The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 01, 1897, SUNDAY EDITION, Image 1

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: "t "; .,mm) .nuini.Mi, AUilM ), .'.)7. yQt jt
IVi'l' f 1 II W I'l'k( . (. ' I Y I . a I Miilil II' ....... ...
Krtmhliiulon rtiul I'lrM Hlrcclo
TIlU .ulmliiiitiiil I'nrl'ir Still. i .. -era. !l. I oiik or lnt,-l, (nun. , . ,.,:.,.r,.,
l,l.rl( , Willi Mlk plll'll IrilllllllllU",
1 ,(f
... -rTMli
b- - T.fej
i --.Tr:.
J is?--- -:: r"c--
"II,""';' a,--- t jJ
Thi. CUmU.r Hull. ,r,.-M fl.,1.1. , ,..., .b, ,i,rl, or XVI o.try.
?Hi2.;o ....
fl Scne t the 0. R. S ,N. Dock.
If ..,! hiiI n Ih.iii.K Snii. .f,r ., ,., it,,. , , ,,r At,.rini," of
'"Vf 'v""1""'' ' ,;,r,",,,,-,,: ' riii.ii.iod Ii.W... ull for
SIimi. liui m yon mil fiiriiiuli llurv ritim fur JVi
Vol! will .1,. .n in r..rliJ. U, cull muJ tl.HMll. nlir .lock of
"I" - "" i-i;iiiiiiK m iiirillHll n ioiim,
WILLIAM GADSBY, Washington mJ First Streets. Pcrtland. OrCtTOIl
Sole Agents for Knox and Waoturton U'ats
Hatters and
04 Tlilrd Street, PORTLAND, OK.
....The Only Exclusive Men's , Furnishers..-
Crovl "f
Determined Men to
for Cold.
l noi In Astoria harbor. IN.-.t Ui.-y tave slmiily prown rich In the
m . n Mia ).-Kiruay tii ijj.ialn admit-i 't' -t I months out of tho of
. i u prolxUily KOlriK to Ju- ' f-wla for Alaska. Th.y have eatabllnhed
t, ;j, avc out tu lnfornuiUon u to Jsl.aimr Bna. and with their usual m
so iKOiibd U, enturvrl- n I t.rjrrl.-vo and activity will develop the
;il!: l(iu to know- that Astoriani have busineiyi ts larpe prjpocUona.
w;ifc. iitvl to thf faot thu.1 t.Vf I. Ahutka. laisl
. ctwiiwimr, vbijh bnJonrs to tbm, ', Awa-u a Portland he Imii slow In
m wty iLaii dareloimont. . Erjvtnir the ituatioo, but with one
j Ki.nimer in th line to tay end other
WhJIe II -nj inn, and confnton ou
i'-c xi iun..r KU-t. Jiwt aftor Ivr arrival'
j j. st.-rJjiy m.iriilns. m.mi,-ir hoyn wer
jfrar-WiiB anion uw.-n(fonj for Mr.
-i-Opi j u' r' f irtlamt. -with a olvram.
" v--'lvl-'v-,iinwiTu-luB thv a.Lh of hi mother.
t thai terrttorr day anit nlrtit. Now
ihf opportunity far the wo Imdln eltlea
or nvon to maku a (rreat trlke. Both
I . .
.1 not at flrat be found. n. "t natar? mt.nVri tb.t pf"uiuue8 ror bualneaa. for lnveatment
o,vra, learning of u,,, ' hlr JuiBt rv"r' hooM' osimI f or Pfal. employment of labor, wase.
Ami Wlmt Her
Trntle Miltt He Willi Ali-.l,ti
in llio City Yriertluy - Firml
Ktirexvctlia irvilil.
.Mr. Wills .onl.l
u 0 ovra learning of the. ,T JOint "rfl hoaMl tr
hiund th eMntlraan and broke tin and)
n..w to him. Mr. Wllto mi ourRtte
f-rr two jr. with, and wottWI pmhaNiv hev
!nt a loirT tliw In the north. Hf
tunud buck at rilnt to Attnrnt
Ivunhl'' w une uorn. . i iwy ar-; immuoiu, wun uikh -resolves j ty an on henrd, and the off.TB of a
tno Mnw Klun.lyk In . I" mviiilt tli.-nw.4vea as -nslbte men. j.Ntuion In ry ghaixi were tourKm in.
"" olIli; In the honind, at the lTh Cut f orn la continptmt re from the ItV extrenu- A lriii nf i.,n.kL.. v....
( , - .....w" ....... Ubu
notla 0J reataurtUllA-.-'all J K1.n. ' tn-itt f;unlll. In thnt aim.. l,mv .... w .. .... .
, - - - (-.-""i. vue iroitv-ntintrs.
j aentaUve m.-n of Portland, and Urpe i ,-vm In the short tlmo they had beea
; iiiiintvoM rtvm all over the t'nlon are In- ; toetJur. t-hlcH made common cause.
ji-lu-U-d In the lint. The 13 or i3 from lout of anothera calamity or misfortune'
.Astoria are known aa men of honar an.l ; Tlmnd tir a land far from clvllli.ttjon
nblllty. and will acquit Uiomaulwa with . irh.-r prolnbly many unknown danjeera-
Klondykr o"
-apd reatauriuit
Only Mil thin was thoiiKht of or
talked about In At..ria yit.TIay the
nw itold f)l.lii of the uj-r Ttikon. The
meuni.-r l..l.-r. lii-h l.-ft l'urtl.uul at i
11:10 Friday nlfc'ht with K3 paanora
Ptl. OH Jealouatos fo rapldlr befmr
burtea Dm to wbew trafflo aim b
naaau ma roe minimum or ot. mid
tf. with m her rloh tlmhur and other
. , , oiinre4 sioria wa not -now make
nt.a ovr the remain, of a belovot TJ nd A''- wttt.
.rnt. T) .ym,atnT extended t hlrm - narih
v viij. m-wi PVIUUVIll WtTt1 91-
ami hardahlpa await Qiem. tl-e are oon
I fiiiiiilr.iU of tou of aiiili.- for j The iimswulan tia. two or three tvfir.- I fennel whlrh are atronjrer than any Uw
-ndyke, i-rrlvt d In Aatorla at 8: JO yea- ! .-m:illve with tli expedition, headod toT lh Vrot.H'tiou of the unfortunct
i. t-.i,u.. An accident detained Mr- tbetter. They hare silen.Ild n"', rtjrht.
h.'1-.l nil ilnv nn.1 Mil nlli AUa... m ... Itlta n.l.-v.'lll mn m V... ... V. n...v.l.
Baseball and Tennis Goods
Boxing Gloves
Croquet Set
Fishing Tackle
Baby Carriages
Children's Wagons
Garden Tools
tT here all .lay and all nhrht About I .oi ttltM. an l will make a thorough lnvetl-
"" in i:io moniinc-. one of the oc- ;p;-iii t Ih- country. Mr. John E. La-
cenlrlo rod .en th low preaHuro antrino i'!''-'!'. -Hy isllior of the Kast Orvttonlan,
wan broki-n Hiul the captain nrrniiKi'l ! I'--U "ton, im I tvprvenUiifr, al, n Spt-
Atorla Iron Work, for the,!-""''. 1-oi ami Taooma paper, has on
neci-asnry r.-fmlia, which were only com- i'-N st:tT two a.ltant-ne Dr. R. B.
pleled at a late hour lnt evciiinK. Pur- ! Hcnr.ty, of Ptirtlnnil. formerly of Pcndle-
of Vlint This
Will Be.
P'( Soon
Now Novels and Mngnziiuvs roccivt'd as won
as jniblishod
Great Excitement AT astqria
Friedman's Store, 6oo Commercial Street
Tho fishermen and miucrg starting lor the gold fields
are getting their supplies at Friedman'b. Because they can
save from 25 to 50 per cent on their purchases of Dry Goode
and Clothing, Hat, Shoes and Notions.
A Good Suit of Clothes r $3.50 nP to $10.00
It is no wonder that they all rush to Friedman's. It
pays ,to patronise them at 600 Commercial street.
hi tho day tiio ru took In the
different point, of Interval In the city,
and ptu-cluMcd article for their outfits
which they had foreottt-n to buy In
Portland, Sonic, who came without out
run, ntt.fcl out here. The meet of the
paaacngor Were lad of the opportunity
to aecure imioh-ijecdetl arttclca. It wna
i-atlnmtrd that an avcniKe of ten dollnri
per man was apent here, or between
The busy acenca enaoted at the
ycstenluj-, and the life on the
stroeits, j .in,., . ..
nvUw piciore or wnat .Astoria : done mak
be wlu-n the loadimr of an oceiin
China and other countries.
aii iay i.i niervhaota were as
ton. and Mr. j imcs Jackaon, of Pi-ii.ll"-
; lou Mr. Liithrop Is uinl.T a two year'
contract to liivv...iKatc not only the mln-
; liifr rcsourcea, but bualnc jreni-rallv,
trade r-qiilremenUi otc of tho country.
No fnh-y stories will bo retorted by him.
IllH outfit i.-. nmlmlih- tho het nnd miiflt
( in iniy me nion
"''" na they could be. .uilylnB the laat
m.-dlcl.ii. ch-st anl full line of preaorlp- I wnts of Uu. p, tJw E,JeJ.
tli.l.U T.luf III ll... 4lw.U ha nia.lA ' . .. '
.j,v. ..i nY;um a.r l r.-
three and four thousand dollars. Tho eloquent ph uiMin the nuhjoct of 1 fnr north v.i.i . . .
Ellli.r ! kMVl V Inn.l. K.,I nn ... .... Crifl.l, n.vnltl., In II... Vl..l, t. . . .
, . , . L ,nnwn aeverai artlcJea necesaary ta their
loaded, and the paiw.'ii,"cr nil nreo that 'iinniU.r of the 8ol-r-mlnilel pnaetMurer ,,(-, . , . .
.... . . nu.niimi. 01 i no ae
Iho olnceni made very careful work of : held a meotlnif on Uvard yeotorday and 'inv to m... hin to ,,. . . , .
Ih. .In., ... m. ,. ....1 . ...... ! . .7. r
. ...o nuu . .u.i.ib ..., . A careful estimate made on the imala
la well provided for, to that no Injury PH r to toll only tho truth about Alas- ot ai.tuoj purchaaea by a tjoien or more,
will be received at aoa. ! ka, and to worn all people not to so ul,j the t u-t fhn. .. '
'there unlcsa they can take with them I ught somethlnjr, ehow. that bo-
THE PUOSPECTORS. n y.wr'a auppti.-a twoon u m WM flpent
no men anu ijic iow womencoma ai o cioca mis morning laroweiis reroay. i me man, who only decided to
,AA .ll.-l.l . .. . .. ...a - ..a ... .... al. .
o ui ioiu compoains tne paaaonffera on were aaiu, a:,a ire tauor, wun ner crjara jpo a lew Kours befora tho ateamer left
the Klder, are, on tho avemti, a flna : of adventurers, anlled for the land of Portland, was go fortunate aa to find
lot f people, with determination 'the midnlcht eun. an entire outfit at rvp.i x, n.t,.
premHul upon their face., which will no I Aatorla Is certainly coming to the
doubt make many of them successful In j front t was reported -confidentially
the land of ffold. They appear to be for ' yesterday that certain partlea had made
me uioei. port younfr people, in good .a jropoamon to .'optain jonn fickerneii,
health, aad having the oonfldenoe and iof the steamer Mayflower, to go Into
friendship U the communities which they trade with Juneau. The MayfiJTrcr has
have left With few exoeptlona, all have jjuat bean overhauled and refitted from
sufficient funds to make a safe trip, and ,ntem to .tern. She ha. new compound
are provisioned agalnse all contingencies, onglnes, condenser, etc. and Is one of
preened by several iiuemcas mm yester
day, "m "Heciiasinir tNe situation, and
one of thorn rpmni-kr-.f that wtfh a eom-
blnntlna of tiie kind, and the uniform
eoorteoas treatment to customers which
han been ao notaljly xtem1aiT to the
poew-ngers on -the KK1., they rlaa hold
their own against th Sound Three
fanttezntm In on. party. wAo bougik many
undred dollar.- worth of gooda lrf Port
land, and soma articled here, said" yr-
tarday that although they had every
opportunity U. cinch them, the Pordaud J
merchants did not overclvarge them a I
klollar.. Jtlvouifh In eoine aiaw thtg
'.ought the lust goads of the kind In the
market. The same rule held goo,! In
Aatorla. and tho gentlemen said the
i ii.iH.ii.uit. ui ett-ryoa nere waa reinark
?o?k i,,, The- were met at ithe- dock bv
ere aaked what could be
their delay here pl.s-
of the vessel', full complement Of paa
aengTS will be taken at Seattle, I ex-
Ient to be able to announce tomorrow
the name of the steamer. I could not
get one In Heat tie and hrra thy ar
Jumping up ohartcrs at such a lively rate
that a man must deride olucklv. This
undertaking Is not my own entirely, for
others also ar Interested In the forma
tion of tho Seattle gc Yukon Commercial
'ompany. The artleb-s of Incorporation
.III he filed In a few days, and w. pro
kjsc to eatablhh a regular service be
tween Seattle and the towns on th
Yukon by way of St. Ml:haela Inland."
New York, July Jl. --Prince Andr-) Pon
latowdki, of San Pranclico. has arrived
here fr-m Uvrpool on the Cunirder Iu
c.infa. Ho gprt th-- Inst two months
In txmdon, placlnir beforo hi. brother
w'.iiin his n'jeount of the prjgr-a
mail- In the building of the Bl-rra rnll
road In California, and the report of th-
d-vf-lo'm nt of 'he gold mines pun-h ijvid
by the i on.inny. Th.- prince says 'h-tt
the rn"orts of th Klondyke gold fields
ruuis-.1 g.-iat ix- l'- mi-n: In Knu'Un I. and
raiol.--! otc-r for one of hi Bgnt
In San Francisco to proceed to Alaska
on a tour of Inspection. The I.uti r 1
now on his way to the Klondyka dis
"Ani-Tl-an bond. ihares and -wjuri-tii
," the prince add. "are In high favor
In KnKhtnd."
Prince poni.uowskl leaves for San
Francisco at one.
Washington, July 31. To set at reet
misunderstandings and contentions aa to
what laws are applicable to Alaska, so
far a. land laws are concerned. Commis
sioner Hermnn, of the general land of
fice, has made a statement In which
he says these law. are applicable: First
The mineral land lawa of the United
States. Second Town site laws which
provide for the acquiring of title from
the government to townslte trustees.
Third The law providing for trade and
manufacture, giving each person 160 acre
of land In compact form coal land reg
ulations are distinct from mineral regu
lation or lawa and the Jurisdiction of
neither coal laws nor public land laws
extend to Alaska, the territory being
expressly excluded by the laws them
selves from their operation.
W&Shf no-ton Tnlw ' 1 rr .
. w "o WU VIIWTI I -va fll.' 'A'lBU DU!QUH
to trooped.. th& should putfc trad with c- runJi&m, of th federal buirea of
ioor, uere today for tho gold bolt
of AlMkJWj where he will make an in-
vttijratitn. ami mivuw i.
n"- wuw i - a-,' hi u.ik tor tne
fcury bmina mul nKm Portland great t lroitl ipring migration He haa bee a
1fMn' Tl lMfrMlei Vflaa tha M . it. I HlSt mCful Kr Pe-.l t . . . .
. ... - vvr ir v , v iK" j- wiiuiiwowucr or lift Dor
iraHnxui bwtw-frn th two cl win oon J Wright to make 6rttlcaJ Lnauirr into th
I be comitlotrtl anl nature fcmilnl w. I opportunities for hiuinAs. t.
coat of living, climate, best mean, of
reachln the gold fields, and klnrfr-rf
Naw Tork. July n.Tbe Time aays:
. new Klondyke comnanv 1..
aouneed is the Exploration R-ti.
Of tS Wall atre T. I. . . .
under the law. of New J.. .
capital of tlOO,000. Frederick O.
consulting mining engineer. Is vi-wo "
ident and general manager, and Thomas
J. Hurley, a member of the mini .
Lohange. Is secretary and treasurer.
ant. It te thi.-i spirit that builds up
a aVammen ain.1 1. la ,1.1. . J . . aw. a. a
. v , a. liu. )JU 1.L UliXt AH-
HI. !lltt..r la. a .1..II.. . . .
n .ii.ii. weurrvnoe anu . a u4X
oaue eetaonsiUM with Alaska. Japan. Wra and Portland. .
ercijv In the development of tho great
elate of Ore-son
San Francisco, July Sl-Th rv.11 ..
Abiaka Narigatlon & Commercial Co-n-Iny
fll! Its ar'lclen of in
I -" t i a :ua
storday with the county clerk. The
amount of the capital stock Is i,0OO.'
of which Jjl.OOO has been paid In. It Is
the- Intention of the company. acoo.-illlr
to a utatoment made by B. R. jon,
the general manager, to run dl-.,'
"trainers frorn s.,n fYane, to DaW8,n
1 ii'.rj ii i.ii.-si L-
which had been pocked for another party
who forgot to call for It, which he In
stantly bought, settling- on the original
Invoice. On board tho Elder are 1300.000
cash and 1200.000 in supplies, according
to a careful and conservative estimate.
With the continued reports of rich finds
In the Klondyke, what will the trade
be next year? SeattU wholesalers sav
Shirt Waists
Seattle. July Jl.The rtoaroor Rosalie
with 1W paaeensers for Pea Inlot. cot
off ut 9 o'clock tonight She was heavily
laden with freight, consisting- entlroly of
outfits of passengers. These outfits va
ried from i to !,W pounds, n-.or a.p
proachlng the latter than the former flg-
urv. The great majority of those who
go north on the Rosalie are eauinned
for at least one year's work.
Among the Rosalie's freight tile re were
boats "knocked down." and re,i
to put together. Each boat can earrv
alxmt two tons of freight and five per
sons. The steamer Transit, a .team barge,
has bejn fitted up to carry pack horses
to Ekaguay. She will sail tomorrow with
90 horses and more freight The horse
are the property of passenger, by the
George E. Starr, charteed by the same
people, which sails fo the north on Tues
day next.
an Franabco. July 31.-Tho little
schooner Free Trade Is supposed to have
been lost at saa with all hands. The
Free Trade left this port July U for
L'ani, Mendocino county, to take on
board a cargo of lumber foi. . t- .
- i-sai
dumber Company. Nothing has been
Heard of her slnos. , .
Chicago, July JL-The lurv in .. '
of Charles W. Spalding, troaauror of th
""""" au"e university and president of
ths Globe Savings Bank. .
verdict of guilty this afternoon.
We start our Grvat Clearance S..1.' of Ladies' Shirt Waists in
Lawns, Pimitit s and Percales; 09 cent, 75-cent, l)5-cent and $1 waists,
all to be sold at this great sale, your choice for 43 cents each.
S.m Francisco, July Jl. W. D. Wood,
mayor of Seattle, will resign his office
If he can carry out his plan, for an
expedition to the Yukon gold fields. He
arrived here on Thursday evening and
went to work at once.
"I have an option on an ocean steam
er, " ha said, "and will take on It from
this city 260 passengers. The remainder
Royal nukes the food para,
wholesome sod r-llrlimi.
Absolutely fur
aoMi swum rowota so., am