The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 13, 1897, Image 1

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Mionnooco.if! oi oqoj oq 11!
v,;tl0J,o iprr. o ;; '; !""! ouo
.t.,r.-m' ;. :l inOHMAA AjCJqn
. ...... WtiC'itoM ,v.'t."JI.'ut.lM 'SVjOOa
' w J -i
biggest and test paper
on the Columbia River
THE ASTORIAN. has the largest
circulation of anv paper
on thfr Coiumfcla River
;no. sii.
Sole Agents for Knox and Wauburton Hats
. ..mtyVl f, X
Hatters and
94 Third Street,
.Tbe Only Exclusive
Baseball and Tennis Goods
Boxing Gloves
Croquet Sets
New Novi'lrtJ-i'i'l MngitzinoH rm-ivi'il uh h
uh pulilihlinl
. . . IMPROVED ...
White Mountain Freezer
Will in Four Minutes
Freeze Cream to a . .
.... Hard Even Grain
All sizes, from 1 to 15 quarts, at
U-nr. and
I ha
1 1
Q U U 13 Q U tfi
r R !! T !1 M !! SrH
T r
mm mm mm Wm Mm M lr .;J
The Choicest
Table Wines
Also for Medicinal . .
and Cooking Purposes
103 Twelfth Street
Shield Brand Hams, Bacon, Strictly Pure Lard
Guaranteed the Beet la the Market
Ross, Higgins & Company
Men's furnishers.
Fishing Tackle
Baby Carriages
Children's Wagons
Garden Tools
Monmouth, Ortgon
Itaaiil'ir Surma! t'our.i' of three year
senior tr.r w hoilr irtiliiniial.
Training department ul nlur grade with JU) children,
lii.lructioii mill trnln 11 In i.iiniia.llr. rjwttdl.h if-
Vocai Mu.le for pitWlc ..inula.
Normal ililnniii li reef ulivd hj lnw at hTATI
CMlll.iiAlK In teach.
t fiiirii., 1 mil. mi, lHiki, boanl mill lodging (ap
iniiiiib ijri. i vioo nor or.
itulciti iHtHr.tlni iliriiiwlvea. fill' 00 per year.
Arn'l.'lnlr itrtidr. accftt (rum blah M'hoola.
Catftluf tin cheerfully will nil apillcailoii,
I'. L. CAMl'llKJ.I, Pw.ldetil, or
W. A. WAN.N, HMrrUry Kculty.
Mount Angel College
Thla If Juat tho place far your bays.
Ivlldnful loratlon. largo bulUllngf and
gronnila, good maala, plenty of hralthy
vxrrclav, xi-o)lcnt tchor and crful
Imlnlnir tlila li whnt tlwy aJI My of
alogue and apcolol tcrma.
Hilioil will oixin BopUmber 1
P, F. PLACIDUS. Director,
"Private Stock"
"Cream Rye"
"Old Hickory"
"Pride of..
Repsold California
Our toi'k of
Vtiti hIjouM
Tbc Geo. '. Klilcr Arrives with Ut
ters and Mcv!cs.
H tbe Cry, hat .More Sinmrre are l(aimj
Daily - torlea All Vcll-Meyllcr
Sail Net. Stuaitr Liac.
Anolli. r KlniLllk.- .lay. WHf our. al.uiii.
rr i.-urilnjr fr AUk;i .ml iin.)llT f.
lurnliiK fi'dii ih.T.-, yi-.t.r.liiy all lnt.-ri-t
,-hii..mI in the fur.iiwuy uM il"M
IwctIi U'l-ling frlcniU fup ll ""'I iniior.
I- rMulUia" I'll'tn ri-lv'. fnmi th.on.-.ili.-.uly
In Vyv. Hkiia-wi.y. Aaiortnna
wire In i frvr of rxi-innim.t all Jiiy.
At ll.t'J ymli-r-iny n.r!iom llw 1 1 1 1 1 -trnnu-r
M iyfl'wr, I'm.l.ilti Julin I'lm-k-
rrn.'ll, bikI .a" iKT. llh a lurg'" liunci
lnnil.1 with frt'lglu In' low, tunml h r
iiu lo th norili itn.l w i mil for lya
All tli M.ntnie In tlw hurUr inlul.-.l
h'T u ! kiI lo em ui.l liiiiiilri.U
on lnii houi..l lnt far-wll lo Ihoe..
on l.wr-l. Ilr.lly Im.l th r. lit-mcni
t Km- .Vi'iirtiirs of ilu- Mayflower ub.
U forf tli rnrl n mi lvl Ihm
llw ti.-rui W. KIiIit, wlil.h ealW-il from
Ilu. port Sunday morning. AiikokI 1. for
Pyp.i. w.u. r nt. rlng lh harUir on rtt-r
return voyogc.
Al olik In the .wnlng the KUIrr
m.i.l.. fai.1 ai th.- . It N il.x-k. an t
vim lmm.-.lliit.'ly lnU'gcl by ri".rtiT
ami lvol of frlrniln of llir AnlotiaiiH
liu Iw.l t.ik.'ii Mifcig i lu r to Uu-
ri. w 1. 1. lor ii.i... nil ninimiK in g"i hip
liiiint nrw from lhlr fi. ii.ln A f.-w
li.M.4igi-ni, who nt lip Mmly f'r th.
roun.l lrl, i tiirin-.l wuh tli Kl.ltr mi. I
afi.-r reporting nt ill.- custom hoi;. hh
l.fl up for l'orllan.1 ui T p m Many
. u.r lo At l.n w.i" .! Ilv.-n-.! by
Hi.- Kl.b-r. .ui.l otht-ra wr.- r.v...1 by
y.wiiriliiy'a il. A nnnil.r of l.-m-r.
w. i. han.b.l lo lit.' 'in.iHv.. of th
Anloilan. n f. w of whKIi nr published,
(.'apl.iln Jniin mi. I I'M f Vnttli.' r
SniHh mil. I that Ihiy I'll a flm pin a;.
fnun Ator:i. arrllim at Skuguay nt
T:t.'. p m . Angi'"! '. in.l at Iy.- ut 1
i. m. trr Ttli. Loving ug.iin tor AMi.n.i
ut o'clock Sunday nlnlii th- uh, loin h.
Ing on the r.'lutn trip Monday morning
nl KIIIIkiiow an.l nt Slika In th- aft'-r-
iuh)ii. Thry leportfd that lh w. ithir In
Sknguny I'ny !e J"t th. amo as It la In
AMorla mild nml plca.-anl. At Skaguuy
It ,x.k very blue for tlK- thouaaiida there. Not one-half cm k I over
lh While I'iik. ThM route U more lev. I
tbun Chllkoot pna, though considerably
longer, and hue tho inlvanlnge of land.
Ing tho propeur cn ll.nn. ti'a lake, or
Iho iHHxaal lake In tlu clniin from Lin
deriniin, wlnro proMom tln.t rench
wator vlii, Chllkoot vii.. The rt i-lx
mil out from Pkiuruny li a line road,
thou conies nix mllea of marsh which la
almost ImpiiKonble. One thousand mm
have volunleore.1 their servbt lo conlu.
toy till place, nnd will haw It com.
pli'ted In a abort tlmo. Itoth pawoa aiv by horse nnd men, and the oftl-
crra aay that more are nrrlvlng dally
llorm-a are at u premium and almost
worth tbi-lr weight In gold. Two of tbo-.o
taken up on the Kller got mired at
Skiiguny nnd Im.l to be sl ot. There Is
allll good grass for stock.
At Dyen there nre over I.000 men en.
camped nnd hundreds arriving on every
bout. Nearly all of tho Aslorl inn landed
there. The steamer could only gel with.
In n mile and n hnlf of the shot. Freight
nnd passenger were llghterv.1 by bnrgeH
nnd amnll boats nt n cost of about Jb)
per Ion. Tho country la wild and p o-
tureaiuc. No anow has yet fallen, ex- a lit t lo In the mountains. It Is
thought thnt not ov.r hnlf of those now
thorn will get through this winter. Two
Seattle men, one named Fowler and th?
other unknown, who wont tip on the
Elder, wero drowned nt Sheep's camp,
about alx mllea up tho river from Pyoa.
The present rate for packing freight over
tho pass Is 25 cents per potiad. nnd at
thnt flguro nil the pnek nnlmals nre kept
bnay and more nre demnnded.
Writing on board the Elder on tho up
trip, under dale of August 2 nnd S. AL
fred Hydo nnd Will Clinton any thnt
they had the beat lot of people on board
ever got together, the voyage wna fine
and while a few were eck, none of tho
Aatorlnna auccumbed. Tom Llnvlllo was
tho moat popular nnd best known man
on board. McTnvtsh alent on de.?k In.
alend of with the horses, nnd nil wero
Weather Not So End ns Sometimes Rep
Juneau, Alaska, August 6. Friend Har
ry (Philllpe): W4 arrived here last night
J-iiliiV Snilr, WiilMn ami I'Ylora isliiijir's. in tin- ltft tvl iml combination of color. Something
vinl tir More unI inn " t tlio latett I'nrn htyl'- nnl cliajieM all it j.Oiiilar price.
i.nd 1 have l..n very I usy getting whnt
Inform itloii I could In r-gnrd to th'
ir.ilU iil lii .rosH.'t of gritting ov r
th. in Tbf bei Irfotn a'loii 1 rot,i o!
lain, anl it Hi from, an i-iuJiimt who
euiiii; la l.i.t nlghi i.'iiui tol the .nine
h Joi iiiaiii.,1 (rem oll.iir .irta. w 1:0 came
In from ihre, nnd I Odr.k tlay ur r'.
Ilablie-la Unit the; paw trail Is
op. ii and -in lo I .. Hie fmorlte on
leciMint of Its Isitig go'.l h rso trail
ctiar tliroiixii and lai'U you on Lake
ll.tiii.ti, wh-ie th.-ru U pl-tily of tlm.
i r and u uh mill. All kinds of in' r.
i,aril.'- i an b" piu k'd ov.-r the trail
l.y noi .--(v.-...-a pimlx-r. It Is ' mil
farther than the ('h!lli"ot n.- trail, but
It . ins )u g t portage l.-twivn I.ak'
I.liid, i ii.i.m and lleiin.,t, us the Chllkoot
pars trull lands you at I.lnder
rnan. Th. rij la no tlmlx r there nnd yoJ
have to g-t your good- fr';m I.liiderman
to l. nti.-ii l.y rnft be'ore you can gel
liml" r s iltahle to biidl a lat. There
are K.nie ."riw- th. r proUtbly between
thr.M- and four hundri-ii b. ml. The j.rie
for packing at prwrtt Is Kc. but this
price will rise and fal) with thft .limand
for the hor a. At lr"i. lit the Indira,
tlnna are that II will if- higher, as there
are more go.sls goliia than Intra. and
at pr.s. tit th. ' nr.; Ill "X'1 denvind.
It la my opinion It Is not i" h n
haul trip u Din' wotil) sup0e; ahvo.
the weatur la not no terrible, na they
would nmki; you Nlb ve. tf coura--, en
the mountain pinks In a Miaxvd It gf.ta
pretty rold. still, Otty KO In and out
ni nil ilin through tlx; winter. ' 1'arllfa
who cnniB In fliould bring enough pro
vialona to last tlB in iintll trlng. aa they lo got hre.
Thwre ore pbaity of retorta coming IB
ev. ry day of rich atrlk-a being
and new dlgglnga llr.g (.iud up rlirhl
along. From all rejtort Hit-country mut
be very rich and It Is no newspaper or
tiaiissrtatlou company sch. me. There
are! of m n BirsndVl lu re at
Jmu'itii who only had enoiih to get th, m
beie. In regiird to going this full, nil
the old-timers h.-re tell me thnt unless
a man can gel In her..- In the next forty
las It would be Iwlt-r to wait lir.tll
,iing C.Li'lUlK BTKT30X.
t'yeu Lay. Ali.ska. August T Kd
iIIiiiim-ii); We nrrlv.l h. r.-. last night
all In gool shai' iin.l Xpert to Ik- able
to start over the pass In n day or two.
Y.m would like lo a. t the exclt. mint
im.l confusion that cxt.-t here. There rc
aUMit i.m si. c.iuiKil all around on
tlx- bench waiting to get over the moun
tain and the amount and variety of thi
goods all ov.r the country
would make you smile out loud. Our party
are all In the best of spirits.
M. S. !Ol'Nl.
I'ye.v, Alaska. August ll-Joo lloch:
Ve are now lying In tho buy; will land
this evening. 8omo of the boys have Item
nslmre. Many hnvo lHtn on board. Both
pusses lire blockeil and tho price of pack
ing Is now 25c x-r otind from salt water
to the lake, and many are selling out
and going Kick; but all of the boys from
Astoria are .slicking to It. It may 1k
different when they strike the trail. We
had a good trip on the ootin. Every,
body from Astoria Is well except Will
Ollntiu) and he la only hungry. They
lost two horsoa in loading (or thr.-w them
overboard). I would not al v I so any of
the boys to come here, aa there Is noth.
Ing to do . xi pi pack nnd mine. Good
minor can get $.'..V and board, and from
what I can learn of the trail It In a
hard Job to woik for wages, but we are
going over some way. M S. HOI' N PS.
01 1 AS. WIS li
Don't Ho to Alaska I'ntll N'.xt Spring,
He Says.
Friend Sam (Harris): We arrived here
Ian night. This Is the milts below Pyea.
They nre building a new trull from here
to Ijiko riennctt. It Is it miles, more or
less, but nil of us aro gclng up to Pyea.
Frenk Green Is the only Astorlan getting
off here. There are nKuit 2.iM men here
nt present, all rxclte.1, but more of them
are homesick than anything else. A man
can get mont nnylhlng he wants In the
shape of nn outfit nt his own figures thnt
la. anything but horsvs, nnd they are
worth tholr weight tn gold. Llnvllle Is
tho most popular man on board ship.
Ho knows every mnn, woman and child
on ltixird. Ho and old McTavish are
going on over the trail tomorrow, while
the rest of us tlx camp. A man that
comes up hero needs money and lots of
It. Tho chnrges nre from a cent a pound
up to 25 cents In about a hundred differ
ent places, but I guess we will get
through nil right If there Is anyone
thinking about coming- up hero, tell him
for God's sake to stay away till spring,
for I don't believe half of thoso hero
will get through. Thero are men here
who have all tho way from one pound
up to two tens of freight each, and no
money, go you can see how things are.
It It Reportod to Bo Growing Worse
Than Ever.
San Francisco, August 12. Rumors have
recently been spread In this city that
(Continued on Third Tag.)
lioth Stewart and Jones A'lmit that
Prosperity Is Restored.
Aid Are it Vail Street alter It. with
.Many CoarjrattfUtuia Inr t lie Kt
pablicat Carty,
New Vork. August 12.-TH Tlme today
publishes the following:
Heritor Stcwitrt l one of the latest
con vena to commercial optimism. He
la a bull on everything vzeept llv.
Ho la engaged In a vigorous campaign
in Wall street, nnd h said yeaieruW
that ho hnrd ao much about better time
that ho had determined to gather In a
part of the proprity which Is how not
only rampant In the 'etrect,' but outsM
When asked what had brought about th-;
change In hla views, he said:
There la no room for pessimism in this
country. No oin can I a tnr In the
face of tho wheat famine In Argentine,, Hungary and India. In view of
lhto condltiima nhroutl I should not be
surprlK.l lo foe silver evil for 23 cents
and win nt a hU-h aa A dollar.
There Is nothing In talking at the priS
ent tlm.-, and my advice to my friends
In the, Is to fall In line with the
forctn of prosixTlty and progress and re
ceive their d ie. share of the reward."
"Are the p-siple In the Wet alive to
this new ttu.itlon?"
"The piople in the West," ho replied,
"are wide nwake. Titty know a good
thing whin they see It. Most of thvm
are bauglng on Ui their xi-CL-als with cq.i
lldi nee born of ho(. ond actual knowl.
il-r of what Is going on nrouml th.m.
With their Immense. crots they will be
aide nnt only to liquidate their Inde! t.
..lness to tho money sharks of the F.ast,
but will In.uiugr.Uo a buying movement
tbnt will Riirpiise the people in this part
of tlm country. I think that by tie
late fall the truth of what I said and
n iterated during the campaign will be
generally recognized, and this Is that
there can le no general proK-nty In a
country that Is not born and austairel
In the West."
S nntor John P. Jones, of Nevada, w ho
Is sidlng a vacation In this city, said
yesterday that the fall In the price of
silver ought nt to surprise anyone.
"Silver Is falling In the common price."
he said, "because of a falling off in the
demand for It as money. Japan has
pono into a gold basis and so lessened
the demand ofr silver. Resides, there
has het-n, because of. universal hard
times, a. great falling off In purchases
In the East. Oriental countrl. s use sllwr
as money, and our purchases nre paid
Announcement That Interests Many Dr.
Darrin. the Eminent Specialist, to
Visit Astoria Aug. IS to Sept. K
While averse to drawing the attention
of any of our readers to any advertise,
mint which partakes of x medical chir
arter, we fiti more than Justified In ever,
riding this objection with respect to the
annountvment In this Issue of the coming
of Dr. Darrin.
This far-famed physt.ian (late from
Portland), who has uehleved such a gnat
reputation throughout the Cxt and
Northwest, has b-??n prevailed upon,
through tho urgent request of many tn
this vicinity to visit Astoria, nj tl cy
could not afford by theHr time and
business to, consult him at his otlices in
Portland. Tho doctor has at last con
sented to visit this city to accomodate the
atlHoted nnd will have- his offlce-nt the
Occident Hotel. Those wishing to consult
the doctor will find it to their advantage
to consult him while here and during the
first part of his stay, as many require
more than one treatment by electricity.
Ho comes to us laden with tstlmonlils
from tho whole Northwest, and the
authentic reports of some of his cures
seem nothing short of miracles. So many
thousands arc already acquainted with
his mode of treatment, It ae-jms unneces
sary to state that he uses attlo medicine
In tho majority of cases, and perfecis h's
cures by tho wonderful power of electric.
Thero are few His to which tho human
flesh is heir, which cannot ba relieved
and generally permanently cured by Dr.
Damn's eJoctrlcal treatment, and cases
that have resisted the efforts of the or-
dir-ary physicians have yielded to his
power. These cases embrace almost ev.
ery kind of disease, and, as said before,
no man, woman or child need .:jspalr
of relief and cure while Dr. Darrin of
fers his Invaluable service.
Unlike other physicians who have be
come eminent In their profession, Dr.
Darrin does not pretend to cure all.
Office hours, 10 a. m. to 8 p. m.
The. poor treated free, except medicines,
from 9 to 10 a. m.
for In that. m tal. The demand has be. n
cut off by reuann of the hard tlms."
f th: Increasing gttld production In
Alaska, Mr. Jont-a
"I nm not tpitowl to prosperity
through nny Increase In gold., The re
publican ar-f very lucky, and I congrat.
ulate them on th fact that this great
discovery fall within thj!r administra
tion. I believe a great deal of gold will
n f'siirid In Alaska and It Is certain t..
r-Moru prrxirf-rlty. for which the r'pub.
brans will claim and recwive the credit.
I shall welcomti Its return whether
through gold or allver. Mu"h glorifica
tion and congratulation la heard over
the fact that our Western wheat Is
tolng up to a dollar because of the fam
ine In Argentine. Russia, Jmila and other
countries. I do not like to, think that
our proaeprity la fotuidwJ uiKtn deatltu
tlon and at.ination In foreign natlona.
( want a flood of money to turn' the
Idle mill whela and Irrigate the waste
plains of our land.
"Another result that will follow from
an abundance of money, tie it silver or
gold, will be abeyance of this hatred of
th trusts. Tho people hate trusts, and
only prosrHy will drive monopolies out
of their minds. Plenty of money will
crush out the trusts. They flourish only
In hard tlmea."
DlngL-y Tariff Will Divert Oriental Trade
to United States Torts.
Montreal, August 12.-The decision of
Attorney-General McKetin as to the In
terpretation of the clause of the new
United States tariff which dUs with the
Imposition of 10 per cent to the duty on
foreign goods entering the United States
through a contiguous country will be
watched with tho greatest Interest In
Canada. "If the clause is put into force."
said G. M. Boswot tb, freight truffle man
ager of the Canadian Pacific rallroa, its
Leffect will be moat wrlous. It wi'.l sill
all our China and- Japan business In
exports Intended for tbe United States
and will nlso kill entirely Importation
Into the United States through Canadian
ports. Montreal In fcummer, and St.
Johns in winter triii trutfer from' the ad-
verso hjtlrkia. "
The same view was expressed by G. B.
Reeve, general traffic manager ot the
Grand Trunk railway.
Ethan Alb n Hitchcock, of St. Louis, Gets
the Appointment.
St. Louis. August 12. A special to the
C lobe-Democrat fr m Washington saya.
Mr. Ethan Allen Hitchcock, of St.
Louis, has accepted the Russian mission.
He was In no sense a candidate. His
name was not suggested to tho president
by anybody. . The first mention of Mr.
Hitchcock In connection with the ap
pointment came from the president
When the offer was first made Mr. Hitch
cock was disinclined to accept. Before
finally deciding, Mr. Hitchcock communi
cated with the president at Lake Cham
plaln. After n full exchange of views
with tho president, Mr. Hitchcock de
rided to acctpt. Information to this ef
fect reached Washington yesterday. Mr.
Hitchcock started on Monday for St.
Louis to put his affairs in order to go to
St. Petersburg. It may bo iweral weeks
before he Is ready to quallfs- and sail.
New York, August 12 William Randall
Debut:, a former merchant prince of
New York, who was also a politician
of International repute, dk.d Monday, a
charity ikitlmt In Bellevuo hosiptal.
I Roberts was a United States minister
to Chile in Cleveland's first administra.
tlon. On May IS. l. Roberts was strick
en with paralysis and in the following
year he was brought back to New York
by C. M. Sieberts, frmerly secretary of
tho legation, and lived with him. al
though he had a wife and son here, ever
since unttl the second of this month.
On that date he was sent by Sleborts
tr Bcllevuc. Kolerts was born In County
Cork, Ireland. In lv30 .
San Francisco. August 12. At th an
nual nutting of the board of directors
of Wells, Fargo & Co., today, John
Bermlngham was elected to fill the va
cancy created by tho death of the late
Col. C. F. Crocker. No business of
general Interest was tftinsasted, but tnt
isfactlon was expressed? at the marked
Improvement In the volume of business
throughout the country.
Tallac Lake. Cal., August 12. Philip
Korn, a wealthy coffee planter of San
Salvador, died here yesterday. He was
one of the best known coffee planters In
Central America. He commenced busi
ness fifteen years ago and has amassed
wealth until the present value of his
property Is over Jj.umvuo. He was a
German by birth.
London, August 12.-The Dally Chron
icle says it has been decided to appoint
General Sir Evelyn Wood adjutant-general
and Sir George Stuart White quar
entirely new.
C. S. Mellcn Get the rium"antl La
mont is Vice President.
Cat rriendly to Great Sof.bere r.cderiU
D. lidervtood the Central Msiugr-
J. r. .nnrgaa Controlling rof .
New York. Auguat 12.-8peclal to the
Astorlan.-C. S. Mellen wa today elected
president of the Northern Pacific railroad
and Daniel 8. Lamont wa elected Tlce
presldent. Mellen U now second Tlce of the New Tort. New Haven
and Hartford railroad, and wa formerly
general manager of tho Union Facwc.
it. tMn wa. born August 18. 1351.
at LowlI. Mas. He entered the railroad
service when a boy of IS. aa cleric in
mr. cf the Northern New Hami-
shlre railroad. From March, 1&72. to Jan.
o, isti. he was clerk to the chlet tn.
glnee'r of the Central Vermont, at St.
Albans. Later he was supecinienoeni a
clerk, eashler. chief cb-rk and assistant
treasurer of the Northern New Hamp.
r. i. hoii.vwl that President Mellen will
select Frederick D. Underwood aa general
manager of the Northern Pacific
Mr. Lamont Is supposed to represent
the Morgan interests and Is regarded s
especially fitted for the task of asslst
, i- .h. at(trn Tvin nnflremen t of the
property. At the office of J. P. Morgan
& Co., Mr. Coster, of that firm, said to
a reporter that the change In the pres
idency waa a decisive Indication that
the Northern Pacific will . continue , to
rcn aa an ablurety mdwnai;nt prop--
erty. When asked whotlwr Mr. Lamont
was to be considered as particularly a
friend of Mr. Hill, of tho Great North
ern prc-perty, Mr. Coster replied that
he was not, and that Lamont had been
made vice-president on account of the
high regard for him and respect for his
abilities entertained by the Northern Pa
cific directors. Mr. Coster added that
the friendly relations which exist be
tween the Northern and Givat Northern'
would be continued and strengthened In
every way. While the Great Northern
ard Northern Pacific have stockholders.
In common, all parties Interested In
either company recognised that each
property must be allowed to stand On Ito
own merits and none of them wish to
see any other policy followed.
Wheat Still Climbing Towards the Dol
lar Mark.
New York, August 12. Wheat shot up
today In leaps and bounds, surpassing
by more than a cent a bushel all pre.
vlous records since the bull compalgn
opened. Cash) was In the market strong.
No. 1 was quoted at six and a half cents
over September and No. 1 red at four
and a half cents over September, while
late In the day the latter option attain,
ed a premium of one and five-eighths
cents over December.
Chicago, August li September wheat
today reached W-.-e, the best price of
the year.
Portland, August 12. Wheat Valley.
He; Walla Walla He.
San Francisco, August li Hops7 and
!c: fancy, 10 and 11c.
Liverpool. August 12. Wheat Firm;
No. 1 standard California, 35s 9d.
Spokane, August 12. There la an ' un.
precedented demand for harvest hands
throughout Eastern Washington and
northern Idaho. Fears are expressed that
enough nun cannot be found to har
vest the large crops. At various places
farmers are bidding from $2 to $1 per
day and board for harvest hand', and
cannot find men even at these wages.
Royal makes the food pare,
wholesome and delickau.
Absolutely Purs
aov.1 auuaa sowota eo m man.