The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 01, 1897, SUNDAY EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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i vintton to kwp ths water from n-
crouching farther on the hor.
I Oha. U Pwyer, the Rental clerk of the
tng him home to Salt LiOte Ht onoe to
the deivihlxM of hl mother,
j Mrs. Pensra, who has bon In New
WCM rl(icrs nCluSC lO IIC LlirCll tO thC I Astoria for a wk In the Interest of
Land of the .Midnight Sun.
!th Vnttcd Artlmns, left for her home
iln Portland on Wednesday.
"- I July 1 the U S. S. was put under the
'civil servlee rules, ami now the men
Just now Warrenton people are illvld- j rovvlw their py every month. Instead
Ing their time talking of local er.ur- I of once a quarter, a heretofore.
prises and the. Clondyke digging. It Is
doubtful however, If many people on this President CurtU of the construction
Hide of the bay can b lujvl away from : company nuulc a trip over this end of
certain prosperity here to the glittering tho line In his private car on Thursday,
uncertainties of the "land of the Mid- The car Is palmed red and has three
night Sun." It Is said that upon the re- wheels,
turn of Mr. Hammond m.u-s con- !
cernlng the levelopmnt of Flavel will
be taken In hand and pushed with un
usual energy. The Flavel Hotel Com- j
rny has arranged matters pertaining to
are looked forward to by all the iuet
and campers.
In 1S3, when I served my country as a
private In CYmpany A, liCth Pennsyl
vania Volunteers, I contracted, ohronl
dlarrhtpa. It has Riven me a, (Ml deal
of trouble ever since. I hnvo tried a
doien different medicine and several
prominent doctor without any pcrninn
ent relief. Not long wro a friend sen! me
a sample bottle of ChamN-rlaln' Colic,
Cholera and rtiirrhat Remedy, and after
that I bought and took a .V-oent loltle
and now I can say that 1 am tntlrely cur
ed. I cannot be thankful enough to you
for this Rtctt Remedy, aiiil recommend
It lo all suffering vet.-rnns. If In doubt
write me. Yours g-nlefully, 1IKNUY
STKIXISEUOKR. Allentown, P.. Sold by
Esics-Oonn Print Co.
Every one dig clams.
All of the hotels are filled witlx guests.
Mrs Laurtn and sister are camped by
the, Conn tent
certain dalma that have been hanging
sine the completion of th building, and
now expect smooth sailing for the bal
ance of the year. Manager Locke Is
highly elated at the largo patronage the
hotel Is receiving, and says that it will
he a money maker this season. The Fla
vel Land and Development Company ex
pect to soon put their property on the
market and when they do on can x
peot things to hum hereabouts. Alto
gether It looks as ft Warrenton an the ! Mrs. Thompson and children are board
balance of the West Side would have Ing with Mrs. GoodelL
regular Clondyke boom before the rainy
"The face." said the oru'uhir Kvirder.
"Is an ex.ict Index of the mind "
"Not an txact one." said the Cheerful
Idiot. "For Instance, when a nun has
his temper nulled his brows are knit."
The Mlses Elmore are guests of Mrs.
J. T. Lighter.
Miss Pearl Carter of Salem Is a guest
of "The Plnea"
season sets In.
Mr. A. L. Dimmock and daughter, of
Portland, are visiting Mrs. 3. M. Carver.
Miss Winnie Goodman of Astoria was
a visitor at Mrs. H. G. Wood's bouse this
Mr. Theo. Olsen and family are guests
atat the Grimes House.
Miss Eav and Alma Holmes arrived
last week for the summer.
Mrs. Sherman visited with Mrs. Fawny
Austin during the week.
Mrs. Judge Bradshaw Is high lady at
the alley, U being her score.
Misses Maud Stockton and F rankle
Prof. William MacCormac, lately from
San Francisco, will be principal of War- Holden are visiting Mr. McKlnile.
renton's school this fall.
; Mrs. F. J. Taylor arrived Thursday
Several parties have purcliased acreage t0 glve ,UUe one-
property just West of the city during the
past week. They will probably Improve
the various tracts.
Misses Lucy Morton and Mary Uti
Inger ore guests at the Holmes cottage.
A nw school house for the primary Crabs were more plentiful Thursday
department will be erected this summer. tbAB on previous day this season.
I. Davidson, who has the contract, will
' Dr. Harry Llttlefleld returned from a
short visit to Portland Thursday morning.
commence work at once.
Summer travel still keeps up, and the
scene about the railroad yards Is one of
hustle and bustle from early morn till
late at night. It is only a fortaste of
what will come in a year or so.
Mesdames Leiberman and Smith, with
their families, have a cottage for the
What causes bad dreams Is a question
that has never been satisfactorily an
swered; but. in nine cases out of ten.
frightful dreams are the result of Imper
fect digestion, which a few dos, of
Ayer's Sarsapaxilhi will effectually reme
dy. Don't delay-try It today.
Native of the F-ust-So you're from
Wichita, are you? Well, what's going
on out your way? Man from Kani'Xi
nothing much, except Mrs. l-ca.-.
"Let me give you a pointer." snld M.
F. Gregg, a popular conductor on the
Missouri Pacific railroad. "Do you know
that Chamberlain's Colic, CholiTa and
Dlarrhi Remedy cures you when you
have the stomach ache? Well, It doea"
And after giving this friendly bit of
advice, the Jolly conductor pawed on
down the aisle. It Is a fact that thou
sands of railroad and trawling men
never tako a trip without a bottle of
this Remedy, which Is the beat cure for
bowel disorders In the world. JS and SO
cent bottles for sale by Kvtcs-Conn Drug
Clarence Ah. donah, me mind !s eh
blank, don't you know. Ah! shall
I eh-da?
Doctor Fill It out. Five dollars, pl-ase.
Mamma, was that a sugar-plum you
Just gave me?" saked little Mahle. "N
dear, It was one of Dr. AVer's Pills.
Please, may I have another?" "Not now,
diar; one of those nice pills Is all you
j need at present, because every dose
New people are locating in Warrenton
every week Not an empty bouse re
mains in the city, which means a good re Rfrajn there,
deal, considering the number of new
building thai have gone up during the
past few months.
Mr. Clayton and daughter, Fanny, can
not keep away from Cnnon ebch. They
It comes from good authority that
San Francisco parties are going to pur
chase a large tract of acreage adjoining
Warrintcn. It Is further stated 'hat
they will --lat and put on the markrt
this purchase sometime In the spring of
Mr. Harry Hughes and wife of Boise
City, Miss Hunter and Miss Jessie
Jewett wtr guests at the Austin House.
It Is always gratifying to receive testl
monials for CliamKrlaln's Colic. Cholera
Pud DlarrlKEa, Rimed y, and when the
endorsement is from a physician It Is
especially so. "There is no more satis
Miss Meda Sstes, of Baker City, will fil?tory ,.fr(Uve rmly than Cham
arrive Saturday on a visit to Dr. Estej i Train's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea
Messr. sFrank Spittle. J. M. Gillette,
and John S. Hitchen were visiting friends
during the week.
Oayboy Brace up. old fellow! Where'
your self-possession?
Henpeck Why hie didn't you know
was married? The Yellow KM Mugatlne.
Mr. J. Peterson and wife, of Coo Bay
are among the latest arrivals In Warren
ton for permanent residence. Mr. Peter-
imd family.
Mrs. Richardson and daughter, and
Mrs. F. I. Stroud, of Portrlund, spent
m stAtes that Warrenton Is much xhrusday at the beach,
talked of at Coosi Bay, and more than
one family can be expected to locate Messrs. Harlow and Sig. Young had
here from that section. luck fishing. They brought In 0
of the speckled beauties, the result of
Several small factories are to ie !o- one ,jays fishing,
cated here in the near future. One now
Remedy," writes Dr. R. EL Rorx y, physl
Han and pharmacist of Olney, Mo.; and
he has used the remedy In his own fam
My and xold It in his drug Btore for
years, he should certainly know. For
sale by Ete.s-Conn Drug Co.
located here, the Pacific Spring Bed
works, is likely to grow into quite an
institution. The people of Warrenton
will aid new enterprises wishing to lo
cate here, and the more that come the
better. WorrentonHes ar always or. the
alert for any proposition that will ad
vance the interest of the West Side.
C. W. Fulton and family, Clyde Ful
ton and family, Mrs. J. A. Fulton and
family and Mrs. Herman Prael are all
camped at Seaside.
Mrs. Conn and Miss Edith have one
of the handsomest and cosiest tents at
the beach. They are so delighted with
their summer house that they contem-
Nurs-Johnnl-, the stork has Just
brought you a Hula liby. Wouldn't yon
Ilk to see a little brother? Johnnie.
Naw. But I'd like to s-e the stork.
FLAVEL AND FO'iT STEVENS Plate remaining fix weeks or more.
T. S. Jewett visited Astoria last Mon
day. Dr. M. M. Walker was a guest of the
Flavel Wednesday.
L. B. Seeley and family are at the
Hotel Flavel this week.
A. B. Hammond and family are ex
pected at Flavel In a fe"w days.
Alixrt Danielson has returned from
California much Improved Tn health.
The bowling alley at Flavel will be
ready for use by Saturday evening.
Miss Maude Stone, of Astoria, was a
guest of Miss Mabel Taylor Thursday,
Mr. Horace Eutterfield and wife were
guests of Mrs. J. M. Turney last Monday.
George Berry gave an exhibition on
roller skates at Foard's hall MtOncsday
The postofflce at Flavel will soon be
establlshd. Mr. John Bays will be post
master. Miss Lena Prescott closed a success
ful terra of school on Friday. School
will open again September L
Mr. J. fi. Miller Is now station agent
and also handles the telegraphic busi
ness. He is a very worthy young gen
tleman, and well deserves the trust
placed upon him.
Mrs. Dr. Estes will have a musicals
Saturday evening. Among the artists
participating are Mrs. Theo. Olsen, Mr.
F. J. Taylor, Mrs. B. VanDusen end
several others. It promises to be one of
the treats of the season.
Among the recent arrivals at the Mc
Gulre hotel are Misses A. Welngart and
E Welngart, New York; Mr. A. J. Meg
ler and wife; Miss Jessie Jewett and
Mr. O. J. Thomas, Astoria; Norman
Pierce. Portland; Mrs. J. T. Lighter;
Miss Fiorltta A. Elmore and Miss Sue
H. Elmore, Astoria; Mr. S. G. Hanson
and child, Mr. L. C. Edwards and son,
and Mr. S. G. Hanson, Arlington; George
T. Gray and son, Mr. N. K. West,
Portland; F. O. Dunbar and wife, J, E.
Ferguson, John Stuart Hitchen and John
Miaon, Astoria; H. M. Taylor and fam
ily, Panama.
Brush the hair daily through to the
scalp, and occasionally apply Hall's Hair
Rinewer, and a luxuriant head of hair
will be maintained of a natural hue.
In with the sea much salt Is mixed;
A patient public would not sigh
If the hotel man did not fix
The tariff on that salt ho high.
Sick headache can be quickly and con)'
pletely overcome by using tho?e famous
little pills knovn as "DeWltt's Little
Early Risers." Charles Rogers.
ery f-w worm n of the present day
looked as old ar 17 as they do now at 2f)
If the. old-time photographs are to be re-
lli d upon.
Two more senls have been added to
th Flavel menagerie. A lattice tank has
been built for them In the river.
George Warren and H. Barry, of War
renton, are kept busy taking the guests
of the Flaevl for drives over the roads
and on the ocean ebach.
C. C. Berkly, of Astoria, spent some
time at the Gear-hart hotel during the
last week.
A. J. Megler and wife, Mis Jessie
Jewett, Astoria; Miss Amelia Welngart,
Mus Estella Welngart, New York, spent
Wednesday at Gearhart park.
! Tne Hotel Gearhart rurfman Is now
out every day, and the fair sex are
eager for the bath flag to be raised.
1 What a difference a man makes on the
sea shore!
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlsr
rnoa jtr.mcoy always arrorils prompt re
lief. For sale by Est-s-Conn Drug Co.
Tkt fw
ii fi
The velvet faring In white hats suggests
the notion that evn though they uppear
late they can be made, to lo duty In the
Til fa
li n
We do not envy the modern child for
now the visit to a farm house does not
Include an '.ortunity to dip fingrrs Into
pans of milk on which cream has gather
ed. A separator performs the- dividing
process, and the gay microbe, of which
we never heard when we were children
h is no chance to get In Its deadly work.
The boy at the life-saving station The hotel parlor are scenes of great
were busy this week unloading lumber activity each evening, and Saturday
from a scow. The lumber is to be used ' evening a dancing party was given by
In building a bulkhead In front of the j the ladles of the hotel. These occasion
For Infanti and Children.
1 tan
The coming great railroad and ship
ping center of the Pacific Northwest
Wiirrenton ami Secoiul Extension to Warrvnton, as laid out and rt'eonlt'tl ly
I). K. Warron. 'contains the finest business ami rcgideuce
property on i lie West Side.
In Warrenton nieans a safe and ijuick return on the investment
Forjinfonnation address or call on
ThU Railway Company
OpsratM lis trains on ths fatuous block
Light Us train, hy fl-'irMty througsv
out ;
U.e th eidobratfd sleolrlo birth rs4.
I tti lamp;
Hun iplxiidldly iulpi'l lnsr
trains vry dy ami night ulw)
HI. I'aul and Chicago; h
Chicago, nilwaukcc &
St. Paul
Also oprrt sleam-ltsaleil Vntlbul4
trains, carrying th lat irtU
CHiipsrtiinMit car, library buffet
smoking cars, and palacs drawing
room slorpur.
I'artur oar. fr rrcllnlltg chair cars,
thi vary best dining cr sorties.
Kor lowest rie lo ny point In th
United Nlatn or Cansda. apply to
ticket nent. or ddrs
Oeneral Ant, Portland. Or.
J. W. CAHK V, TrT. I'aa. Agent.
Going East?
ixt rr I'oMtiitT
Three Important Points
riUHT-Uo via th HI I'aul ImhSUM
th line to that pli frJ you
tlm i. i bst sr-rvlc.
H, t that lli ouiion (Kjrond
HI. 1'sul read via th VUnln Con
tral Iwcaum that lln niakos ol"S not.
nation with all the trn-xiiitlnmsJ
lines nlnrlng th t'nloii I'iot lhr,
ad It rvlt' Is flrst claji In svry
TlllHI-l""r ltifrttitl'ii. isll on
your nnlghbor and f rlmid -th nearest
ticket agent-and ask for a tlckt ra4
Itig via th Wnwunsln I'enlral Unas,
ir address
Oeneral fasOTngor A son I.
Milwaukee, Wis.
Or OB). 8. IIATTT.
Ownoral A gait t
I'tirtland. Orgon.
Ikaa N. tl !, Ors
Special AtUstUa Pal U lpil)rlf Skis.
Open vrr day frm I 'elsk U I N
and I K t l:S p. ss.
ubsrrtptloa rats It sr anausju
if Aim in
Gr(Kfle. Flour, FmJ, Provllon, Fruit
Vfrtal)l, Crockfry, (ilMnil
PUtrJ Ware. I.ocgeri'Suppll.
Cor. Tsatli and Commsrolsi strssts.
The surface of the whole tract is absolutely level, and there i no grading to he done hefore a lot
is in readiness for building. Convenient to Astoria by motor or regular pimsengrT trains on the
Astoria & Columbia River Railway, it makea a mont desirable place for a home. Property is
cheap, considering the choice location, and the turroundings are both healthy ami pleasant. One
can reach Sunnyrnead from the Astoria depot in 15 minutes time by motor and the fare is ho
reasonable that it makes it possible to live
and do business in Astoria. The plat in well watered by fresh water streams and the main
streets are now being laid with wooden pavement. A neat little depot is located on the property,
where all trains stop.
For the next few days a limited number of lots will be placed on the market at a reduced
price, and the terms of sale made bo easy that they are within the reach of all.
For particulars call on or address
Astoria, Oregon
See the Aatorla Land & Investment Companv'B Advertisement