THK DAILY ASTOiUAN. WKDXESIUY MORN1NO. Al'OUST II, 1897. S.tlitS to order, from 1.3.50 up F?ailtS to order, from $3.00 up FLYNN, When you go to Warrenton Don't fail to vlttlt KELLY & PALMBERG'S SAMPLE ROOMS Tho boat of WImcm, GREENS Are the style. We have on hand the latest shapes. We bought them to sell. We are selling them at ex tremely reasonable prices. Ladies', gents', misses' and children's. Drop in and examine them. John Hahn & Co. An Warra.ta 479 Commercial St. BATTENBURG Braids, .' RlrigS and Patterns AT ALBERT DUNBAR. September Delineator now on sale NOBBY Green COLUMBIA SHOE CO. TODAY'S "WEATHER. Fair weather, except probable showers on Immediate Washington coast. AROUiND TOVN WEbN'ESDAT. The honest heart that's free from a' Intended fraud or guile. However Fortune kick the ba' Has aye some cause to smile. Burns. The regatta Is booming. Best meals 10c, at Casino restaurant. Mr. Louis Berg came over from Knapp. ton yesterday. Bee Ross, Hlgglns & Co.'s offer to sell goods for cash. Mr. H. B. Parker returned from Port, land yesterday. See Ross, Hlgglns & Co. for fresh frulta and vegetables. Mr. A. L. McLeod. of Portland, was !n the city yesterday. Groceries at the lowest prlcea at the 'Pacific Grocery Co. At the bowling alleys, yesterday, Tlmson scored 39. lire. Another carload of oak arrived yester day for the Manzanlta. Ice cream, wholesale and Smith's candy factory. retail, at Leave your orders for wild blackberries at Ross Hlgglns & Co.'s. At H price Misses' and Children's Tan Shoes. Columbia Shoe Co. Donf forget the Veteran Firemen's ex cursion to Seaside Sunday. Mr. Malhoit, of the Standard Oil Com pany, Portland, is In the city. An elegant line of Little GenU' Shoes I Just arrived. Columbia 8 hoe Co. Many preparations are being made for ' ship passenger agents may be expected. Finnish Erotherhood picnic Sunday. When you want a real life-like and Captain William Rehiltld yesterday re- artistic photo, don't fall to call on Snod turned frem an outing on the Lewis! grass. The work he Is turning out now river. I Is ahead of anything ever made In As- j torla before. For roofling and Bkylights go to the Astoria RooOng and Cornice Co.. 34 Ninth ! A """""-ale Is to be given In the Hotel etreet iGiarhart parlors next Saturday evenlr.g, ji-nd several of the leading vocalists of Mr. E. J. Coyle, division freight and iM" clty have hn necure1 to rnako passenger agent, Canadian Pacific rail way, Viuicouver, li. C, and Mr. B. W Do You Want part of that Si coo? Get Schillings Best tea at your grocer's; save the yellow tickets; and guess the missing word. Rules of contest published in large advertisement about th first and middle f each month. 49 the Tailor- Liquors nnd ClKnrn., jGrwr, general agent of tbv same com. pany, Portland, wore In the city yester day. Mr. J. E. Friendly, of Fortland, h, has Nvn visiting at Gearhwrt, t In the city. Mr. R. D. Jones and V. Maurice Kelly, of Portland. w at the Occident yes terelay. Ross, Hlfrglns Co.. it was reported, have purchAfcd the Hansen stock of roods. Reduction of W per cent on all good at the Eaartern Clock Co.'s. 1S4 Tenth street. When you are looking for fresh frulta and vegetables call on the Pacific Gro cery Co. Mis May Morgan is spending her vju cation at Ge.irhart with Miss Matrgle HlKglns. Mr. T. A. Sweeney and ladles, of Santa Crux. Cal., were registered at tho Oc. cident yesterday. Mh Emma Larson, of I'ppertown, who has been sick for some time. Is reported not quite so well. P. J. Meany. the leading- merchant tailor. 137 Tenth St The highest price paid for fur lUns. Mr. D. C. Freeman, of the Portland Evening Telegram reportortal staff, was In the city yesterday. Mr. E. E. Brodle, of the Tillamook lighthouse, was In the city yesterday, a guest of the Occident. If Uncle Sam can't let us have a hat. tleshlp already In the harbor, the regatta will come off Just the same. Laird. Schoher Co. 93-00. 93.50 and 90.OO Shoes: your choice for 10 days. 3.98. Colombia 8hMi Co. I - f The Veteran's Firemen's excursion Seaside Sun. lay promises to be one the events of that watering place to of jed all the afternoon with spectators, anx. Captain Dan Graham, formerly of theilous to satisfy their morbid curiosity as tag Escort, now a resident of Alameda j? th? m9 0f humanity. Cal., U vudting old friends In the city. J --Vrnr - ... I A magnificent sample of Clatsop county Mrs. David Shanahan, four children 'grown flax fiber was on exhihtinn at and maid arc rusticating at Seaside. Th.y have taken quarters at the Grimes Ho- tel. i Mr. Isaac Kauffman, the well known j merchant of Portland, who Is summer-! Ing at Gearhart, spent yesterday in the ci'y- Street Superintendent Holt will expert. mont next w?i-k with aaphaltum pave, ment, laid on top of the common street planking. In the Justice court yesterday, James Garvin waa bound over to the grand Jury in the pum of M on a chargu of adultery. Ladles' Tn and O.blood Oxfords, 93.00 ent to 91.00, 93.00 cat to 91.80, Laird. Hchober A Co. 94.00 Oxford, cut to 92. oo. Colombia Shoe Co. Mr. J. G. Walker, the well known cap. I allst of San Francisco, with Mr. Tyler i Woodard, of Portland, are guest of Mr. A. B. Hammond. FOR KLOXDTKE VIA DYEA A lim ited amount of freight and passengers can find transportation at Foard Stokes Company's. Mr. C. E. Brown, district passenger agent, and Mr. W. E. Nile, traveling freight rent of the Union Pacific, Port- j land, were In the city yesterday. Artist Haperup'g two lateet paintings, one a moonlight scene In the Mediterra nean and the other a Bunset sc-r.e In Holland, are attracting much attention. Captain Thomas Parker, who has been for 21 years In the service of the steamer Uwaco yesterday resigned, and his place was filled by Captain James Whltcomb. Now that the fishing season has closed i and the fishermen are beginning to move i abroad, an Influx of railroad and steam- up the program. 1 Mr. V. R. Finch, who has been visiting j bis brothers, Dr. A. A. Finch and Charles I Finch, returned yesterday to his home jin San Francisco, via The balks and the j Willamette valley. aiway Tent of th Maccabees Is arranging for an entertainment to be given by the famous Homers family at Fisher's Opera House, Saturday evening, August 21, followed by a dance. In the police court yesterday, n. John, son, arrested for fighting, was dismissed; Olaf Johnson, fighting, fined $10; Anlone Domelotls, forfeited 110; L. T. Kennedy, same HO; Hans Smith, same fined flO; Burleigh the Cash Grocer. 35 Cents Litrge box Imported Turkih Castile Soap 2.1 Ccuts Large box Imported French Castile Soap 20 Cents Can Kex French Tongue 10 Cents Can Hex IVvilod Hani 5 Cents found Large Fancy l'rmies SHANAHAN BUILDING. Teleptionat -U Andrew Mack, wme, W; I. Brock. Inter. ferln lth an officer. Until -" : J"!lii Hans.!!, Intoxicated fined JJ: Jack Peter son, same. . W. S. Edwards, agenta of (he l'ii.-ih. wick Lumber Company. Ms. wiimn ino Inst forty-eight hours. delivered I'V.kH' feet of lumber for const ruction purposes. And still Astoria Is not Improving. Mr. C. O. Terry, traveling passenger C. R & .. and J. M. .-ein. I traveling passenger passenger agent O. traveling pasesnger ng.nt O. It. V. called on their Astoria friends yeet.r. day. Martin Wallace. Sydney Smith, Port land: W. F. Smith, Wtuellng: J.une Rrownell. Long Reuoh; C. W. Crawford. Woods Landing: Walter Way. Seattle, were guests at the Parker House yvstcr. Jay. Thomas G. Grevn, Portland. W. K. Duval, Pittsburg. Penn.: Martin Mur ray. Louisville. Ky.; X. Sachs. Jr. Read ing. Penn.; and W. W. Dreyfoa, Chica go, were guents at the Occident yester day. In the For 8ale column will be found the announcement that the Warrenton hotel Is for sale. Without doubt some enterprising Individual will see his oppor tunity In this to establish hlm.Mf on the West Side. -- - -4 .. Judge Abercromble's court and Judga Nelson's court yaterday vied with each other In public Interest both being crowd- Foard A Stokes yest.-rlay It seemed j to possess all the qualities of fineness, :smootiines - . lenirth and tauthn.-ss re. quired for the finest work. p.cs, Hlgslns Co. haw taken the ', agency for the famous "Con-allla" , flour. Three carloads arrived here f r i them yesterday and they will trom 'now on fumish dealers with the same at mill prices in lots to milt. The Astor House Is In process of thor ough renovation, and will be taken In charga about August 1 by Mr. Dan Tay- er. of South Bend, and Mr. G. W Boo- j mer, who will conduct It In first-class style, at prlcea becoming the times. The I hotel Is centrally located and convenient .alike to residents and tourists. new river service has been Inaugu- rated between Astoria and Rainier, Ore gon. Including all Intermediate landings. The nne steamer pilgrim," Captain A. hZ'l' E. '"'I?, .""J'.' a. m.. reachlrxr Astoria at n:3, landing at tne fourteenth street wharf, and de parting on her return at 1:30. Prompt time and the best servl"e Is guaranteed for both passengers and freight. Northern Pacific railroad trains leave Portland dally at 11 o'clock a. m. f r Tacoma,, and the East. Close connection made at Spokane for Ross land, Nelson. Sandow ajid T?Htfh r-n lumbla mining cam; For maps and Information call on or address C. W. STONE, Astoria, Or. WATER Sl'PPLY PIPE. Proposals will be received at the of fice of the undersigned In Aatorla, Ore gon, until noon, August loth, for fur nishing and laying about 1,000 feet of six-inch wrought Iron pipe to supply tfr column. Specifications may be (,. and blank forms of proposals will .. furnished at their office. Bonds will be required. The rU-ht to reject any or all bids Is reserved. NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION CO. Special Cash From now on extraordinary i -I" f r- 1 . ill I V IASH PURCHASERS ' ll 1 The list of artides.which come under this head is too long to publish, tut a trial order will show that we mean business A SWIFT ASHWKW. lint It M.I Not Turn Away the Wrath of Astorhuts. A swift aimwr was recvlvrd yesterday to t.'to .lln Slid liitoi will from Atnria to the navy department, reo.ilri"t. Ira the prrwene here durum the rogatta oi the monitor Montcrvy, which has leit lying idle al IVriland for rive or idx nk, In order that site niltthl take part in the coming regatta, when that war. sl.lp ftiiined paMt thv rlty front a I 4. J' yei?.rday aterinvm on her way from Portland to Seattle. A letter was re. .lived yesterday by tbe regatta eetii mltiee from Acting tsvn(ary of the Navy Kooscvelt staling thai the Monte, rev must go to the Sound to make- cer. win Invent UraMcu tJ Ih reHrieil at the next arielon of (HMigrvM, CeMigress meets la Deomlvr. When the facts Nvame known. In dignation mii high throughout the elt.v. Not ecvn the common omtrtrsy of a s.i. lwt? wis given by tlx- war veaaol as she p.issel to si. Thinking men could not uiulertand why il was so necessary. Just at the present moment, to hurry the vsW out of U Columtla, and why. even If a recent onlec waa Isxiied pro. hlhttlna war vemels from inking part In ccuntry (airs, an excvptlon could not have lwin nwdV In Astorla'a iiis-, since the vessel waa praotlcaily here already 'ind Astoria' rvennnt waa one of lng standlug. T!nee rvtlectlons kd a liuslnraw man to rvmaik. last evening, that Astoria didn't want a war vomm-I any how, on a mere visit. "What we want Is n dry Jock and navy yard, with half a doien war vowels ln-re all iho time. Xow It is time to stop playing with Providence and get down to business, stand together, elect a 1'nkcd States svnator from As toria, and ybu will get your dry. dock and navy yard, and small matters will take care of thomA-lwa. When we stop blckrrrng and unltwlly pay alien, tlon to our ivnl Interreta, therv will bo no occasion to nnd fault with our neigh. Nirs, or with I'ncle Sam. Th trouble is. we lot the main chauevs slip by, and i be'ii kick Wcausv when we have a re :itta we can't get a war ship he-re. If I'ncle Sam doean't consider us of enough importance now to give us a war vewv I. we can go over to Victoria and borTew one or two of her majesty's gun boats. I would make this suggestion to the re. gatta committee." RAILROAD WORK. The timti'rs tlse temporary brl.tgr nt John Days will ho dollwrod today and tomorrow by the II. P. Uonhwlcn Lum. ber Co.. and the bridge will prodMihly be completed by the end of the week. As soon as he bridge Is flnlstwd It the intention of the engine, rn to lay the rails through Kiuipimi to llllnd slough, ten miles east of John Days, py this means it will It p.tle to push the entire work much more rapidly than could be done In any other manner. The. cntrncsora nr nuiktng gooil tveadiniy with the grade work, both In th- sloughs and through the h:lls where reck cuts iinve to be made A business man yeMer day was wonil.rtng what he would do with th. rallrxid when he g.t It. ASTORIA ASLEEP, iille retsirts come Irom all the ro 1st ctiles. n-?n Including Portland, of ih wonderful increase In buslm-ies and riches GRAND OFE!NI!NCi! Great American . . Importing Tea Co. NEW TEA 8 TORE, 571 Commercial Ht. , Have stocked It with the choicest TEAS. COFFEES. SPICES. BAKI.Vf POWDERS. FLA VORINO EXTRACTS, CHOCOLATES, ETC., ETC.. Also Crockery, Chlnaware, Gtnsswan at prices nevr before known. Handsome and useful presents given away to every purchaser, consisting of China, Crockery, OlnSHware, Tinware, and Novelties. Teas nt 20c, 25c. 30c, Sic, 10c nnd V,c per pound. Roasted Coffee at I.V, 2Cc, 25c, 30c and iTic per pound. Spices at 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, JOc, 33c nnd tnc per ran. Importing for nnd opeintlng 100 stop's enables us to undersell nl others and save you nil middle-men's profits. Why not buy from first hands? Get the best and savo money. GREAT AMERICAN TEA IMPORTING COMPANY, 571 Commercial Street, Astoria 100 Branch Stores n Successful Operation Handsome presents free to every purchaser. Sale - - - we will give .inducements -Ross, Higgins & Co. growing out ' w th"'o.taMihnient or fteeunor line's nfKli Allwka, A-i oelti 11- eein 10 b asleep to their opporttiultl This reiiiiuk was made yeicrday b s vlslllng railroad man, who I familiar with the entire slum! Ion, A genii, man alio lieeiiil Mill make the lt'tilellt spolee up for his tiwii nnd reiiilinled the visit, or that (he Astoria chautlHr of com mere, or the business men In 1 In. coin merer rooms assembled, had some (wo aee'kH nito appointed a commute to In e-e'llgnt the iueHtloii slid see what conl, be done lo rstnMNh a llnv of sli'anie'.'i from this port. Their reimrt will proha tdy be rccelveel next iiinmr, after Ihe prliii liMl business of Ihe season has gone toward, but old Astoria wilt have an Alaskan steamship Hue Just the sam biiMimtM or no business. TIIK RIMATTA. OoM Progrew ll.tllg" lade by the V 1. rlous Conilulltee. Tilers will lv a regnita In Aloiia nei we-vk. even If Mr. Itesnw-vrli won't lei tV llttlo monitor Moiucrry take part In It. At tbv nnx'tlng of the general man. uting iummliti', yenlerday, the miW com. mil lii'S reported tine peMgrifes, and Ibe ccntmllteo on iwuailo sports rcpo'te a full program for the ihr days con. talnlng many Interesting and novel fra. lures. The resrt was adopte.1 ad wil? be printed III due time. The sro-relarv was onlered to preie'lire the nece'fi.iiv pennants, flags and Im.lgvs for Ihe oca son, nnd his liUllll,ms were posted bun night. The rlnanoe committee hopes to have all the funds ready by Ihe end of the week. There is no doubt now In tlw minds of any one but that thr regatta of 1S!T, villi lis attendant Meld Hri and evening vntortniments, will l the grandest carnlvul ever held in Astoria This Is th- year of nil vr wltvtt s goenl showing should Ik' made, and As. torlans can in- mistnl to do Ihelr duty al the right tltnv. A. O. I'. W. XOTICK. Astoria, Or, August J. To the Members of the A. o, V. W, On next Saturelay. August II. 13T. at thi- hour of J p. m., the grand fore-man a ml leoturer, HreMher D. C. Ilerrin, the gran I recort'der, Brother Newton Clark, and Pother J. II Zane. of the Oregon I.e. porter, wrill I prvariit In Ihe bill of Sesisido Islg.', No. li. to meet the mem. tiers of the orler and discuss with snd xplaln (o Hu m the classified plan, ro. cenily ndotted by our Grand Lodge. The neceolly of the chanre, frm Ihe level nseewtmeot to this new plan, and the iu. portanre of the snnv 10 each memler. should bt thoroiiirhly understood. This.' Who liAVo given this plan tlielr met earnral and careful study nnd -lamination claim that the order bus. ny In adoption, placed Itself on a more e,(iit e. Me, fraternal anil substantial foundation than, ever before. The prnen of mid meml-r Is earnestly nnd fraternally d-. slri-d. IVi not fall to com F. D. WINTON. THOMAS DI'.AI.K V, GEO. JOHNSON. Commlucc. Snixl le No C. It. HARKAI'KN. K OS It T UN. Committee Astoria No II. RECKIVER'8 N'OTICK. Notle-e Is hereby given that I have been appointed receiver by the circuit court of the Stats of Oregon, for Clatsop county. In the suit of It. L fnbln et al. vs. Howell A Ward et al.. of nil property goods, wares and merchandise and chat tels and book accounts, notes and de mands and all the property of the late firm of Howell A Ward: and I am re quired to collect forthwith all debts due aid firm. '.re, all persons Indebted to said firm will rail at ones at ths place of business formerly occupied by ths anld lata firm of Howell A Ward, at No. MO Commercial street, Astoria, Oregon, and srttlo their said accounts. Dated this second day of August, Itfft. FRANK I. DL'NUAR. Receiver CARK OF" THK EYES The greater per cent of the eye iron- hies, such as Inflammation, granulation. etc., are brought on by errors of refrnc- tlon, due to malformaton of tlw eyeball. This also Is the rnuse of 90 per rent of headne-he and nep'ous troubles and tt per cent of stomach troubles all of which can be overeomc by glasses prop erly adjusted. Dr. J. A. Iiarr, n scientific optician of Portland, Inte of Minneapolis, Is stopping at the Hotel Tlghe, for two weeks. If you are afflicted In any way with the eyes, or are suffering from headaches, be sure lo see blm. Examination free. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. Regular quarterly examination of np pllcants for certificate to teach In lat. sop county will be held at McOPire school building High School building-. Astoria, beginning; at 1 o'clock p. n Wedneselny. August 11, 1897. Applicants will be present promptly and contlvje ;o the close. Examinations for state diploma will be held Saturday, August U, 1837, bglnnlnr at 9 o'clock a. m at same place. If. 8. LYMAN, Superintendent of 8cho-ds. Clatsop county, Oregon. PROPOSALS FOR DHA WlirtllxlE FOUNDATIONS. Healed proposals will lie received by the underslgnce: at Its ofrice In Astoria, until noon of August 12, Wi", for con. slructlng the foundations for the steel drawlridges over lillnd slouifh nnd flats. kanle river, on the line of the Astoria and Columbia River Railroad. Plans and specifications may be seen at the As. torla office, and approved bonds will be required of the successful bidder. The right to reject any and all bids Is re. served by th undersigned NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION CO. - TO RK REPRODUCED HERE. The Alcazar Theatre Stock Co., who will present the famous successes, "Tho First Bom," the clever Chinese drama, and "Lost for a Day," the three.act hilarious Comedy, at . Fisher's Oner ... IMPROVED ... White Mountain Freezer Will in Four Minutes Freeze Cream to a.. Hard Even Grain All sizes, from 1 to 15 quarts, at FOARD & STOKES COMPANY Grand Excursion To Seaside and Return Sunday, August 15, '97 iff ih... tup vi:ti:oam Auspkes si 1 111. vs.! arrti I lAki:. lenusd Trip. Adults, li.oo Cniblrsn wader is tars, su Tialn Leaves Havel lk at 9 o'clock W. F. SCHEIBE, A lull lliw l I'l Xes. Tkbsice, itlt let. nd moktrs 47-t Commsrclsl FISHER'S OPERA CO.MINil AT LAHT, ONfUV ONRJ I'l-UI OWMANCC Thursday, August 2 'Tleo .ittoal orlnlnnl li'lnv nl Jlhc) c vnlr ."Nvw Vark Joiirnnlr Poworn' ltitiiOMM CHtt-io4o I'ltiy THE FIRST BORN Tlireu lonif rin iillis in San 1 rnticisivi ! llio cnpscily u( tin Alcazar i'licalre. l'ri'setitrl I ' tlm original Compuiiy n( . TWI3INTY-IIVI2 IHiOPL.12 ppoilll scenery- i-oruoottsly inoiitited lavislily anil )ir liircsqiit'ly costiitnnl clinraclcrlaliu music anil sllecU A liig ami otiiilrt prrsluclion, pruie'lexj liySyilney tirutnly't 3-act cimieely, ' Lost for a Doy" AclmlMnlott Irlcc, - BO ccnlh nnd fl.OO Seats on aalu Tuesday morning- nt (Iriflln .t Itevd's House, next Thursday, August 12, In. ( ludoa the well-known players, (no, s. bourne, Hugo Toliind, J. Hurry Henri, mo, Jno. Armstrong. Oco, Fullerton, Harry Spear, W. Ih'lnsco, Jos. Silver. stone. May Iliiekley, Klttlo tlelmour. Mrs. Oeo. Osliotirne, fir rt rude Tldball, Vetilo Wells and flftne-n others. The Chi nese drama, "The First Horn," ran three conswutlve month In Hun Francisco. The original company will produce l here, together with all the scenery, cos. tunics, music, properties and effeicla used In the San Francisco production. Rewrved seat aaln opens next Tuesday morning; at Griffin & Heed's. SWEDISH LtJTHKHAN PICNIC. The Hweellsh Lullieran Sunday school picnic will t. held on I'i'terson's place In John Day's, August 11 The launches Claud B. Hanthorn. and The Lancet will take out tho picnic pnr'.y and will leave at II a. m. from Fisher's dock, Hanlhorn's and the Scandinavian canneries. Teachers and Sunday schod children free, IVrsona over flftewn. years old, W cents round trip. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Odd Fellows' Lend A Building Association will be held on Thursdny, August 19th, at 2 p. m., at Odd Fellows' hall. A. J. MEOLER, ..Mortgagee Sale.. Wa are closing out Sing Lunff & Co.'s entire stock of Dry Goods, Ladles' and Gentleman'! Furnishing Qoods, at prices regardless of cost. In order to make room for the large stock of Chinese and Japanese Curios, Fine Decorated China ware, Novelties, 811k Handkerchiefs, Ladles' Morning Gowns, Wrappers, Gen tlemen's Smoking Jackets, Tea, Etc. We Invite the public lo come and make bargains of the above Una of goods before the stock Is sold out. Store will open Saturday, July 31. ANDREW KAN & CO. i:inRrii:Mc ACcnriATinw iivui 11.1 1 .? w in uwii Columbln Marine Hand will " accompany lh i'kcuralon NoQueallunahlc Character Allowed I Manutncliirtr ntl l0tr In FINE CIGARS! HOUSE, fc.siI2 Annual . ...Picnic FINNISH BR0THHERH00D Sunday, August T.? Fort Canby 15 STEAMER T. U. POTTER LfftVPH tho (). U. .t N. dock nt Jli.'Hl n. m pare. Round Trip, . . $1.00 ,.THo PnHt Lnunch.. "HERCULES" Is open to special charier for sxcurslon parties or rlvor freighting. Dock at Roas, Hlgglns ft Co.'a Hip. THOS. DALOITT. Leave orders at 214 Bond afreet. Oriental Novelties Japanese Goods ..WING LEE.. 543 Comnwroial Street 1 Next to Madiiion'i Cigar Standi