The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 25, 1897, SUNDAY EDITION, Image 1

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NO. H.
01 Aav:
n awn i i i ii ih
WnnlilnjttOM nntl
Vt-f j-ii . n 1 I Jisi'i
Tumi iiilwtniilinl J'grlor Knit, 0 piece, soliil mk r birth frmiM, iiimlitcrrt in
tnixulry, villi silk plush trimming,
20.00 ....
Tbi I IibiiiImt Hull, burilwixl OnUli in nmplf, Htlit tiitrli or XVI nmiary,
.... fftl2.SO ....
If yen wnul iniiif ItiKini Hiiil, r'fir vim t imiI in lh ,'Aliirinii'" f
MV !tt, IIiiikIhIhh,' 1 ll'lhijrr, l Ctlmir Hil l I KH f'xll l'Xlilllllll tlll)ll, nil fur
17it. Von ycnt run lrv rMim fur U'c",
Von will tlit writ, wliru in lirlltii,
I rirt, C tirtmim iiml nviTYtliinu lo furiii.u liniim.
WILLIAM GADSBY, wshinf ion in J First Streets. Portlanj. Oregon
Sole Agents for Knox and Wauturton Hats
Hatters and
94 Third Street, PORTLAND, OR.
....The Only Exclusive
Baseball and Tennis Goods
Boxing Gloves
Croquet Sets
New Novels and JLignzines received m soon
ns published
Great Excitement AT Aii0RIA
Friedman's Store, 600 commercial street
The fishermen and inin-'is stiirting for the gold fi Ids
are petting their supplies t Fredman f. 5ocau?e they can
save from 25 to 50 per cent on their purchases of Dry Goous
and Clothing, Hats, Shoes and
A Good Suit of Clothes r $3.50 w to $10.00
It is no wonder that thev all rush to Friedman's. It
pays to patronise them at 600
Virmt Mtrcet
4 n J.Cwr-'?31
a i r- 1
to cull kii.I Itind tlirniuli our utm'k of
Men's Furnishers....
Fishing Tackle
Baby Carriages
Children's Wagons
Garden Tools
Commercial street.
The ABtorin DelcKatcH Will Sail on
the ICldcr Next Kridny.
Nfcw CoiineH Oruanixed
to the New Klcl! of Yelluw Metol-dovernment
Conmllm In KHtttl.llnhcM.
Tim exi'llMineiil III A.iurU ovr tl
llcl'U of ji-IIiiw In th Klomlykv
rmlnu U iin.ilH.iwt On nvr) ntn .
rontrr, ul thr hod )., and In i v ry n - i
luur.iui, uutlilu l Iwiird lint Kloiidyke.
. .. ul.l..l, .lll l...v Al.rli. ui '
' ' "
dir. r i:id r on Ih.- 31t ! coiii.
jomhI of Jo 'li Huiirriitttit. Andrew
llrln.dnlx. M. K. Ilmindu and Iuii'an i
McTavUh fhurlr. Wiim. and Tliotna. j
l.lnvlll" will Join Ib'-l"- The
nrl three g.nil. mrn will h" ronlil )
,i. tho bent nK-ehnnU In lh ity. E.ien
on. will tukn with him a huiitlrvd pounda '
of loitl.. iH-.hlra grub and vloll., Thvy
.ill go by the I'ya route and do niot j
of their own packing o r the rnng j
to the lake.. There they will build ono
Jr'-jgz . "--UtVgl
The Schooner Uanus. r ;' -
Captain Robert 8. Nortls has . -
the Jnnus on the beach at th- '
Astoria Iron Works fitting her ' "
out for a crulM to .lunenn.
from whence he and patty will
go to the Clondyke gold fields.
They will probably start from
Astoria early next month.
thcnwlves and bnggiujre to the gold floldi
M miles away.
All yesterday Mr, Buptvnunt's office
was crowded with Interested friends and
aHctaiori, who asked all kinds o que!.- ,
tlons, nud gave unlimited advice as -o
what the tourists slauild carry with
th.m and what they should .not. Mr.
Siiprenant "and his friends do not pro
pose to be caught llk the party who ,
made the trip last spring on a raft, and
which broke up under them, necessitating '
Its rebuilding, and causing the loss of .
half their grub. The Journey Is n long
and dittk'Mlt one. and should be studied
Ih all Its details by anyone contemplating
making It. Each new report only con
itrms the fact that the gold Is on the
upper Yukon and Its branches. Yes
terday. First Mute Chart. Anderson
received n letter from Ills brother The
odore, dated Dawson City, June 12.
Charles in first officer on the O, R. &
N. steamer Harvest Queen, and his
brother Theodore has been In Alaska
four years. He writes that he his 'a
good claim and Is doing well on li, and
that their brother Peter, who Went up
last spring. Is nlso doing well. Grub
Is now more plentiful In their camp, t.nd
lalwrers are getting 15 a day. If lie
gets time, he says he wll come home
this full. This Is tho first emphatic
encouragement received from Mm.
Anent Lounsherry, of the O. R. & N.,
returned yesterday from Portland, and
reiwrts that the entire metropolis has
gone wild over the Yukon country. Gen
eral Passenger Agent Hurlburt Is le
ctivlng hundreds of letters and telegrams
asking for Information .about the new
Eldorado. The steamer Elder In being
cleaned, painted and remodeled by a
large force of men for her voyage on
tho 30th. Now leddlng. new carpets, new
steernge accommodations, Improved ven
tilating apparatus, and general over
hauling will put this steamer In splendid
condition. The followng telegram ex
plains Iwr route:
"The Paclllo Coast Stenjnshlp Company
will establish service on the route be
tween Portland and all points In Alaska.
or to f1rlina boats to tranrport
.: ..
, it I mm
K . . M !
. 4 Vi5i
I 4 , i
f-f A rvAit- -
I ' r tri a. .. i w.
Country to Go
All Over the
Ifuvhig I'urtloixl wltlt thf Itr-t-liuK.
nt.-unwlilu (J.orifii W, KM.-r on tiie flr.t j
trli July 3. Bt.-amiT i-airylriK ir l.'ht I
and .niif"r. will touch ot the fol:ow- j
liu, iwitu: Mury lilund. Mthtlktla,
K'l.''un l-'i.rt WrAlltfU'. Jun.'UU. Doillf-
. r, ...
hu l.lun.l. I'yea, OlarU-r Pay. Kullianoa J
nd lillka ria- iniiki- gwil an-
inwnr.-nn-nt of thU through th local '
.r. and olh rwle give the ltil.rma- j
tlon fulhiit puwlhln publlvliy. Tula will!
enMl.lnli tint- hi aervlce to the Klon-
dyke and Yukon gold lltrici. Cntll
ili limn na you twelve th irt guluily
.ul.hlil fn Ight an-1 tariff.,
wire thU utf.i-e for nil further neceiary
Telegrnph Line to He Hull! to Iawson
:ui rmnrlsco; July U In spite of the
warnlnii that have Ih n given out by
returning miners concerning the pcssibll
Itles of stjirvatlon In the Klondyke rnun-
ll.eie. Most of the available stenmcrs
and VHcbls have beet) chartered by prl- j
vale Individuals and swculatot8. and!
there sems to be no doubt that thtre
will l-v a full compli ment of passengers '
wh. n the time for sailing arrive.. Tne
gasllt. steamer Ch.-tco haa lvn pur- j
ny nil r-ngn-tn sj n.He.ue i..r
It Is the pun" of tbe syndicate to j who ,.ft Seattle Thursday on fiwr oft
lak If'i nv-n, who will put up re") each, j i,inj tor Klondyke, go as representatives
Th.y will work on the ro-opvmtne plan. , 0f B y;,.w ork commtny with J."..ft1,
t... . Ik.... ..V..k ll.a.llri I! IO I . . 1. . . ..1 r-.l a .
i i in K.ifi.iiiiiT wiiwt,,, ... .. i
! I.. .. ...1.1 .A .... ..l , . , r V ttf irfm.
On the water front the excitement over j
Tr5 - ii! 8 t a s w- nt
. . .T-jS ip55ss! ' -T 'U..''1
-issiSirs.r T T w " & v
--T j. hi.
Jack Held, the boatman. Is ontmlrlnsr
n company of ten nun to g to the
Yukon tni.l fields, lie his secured five
sUtuuures to hi II t and thlnke there
will lie no trouble 111 finding the other
the wonderful stories told of tho Klon
dyke country has reached fever heat
The schooner James A. Garfield has
been chartered by the Alaska Commer
cial Company to lake a load of mer
chandise to St. Michaels.
S.ui Frinclpee July 24 Every day
new schemes are being proposed for
tlnuneial Investments In the land of the
yellow metal, and business men are con
ferring and considering many plana for
the profitable Investment of money In
the northern regions. One of the latest
enterprises formulated Is that of the
Alaska Telegraph and Tel-phone Co.,
which prolines to Incorporate shortly
for the purpose of constructing a tempo-
; rary telegraph line from Juneau to Pnw
ison City. The capital slo.k to be sub
! sciibt! Is tfiO.Mfl. and the company is
to be Incorporated under the laws of
J California. At the head of the enterprise
! are J. W. Wright, a local real estate
dealer: C. W. Wright, of Larkspur and (
D. E. Bohnnnon, The last-named is to
act as tho advance ngent
and chief
eonstructor of the company. Mr. Bo- ments are being made to open tne. shlp
hannon explained the details of the con- yards of the company at Everett, Wash,
aiructton of the new wls. The men for whom the first of the boats
I "Our method Is very simple." he said, j
i "file line Is to lie constructed on the j
I same plans as the ordinary military line J
! used hv armies for war purpose. We I
have a wire a quarter of nn Inch thick
! nnd covered with Kerlte Insulation, which
I has proved thoroughly able to stand the
rigorous climatic conditions prevailing
In Alaska. The wire la wouna up on
large reels, tho some as an tcdinary
telegraph wire, and these reels are to
be dragged over the Ice and stow on
Unit xlnlx. An f tat atony tli rveU will
; 'lmily to'y out th Iih? wlro nti'l run
I It nl'n.g Ih Krouiiil, Kfi-1 ihim emr Hnt
Kill lw through In nomi tMiik Ilk- nix
k, the lime corinum..'! In th or'iinar
amii over ttw country.
Uotmnnon 4-xi--i m l-uve for Juneau
In tli ntiir rutur, and will cntnmenc
wru-tlw. Immediately on hi. arrival
WanhliiKteli. July 24. IU-cwnlilng tho
Imi.orturxr of the iwnt gold dlwiovi rip.
in Ah-.k r.d adj.rfnm UrrHory, an I
In oWil nr to a wMeiprnul d. mand
j for auLhrntlc Intornuttlon In regard
Xh-r.o, tho cu(nmlMilonT of lulior hu
j J-tull-l from bin rt-ular fore- u annt
ih""ouKily ff miliar with all the
I ... r.. u
j ijt.9 ior uio yurpose 01 majtin j
! u rnreful mil cxhitunlve tuly of th i
l conditions tlN-re. It l th intention of i
i !
j tin? ronimliwioner to etnlly iht .c!
; In a i!eria rnwrt which will (ppir at
n ertrly a rtnte tu pofiKlhli;.
i.xrj:::::3 OITICn IN VfEON
Ksj!- City. July 24.-
, prolxihlllty that Well., Fargo ft Co. will
muMU! an ortice In Uawwxi City in the
comlnir nrln. E. L. Row. II, aonlatant
manager of the company, said that noth-
sould Ih- ganled by establishing an
I i office rlb-r than that. The rate of
i transportation for gold from Seattle for
8,iu I-'raiict-vco Is 13 a thousand and.ti
from Ri-attle to Philiwlelphla. If an office
' Is e!al.lhrl In the Klondyke district
: the rate per thousand. Including insur
' ence. will be fl.W).
Chlcajro, July 11. Among the many per
ona preparing to seek for fortune In
the Alaska gold fields, James E. Booge
of Sioux City, Iowa, Is a most Interesting
dgurc. Mr. liooge Is an ex-pork packer
and wholesale grocer, and Is nearly TO
years old. He formerly engaged In busi
ness Willi P. B. Weure. vice-preside nt
n charge of the Weare Interests
i arcle City in the Yukon.
6iattle, July 21. It Is authoritatively
6tated heire today that ex-Governor John
,n, Jlctiraw K. SI. Larr,
cui'Hiii. iitiuicu uy t . rviwaru Auunan,
.. r X . 1 . -l. .n .. I - ,
,t.u. incorporation In New Yorw Monthly.
(Jack Reid's Steamboat for khz Yukon River,
five. He proposes to build a .-foot,
light-draft, stemwheel steamer and ship
It, together with 10 or 15 tons of supplies,
to the mouth of the Yukon. From there
the party will go to Dawson City In the
The Western directors are ex-Governor
, McGraw, General Carr and George B.
' Klltterlng. of this city. It la also said
that Senator John L. Wilson Is lnter
: esied. It Is to be Incorporated under
I the name of the Yukon Carrlboo British
! Columbia Gold Mining and Development
'' Company, limited.
I Moran & Company, shipbuilders, of
i tills city, today secured a contract for
, the building of three vessels to ply
on the Stleken river In Alaska and Brit
ish Columbia, two steamers and a barge.
These vessels are to be used In op.nlng
i the route to the Klondyke by way of the
stleken river. The Casslar mines and
trail now being opened by the Dominion
(government from Dease lake in Casslar
country to the head waters of the Yu
West Superior, Wis., July 24. It is said
that the American Steel Barge Cv. has
arranged with a syndicate Interested
In the Alaska gold fields to construct
several small vessels on the wluileback
plan to navigate the Yukon. Amuige-
will be built are interested In the Klon
dyke gold territory.
j Hinton, Pa.. July 24. A terrible rain
and thunder storm occurred In this city
and county, ine .pisoopu cnurcn, one
of tho finest buildings In the city, was
j blown to the ground, as well as several
housea In the Immediate vicinity. Crops
' are practically ruined.
Signed bj Tresiilcnt McKialcT at 4
O'clock Saturday.
i rresidett Injes Coigrtss to Creit i Spt-
; cU, U(BIiMi0t once, to D Xot-
r.rtii.i tad Report if Sovetihtf.
WaahlnKton. July 24. The aenate today
paaael the conference report tariff bill
by a vote of 40 to . At 47 P. m. the
i t:irliT bill waa Igne4 by President Mo
There 1. . very , K(t.u.y h nQW , Uw
The following la the detailed vote:
I Aldrtch. MeBrlde. 1
Allison, McEnery.
Baker, McMillan,
Burrows, Mason,
Clark. - Stoma,
j Carter, Nelson.
Davis, Penrose,
j teboe, Perkins,
Elklns, Piatt (Conn.).
Fairbanks, Piatt ("e trk).
Forager, Prltchard,
Frye, Proctor.
Galllnger, Quay,
Gear, S'wall, '
Hale, Shoup,
Hansbrousb, 8Hner.
Hawiey, Stewart,
Hoar, Thurston.
Jones (Nevada). Warren,
lodge, Wetraore.
i Bacon, Mills,
! y.nw. Mitchell,
Berry, . Morgan.
Caffery. Murphy,
Chilton, Pasco.
Clay, Pettus,
Cockrelt Roach,
fanleU ?mlth. .
Faulkner, 7, Tillman, ' "
German, Turley, '
Harris. Turner.
Jones (Ark.). Turpie,
Umlaay. ' Vest,
Mallory, Walthall.
Martin. White.
' : ..... . . I. til
I "
"y- -
i ' KcC
little steamer, and arriving at their
destination, will either sell the boat, or
place It in regular service on the Yukon
Present but not voting Allen, Butler,
Absent and not paired Kyle, Pettl-
The following pairs were announced,
first named for and last named igalnst
the bill:
Chandler with Cannon.
Cullora with Gray.
Wolcott with George.
Hanna with Rawlins.
Wellington with McLaurin.
Mantle with Kenny.
Wilson with Hettfeld.
Hanna voted at first under the Impres
sion that Rawlins, with whom he was
Hatred, was present, but observing his
absence, withdrew Ms vote.
An analysis of the vote on the tariff
conference report shows that the affima-
tlre vote was cast by 37 republicans.
one democrat (McEnery) one silver re
publican (Jones of Nevada), and one
populist (Stewart).
Tliej negative vote was cast by SS dem
ocrats and two populist (HarriJ ard
Turner), Teller, a sliver republican, and
two populists, Allen and Butler, did not
vote. One populisti (Klye) and one silver
rspublican (Pettlgrew) were absent with
out paii-s, which was equivalent to with
holding their votes.
Washington, July 24. President Mc
Kinley today, sent to congress his lon-4
delayed message asking for the cnatlon
; of a currency commission. After re
ferring to the passage of the tariff bUL
the need of currency reform and the
report of tho Indianapolis convention,
the president says:
"1 therefore urgs and reomnnvnd that
o-"lil commlfulon h cri-uted, lion-
pttrtlaan in it cnarajiwr, iw oo t"mi'"
of well-Informed cltixon. of the different
parties who will command tl oonfluVpoo
of eongre.a b;ue of their speuliil fit'
nea for the work, wlici duty It ah, ill
oe to make Kcommendatlons of wl at
ever change In our preeent banking
and currncy laws may be found neces
sary and expedient, and to rpoit their
eoni'lualons on or before the firt djy
of November next. In onlnf It.
stane m..y be trin.mlttej to congress for
Ua consideration at the lirt
session. It 1 to be hoied that the report
will be of so comprehensive and unt
a character as to receive the aupoprt of
all parties and the favorable action of
congrsw. At all events, auch a report
cannot fall to bo of value to Ui exe
cutivi branch of the government, a well
of those charged with the public
legislation, and areatly asilst In thf
establishment of an Improved system of
The president's meage for a currency
commission was received by the senate.
tout the house bill creating the commis
sion was not acted upon.
Washington, July 21. CongreSM n l-
journed sine die at t o'clock tonWht.
The last session of the housw was
marked by many Interesting events. In
addition to the final act of th secretary
In fixing his signature to the Dingier
bill, the presentation of the bill pro
viding for th creation of a currency
commission, the house was crowd 1
through the closing hours, and the spec
tators which thronged the gall-rlc wt ra
treated to a continuous. If not very
brilliant, of oratory for veral
hours. When the vote was taken the
republicans presented an unbroken front
with two eicptlons, Kinney ani Ma-
honey, who voted with the opposition
agatnst the bill, which was passed 124
to 99. As the final act of the sevl in
the speaker announced the appointment
of the committee.
Ship Falls qt Dee and Cargo Eadyl Dam
San Francisco, July 24. -The cargo In
the ship Falls of Dee. lying at the foot
of Sansome street, was almost to ally
destroyed last .night by fire. , It was
found necessary to llool the hold md
such of the freight as was not dmtroyed '
by . the flames was damaged by water
The Falls of Dee Is a full-rit-'ged four-
masted Iron ship, and arriwd !n this
port from Hongkong four days ago.
She carried a large cargo of a miscella
neous ' character and of 'considerable
value- One of thV crew, sitting In the
forecastle, noticed the atmosphere grow
ing uncomfortably warm. All of a sud
den volumes of smoko began to pour
out of a ventilator leading from the hold
fcjid the frightened, sailor rushed en
deck and gave the alarm ot hre. Streanls
of water were poured Into the hold for
hours before the fire was brought under
control. The fire was not entirely ex
tinguished until this morning. The ship
Is built of Iron, and consequently was
damaged but little, but It 1 estimated
that the Iosa on the cargo will amountt
to almost 20.M.
New York, July 24. A special to the
Journal and Advertiser from Providence
R.i L, says:
At a meeting of the state democratic
committee the following resolution was
adopted: '
That in case the resignation of Presi
dent E. Benjamin Andrews Is accepted
by the corporation of Brown university,
In the opinion of the commitee he should
prior to the election next April be fe
lected by the democratic party of this
state as Its candidate for Vnlted States
Bloomfteld, 111., July 24. At Dresden, a
little town ten miles east of here, two
brothers, Butler and Morton Records,
became engaged In a bitter quarrel,
and Morton attacked Butler with a ch.tlr
and was about to strike when Butler
drew a revolver and shot him through
the left lung. Butler surrendered him
self to the authorities. Morton will die.
Columbus, O., Juyl 24 Fred Bileher, of
the national executive board, wires fro'n
Thurmond, W. Va., to the
headquarters that at the mass meeting
at Somonell last night the miners lulopttd
a rcsolulon calling for a general strike
July 25. They ask for a 50 cent rate per
ton and no settlement .until it Is mudj
Royal make, the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
.isolate! Ptira
amu. mum son.a so., rw torn.