NOTIOKJ nooks, f ' jrioflic.Mo, Magazines. u.c.f Aro lictta be Taken rr:r.iTho Library vvithuut p-.-r niiiuion. Any oho f- .) f.'.J'Hy of 'wucli offense, if liable to brosecution. THE DAILY ASTORIAN Is the biggest ind best paper on the Columbia River THEIASTORIAN has the largest circulation of anv paper on the ColumtlalRlvtr KULL ASSOCIATE PRESS REPORT. VOL. XLV1I. ASTOJMA, 01.W.O.N: WKDNKSDAV MOUNINO, AIGIST .1, 18i7. NO. n. f7sm v nf 'A (Sir rtmrirtfr - WILLIAM GADSBY The Houscfurnlshcr Washington and First Streets. ..Bargains in Furniture.. FOR THREE WEEKS Ash CIiiiiuIkt SuitH, fulUizo Hotel $, :J piu-t-H lttMlxleudH, wmiil, curb IM.HU-niU, jroii, any size 4 ft 0 in. 4 ft, IltHleprncfi woven wire ... Miittriws, wool top lieu LimntroH ...WRITE FOR A Carpets Cheaper Kv rythiiig to furnii-h throughout at ' prices which paralyze conipttuio Sole Agents for Knox BUFFUM iPENDLET?N Hatters and Furnishers 94 Third Street, PORTLAND, OR. .The Only Exclusive SEASONABLE GOODS Baseball and Tennis Goods Boxing Gloves Croquet Sets Hammocks New Novels find Magazines received as noun as published GRIFFIN & REED Paints, Oils, Wallpaper THE INDIANA PAINT SHOP Painting and Paperhanging Only skilled workmen employed. All work guaranteed to the standard of excellence. The best work in Astoria has been done by this house C. fl. CUTH BIRTH, Proprietor. Ross, Higgins & Company GROCERS and BUTCHERS AHTORIA AND BAST ASTORIA CHOICE FRESH AND SALT MEATS Portland, Oregon $ 10 00 H :n 1 2 1 50 3 ft 0 in or 3 ft 1 50 2 50 '. 00 CATALOGUE... Than Ever Before and Wauturton Hats Men's Furnishers. Fishing Tackle Baby Carriages Children's Wagons Garden Tools ECRETARY BLISS YARNS KLONDIKERS Attention fulled In the I'crlls of the Antic Winter. i.aii: m:vs iko.m ai.aska Vhisbrv Hfiuij Sramjiilcd Into the Country and Sold in Indian nt Large t'riit Mcmticr Mcxiiu Wrcibrd. Wimhlmtl'Mi, AokuM I" .-!-' t uuy I lu- taken eogulliilin- nf Iht- I'l.l In thr Klondlk" liul.l field iiikI h.m tll") thr follow Iiijc warning t" Oir rtnral p-i.. 'To Whom It May Coma ri. . In I. u nf Ihe Information pi.ltnl nt thin dr. 1'iirtiiwnt tluit i,'f i.-ron. lth Z1" tutu of t..iifhaiiit. and frr:ght, nre now n w I tlutt lit U ntr.iii'- to thr Whit I'a tn Alimkn for mi optorlut'tv t,i cross ilir mountain to the Yukon iler. Hint tlml many inc:rr nrr pr.irlrg lo Join llirni. I drrtn It proper to ..ill tn" litt.-ntlofi of nil w ho coin. m.;it.- mukli'K Hint irt to I he- rxpout. privation, nf-fi-rtiiir nn.l danger lurid -nt i)v r o m this advanced l ri'xl of tli-; -(ioi!, ex. ii If I hey should occee,l In rtnvg th" mouiitnlnii lo rwK'h Dawson nty. When nv..r ttu in, V.' inlK Of 1 1 m -! nnvi- K ill. m on ilif V"koii riv. r, wl'h'Jiit n V r.iint(- nminn of, will fill iN-furv Hum .iiii.l It In OooMfJl If thr Journey mn l romi.l-'r.l t.,"Tor llw rlvt-r U contl l.y Ihf Ire. I am nioxnl to 1ra' politic noilrr to thw on.)!' tl. n ly ihc smvlty of th.- pol.. (:. urticm to iw-ofilr lU' In tt' moimtniiioii. v. Ild.rn. .liirlni! id., f.' or l monih of jrtlc int.r. w.i.p no t.'ll. f run rrarh th. m. hnwrvr-r ki"- t llw iRIitmsl C N. r.I.IS.J. "Serf, tary Infrlor." WHISKY IN ALASKA Th.iuaii, of (iallolm II. inn Import . I. Yit Tlwy t u! H.xittlr, AUKOt 1" -Th. I' llU'-n. -r AlitJk.tll . S H'li.-a'r M :n . .irrmMiii,l. i t. W J Jon. . rl' trom livm nN follow.; lw. Al.k,i. Asitiiht I ..Althitnsh Hi.' t nlli'l Hl.i'.. ut. i-irl tlv i.r 'tilMt llir ltli..n !itll,,i ot ll,U r III!.. At -k I. f - olh. r t! m.ilriiial poriio... th.-r ai- .f 1111,11- of ,il, .-!. it. an.I U-liu lot.1,.1 .-wri week A lark-.- p.irt of It l NMnit lii;.p ,1 to Hi.' Klon.llk.- Th. ttor-t kin. I ot tuky :ln.l r.aily mile to tin-,n for K .1 ImiMI... Thr tr.itllo l -lot r. irlrtol alum to thm pari if AI..kV luit In romiiion all alons thr roaAt In almost r- ry hay or nook ot the I u..l wh.T" In.llaiii. II vr arr i-(H from hi. h wlilnky In Kol.l In it)tin.1nniM. At Dyra nnd Hkwiay, an w. ll n Jnnr.iu, Wran ijrl an.l Sllka. ari foiuul many alooin rnntilnit "Mr oprit. Thr Kowrnm- nt W. miiK ih.'m Intrrniil r.v.nii"' l'..- nm. anil at tlir xnnir llnir prohit'lti Iht Impor tallon ami mil.- of llipiors. Thin sort of prartlro thro' op.n thr .l.xn for otllrlal rorruptlon. Saloon non ,:rr wllllnit to pay w.ll tor tlinr piiviat.! to t'niraK In thr iinliufgl pr.irllr.v THR MKXIOO W HKl'K Kl.' Lives SaWd. hilt Slippll. S Wetp Iahi. Victoria, II. C. AuKiist P'.-Thr m.anur T'l'ka, whU'h iitrlvrd here thin evenlni.-, reports that thr uteunt. r on Aug ust S, while koIhk Inlo I'lxoti, the rn. miner from Sllka. .IiiiIiik i h.ay Um:, at full speed struck the west IVvl'.s rock . After two hours the stnun.r sunk In 5nl feet of water, stem Mrst. The i.ipljiln e-xhlMtnl Kiint coolness, and with tho otllicrs did everything Hint was posslhlc. The pa.iseniters and crrw were saved, with their Jni'id Ikikh hko. In small horn. After rowlnit until rilliuhl they arrlviHl at Jletlakaila. The time Ihe ship struck is hellev.d to have tan I ni the niornltiK. Thr ship Is n total loss. The passeiiKers nnd crew nrv on the prkn. KLONDYKK SYNDICATE. New York, Aintust 10 The Tribune says: Colonel Archie E. Flsk. formerly of Colorado, now a resident of New York, ha orKimlxed n syndicate In the nunc of the "Aln.Klone -xpeilltlon," to search fur ROld In Alaska. A NEW SWINDLE. Tho Alaska Gold Excitement Utilized by Shni,wr. Omiihn, AuKtist 10 By the r.rrest of A. J. Dnvls, tho locnl police think they have discovered a blit swlndhr In the Three Days Only Monday, Tuesday ami AVednpstlay, are the clays of our great wash goods sale. All 15 ami 18-cent dimities for 11 cents yard; all 10 and 12J-cent dimities for 8 cents; all our Scotch lawns and batiste at 4 cents yard. The nicest line of Swiss lawns, organdies and nainsooks, embroideries, laces, etc., all at sale prices. Bargains for everybody. SHAN AH AN BROS. Kllln- Irt thr ",l,(floll (1 nil Alrk:t i... MinlhK t'o." I'.ivU tool a nmk of on r .1 ' I h In hlx 1 nrlnn frm n ho ll It In l. l. v il lir ury i.k .k. , in a p i.. ilonalih- kiIm.iiu- whvr y U- olf.-r.-.l to ' liKad-r to V i Alank.i l.ti'l rk In tJin inlii' ai a Milary .f II''' P'-r inoriih. To rx'-hi. fr.-r tranportii. lion nil that fn inr'iary for tf. ap"ll. raiii! to do tttt to pay Iuvi j lo In urr k'io'I falln. It h.m 'lr i-lop'l thf laU h.'i'l 1.1'Vfrnl rii'mn, Mr ha Ixn Horkliiic In loua mal Mlvoirl ami hi tw.ipt iKKik iu. buii'li'il- of vrt!m. WIIV flo To K'.ONftlKK Wlirn !:li-hi if main rti- op.. at Homo. ((.'Mini,- il. Auk 1 I". -J II ri-1 It 1: ii .. -I 1 Mir.ii loiili;.':' halnK lo 1 i- ti rl in I train j If irnw. l ii l.,l' ! t ..or '!ay' k 1 it 11 y of f'of - I aivl I-, In Trtt.tty , in ,-'iM, n ilon ' r. unit (Jul h. ' 1 1 I 1 Ic. I . 00 ni ' Tli- y .v. U 11 lnii.t on 'h": "'il' h 1 for a y. ir pant, i.n.f a tnni.r! on I "if i.U- 1 r .I aul V o k .m i forrn'itl'in iliri-.- an I a half ft Plr Th. y urork -.-ral ti.i'k'ti. of jtti 10I .ml Mo I in thv iKlur. on.- il Ihc iurt yl.ldlnK'r, oin- 1 Ihc pur;:'. yii-K hll- iv -vr Ml I 't I a rn yl. I'lrd fi l..i. !, from .'.il to I'J" On Anicunt I, ai a ixiliit fn t froti. ,., thi nioolh of lltr .tunii' l, unit i2 frtl fr jm thr mirf.i. r, llii-y unrov.rr.1 11 larif' p'h k"t of purt- it'l'li In four lay thi y t.M.k out l.a pound. avolrd,it w,-lht Thr I irKott wui ihr fo t lotiK, two fr.-t Mr, live lrh thl. k The pork. ', ylrldrd M:.o. I TTir I'ditr nvir:;(('- VM" lo C p. r ion WOMEN KOK KLONUIKt:. Nrw York, Auifi: Klomlikr Hyii'lli-.Uc 1 In -Thr Womnn'a rl.lltlc.n lia lti in lliin rflv M!fa llelrn a. r.i k l:owi II Ik pr nklrtii and amonit the iatron-.!u- are Mm Jetmlr Junr Crow, Mnv I-iura Krarr Walter. Chlcatio. Mr Sarnh Kbyrlr. CI. v, l and ; Mr. W illiam CraiKlirid, ladtnnu.n. , and Mr. Su rah Thompson. Delaware. O. TIIU CLIMATIC F ALASKA Thr ralnlall of Ala.-k.. Li& S'luthw.-Wcrn Dailway Company hu. ootorlou, tl world ox- r. .. thr re-1 '"re""' Us rtrht of way. Is having ,rnt rlrrular of Hk- iirrl.iiltural depart- j ""' uU- in his efforts to .tore uirni no: onlv a. r..,.nl the quantity j " Involved to the previous own. tli.u 'fall, l.ut also to the m.uin.r ot I Tt"s " ,houh ln xh" its fallini:. v.i In. Ions and Itic-essjnt i 'i" of " i-lvr. Is now operate! I,y -.1... .,, .i,..,i. .-loo.! and f.iir iia - .ii - 'illy bI.omii.1. there li-lnu "ii an ivrai-'. I ut 1 '-I- nr days In the Alaska ; a laud ot strlklni: oontrasls hotli In eliniat.- as well as topography lo ll the son tin- iitmo.-phere ... remark-ildy I. rr irtaiilllrrnt. a 11 lioliday atllrv ar. the scenic eff.i-K 11 natur. s.t ins to In- lillt tile Setae IWIV hatinr vary ipileklv. the sky Ua-ome lm reat the winds Iiiereusv In forci . rain 1. Kim 10 fall, the evefk-n-rns li:ii . nilnounly. and r .l-silation and lone l s prevail. North of the Aleutian Islands the co,it climate Iwcomea more rigorous In wln- t-r. hut in less markc.1. short distance sutnm.T the difference Is Thus, at St. Michaels, a iilKive the mouth of summer tomucraturt Yukon, the mean is : .i.-K. Imt 4 d-K. cool.T than Sitka, j The mem summer twnH-rn:ure of Iilnt 1h- most northerly iwlnt In tho Harrow, Slates, Is 3fi .It-it-, hut four li nlhs of a disT'i- hss than the temprr ature of the air ili.wintr across the sum mit of I'lkes I'w.k. Col WHAT IT MEANS "It means the trealest bualiu-ss ev.r ilt veluHil on ll r.icltie ro,ist." said Mr. E J Coyle. district frrliiht and jiasseimrr iiKent of the Canadian l'licinc i.iilrcM.l. of Vancouver. It C, ln an in- : tervlew yesterday o-i the subjn-t of M.r r. n iit (told oiseov. ii.i" In Alaska and j the Klondike reKtou. Siarilr Is dimply srowlnit Immensely . rich out of tlie hiisin-ws of supplylm; outiiiM lot cold-hunters. Every old hulk , Hint can be made lit for sea Is lelm: j into the service. Thousands have j left Sent He and many other thous.ui.1. from other isirtions of the country are i .mttlttthK there. WiiK.w have risen; there j Is work fot ev.ryl-.vly; vacant stores nr.- Iieliur ri and the nierchnnts nre renplntr a 1 I am pr.tty well that the! iVmadlin s-ovcrnmciU has taken u ten-1 able business position In IniposliiK a lax on supplies cnrrinl Into Ihf lirttlsh pos sessions by thr miners. No tax I de- manded on a miner's kit or tools, but his Rrub and extra clothlns can lx purchased of Just as sood quality and at as cheap prices on the Canadian side at Victoria or Vancouver its In Amerlwui cities, and trom their stnndioiiit, tho tn would seem to be justifiable." DIED IN HIS BATH. Belmont. Mass., August 10. Henry F. Murey, president of the Fltchhure rail rood, was found (lead In the bathroom of his home hero today. Death was due to mioplexy. President Marcy had been worried of late over matters In connection with the road. ) New Turiff on torlond Lutsxia the Texas Koute. loCKAN COMI'rilllOX MKT 1 fjcltic Coast Skippers tn Si Mdxe Their 1 boot'i Snipped Ii) K.:l Chop as bv Ilmni in, T.x . Auk W TIk- ovan rat ir lAiwtrii X' Vork ami Oalitt'.on him IrouKh 1. r'tli'tloti of ratrs from '' allforula to Uouxto.i. Thr Hoathirn Pa. t iinii'iniK.'. n. nr.iivu aukhh j. in,- tariff on cutini-J k1. leant and pta I" -.-'-. . twrltilit 3i:'K iKiunda. from California ter ritory and Inti rmwJlate trrltory to IIou. I urn will In- low(-r d to U cintji ff.r l v xun.l Cajimd Kuolr from 8anla F.oaa will take a rato of fi3 c-nt per lii pomiila. --'"fnia wine -,r,1lnlf,snr cnriomis. 4i,iii puitii'ia minimum, wli Ukr j cents p.?r lw iioundfi. Thu mcAimrnt i.n the jmrt of the Bouttirrn Pacific ha hen antlclpa'.e-l for ::iv lime. In friicilng their Teta liunlna tiny have InJurwJ their Pacific roiuit I.udIiiiim to some extent and ed rucently to so It alone In a reduction of rate to the Trxaa poinu comfietlnif with the w-aivr route via the isthmus and Nw York. RAILIIOAD FIGHT. Ban'a Ke and KariKus In Court A Iiipute Over RiKht of Way. Luivenworth, Kan., Ausurft 1'). Judffe .Myers, of the state dUtrlet cvurt. navlnit .Ireland t:iat the Lvavneworlh. Toi ka thr franta Fe .ytn. In traffic on 1 ! tin- line was abandoned for two month? ian.l owlnir to th fa-'t Judite Myirs ; ill that J O. Stone, 11 farmer, n lo srssi(rn and title to th- rient f way which was taken fnrfn htm 1 In the huildlnir of the line Accordlr.n to Ju.It'r Myers dlrectnl Sheriff Kothen. ! rir. r to place Mr Stone In kws s-io:i :of the land. Tlw sheriff sent oat a number of drputl.n and fenced In the I rotidls d At the same time the Santa , Fr officials were notified that the rlitl.t cf way was clos.d an.l the iiostmaster !at Ienvenworth khs notified to send his malls liy another route. When the To- Fe - ytn (""a train wvnt out tr..m r re usr ! RunR of 3u men went alont: to tcur th--l'10" the sheriff fences. This they l. standing hy until the train ruvl I"""'1. ln, ,h sheriffs men stood by 'nl ,ook the names of the men. They ;'l arreste.1. Ule at niirht ttu. (Sanl. Fe atrent at Toxk:i swore out a j warrant charpnir; Farrru-r Stone with the 1 criminal offense of ot'tsmetlnir the I'nll. Il States malls. He Is under arrest I All partus to the dispute divlar- the 'matter will 1 (ought to a finish. STEAM F.U HATE WAIt Hetweeii Ni w Y'ork and ton ln Hot Water. New York. August 1'.-The Tribune says: The frt-ltthl rate war from New Y"ork 10 liaveston. by which the Morsaii-Km-ory Steamship lines are try'inw io d. -(eat thv r.vrntly established rival, th; rA)tu Star line, has reached an Interest tliK rAiiR liartvs to CialvtiKV hau.' Ken cut to two cents a hundred rweljtht.' As a result tlr town Is full of Texas buyers and pxuls are beins shipped to Hie Lone Star state In larse nuantitL. T.oth the Mnllory ad Morgan lints nre runnlns extra steamers to Galveston to nuet the tremendous demand (or ship ments. It was on July 1 that war wa.s declared. On that day the Lone Star Ine was cstablslud by the Ho-'an A: Sons with thiw steamers to tun to Gal. veston. The Mallory and Morgan lines Immetllately cut rates 50 per cent. The Lone Star line met the reduction made, and the Lone Star dropped ulso. So was every cut since then, and by Inst Saturday the rates on first, second and third class freight has been reduced to 10 cents a hundred weight, the (ourth class to 7 cents, and all other classes to 5 cents. Down went the Lone Star line rates. Everything shipped to Galveston by the Morgan line now goes at two cents a hundred, and It Is said the Mai. lory line will also come to these figures. PEARLS IN A LAKE. Little Rock. Ark.. August lO.-For a month or more people living near flald Knoli la. ve l rn fmdliiK valimlilt- p.arU in a la k mar that pl vr. Iliindr' of p- pp. hav i-. n oprnlnK mu. I nhriN In ..orrh of the pearl. rwl inmir nf trie iririiH have en found, wm; noli! for a much an Vri. A nperla! from liild Knot, miyn a syndlcttc of Mrmphii pi.rtlrs have rail the lake for five ywin f-.r Tl..y will huild a fern !' around the lake pud heiffn "Work with a -f ain dre.l. r They will alo erect an t hlfaiit cluji hi. ur. iThe lake U aald 'o le th-; rir-hntt p. url.producer In the I'nUid btutes. BI'AIN WILL tlH WOHN OCT. CanovHS1 Death Will Make No DllTcrence With Ct ua and th l.'nlted Stales. H:. Paul, Auicust 10. Senator Davis. r.h.Lrm.n of the I'nlted Stater foreign relation committee of the semue. wr.s what would I the probable eff-ct of Stnor Canovas' death upon these re lations. He replied; "8iila m-eU a great loss in the dtnir. of 8. nor Canovas. lie was the mam. s:ay of the Sponl"h (fovtrnmrn and withiiJ was a man of great ability. It is to say from this distance who will tike his place, but It will not he SagaMa. Th liberals will hardly come into power as a result of this as. saaslnutlon. Thw same party will remain in power. I believe, and I do not lock for any Immediate change In the rel&. lions txUti.-iff, l.tween S;ftin and Cuba or between Spain and the Vnlted States. Spain certainly has no rwuson to find fault with the treatment accorded her by the L'nlted States. Surely no coun try with a colony standing ln the rela tion to another country that Cuba stands to the United States ha even ben as well treated by th other country Inter. sted aj Spain has by the United States. We have enforced our neutrality law even to the extent of arresting and Im prisoning our own cttlieni who are charged with filibustering. We have al lowed th? destruction ot millions of dol l..r" worth of American property, and the Spanhir.U in Cuba have even arres'.. ed our citizens and put them in their prison. No country ever received more lenient treatment at the hands of any nation that Spain has revived at the hands of the United Suites. I do not think, however, truit Spain can hold! Cuba. I do not think she will ever con. quer the Islands. I believe that Spain will be worn out at the end of the next dry season and that she will have t- Give up the Island." CUBAN NEWS Insurgent Executed Towns Sacked No Exciummt Ov.-r Canovas' Death. Key West. Fit.. August 10. Juan Ar son yuintero, the insurgent Muler. who urr. nd red lately at Flnar edl Itio, w as taken from his home ln Cerro, Havana, at the order ot Inspector Cubas, to the outskirts of the city at Jesus del Monte, and there macheted. The Cutans of Key West have made no demonstration over the death of Ca novas M.vrta Esperunza. a town in Santa Clara province,, was attacked against by insurgents, who entered the town at 3 p. m. and led at 4 a. m.. sacking all the stores and taking merchandise. clothes, drugs, money, etc. The Spar.Uh (ore made resistance, but the Insurgents lefeatrd them with little trouble. The Spanish loss was heavy. The Cuban? lost one dead and st-veral wounded. The forces of tienem! Montano came to the ti.i o( the town, arriving one day late. They took arms and ammunition from the girerillas who remained In the town, although most of them had joined the insurgents Then they burned about i houses belonging to Cubans. Calixto Alvrr.-i attacked and sicked the towns of im Encrucljada. Crucos and Placetas. The Span:sh forces made no resistance. These towns are In the pacified province of Santa Clara. WHEAT ULOCKADE. Not Enough Vessels to Handle the Pa- cilic Coast Crop. San Francisco. August 10. Reports j .l , - ,,m I show mat mere are t j no nieauo sum- cient vessels to handle the large crop of gr.ln along the Pacific coast .-o ;;s to bring it to this city. The City of Puebla arrived today with a full cargo of wheat from Puset Sound and left a large amount behind her. The coasting vessels are rut able to bring all the graiii offered at Sound rts. The Pue'ala was taken to the already crowded sea wail and the work of discharclng h;r will be continued all night. She w:l! leave tomorrow for Port Harford, where there is a wheat blockade, and try to bring back a cargo to this port before her time to sail for the Sound again. EXAMINER MEN NOT JAILED. San Francisco, August 10. Acting upo'i advice of his attorneys. Sheriff Whalen today decided not to execute the com mitments Issued by Notary L. D. Crais yesterday, ordering the managing editor. A. M. Lawrence, and business manacer. T. T. Williams, of "the Examiner, im prisoned In the county Jail until they an swered certain questions relating to the libel suit instituted against them and W. R. Hearst by Claus Spreckles. CAN'T GOVERN CHILI. New Vork August 10. A special to the j Herald from Valparaiso says: , j It is reported that the president has j declared that it Is Impossible to continue to govern Chill under present conditions. The conservatives, he says, are too ex acting. It Is expected that the coali tion scheme will go out of existence. ELLIOT'S ATTACK The State Department Makes Pormn! Answer to His Charges. AX EXI'OSLKE OF HIS ANIMUS lit is .lad Because (Maine Suppressed His Report ravorinf Eagliad oo the Sen I (Juestioa, Washington. Aug ID. The stats depart, rnent has made formal answer to charges l ending against Commissioner J. W, Fos ter by Prof. Henry J. Eliot In his Mter to Assistant Secretary Day. Tho state ment says: "1'rof. Eliot is not now. nor has he been for several years past, connected with the Smithsonian Institute or any de partment of the governnxnt. Id ISM he made a report upon the seal Islands a an agent of the treasury department, but It was so full of inaccurate statement. s, betrayed such a want of sclentlflo knowl. edge, was so hostile to the Interests of the United States and was written In such a prejudiced spirit that Secretary Blaine declined to hend It to congress or allow It to be printed. From that time Prof. Eliot censed to have any connection with the government and the officials say he has lost! no opportunity to attack ny step taken by It on the subject and to abuse all persons having any official re lation to sealing matters. His report was printed by the British government and strongly relied upon by the rirttish. coun sel before the tribunal to overthrow the position of the United States." Chinese war. Liable to Break Out In San Frundseo at Any Moment. San Francisco, August 10. Warning no tices evidently directed against the Clil n. 8cc!ety for English Education, have tf -n ted on the dead walls of China, town. Without hilng named the society is nointid at as having levied blackmail from women of ill repute Imported from China. The poster says: "Lives have been lost before, for such little things, and they may be lost again." It is signed " Mook Chlng Society," and has caused considerable consternation. The poll-re, who have torn down the notices, treat the matter seriously and think that there will be more murder in the Chinese quarter. PRICE OF BEEF RAISED. Kansas City. August 10. The wholesale price of dressed beef by all the big pack ers has been raised. The lowest price on dressed beef now is six cents, whereas on Saturday fair to good Western beef could be bought for 41 to cents. Bet ter grades were raised ln proportion. The best grades of bacon were also raised Uj cents per pound. The dealers claim thtt the raise is proof positive that the big -combine" about which so much h;is been heard lately is a fact and that it has begun the expected squeezing process. They declare that they will go into a comlbne cf their own and butcher their own rmnt. The packers deny that there is any combine. ' BANK PRESIDENT ARRESTED. Kearney. Neb., August 10. F. T. Rob. ertson. president of the suspended First National Bank of this city, has been brought here under arrest from Forest City, Mo. He Is charged with swearing to false statements ln securing- large deposits of county money, which was lost when the hank failed. THE FEARLESS AT NANAIMO. San Francisco, August 10. The big tug Fearless has gone to Nanatmo to coal up preparatory to towing from Seattle to this city a huge dredger for use In deepening the approaches to Mare Island. ANARCHISTS REJOICE. New York, August 10. The World says: The New York anarchists are ln ex. celfcnf spirits 'the assassination of Premier Canovas, Royal makes the food pur. wholesome and tfstidosu. "ml Fovozn Absolutely Pure SOYM. IMUM rWXI CO., MW WML mm 111 t