The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 11, 1897, Image 2

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. Telephone No. 61
8nt fcy moll, per yer 16.00 :h" W'' on.ierful .Uscovon. 01
Bent by mail, per month 50'poM have not N-en mtilt mid still awt'lt
wv4 bf carrier, Pr month discovery. In tht country. It Is a jciir.
- -. which any with mm ne
WEEKLY. j.-ind eood hoivlth can safely make If prop-
Bent by mall, per year 12 in advance, crly fitted out. ami thouch AWiskn itv.y
Pontage free to subscriber.
All communication intended for publi-
cation should be directed to the editor.
Buslnes communication of all kinds
and remittances must be addressed to
The Astorian.
The Astorian guarantee to its tub
tcriber the largest circulation of any i
le f paper published on the Columbia
Advertising rate can be had on appli- 'Germany an.i France. According to this
ration to the business manager. j information some of the new vessels art
The Weekly Astorian. the second old- ,J be battleship of the tlrst class. ep.: il
1st weekly In the state of Oregon, ha.!ln power to the best in other navies,
next to the Tortland Oregoniaa, the 'while others are to bo torpedo boots of
largest weekly circulation in the state. ;,, UuM ,,osUn. u snorted that the
John F. Hajidley & Co. are our Port-' Kugl and the Yashlma, two fine warfhlps
land agenu. and copie of the Astorian 1,,, jUSl ,Uur t(u. rKw of the w,r
can be had every morning at their
stand, 124 Thli' street. iwith Crina, are nearly reudy for commis.
sion. and will soon be sent to Japan. A
.flrsuclass battleship, the Shlklsma. of
The report to the effect that the mln.
ter of commtroe of France has signU
nd s, desire to enter Into a new com
mercial agreement with the United States
under the reciprocity clause of the Ding.
ly law will attract public attention tol""'' ls ,0 be undertaken .it once. Olyje.
this very meritorious feature of the new!hanlt ,nJ Stettin have also received or.
tariff legislation. In the general enthusU 's?rs f,,r ,w Powvrful battleships of
asm attending the enactment of the equal .lUplacement and leh:iiiK power.
mesure the reciprocity provisions appear ;An Immense cruiser, of H.l") tons dls.
to have been loet sight of, although they jPlacemtnt and 15,jty horse power, is :o
are destined to have an Important bear-' complete.! this year at Clydebank,
Ing upon our foreign commerce In th,sjwnlK? ,wo thirty.knot toriv-lo destroyers
near future. I are being built by the Thornycroft and
l.'nder the reciprocity clause It will be,fl,ur at Yarrows. A G. rman !';rm h.t
the duty of the president to ascertain j'11"0 relv"J an ord'r t0 build live twen.
through our diplomatic representatives 'y-four knot torpedo bcLs. and five are
what nations are willing to avail them. I3'0 lo built Havre. This lle-t of
selevs of the advantages of this law by : warships is far lanrer than that now-
entering Into reciprocal trade relations
on the ttrms proopsed. It was the policy I
of Uj fratners of the law of lsu to
stimulate the negotiation for commercial
treaties with foreign countries which,
enabled us to extend the market for our 1
meats and breadstuffs until our foreign
trade reached a point never before at.
lained in the history of our country.
So popular w-aa this feature of the t
McKinley law that the present congress j
was quick to recognize the necessity for
the enactment of reciprocity provisions )
upon a liberal scale. Moreover the plat.
form upon which the present admlnls-!
tratlon came Into power was strongly '
und unequivocally committed to the res- !
toration of this policy.
The Dlngley law provides that tire
president, within two years, may enter i A REMARKAELE CURE OF CHRONIC
Into commercial trtaties with any coun. DIARRHOEA,
try for the admission into that country I
of tHe products of the United States. If ! In when 1 Mrvfd my 0OUntry " 8
: private in Company A.' 157th Pennsyl
sny advantages are conceded to our j vanU volunteers. I contracted chronic
products the president may for five years dlarrhcea. It has given me a great deal
make a ii per cent reduction It. the tarlfl ! of trouble ever since. I have tried a
duties on specified articles Imported from idoren different medicines and several
,. , , 'prominent doctors without any perman-
the country making the concessions. He' .
ent relief. Not long ago a friend sent me
may also transfer from e.e dutiable list I a sampie botUe of Chamberlain's Colic,
to the free, list of the Dlngley act cer. Cholera and Dlarrhcea Remedy, and after
tain specified articles of commerce which ;,hat 1 bought and took a W-cent bottle:
are the natural products of any country !nnd now 1 can Br that 1 ara ntlrely CUr"
led. I cannot be thankful enough to you
that is willing to grant ftve access of . for Uli, grt jy. and recommend
our natural products to their ports. L to al! suffering veterans. If In doubt
The fact that Fnnos is aid to be ' write me. Tours rratefully, HENRY
nnxious to be the first emm.rv no . ! STEINBERGER, Allentown, Pa. Sold by
tiate reciprocal treaties under the Dlngley
18 "'SiiiiK'ani. ia is an augury oi tne
ultimate restoration of the favorable ! orative by the handkerchiefs plastered
trade relations that wer- develoned out!n ,hi panes by guests of economical
of the legislation of K'i and so reck.
Itssly abandoned by the tariff act of
lihi. It means an expansion of the for.
elpn markets for our surplus products
which may lift our foreign trade above
the hlgh.water mark of IS1'2
Since the development of the Alaska
gold fewr and the exodus from Astoria
of a large number of its citizens to that
ti-rritory, while many moie are preparing
to leave, either this fall or next spring,
for the koIJ regions, the question has
been asked whether the eTett would
not be to very materially reduce busi
ness here, partially depopulate the city,
and retard the course of events many
years. A single glance at the true 'situa
tion must at once quiet any such fear.
We have but to look at Seattle, San
Francisco, Victoria and Portland, to say
nothing about Eastern cities, to learn a
different lesson. Every man who leaves
Artorla leaves a place to b filled. If
he has been a working man. some other
working man, who has been out of a
Job. will step Into his position. If he
has been a lawyer, a merchant, business
man or clerk, someone else will succeed
him, and those who hare l ern In en
forced Idleness, will be given a chance
to secure situations. The supplies pur.
chased and taken away by the gold
hunters from Astoria, while small com
pared with other places, has put new
life into the town and made profHr.ble
business for Its merchants The more
who go from Asiorln, or any other town,
on such an expedition as gold-hunting
In Alaska or any other country, If prop-
erly oqnlppl, cannot full to Jyiicilt. In
,h linn the immunity which
they hw left; anil If Mtoommfiil, nhvuy.
I tM l.utitly to the rich. nil ind-.ifir.ei
of their horn? cltlis. There In, of co-ire,
i a tlnrk si.le to every pli'tnr. The dan.
(tors nnd hardi-hlp of tho prcwpectur In
I AlnsKa or Klondike hnve, pet-hnp, not
j Peon overdrawn: but there hn. yot vwrn
iro proof prodnoid which would If ml to
i not he Kclf-snppenmit for even n ni..ll
population, yet. if It replenishes the soM
j n re of Die Vnltcl St.n, anil the
1 world. It wll have -rved Its mhci.
' iheugh cannot srow .lollar or
' produce is-evnt p.k.
i Word comes so the navy department
from KnglAnd that the Japaneo govern.
, mem has arranged for the construction
jof a powerful tlivt of vessels In Kncl.ind.
;i..iw nwis jispiueemeni ana u.i"i norse
power. Is now building in Great Urltaln,
and Is to be delivered in two years. In
her class, the report says, she will prjb.
ably haw no superior afloat. Anorher
ship of her type has lately been ordered
jbuiUlins for tho l"nlt?'' States
The I'nlteJ Suited nayv department
! certainly cannot blame loyal Astorians
for fee-ltng sore over the passage of the
I monitor Monterey through this harbor.
; yesterday afternoon, on its was from the
inland port of Portland to the sen, en
'route to Puget Sound to perform certain
' scientific Investigations to be reirud
to congress next rectmber. The business
jof the navy department must be pressing
indeed, when, after allowing the Monte,
rev to He In Portland for six wer-ks, in
.the face of an urgent request for her
presence here ihrv days, she ts suddenly
shot by this city without so much respect
as n salutation as she s-teame.1 past our
j Estes-Conn Drug Co.
Hol, j wln,!ows ere not made more dec.
tendencies rescardlnir laundry bills.
"They don't make much fuss about It."
We are speaking of De Witt's Little
Early Risers the famous little pills fe.r
constipation, biliousness, and all stomach
ind Iivtr troubles. They never gripe.
Charles Rogers.
Is the time that tries all the care
cf the mother and all the skill of
maternal management. Eaby
comfort comes from fat ; fat
fcabies have nothing to do but
to sleep and grow.
If your baby does not seem
to prosper, if he does not gain
In weight, you must get more
fat there. A few drops of
each day will put on plump
ness; fat outside, life inside,
baby and mother both happy.
Your bsby can take and rel
ish Scott's Emulsion as much
In summer as in any ether
wot sals by all druggists 3: 50c or 3
Ttis Medal Msdlcina
Th. only medal awarded to
aartianarilla at the World's l;air,
tSj, at Chicago, w as awarded to
CI.KAK Till: WAY. j
Kor the es-cape from the -ytetn of t ;
waste and dcr-rli. which. If retained, i
wouM vitiate the hodlly and over- ,
throw heilth. That Important chunnel J
o' txlt. the bowels, may be kept p. r
fctly free from obstructions by i.sln,:
the lion-jtrtplnK. gently acting and nurce
:il'l cathar'le, llostotter's Stomach IV.- ,
ters, which not only liberates impurities ',
hut Invigorate the l'.nln of the ir.tes- I
tlnal canal, w hen weakened by con i-
Pon or tne unwise use ot moic-h
K-itlve. The stomach, liver and tirhurv
oicans are likewise reinforced and
aroused to hewlthful action by thl be
ntftoent tonic and corrective, an l v ry
organ, fiber, muscle and m rve exper
iences a share of Its InvlKorntln tnflu-
ence. t'nobjecllonablc. thorough, a most
senial and w holesome medicinal stlma-
lain, and owing Its ettlcacy to botanic
sources exclusively. It Is the remedy hi st
adapted to household use. on account of
Its safety, wide scope and speedy ac lon
Therv ls an old plilloxophfr
and poet In Oillfornla who claims that :
ho has solved the problem of llvlns icr. !
twr. Ha lives a h-rnt life, eats only
thrw times a week anl never
xivts 11
"Let me give you a pointer," said M.
F. Gregg, a popular conductor on the
Missouri raclflc railroad. "Do you know
that Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and
I'larrnw r.ero-iy cures you wnen you
niivo uif luimnrn nciw : en. h ui-.
And after giving this friendly bit of MT htlllnir ich. ard tlnd i mar. ,
advice, the Jolly conductor passed oni;.t In Darkest Africa
down the aisle. It Is a fact that thou- j
sands of railroad
and traveling men
never take a trip witnout a otittic or
tnis Kemeoy. wnicn ts tne oest cure tor
bowel disorders in the world
13 and
cent bottles for sale by Estes-Cor.n Vr-x
I i' - il' -
Notwithstanding t!v pror.s
Ish hydrography, the list Kli" P
i;.ar Admiril Wh irton reports as
as St rook.- and "hoils .Ling-r
navigation di-cover-d tlutime the
. 1
' r
It Is always gratifylns to receive testl -
monlals for Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera.
end Dtarrheea Remedy, and when the
endorsement ls from a physician It Is
especially so. "There is no more satis-
factory or effective remedy than Cham-
berlaln's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy." writes Dr. R. E. Robey, physl-
cian ana pnarmactst or uiney, mo.; and
he has used the, remedy in his own fam-
'ly and sold It in his drug store for
years, he should certainly know. Fcr
sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co.
When a woman truly love,
a n-'
:or him If.
d.nytne f.,r
sacrifice Is too great to make
hom-ewr. sh di s not. i--nouiih
waiting' on h.-r an I
h r to m.ike him agreeable in h r
John .r!ffith, of Zan-vil'-. n, ly.
"I never liv.-d a day t-ir thir'y . ir
without suffering agony, until i lo, ,,f
D. Witt's Wlteh H'i7el il v e,,r,-, m.
niles." For piles and r-etal trou' l. s,
cuts, bruises, sprains, e. z--ma and all
skin troubles !.. Witt's Win h
Salve is un. ual. .1.. Charb-s H,
ilaz. I
Rullets, pari!;.ly holli.v, w'.jeh ,,;...!
in the woiind, ar somi.tlm--s i;.-.-1 fT
shooting, whll- hollow .head-1 eX.
plosive bul-t's ar- In request for
n tlg rs. elephants and other t.lg gam. .
Nervous debility is a cram
Pl'iint. .sp.ri,,lly among women
best me..-al treatment for this
is a p-rslstent cours- of Ay-r's
n 'o;-i.
!!ordi r
.'irllla to cltans...
hloo.1. This beft.g
will do the rest.
and Invigorat
iccomplish- I
Swimming on tl- bark in --a
says a doctor, is the most b n-li. iorm
of bathing. Swimming on th- si... is
v-ry Injurious to the muscles of 'h
What causes bad dreams ls a question
that has never been satisfactorily an
swered; but. In nine cases out of ten,
frightful dreams are the result of Imper
fect digestion, which a few doses of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla will effectually reme
dy. Don't delay try It today.
man who wears collars -o J.le.'i that1
they ecrat'-ri his neck can truthfully he !
-aid to have a bad ea of ,.,! r. "
Mr. C. L. Hasbrouok. a drut'gl.r at Men- '
d'.n, .Mich., says all of the j-ood tesMtrio- '
nials that have been puMi.h-d t,y i:-,e'
manufacturers of f'hambcrl -Id's Colic,1
Cholera a:.d Dlarhoea Renvdy could he 1
lupll'-at'-d In tf.a, tonn. For
Ehtes-Craln Drug Co.
"ale by
Peach Ice-cream voda Is
femlne beverage.
the s-agonal, e
"I crave but One Minute," ald the
public speaker In a htmky voice; n th,n
he took a dos of On Minute Cou(?h
and proc:dwl with his oratory. r,n
Minute Coutrh ftire Is uno,ualled for
throat and Inn? trotihl'B. r'h.ns. Hoifer.i.
A black and whit
fOOl t38te.
always i'i
It heals f-vrythlnsr a brokn
h-nrt. may be saM of T Witt's Witch '
:-.7.l -n:e. Pile, ftn,l rectal ,l!seaiis. I
cuts burns. hrul:--s, tetter, eciema anl 1
ill kln troubha may be cure4 by It i
-ju. kly ami permar.en'ly. Chas. Roger.
Use Weljfoot Corn Cnre. No
tirp no pay. For sale at Es-
! ti's-Conn )rm Storp.
! Wh. n Pr. H. V. l'leree, of lUiffalo. N.
J , published the' (list cllllon of Ms
litliat work, The lsiple' iVmnion Sense
iM'tltcol Adviser, he' announced that after
iv.ih copies had been sold at the lesnlai'
price, 1,W Per copy, he pro rtt on w hich
would repay him for tho nn-at nmoimt
of labor and money expended In pioduc-
Inif It, he would distribute the next half
million frve. As this numb, r of cople
has already tceti sold, he Is now giving ;
away, absolutely flee, NV.rti eoph of!
Itus most tvmpleie, liueivBilnii and val- j
u-ible common sent medical work ev. r
publlslied-the recipient only b lnit r- -j
H.itn-,1 lo mall to him. at above address,
twenty-one 0 oncc nt tamps, to cover I
.est of mailing only, and the book will
'. sent post-pwM. It is a veritable nied-
leal lll-riry, complete In one volume, i
Oontaltu liS pas,,s, profusely ill'Htiated. '
The Free li.lltlon is re.-tsoly the sanie ;
is that sold at l i ixe. pt only !u! the '
books are in strong maiiilla iaper covers !
instead of cloih. Send now before .11
are nlven away. j
The bullet which kill, d Lord N. Non
a! Trafalear Is silll It is'
mount M In a crystal locket, md n-po. . ;
In a crimson big with uoll 1
TVtv Is a tuns for everythlnit. ard
tbe time to attend to a cold l win n It
starts. pon't wslt till you have con.
samptlon hut prevent It by using One
, Mlm., oom;h Cure, the (treat remedy1
: ;or .vuisfis. colds, croup, brmchttls and
; ,,n throat and lung trouM.s. Charles
I ttogers.
I !
statistics prow that nearly two.t'ili-.!s i
of th- letters carried by the world's pes. I
Ml .rv!,.,, art, written, sent to!
f'y Ktitflish spnklnn people.
iJu,t gav( MktJ mte Mal,, .-No
"Mamma, was that a sugar-plum you
I dear, It was one of Pr. Ayer's rills." j
"Please, may I hav another?" "Not now. j
.bar; one of thos nice pills Is all you at present, because every doe ls 1
Large numltrs of Hint. Ink guns x
t,,,( nl,s r n'Me n M.riiilnc ham it
vim. VIr.t and vl-tory
these are the
Little liarly
..It!.. .,.
haricteri-ttes of IV wi
1 i;iscr. the fatuous littl.
'stiiM'lon. btllaitsness and a! stom ich
a a I l!v r trouMes CMrl-s Hut;, rs.
I Ills
I r ine'.l.
e.l t'uit tbe wotn. n of th
( i'urope ar-. on th- .ivrrase.
mtic'i -tr-injT m r.t.dlv and physic. illv
' than the ni. n.
: non't na.iseate your omnch with teas
and bitter herbs, but rvc'ilate your llv. r
.and slek h-flda.-he by '.irn rhose famous
j ntti,. ,,un known as Pe Witt's Mr-.
Early Risers. Charl- s RoKers.
j j
i . pretty woman can afford to do of
; thirss a plain one would not .lure, hut
j.he must lm very sur that she Is pretty
Burning. Itching skin dK-as-s Instant.
j ry relieved by Da Witt's Witch Hare;
'salve, unequalled for cuts, brulses.burr.s.
It heals without leaving a scar. Chas
; Rogers.
In th.. days of humidity on. .-m
;! rm a pr -try .k1 of what b...
! n itttral f- . llius of a Mtati stamp nwd '
" i.-
The bi-arl -ho'ill he trimmed and net
!!.).. I to u-row -ernyully. and If grizzly,
or of un-vin eolor cse It'ieklnirhi.m's
Pye which colors a beautiful bro'vn or
' black.
'ti. of the highlit shot tow- rs In th-
'world Is to be found at Vlllach, In ''or.
Inthia, wh-re th-rr.- Is a fall of ;i:i feet
When going Eajit travel on the North
em Pacific Railway. Quick time and the
only line running dlnlni? cara. Train
leaves Portland dally at 11 o'clock a. m.
1 It is a lie..-..,l arrangement that th.'
woman of the sunniest temper Is g-neral.
ly the me who has the most to try her
Rnish the hair dally through to the
scalp, and occasionally apply Hall's Tlalr
Renewer. and a luxuriant head of holr
will be maintained of a natural hue.
Sunday In the country In the eompeny
;0f eongenl.,1 friends Is about as gr-at
pp.-iMire :,. mundane nature can expect,
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dler
rhTa Remedy always affords prompt re
lief. For sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co,
Weakness of Men
Quickly. Thoroughly, ForeTer Cared
by nw prfrt(l Klnttflo
Balboa t.iftt of) not fil
nal Ihfl caa li beyond
bamD ftld. V'a fl tm
iriiTd tta fimt dr. ft
dd tit try limy, wmxi know
f'ouMlf ftkiiif ftiuotig ato
o bod, mind ud bart.
I lrftli d4 Iom diJ
Trr ob(tU to htppr
mrrtl llf rroo?ed. Nerrt
tnraa. will. rrT. b"0
flnor loit, ftr rwitorftd by thii trMtmant. All
li 'irttonc of th body nlrd mn4 itrngth
tJl. WrlU for our book, with ipl-nationt n4 Hat ild, fro. Oyer 2,rju0 ri(irnc-)fc
Warrenton Is
Columbia Harbor
Land Co. ;
BOND and
Man on application.
rxci.i'stvK i;sk of tmk vtia "castoria," anm)
, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, qf lhjannis, Massachusetts,
was tho originator qf "PITCHER'S CASTORIA." the saw
that has borne and docs now f -r m every
har the facsimile signature of wraflwr.
This is the original " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been
used in tho homes oj tho Mothers of America for over thirty
years. - LOOK CAREFULLY at tho wrapper and see that it is
the hind iou have always bounht . " on the
and has the signature
per. No one has authority from me to use my namo ex
cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. 11. Fletcher w
March S, 1S97.
Do Not Be Deceivod.
Do not endanger the life of your chiKl by accepting
a cheap substitute which some drujjjjist may tiflVr you
(because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in
gradients of which even he docs not know.
"The End-You Have Always Bought"
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed You.
I fit, I
i ww x.n w w wie iii
M O, tl
-. . --
!1kji xm
' lm"J -T-!-'V, I-s ' 1
t -.-.e si i
Otrunfc mmo mr I n m,riyftTMl th urinary orr"of UiwputiU
I ri'Kf IIVHV a(MnlthMil rMlnrM ttlJ I k krvna
lum rauii mifTirrn ar noi rtrw1 bf Nwior la traiia nfoty fwf fn f f'nWM wtlh
Pnl If (1. (TI'liiK.KIiUiconiy known rmrj tn mr witimui an npraUtn. iiilitilmmt
mi A wrlittn ffiiininliclTroftj'l mtmf ruiml If iti h-i i 1 not 0ci ft ponuaiMLlftur
UJD bfii.als fr mi. bf mail. HnU fur maaclrrUr aiitl iMUtnotiUOa,
Aiklrraft DAVoL HEDICIS- COn P. O. Bol D7I, Bfto FlC-CO, Jir flulitnt
CHAS HOOERS, 459 Commercial 8trt.
Omuninrtiamanld. amonOenrra trnirt tta nrmr
fnnn. Nitietinc Is llivvrealest Denra-fiMiO 10 tba Manf nalu 111 poomH lu Uldata anil U nevef
fall to make the weak diiiMitrnt man alruiiif. vlrfuniua and wairnalto. Jnsl try a bo. Vim will bad
liKhtei. WiteTlsMit you U) tMilleva wtiat wn ar. fur a cum la atsolullf a-uaraiilaswl t,f druaa-Uia rari'
wtitfra. Heni fur nur iskiklpt "I h.n t 'fiiiiarcn sell ami Htnuka Yuur la fa A war." wrlltan aaaramaa
frMaa-liUk twIttIirUUBtMCll(VU.lCalaafaariliw Ifwrk.
Bold and Guaranteed by C a. llofera, Drug-flat.
---- 1
The Choicest
Table Wines
Also .for Medicinal . .
and Cooking Purposes
103 Twelfth Street.
the Best..
Everybody knows that Warrenton values will soon be
doubled. It is distinctly the best property
on the market.
Fine large level lots, surrounded by many Improvements,
at very low prices.
Is it not a fine Investment?
of (AffMu wrap-
Monmoutld Oregon
HtuiuUr Xirml t'uurse nt three jp
Senior car liollr pr.ilessinhl.
TraMmis .lepsrtiaeiti of nine stadei with tf eblldrvn.
In. true! I. hi an I (rain n In l, iiiiiniiiei Sxe.llali
lem , and Vis' M isle fur tail lie eh, !
I he Normal li.;.im li reeiatmied by law at a M A I K
1.1 KK I'r.KIIHl A1K to teach.
I ihl ritue. ruiiloii, tHNiki, tmatil and lodicing (an-
T..;iii'.ei , si iw ir (ear
siudeiit Usirdttif llielllfteleet, lil 111 fn-r vear
Ai'aiteinle tfr.tdr aeeeptsd from lifgti ieti(His.
ataioKUe eheerfiilly t.ut on appllcatl-in.
A. I.I rets
V. I. C.tMrilKI.1., I'rr Ictil, or
W. A. W ANN, Heereurj; acuity
Mount Angel College
This la Just ths pine for your lioys.
Ie!tKbtrul location, larc buildings and
(rouiiiU. vood mauls, plenty of healthy
raerdse, escellenl teachers and careful
tralnlnir tbla Is what tliey all say of
a IT. A.NOKt. COI.I.EOR. Send for Cat.
al 'itiie and special terms,
ttehool will open September I
P. F. PLACIDUS. Director.
tlon of iftinou- y rtinru liyf-Un, wilt qukkly -uf von ut nil r
vouft or U of Ui vt,rruv orr', uilj it Mitih'V
I'fiiiit l'tiftlnili H -.Hnilr.l :niiil.iit Ntrvnt iN-hillir.
I' ml'lrv, VtifUn Ut Marry, Kihftiiuii IumIh VtiVwrli m h
CitiittimUon. 1 1 U ftll l(Mr hr iir "f tilfht l'fviit iiiti
luwtt.f i1irluirf a, wlilch If rHrhrVM iffpmiirrli)rftftfiU
tidaatror thadl
"Private Stock"
"Cream Rye"
"Old Hickory"
"Pride of..
Repsold California
run mint.
l-'i lt HKNT Ten. loom luMiao In l'iar.
tnwn. on airvi't ear Hue: fia per month.
Iiujiilra lit Oil iiltled.
KUH IlKNT-Tww or lliivn fiirnUhed
riHima fur lmuekeiilnK linjulro al
t"riw' aniiery,
l'"'lt ItliNT-Two nr Hiiro imftirnlnhrd
nmnia, fur ltiiNakn.itii; nln fuinlalinl
nxMiia. Apply at M7 ISiti atrwt.
foil ll.,N'r-iuriilhMl, a I.11 a" front
room, with lny wlmlnw; oputinlly In.
ralml; 414 lijolningo alr.l, unr NI111I1.
uiio of tii moat ilealralilo rutinia In th.
eliy for rent, with boanl. for a alnal.
ifpiilliMiiun; alau tulilo liarl fur uti. or
two i.uitleiiinii al IW Kaohnim. trwt.
VOH KKNT-Kunilalwid rnmia, .n
mil in or aingi., ly tho day r nvwith.
1 ttf 1 Tlithc, u tiil.-r .ntlr. n.w iimuim
mniit Ureal reituvtion In rai. XI ra,
tl. V, I'virtor, iiianai(r. Oir IClevanlk
and rranklln.
lUllrnad tin ml a wanted for Iminedlata
work on tri-k. Apply at rnmi 4. Klar.l
blink. A. A C. It. IU H.
Knit jAI.K-HliH' I'lurvino. prUc-wliu
mr nualt-i nf 'vC; ! feet nur all,
foot Ik-i.iii rfullnliln aa mi eleuralon
yaoltl or rarrlcr Adilrw. or iply 10
I). IV llr.iluilll, Wiirr.iilali. I'r
1'iilt HAI.Ii-A ali.rtHHii e.-ttene. nt b(
I'O, with wutnr, nte. wltliln four hlo- kt
of Cottllliervlal atroet. Ill the ce'iler of
t!ii city ,V lair chance I'rlcc. 11, WO.
Aililrvew t. AetorUn cftlcr.
l-'l'lt HAI.K The furnlliire ami InnlneM
of the Witrrcntoii hotel are for alt,
on aiwum of 111 health of proprtetreea.
Thin 1 a chance to acour a good paylnl
InialneM al a haisnlii Ailitrrae Mra,
f. i Hmlth, Warri'iilmi. t'r.
l ull d.M.i; I'he.ip. un l'l. H lady'.
Columbia bicycle, In perfect comllllon.
Apply ut tho AalnrU-t ulllce.
Ki'lt 8Al.i:-A J. H. Mundy lmpr.ivl
frlcllmi drum In 1 1. 1 in it rnuljie. HI. f
hollar, 7: fect, cylinder, a!3 laoliM.
A flrat'i'lam etiKlii.. alimwl na d a
now. Addrrwe ".'." Aatortun nltli"
l' H.'M Mt !n Ilea.h, Haturdoy. Jjly
It, a Rill net, niiiikid M II on one aid.
of the buoy and II. on the oiher lile;
Ihwita murkrd I', f. t'o nnd W. f. I Co.
Ownrr may rrguln iinw by npplyina' to
Win. H, I-awrrncc. k. per. Ili' I.I fa
Having Htuilon, provina' pruperly and
pitying for thin rotlie.
rul'NU-t)ii lb. atrtel In A.torla. 10m.
tint In th. month of laat June, a
lady', (old watch. Owner ran hav.
earn, by applying to A, J. Wherry,
Klale, Or, and proving property.
W A .NTI.I A K'H.. kiiI, gein.ral
Iniiiacwork Apply I111111 ill itely nl tn
KxchaiiK. atrn t
Ounderaon Ilulldlng.
Aanoiia, Oregou.
Office, Kinney Ilulldlng, AatorU.
Offlc. houra,
J to I a. m,; 1 to I and I 10 1 p. m.
HpoclnJ atlenton given to th. treatment
of IMeiaea of th. ICyo Chronlo t'la
tuaci, and Burgury.
Ofllc, room S and 6, Pythtnn bulldg.
I'iVit Commercial St, Hcelilcnc. aaina.
Telephone 9fl.
Acting AHxIatant lurgron U. H. Ma
rine hoapllal aervlce.
Itooma 1 and 2. rythlun Ilulldlng.
over C. II. Cooper'i .tor..
Hpaclal attention to dlaeaaea at
and aurgnry.
OftlC. over Daillia-er'a alnr. l.(rl.
Telophone No. tX
J. Q. A. nOWLBT,
Offlo. on Bond itrMt, A.torla, Or.
Ch.itr V. Dolph. Itlohard Nii.a,
Portland. Oreeon. 14. M M mnA tr
Hamilton Butldlna. All lea-el anil mtll
lectloo bualn aa promptly attended to.
ciaima againat in. governm.nt a gpa
ilalty. JOHN T. LIGHTER,
Office, upitalra, Aitorlan Building.
4M Commercial atraat
A. M. Regular communication, held on
th first and third Tu.aday .vmlng ot
each month.
E. C. HOLDEN. Beoreury.