The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 29, 1897, Image 1

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    48. . iritis-ajJL,
THE ASTORIAN his the largest
circulation of iny paper
on the Columbia River
tlfgest al best paper
on the Columbia River
White Mountain Freezer
Will in Four Minutes
Freeze Cream to a..
.... Hard Even Grain
. All sizes, from 1 to 15 quarts, at
Sole Agents for Knox and Wauturton Hats
Hatters and
94 Third Street, PORTLAND, OR.
Wnrninii Note from Dominion (io
crnincnt"Koviilty on Mines.
I.AKf.l. CHOW I) ox i:xci I.SIOK
Af y (.old noatrts it Viciuda Many
komea liuinij lo Alaska Al-Hi Will tr
rive friday SuMciimi frcilicteil. i--iii-r.-.. y-i-ri.iv. In the i
pr-Mirtilon being I.y the H'i.r.. 1
n. in i-ll. Tin lah (Kiriy for th-ir trip to !
Hi.. KIiiikI) ! r. gloti. f'niwiln kuI.- i. II
Alaskan Hi I'lx Hint ha yet o
' 1r'.t th' r'y will Wl'ties-..'! to
w h-i the sieumcr Kx.-.-Nlor, char
Ahu-ku (' I'dh
1 in Thin In tin- last i
I In- coiiipaiiy'K Hi-..! whlii win conn-
(I'll tli.- Yukon rlvi-r mi-iirni-m this n-a
i-i.i. fun- i.iiu'i.K' r who paid II.Vi for
iiiK'i, lil I' for ii. j r. -n. niiip, cur-
Hi tin i uo. Ilgrrs
r i.r.-.l Id- tin
p.' i.y. h ri m
....The Only Exclusive Men's Furnishers....
Baseball and Tennis Goods
Boxing Gloves
Croquet Sets
Fishing Tackle
Baby Carriages
Children's Wagons
Garden Tools
I Mr. Hu.r.'iiiiiit' oithv uii.J pisi
tin- iiiilli mid tool. Kv.-rv l.mlv
i ini-lhliii- m u jj k . -! iluii mlBhi I. i i
l-i n iitir.-tiiiM '1, or that had h-e.i i.tir-
hii.d an. I win t nn. -., .-!. iry. I'oirl V
Bloke f uriilshc.l Hi r- .ui.l a half tcni
uf pro l!ir)i fur the m-v.ii in-n T!.
iil wore obtained In I'.iiil iii-l. .in
mml of the clothing was bought here
Thr"iro IMonn wi n- p it up In 'If y-pmind
pa.-kiiBc. no its lo nuik. ih'-n of -iisy
trniiMiMiilliw. All w.m i x. Il.-iiii n r.nrt
tty bll of news p I.iIHk In "li- now
fl'-hU wn eagerly dlued. tt was r,-pord-J
In tin- .ifii-rniMiii tli:it
S"rrl would plumr another part of
m-vi-ii or right I.J Al.o-ka on tli. ...Iiiii,.?
J.iiiiih. All of tin ii.inii-H of th i-- wri'i
protioml lo ko rouhl nol In- Iinrn- .l. I.. it
tilt- piirty will un Un.t.t. .Ily br in ul.- up,
KIkIiI wi.rklnif m-n h-ft mi h Ti h -pliiiin-
lut nlvhl. Imiinil for 111." v-ikon
In Aral I Ic It In r-portiil. lU i. i
pro.Mlilon h l.n mad. In '.ipl i!n
Noy.-K tO, tiiki ii piirJy from I'-iril ml
on III.- hnrk Column to 8t. Mli h.n-N or
J till, rt.ll
iin- iri-nli-mnn i .npliiy ul.l II
wim tlw mlvlcf of t!u lat rfmi-' f
Aliiuku that Or. son pmpli- hn-t Vit i
lrv-loi thi-lr own rl h cold li.-l-l" !.-for'
ninnlnii nH)- to tlw- fnim north In
AN'illV '
i-..rl -. July : -Tlu-ri- In a crowv) of
In.liKiiiiiit boI'I-.-. ki-r In town tonlu'it
Two liuinlrid of Hum iuru- from H'-ntili
"Iny 'with Hi. Ir o-itflt lo t;ikir ti p
.i.mi r liiniul-r tor y n, Arrlvlnic hre
t'l-y fwiiii! liiiir i.ol ii pouml of roo :
w.nill In. niion-id to nti-r tlm Kh-n
dyki- ilHirii l wli.'ioiit pnylnif the n Kiilnr
I'.iiuidiiiii 'lnl, Horn.- of th.-ri di-lli-'l
up -n tin- pnyrri' til of im- 'luty Inn-, hut
otni-rii ri K'nn n'.riii with Ihi- ixpie-
iM'i'i of ! v ;i.f ,ri ihi- i n-.lf.m-i oliii ir.
Tl.ii- I hnr'dly ;.o-IU.-. an eiiH'omH of
II. -.ri i-r.. irolni: nn thi- Inbind-r. n-
' ..nip.iiii. .1 ! h ror"- of .-o'i-iiiii.i. i. r. no
utll IH--UI tin- inounu-d jKilTri- now Ih.-re
I-, i iifor- tin iw. Th- void i-xi-lti-
m. n! U ..I fi v. r In nt lu ri' t-nli-hi, th -nun
l-liiit fill of miri Uiuml for th
nort !i,
Xfw Nhvi-Ih ami Magaiiu-s rcccivcil as soon
as u!lisli(-il
Ross, Higgins & Company
.-iir.-h of thi yellow m-tnl.
tlmt lil ndvlc- wan Rood
II m.i ' I .
Manufnctiircr and
lonler In
A full Him ol PI
nil 3moktr
'Ipt. Tobacco,
AtA Commtrclnl Ml.
The Choicest
Table Wines
Also for Medicinal . .
and Cooking: Purposes
"Private Stock"
"Cream Rye"
"Old Hickory"
"Pride of.. ,
Repsold California
103 Twelfth Street
Great Excitement atastoria
Friedman's Store, 600 Commercial Street
The fishermen and miners starting for the gold fields
are getting their BUpplios at Friedman'b. Because they can
save from 25 to GO per cent on their purchases of Dry Uoods
and Clothing, Hats, Shoos and Notions.
A Good Suit of Clothes $3.50 p to $10.00
It is no wonder that they all rush to Friedman's. It
pays to patronise them at 600 Commercial street.
S.-.illl.-. July 2i -A tiotlri-iihl- thlntilcs
out of Hi-.- rmw-iln on t hi- mndj was
I ho nuiilt of the iMltlus, -.irly till" morn
li:if. of llu- m.-uni. r flty of KlnnHiv..
iiirrytnic :! mlm r to oonmvt ul Vic
torhi with the Il.m.l. r for Pyi-i. nn.l
later In Ihe timrnlnK the Mllltiu of th-?
Ktiuinmhlp City of ToM-ku for Jiinisiii.
The Kti-unu-r Cleveland arrived thin
t vt-nliiK frim Ran Pruni Ihi-o. ha v In it nn
iKnird IT minim en route to Klotnlyk".
Th m.-iimhli AI-KI 1 exiftiil from
tyen next Friday.
The aniioiinoeil Inu-ntlon of ihc Dmnln
lon Bovirnineiit to Imptw-v a royalty on
all placer iUkkIukh on th Yukon, amount
Iiik prii.'lleally to a i-oiiHiuiitlon of "''
per cent of the entire i-ounlry ihnt hit
Ih oim-iiiiI him met with out one
H-nponm' here, and thai Ik the Htale.n. nl
thai Ii will Hln.ply r. null In ilrlvliiK thou
niindii of pnfH'ciom off of Ciinndi.-.w mII
and urriMn thy loundiu-- line li'lo I'nltril
Slalei. territory. A. K. Cnrr, the- pioneer
mall currier ",f the Yukon, nays that It
will very ooi l proviil Ihnt nil of the
rich plaivni are not on the other M of
the Itn.
To an Almo in tod TreH corn spondiMit
Mr. Citrr further Ud:
"Theiv will oon In-, If therv Is not
now, ii Idoi-kndo nl Pyeii and Skak-away.
rasseiiKirn are now iaylnit oentM ht
liound to (tet their freight over the di
vide, IIoriK-ii wlU jwi-k nhout SX ixnimls
eiu-h, and an lond for a nuin
in fti pounds. Tlu-r Is Imiind to l ft
cnai deal of miffeiitiR on the tniil.
Tho Immle and nctlvlty that was noilco- around th oftlee of nMiiliint quar-
t. minuter Rohlnson. V. S. A . In this
oily yemerilay ami la.t niirni, nmi um-
appeariM thin mornlne, th cnuno Im-Ih n
tilt'Kram from iJiiarl.Tmii.-iter ticiieral
Weeks from Wn.-thlnslon naylui; that the
order for troops to Alaska had lu-cu
f'ii. ifo, July ii -At tin- r-iilroa-l and
Hti-aml.oal i. file'- the name ei. rne f.-r
liif-rmailoti al-out the prifsnK to the
Kiun.lvki r.ild Hi Ids wuh nhow n Ihnl
i !;iir.ii t-rlr.-il the rimh of In.pilrer-i a
w-. k hko. Then- l no almii-ment of
Itu.r.M In iiiijtllr.K ix-r'aliilti).' directly
or liiillr-rtly to ih.- new- Kldorado. Nol
1- rf thai) an iivirnge of l" in rsonii II
.I.y hae e.ilhd :.l the atthv of Ih
Xorili Ami rirnii Tran.;ortiilloii Com
pany. Thoma-4 Cook A- Bon, the North
ern I'.n-lnr an I th (inat Northern rfill
w.iyn. Tin- nnm!-r of earnest InqulrhK
vinli-tday execi.'..! I howi of Mon.lay. At
:l'o.k's a-K'eii' y tin- (junta of the expiHll
non undi r the m.inaio m nt of William
chase w:ui fill.-d at an early hour and
ni-KoUatloi-ii wire Immivlliitely Ix-fun by
win- for a ne.iiii.l steamship from Ban
rranilsixi l. St. MU-ha. l-1. M'-anwhlle.
'.i nun. who i "i.ll not get ls-rtlm on the
hrt st.-ami r. "ro waiting for th result
of the in icoll iHoiis. Some of them. Ifi
th. or ai.xh ty "o reach Klondike, offered
to slei p on the raid n floor and Ih- srills-ll-d
with llu- poorest that lyeald he of
fered them In the way of accommoda
tions. The K l could I done was
to put l in I r .. ( -;ll i n liu.i!- on f ie. At
in. North Anurlean CVmimny's office
the name story of ciowds In the ollhe
from nionilni: till nK'ht was rotated.
W hile the two north, rn transportation
limn hook Rold-siM-kers from Seattle to
St .ll. h.-o-l I v th- ti itn.-r Portland,
siulliiK B.-pteirNr !. t y work l.ri'ici
I ally for the stenmshis plying tietwrrn
Ssattle. Juneau nnd Dyea Al-out
men have l-eeti l-ookisl hy Ihe Juneau
loute Winn th mlnliiB jwirty hooked
at Thomas Cook & Sons leave Chlcaso
at hits; two Chlcaso women will gv
almu;. The first of these Is Mrs. Wllllnm
Chase, wife of the manauer of the ex
pedition, and she will undertake the ar-
Iuouk trip for th sake of love. The de
sire for sold and a generous fortune will
induce the other. Mrs. Catherine rom
l. y. lo do likewise. lioth declare them
selves uulte e.-iKer for the Journey and
Ihe novel cxpcrlencs utlendlnK It. Other
women soon to leave Ohlcao for Alas
ka an- Miss Pauline Kellocu of Vfst
Concress street nnd Mrs C. W. Honmry
of Windsor Park. Seven othw women
will. It Is said. acomany the Chase
riv. hill their nanus couin noi oe
Jin toiniAN is
Had His Hand on the Martlaod Dcm
wratlc Convent ion.
(old lid Silicr DeniKrafs Lie Uowi To-
aether ii .Must SiyniJicua nt Hancr
tt liorroan's .Vid.
liiiliimore. July ift. Maryland ili.moc
.cy akf-mlilcd In ronvt ntlon toI.iy. nom-
nally to e.-t-t canill.luU.-s for comp
troller and clerk of the -6urt of .ip
sa), lmt actually to open ihe campaign
hal will dt-ed.. wIk 1ui.II U- the i.ext
I'niu-d fitiilivt w nator. Tin- pUi.'orm
li- vuhji-t-t of much consld'-ratlon. amofig
the 1-.ul,-r whost- effort were- directed
owarl x-eurlrm' a cnrri-ncy iilnik lhat
will prevmt a brtaoh between the frolj
and silver adeocaten.
Um Ii.iiiaii Schelly was appointed tem
porary chairman, and In a brier addn-ss
isserted tliat the repu"o!!oan party, hav-
nir enact'.-.! all curri-ncy laws now on
the statute iKKiks, was alone n-sponsihLe
for th pr-r-nt condition of affairs. The
ommlticc on resolutions was aelceted. A
rt . was then taken.
Th following ticket was then nomlnat-
t or comprroner. inomiu A. mitn.
rt Carolina count)-; for clerk of the court
of appeals, J. Prank Ford, of Bt. Mary's
It was cli-orly demonstrated that Sn-
ator Gorman still lias his hand on th
ver that controls the movement of the
orRanlxatlon. The candidates nominated
ere selected I.y him and the resolutions
loiUl w-ere of his Inspiration. As
hairman of th commute on resolution
read the platform, and read It In sue
way as to Indicate that he knew It
ilmost without looking at It. At his sv;s
lion -"'ne of th c.uidlilati fcr con
roller withf'ri-w when the nomination
m-ftnol tired. and anothi-r was taken
p ly the convention, and at hi request
ioth the Khl and silver men waive.
heir convictions for the nonce an.
loptcd a platform that declares for hi
nii-nlllsm. hut Is silent as to the vital
question as to the ratio.
-establish these farms We tX'j-rX to
cure from p-rsons who will -'-cosrn
in our plan a sound business iroiKisltl in, i
and we will pay th-m flv p.- cent nn j
their money, althoturb If they will l-siri I
It for less, tlwit will Im- so much Wt- r. '
"Our plan Is to p-hwfc families nn i
these farms free of cost, but th farms '
sill be sold to Itx-m for IV) oa'h, nnd
until paid for thy will be required ,i
pay ii a week. That Is at th rife of
l'i per cent, half of whh-h. of course,
will bo to those advancing; th? lon.-y,
and ttve rest will l-o Invested for th
nejed of the community. It Is Intend-d
that th families shall Twelve Instruc
tions In raisin- fruits and veir-tablt s,
and caring for cows, attendlrm to '-.o'lt
and dolnr th oth-r work which will
make them self-eupt-ortlnjc and fairly
pr-v-nerous. The p-ople to be placed on
these farm will b taken from .War
York. Philadelphia. PlttsburB, Cincinnati,
ChlcaBo and other lanfe cities."
Not In Paris for the Turposcs Allcycd
in the "Figaro." ,
Did Sot Visit Spaii for Ihe Tarpose ol Ar
rangingi Compact Anaiat Idited State
Japas Will Oaljr frotest.
i New York. July 28. A dispatch to tho
; Herald from Paris says:
Astoria Mm Honori'J by the Orcat Coun-
If war should break 'out between tha
The Dalles. Or., July 2S.-Th followintr jl'mted States and Japan It will be la
Brest chiefs for the OreBon reservation spite of Marquis Ito, jiemonally as well
I. O. B. M. were eleeteI by th sreat ; as politically.
council. In session here, this afternoon: ! -In th? first place," wild Marquis Ito,
Oeat gach-m. O'to S' huraann. Portland: "I wish you wcuW corftradlct a state-Br-at
senlf.r saeajnore, John Michell. 'ment that I am here charged with an
The iJalks: Breat Junior saBamore, John official mission to strongly protest In tho
Annan, Portland: Brent prophet. J. K. jname of my government against a. usur
Carr, Portland, greiit chief of records, 'paUort fraught with peril. Nothing could
W. C. A. Pohl. Astoria: gruU keeper be further from th truth, The atate
of wampum. C. J. Hyland. Portland. jment la Inexact In every particular. Not
This morning track-laying was begun jonly have I no official mission in Europe
or. the Columbia and Southern, connee- j now I never even had any nor W I
tion being made with the O. ft. & N. at
RIbbs. Th work of grading Is
under way. No definite action has ben jm Paris today. I believe firmly that ths
taken looking towards the building of j Hawaiian question will be settled wlth
thc proposed line to Ts Chutes, but the out the peaceful relations botween Japan
Commercial Club had th matter well and the I'nlted Stats belns- disturbed
In hand and. early developments are ex- I in the least
lctd. j came to Europe Rs one of the suite
, attached to Trlnce Arlshawa, who repre-
TIIE liOOM COMMENCED. jsentf.J the emperor at the Jubilee ccr.
monies in England. That commemoration
. . . v. n - ji -. t. -1. a ... . . v . e
i -i ViUgW S1UI II1UII UUlieJ O t.b
'II Japanese government, since I have been
Manufacturers Rushed With New Orders :0ver. the prince has returned to Japan
'and my duties, only nominal at any time.
for Goods.
li arnevl,
chasi d
nnd as they have not yet pur
tlckets, their departure Is not
London, July 2S The. colonial ofllco has
arnod Intending gold-scckcrs that tt
will bo useless to start for tho Klondyka
before spring, ns the Journey Is possible
only In the summer time.
Sun Frnnelsco, July 28. The departure
of the steamer Excelsior has been sot
for 2 o'clock this afternoon. Captnln
Hlgglns hns determined not to remain
any longer after that hour than Is abso
lutely necessary. Many persona Inquired
this nurnlng for passage, notwithstand
ing notice had In-on glv-n some days
ago that every berth was taken and
that no more tickets would be sold. It
whs reported on th streets and on the
dock that ns nigh ns $150 bonus hns been
offered for a passage nnd that If more
money was needed to Secure It there
would be more forthcoming, nut all who
had secured their tickets soemed to be
satisfied to cling to them, and no sales
were reported.
San Francisco, July 2S. Py far the
greatest exodus of gold-seekers bound
Sail, July :s. The Klondykc
i promised close i oinmunUatlon with
:h,. n st of the world In a short time.
Al le.i-t u till graph company has been
Huorporated. which will get to work Im, Its promoters say. stringing
the wires. Articles of Incorporation of
the Alaska Telegraph and Telephone. Co.
have been hied with tho county clerk
of San Francisco. The directors of the
mw company are- C. W. Wright. Theo
dore IVl.-hert. P. E. Pohannon. J. TV.
Wright and J. Fassett. The capital stock
of tho organization Is tfro.rtW. of which lias been subscribed by the di
rectors. The proiHisltlon Is to construct
a telegraph lino which will connect Pyea
with Juneau and Dawson with Circlo
City. Tho estimated length of the pro
posed line Is ltXH mlU. . The- plan of
construction will lo after the style of
military systems used In war times. A
wire n quarter of an Inch thick, covered
with a kerlto Insulation, will be used.
The wire will bo laid along the ground
Instead of lelng stretched on pole. Trees
or poles will be used only to cross a gul
ly. Tho promoters of the enterprise ex
pect to get to work laying the wires In
three wivks nnd to have them laid '
weeks later. The company does not In
tend to have any telegraphic communi
cation south from Juneau unless some of
the larger companies construct a line
norlh from Puget Sound.
Changes Made
by President
Snn Francisco, July 2S. Local capital
ists, who are endeavoring to secure op
tions on mining claims In the Klondyke
country', are not meeting with much
success among the miners now here. The
men seem to realize thoy have a good
thing In what they have and are not
disposed, to submit to modern forma of
conveyance, even though not forced to
sell until the value of the property Is
Washington, July 2 President Sic
Kinley has promulgated the following
amendments to y tlv" service rules:
"No removal shall bo made from any
Iiosltlon subject to comprtitlve examlna
Hon except for Just cause, and upon
written charges Med with the head of
the department and of which the ac
cused shall have full notice and opportu
nity to make defense."
He has also amend-.-d rule 3 so as to
Include' within the classified service the
cmi. loves of all custom houses cftVes
without resard to number of employes.
The presldmt has also anv.'ndcd rule
making the exceptions to examinations so
as to read as follows;
"Custom house service One cashier In
each customs district, one chief prliv
dual denutv or assistant collector in
each customs district, one principal dep
uty collector at each subport or station.
Internal revenue service tine employ
In each Internal revenue district who
shall act as cashier, or chief deputy, or
assistant collector, as may be deter
mined by the treasury department: one
deputy collector In each Internal revenue
district where the number of employees
In the ofllec of collector exceeds four:
one deputy collector in eacn sianip
office or branch office. Appointments to
the positions named In this rule in th
custom house service nnd In the Internal
revenue service shall be subject to an
elimination to be prescribed by the
secretary of the treasury, to lie approved
hy the commission, equal to the examina
tion held by the commission for post
Hons of like grade.
Enters a
Scheme In the
Chicago, 'July 2S. Comm inder Bootb
Tuckcr, of the Salvation Army, who
has recently returned from an extensive
trip In the West, during which he ex
amined a number of tracts of land be
lieved to be especially suitable for col
onisation purposes, has gained new en
thusiasm In 'his purpose of forming set
tlements for the poor. He said:
"I do not know yet where the colony
will be located which we hope to found,
but It may be In the vicinity of Pueblj
or Albuquerque. There Is plenty of irvid
land1 which bos peculiarly attractive fea
tures of climate, fertility, mark?ts and
irrigation facilities. The plin Is to es
tablish families on small plats of ground
along the railway leading Into the city,
these plats to be of one and two acres,
near the ctly, and growing in slz-.- to
ftve t"d ten acres at a greater distance,
the hiea being to have the smaller
farms near the city taken by men em
ployed In various occupations, who will
carry on industry and also tin tneir
fielas. It will require about $500 for
every family located In the colony which
we purpose. The money which la to
Chicago. July 2$.-The Industrial World
tomorrow will say:
Agricultural Implement manufacturers
are rushing orders for material. The
season Is protracted and the makers
dud stock on hand Insufficient. i;y
way of Illustration, a local manufae
urer, several days ago, received an or
der for l.'-W wagons. They were not
in his shops, and he found a difficulty tne nnK 0f Speln.
in securing lire iron wim wnicu io con- nt.vw. .rt. n. it was not convenient
struct them. Railroads are beginning ; at th(? llmc for nnyone of ,ufflclently
to make some Inquiries. In various dl- j blgn rank ,eave Japan. Blft the vlt!l
nvtion the demand is improving. Pig lo prince Arlshawa to Eurooe iravn fh
emperor an occasion he has been look
ing for. and so, taking advantage of
I are now entirely at an end. So I nm
j at liberty to avail myself of the jierml.
islon the emperor accorded roe to tka
a holiday in Europe. . '
"It has been stated that I have been
In Spain to arrange terma for mutual
i support in the attitude of Spain and
i Japan vis-a-vis the United States. This
1 quite untrue. When I was prime min
ister the emperor bestowed an order tin
The Insignia was
Iron prices are Urm at 10.23 for No. I
foundry. Boiler tubes are stronger and
suel ple higher.
Central Pacific Truln Smashed to Kind
ling Wood.
I the opportunity the prince went to Spain
'to present the order to the king, and I,
as a matter of course, went also,
j "But. although I met the foreign tnln
: Ister and all other ministers, the rela-
tlons of Japan with America' were never
9 I alluded to, and I never broachd the suh-
Reno. Nev.. July 2$. -One of the worst jject of Sp-Un-S difficulties in Cuba, My
wrecks In the history of the road oc- v9,t to lhe Duc de Mandah was only
curred this morning, six miles west of nMmn,nl hv noiltenRs and was n .
Reno. The road Is strewn with the de- knowiedBment of the courtesy he bestow -
bm of baggage, express and mall cars jed on me at San gebagtian.
"I do not think it possible any oppo
sition manifested in Japan to the annex
ation of the Sandwich islands by the
reduced to kindling wcod. There are no
fatalltu-s except that of six Indians.
who were riding on the blind baggage.
Nine other Indians were injured.
Fireman Rollins was thrown from the
engine and sustained considerable In
jury. Mall Clerks George W. Obrien and
S. A. Ross escaped with a few cut".
The Wells-Fargo messenger, J. J. Burke,
was badly bruised. The w reck was proba
bly caused by lhe spreading of the rails.
t'nited Slates will take any more ex
tended form than a mere protest made
remember this point made In order
that the interests of Japan in those isl
ands may not suffer injury..
"Javan is simply seeking to protect
herself and her subjects, and this she
has a perfect right to do; this she is
bound to do: but that she will look after
I her Interests In other than a dignified
diplomatic way Is absurd. Th emperor
will not support any bellicose policy. All
j my friends In the ministry or in control
of the different branches of the govern
jmcnt are of the same mind as the em
peror on '.his subject, and Japanese sen
timent Is one of strong friendship for
the United States. Thus, tho Hawaiian
hree women passengers being slightly , qutsllon cailnot possibly bring; about s.
injured nnd the ends of the cars being jconflk elttu.r armwl cr diplomatic, with
smashed. The passengers in tne train
Northern Pacific Train Damaged at Ka
Tacoma. July 28. A collision occurred
between tho cars of the second section
of the East-lound Northern Pacific train
today while at Kalama, resulting In
were much Jostled hy the snocK. 1 he
Injured women were: Mrs. E. M. Wiley,
of Colorado Springs; Mrs. Cocking, of
Nanalmo: Mrs. A. J. Carlton, of Broek-
the Americans. In spite of the Jingoes.-
Kansas City, Mo., July 2S. A local pa
per says:
If the shipments of coal from the
mines of Missouri nnd Kansas to East
ern points continue as rapidly as they
ave in the past few days, there will be
no Immediate danger of any factories
having to close for want of fuel. Mu:h
of the coal billed to Chicago care of
the Panhandle road. Is for shipment, if
Is alleged, to the strike district.
San Francisco, July 2S. Hops 8 end
Liverpool, July 28. Wheat Steady;
1 standard California, 32s 9d.
Portland, July 2S Wh'-'-'--"
Walla Walla, 73c.
New Y'ork, July 2S. Hops Steady.
. c:
New York, July 28. Government ascay
bars were quoted today at 6S cents,
which makes the value of the diver in a
standard dollar 44.59 cents.
London, July 2S. In the house of com
mons today Lord George Hamilton, sec
retary of state for India, In reply to '.he
question why the East India railway,
owned by the government, had purchased
TT80 tons of rails from the Maryland Steel
Co., of Baltimore, said the lowest British
bid was S673 higher than the American
San Francisco, July 28. Mayor Phelan
has telegraphed an Invitation to Presi
dent McKlnley o visit 8an Francisco.
The mayor ha alio wired Congressman
Loud, requesting him personally to see
the president and get from him. If pos
sible, a favorale reply to the Invitation.
Royal makes the food par.
whoUsom and dsllclou.
Absolutely pure
OTl. SUIIM SOWOt 60., MW VOtm.