The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 17, 1897, Image 2

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Daily 0tovirttt
Telephone No. M.
Bent by mall, per year..... M.00
Bent by mall, per month 50
ferved by carrier, per month
Bent by mall, per year U in advance. !
Postage free to subscriber.
... .,,
All communications Intends for publl -
. ...
cation should be directed to tne eauor.
BUBIIU'S COIIlIi;UHH.'.UUIl. Ul iviiiii
and remittances must be addressed to
The Astorlan.
The Astorlan guarantee to Its sub-:
crlbers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on- the Columbia
Advertising rate can be had on appli
cation to the business manager.
The Weekly Astorlan. the aecond old-
est weekly in the state of Oregon, has.
next to the Portland Oregonian, the
largest weekly circulation In the state.
John F. Hundley & Co. sxe our Port
land agents, and copies of the Astorlan
can be had every morning at their
:nd, U'4 Third street.
There is said to he a strong probability
that Senator Corbet t will be seated be
fore the final adjournment of the senate.
It U beginning to be realised by the
sound money men of both parties that
on senatorial vote on the right side ol
the money question may become of the
utmost importance in deciding the cur-
renoy-reform ouestlorv next wL.ter if
Ohk KhmiM . r n... .
- ...... m v iKIlBllir, I
ts a colleague for Senator Foraker, that
would end any hope of legislation on I
tiiutnee. of the right sort duri r McKIr-
ley s administration, imless Oreoa K
h ,,
' ' ' 'U"TC1
v wUrar. a special session or our leg!.
lature might elect a sound money se .a-
tor, or one who world at least be re-
publican enough to stand loyally by the
'.trMlnJttvAil'. l - m . .
r currency re-
form, but the political situation hi Ore-
gon Is such at present that it would be
exiremely unwise to take any chine? cn
the election of a full-fledged silveriie or
populist. Thus, aside from the merits of
Senator Corbett's case. It Is said to be
the opinion of sou-ad money mpmh.K
the senate. Irrespective of party, that It
is bei to settle the question of Se.-.ator
Corbett's admission before adjournment.
This vote, with the vote of Vice-President
Hobart, will suffice to seat Senator
Corbett. even if the silver republicans
should vote solidly against him. It Is to
be hoped that sound money democrats
as well as republicans ta Oregon will
see that the senate Is fully advised as to
the uncertainty of the result. If a special
session of the legislature Is called "while
the senatorial vacancy is existing.
While Oregonlans are complaining and
growling about the backward season,
hundreds are dying in the East from
the effects of heat. It is not In the
extreme South, where we naturally tx
pect fatalities of this kind, but from
Chicago, St Louis and the MllJle West,
that these reports come. The long list
of death now contains over three hun
dred names. The number of prostrations
is much larger. Added to these disasters
of recont date, only a few days ago
storm and cyclone laid waste vhole coun
ties ;id cities, destroying llv. prop
erty and crops. The Intense hect. also,
has burned the crope In many localities
We grumble here when U rains, we
grumble when It does not; ws grow)
because It Is not warm enough, and
kick If thtre are a few days of sun-jhlne
to ripen the fruit; we either have t',0
much fruit or not enough to ship; wiieat
has been scorched, or there Is much
prices (Irup to a ruinous figure, in fact,
we are never content But there Is no
perfect climate, and Mtssings are a
ways mixed with evil; yt. In the worst
seasons In any section of the country,
onr crop's shortage Is usually offset by
another's abundance.
The othi r side of the pictur? is w, 11
worth studying. If Oregonlans only
knew It, they have more to be thankful
for than most any other portion of tiin
Union. Jnst look at the grand frjlt,
wheat .nd wool crops this s-ason, now
assured beyond all doubt. Prices, on the
whole, are good, and future prosperity
Is absolutely c-rtain. Whoever heard
of all crops falling In Orgo.i? Was
there ever a cyclone or tornado of any
ronsequence In Oregon? 'Was there ever
here a man or woman killed by lightning
or prostrated by heat? East of the
mountains it gets dry and warm in th:
' - mnier, but no fatalities have ever oc
curred, and the great crops of that re
gion are fast placing the state In the
froi.t rank of producers.
While the slate ct lar?e has reason
to fvj thankful a;d Indulge In ;nueh
self-cangratulatlon, Antorians, of all Its
etiljtts, have cause to be proud of their
exceptionally tine location. With the
giandest of river and mountain scenery
i tiir diir, and me old Pacific to near
that the roar of the surf can be
hennl , In our beds at night, I
and Mlt breeiea forever fan away ill'
ca nn.1 hoot; with the gtvatoet of for.
et prvs-ri nlmont within ft li'
throw of our tourt houm; with the flnt'et
dairying lands the un w emllod upon
ami with one of the finest land-locked
hnrbors nature has formal anywhere, we
cun aay ninny of the world' beat tltlnitu
j re our. ( k
Rornembvrnlg all of the irrwtt bloe
Inge, It ahouM he the duty of ! and
cUlx.n to write A doten letter
ta an many rrlon.1- In irw Imum, tins
yrar K1", to tell them what we have
! to Nirliw o of the new iHKiks. with
pini itinl nlcttm-m which are to lie soon
Seimed by the cttlien and railroad com-
panv; and tell them that In the coming
; 1
! full, if they are sl-'k or weary with the
j (',-Wlttniiii effiiM of their warm weather,
thy can take a Pullman ear and rlii
into Astoria on the new r-.ulo.nt, nnil
that htiv tiny cm hml ivinvrnNit hiMlli:
ami profitable business L.vMnvnt.
1. Rcausett affords almost Instant re-
ot m ,ne "-
and cholera morota.
t Uecause It Is the only remedy that
r-ever falls In the most severe eases of
itys.:try and diarrhoea.
3. Because It Is the only remedy that
w ill cur chronic diarrhoea.
i. Because It Is the only remedy that
will prevent bilious' colic
5. Because It Is the only remedy that
will cure epidemical dysentery.
i. Because It Is the only remedy that
can always bo depended upon in cases
of cholera infantum.
T. Because It Is the most prompt and
most reliable medicine In use for bowel
. Because it produces no bad results.
9. Because it Is pleusant and safe to
. Because it has ..saved the lives of
'more pe.-ple I
. i.. .... e in the
I world.
sa1 50 cent sixes for sale ny
i Estes-Conn Drus; Co.
I The legislature of Deleware minted
M divorce during tin- last wton. b
"nK 'ouble and probably quadruple the
j number ever granted by any prev-ous leg
J WiUure. The new constitution of the
j stale soon to go Ito operation takes
I from the legislature the power to grant
whv.n they put a man In Jail, he can-
(not fellow his natural inclinations. lie
cannot eat what he wants to he is 11m
lied to a very frugal diet Is it no!
equally true of a dyspeptic? For all of
the real enjoyment he gets out of life,
he might as well be In Jail. He cannot
eat w hat he likes, nor enough. He suffers
! much, gets little sympathy. At first.
pernaps a nine neavinesH m me "omiun,
la little sourness, wind belchlngs and
heartburn :headaches and biliousness and
a foul tiste In the mouth in the morn
Ing. Chronic constipation Is almost inev
itable, and means tbat the body Is hold
Ing poisonous. Impure matter tbat should
be gotten rid of. The poison Is being
reabsorbed into the blood and the whole
body. Impurities in the blood may lead
to almost any disease. Constipation I
the start of It all. Dr.Plerce's Pleaacnt
Pellets cure constipation, cure It so It
stays cured. No other remedy tn the
world will do that
' Send 21 cents In one-cent stamps to
j World's Dispensary Medical Association,
: Buffalo. N. Y., and receive Dr. Pierce's
KvS-page Common Sense Medical Ad
viser, Illustrated.
- According to the American . Wool and
Cotton reporter, there Is in Rhode Island
a hosiery mill whose entire output for
the coming year a New York Jobbing
house has contracted to take on con
dition that every stocking Is stamped
with the legend "Made In England."
It Is the same eld story and yet con
stantly recurring that Simmons' Liver
Regulator Is the b-st family medicine.
"We have used it in our family for eight
yean: and find it the best medicine we
ever used. We think there Is r.o such
nrdic!ne as Simmons' Liver Regulator."
I -Mrs. M. E. S. Addlngton, Frcnklln, N.
C. "Each member of our .family UBes It
i a w-f-aulnn rwitHrcj ' W R Smith Mt
Vernon, Ky.
The Queen reigns over one continent
l') peninsulas, SjO promontories, 1,'j0
l!.kes, rivers and 10,'"s0 islands.
I You may hunt the world over and you
will not find another medicine equal to
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Ilar
rhota Kemedy for bowel complal'.ts. It
is pleasant safe and reliable. For ale
by Estes-Conn Drug Co.
Is the time that tries all the care
cf the mother and a!i ihe skill c'.
maternal management. Eaby
comfort from fat ; fat
tabies have nothing to co but
to sleep arJ grow.
If your baby ccjs not seem
to prosper, if he coes net gain
in weight, ycu must get more
fat there. A few Grops of
' f iiV.
eacn cay v.n put cn plump
ness; fat outside, life inside,
baby and mother both happy.
Your baby can take and rel
ish Scott's Emu!::cn as much
In summer as in any ether
For sale by all druggists at sac. and ti-ca
J Our Ps and
Other Eyes.
Our I'l are ut as strong s
they were fifty year -hen
we have cause to use them.
Hut we have less ami less cause
to praise ourselves, since other
do the praising, sul we ore
more tlmu willing (or you to see
us through other eyes. This
is how we look to S. F. lloyce,
wholesale and retail druggist,
Iiuluth, Miuu, who utter a
quarter of ccntuiy of obscr
v.Utou writes:
" I li.tve soUl Aycr's Pnrsapa.
tilla for more than S years.
Kith at wholesale and rctcil,
nml have never heard auythittK
hut words of praise fioiu my
customer; not single ccm
ll.tiut has ever reached me. I
believe Aycr's 5arsapnril1; to
lie the K-st blood purifier, tl'.r.t
has been introduced to the gen
eral public." This, fivm a
man who has sold thousands cf
dozens of Aycr's Sttrsnpnrilhi,
is strong testimony. Eut it
ouly echoes popular sentiment
the world over, which has,
"Nothing but words of praise
for Ayer's Sarsaparilla."
Any dwbt stoat It? Swl fniCtbk'
ft kilts doabta suit Mm dmihffn. '
Aililma i. C ATS Co Lowell. Isu.
Await the rheumatic sufferer who resorts
to Hosteller's Stomach Bitters, That
this benignant cordial and depurent is a
far more reliable remedy than colchl-
urn and other poisons used to expel the
rheumatic virus from the blood. I a
fact that experience ra satisfactory
demonstrated. It also enjoys the advan
tage of being unlike them perfeet ssfe
With many persona a certain predion
sitlon to rheumatism exists, which ren
ders them liable to Its attacks after fx
!osure In wet weather, to curnrU ol
air, changes of temperature, or to cold
when the body Is hot Such person
should take a wineglass or two of the
Bitters as soon as possible after incur
ring risk from the above causes, as tl.l
superb protective effectually nullifies the
hurtful Influence. For the functional do
range men la which accompany rheuma
tism, such as colic, spasms lu the stom
ach, palpitation of the heart imperfect
digestion, etc., the Bitters Is also a
most useful remedy. It Is only neces
sary In olwtlnate rases to use It with
The French lens which" throws electilc
rays loo miles to seaward, and which
was part of the French government's
exhibit at the Columbian exposition, is
to be placed in the Harn-gat, N. J.,
lighthouse, where It will be the mosi
powerful beacon on the American coust.
'Last summer one of our grand-chil
dren was sick with a severe bowel trou
ble," says Mrs. E. G. Gregory, of Freder
Ickstown, Mo. "Our doctor's remedy had
failed; then we tried Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and IMarrhoea Remedy, which
gave very speedy rvllef." For sale by
Estes-Conn Drug Co.
Greal I'.ritian has been experimenting
with submerged cannon. At a recent
trial a target of oken beams 21 Inches
thick and I'.w hull of a ship protected
by three Inches of boiler plate were
pierced by a solid shot from one of the
submerged cannon.
Some for ten, some for twenty and
some for thirty years have suffered
from piles and then have ben quickly
and permanently cured by uatng De
wltt's Witch Hazel Salve, the great
remedy for piles and all forms of skin
diseases. Charles Rogers.
Mrs. Addle W. Duzzell, who runs a
farm near Waterford, Me., although jihe
is not more than V) years of age, has
had seven husbands, and tells a corre
spond,!, of the Lewiston Journal that
she thinks of marrying ugain.
Don't neglect a cough because ihe
weather Is pleasajit; before the next
storm rolls around It may develop Into
a serious difficulty beyond repair. One
Minute Cough Cure Is easy to take
and will do what Its name implies.
Charles Rogers.
In a small town in South Dakota the
hree saloons an- owned, controlled, and
ner-wnally m:inMg"d by the mayor, mnr
?aall and clerk respectively, and citizens
not holding ofll-" are not encouraged to
enter this branch of trade.
Mr. r h. Haslrouek, a druggist at Men
don, Mich., nays all of the good testimo
nials that have been published by the
manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera a-.rl Diarhoea Remedy could be
'Iiipljratf d in that town. For sale by
Ki-tes-Craln Drug Co.
The Rbdiop of London has nddnssed
a letter to the clergy of the dloex-se,
;iki. g them to observe 8m jlay, July 27,
In commemoration of the thirteen hun
dr.dth anntversary of the baptism of
Tthelbert, king of Kent.
To prevent pale and delicate children
from lapwing into chronic Invalids later
In life, they should take Ayer's fHarsap
arilla together with plenty of wholesome
food and cut-door exercise. What they
i'ed to build up tjie system is good
red blood.
Ulcycks may r.ot eat much, but It costs
a few cents to keep them In order.
The adult scalp should be thoroughly
washed occaMonally to remove the oily
particles, then apply Hall's Hair Renewer
to give the hair a natural color.
Use Welfoot Corn Cure. No
cure no pay. For sale at Estes-Conn
Lruff Store.
There are people who have objections
to tdvertlslnir matter in the columns of
newpaier. The ground of objeotum
la that they do not want to rtd ad
vertlsements. Now tbla objection Is not
good, for oftentimes thiwe advertise
ments convey ' valuable Information.
For Instance, how else would the trav
eling public learn of the excellent din
Insr car service of the Wisconsin Cut
tral line between Ht. Paul and Chicago,
or th general cAnifort of traveltnii over
this popular line.1 For particulars will
on the nearest ticket agent or Address
J. C. Pond. tl. P. A., Milwaukee, Wis.,
or Ueo. 3. Hatty, General Agent, lit
Stork street, Portland. Or.
Chicago l laying plans fur more ,
tmiMlve public Improvements this year
than ev r tmd.M'takaii lu faie. In , 'ttcr".
mreet kiIiik. i bridge alio tlrviillini
tmcM. and tl.e B.ljUHimonl of i.V guide
In varliMis puns of the city Iw r budget
Urvtidy calls for .imi'iV,
IXin't thin your blod with sa.srrji
or (xilsoii It with blue-mass; but aid
Nature by uslnu IvWIU's Little Fairly
Risers, the famous little pltl far Ci n-
stlKittii, biliousness and toimih and
liver trouble. They are purely veg'-l
able. Charles Hogvrs.
Tlx' exploitation of the "Klekxlu Alri
e.iiKi," rublwr-lHiiirHig tree, promises
to In- lni)xirlant for the West African
colonies At IotgiM the milky Julii evp.
orutixl glvt i, a siiiwrlor iptHlity of rtibli, r.
All th colonic of the Gulf of Guinea
poes this tree.
Few medicine have held their ground
o successfully ns Ayers Cherry Pec
toral, imrlng the past fifty year. It has
been the most popular of all rough cure
ind the demand for It today I greater
than ever before. Prompt to act and
sure to cure.
A barge tilled with sulphate of copper
wius rvcontly unk In the !t.slii de In
Vlllett.i, Paris, and the next morning
the surface of the water was covered
with dead fish, poisoned by ihe copper.
TEimiBLE ACCIDENT. -It is a ter
rible accident to be burned or scalded.
but the paJn and agony and ftisjh'ful
dlstigun'tuents can b quickly oven-mie
without leaving a scar by using IV-
WUC Witch Hasel Salve. Charles
M my P'irl'lan publishers :ir til.iinlng
the bicycle for a wry notlceaidc falling
iff In the Mlrs n II:. Ir l ik Tin y
lalm that people ride ns long as It ts
daylight and at night are too tlre.l t
read. '
W. D. Johpsnn, Newark. O., says.
One Minute Cugh Cure saved my only
child from dying by croup." It has
ave-1 thousands of others suffering from
croup, pneumonia, bronchitis and other
serious throat and lung trouble
Charles Rogers.
Don't promlae to be necommodutlng
I'r.le you mean to keep your word
you might better be brutally frank at
the outset.
Not only pllee of the very worst kind
can be cured by DeWltl's Wltcb Hazel
Salve, but eczema, scalds, bums, brul
Is bolls,- ulcers and all other skin
troubles can be Instantly relieved by
ehe same remedy. Charles Rogers.
How many women dare deelnre that
they dl.-dlke Wagnerian compositions and
adore peanuts?
Hundreds of thousands have been tn
duced to try Chamberlain's Cough Kem
edy by reading what It has done for
others, and having tested Its merits for
theinrelves are today Its warmest frlen K
For sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co.
Isn t It amusing to watch the woman
whose "now let mo pay the fiire" Is tak
en literally?
Sick headache can be quickly and com
pletely overcome by using thoo famous
little pills knovn as "DeWltt's Llttl
Early Risers." Charles Rogers.
Agairvtt all tradition the Tttlan-hnlred
girl finds that she Iwdts exceedingly well
In red.
When going East travel on the North
ern Pacific Railway. Quick time and the
only line running dining cars. Train
leaven Portland dally at U o'clock a. m.
A midday nap keeps away wrinkles.
Of all the whisker dyes offered to the
public none have proved so deilraMe and
easy of application as liiieklnghum's, to
color n beautiful brown or black.
TUB Favorite Home Semelg.
For ail diseases caused by derangement
of the Liver, Kidneys, and Stomach.
Keep it always In the house and you
will save time and Doctor's Bills, and
have at hand an active, harmless and per
fectly safe purgative, alterative and tonic.
If you feel dull, debilitated, have frequent
headache, mouth tastes badly, poor appe
tite and" tongue coated, you are suffering
from torpid liver or'biliousness,' and SIM
MONS Liver regulator will cure you.
If you have eaten anything hard to
digest, or feel heavy after meals or sleep
less at night, a dose of SIMMONS LIVER
REGULATOR will relieve you and bring
pleasant sleep.
If at any time you feel your system
neeJs cleansing and regulating without
violent purging, take SIMMONS LIVER
. . Ji. Zcillu & Co., riilladelpldft.
jnYeectiilile Prcpdrdtion TorAs
slmttiitliig Uk FixhI fliulHotf uU
tliig (lie SlOUUVLhS ami lk)wls of
lYomotcs l)iiicsUon.CUcrful
tmiiiT.Morpliitii' nor Mineral.
Not Nam cot i c.
Ma SmJ'
ftwm S.,J
f.V W .luywe
!! tlmn
Apofecl nomcilY forConstlrvi
liort. Sour Stonwirh.Diart hoca.
Vonn5 .Comnlsions .Fewrish
ticss oikI Loss of Sleep.
TacSinaW Signature of
niMji.nni ' t mm tt r
The Choicest
Table Wines
Also for Medicinal . .
and Cooking Purposes
103 Twelfth Htroot
Hustler's Astoria
Twentieth St. and McKee Ave.
Good Reason
Why Lots
...Are Selling...
482 Bond Street.
m-SA. L
4c II Htnrtlnx CO llnno I'uvrfr M.irlrin Kmhiiic.
roil l'AllTK i;l.AK AIlOKKHN
HcrculcH Gas EhkImc Works
, .j'.vl I r
Fwf r
Ross, Higgins
R. Iv. Boyle & Co.
Real Estate, Loans and Investments
823 Commercial Street. Aetorla
Ci:ot! tt ji nl p la en-tli lwtll sslr. It
l sol tolil Is balk. Doo't silo stjuflS I Mil
jvt anything " ' l'' " vrools that It
tl "Jail sa rmI" ai "will stsry pa
f. ' ie that joe f o i a-T-o a ix
tii hi- h
"Private Stock"
"Cream Rye"
"Old Hickory"
"Pride of..
Rcpsold California
cmuiucu on nit Bonui 8iu
of Ahtoria's hill.
TwHitv (U'grt'os wuraier
and vegetation 30 days in
advance of the North fide.
Magnificent eitea for res
idences, overlooking river
and bay, eunny and shel
tered. Easy and natural grades ;
little or no grading needed
1'ilnf aollne or ch.ap dlatlllata oil.
F.nglnea connected direct with pro
(ivV.tT ahaft, and no noliy, aally broken
bevfl gear, mrd In reveria motion.
New aparic device; no Internal aprlnj
lectrodoa to burn out.
Send (or tcatlmonlala.
Wt are bulldln( thea new t'yle, self-j-tarJnir
marine englnea In all ulic
P!vprv .nffln. futlv vutrint.1
Monmoulh, Ore.on
lieirnlitr Norinnl ('oiime of three yean.
Mnnior yenf wliollv iiroffwiiiitiiil.
lii"iruni'iit of nine grwle. with 3n0 rhlldriMi.
Itimriii'llon un'l iriiln tig in ityinnamii'i (SwtMll.h iyn
tumi. Mti'l X'tx'.n Mnitln for nulillc .rli'mln.
ilia Norinnl il.lom. i rwiiKiiliixi by law el a kTATE
1,1 KK. ri-.mir M A I r. lo ti-iK.'ii.
i ight niifum. Tiilllon, biMilcii, liouid anil lol(iiig (p
lirniliimli'lyi, UK'.Vwi tier Venr.
iluili'iit- Winllnc tlii-iM!lv(i. IllH.nO per yrtr.
Acrtileiiilc umilrn tu'ciiteil from high i:luxil.
(j.inloKUf. rhverfnlly iunt on applliMllnli.
Ail lrii.4
I'. L. CAMPIIELf,, Pmidanl, or
W. A. WANN, HecreUry Kecully.
& Company
Are You (ioinij Knst
tl tur ltd th( your tlnktt
rMiU vi
TkU U lh
all 1'ointH Last
foutU. Tr.rk, 1'Mrl.M Vm
UIiuIckI Iinln nl Hlrailn Car
Tr.liii nl II otlo 1
tUv dv.u inn ro.a national imputa
tion. All claaa. or iM.n.r. earr14
on lh VMitltulwt tralu. wltlioul ur
oham. Hhlp your frlht and Iraval
ov.r thli (anioua Una. All liaa
tick. i.
Out. AcaoL Tra. r. and I'. Aft.
HI Waahlntoa I'ortlaod, Or.
This Railway Company
Operate I (a Ira I ne on the (anioua block
Uhta Ita tralna by Inrijimtx tbrougk-
Uaa th celebrated eleottia bertb rd-
In lamp;
Ituna aplemlldly ulppd paaaenger
tralna every day and nlaht betwaaa
Ht. I'aul and l'; the
Chicago, nilwaukee &
St. Paul
AUk operalwa atnam-heatml vallbul4
train, carrying th laJoal private
compartment car, library buffet
mokliif care, ami palace drawing,
room alecpera.
INirhir care, (re reollnlng chair ear
and tht very lri dining car rrvli'e.
Kor loweet rh- to any Hint In tb
United Htatm or Canada, apply to
ticket agent, or addrau
Oeneral Agent, I'ortland, Or.
J. W. CASET. Trav. !. Agent
Going East?
IH YOU Alfli,
Three Important Points
FIHHT-Oo via the 81. I'aul becauM
th Une to that point will afford you
th . beat err vice.
8. i He that th coupon beyond
St. Paul r-ada via th Wlaconatn Cen
tral becaua that tin make cl ooa
nectlnna with all th trane-contln.ntal
line entering th Union Depot ther.
ad It aenlc la nret-claaa tn every
TUIltD For Information, call on
your neighbor and friend th near
ticket agent and aak for a ticket read
ing via th YVesconaln Central tin,
or addrea
Oeneral I'aaeanger Agent,
Milwaukee, Wl.
Or OEO. 8. nATTT,
General Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
Now ,rrl Krwdf .l...aa lu M
prolali,. lir.Ml t M lu U l.i ja tl. w.
r-rurwl moiwy II ilt. D.'t fur... Vottran h. IimimI.
ttottM fur 1 tt. miimi pnn
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A complete atock of lumber on hand
In the rough or dreeacd. Flooring, rua
tic, celling and alt klnda ot flnlih: mold-
Inga and ahlnglea. Terma reaaonabl
and price at bedrock. All order
promptly attendid to. Office and yard
at mill. II F L LOGAN.
Heaalde, Oregon. Proprietor.
Emil SchacRt
Roomt 317-318
Portland 3avlnj Bank Bldj.
Portland, Oregon.
Opi rry day frm I aolMk to 1:11
and 1:10 ta t:M p. m.
Bubaciiptloo rate tl per annura.
Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Fruits
Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and
Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies.
Cor. Tenth and Commercial itreeit.