THE DAILY ASTOitlAN, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 2U. 1897. SllitS to order, from $12.50 to $20 AND UPWARD..... PailtS to order, from $3 Up A PERFECT FIT ...AND... FIRST-CLASS .WORKMANSHIP FLYNN, the Toilor, -47 commercial mtrkkt Whid.tig-Up Sale Of Howell Ward' slook of Groceries, HarJrr, Stores, Etc AT COST Rear in mind we sr. not oflVririjr any one article, bnt the entire tock at Wholesale Price. When you go to Warrenton Don't fait to ilt KELLY & PALMBERG'S SAMPLE ROOMS ..The bent ol Wines, Liquors and Cignret.. GREENS 'attention a th;y canuMlown I strm yesterday vwnlng. j Tr farmers of Clatsop ar all busy Are tht? J-tvlt I lh harvest and taking In fine We have on hand the latest shapes. We bought them to sell. We are selling tnem at ex tremely reasonable prices. Ladies', gents', misses' and children's. Drop in and examine them. sH John Hahn & Co. A79 Commercial St. ! crovs. -y NEW TODAY Oxblood Hosiery - FOR - Ladles and Children ALBERT DUNBAR, August "Delineator" now on sale. For rootling and skylights so to tht Astoria Rooting and Cornice Co.. M Ninth street Junket is recommended by physicians as the most healthy food; UV. Olsen's drug stors. Two hutvdred boxes assorted fruits Just In. Everything going cheap. Ross, Htg gln & Co. The cointy clerk yesterday issued a marriage license to W. D. Howard and Alma E. Nordstrom. P. J. Meany, the leading merchant tailor, 1S7 Tenth St. The highest price paid for fur skins. j Mrs. Hougan and Mrs. Crook and fam ilies, of Portland, have none to Votf-n Beach for the summer. P. Duruck was yesterday fined $15 be fore Justice Abbott. Warrenton. for as sault upon John Buys. Burleigh the Cash Grocer. 70 Cents 1 deo S; en'i Mau' Fruit -Ur -.) Cent 4 packages 11 era l5ot Hwr 15 Cents Quart boltle Cliow Clio 10 Cents riut bottle IVklet , bovlm and own dwell tsslly nitd us I oninfortitbly on the land ns In the n, ! t.t.r Indeed, Is a wwidr seldom we I r.liiuwt raid nevw-swn, .unl vlll say It wik rvr seen Ix-fotv lu a show. tl Is a womh-r which few, coniinr lively )',nkm. of th ttmnsom.'in iww, twr will or ever ran , for so difficult of capture and so rosily an tmdcrtakliiR Is ill enotuiv of It, So VAtv lte Hie mighty monsters, now nil but extinct. i' nil so duiiKeiMU nnd hasirdous In the hunt for thm. that In .til thi iiUiory, the gom-lx-for i-lr-u-- uf tin" wrld, thi-rchas never two wen one on rxltlht lion. The nnlnml Is t'u monster ImivkL u. to he seen only with the Walter L. Main Enormous It. It, tfhowt, which will positively exhihlt :t Asl.rlA on taiunly, July H. Yu-Kon A fl'n rd t drci-H up since gold has Won discovered in Alaska A. & C. U. It lt.-NOTICE TO 811IP- ri:its. 5 Cents 5 packages, 41) each. Matches SHANAHAN BUILDING. Telephone) -t - Chas. F. Mattlae. C H. Fancher an1 W. A. Butterfleld. of New Tork. art guests of the Occident Tan Shoes lA Price AT OCR CLEARANCE SALE COLUMBIA SHOE CO. Fish are reported as still running well and only a small percentage of them yet are coming; tn white. TODAY'S WEATHER. Fair weather. AROUND TOWN. THURSDAY. Summer, with its poppy.frinsed cloak, brings the peace of fulfillment The regatta. Get your regatta hats out Ask your grocer for "Papola." Best meals 10c, at Casino restaurant. ; No dyspepsia If you use "Papola." 3. G. Wikstrom, of St Helens, is In the city. G. W. Tackaberry. of Denver, Is at the Occident Bee Ross, Hlggln & Co. for fresh fruits ad vegetables. Frank Gorman, of Brooklyn, Is a guest of the Parker. Mr. George T. Thompson and son. of Walla Walla, were In the city yesterday, quartered at the Occident. The latest! Bristol Steel Fishing Rod In stock. Call and examine and you will buy. Only at Fisher Broe. l.lrl, Hehoher Cn. gJ.OO. as 30 and M.OO Show.; your eholes 3.M. Columbia Shos Co. I I I Coin special brands of hams, bacon, lard and canned meats are the best In the frnarket. Ask your grocer for them. Junket an ideal health food, contains true nourishment in proper proportions. An aid to digestion: 10c. Olson's drug store. coast, returning wirly In Sepumber wlih a fine stock of fall goods, also bringing with her the popular milliner who gnve Astoria kidlcs such complete satisfaction this spring. During Mrs. Ross's tibene her establishment will be oivn ns usual. Ross. Hlggins & Co. have taken th. agency for the famous "Corvallta" flour. Three carloads arrived here fr them yesterday and they wilt tcom now on furnish dealers with the same at mill prices) In lots to suit. Tho fishermen of Astoria are one and .ill for a regatta they don't want to e the sport Ue out. and are willing to sail for smaller prls.-s If need be, ami in this way contribute their share of the expense of the entertantnwni. A new river servtce has been Inaugu rated between Astoria and Rainier. Ore gon, Including all Intermvxllate landtags. Tne fine steamer Pilgrim." Captain A. L. Brase. will make round trips dally. exceDt Sunday, leaving Rainier at t: a. m., reaching Astoria at tf:. landing at the Fourteenth street wharf, and de parting on her return at l:J0. lTompt time and the best service Is guaranteed for both passengers and freight. Krelitht will be carried on the follow ing trains only, (.raxing Heastde at S W a, m. dally, nt S:5 p. nt, dully, exept Saturiloy and Sunday, and at l:t! p. m. Saturday, t.envliu Astoria at 10 a. m. dally, at 5:Su p. m. dally except Salur- .lay and Sun.Uy, and at t:30 p. m. Satur day. Freight to and from FInvel will he carried only on the afternoon trains given above. All freight must be dellv. ered at station one hour before leaving tlm of train, and for Saturday after noon train from Astoria vo freight will lie received aftr I p. m. No local freight will be carried on Sunday, the public being referred to Wclls-Fargo Co.'s ex- prss. reculallous will be strictly enforced, as they nrv aMolntly ncesary. C. F. LESTKR, Supt. Hcnnim Wis oilers spec in inducements in I'lotliiug tint Hats. How lonis will lh;s LAST As louj; ns our out ! SHOKS hoi NEW OltMNAN'OKS. Tite mayor yster.lay slsne.1 the orll- namv maklnir the llivnse of clnues JI'O m-r .lav of $75 for each rerformanoe. ' The ordinance provllln for th? man- ner of envtlng tclesraj. telephone and .-trt car line pole nn.l hniiKlug elee. trie wires, vhlch was paj"- by the eotini'il Julv t has beeont.' a law with out the' signal nr... lllt smnrt bargain nt HERMAN WISE The', Up. to Date Clothier Northern Pacific railroad trains leava PortlanJ daily at 11 o'clock a. m. t r Tacoma, Spokane, and the East. Ck-se connection made at Srokane for Roesv land. Nelson. Sandow and Brttbh Co lumbia mining cajnps. For map and Information call on or address C. W. STONE. Astoria, Or. A LITTLE THING. THE FISM THAI'S. Word was received yesterday that the d:imag to the fish trap, at the east end of Sand Island was very snat In som Instances. Few printe trs were dis turbed and the prevailing opinion at II waco Is that the work was done by olher trip owners, while oth. rs firmly believe the Ushertnen dll It. Some of the traps havo twn r.-palre.l nnd are fishing. P. S. The liilitt'f.t store in Astoria. UIm'ji customers see what they buy. A NEW ENTERPRISE. Oftrn Shows the Chara-'.er of a Concern. r.ig T. H. Moore baa gone to the country on a bla-klerrying trip. If he falls to get any berries he says he will bring j of Schilling's Best yellow tle-t N fore A little thing happened down at the homo of Schilling's Ht Tea the other day that eot the firm 130, and the most Interesting feuture of the m.itler Is that they could have got out of paying It If they wanted to because It was a volun tary thing and no one expected them to !o it It stems that. In the earlK-r part of the missing word cont. 't. A. Schilling & Co. promised JPM each to the two per sons who sent In the t-irp.-st numl-er A quiet deal Is being worked through local parties for the establishment hero of a largo exKrt aw mill. The capital ist who Is figuring on tin- Investment Is a millionaire of Michigan, who owns the entire town of Trevors and large portions of several others. He Is a prac tical mill man and believes In Oregon lumber ami Astoria's location. Toe -lily question is a suitable site. NOTICE, back a beer. See Rose, Hlggins Co.'s offer to sell goods for cash. E. C. Holbrook, of Tacoma, Is at the Parker House. Mr. Geo, Pope, of Portland, Is a guest of the Occident A strong, sober boat-puller secure employment by calling at the office of the Fishe.-men's Cnlon, befora 10 o'clock this morning. June 15th. It seems fair that the consumers of the tea should get those prises. A groctr has a better opportunity of collecting tickets; and then, too, he makes a profit on the tea. But two grocer won tl:c piir.-s. and A. Schilling & Co. paid the innnc y. Now comes the funny part: they want- Mr. C. J. Rathbone, superintendent o water lines of the O. R. & N., was down yesterday with his family and went over ed consumers to get CM), and were le- to onn iieacn. termlned thev nhnnld Rr. th nnl.l .-.n. other C00 to the two consumers who had sent In the two largest number of tickets. That Is handsome, to say the least. Don't use a plaster for a lame back, but take Hall's Juniper Tar. It has cured others: it may you. Try It. Charlea Rogers, druggist Ladies' Tan sad Oxblood Oxfords, .M sat to l.OO, eat to 1.50, Laird, Bcbober Cm. 4.00 Oxfords cut to B3.0O. Colombia Shoe Co. The regular weekly meeting of the W. C. T. V. will be held In Rescue carlo today at 2 p. m. A full attendance is vtry desirable at this time. Fine piano for sale cheap. Will take NOTICE TO MERCHANTS. Please take notice of the effect of the following, a copy of a resolution adopted on unanimous vote at a regular meeting of the Common Council, held on July 16, 1&7: "Resolved, That the Auditor and Police Judge be and is hereby Instructed to give notice in the official paper of the city that no claims again the city will Junket Is the lateBt; Olson's drug store. 10c a package. part payment In room and board for .nan !be mtM un,f' accompanied by written At the bowling alleys yesterday, Lewis' score was S3. Ted Leave your orders for wild blackberries t Ross Hlggins & Co.'s. Foard St Stoke keep "Papola," beside a full line of fine groceries. At H price Hisses' and Children's Tan Shoes. Colombia Shoe Co. W. J.Kempton, of Madison, Wis., is quartered at the Parker House. An elegant line of Little Genu' Shoes Jo.t arrived. Colombia Shoe Co. Best cup of coffee in town at the Model Restaurant 403 Commercial street Ice cream by the bushel at C. Smith's. Private parlor for ladles. B. Every other man, woman and child Is oil for Klondyke In their minds. If your children have no appetite, give thera Junket; 10c. Olsen's drug store. Capluln Wm. Rh,field has returned from a week's trip to southern Oregon. The regatta committee held ever from last year and cannot be Improved upon. Dr. W. C. Logan, dentist, has removed his office to the Shanahan building, up stairs. and wife. Easy term for balance, dress "Piano," care Astorlan. Ad- The suit of Matt Auler vs. PantlJJa anil Sheriff Hare for possession of a fish net, which has occupied the time of Justlte AbercromWe's court for two days, will be argued at 1:30 today. It Is reported that Captain George Flavell Is soon to extend his dock to the harbor line and raise It to the rail road grade. The Improvement will b- of great advantage to the city. Married, at the home of Mr. C. Nord strom, In this city, Wednesday evening, July 21, 1SS7, by the Rev. Wm. Sytnour Short, Kiss Alma Nordstrom to Mr Wal ttr D. Howard, of Stella. Wash. A sample of flax was brought down from Cathlamet yesterday by T. H. Mc- Gill. The flax measured 47 inches In length and a sample nag forward,! hv Btoke to the Stewarts, Lis.. requisition authorizing th; contracting of the claim." H. E. NELSON. Auditor ami Police Judge. Antorla, Or., July 20, 197. Foard & tiur'i, Ireland. A lady and gentleman on bicycles, evi dently tourists, in natty costume and with their satchels and lunch baskets strapped on their wheels like old f"(h!oned saddle bags, attracted no little C. H. Sloop end G. Sloop, who were arrested for not observing the notice or the street superintendent to remove cer tain obxtruotions on Tenth street, will have a trial in the pollco court at 1 o'clock this morning. Mr. A. L. Mohler, the newly appointed vice-president and general manager of the O. R. & N. Co., was ln'the city ytn terday with his family. They Fpent the day at the beaches and returned to Port land In the evening. Mrs. Ross, the milliner, will tail for San Francisco, early next week, and visit during her absence the leading wholesale millinery establishments of the A MONSTER MARINE MAMMAL. No class of quadrupeds command so large a share of the people's Interest and curiosity as the unl-iue quadruped of the sea, except, indeed. It be the sea quadruped)) which are at the ame lime amphibious brutes. The fa-.-t of a tuar footed animal living In '.he sea la curious enough of itself, hut h-?n ihis four footed beast Is footed wilh ?loven 1 oof. like an ox and horns like a l;,nd BOND STREET IMPROVEMENT NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the Com mon Council pr-jpown to Improve I!ond street from tli west side of Ninth street to the west line of blocks W and 17 In the city of Astoria n. laid out and re corded by John MeClur". Biild Improve ment to consist of grading said ntrel to the established grade and planking the ratm to Its full width and established grade with new nnd sound fir pbnk M In., laid grain edge up, and by building slibTralks on both sides thereof S feet wide. In accorlunce with the plans and specifications to be prepared and depo lied by the City Surveyor In the oltlce of the Auditor and Police Judge, and In conformity to the ordinances In relation to the Improvement c.f streets. Said Improvement to be made at the ex pens of the property benefitted thereby as required by the Charter of the City of Astoria. The lands and premise upon which special nssisment shall be levied to defray cost of snid Improvement and the district embraced therein and the lots, block, and premise to tie assessed, shall be known as Rond Street Assess ment District No. JO. Said district em bracing said lots, blocks and premises to be cssessed for said Improvement are designated as follows: Beginning cn the west line of Ninth street at the center of block 24, running thence west through the center of blocks 24, 23. 22, 21, 20. 19. 18 and 17 to the west line of block 17; thence nlrth along the west line of Mocks 17 and IB to the center of block Pi; thence east through th center of blocks H, If,, 14, 13, 12, II 10 and 9 to the went line of Ninth street thence south along the west line of Ninth street to the place of beginning, contain Ing lots 1, 2, 3, 4. block 24: the north half of block 23: lots 1, 2,, 3, 4, block 22; lots 1. 2, 3, 4, block 21; lots 1, 2, 3, 1, block 20;. low 1, 2. 3, 4, block 19; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, block IS; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, block 17; lots , 7, f. block 14: lot 6; C ., 9, block II; lot S, 6, 7, 8, block 1; lots 5, , 7, S, block 13; lots 5. 7, . S, block. 12; lots 5, J, 7 block 11; lots 5, 6, 7, , block 10 lots 5, 6, 7, 8, block 9-all In the City of Astoria as laid out and reocrded by John McClure. Estimates of the expense of such lm- From nnd nfier this dau the undersigned will pay onl the following prices for fish For Red Chinook Salmon 10 lbs or over. 15 cents ner 11 For SieelhenJs and 1 ig-ht tolored Fuhnon, 1J cents ie lb. FlSHKKllKX'.S Pki;. Co , J. W. tt V. Cook, Ahkkpkkn Tku. Co., For Astoria nn.l Ilwaco Canneries. P. J, Mf'tiOW.VN it t'ON'H, J. G. Mkci.kii & Co., F. M. Wakke.y Sam'l Elmore, For Astoria and Ilwaco Cauneric CoLi MiiiA River Pko. Co M. J. Kinxev, And or Astoria Pk. Co, El'REKA & El'KTKK pKO Co For Astoria nnd Korekit Canneries. A. Booth Pko. Co., J. 0. Haxthoun it Co. July 14, 1807. Special Cash Sale - - - provement and plan and specification, of suclt 'work or Improvement and of the locality to be Improved have been deposited by the City Surveyor with the Auditor and Police Judge for public examination and may be Inspected at the office of uchloflloer. At the next rr-g-ular meeting of the Common Council following the final puti llcatlon of tht notice which meeting will b held on Friday, August , 197, at the hour or 7:30 p m., at lh city hall, any objection that may be made to such Improvement will lm conslib-red by the council, nnd If at the tlmo of said meeting a remonstrance against such Improvement, signed by residents of the city owning more than one-half of the proiwrtjr In said district, shall be filed 'with the Auditor nnd Police Judge, such Improvement shall not be ordered, If at all, except by c vote of two-thirds of all members of tho council. By order of the Common Council. A'fst: H. E. NELSON. Auditor nnd Police Judge. Astoria, Or., July 21, 1S97. IMPROVED... White Mountain Freezer Will in Four Minutes Freeze Cream to a.. .... Hard Even Grain All sizes, from 1 to 15 quarts, at FOARD & STOKES COMPANY Mitulnciurp sml lMlr In . . . W. F. SCHEIBE, FINE CIGARS! A lull line ol Pis. nl 5mukra A-il.l..., 47 -4) Commsrvlsl Ml. TWELFTH ANNUAL TQUR First Time on the Pacific Coast ... The Only Big Show Coming; THE WAIiTER h. PIU Grandest Best Shoms 3-Rinu Circus 5-Continent Menagerie Trained Wild Beast Show Free Horse Fair And Real Roman Hippodrome At ASTORIA, Saturday, July 24 Two Carmicl l)urlorttuuicuH THE MKJ1ITY bOVALAH'S. The rarest, Htrnrigest nnd iiwfulcxt of all tlu inonhtrous nmriinnds of tho uivp. MAUVELOl'S PERFORMING ELEPHANTS. A Hippodrome giving nil kimU of nice, by ft-nrltM liorwineii md horsewomen on one-tlnnl mile track. 'ERRIER, the world's- highest utxl longest diver. WALLACE, the celebrated Horse riding Lion. The Only Racing Steers. Originnl European Wild West Shows. Trained hcu.sU in huge. circular Htocl eago. .ions, Tigers, Elei.haiiU, Jaguars, Panthers, Leopards, Russian Roar Hounds and scores of other animals. Most Complete, inexhnustivc, all-coinpreheiisive three ring circus the woriu has over seen. Kio rfiipwned homo and foreign -stars, in 140 great acts. Mcnagerio of Hundreds of Zoological .Surprises. Rabv Lions and Ruby Hippopotamus, birds, beasts, Reptiles. CRflND, CL0RINUS, UNPARALLELED, FREE, CORCEUUS STtEET PARADU Every Entry (Horning Sare at 10 O'clock. Grand Excursion Rates on all Kailronds. Hicycles Checked at the Outer S4and".. UNION MEAT COMPANY Shield Brand Hams, Bacon, Strictly Pure Lard: ALL KINDS OF CANNED MEATS (luarsntsed th Bsst In ths Marks! COR.NEK FOURTH AND (1LISAN STREET5 . . PORTLAND. oiiPfirtM From now pn we will give extraordinary inducements Warrenton Is the Best... 1 TO CASH PURCHASERS The list of articles.which come under this head is too long: to publish, but a trial order will show that we mean business -Ross, Higgins & Co. Columbia Harbor Land Co. CORNER... BOND and ELEVENTH STS. Mami on application. THE CENTER OF DEVELOPMENT ! ON THE WEST SIDE I Everybody knows that Warrenton values will soon be doubled. It Is distinctly the best property on the market. Fine large level lots, surrounded by rrlany improvements, at very low prices. Is It not a fine Investment?