THE DAILY AdTOKIAN. WEDNESDAY MOKNINO, AlOUKf 11. 185)7. SOUND MONEY ' MEN IN SESSION The lnitluniiiolls Committee Its Work. High) IS A NON.I'AUTISAN 1IODY Tk Notional CommU,lii Cmoud ul Reii rcucilatlvt BnalncM Ht ft on Every Mccttun ut llit Country, Chkas.o, Au. 10 To curry forward It work, dm eoniid m4iy kuIIv rwn-tnltii-e appolntm) M Indlaiuipolla luat Jun. uury mt Id this rHy lodny to promed with Hi liuk of crwitJiia! national mtaaloii, which. mltfiil MoKlnlcy line Imhii irvriilnl fnn tiniiiliiv ly the fall, urn ut ruiiuivM In puna Ut menaure pre aniitat during thn t'luallui liollra of lllr 'vl Ira aeeiiitl. Tim niiiltii la compound of Id ri. rMnlllKllva ltialliiealllrn rneldliia III vnr. loll lulls nf Ilia I'liHod Hlivloa, It l it trlii ly imiiiNti'lloluii luaty lliiiih II. Ilanii.i, nf lll.lliiliatiolle, l at It limit ua tli ilinli mull. Tho other ttirfflitmra ur: V 1 I'ritwrunl. lUlUa, Tra.ia: V. II. Ix-uil. HI I'nul: J. W, Km.,, Huh in. N. ,',: J A liiuwn.. Mm-oii i.; c r. iiur. rlxui, riill(wM.liU, Howlund lUssurd, I'urolnlr, II I : John IV Mali, (mkhiiid. t'ttl ; II, II. Ktililanal, I "lil.'iiato. J J. Mltcln-11, t'lilnieio; A K "it. NVw Yolk. Or,ix.) Tuaiur limlnKly Nm York: i ". I'owrr, ll"Mii, Muni.: I. rllniiiliml, Ht. Louis; A. Ii. Wilson, liiilivillv. Wlir.AT IT A'l.VIS Hull Mu.rk.-t In ttilmtio ninl I'nrle II r tiiKxl I'Tlcre lln.i l.lwriK"'!. Aiivii M - Tirm; tarvor off renal, firm: oars-iM-a on u iMfi. rnilirf nmii-r; Kitslieh country mar kl. uulal. llnMK MAItKl.TH Iv.t-tl.iinl. Annual WalU Tic; Vll.y, elu l - hftWlltt Chli'iiifO. Ai(llt 10 Utiont fully r lt rvpiilnlloii na a. frl.tul of I ho hull, hy (lie ninttlUT lf III) (otllllff Tln Mia ul Hoidi-mlur rr ul from 7?'. Ik TTV ihI aftr nuotuulliiii a frw niiiiiitia iiiii iiio iniiii"i tig-urea ninl 'Vi. II commi-rioe-il to mill a f"r lurgrr rraiitliitu In tlw n.tvnii.T In half un limit friim tho miiIii It hn.l run lo "i. mi'l hy II oVI.M-k It w.ia hrinsiiiit or l over th ptciluue dnv'a . price. TIki fun-Urn-re M-nl Urn moat ltil1no:i I lul ni'Wa I'linirlhiitlui.' to t'u. atn-mfth thus lu ll. Mnll u. h !,' from I'.irl. worn of tho nvMtt tmlllxh rlmrn.'lnr mul rahhrntua ahoMr.l lhat almv Inn ilnya ito thr 1'r.tii'li itiarknt l Unit lull haI h.-OHir atnili rtlOlllfh til 1m- t-hnr.i ti-r U..I ii. . . Itr.l H. )iti ml., r w ii t i l.mi.l nt Nrw V M. ll. an Ik. AllKoat I'1 il.ill.ira, t?'i - Ilnr alH . r, ll'ifH hltlNU in(ii l-ltlfllH Hun I linn -lam, to rliiiH-o, 7 ami AlttfUat l'i. --Hop. luivl V: f.inoy. In ainl llr. Wiiti rvilh. N V. AiiKual In -Thi' Ural Imlr of N.-w York alnlo 1V57 crop of liopa woa alilpinl niliiy l li.mton. Th pii. p pul'l na riiita por pouml. HI'nKANK MAN' rltAZY. .Morinlly Woumla Two Mm and Iiijiin-a Two Utliori. Hpnkmii., AuiiiiMt 10. i:ithir rrm.'d by llijiior or liilxirlnit utiih r thn iWlualon Unit hr wiia lielliaT iH-rawtiUnl, John Thomna, a iriu.piTor from thi- Fort Htrtl.- ill.- (rli-l, it fualhiili. thin itf Irrnooli wlilrh naiiltfil In nmrt'.illv wiaiimUiut no nion anil pnlnful injurli-a In ntioihrr in. id mul hoy. Tho lint of tlw wouinliil Ua: John Thomna, mkm! S4, ahot thronuli tlw IIvit ninl In thi' Wh ahoiiMir: will prnoahly illi within i hour a iUk (ili-mu, .iyiO IS of Atmk.i. Minn , nhot nhow tin ft nluM'l: ii i r I it 1 1 ' vmiuhI..! ('. I". lunli, Hpokniii., ..Iwt In tin t. ft Mlit.ul'lir; flinh woiinil: will n-iiivir. Mux Jiukaon. nitil 11. ahot In Ilia h'ft wrlat, i.klrJ fliiavr: womuU iin allirhl. IiltdW.VH CAHi:. Ill Will Hi' K. i'oiialit.-ri .1 hy tho liny ConfuriTro of Conirroinitloimllan. Iiukliiliil, fill., AuifiiMl in -Tho liny von-f'-nni'i- mot Una nftrni'Vin In l'n l"ltnt t'oiiKriitiilloniil rhurrh. Tho Iti v. ,1 K Mi'Im!i, O. II, ui-tril ii a moiliriilor. Tho i-iin' of tho lli'v. ('. o. Ilrown, tin--tllHlTl-lllll-ll illvlin', who WllH inlinlttiil to .ho litil'iliiN rnnfi rrnco, wna Inlroilnrail liy tin- ri-iKirt of thi' lonunliti'i', coiiipom'il nf lli'V. (l.i.ricn It. Ilnti'li, Iti-v. J. A. lYimin, llov. W. W. KnitMrr, I'rof. (iio. Mtma, of th Purllln ThexiloKli'ul Hem. Inury, Timl H. W. ConKilon. ITlor Wi tho mis'tliia of tho confrrffnr IHIASPS Itching, scaly, bleeding palms, sliapoleaa ntlls, anj painful flngnr ainia, plmplea, blackhaada, oily, mnlhy akin, dry, thlu, ami falling hair, Urn Inn, acaly acalpa, all yield qulokly to warm baths with CUTiruaa Soar, aud guutis anulntlngs WIUi Ctrrictiaa (oluimoDlj, the great sklu ture. IttataoimatliMtUiawnrtd. PoTTla Dice At Cam. Cotr , Sola Prapa , Uoaton. ear Ue la rreauaaSiAWuie BaBda,"tia, ITCHING HUMORS 'fiSS-ssV mtlcu thla nmimlUofl luwt Hint ami thi Key. Uorii llnlrli, of llerkvlry, liud aiiliniltlvil 1 1 port (or Ha itiirnvul, ' Ilia rnmri 1 iiiImkIIimI Ilia flirt I hu I tlir rflllonalrHII 1. a of thn 1'iirilliilt l'a Wi.ra of tlu n villi In IihIiii'Iiik Ilia l)uhiiii mill Chi''!" 1 onfi.n nri- tint to mliiill Hrijwn lo fl loMahlp, Ho M" hiiiiuhiiIihI Unit llrown I ri i)ui'i fur h ni w roiini II hn nruHI"1. I"" only 11 !! thr roiiilllloii llmt itinallon ia'liaia'l "Wua. ha I la y rolifitrrhrt Jua HfM III aiia"li'lln HnV. C. O. Ilrown?' Ml', H il' li i1m In r. .1 llrown'a hioml 'luinii'tar lin.l iirvi-r lwsi vln(ll'', n Ida Inttnr I'liiliiifil. Ilntcli'i vlwa wur iriiiinlly illicit nl hy a uiianlniuii vm of tlui iiiiiiiiili !'. Tlia report win lnir hrtwirtit hrfniv oiifwrvilca. A HAMTAIini.r VKV.U. Hiillor Aaauulta a Klvf-VVar-dhl illrl In I'orMniul I'orllniiil, Auruat In.-In Hiilllviui'a llnlrli, oil I ha Knat HLti , thla afl. riio'iii, 11 aallor ylvlim lha iiiini of Novall .it. I.unpliil to n.aault a. flva-yiiir H Klrl Tlxia. I'ow.ra, Who wila puaaliiK, lira r. I Ilia olilli rryln ami nl onm wmt to thr Mania, lli hail Juat IkiiikIiI a ruli.r unit l'h ll In Ilia hail. I 'ora utlnrknl Novall. mul In lha ai-ufll" Im nil l'ia anllor III lllr forahan.1 mul In Ilia luick 'I'lm anllor ni-.l, lint wna nrraltrl lo linura latar. Til lilhl wa not III lnrr.1 I IIAHtllAl.l. m pim:h W'MahliiKtnii. A ijk in.Waalilnmnn 7, I'hlln.tilphla linlavlllp, AuKHat IO-CMi akh 5. I.iiii lavlllv t Clncliinntl, Annt I". -I'liiclnnatl . HI I .'Mi la ll. t'lavrlanil, AnKt I" lf clmnl '), I'lllahuiK K Urouklyn, jii-iiai hi - ltronkl)ii 1, Unit I. mora J. Minimi. I kkiii.- iirookiin J liiinn- nihil on no-omit of .In km HtMfoii, Antfual l'.i - lloaion I, i n York 0 JAI'AN JolNH Tlllv IIANKH - Kan rmn.-UfO. A uat'iat l'i -(Mix ! il I" tlw. Aatrnlm I -Tla r.nm' r vru ar- rlviil llila nioriilnit from Yokuhtuim. vl i llimikonr, kIOi Hio followliiK Jnpanrae a.lvh'a: Tlieri! la ii ilouht ntuitov.-r thiil from itular 1 iH'Xt Japnn will I'Bvr a oll i iirrrncy elrrulur ly tl api . hunk. -hih miiiiuiir.a that from ih:ii ilnifl It will y Kl'l for DM. Uink of Jupaii notnt. Th i'a.ikl mint la wry tniay inlntlni new Bol.t oHna I'M inn; IN ti;xah llooatnn. T" , Auaual I'l r-.M llnniuiii. I'nlk i.Miiiiy, H-Ir'ii II ninl 1 o'rl'irk. flrn ill atruymt tlin phtnhiit mill ninl ilry kiln, himlar yiinl. Itimlnr alorr ninl a ihiiiiIn r of I-unlit lioiix a m lonKhill to V. T Curti-r ft Uroa . n nuniher of a, two an nil I Itrlilvi tH-kiiiiilnir '" I h- Kunwa A Tij.ia r.illnmil. Iiaa. ,ii,iii; inaiiruhc. na 'i'l not lUM-rrtMlno-l, Tin: I'Ai'irii' twni.i: ...r.i, II C . Antliial I". -II. M H AIkoti.i. oiii. of tho annoy ahtpa of h.-r mujiaty'a limy, will anil iirrln, tun to uk.' p.irt In tl- aurvi y for tho I'lirlM.' nlili Iiln uilvliia from Honolulu nri. lo thr rftm't I hnl II M. H I'liiiiuln hu.1 rompli tiit thr Mirn v from AuatnilU to Honolulu ninl tho AlK-rhi will muko tin aiirvry from hrro to Honolulu. IUU HTi'UM IN WIK'nNHlN. Iriiil. Wla , AilRuat It' A wlml, rnln iin.l hull atorni w hlrlt pniwi'il ovrr thla part of iln country ilhl mora th in llfli'.ai itummii lo thi' tohiu-i'O (urinvra on Coon priilrlc. tho lii-urt of the itrowliiit aiitlon of thn county. Kully (our.nflhi of l!.c crop ia iimtroyiil. Till: KKNTICKY t'uNVKNTIN. iMnllavlllr, AllKUBt I0.TI',.' ri plllillcitll Btnio convrntlon mot at J o'rlotk to.ny. All thr Irii.lltiK rriuil'llc.ina of tlif alnto iirr pn-ai-lit. Thole will U. a bitter flht hulwoon tha Hnnlloy mid Htintrr-To.l fnctloiia. I lit N WultKS ItKHI'.M K WlliiiliiKton, 1 !.. A tiKIIHt p) After a ahutilown of nx wii'k, tho IVIuwurr Iron Woika nt New Oistle reaumHl op er. ill. ma yentenliiy. kIvIhk employment to ln'ttvien Inn unil Jt to iiraona. iiliNAMKNT A WINNKU. I M roll, AukukI M.. -Ornament won the illHtauce mile and a wi mid, MoiiiTcIkIi Iiiternatloiui Perhy, Inllt, .Mi'ililoivtlloipe hlnl. Time. 2:311. tik vt'i i: iii.ntsi-: Tho or. i I im 1 1 1 1' hit roil iicitl nt the liit ..Mill, -II inieiltik'. inn liltik' ll compulsory lo hitch horaea wlillo their drivers lire iitvay from the vehicles for any lemith of lltue, ahoiilil ni.i't with the hearty Hiipport of every oltlitell. There la nt picHent iilutolutely no prouvtlon from ,i runaway ttvitu. Snfoty of women ntnl chlliltvn on tho Htnvti ahouhl be en re. fully iruarileil, but this Is not tho only ilatiKer from runawnya. Kvory othfr leiim nnd driver on the atrcvt down which ll runaway horse Is pluiiRltiK Is In the KtviiieHt ilanirnr, and fc-ononil sen timent nmong rltlBms seem to lie that tho Krealiwt rooI to tho (rnattt num Imt aliould l orvl In this na In nil other sooloty mutters. TO THE PUBLIC. Notice Is hereby given that tho under signed has purchased the store, of the Webfoot Commission House and will hvrettfter condnot tho business nt tho old stand. All accounts due the Wrb foot Commission Houso are payable to me. E. A. DE YO. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed will not pay any bills contracted in hla name, exoept upon a written order signet by hlmaelf. BAM OLIVER. August 9, 1897. MARINR NOWaS. VKHHPO ! THK. W,V T' rIK 'Ol.i: l III A ItlVKK rftoM Ai'An.'liO, Ton Hum I'ya Cm ura hi I'.r al ,...w . paiAl,,, - (jiiioyre Ural Ji-wt imja ... - AKTwkiir, Ciiiiihrinii, llr th l"Vi ,iul,..l7'j KUIilllO'tllU, llt-h , l.'j l'nl...ll.'. Oi lit ii)iii in hk Uii , liaiAl... fi Mllltlllal 'Walllri. llr ll ... U'i7 ..10 Al,,. - ( hAI1IN"li. Oaoraki'taoli, Am nil I7ll.,,;tflill, I, i ai l Tima kprlniiiirii. Hr alt zvi.,.iuia.,. - i Aumrr. Aunralu), llr ah l.'al ...UNjaI ... VI mar MaNil.i, at a. Auatiiha, Mr bk m ,.liful. .. ll 1 1 mid Crottii of i ntlaiiil, llr all II" !.. ho .. - Hanaa Itlralnrra, Hit all IMI ..IOIaI Udy Wantworili llr Hi vi ..iaj4, .. HoHnaoao. (Iiallva. Iir ih l'il'2 ..ikiaI .. M M"iiiiiuuthahira, llr ah lall.. niitl .. Torrlnlalr, llr all viat...luua.., .. IMKol.t'l.t', lyiula, te ai . llianlilhla, Hr th Urn ,iu... I.IV(arool. Illyllitwood, Hr all py7.. uja1.,,IW HAUAttKI. BaiiilMliiilr. Ill ah , ;;t . IioaI... Mm Alll.f, A Ami rata, Hr all... 'Mi lo il ., n I'lnli. Intnl. , Iir u uv; iaI... J) I'roiliii , ir ah . ..i.iAi .. niitliirlan'l.lirr, Mr h 1'J . PjoaI.. ail A null A I. Rlflliahlra. Mr , liraiou Koi'k, Hr ah I7:iv . haiAI... .. I i in r an hlui Hr lb p.ta li'l... - airllirl, Hi eh . lU'AI... .. aa AViLA. Iimiiil.uiloii, Hi ah 177.;., IiajaI... VLAhltoalix K. Chalialla. but (.Hy of IVllll, III all Y'lkUIIAMA. I'afu. (iar all , Moiiklrii, Hr .. , - ... -..i'l.a . IWAI... ... :gtt, .li)a ,. I7;,...ikia Tim new Ua-htahUi. No. (77. xt i-u m- .l up to lh. buoy atittlon yrau-rday nft.riioon. Tin. atioltnr Ktati- of Cullfornla will iirrlve thla Inomli.ii from H.iii lr.incaro. Two l.incu ahlpa wii lylim In the offline yratirluy, ami will prolaibly be tonul III tialuy. The lirillnh burk I uiibrltlnn, which haa flnlahnl illaeharKliiK tool In Aatorln, will lenvv up for I'ortloiul thla iiiuri.luir. Thn I nlii.l Biati-a monitor Aluiilin y wua, mul, like I'ln. ii.aiin'a rtilliotul traJn. waa off unaln, pu atfalu. mid ifotii uai'iln. The Ilrlll.i bark Kuphroayne. (Mptaln Thomauii, which left Antweni Man-It IC with a Ki ln ral ciiKo of u riH'iit, iclnaa. tc , fur 1 'or t In ii. I. nrrlviil in yiaterduy nftrrniMin III tow of the Iti-lli-f I.Hu n itowiia hv been ao much rnluc. I In prlen that they art now na much within purar rriieli ua ilw ahtrt wulat The man wlioa family la ao fur away that he cannot go to them even on Him. daya la an object to be pltleil. OAflTOniA. ri;f. There la n poaalblllty of a J.l.1c.a ni.uki t for tho horai a now i-o.unlnir u, a iiIkiiiI I ho phillii of (irek-on. (itrw rtHit In the hath la uai.l by woun n who dote on the oilor of t loletti. AiiK-rtcnn out Kloita la iimiI on the meat ehK'inily ivppolntwt tablca CAHTOniA. ' ii pi try Al many of the fiiahlonablc reorta horia-lmck rMlnir haa unite tlrlvvti tin wheel to tho wall. la there anyone mate ao niilocr.iiic as the man playlntf tlx1 how. CASTOR I A Tor Infanta end Children. ft ttr N'lTH'K OF SAUK OF SHARIF OF MTOt'lC IN THK ASTORIA I.X CIIANOK COM 1' A NY. I nm Instructed by the- First National "k of Aslorli, Ort'KCn, to aa-ll for t unit in mo aiiai fs or stock liercinarti r dest rllie.1, to satisfy the sum of e2.!9, U k-t'tlier with Interest thereon from July ... iMT, at (he rate of ten per cent per annum, K lim- the balance duo Imtik from D. Morunn, on bis certain pioniis sory note exeeutitl to sjiUI bank June M. IVtl, lor the smni of jr.llti.lli, payable on I niaii.l. In r. a. Hold Coin, with Inter est thereon nt the rate of ten per cut per iinmim from June 2, ISM, until paid, and lo secure which said shares of stock, to wit.: One hundred sluuvs of the cap. t til stock of the Axtorlu Exchaimo Com iwiny, a private conHrat,ton, orKnnlr.eil under the laws of the state of Ormoii, and having: Its principal office at the said city of Astoria, In Clatsop county, Mato of Oregon, wore assigned, anil pledged to and bunk by said D. Morgnn, and him been by said bank delivered to mo to sell for Its aocount, or to Bell so much thereof ua ahull be necessary to satLafy said gum duo said bank, with Interest and costa of aale, and which sad shares of stock are each of the par value, of 1100; and, Also pursuant to Xhroo executions two thereof Issued out of the Circuit Court of the state of Orgon for Clatsop county, nnd one Isauud out of the Clr. cult Court of the state of Oregon for Multnomah county, to-wlt: One Issued out of the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon tat Clatsop county on the third day of July, lS'j", upon a certain Judg ment therein rendered on the. 24th day of May, 1S97, In favor of C. W. Fulton, s administrator of the estate of Daniel Mclnnls, deceased, plaintiff, and ngulnst P. Morgnn, tWndnnt, for the. sum of H3I and the sum of 13. 20 costs, and Inter Cooking Experts Say: "Not pound of lard par yau g oooantnax in oar kltchcni, and w conacicatioaaly m&viM Um pablic to un almott nr other Ut." Marion HarUmd und CkruHan TirKmu Htrridt, fit 14J, HaHtmal Cook Book. Use eOTTOLII that Wr. wboUaoriM. raaratabla too paaaA aard, anl la atrondly aadofwd a ua paaina vmwi.111 ia awu fiairwuan la Ofav aw aan puu traoi-ma k a " OiUoUnt" aDd aari aaaat In aatiaai ctoaal arrvi Mot fumitaod U aold li axiy otLar wm. Mad only by TMC N. K. FAIHBANK COMPANY, OaTHAaM, Wt. UtVIM, 9WW TOM a 1 a a a a a aa aa a a aaa a aaa aa iratwayna' aaVanyaiayaV'ayia'aVnViaayia -r aai-iii -1 1 r lai nfrnai If. ".1 "XL "Jl" 3 ASTOHIA k COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD TItTIC Cfarcliat'" cllect .Iwty O. Iw7 I.K'AVK Aatorla for FIvP mil. m., 10 a. ro. and 12 m., and a p. m. dally; at 4.3D p. in. Batunluy only; at !.M p. m. dally except BaturUay and Bunc'ay; at 7.10 p. m Sniunl.iy only: and at 7:20 p. m. dully except Saturday. I.KAVi: Aatorln (or Hia-. :.- nt 7 a. m. and lu a. m, dally;: at 4:3" p. m. Saturday tniv: nt 6:)) p. in. daily except Saturday and Sunday; at 7:10 p. m. Saturday and Sunday. I.KAVK Klavil for Aalorla nt :0S a. m , 1:00 a. rn 10:45 a .m. and 1:30 p. m. dally; at J:X p. m. Satunlay only; at 4:-' p. in. dnlly except Saturday and Sun day; at t p. m. daily except Saturday, and at :1S p. in. Saturday only. I.KAV1C Flavi-I for Senalile at 7:27 a. m. and 10 a. m. dally; ol4:S7 p. m. Saturday only, nnd at S:S7 p. m. dally except Saturday and Sunday, I.KAVK 8,-aalile for Aatorla at 5:20 a. m. nnd a. m. dolly; at 2:46 p. m. Satur day only; at 3.(1 p. m. dally except Saturday and Sunday; at 5:20 p. m. Sunday only, ami at C p m. Saturday only. I.KAVE Rcaalik' for Flat el nt 5:20 a. m. and S;30 a. m. dally: at 2:45 p. m. Saturday only, and at 2:45 p. m. dully exrep UNION MEAT COMPANY Shield Brand Hams, Bacon, Strictly Pure Lard ALL KINDS OF CANNED MEATS duaraatMd tba Beat In th Market CORNER FOURTH AND QUSAN STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Mnmrnnn mHiinuuLi t ; y auaraoieed locate all 9.. kf V ..I a V IE 7V tobacra, opium or MimulanU, which lead to Infirmity, Cosramption or J. A. FA ST A 13 END HOUSE, HHIIK'.E AND WHAHK BUILDER a HOUSE MOVING TOOLS RENTED est nt the rate of elKht per cent per annum from the date of sold Judgment, and which execution also commands me to sell the proK-rty attached In auld notion prior to Judgment, to-wlt: the saltl one hundnl shares of stock; and also an exeouiton Issued out of sold Circuit Court of the State of Or.gon for said Clatsop county on the 3d day of July, 17, upon a certain Judgment therein rendered on the 24th day of May, I"7, In favor of the Eureka & Kplcure Packing Comimny, plaintiff, and against Ii. Morgan, defendant, for the sum of I2C07, and the further sum of 5.2ti costs. with Interest at the rite of eight per cent ht annum from the date of said Judgment, which execution also com mands me to levy upon nnd sell the property attached In said action prior to Judgment, to-wlt: said one hundred shares of stock: and ulso one execution Issued out of the Circuit Court of the stale of Oregon for Multnomnh county, upon a Judgment rendered therein on the 12th day of October. 1S36, In favor of the Firemen's Fund Insurance Company, a corporation, plaintiff, and ngalnst I. Morgan, defendant, for the sum of $1.701.2il, and tho further sum of 2Tti costs, with Interest nt the r.ue of eight pi r cent per annum from the date of saJd Judgment. 1 have levied upon the said sh:ires of sljek. as the property of said D. Morgan, subject to the lien of the wild First National Hank of AstorH, each of "aid executions, and 1 will on r'alurday, the 21st day of August, 1M'7, at ihe hour of 11 o'clock In the forenoon of suid day. In front of tho court house door In the city of Astoria, in the said county of Clatsop, state of Oregon, sell said shares of stock to the highest bidder, for cash, or ho much thereof as sImUI be necessary to satisfy 0) tho sold amount due said First National Bank of Astorin, Oregon; and (2) the snd amount due the said Eureka & Epicure Packing Company: and (3) tho said amount due the said C. W. Fulton as administrator; and (4) the Bald amount due the sold Firemen's Fund Insurance Oimpany on the said note and tho said several executions. Including the costs of this sale, and ac cruing coats on sold several writs of exe cution. JAME8 W. HARE, Sheriff of Clatsop County, Or. orin actions anoiutnu CURE IN 48 HOURS l , 4ria mA reaiKfis utfr. VJL out Inconvenienre. SfJ fir nl lrnTf'ft. For Delicacy, for purity, and for Improvement of the com plexlon nothing equals Poxaom's Powpaa. f ' ieS8 'ny aP$u' superior! l to Balsam of Copa'Oa. v i 1 Ciibebs or Iniections and.'ninuM 1 I CURE I.N 48 HOURSV'U I'SavM I tamdoet BaHar Itaa Irw by phaaMaaw lot IkabaaJUifal dnafeUaa, uThe Louvre" ASTOKIA'9 G0KGE0L9 ENTERTAINMENT HALL S rl.(KU(H rina Moale. Oama of All K I Oil a. Tat MaKnlflrant Kaia. tvcRrinisc tihst-class Good Orde? and Everybody's Rights BIKICTIV OKNKIiVKIt. t Saturday and Sunday, nroTnnrn Br nslar Dr. Prau'i Irilow Sera rtlla, Thia w. in .11 u 1 . .l rvtoiuntiLi ncmjui diaeaara, tuch aa Weak Memory. Loaa J( main ruwer, iieAiucne, aaeiuioeaa, Lo Manboud, highiljr fimis lona, Nrnroutoeaa, all drains, loaa of power ia Generative Orgtas of either sex.cauaed br oeer -exertion. Youthful ermra -raaiTe na r luianity. tan uecarrled in eat pocket. ao per box, 6 lor . by mail jreiwid. Circular Fret Wd by ah drogjlsu. Aak for it; takenoother. Mn'iuiacturnl by the Prau MrolHne Co , Pan France I aue paria I'rug Co., dutnbuting tgeata. Tbird tad Yamhill bu., lortUnd, Or. J. W. CONK, Agent, Astoria. General Contractor I872 liir,; Fisher " Brothers, Sell ATR1A Lubricating OILS A Specialty, Ship Chandler Hardware, Iron & Steel, Coal, Groceries , Provisions, Flour & Mill Feed, Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Loggers Supplies, Fairbanks Scales, Doors fe Windows, Agricultural Implement Wagons & Vehicles. D Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat rnt husmcsjconducltd (if MODtKATC Ftis. OUR Orrtct IS Opsosit U. 8. PaTtNTOrrict .nut we can smite pjtt ni ul la luue uiaa uoac ml. Fnim Waihim Inn. Snd modrl. drawing or ohoto.. with drip- lion. Wt advue, II patentanie or not, iree 01 charge, vur lee not aue ua natrnt accurau. a Diaui it " How to Obtain Patents," with coat of aauio in the U. S. and foreign countries sent I ret. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Oaa. pTtaT Orriec. VaaMiHOTOH. D. C. HOP LEE CO. CLOTHING, Merchant Tailors. Underclothing made to order. Suits and trousers made a perfect fit. Every order punctu ally on time, satisfaction guaranteed. Cheaper Than Aay Other flace ia the Gity. Welch Mock, 6S8 Commercial St. ASTORIA PUBLIC LIBRARY READING ROOM TRIM TO iU, Open erery day from I 'eleek to I: and M te : p. m. Subacrtptkin rates It par anaunt, S.W. COR. IblTINTB DUAKal iTaV A. V. ALLEN, DEALER IN Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Frulti Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies. Cor. Tenth and Commercial streeta. Mariner's ..Resort A QUIET RETREAT The Best Brands of Liquors Served on Call Bavarian, national and Kopp'a Beer on Draofnt DAY AND MIGHT AT THE NATIONAL GEORGE BARTLEY. Prop. WIER TO ASTORIA And Return in One Dar, Steamer Pilgrim, A. L. BRAZES, MaaUr. Will leava Rainier dally, exoept Suaday, 1 21 S JO a, m., touoUnc at La. Du. Mar- a-era, Stella, Oak Point, Eagle (310, Knappa, Clifton, Weetport, and other landlntTa, arriving at I4U street wharf, Astoria, at 10 a. m. Leave Astoria at 1 JO p. ax, esJlliar at way landings on return. Fast time and satisfactory sarrlos fuarantaed. Hew Baas Kraatalr AaaatatciT likawa to tba pmftaaloa. faraaaatat laraa la U to u Uts, i rtf und aaoney if do po mr. Ton ran ba treated at feomaior the asm price tsaaVS and th auaa fmanu. tetait arlia sboaa who I aa 1 prefer to eoaia acre at will eoalraet to ear I tham or pay exptaaa of aaasias. aaBaBBBajaaBaMBsaBaaaajiaj rtiireta and aolat 14 m Hi IbI.I.U bills, aad rll-lr.UJaJSrllg 70a Lat U-u mrv tlU bar rba tutd In movth, fUrv Thrash f4 U. I rr on mjij Fjtbrw AUIIbc mU btmmAmrr or Tcrtiarr mrutM to mr-. V 17, lmll4e piui and lain. Maeee fatrbea Htlalra.Ceaatr Csleea naxtol Iheul, Ualrue It la thla Prlaaarr, Sraallla that a .licit the most aacla rhr wmrid taraeaae ara ( 9tu and ebnllrBffr the akIU .f tie aM I k. I r or many Trsn. we have aaaaal TaaaiafXjai fair 1 Ula Ul .aue haa alwavt aaSle4 eailaaat aaralrlaaa. mmf T.n . . . , . . I .if treauh ifil, dliwaaa wlla our ( 1 PIIIU K and a Lvava aoO.OOO capital behind oar luicibditional Stiaranice. Wnieu for trn.Bmat kank and ahaoialn raaia. Aaareaa a 1 Hi aa 11 r. ar.lil 1 1 1-, r SOT Saaoale Teaapke, t'klraas. Illloola. ASTOIilA IRON WORKS Front St. foot of 4th, Astoria, General Macninists and Boiler Makers Ua4 sol Mar Eaftoes. Boiler work. Steam boat and Cannery Work s Specialty. Castings of All Descriptions Made to Ordaros Short Nodes. John Fox... .President and Superintendent A. Ia. Fox Vloe President O. B. Prael Secretary Aatorla Savings Bavnk Treasurer J. B. WYATT, Phost No. 68 Astoria, Orttoe Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Groceries, Provisions, PAINTS and OILS. Special Attention Paid to Supplying Ships. .SHAP A KODAK, at any man coming out ot our store and yoo'lt gH a portrait of a man brimming oer with pleasant tbouKbu. Such fju JIty In the liquors we haTetoofferareeuouhto leaje any man. COMB1 AND TRY THEVi HUGHES & CO. Emil Schacht ARGJUTEGT Rooms 317-318 Portland Savings Bank Bldg. Portland, Oregon. SEASIDE SflWiaUiIi. A oomplete stock of lumber on hand In the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus tic, celling and all kinds of finish; mold ings and shingles. Terms reasonable and prices at bedrock. All order promptly attended to. Office and yard at mill. H. F L, LOO AN, Seaside, Oregon. Proprietor. 01a ss a a non-pmenrtnne r-medr for lloni.rrh.HA. Olaet, Saermalorrhira, Whitea, naaalaral dia -fiarfna, or anr lanamina. tion, irrilatiuo or a ice ra tion of m n e o n a mm. liaMau 1 irHtEMMOHEa'f'tCa hranea. Mon-aatHnitenl. k ctaciaun.0 . SMiai y araanjriala, plala wraaaar praaa, arepald, fol r a bottlea, 12. 7J. aaBt na tatmest TRAMSPOHTAT10N ll" TtanAa-u-ii-jiju-u- nj-ij-iriiri.iiULrL. ' tfWUU'si" i'"i " " ,JJb OIVES CHOICE or -2- Transcontinental R0UTE5. Via Spokant and St. Paul Via Ogden, Denver and Omaha or Kansas City. Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Free Reclining Cbalr Ctrs Astorlajto Sao Franelaeo. Columbia, Saturday, July 17. St iite of California, Thursday, July XL Columbia, Tuesday, July 71. State of California, Sunday, August L Columbia, Friday, Ausruat (. State of C&Ufornia, Wednesday, Auf. U, Columbia, Monday, Aug-uat U. Bute of California, Saturday, Aug. SL Columbia, Thursday, Aug-ust M. State of California, Tuesday, Augtut tL For rates and reoerax Infonnatloo ajaJJ on er address Q. W. LOTJN8BIRRT, A-est. W. H. HURLBURT. Gen. Pas. Ad, Portland. Or. A. L. MOKLER, Vice President. GO EAST , VIA. Library Car Route AMERICA'S SCENIC LINE. Meals la Diaiag Cir a la Cirtc The aJl-raU route to Kootenai ml nine district, via. Seattle and Spokane Shortest and Quickest Iiine - TO St.',Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Chicago AND ALL POINTS EAST ' Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Dining- and Library O base-ration Can. Dally Trains ...Post Time SERVICB ASD 8CESKRY CKEAfitELta For tickets and full Information call on or address A. B. C. DENNISTON. C. P. & T. A, Portland, Or. R. C. STEVENS. G. W. P. A., SeatUe. Three roatea east 1025 miles, 1047 minutes, long-distance fast running held by the Burlington Route. February 15 a special train over its lines made the run from Chicago te Denver a distance of 102S miles In the unpre cedented time of 18 hours and S3 minutes. Allowing' for stops, the actual run ning time was 17 hours and 27 minutes, and the average raft of speed 6STi miles an hour. Write for booklet telling how run was made. Writ also for Information about rates and train service via the Burlington Route to Omaha, Kansu City, St. Louis, Chicago and . all ' other Southern and East ern cities. Three routes East via BlUlngs, St Paul and Denver. A. C. SHELDON, General Agent, Portland, Oregon. Going East? IP YOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET Three Important Points FIRST Go via the St Paul becaase- the lines to that point win afford yon the verv best service. SI D See that, the coupon beyond St Paul reads via the Wisconsin Cen tral because that Line makes close con nections with all the trans-conttnental lines entering the Union Depot there. ad Its service Is first-clans in every particular. THIRD For information, call on your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent and ask for a ticket read, lng via the Wesconsln Central lines, or address J AS. C. POND, General Passenger Agent, Milwaukee, Wis. Or GEO. S. BATTT. General Agent, Portland, Oregon. iJoiiliO IIP