The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 07, 1897, Image 1

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    ASTORIA PUBLiG UdMi ASSvoaai.v.
tu prose
THE ASTORIAN has the largest
circulation of any paper
on the Columbia River
biggest and best paper
on the Columbia River
NO. 19.
Sole Agents for Knox
Hatters and
)4 Third Street, PORTLAND, OR.
....The Only Exclusive
. . . IMPROVED ...
White Mountain Freezer
Will in Four Minutes
Freeze Cream to a..
.... Hard Even Grain
All sizes, from 1 to 15 quarts, at
U li u U U M UU
frt ; tiaVt t .a k mw
u u u u
i - . . rx limsJ
Shield Brand Hams, Bacon, Strictly Pure Lard
Outran! lh (Wat la ht Markat
Ross, Higgins & Company
Baseball and Tennis Goods
Boxing Gloves
Croquet Sets $
Now Novels and Magazines received as soon
as published
Paints, Oils, Wallpaper
Painting and Paperhanging
Only skilled workmen employed. All work guaranteed
to the standard of excel lonce. The best work in
Astoria has been done by tins house.
C. H. CUTHBIRTH, Proprietor.
and Wauburton Hats
Men's Furnishers....
Monmouth, Oration
ItMtuUr Nrnt Cour.o cil lhriw,'jrri
Mrntor rsr Mholljr .r'lHliil.
'I rul'iln .U''f'iiii iu ill nine with 2ut fhlllrru.
Iii.tturiloii mi l trulii tig In iij mim.lii'i (Hwcdlah ay
tcuii:. att.l Yiji M'l.lii l'r i-iil'llc .iiila.
I lit. .Nnrnml i1l,lnlna a lt'i'i,i,itnl by . M fTATB
I.IKK I'fcltlirll-AIK t. lech.
I ilil rii-ino. liililnii. iMHika, bonid and ivdidni (up
pnnliMatrlj i, alViUU par tvar.
tml.uia tuKr lin ihriiiK Ivf.. Ill'i 00 wr yrt
Acjiilnulr graile at-rfi-tl tioin Itiaii ftchiMila.
VBUIofav i b-rrtully acnl mi ilcatl 'it.
r. L. CAMIilr:l.l., PrraMmii. or
W. A. WANS, Herrvury Faculty.
Mount Angel College
MOUNT ASCJt, Mtrioa Count), OREGON
Tlila In Jiuit tli place for your boys.
IMlghtful location, large building nut
ground, etvxl nienla, plenty of healthy
urn-im, eicrllrni teachers and careful
training- thin In what they all any of
M T, ANGICL COLLEGE. Send for Cat.
Ingtir mid noinl term.
Heliool will 0Kn September I.
P. F. PLACIDUS. Director.
Fishing Tackle
Baby Carriages
Children's Wagons
Garden Tools
Ready to
The Kcptta rinuncc Committee Mwtt
Iiiij kith I ncvpcLtcil Suucss.
Till: I'lUMilUM aRKAM.II)
It llcladc Some Very lntcrcttini t. tnt
oa Ditk lud md Water A M'
.lirine I'arjdc.
Tliut l tt woni:
Ni.n. wthrr llku It!
Tlw IMC rfiriiltii n ! ramlvai!
With m:l durrmllnir 'lay tlw rhnnm
fur a nicemit ul r'Hitt'i IcMika hrliih'i r.
nnl m th" m.'tlnir f th rointnittti
)rt..rli.y nn i:nuial il.rrra of nth.i
aluont a aliown. for from nil l.l.-x
mr"t niroiirnKlnij nirt irr nuul .
Tlw Ull.n nii'l l.ulii-N tn.Ti lire ti.k.
Hue hold with r-n'W.-.l Intr.-iit nml r
ilolnir nil In mw.t tu m.iki- the
137 rnmlvnl of uhhhIIi Inn I orti
the lICKi.t urTiilr of th kln.l . hi-M
on Ih cot.
Thf flnitnci cotnmitU"- w. r.. mil i t u.
coiiri;i-.l y.atr'ilny, un.l, If Iti" i-xt t )
at ll.r-- ln) a nhowa ..( itim ti .niinl. .
th.r will r-miln hut Hit It- troihl.- In
thr w y of tlw (fi-nrrnl .'onunltt Many
mi n linnla !u at flrat h- llnt.-.i nl 'nit
utcrtliln to th' riimtt.i fun I luvo
i.n.-. tiikn fllffrrrnt I. w of tin- mm
li r nl " nro c omlnir "l lllr illy. 'y-
ai.l.-rlnr thv oon.lltlmi of Mnn-a.
Ijuh vhliit th. cummltlfi. un innntli
Miri rnet nn.l mnllnxl n iirok-ram whh li
li.rlii.lHi it lanir anil lnti-riiltiif niitnlwr
of bvvIIUi. Thf uthl.tli' 'rrara fur
Miimlur l not '' nnul- ti. ;il from
! ulrvitdy outllnil. It will he vi ry
A 1HW f.fttiir" wan to th.- lt
of uiiitlc lort lat iwtilii. whlrh will
un.louhtolly jrov( one of thr moxt nl.
iraitlvo ivnit of Ok- ullrf rornlval.
An Ultimlnfttcil m.irln pjirna. will he
Klv. n ou th rvrnltiK ' 'l' S"'". 1,1,1
will U' nrtU'ljiitl In ty nil the latinrh
liimliiiUcI, nn.l uhout n mile out In tlifi
tHir. The fl iirhl will h.. hrllllnntly 11, nnil about mll out nl th
rlvi-r will hr nnrhrM lartti' fro rnft.
nrounJ whd-h th. (Iwt of Iku will
circle. The (juiM'ti of th.- cnrn'.vnl will
ooruny n i1mohi on ttw fl..i;h! ilurlnc
tin- ii'rl.
Wor.l win rvovivml y.-Kt.-rilny hy tho
commit tr from SlicHilwat-r hay rintlnir nt Icnut fo'ir ami prohaMy lx
alooi1" frnrn thnt point woM partU-pato
In tho tK"tta. Anion th ntimNr l.
a mw 1imp, launohid thin year. Tho
Mayflower, onp of the cnu k "loops of the
Columbia, nun hwn recently
nnil will enter" In th sloop nuii thl
year nn.l her sklpp.-r Ihmxh to carry
uwity nl liNim one ix-nnnnt.
t'aptntu Kohert Parnit n.-r. owner of
the lieautlftil yacht Jiwle, him tcmlirvJ
the ue of lh!i veawl to the conimlttce
for ii fliiKshlp durltiR tho rKatta.
Nothlnit further h K'ii h.-nrl from
WoiihtiiKton rejrartlliis tho monitor Mon
terey, hut a no new t nil leivo room
for hope, the committor mill feel cond-
ilenl they will lie nlUc to nnniMinri'
Hint I'nclo Bum's tlrlnliiK lh.t will 1
One feature of Monday mornlnif's pro.
Krani will he .1 irraml lo-rillliii? eon-
test, ami wMl prohalily take place In tho
sliilnreil und uliallow water of Scow
hay. Some of the most expxt loKKer
oil the will be present and partlol.
pato In this contest.
Tho committee on transportation re
port Rood progress with the various com
panies reaching Portland and Astoria.
It l thought there will ho no trouble
In kcMiiir a reduced raw to Astoria
for cartilvnl week.
Those who watch the races this year
will not tire for lack of soniothltiR to
occupy attention, for between each
race the committee have arnuiRed for
extra event to tako place Immediately
off tho dock. There will l tub races,
duck hmits, greased pole events, obstlcle
race, tuff of war, etc., and all of them
litKhly Rmuslnir.
Col. Day, of Cascades, hi." iffered tho
use of his handsome steamer as Judge's
ooat, and the committee will probably
make him admiral of tho tleet. Cnptalns
Edward and llrown (without whom It
would be hard to pull off a regatta)
have promised to be here and assume
their old position us Judges, and they
will undoubtedly be welcomed by the
Takj It altogether, the pooplo of 'As.
torln, can expect a big tlmo during car
nival week, and visitors to the city
during those days will not go home dis
appointed. Everyone, no matter whom,
If tlu y Ii.ivi lit lu uri th" K'x'l tni'tif (it I
'lf.i-.i of tlw rlty, Nli'iul'l J'dti Imfl'U
Willi tlw lotninlit " nti'J ilo -vi?rytllni(
in t hi lr iiuwi r tu miiku Hi- Wj n-Kaiiu
lilflllVlll tlli' cmtiI of tlw. kill')
rvr lu l'l on tl." I' icIIIc co.iat.
Iiioili e'klii '.m..iiny Will Mux, a
T-M Hi.
I'i.IVI), Minn. Aiik'usi An' Isoue In
w..i ;i i fn iniK-r if lutvr hsti mn irilc-s
nr. sa'..l to li Ini hus U n riifs-d
In re, A lir eia prirt-t hns ln nuule
by 111 Ii .ill Ivu kllig f'.mtiai y a;alnl
pi iiiK 'in- irnrtiT-.:-nt inly on flhh
liiiHwii l y the I'lnghy Ml. Colh-rtor
Willi' ii , of :lil poll, h i i"l on a
f iirien t! I'sli on ojij of tin- Uo,i.i steuni
ii II,. Ink. a Hi..- ponltluu t.ial the flsh
I. vi. -.1 on r.innot U- aimltti-'l free.
ill. i) wire ciniiilit In Cutiaillnn watr by
I I'.'iiiiulli.n lisrat-rn n In ll employ of
j thr I I'm 4 II (Otll.,iny.
I T.e futiipany, lioW'Ver. Ihlh llkd a
r...-t, III whl-h It that It Is an
Atnirlraii corporation, comKs.d of titl-
nn of the t'lilted Btat.; that the flah
hit., cauirht In nets owtn-1 by the com
pany, mid 4u-ked ami transferred
by It: that for this reason the flfh jhould
br nilmltted free under a provision of the
lnniil. y bill which allows cltltens of the
1'iiitii! Htauw to bring In tth fr of
duty which they caught In foreign fresh
waters. Th .fcKJIsluti of Collator Wllll
ut will lc upiv.'U.d to tlie secretary of
tin- irvasury ai.d If th.- company 1 dc against tlta-re It Is sui.l it will It
taken Into court as u test case.
lluslnes Kvi O'W'hcre Improving and
1'rtci-s Advancing.
New Yoik, August .-liruds!ref to
morrow will says:
fr..nenil trade shows tlw moxt pro-nouii'-e'l
gains this week at ChicaKO. St.
IjuIs ami Ualveston. The feeling of con-
' tl.l. uce tlii't Bi iicral busings it to 1m
lproe 111 thv early autumn Is marked at
jth. se cities and purchus. s of dry goods.
I li.ililng. shoes i.nd oth r sta:d-.-s have
j lncr.'as;.l heavily and sre follownl by a
dlsiKMltlon to mote prirts up.
I on the I'acltlc coast business Is brisk,
j the f.nliitv In Cnlifornli IHnir heavy
wheat shipments from San Kran?lsoo.
I At 1'urtl.ind l.irge exK)rl.s of lumber,
'and si S attle and Tacoma nn airtlve
I'.emand for supplied for Al.uki and the
N.irlhwvst Territory, and for wh.nt,
fruits and hojia
Canadians Taking Steps to Enforce the
Allen Labor Law.
Toronto, Ont- August . Canada hss
Isgun to take means to enforce tho alien
labor law again! Americans. Commis
sioner McCreary Is here on business in
connection with work on tho Crow's Nest
piss railway through the Rocky moun
tains, and tie Informed the Canadian Pa
cini: railway authorities that any Amer
ican Inlwn-r engaged for that work
would I- deported to their own country
again. M.-Crry has Instructions from
tin- Canadian government to Htrlctly en
force the new law.
A Company of Prooklyn People, Prepar
lnt to Ho North.
New York August ti-A half doxen
ambitious Urooklynlles are orgaiililiig an
expedition to Alaska to setirvh for some
or the Klo lnyUe gold. David P. Watsons
of Utooklyn. cUrk of the republican gen
eral committee, Is making "P a Party,
of which he will bo one, and which will
haw early In February to seek fortunes
In the cold lields of the north.
San Francisco. August 6. -The lialdwln
Hot. I Is atsiut to eMvrl, me another
..tianire of management. Stone & Com
pany, the present lessees, are negotiating
the sale of their laso and tlietr omer
interests In the proiwrty to a newly or.
ganlied corporation known as the Bald
win Hotel Company, and It is expected
that the transfer will be made within
the next few days. The- Incorporator
are V. V. Whlteomb. T. F. Walter, W.
E. Loj and J. C. Boyle. Lake Is the
present acting manager.
Chicago. August 6.-One-hnlf of yester
day's decline In whwit was recovered
Immediately at the opening. September,
which closed the day before at 754. was
wanted at from 77 to TTi, and It touched
ViSi before the first batch of buying
orders could be all executed. Tho sudden
recovery was due to the remarkable
strngth of tho Liverpool market, es
cribed to the unfavorable weather for
harvesting In England, and the conti
nental demand.
San Francisco, August t.-V)terday'a
decline In wheat was followed today by
a sharp advance, following a similar
course at Chicago. Spot Is also h'gher
for shipping grades, but unchanged for
Wo l ave placid on nale jpairs of J,nf- CurMiiiip at about half price. Curtain
buyer Hiould attend thi grtitt lair;; in Kile wbi'e it lato. iUimniber, we give curtain
pules and fixtures, 11 ready to haiijr, tree With ( uitains over $1.0u jair.
Will Snil on the Willamette and Ouccn
from Seattle Tixlav,
Some nines in I'tlnratfo Will Cl'mc Doi
The Liiole Vorld Over tnc Tel-
cyrapb Wires.
He.itile, August 6. The sfamshlp Wil
lamette and Qutren are s-hfluk-d to sail
tomorrow for Dyea and Kkaguay, carry
ing between them nearly 13M passengers,
of whom VO will be on th Willamette.
Whlln the latter Is advertised to sail
tomorrow, there Is little likelihood of
hir getting away before Sunday.
Attributed by the Mint Authorities to
the Lack of Demand for It.
Washington, August H The bullion
value of the American silver dollars, ac
cording to ytsterdiy' market price of
silver, is Just CS cents." said Mr. Pres
ton, the director of the mint, today.
"This makes the commercial ratio be
tween silver and gold 3 6 to !, instead
of 16 to 1, ' continued Mr. Preston. "In
ordi r to make our silver dollar equnl
to a. gold dollar at this rate. It would
have to contain KA fine grains of silver.
If tho alloy were added the total would
bt K4 grains."
"How do you account for the recent
decline In silver." Mr. Preston w is
"Simply tin lack of demand for k.
1 see no futur.. for silver whatever.
Yesterday's market quotations made It
.V. cents on ounce. It Is my honest
opinion that within six months silver
will fall to ) cents an ounce. Thrre
is no demand for It anywhere. The
output of gold Is steadily Increasing. I
think that the world's product for this
yi-jr will be about $;tO.0uu. The United
States will contribute about KSO.Ot'O.OW to
the supply.
"Here comps the Klondyke now with
still further additions to the gold supply
of the world. The extent of the Klon
dyke output Is problematical, depending
I largely upon climatic conditions."
lamdon Agents In New York to Buy Gold
New York, Augitst 6. The Tribune
the Klondyke discoveries have start
that the Klondyke discoveries have start-
id in this country has apiiu-ently spread
to England. For some time agents rep
resenting several syndicates of London j
capitalists have been In this city, en
deavoring to acquire gold mines of prov
ed value for exploitation On the British
markets. The latest deal reported In this
city Is the sale by the Gold Creek Min
ing Company, of Nevada, of Its property
to a British syndicate for $lj.KMm. The
original capital stock of tho company
was tWi'.iXX). Tho grwiter part of the
stock Is held by officers of tho company.
who arc Major Joseph L. Robertson,
president: George L. Hutchlnso.i. vlce-
presidnt; Frances Dickson, secretary:
William H. V. Tauldlng, S. L. Steele.
Henry J. Moyham, directors.
Colonel B. S. Bush, formerly chief tn-
gineer and constructor of the Croton
aqueiluct, Is the engineer of the company.
Ho estimates that over $43,000,000 In gold
Is contained In the placer, which con
tains &XI.000 acres In Elko county, along
the basks of Gold creek. Of the above-
named ofllcers, only M.ssrs. Hutchinson
and Dickson are In town. Both refused
to give any explicit Information regarding
the reported sale. Mr. Dickson admitted.
howwer, that negotiations were In prog
ress with an English syndlcata and would
probably bo completed In a short while.
Mr. Hutchinson would only say that nny
statement that t the Gold creek mines
had been sold was premature.
Still Dropping and Will Probably Close
. Some of the Colorado Mines.
Denver, August 6. The effect of the
decline In silver to B54 cents per ounce
and the probable further fall to as low
as 60 cents, which seems to be conceded
by those in the best position to ujdge.
Is the toplo of conversation among min
ing men, and while some are greatly
discouraged at -the outlook for mining In
Colorado, general opinion seems to fle
thait the decline of ' silver will have no
very serious effect npon the mines, be
cause thena la oomparatlvly little sliver
now mined In the state, except In con
nection with copper, gold and lead. There
la a posslbllty that some of the Aspen f.'rwlo proi-nle will hut down,
bit outside of thes-, th.-re will be little
rhange In the situation.
Ar'-hur Gardner Dos Home Wonderful
Work ft;fore IS.' Spectator.
Philadelphia, August e.-The opining
rice of the lth annual meet of the L.
A. W. was held today at Willow Grer.e,
fourtw n mll-s from this city. Mom
spmlators. It was the most atie.
'sful In the history of the organiza
tion in point of attendance, enthusiasm
and good racing. Several state records
Wvrc smashed and Arthur Gardiner of
Chicago came within two-fifths of a sec
ond of beating Hamilton's record for
one mile paol. IUr oucceexjn In low.
edng the fast mile made by J. 8. John
son at Chicago Usi year by four-fifth.."
of a second. Gardlnnr was paced by
two qua.l. one ridden by Wenxei, Tru.
vllle boys, and Coburn, and the other
with W. E. Becker. Crooks, Brown a-
St. nzer. H-: crossed the line like a fv
for the start and never ceased his pi f
until the finish In br.!iklr.g :?
state record of 1:15 held by Klser. hix.
buck also took a try at the record paced
by quail and a, triplet. His time was
1HH. also breaking Riser's record. Both
these events followed scheduled nci
for the day. In the latter honors among
professionals was won by F. J. Lougheari,
of Sarnla, Ont, who crossed the mpc
In three trials, two finals and second
man In the third trial In one of these
finals, the one-mile professional, be broke
the state competition record of I:"!':
I.y covering the distance In t:Gi. He
captured the quarter-mile championship
In K.
Among amateurs honors were more
eenly divided, with the best racing done
by PealKMly, Johnson, Middendorff,
Schaede. Krtck and Miller.
American Company Gets a Liquor Mo
nopoly In Venexuela.
New York, August 6. The republic of
Venexuela has granted a concession giv
ing a substantial monopoly for the es
tablishment of tlw, distilling industry
in the ivpublle. which were obtained tn
tht interest of the American Spirits Man
ufacturing Company Representatives of
that company have paid a number or
visits to Caracas In the last twelve
months, and tho company, since t.".e
granting of Its concession, has sent sev.
err.l of Its practical men to supervise the
erection of a plant, all the parts of
which have been assembkrd In that city
ready for shipment. The Import duty Is
practically prohibitory, amounting to
about ) cents a pound, equivalent to
. a gallon. The concession, which is
for six years, gives the right to brlr.g
In all the necessary plant and raw ma
terial free. It wns said that the Amer
ican Spirits Company Is conducting sim
ilar negotiations elsewhere, which. If
ixpeetations are only partly realized, will
result In a very large extension of the
business of the company.
If the Government Will Grant Them
Certain Prlvaleges.
New Y'ork, August 6 A dispatch to
the Herald from Buenos Ayres says:
The Herald's correspondent In Monte
video telegraphs that the rebels are In
conference with the president as to terms
of p.xice, and have declared they are
willing to slsn a now peace agreement
which does not ignore their demands. It
is believed that an agreement will I
signed this week and that the war will
end. Many public! nu-etfings to ur?e
peace have been held.
The Herald's corresKndent In Ascen
sion, Paraguay, telegraphs that the min
ister of the Interior there has sent
nolo to the authorlies declaring that
peace with Bolivia Is assured, as the
questions In dispute arising out of the
boundary trouble have been settled.
Springfield, 111., August 6. At today's
session of the State Miners' Convention
a resolution to Invite Governor Tanner
to address the coventlon brought forth
much talk unfavorable to the governor.
State Secretary Ryan and Vice-President
Hunter emphatically refused to act on
the committee to wait on Governor Tan
ner. The governor was Invited, however,
to deliver the address. He said he was
In sympathy with the miners and believed
they would win the strike if they carried
It on In a law-abiding way. as they have
been doing. The governor put himself
on record as willing to do all In his
power to assist 1 a satisfactory settle
Little Rock, Ark., August 6. A special
from Iluntsvllle, Ala., says that war
runts have been Issued for the arrest
of Norman Sw'eetln and his brother-in-law,
J. H. Spardllng, both well known
men living near that place, on the charge
of murdering Lem Harrison and George
Tucker, whose bodies were found near
Sellgman a few days ago. There is
strong evidence that Sweetln and Spard
llng killed the two men for the purpose
of robbery. "
The Unprecedented Drop In London
Purther Declining.
Attempted Liijaidatin by Holders supposed
to Be tbe Caisc of Its Great
Xw York. August 6. Cable dispatches
from London yester'lay reported a fur.
ther weakness In the stiver market there.
The local market was sympathetically
aflecUd, .with quotation declining to
new low record figures. Th best ad
vices from London report tbs pries of
j bar silver there as approximating Kjd
j an ounce. Tbe parity of the commercial
ibar silver on the basis of this quotation
I was K4c an ounce, but owing to tha
existence of a moderate short Interest
In the market, which was covering at
the decline, the rate for actual business
. here was about SSc Nominally govern
j ment assay bars were quotable at &,o
in ounce, which made th value of the
silver In a standard silver dollar 4t71
j The buying price of bullion dealers for
j Mexican dollars was 42Hc each, and for
Peruvian sols and Chilean pesos, SSMiC
I The weakness of the silver market I
haiing very disturbing efTect upon ex.
I change operations with countries that
are on a silver basis. In Mexico gold
.has advanced to an exceedingly high
j premium.
j An indication of the demoralized con
jCttion of the silver market In London
jis afforded by the difficulty that local
bullion dealers had to obtain quotations
j from abroad. A cable dispatch recetved
.by one firm read:
"No market. Name price at which
I you will sell."
j The decline in silver Is also having
a very disturbing effect upon the holders
, of silver mining certificates. Some of
the Western silver mines are reported
I to be operating at an actual loss on the
j basis of present quotations, and It is
expected they will be forced to shut
London dispatches ascribe the great
weakness In silver to liquidation by
many holders of the metal Xo such de
cline has been witnessed since June.
1SSJ. The Indian mints were closed to a
free silver coinage on June 26 of that
year. On tho news sliver bullion fell In
London from STd per ounce to a price
below )d, but It rallied sharply later.
A cable from London says:
"The details cf the gold movement for
the week are about 34,000 Imported from
Australia: 30,000 from the Cape and
silver has practically ceased entirely.
5i0.000 already dispatched from Sydney
to San Fronclsco, further large ship
ments are being arranged. Silver Is
demoralized. The demand of China for
silver has practically oeal entirely.
Exchange at Shanghai has fallen to a
point less than 3 per cent below the
sliver Import point, and yet the Chinese
will not take silver. hTis closes a great
channel for sliver. India Is still In the
market for silver in gradually decreas
ing amounts, but there the mints are
New York. August 6. Melville O.
Brown, an attorney of Laramie, Wyo.,
has filed an affidavit In which he swears
Mrs. Sarah Ann Angell, who Is seeking
to prove her marriage with the late
Jay Gould, admitted to hlrtl that sue
never was married to Gould and he was
not the father of her daughter.
Birmingham, Ala., August C George
Kctner, a negro, last night attempted
to ussault Miss Mary Robinson. He was
promptly run down by a mob and
Royal naks th food psrs,
wholesome and delicto.
Absolutely Pure