ASTOSIA PDBUC UBRAB1 ASSOaKHtffl. THE DAILY ASTORIA N is the blf est aoi best ppcr THE ASTORIAN lilt the largest circulation of my paper on the Columbia River on the Columbia Pivtr KUU ASSOC. AT IS.) lK!SS REPORT. NO. 10. VOL. XLV11. ANTOKIA, OHEUON: WKDNESHAY MOKNING, JILT 2. M7. ...IMPROVED... White Mountain Freezer Will in Four Alinutes Freeze Cream to a.. .'. . . Hard Even Grain All sizes, from 1 to 15 quarts, at FOARD & STOKES COMPANY Sole Agents for Knox and Wauturton Hats BUFFUM PENDLET9N Hatters ad Furnishers 94 Third Street, PORTLAND, OR. ....Tbe Only Exclusive SEASONABLE GOODS Baseball and Tennis Goods Boxing Gloves Croquet Sets Hammock5 New NovoIh and Magazines received as soon as published GRIFFIN 6b REED Ross, H.ggins & Company, GROCERS and BUTCHERS AHTOHIA AND BAMT ABTOHIA CHOICI5 KRESH AND SALT MEATS W. F. SCHEIBE, A full line of Pines. T.bscco. , snd5moksrs' Articles. 474 Commercial Mt. The Choicest Table Wines FOR FAMILIES Also for Medicinal . . and Cooking Purposes CARLSON'S FAMILY LIQUOR STORE, 103 Twollth Street Great Excitement alastowa CROWDS OF PEOPLE FLOCKING TO Friedman's Store, The fishermen and miners are getting their supplies at Fnedmau'b. .because tney can save from 25 to 50 per cent on their purchases of Dry Goods and Clothing, Hats, bhoes and THIS l WHERE A Good Suit of Clothes THAT WOULD COST ELSEWHERE FROM $7 00 TO $20.00 It is no wonder that they all rush to Friedman's; pays to patronise them at 600 Commercial street. , Men's Furnishers.... Fishing Tackle Baby Carriages Children's Wagons Garden Tools Manufacturer and lealot In FINE CIGARS! "Private Stock" "Cream Rye" "Old Hickory" "Pride of.. ..Kentucky" ...and... "Hermitage" Repsold California Brandies 600 Commercial Street starting for the gold fi:lds Notions. YOU CAN GET $3.50 $10.00 OFF TO COLD LAND OF GOLD Aniorln'H Lint Incrensed unci Men find FIorHCH by HtinlrclH Lchvc Scottle. OFFICERS AND I iotlt by ICniflwrifl find the United Htnie Into the Vutt Country - Tins lloundciry OueHtlori Agu'ri -Kxcltetiicrit CntlmicH. Local Interest In the Klondyke country jHiy of Toka will sail tomorrow morn Is mill growing. Several new nanfe j Ing frm K.-altU. w ith tW pansengers. hav been added to thom who expect to . Hhe only n far Juneau. Tba e,v next Saturday. Hut no moro run steamship I.laml. r will autll tomorrow go on the steann-r Kld,.r. a Air nt ,' ff-'-m Victoria fur Dya with over 100 I.ouriterry yesterday received a t"lc- p i tur. -m. Th next vh. sailing from gram staling that all of th cabin nnl "! f'-r Iiym will t th steamer ateersg apart la now occupied. Thoe ; I!' ."Mile, chartered lut Saturday for two reported yesterday na going wllh the : tr! Already the JVj a.-ngrs al-r-arty. In addition to live nantes already ' l"-. y tli- lnp-otori hv tn bookrd pulillahiHl, ar: I for t!i. Ilon.ill, Th- atnmr Edith, A. A. Smith, f i;ir'-rM ! the anm fmrlWt, and alao John Prtiln. mh.ukd to .nil July 31. will takff north T, Slvrraon, i I y hr.f at l?2.Vi a Iwad. Chit. Hfdmra. ' Bo TfAt la th rush lo tak home to Ph. Vla, th Dyfa that E. E. OaJne will af-nd north Many older ar idnnnln to no on the auamr Rapid Transit, leavlnit Seat rllhfr latrr boat thla lummer or nrly tin Auituat J. 8ho can accommodate lust rln. horwMi and at th piv-nt rtit will Captain Chas. nifhapilfon, of tli. fn Iw flllr-d by tomorrow nlirht. The charg lumliln., who was In Ala.k a short on tho Rapid Transit Is $30 a head. The lima aco on his annual Inspection trip, atoomer Cleveland, chartered for one l.rotirtit lu'k with him a Nw.k .full of trip to St. Michaels by the North Amrr raluable Information reardlnK the over- Irnn Transportation and Trading Com Innd route via. Dyea. It anys. amor.f pany, will arrive at Seattle tomorrow other thlnr. that none but thoe o' the strongest constitution should und- rtak the trip. The thermometer ranges from 110 aMve In the summer to 77 Ixlow In tU'kots will be sold from here to Klon- the winter. The working spjisun ts only dyke via St. Michaels, unless some new nlKMit I! wevk In the Yukon, and a stinmsiilp company sirings Into exist- gld-htinter should he a pmctlcnl ence. miner, or else have plenty of grub to The AI-KI, sailing for Pyea Aug 1st J, carry him through two or thre yrers. carries about 1M peojle. Her arcommc- ItookkfM'pers and farmeni itave mn-n to datlnns are all sold. The tdg sUani lenm before they can make a success- eollii r Willamette, sailing for Dyea Aug- ful trip there without money, rrotn ist 2 from Seattle, has already over Pyea to the Iskes, miles, Indian pa-k- K tickets sold. It Is howd to take In era can be hired at 11 cents per pound, nil Tti on the Willamette, mostly second To Sheen camp one can sled hi own el.iss. sol. tin camp where they are left he. lug marked by a long pole. To th foot THE .MILITARY POST. of th summit outfits are taken In l'O- pound packages. On the mountains se- Seattle, July !7 CapUiln Ray, 1. 8. -er storms and Mlziftrd frequently A., with five officers and sixty mm, occur. Once over the summit the hardest will leave Seattle for Circle City. Alaska, part of the Journey l occompllshed. A i St. Michaels, August S. Orders have transportation company has been orga- been sent to San Francisco to ship a nlied In Juneau to transport goods tl years supply of clothing, which will In take I.lnderman for five cents per pound, elude 100 woolen blankets., axes and all For those who want to do their own tools necessary to be used In "hutting." packing the spring In recommended as Twelve improved conical tents will be the proper season to start, between the shipped to Seattle today from Phlladel first and middle of March, as streams phla by express. The Importance cf are still frogen. The July trip possesses this move to send United States troops less hardships. If one has th finances to the Interior of Alaska cannot be to hire all work done for him; but over-estimated. The Alaska boundary much of the Journey must l nuid In dispute has already assumed more Im boats, either built or bought Many portance than ever, swift rapids are to be run, or goods Tlw Dominion govtrnrnent has had and boat prtaed. The Jcurney Is rv. ' mounted police patrollng the boundary mantle and Interesting. Llndcrman can be reached In two days from Pyea by easy stages, it trie pa-King ot your gooas na oeen arrangea ror. ana me inp is made In summer. The book Is full of In- teresung tacts, among tnem oeing ino following distance from Juneau: Miles. Halne Mission (Chiloat) SO Dyea 1 Head of canoe navigation 100 Summit Chllcoot pass lWi Head Lake Llnderman 12H rassage has been secured for tho Unit Foot Lake Llnderman 1314 r, States ofllcers and their men on tho Head Lake Burnett lH Foot Lake Burnett m Foot Cariboo crossing K!4Vj Foot Tngish Lake ISi'i Head canyon -3 White Horse rapids J:"4 Tahkeenah river I Head Lake Le Barge V Big Salmon river 3W Stewart river " Sixty-mile post 25 Forty-mile post Fort Cudahy 7254 Circle City T9 Many fishermen have left and are dally leaving for Klondyke with but llttlo pro- engineer, rorroany m u.o -vision for the trip, but aocustomod to government, has recently completed a hardships and a rnrorou climate, they .survey of 63 nilloa of railroad running will probably succeed In working their way up to the yellow field. Am..,, other, rei.ort.xl as disposing of their business and property the name of I. M. Long, the attorney, wa mentioned last night, who will start for Dyea In two weeks. Grant Trulllnger and I. L. Osgood have also declared their Inten - t,pn BY THE TRAINLOAD. Seattle, July IT. The railways and steamship lines centering In Seattle, as well a all hotels, are crowded to their fullest capacity with travelers, most of whom are headed for the Klondyke, Ev ery steamer and tug boat on the Sound that can be of any servioe ha been put on runs to supply the demand of pas senger and freight for Alaska. The railways report that mipplle are coming from the East in trnlnloads, with provis ions, hardware and clothing for the Yu konera. Many of the supplies ar coming by expiree, so great 1 the demand for the good. Various device to aid pros pectors are exhibited on the street and draw crowd dally. The Indications are that the exodua. will Increase and that many will actually SOLDIERS SENT mornln from San Francisco and beitln loading preparatory to sailing August I 5. Tlil will 1 the last vessel on which sIikv a yer ago last spring, and It has al?o kept A party of surveyors In t,i ablate temtorj- i..r Bu,., , prKw or not oniy sun-oyinw u.e .u,,..- 1ry line., but to get Information which will awtst r.ngiana in uer r...-. Vbilm to a good slice of Alaska, Includ' . I l. Junenu, the wonderful glacier and L - riinty tributary. If the United States allows England's claim. It will give her control of the route to the Interior by way of Juneau. North American Transportation and Trading Company's steamer Cleveland, wlttch leaves Seattle August 5. The Dominion government Is to send 75 additional mounted police to Klon- dyke, there being IS there now. The men will leave from Vlotorta on the Paclflo Coant Steamship Company's boat In a fcw days. They will go In from Dyea, traveling light, getting provisions after thoy arrive. RAILROAD TO YUKON., S-xattle, July ZT.-tloo. . uanjae. . from Sk&gun, bay over Whlto Pass to Lake Tagtsh. and thence to the upper Hootallnqua rivjr. He Is employed Dy ,016 British American Transportation Company, said to be amply supplied with I funds with which to comyplete the un- dertaklng. 1 It is said that the work will begin In the spring of 1893. The rout will be 100 mliea longer thun tnat at presenv followed by miners going Into the Tu kon basin overland from Dyea. River steamer are to be used up the Yukon and Hootallnqua river from Dawson City and on the lake, which will com prise a part of the new route. The danger of the White Horse rapids and the whlrUiools of Miles canyon will be eliminated. IN CHICAGO. Chicago, July 27.-A party of men who wish to try the Klondyke country will leave Chicago on a special train next Saturday night en route for the newly discovered Alaskan gold Held. There will be 150 people In the party. The special train on whioh the party will travel will run directly through, to Ban Francisco, There the god hunter will remaJn Uiree- daya to purchase mining xi;p!j.-s. The purly will tlwn alilp for Hu Mlrtxu'la on a. sp-rlij sttntr. The trip will occupy fourtwn days. Three ntf-iim launchea will U, taken to trans liort up tlm Yukon to the mouth of the Klondyke river. This trip will require fourteen dnys. KiuUi tourist may take W pounds of hrur(T"re from Ban Fran cisco, but only ft portion of this will Iw tak-n up the river with the party. When tho Klondyke Is reached the steamer launches will be moored In win ter quarters. The tmirtsts will live aboard liifn until Iho spring beirlns to break, next summer. The transportation com pany claims to have made plans for carrying- enouirh provlnlone to supply all Its travelers with plenty ff food until next summer. It Is the Intention of the promoters of the excursion to make shortest Jmimey on record to the KOld fields. An tffcrt will be made to complete the trip from Chicago to th Klondyke within SO dnys. In addition to the crew, rtildes and officials, itf) men trtll Wavrt Hnn Francisco on IV rUnmer. Of th:e the larjrer portion will be from Chleajro. but It Is said there will be a scauerlnir number from alf parts of the country. IX NEW TORK. New York July ".The Time says: Klondyke matters are about to be (n veatlgoted by the Mining Exchange of this city and steps taken to have the mot reliable information In the event of IIMlng Alaskan gold stocks. The new officers of the exchange W. C. Oomln. president; A. A. Drake, vice-president: George B. Hedyan, secretarr. and John G. Dale, treasurer, are In agreement as to the gold discoveries being certain to Inereaae business and to lead to more In quiries. It Is aluo expected that there will be a "boom" In mining stocks.. I.UUo else Is talked of at the exchange than this new feature of mining ex citement, and the proposed step being tsken by Alaskan syndicates. Mr. f n dernood of the exchange is mentioned 1 ' ., t.l. 1 .1 . . 1. ..-( co""rcu ""' " ' I ana It was saia a oompnuy utrius I formed at Cornwall-on-the-Hudson. ' It would seem as If the dangers of the new valley of gold are thoroughly appreciated by members of the exchange. Compari sons now to the disadvantages to the miners of Bolivia. Peru and Colombia were heard, and tere were Quite a few lUKgistlona that Colorado interests might be developed with a great deal less expense and perhaps with satisfactory result to the prospectors. No apprehen sions seemed to .be felt that Americans ut Klondyke y-Juld experience any rough treatment through the action of the Canadian authorities, and it was confi-u.-ntly staled that all Americans would be required to do was to pay thf n.-enso which the Canadian government exacted from all mining prospectors, whether British or alien. This amount to JU annually. 'We certainly Intend to go," said IV. M. Curtis, of the law office oi George M. Curtis, Bennett building, to a re porter. "I go a the representative' of a New York company. My intention Is to buy claims and In the spring we will work the claims, by machinery. VTe will sail for Victoria August 15. and ex pect by that time our party will number twtnty. We will take along at least Mght months 'provisions." "We will no stay at Klondyke," In terposed a friend of Mr. Edwards, who was present. "We Intend to reach the Black Hole of Calcutta, where they M Boh(.mlKlim nJ eSCnpcd iy, citigena, but j of country , , , ,M Af Klon- ' '- dyke and In Alaskan territory." Mr. Edwards added: "We will go by the Juneau route and make the overland trip. We hope to reach Healy and Wil son's store by August 10. We travel by the Canadian Pacific to Victoria," According to Mr. Edwails, the mem bers of the party have already expressed a desire to go to South Africa, but they changed their minds when they heard of the Klondyke. Mutual concessions be tween the United States and the Cana dian government will, they think, put the gold seekers of both couniriee on an equal footing. After trying what they can do in the Klondyke region, they will turn their attention to American otl. The company will work their claims by the. lay system cf hydraullo plaoer mining and tlw party Intend to stay away at least two years. Frednrlck M. Barmore and Charles H. Harvey, of Long Island City, nave start ed for Soattle. whonce they will go to Alaska. Both are well lo do and hare families. Both are used to hardships and have amplo meuiu with them. CAL1FORNIAN3 ON. THE ELDER, San Francisco, July 27. The steam ship State of California sailed for Port lmid this morning, connecting wtih the George W. Elder at that port for Juneau and Dyea. Among her passenger are at men bound for the Klondyke district by way of the Chllcoot pass. In order to meet the unusual demand for passage the steamship company fitted up accom modations for SO people In tbe space be tween decks forward of the for hatch. In addlton to those who go on the State of California, fully as many more ad venturers from this city have secured passage on the Elder and will travel to Portland by rail, owing to tbelr inability to obtain passage on the State of Cali fornia. The State will carry 17 burros that are being shipped to Alaska, to Thomas Magee's party, to be used In packing supplies over Chilkiot pas. NEW SCHEME TO REACH DIGGINGS. Ban Francisco, July 17 The throng about eery shipping offloe that has even the remoteet of Alaskan relations bavs tiif flfi menns ftlmtnlhMl ft wmiM mn ! that the only clrcumtanc which pre vents the wholesale depopulation of Sao Francisco Is the limit In tho tranirporta tlon facilities. Not strong; men, whoie broal :bcks, bronxed faces and work worn hands tell of previous experience with the labor that literally sweats th irow, but clerks and professional mn im) women In liundmda ore seeking, mum of tliem for In f ormat Ion, but most of them for transportation to the land where nuif'-ts are to be had, they think. for the picking tip. Every ''ay sees some new scheme for overcoming the difficulties In the way of reuchlng the Klondyke, and the fleet of reanu-rs and schooners pressed Into the service is growing steadily. The latest of the Klondyke transporta tion Sfihemm Is bring engineered by Captain Kc-rrlman, of the firm of Herri- man Sc Mills. He has been approached hy a number of pemons anxious to go to Klondyke, and In response to numer ous requests has mapped out a plan for f i acliln the diffKlngs by the middle of Sf pu-mber. Hi will charter a large sail- i ing v--l. The party consists of (0 men, .ach of whom will Uke one ton of pro- virions. No one will bo permitted to go unless lie takes this quantity. Each one will l charged S12S for the trip, and Captain Herri man think that for this urn h. can land them In Dawson City before September 10. The ship will carry a large lighter and a steam launch, which will be used to tow the l!ghu-r from St, Michaels to the Klondyke. Af ter reaching St. Michaels, cargo and pas sengers will be transferred to the lighter. Ci plain Herrlman will return to Sao Francisco In the vessel, and the party will be conducted to their Journey's end by an agent of the firm, who la thor oughly familiar with the river. The Alaska Commercial Company's steamer F.xci lslor, which leave her to day, mill not make hnother trip to Alaska before June of next year. All the accommodations to be disposed of for tills trip have been disposed of, and the fact well advertised, but would-be pas senger continue ot throng tbe com pany' office. The company not only de cline to sell any more tickets, but It representatives do all In tbelr power to dissuade applicants from attempting the trip until next year. Some 20 or jo have endeavored to reserve accommoda tions for the first trip next June. The fcmpany !h declined to bind Itself o far ahead, although a number of the ap- pllcants were willing to put up a forfeit and agree to abide by any terms the company might make for the next year's trip. RICH DISCOVERT. San Franco, July 27. The latest rumor from Alaska and the Klondyke mo,, one of them, the Union Iron is of the discovery of wonderfully rich works of San Francisco has already quarts In large quantities c)n the Stew- "responded, declining, like the armor corn art river. Particulars are vague and be- j panles, the government's Invitation, yond the fact that the ledge Is a large ; There Is little doubt that the others one and that the rock assays noth- vlll make a like answer, alhough there. Ing can be learned. The discovery was j u a 9ina1 chance that some of the ship- made some time ago. but nothing was sold about it until th ledge had been prospected and an assay made. This, If true, will mean much for the Klon dyke region. The Stewart river runs Into Tukon not far from Dawson, and It Is reasonable to suppose that the pla cer gold now being found In such quan tities below may have Its origin In the mountains at the heed of the Stewart and neighboring river and creeks. ANOTHER WARNING. San Francisco, July 27. Two more mln- ers from the north came in on the City of PueWa yesterday, and registered atjdiana to walirax to oe uocaeu auu the Commercial hotel They are Henry j cleaned. It Is felt to be necessary to do pore and J. E. Boucher, and both tell J this in order to prevent Injury to the .ull tales of the hardest kind of experience of the ship from corrosion. The depart before they got enough to permit them ment would have much preferred to send to leave that land with anything Uke the Indiana to Port Royal. S. C. for enough to remain In idleness for a year this purpose, but the opinion of the best . Thlrtv davs on flour and water navigators In the navy department was and 30 taken from the ground In three month Is but a portion of Dores ex perience. Of all those who have reached the city, his tale Is one that ought to make those without experience think twice before plunging Into unknown dan gers. J. 'E. Boucher is another who knows the difficulty attending the wrest ing of the gold from the Icy gravel beds. He left his home In Wisconsin three years, ago, went in by Juneau and Chll 1 . N n,v.vilA and had the L n of poor . luck. He went to We the most ireful effort are l.a work f 112.50 Hav. but that soon gave ,bte to creep into sue measures. t is I. J f ,nftln a revenue producer and In my opinion out and then he went prospecting. ,ftnft I had no better success at this tin at work, and wao pretty well disgusted when I heard or the stxise at I struck a pretty good claim and cleaned up about 110,000. I am going bock home to enjoy myself till next spring, wnen I will go back again, and if I do no' sell out In the meantime." Dore and Boucher brought out nearly $20,000, but they decline to give tne ex act figures. DEATHS DENIED. San Francisco, July 27.-Returned Yu koners deny the story told by Frank Moss, of Great Falls. Mont., that 2.000 graves at Forty-Mile post tell of th ter rible ufferlng of the gold-seekers. F. O. Bowker says that so far from being over J.0OO deaths on the Klondyke during the last three years, there was nobody there to die until something less than a year ago, and since then there have been three deaths In the district a far as known. In the graveyard at Forty Mile post Whioh has served for all that section for some year past, there ar only between 10 and 40 graves, THE LEGAL ASPECT OF ALASKA POST Discussed at Yesterday' Culiinct Meeting in Washington. PRESIDENT'S ACT APPROVED i rower Exercised is Cmergticy Mtasenre rout to Be tsubtlfhed Hear Circle City Vast it Costs to Scad Troop. Washington. July 71. The principal top ic of discussion at today' cabinet mast i Ing was the legal aspect of the pro- uW",hment ot a military poet In the Alaskan gold fields. In some quarters tber 1 doubt a to the power of the executive to establish a post without authorisation by eon- " " " by the executive a an emergency meas ure. Secretary Alger already ha mads; tbe necessary preparation for carrying out the plan to establish the new post. The commander of the troop will be Captain Ray, a man well-known for hi soldierly ability and having a fine reputation as a leader of expedition, having estab lished the United State relief station at Point Barrow, the farthest north In Alaska. Captain Ray at present is at Fort D. A. Russell In Wyoming. The post will be established near Circle City. Tbe North American Transporta tion and Trading Company ha offered to transport the troop to Alaska and to land them at their destination at JIM per man and S50 per ton for freight. . ' THAT SHIP ARMOR. Looks Like the Government Will Have to . .. . Make Its Own. , ' Washington, July fT. The armor plate i producing companies having declined to j furnish the navy department with the : armor needed for the three battleships j at per ton, the rate fixed by con- i gross. Secretary Long has taken the second step In the line .marked out by congress, and ha called upon the ship building companies themselves to submit proposals for procuring and fitting ar- , j-MiM-r, may combine to secure control of one of the plants which armor-makers profess their readiness to sell and turn out the armor they need for the ships In hand. If, however, as expected, the shipbuilders' replies are unfavorable. Secretary Long will proceed one step further and appoint a board of officers to carry out the direction of congress and frame a plan for the establishment of a government armor plant. TO DOCK THE INDIANA. Washington, July r.-Secretary Long ; ha decided to send the battleehlp In- that It would be decidedly risky In the unsatisfactory condition of the approach es to the dock here. REVENUE PRODUCER. Washington, July 27. Assistant Secre tary Howell of the treasury department who is in charge of customs matters, said today: "The now tariff bill is par tl3ularly free from ambiguities, which. 1 - . . T lnnV . durln tKe flacal yeap of 1899." Royal aasks th food pars, wbeiesoso and delicto. Absolutely fairo ana swim kmoss so., toil