TILE DAILY ASTOillAN. 8 ATI RI) AY MORX1XU, All. 1ST 7. HW7. SuitSto ordcrrfroin-$12i5G PailtS to order, from $3.00 .FLYNN, When you go to Warrenton Don't fall to vlatlt The best of Wines, GREENS Are the style. We have on hand the latest shapes. . We bought them to sell. We are selling them at ex tremely reasonable prices. Ladies', gents', misses' and children's. Drop in and examine them. 5 John Halm & Co. Ar Wi 1 479 Commercial St. New Gloves .AT. ALBERT DUNBAR Agency Buttorick Pattern, NOBBY COLUMBIA SHOE CO. TODAY'S -WEATHER. Fair and continued vans weather, va riable winds. AROUND TOWN. ' SATURDAY. Every morn la the world made new. Here la a beautiful nope for you A hope for me and a nope for you. Susan Cooildge. Beat meals 10c. at Caalno restaurant. 8ee Ross, Higglns & Co. "a offer to sell foods for cash. See Ross, Higglna Co. for fresh fruits and vegetables. Groceries at the lowest prices at Pacific Grocery Co. the Ice cream, wholesale Smith's candy factory. and retail, at Leave your orders for wild blackberries at Etna Higglns St Co. "a At 4 price Misses' and Children's Tan Shoes. Colombia Shoe Co. An elegant line of Little Genu' Shoes Just arrived. Colombia Shoe Co. For rootling and skylights go to the Astoria Roofing and Cornice Co., 34 Ninth street When you are looking for fresh fruits and vegetables call on the Pacific Gro eery Co. Mrs. S. F. Clayton and daughter, Mlhe Fannie Clayton, were In the city yester. day from Seaside. P. J. Meany, the leading merchant tailor, 137 Tenth St The highest price paid for fur skins. Laird, Schober ft Co. S-OO. SS.SO snd 6.00 shoes; your choice fur 10 days, 3.98. Colombia Shoe Co. Manager Edwards, of the Gobi Lumber Co., Is fast getting his yard filled on the corner of Ninth and Bond streets. M. F. Hardesty left for Portland laet evening to look afuar the coming to Astoria of the Woodmen of the World. L. Lebeck has a contract at Clifton for removing three houses from the ralload right of way. Ho left for that place last evening. Deputy County Clerk H. Q. Bmlth and wife returned yesterday from aehort vMt to Sen Francisco. They returned overland. ine Baivation Army will conduct a special meeting Saturday night, August 7th. Ice cream and cake will be served after meeting. FOR KLONDYKE VIA DYEA. A lim ited amount of freight and passengers can find transportation at Foard ft Stokes Company. Swedish Lutheran Church English ser vice at 10:39 a. m. Text, Matt 7:15.12. Topic, "False Phophets and False Chris tiana" Swedish services at S p. m. The Hrnd.-ir KsdBoot - will -not begin before the" first Sunday In September. Then DP UP the Tailor KELLY & PALMBERG'S SAMPLE ROOMS Liquors nnd ClgnrH.. It Is hoped to see all scholars on hand, and also that thooe who haw assisted as teacher will come back and help. Service In the German langiitive will be held .t the Congregational church on Sunday afternoon at : o'clock. J. (5. Schlrad, pastor. Ladle' Taa and Ojhlood Oxford. 1.00 eat to t.oo, S.00 eat to I.SO. Laird. Sehaber t Co. IMJ Oxfords eat to 4.00. Calambla Shoe Co. Seat sale for the verasoope pictures of the tight hetwwn CortM and Fttssim. mons opens at J o'clock this morning at Griffin A Reed'a Ladles, you can hare your corsets made to order and in flrst-claas styU by calling on Mrs. Whipple, of Portland, tempo rarily at r 15th street A reward of IS la offered for the body of Jack Hansen, who was drowned from Walter I Main's droua barges, oa Friday night. July & Ho for Klondyk. Hie. If you're wld as, we eaa Jatt pat yaa an the right lrrk. five ear general chart of Alaska, No, T, Ja.t reeelTed, GrlflU A Ked. When you want a real Ufe-like and artistic photo, don't fail to call on Snod grasa The work be la turning out now la ahead of anything ever made in As toria before. Several seining crews have arrived In the city during the past two or three dnys from various points on the river, low prices and alack run of fish causing them to cut the season short. Mr. Chester Wright has entered the employ of the water commission, and now tanks as the youngest business man In Astoria. Messrs. Shield and Van D'jsen are both on the anxlxous seat. The MUees Lllla Phllllpson and Zoe Durner. who have been visiting Captain and Mrs. S. B. Randall, their uncle and aunt, salkd on the steamship Columbia for their home at Benlcla. Cal. W. Maurice Kelly returned to Astoria yesterday after a few weeks' absence In Portland and San Francisco. He leaves this morning for his place at Smuggler's Cove, near Necarnle Mou'.- j tain. I Yesterday old sol warmed things up In good style, and more thnn one pedestrian was hcanl to register a sultry kick. But then some people are kick even when it is parts. mean enougb to raining in these In the For Sale column will be found the announcement that the Warrenton hotel Is for sale. Without doubt some enterprising Individual will see his oppor tunity In this to establish himself on j me v, cbi oiue. Ross, Higglns 3c Co. have taken the agency for the famous "Corvallls" Bour. Three carloads arrived here fir them yesterday and they will from I now on furnish dealers with th same ' at mill prices In lots to suit. o-rrnan ' Lutheran services will be held !in the First ' Baptist church at 2:J0 p. m. next Sunday. August Sth, by Rev. C. Buchfer, of Portland. All are Invited to attend. The theme will be "Christ's Warning Against False. Prophets." 'services as usual at the Baptist church tomorrow, The subject of encouragement w ill be, discussed In the morning s?r- mon, and the , instruction of the Inter - preter considered In the evening. Sunday school and B. Yw P. f. at 12:15 and 7 p. m. ' Passengers on, 'the,. Columbia yesterday from Astoria for, San Francisco were : Miss Phillipson and Miss Durner, nieces of Captain Randall; Mise Gertie Mc- Colloueh, Mrs. MKenzle, the MlnAe.i Foard, Captain Dapiel McVlker and Wm. I Lehnlg. The ladles of .Be.hanla Evangelical Lutheran church will give a social at the Union Pacific cannery opposite fire station No. 3, at 8 o'clock Saturday evening. A large number of fancy ar ticles will be offered for sale. Everybody Is invited to attend. H. F. L. Logan will entertain several newspaper men today at his Elk creek hotel. The program Includes a trip from Seaside to Elk creek by stage, thence to various points of lnt?ret on Cannon and Elk creefc . bificlv-s, returning to. Seaside Sunday morning. Fred Newell and WalW Robb leave this afternoon for Norrlston Park, where their famlll-s are staying, on their blks, and as both gentlemen are experts ij can be expected that a n-w record will bo made going over the mountain bf . tween Seaside and Elk creek. ' ! M. E. Church Sub)t for morning sermon, "Contentment"; evening, 'The Dignity and Honor of Christian Ser. vice." Morning class, led by the pastor, meets at 10:30, Sunday school at 12:15, Epworth League at 7 p. m. You are cordially Invited to all our services. ' i There will be a big exodus from An. toria to the Alaska gold fields next spring If present Indications! go for anvthlmr. Nearly every othtr man Ih Atttorlu "is going and there Is' a general ' scramble for grubstakes among those who cannot scare Up the requisite amount of,, e.ish to get them through to the glittering Burleigh . the Cash Grocer. as Cents Largo box Import! Tnrkwh Castile Soap ' 23 Ceuts Large bos Imported French Castile Soap 20 Cents Can Kox French Tonga 10 Cents Can lies Periled Ham 5 Cents Ponnd Large Fnucy Prune, SHA1UHAN BUILDING. Hone Tcl land of promise. If the proposed As. tona-Vukon transportation line becomes rt reality and thewe people buy their supplies here. It will set a whole lot of mbitcy loose among the merchants. The Astor House la In process of thor ough renovation, and will be taken In charge about August 1 by Mr. Dan Tay ler, of South Bend, and Mr. O. W. Boo mer, who wilt conduct It in first-class style, at prices becoming the times. The botol Is centrally located and convenient alike to residents and tourists. Chief of Police Hallock is kept very busy these days. , Aside from looking after tho law-breaking clement of the city, he Is carrying a greater load In directing the aff.drs of one of the Im. portant regatta committee, tie mane us good a committeeman, however, as he does police o trice r which W saying a good deal. A new river service has been Inaugu rated between Astoria and Rainier, Ore gon. Including all Intermediate landings. The fine steamer Pilgrim," Captain A. L. Brasee. will make round trip dally. except - - m -Mirhlnv Astoria at :. landing at the Fourteenth street wharf, and de - parting on her return at t:J0. Prompt time and trie nest servtre is guarantees for both passengers and freight , I, deal of Interest in th proposed stenin. ship line from Astoria to the Yukon. There Is a share of the Alaska traita duo this nort. and thev feel that It Is time to nwaken and arrange for n share of tt. The cctnmitUv w!l protmtlly have a plan to submit at a meeting to be called In a few days. Northern Pacific railroad trains leave Portland daily at 11 o'clock a. m. f Tacoma. Spokane, and the East. Cl.e connection made at Spokane for Roea - tand. Nelson. Sandow and British Co- lumbla mining camps. For map, and Information call on or address C. W. STONE. Astoria. Or. There will be a regulnr exodus of "single-married" men to the beach this even, ing. Harrison Allen, C. K. Thompson, Herman Pnu?l. Frank Diinhnr. William Chutter, Clyde Fulton and about a doxen others whoee families ore camping or living In cottages at Seaside have re mained away from the noise of the boom ing surf for snveral days now, and will take advantage of the seventh day of the week and Join tha throng of bathers at th lch- Fancy " above-named gentlemen arre.yed In the latest style of bathing suit, gamboling ahout the sonils of Clatsop. "Old Antiope" Banks, who was made famous a year ago by being made com modore of the XS'A regatta. Is headed for Astoria again In charge of a new ship. Captain Banks, or "Commodore," as he j Insisted on being called after the title j had once been conferred, said It was j the proudntt moment of his life when 1 the regatta committee made the good (ship Antiope flagship of the rgatta, and the was evidently sincere, for the big j British merchantman was thrown open from stem to stern to not only the com. ! miOeemen, but to the citizens and visit. 'ors. The commodore and would receive a welcome, his n-w ship If they were present aunng the 1W7 carnival. WATER SUPPLY PIPE. Proposals will be received at the of fice of the undersigned In Astoria, Ore gon, until noon, August 10th, for fur nishing and laying about 1,000 feet of six-Inch wrought Iron pipe to supply wri ter column. Spejlflcatlons may be seen and blank forms of proposals will l.e furnished at their office. Bonds will be required. The right to reject any or all bids Is reserved. NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION CO. Special Cash From now on extraordinary j! to; cash purchasers I The list of articles.which come under this head is too long to publish, tut a trial order " will show that we mean business -. . . . . . . it is woNPr.nrru The Verasoope Reproduction of the Ca on City Kvent. rn Portland they are crowding to the Marvjnnm Grand by thousand lo lt ttris the reproduction by the veAtscor I of -the great TVrbett-Fttaslmmonf tight and toe houe seem hardly large enough to hold the cole who want to see It Next Sunday evening, at Fisher's Open House, Astortan, will have an opportu, nlty of seeing the name show. Yester day's Orvgoul.in has the following, I p-irt, to say of the ewnt: While It was true that a large majorll of those present had wine merely to "r the fight." a look at the more Intelligent portion of the audience sliowc.1 that the feature of the exhlUilon to them lay In the marvel of hotogrMhlc and sclentl!' ochtetsmrnt that enabled theiu, comfort ulily staled In a theater. In no m llfi U1. animated panorama depleting In every detail a series of Incidents fi which montlwi ago others traveled luin dreds of milt's and ent hnndrerl of dot lars to see. Ftm n scientific standlit th.ii pi turvs, the eratlon of Mr. Kittson's wm I'erfully fertile brain, give a tnt'lleal II lustration of their powlttllltlua In other and more leitlllmate dlnxMlons, Thv In ten-st In the present picture, however, renters In the fact that they rpres! the Mg tight, and last evening the Audi ence was wrought up to Intense nxelle ment whenever one or the other of the llg fighter miule a palpuhlo polnl. Tlv vltnttlon to the picture throughout the evening made It a little trying on tin eyes, but It did not Interfere wllh th following of every movement of the prln eitml rlgiis All of the H rounds the fight nr (tlven. with five grateful In termUAions. th.it ret 1h e. and dur. Ing which the lights are turnel on an the ori-lwstni discourse selection tha furnish a pleasing variety to the pie lures. Mr. Johnny William acted lecturer, and. before tle oienlng of tlv exhibition, he gnve a review of the dim cuttles attending the taking of thcec pie turs, which he mid Involved the taking I f ov . iMrt separate negatives, hi rate of JTrtl a mlnuto, on a eelluloi nhlHn. or film SV nle In length. For benefit of thone not verged In prlxe ring Hre he detailed the rul govrniln th right "thrco minute of fighting and one minute rents" cal lot attention to th tvfere llme-kectx-r. secomts, etc.. and generally prepared everytody for the ca of "time," when the room wo darkene. i , ,.,, .... ,,k, ,,i I i 1 displaying the ting, with trre actors I :th scene moving about It, includlm Fltxsimmons and Corbel t, each envelop-' In a long bathrotw. and Ellvlng all the I and tr. first round of the Mg HeIiI. In termlsMions oceurmt t'en the firs and second roumh. tlie fmirlh and fifth i tlv seventh nnd .ighth, th. tenth ntv eleventh, and the thlrteeiiih nnd four. teenth. ruring th.'se InbTmlmlon M Williams not.-l the siwrliU feature to lie olTi-.-l In th coming round, wid evl pViitly cnrrlid away by his reeollis-tlon of the aotuat tight, rarnwily Invltcl at r!tent!on to the t.rl on Fltx s f.u glove, which, of course, In-lng Invisible jon the black-and-white pictures, create. loud laughter, and an cxxel.imailon froi a piping voice Itj the gallery of: "I t tt." Mr. Williams, however, served hi purpose, and plot.d the audience throng the fight In good shape. GRAND OPENING Great American . . Importing Tea Co. NEW TEA STORK, 571 Commcrclnl Ht Have stocked It with the choicest TEAS. COFFEES, SPICES, BAK1NT POWDKUS, FLAVORINO EXTRACTS CHOCOLATES, ETC., ETC., Also Crockery, Chlnaware, Glassware, at prices never before known. Handsome and useful presents given away to every purchaser, consisting of China, Crockery, Glassware, Tinware, and Novelties. Tens at 20c. 2, 30c, 3,'e, Vic nnd Soc per pound. Roasted Coffee at iSo, V.c, 25c, 30c nnd j.ic per pound. Spices at 10c, 13c, per pound. J 20c, 25c. 30c, JSc nnd it importing for and operating tow store enables us to undersell all others and save you all middlemen's profits. Why not buy from first hands? Get the best and save money. GREAT AMERICAN TEA IMPORTING COMPANY, 571 Commercial Street, Astoria 100 Branch Stores In Successful Operation Handsome presents free to every purchaser. Sale - - - we will give inducements Ross, Higgins & Co. Warrenton Is Columbia Harbor Land Co. CORNER... BOND and ELEVENTH STS. lUw on application. COUNTY COURT. Tho bondsmen of ex. Treasurer Ward mt with the country court llils morn. Ing, The bondsmen were formally m!. ltd of the amount of (he defalcation and that the court would hold Ihem respoii. slhlo lo I ho county for that mm In reply, th Imndsinen acknowledged their liability, but aiated that the iitrtlon at Issue lictwecu them and the creditors of Howell ft Ward would Ih. srKtlrd at the next term of Ihn circuit court, and they deMlrvd that the matter be left a. it stands until thai Unix. The court nr. contlngly ordered that the action In tl x ! mutter he oatpoiinl until the further order of the court. The bondsmen rt ox.Trcasur.-r Wnrl niMwiml before the voiut and were notl'lcd of the amount of defalciijtlon of Mr. Want, n shown by I the eHrt' r-Hrt. Tl- toiidsinrn In. formed the court that the mttter In ds. pute N't ween them and the rrnlllor of Ih II nn of Howell & nnl will Ih prtwksl to a Hsdy ternilnatlon .it tl.e rtoptemlsT term of the die etv:rt. Therefore It was onlered that . tiittt. r N' rontliuir.1 mull further r "f the court. OREGON CllII.lRES-3 HOME. The Oregon Children's Home Soclrty, auxlllury to the national. Is doliu a meet exi"ellent work In pi. icing hom-lc children In can-fully selected (.imir) homi' the mcl natural and In. ji eti.e mthol of caring for the Utile oie- The society In 3 sales has thus found homo for nearly s.oo children. I're.l. dent McKlnley tin le. n presl.le'it of the Ohio branch of this society for v.riil years. In Oregon the past ! month. the. mi-rtntcndci:t has tri.-i-hd 1".", miles and sski:ii lJn llm In !.li,i)f of homcle.v children. One hundred children have Iwn reeelvd and l osl In nxM houies. Some of th.-se i hlldrell Were placed in Wnshlngtoii, but since I'. c.ni- her last each st.itc has cirri,- I f ir I the work under Its own Isi.irl of man. agent Families wishing to rcovie lill. iren for adoitlon nniy adr s .-tii -i In. endent I. F Totiey, W" M irn'iain build. tirrgonlan. TO UK KKPItoliCCKI) II Kill-: The Alcax;ir Th.atre Stock "o. win will present the famous succr.ses. ' Th. First Horn." the clever Chinese drnmn ind "lst for a Iay," tlw t lr---j hilarious conwejy. at r isher s ojri tiotise, n xt I htirsiiuy, August u. in. elude the Well known players, Gen. us. !urne, Hugo Tolund, J. Harry II. nrl. mo, Jno. Armstrong. Geo. Kulltrlon Harry Spear, V. It-lasio. Jos. Siler. stone, Slay lliukley. Kiltie It.lrnocr. Mrs. G.s. fJst.ourne, Gertrude Till. nil, Venle Wills and flflivn others. The Chi. nese dnunu, "Tho Flrt Horn," ran thpe consecutive months In San Francis, The original company will produce It re-re, together with all the scenery, cos tume. music, properties and effect us. In the Bun Francisco production, Reserved seat sain opens next Tuesday morning at Orlffln & Iled's. RECEIVER'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that I have been appointed receiver by tho circuit rourt of the State of Oregon, for Clatsop county. In the suit of R. L. Hahln et al. vs. Howell A Ward et at., of all property goods, ware and merchandise and chat tela and book accounts, notes and de mands and all the property of the late firm of Howell A Ward; and I am re quired to collect forthwith nil dehls due snld firm. fore, all persons Indebted to said firm will call at once at the place of business formerly occupied by th, snld late firm of Howell A Ward, at No. CIO Commercial street, Astoria, Oregon, and settle their said accounts Dated this second day of August, 1897. FRANK I. DUNBAR. Receiver. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. Regular quarterly examination of Ap plicants for certificate to teach In Clat sop county will be held at McCbire hool building High School bull ling Astoria, beginning at 1 o'clock p. n- Wednesday, August 11, 1RW. Applicants will be present promptly and continue to th close. Examinations for state diploma will be eld Saturday, August U, 1S97, beginning at 9 o'clock a m., at same place. H. B. LYMAN. Superintendent of Schools. Clatsop county, Oregon. ROI'OSALB FOR DKAWHRIDGU , FOCNDATIOXS. Healed proposals will le received ,y tho unJerrlgicy, at lt ofTlco In Astorl;i until noon of August 12,, 1W, for con. structlng the foundations for the steel Irawbridges over Wind slough and rials. kanle river, on the line of the. Astoria and Columbia River Railroad. I'lnns and ineelfleitlons -nwy, be . re-n , nt ; th As toria office, and approved bonds will be required-of the- suoaessful' bidder. -The: right to reject any and al) bids -1 re,, served by . tho -undersigned. i NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION CO. the Best... TIE CENTER ON THE Everybody knows that Warrenton values will soon be doubled. It is distinctly the best property on the market. Fine large level lots, surrounded by many Improvements, at very low prices. Is It not a fine investment? Grand Excursion To Seaside and Return Sunday, August 15, '97 Inder th... TUP VPTCDAW Au.rkts el Ul L.lrtlt I DuusJ Trip, AdulU. . Ii.oo Chlldun nor t, )rs, go 1 I Tl.llt t.favcs Flavtl " lw V o SllKa W. F. SCHEIBE, IMS snd mekt rs' AitkUs. 7-t Cortirticrv Inl Ml FISHER'S OPERA CO.MINO AT LAMT, ONLY ONK; PHMPOMMANCB Thursday, August 12 Tli not origin! plnynlIH tnlury,"..NiK York Journal, Powcrn' rnttiouH CIiIiicho l3l.y THE FIRST BORN j Three lonif months in San Frnurisoo In !..,,.. 't !,..... ...... I . ii.. TWKNTY-I'IVB IMiOIM.R Stierin scenery - iforgixiusly tnotititeil lavishly ami Jdr turestiely rottinirl rlinrnotrrlstic music ami rtlrcU A liitf ami eituUt production, rece.led by, Sjilnry (irtunly", 3 act cotuetly, " LoHt for n Day" Admlawlon Prlco. - - - BO cent a nit flOO Seats nn salo Tuesday uiurulnR at (Iriflln A Komi's ..Mortgagee Sale.. We are cloning out Slug Lung A Co.'s entire stock of Pry Goods, Ladles' and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, at priors regardless of ooat. In order to make room for the large stock of Chines, and Japnnmm Curios, Fine Decorated China ware, Novelties, Bilk Handkerchiefs, tA.Je' Morning Gowns, Wrappers, Gen tlemen's Smoking Jackets, Tea, Etc. We Invite the public to come and nmko bargains of the above line of Itoods before the stock I, sold out. Store will open Saturday, July 31. ANDREW KAN & CO. ..The font Ltf.Mt.cti.. "HERCULES" Is open to special charter for excursion parties or river freighting. Dock at Ross, Higglns & Co.'s slip. THOS. DALOITT. Leave orders at 214 Ilond street. .SAP A KODAK. at any man coming out nt our .lor. and you'U gt a portrait of a diku brlmmlug oyer wllh pleasant tliouxhts. Such quKllty In thii liquor, we have to offer are euouxh to pleais any man. COMB' AND TRY THEM HUGHES & CO. Oriental Novelties Japanese Goods ..WING LEE.. 543 Commercial street Next to Madison', Cigar Stand OF DEVELOPMENT WEST SIDE I?l DHM HIVHC tCCnriATIHW IM.I O ti&ll- 1 IWM Columbia Marin, hand will accompany Ih. I'xcuralon No Questionable Character Allow.4 I Msnofncliirsr nrttl lnlr lr FINE CIGARS! HOUSE, Li. H. SBLiIQ ('tee sml Mslt.fsr (lie cntincllr of the i FISHER'S - OPERA - HOUSE L. E. MEMO, lessee nml Mstm.'rr SUNDAY EVENING, AUGUST 8 - Photographs Con't Lie V Wonderful Veriscope The Gorbett I Fitzsimmons Fight REPRODUCED TljUK TO LIFE The marvel of the Age First and Only) Prodactlon on the. ....Paclflo Coast.... Seat sal. opens Hnttinlny nidrolriK, nt 0 o'clock, nt OrilJln A lle.d'H. Price,, roBerved aontd, $1 ; gnllory, 60 ooiits. RJlIfllER TO ASTORIA And Return In One Dav, Steamer Pilgrim, A. L. BRAZEE, MaaUr. Will leave Rainier dally, axcent 'HuiuLV at 6:J0 a m., touohlng at La Du. Mar. gors, Btella, Oak Point, Eagle Cliff. Knappa, Clifton, Westport, and other landing,, arriving at Hth trit wharf, Astoria, at 10 a. m. Leave Astoria at 1:M n. m.. ealll t way landings on return. fast urn. and , satisfactory ,. serrlo. guaranteed.