60 Maggie Laws 55 F. M. 6verbeck .,...... 60 C. Olvla J Geo. Pardee 1 50 Johnson & Brown 23 Dr. Alfred Kinney 8 15 N. Larson 83 Mrs. Mary Llneweber 54 73 Str. Cl'y of Frankfort. 2 10 E. Scarborough 7 26 Alfred Tetro 12 10 D. M. Watson..... 2 22 Mr. Packwood 4 75 Frank Stevens Capt. Thos. Parker 1 61 Wm. Raymond 95 E. 0. Reed 160 N. P. Roberts 3 W John L. Starr 1 (a W. R. Mcintosh 23 00 McDonald & Frederklng 1131 Pat O'Hara 10 50 C. H. Pemberton 16 35 James L. Jensen 90 Sam Krugar 1 50 R. H. Kegan 9 70 E. J. Llddlcoat 2 00 Launch Elida 6 H. Marks 73 John Harlan l 23 Hussy & Moody 11 50 Heckards Mill 5") M. Hansen 6 23 Aug. Johansen 13 01 O. F. Jocobson 14 75 Ed C. Foster 15 23 Capt, Finely 64 S. Fairfield 1.43 Frank Gardner 14 90 L. E. Glllet 45 85 F. B. Hull 37 01 P. B. Heckard t fc5 W. Douglass 5 90 Chas Quinn t Dr. C. C. Rosenberg C 40 G. F. Richardson 4 47 T. S. Simpson 6 18 B. O. Scaborg S 32 J. N. Laws 9 95 Mr. Miller 1 60 Thos. Normand S 96 Thos. Peterson 10 03 P. W. Parker 3 00 J. B. Johnson 5 00 Mrs. Logan 25 E. F. Llbke 26.95 Jas. McGUl 1 90 John Lace 20 91 O.W. Hill 8 ' G. W. Howater S 50 Toney Huber 9 00 H. J. Hasson 6 00 Nicholas Johns 1 50 Andrew Johnson 16 00 W. A. Ford 16 64 W. Frederlckson 12 05 E. Gustafson 75 J. H. D. Gray 1 45 C. H. Grlbble I 38 Wm. Howe 8 83 Frank Dopplemelr 1 15 Rev. Dllworth 1 SO Drennon 90 M. Erickson 1 75 Chas. Ehlander 1 10 S. W. Everest 12 70 Mrs. Farrell t 50 Harry Connelly 145 Wm. Chance 93 Robt Chrlstce 4 "0 Columbia Oyster House t 60 E. N. Bussing 71 N. Brasee 80 Capt. Jas. Bell 4 55 Aamold I 73 Alex. Anderson 1 V C. Anderson 1 00 A. Angarola 1 90 Mrs. Byers 1 75 Wm. IHHinlny. ., IU C. M. Stark. it omea Turk 71 (I O. P. Vpaher II 10 Btr, Manianlt 1 M CapL Kindred McOowan Bros, s. TutUe..... I II W. C. Rlcord in Tug Wallowa it H. Anderson I U Anton Anderson...,,.., If O. Anderson I M Chas. A. Davts , 7S Jaa. Efflnger , IK Tho. Eoclea 1 10 John Erickson I II H. T. Crosby U M D. J. Colbert 1 40 Hector Campbell 10 00 Chlsholra aV Co , 4 71 N. J. CrsJn 1 C. C. DaJton I TO Wm. Beck 1 40 Mrs. Belcher 1 N F. M. Bos worth M a to 1 23 X II 43 4140 St H 11 61 UH till 1144 120 me 190 a 171 120 ItO , 1 00 , 150 ISO , 10 00 E. T. Brown Ah Dock A. Anderson G. Angarola M. J. Barr H. M. Snow W. W. Parker O. P. Graham O. P. Henry Jno. Anundl Alf. Olbbons Joe Leathers Louis Martin. Ocean Canning Co Belle Parker Scow Bay Wood Yard.... P. A,TrulIhiger Mrs. F. F. Clayton Captain Brown , Christensen Johnson.. Chas. R. Johnson Louis Poulson Geo. Woods New Astoria Land Co... NOTES. Nov. 24, 18S8. John R. Cow den.... I 75 00 Nov. 26, 1888. John R. Walker 151 51 Nov. 19, 189L Thos. G. Davidson 2M Jl Dec. 21. 18&1. IL D. Newtourry 154 64 Dec. H, 189L Thos. H. Fos 176 02 Dee, It, ISSt J. C. Davis 71 55 Apr. 25, Ml Llddlcoat Crlbb 277 M Apr. 25, 1SS3. Llddlcoat A Crlbb 74 50 Oct 17, IK Chas. JL Inora 62 64 He. 22, U.W. J. L, BUrut, O. R- Stout 224 00 Dec. ft 1853, Otto V. Hall. Wm. A. Graham 2 78 Dec 10, 1893. N. Nlelson 14 69 Dec 20, 1893, O. P. Graham 00 Dec. 10, 1853. Alfred Kinney M W Dec , 1S3J. G. W. Fisher 41 49 Dec , 1893- J. H. D. Gray 125 M Dec 10, 18! F. J. Goodnough B Dec. 30, 1803- D. A. May J.f.f.f.T UH. Dec 10. 1S33. O. A. SUnson 70 14 Dec. 10, 1891 Sarah A. Ross 6 IS Dec. 10, 1891 Knute Soter 1 20 Dec to .1891 H. M. Thatcher 40 S3 Dec 20, 1881 Jo. Walsh IS ) Dec 10, 1894. Geo. HU1 48 II Jon. 18, 1S95. A. 8. Mc7roaky, C. 0. Bottom 60 00 Mch. 1. 1S95. W. H. Smith 19 86 May J, IS56. T. L. Frailer 139 96 July 10, 1895. Harry Crlbb 100 00 July 15, 1855. J. T. W. Andrews, C. E. Bayles (mortgage) 276 46 The said accounts and notes will be sold separately to the highest bidder for cash. JOHN FOX Receiver. Hold's the world's record for long-distance fast running Better than the best- tjulck aa the quickest tha Burlington's "St Paul-Chicago Limited." An electric UgUted,steam heated, wide vestlbuled train, fresh from the builder's hands. Built at a coat of nearly 1123.000. Most beautiful, luxurious, com fort able, complete train ever placed tn service on any railroad In any coun try. Leaves St Paul at 8:06 p. tn. dally. Compartment and standard sleepers, day coaches, chair cars, a la carte diner and buffet smoker. NO EXTRA FARES. Ttcsets at office of all connecting lines, A. C. SHELDON, General Agent, Portland. Oregon. WHITE COLLAR LINE Columbia River and Puget Sound Nav igation Co. STEAMER "TELEPHONE." Leaves Astoria dally except Sunday, p. m. Leaves Portland daily except Sunday, a. m. STEAMER "BAILEY GATZERT." Leaves Astoria dally except Sunday and Monday at 7 a. m.; Sunday nights at 7 o'clock. Leaves Portland daily except Sunday at p. m. Leaves Saturday night at 10 o'clock. STEAMER "OCEAN WAVE" Leaves Astoria for Portland Wednesday and Friday at 8:30 a. tn.; Sunday at T , m. Leaves Astoria for Flavel and Ilwaco Tuesday and Thursday at I p. m.; Satur day at 7 p. m.; Sunday at 8 a. m. STEAMER "OCEAN WAVE" Makes round trips) every Sunday from Astoria to Flavel and Ilwaco. Returning, leaves Ilwaco Sunday eight at 5 o'clock, Wednesday and Friday mornings at 7 o'clock, always landing at FlaveL Leaves Portland for Astoria. Flavel and. Clatsop Beaoh and Ilwaco. Tuesday.. and Thursday at 8 a. m.; Saturday at. 11 o'clock noon. V. B. SCOTT, Presndamt B. A. Seeley, Agent Portland. C W. Stone, Agent, Astoria. Telephone No. IL A. V. ALLEN, DEALER IN Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Fruit Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies. eSor. Tenth a d Coiiunereial strata,