The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 11, 1897, SUNDAY EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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Healthy It K reuse us lrocr for Them
ns the Men.
I II HiiiiiimIim I hinl wrung lor ulrta In
iiiuimc In utlili-tli-a','
Thla la I In- iu. ailim liii iih'I
riil.ilii tiltm-it lluliMm i.rli-lli'i iiifl I'm-I-tiuil.-nl
..nili- fur kihiiiI y.-ni-a t'ii-i hihI
In now ii umiM-f t much i'inirnvi'i'y In
aumc 1 1 1 ii 1 1 l l Hivr aline llif advent nf
Dm liI'M'li' In Hi luli-.t furlii It tuia In i n
a itu-iili-l, IIIUcll Itl'Milt d, Wlli-lller willlnil
iould with iiiitii iy tile the wln.l: it
whether liy li iiii lit-y Were mil ur
rniiiliiiim Unit iiiiiiilrnly iinal.aiy tiled
liy riklil la-hum" In I" r mul forma In r
rlllif rlintlll III life N tw ciilni llw li .
lug fuil mul ill-' Imllin have their duya nl
llir nil. Mi. .mil llu li- .irn ccllitltl -Vt nlnic
wht.i l.ilh . .1111111' In fri.-il.tly i mi-
Irnl l I. 11 ill"
lime ti.iili.l t III .MIC ll lull r M'erlrlii-e
Ihm lir liu l..i lii lve wuy In every
pr. )ii.ll. . f,.teii..t l.y milnl.iiin i i.iH'.'l v.'il
.111.1 III It l'l Hill'. "V" T-
ahii.lntt -d Willi hi riiii' mul
rnlin mi. I I d .ik. will ulwuya 1-c In Iml
nii .Hi.l iinli.ii'i'V 'I'lima nr.- iir"ly
ndi .hi. -lug Tli.- tli.r nf ..II t x I "ml
IHif.ii giriK . ii.l.m wiiinuii Willi it
Itlltll!) l r nil. I ill lli'ille tirtfitltUi iMtllt,
nun Ii Htm.. linii.iH.ini In Ik kept In it
ll. it. .ii .in. I h. ..Ill.v Hunt llml
of mill Hii. lMv linn nun h 1. 1 -In wlili
wrutn.iii'i .li. ,.l .l.f.eia, I. ui et.n liu -c
dl-iidi ,tiii.i,-.-a Im' nwi'i fine l.y iiiiv.
fill, lull MlK-til nil. I ayal. III. illr I ruining
r Hi" l..-iv I kimw I inn tight win n I
HV llliil il.IV ..l "f iiMi' "'ll Will
del .1. . ii.nlili nun. 1 mi. I luitln la
iri..r .-f ill' w-.tniilt ita ftttirli na ll I.
fur ll'.. iti.tM. nn-l tuaUy nt. in tnitirl:inl,
fur ii.iim I., r Ii. .lili .1. ..'ii.U Hi.- Iir.. mul
V!nr "f fiiiiii.- h in rn.ii Mini ! "ui
In Hi.- uiitl.l ..II ilii. lliii.-. ilKllllinl
itm it I1..1.I yt t)...iil..n uit.l in.iir. ir I-h
on II. n ;. wlilli- w.iitmii'a w.hU k. p Ii. r
l.tltf.- I'HI of Hi" Hum1 nl hunt. I. Ml
nn ' . in. ..I. ...ii "f ii n 1 1 1 1 1 it M. it i.r
wiiiii. - tit .ir Irliik i.m it-ii.'!', ii-l
n) 111'."! ml .itl.l .lili.k A W i till. I II ' Hi
rl.l.- t I I. v I. , i li.ii.-. mw i l. i.i. i.r
walk ll1' rntf. I In an. It .t t- it" I" i mi.'lr i-ntllllli-ltt, mul !!' i ml it"
all l.f II.. . Iltllitfa III lllo-h-at tllil I'.'
. 1111111, ni.t.'ini i will niir.t. i iii m- a
ittt. n'l m i r i i.ii..' rtll. l'.iii
T.-.t- Ii iiui . "iiiii irl tu an int. in
lint, t.i tti. llti- fri.lit nlmi. l.t n lt..f.'. I" 11. 1, il Wh.., lit .Irltr,
Itt Wnlk n.f-rl) l r"l' Lit l'lii. t.t I".
Ill fi n . . I nil. ml. f ' V t.""" it'"' ! lll
mul In -I'll,', ntnl Ilir titliir wi.iiiitt will
in l i.-r .'.'III .if 111-4 Ilia iiilllllliill I"
til. -Ill III.) Will ll.- KlMIl itlllKlltlllK rltu
lo .l't Itt-al'lra Ih th.' Iiia:a- ,'tn.l
tirMKiitM- o.-r livui.l.a mi. I will n't
ttfrni I : fiilnil Hi.- Mi.-li.-al nili..ut In
llf- TV... h Hi-- tin I'. nli. (Iml In -tilth In
Illr lll'l 1 . ' 1 ' . 1 -H ..r I'.f. . (lift Hull lo
Dbfl till .l.-X.I"a lllrlr il.)lfill lliltiri-
ni.'--(-i I'll.- .f Hi.- r.i-ii r. i-ilrriiK-nia of
Ih,- i'i. u!..i 'I t. h i!n in Hun nil IM"
--wi l"- -I'.ti.- win.'i.ii k-ivlni; i.ti-r tint- I"!
or mil. ..f nil liu int.'.. nl) ,.i..l r.firv.'
with nltl'li Hti -tliiiul.l atirrtttitt I Hii iti-'t--i
Willi iili! .ui.l lii.-lli.r-. ri-.l:.
Hi.--... 't Im li'li--. nn.- tt.tlf liu- .I.M'inr. m-.l
Ifritt . t i'1'.l-i Will lit -fit mil itf !iul
II. mm
V;. I' Ho--. In .nv yf h ii.k, ( ll"
ttif. al.try .11" ti t,iuilful Klrl who aitirti-.1
lit.- it w.nk, 1 1. kn.l.tlili "I limit inny .if'
nt? IiimiIiiI. 1 1 i-r wua atittil.-.ily
tiwiikviivt, I'M'I tmiKv li-.TtHlf a III
rfimimnl'in for the aimnC, K.tiul nulK'
until alu Im t il, alt wt-nl lo Ih" I'lit-llli-l),
mul tliriUmlt two yt-iira inrrist'tli'
mul yt- tn.itl.' n. n I.' In w IiiiiiiIiik.
rowlitk. il.HiiK ii'tr.' l"-i k.
rllniltlim volff i-ull urt'. lt' .tt-vi l"ttl
lino it lnvrly w tmuiii. itnu'r.) wit Ii nil
tlut nt tiiiiiiillalitin nl". i itiilil' "f tnklp
nirti tif Ik -rtirlf mul li.-lplitif "Hi.-ra Any
yimiiK lilrl. it"W laitunlhliK frm In.n lioii
nml tin. Ilia of llf" run tin Hi" ""' H'li'K
If aim h.ta Ilir . nix- mul w ill hiw.t to
nwiik.-ii In llf-' r.itillilll'l.i Ar" not
Illr In-lllt'litliMia HilvHIltillli'a In Ih' B'llllt'il
worthy of Hut i-ffiiil? Tin- vary lii'l't' nf
ttfliiK itl.l.- tn Ii.- it llv", writ, in-llv.' Ik'Ihk,
la atitn.'li'nl ii.liirrmt-nt to inttk.' th"
trial, l-.vt-ry inillii-r mul rvtry fttlirr
ah.tiilit . In II tlml their UuuKliti-ra
titki' at ntillil", t It'iilllli- ii ml ayatt-ltintlf
rt-irl whli'h will nut only mnk" thrill
atrium iiii.l uaifiil liiiinlifra of ati'llry,
hut t.-ii.'h llirm IiimiIiiiiIiI" iirnt'tlfiil in'
liilr.'liiilUa Hint mity aoini' tiny I'linlih'
thrill lo Httvi- iht-lr own or the II fr of
unothtr. rAH"I.INE.
Thf hriiuly of wontfit nhnulil
ltiat. Kittwln innri' mul nntr" mellow,
until iho eiiil. wiya writer In tlio
riilliiil.lihlii Tlnita. Tlmt Hi" heiiuly1 of
worn, n, lll(" llml of men. ulnmM h"
It riiiliu 'l from Hie atniulitliit of mlvnnf
Iiik maturity eannnt lf tlliiitiel- 't l
aliKiil-.l in I'lalni Hint lihe rlrh
heiiuiy or M In Iran attraellvo Itinii Ih"
hinlilliiK Imiiintiirliy of nwoet 11. When
women live, In hurmony with nature'"
Inwa eiieh ki.ikii f lire h'i It ova
ehann. The fulltu aa of lieiitily iIm' not
Mich Ha Eenllll uiuli r the no or X't nml
i. Ilel-n of Troy eomen uiwin tho rlnn"
at tlie iiH" or . AapiiHla Wii 3il Winn
marrlttl to Peiii lin. nml nhe wim n lirll-
llant nKiiri-i thirty year thnrfnrter. t'li-o.
imtra wnn lumt 91 yearn whon nho met
Anthony, l'liiimile rolollrm wiui SO when
hhe nun the lienrt of ' Henry II. Tho
Klnif was tin If her nice, but hi ilevotlon
never rhatiKeil. Ami" .of AiiHlrla wan 3S
when ilt-aeiilieil it tho niot lieaulirul
woman In Kur.U"'. Mii'lnme ili'Miiliil.-nnu
watt 43 when unltetl to I-oul. nml Cather
ine of UumkIii wim M when nhn Helieil the
throne h" oeeiiiileil for thlrty-flv yrnrtt.
Mile. Mnr wan mont ht-iiutlfiil at 4", nml
Mnie. Ileeamler la'twifli tin-a(eH of 8n
nml J-i. Tho mont IiikHhk nml Inn nan
pnMHlon I not limiilretl liy two dt.cnila
iM-uutlv. Thu olil oaw alKiut nwix't six
teen In i-xphHlml hy tin-, truer knnwit-ilK
tnnt the hltflient lieuiity (loe not dwell
In Immaturity. for liontity di not
mean alono tlu fiiHlilon of form nnn cot
oiIiik a found In the waxen doll. 1 he
dew of youth nml a complexion of roue
nre admirable for that period, but n
womiin'i btt and richcat yeara are from
M In 4" ymia, It la nn nrnml error fur
any wiimnii In ritinnl herarlf na imaan nl
niiy nati, If aim grnwa old artre fully,
Tim fire ii"iii Hut Inn rill la low,
Ami tlnr la mlllinaa m-ery where;
I, Ike tnnililiiil ai'lilia, lirrr nml then
'I'll" flrtilaht ahnilowa lliilli-rlnn no,
Ami ii Ilir aliiitlnwa round In.' in-. .,
A liill.llali lri hniika Hie Khaitu,
And anfily from n fnrih.r room
I'linn.a; "Now- I In y int. ttuwn In alerp."
And, aiiimhow, wnli llml linle prayer,
Ami llial Irelile In my mm.
My llnti'-rlil Kura l-ni'k lii illaimil yi-ma
And llliaira Willi il iletll l.lir Iherr;
A I'll, na I hrnr tin- ehlld'a Him. ii.
My lllnllirr'a fnlh eomra t.i-k to III",
I'lOUelleJ Ut lirr lda I i-rfn ! be,
Al-.l rtt-il Ji. r Ik Ll my limnla nunlil.
Hi, for nn hour In Hint iteur i I . r.
Hi, fur Hit. -.i if llml tli-iir lime!
Ill, for Hint ilillillali irual aiililllll" '
i ill, for ;t alliiiiM- of tttittlii r'a fiti-e'
Vel, ita Hie ahti'lnwa round me ri-i-p.
t do tlitl arem In la. iilmi"-
Kuril iri.iatli- nf Hint lr.1.1. tniir-
All-I "lltW I I ll y rnr ditWIl In alri-l,"
KuKi'tm I 'll Id
A lllllit alibi til tiiill.itr nf aiNln or liltlili-ll lo milk will k..t II fr.tin lurnlnt
a.tur In hut w-i-ttili.r. while n few luniita
! auK-ir In lit" eri-nm Jnr will itnaw.-r
Ihr aniiir .iiri.t'.
A lllr.llia of prrat I t lll , Kit i 1 1 1 I V I I y
III.- H' ltltll la illiillit Hit III till.. bnlll iK
Wrttrr fur till' a-tlier tlf 11 tlllMlt" or l.t
Thla i-.itiat-a Htr Willi" fif the r-fK to fiHttl
,t anrt of m.-tiilanfi.- wlil.-h ritilrt-ly
Ilir nlr
i"nl fl.iwi ia will r.-i.tln th.-lr fr. aliu. a ll longer If a lllll.- iinr. rnil
la to Hit. w ilir III tli.-y nr.-.llli-..l
It la lllatt n W'nmI plait In alllj. Hlt-
.-1..U nf Im- alttlka t . ry .luv
l.lKltl W-ihiIi II niillrrlilla nrr tin- r.,l. Nl
mi. I tnitlHili al wt .tr for Iml wi- iH . r
Ml. Ill Iml thlliua nit IBil tit N r. 'i nil
lit. -ii. I, .1. ita Hn- i.l.alrtn-la H.r In---
l.-taan-,'.- nf nlr iinill Inlir I.,, to 1. 1 "HI II
m.iiI .....k.-.l. I. iii -tin, n. I I-- will il..- t..:
.tri.1 -ii-.i..-ltil.-.t l.y u atlil.-f. tut na .t t,Ir
ili.' iiir fr.-.- .I--I-.--M. iii 1-v.ry i.trl
A w.-t llllll. I--11 I hm"i. Tlri-r la- I. ft
ti..'it Itt .Iry. ita a1rt-i.liliia wltllr I'mni.
Iinkia lite -Ilk to apllt ll all.. itl.l
U. pl-u d Inttitll" itovr-;iw .tri mul ilii
iiii.i.aiiin. Li drum uiiir. trmlv
I'l-ratl tlall ahotttd It" ait.tki-. III
Water lii-f.irt. 1-n.iklliK, a II di alr.tya I In- mid iiiiik.-a It a.f(
Til" f.tlltlW tllj la e.imtllelltlr.1 to Hinat-
w la latrly Ituum, ititd w ho
11 lit hi - Hi.- IJvta iif Una--- Wll.t like to ill 'il
lalrr n Wt-t.ry btirdi-ii Hii'ittiMh Hn-lr niilm--,-ilt
t r-tliiita .
He who would thrttr
Muai 1 1., lit th-
at-1 l'roi. rl.
lb- who . tlirlte tnnre
Muni nar by f tor
lb iilni'.l atlll inure thruiitK be
,ilt , n.. hla l.i.l III Irual by llltrr.
And Wim tllla Inner would oil ( -.In,
Will rn'iae up lit Hit' Ktrnk" llf tWn
II.. Ahn'il ii.-v.-r Ib mil. Pan.
Mltal rlae a -mmiii .1. n.'le.
lie nlio'd ll'iurlah la'at of all
Hln.llll'1 never irn to l d nt till
-Old 8.-rap.IJook
K'llt Mt Hi IK llf '!' ItnYH.
linya are iml errtiturea of totnl ! prrv.
liy, tiny alnidy and naturally ttiid to
ward Hint whleh la pill In-fore tin m li
nn itttrnellM' m.tiiiier. If tltry a-,, wro. ir
tloliiK mull' miraetlve, tiny nnturally
want to KnlulK" In wniliK-dolilK.
1'r. TitliniiKe aiiya: "If you have a iiill.1
Inviilii.'rnble to all other InfluniceH and
he i-aii not tt" ap.illeil by any nieana al
ready reiomiiientlt-tl. alto hi in plenty of
money without any niirailuna a lo what
he ilnea with It. The fare la cheap on Hie
road bi-iwen here anil HmaalitiptowTi. 1
known linya with 15 to pay their way
ii-nr IhroiiKlt. ami make all the ronnee.
Iloiia on the 'tirmul Trunk' route to perdition."-
When day'a lonir rour-n- of toll I done,
Ili-forr the real of lllirht,
I aland to wnlch Hie aottlUK nun
Prop alowiy out of ahtht.
Then In tint cloud I love to traeo
The forma of lllll and plain,
Ami think I nee my native plnc.
My dlKtitnl home hkiiIii.
I love the wind that blown front .lu-ni-e
With newa I ltmr to hear:
I love Iho wind that blow from hence,
My Kreetlnn oft lo bear.
Across the alien! ilci'V blue aklea
Seek out my home, O tirpea'.
tlcyond the aeven IiIIIh It Hen,
lleyoml tho aovpn aena.
How blue IIiomo hcavlnir Bens and deep,
How IiIkIi Ihoae piirtliiK IiIIIh,
The aiinhiama on their ureeit ereitH
Their vnlod the aluulow lllln.
() land of youth, O vanlHheil land,
I mi k a dlKtiuit Hhore,
And ran I jfver hope, to atmid
I'pon thy niountalna jinor?
Or In that country where I K
My weiiry wnnileiintts punt.
Shall I look round altoul and know
My imtlve homo at lal?
fornhlll MiiKitaine.
on riivsicAi. rui.Ti ui:.
"The flra! three qucmlonH which mIiouIiI
he put to a phyalcal culturo pupil." anya
an authority on tho auhject, "are, "What
do you eat for breakfast, luncheon, din
ner nml between meal? How do you nit,
and how do you stand?' Standing Is n
lust art, ami n for alttlnR, ao fnr In the
history of this world of oura It hna nevor
become an urt. When It come to eat
ingwell, I feel almost hopclcaa about
ml Inn I feiir Hint wnmeli will li' Vt r
Irillli in nit,
"Tlir Inaiili Hie iriuinK of ft am.i.H,
li'iillliy al'iin.i'ii by KhlUK It ninlrea nml
i' i rt-il in lnalrnd of Hi ini.-l' f.'i'l.
Nnirly all Ilir ymiiiK womi-n tin liu. am ,n
illl.tU- l.t'iy lllllr lln-y (In tin y i ,h ll
lln-ir niuai It a Vnu i itu not pnaallily train
It llltll"'l.' null
prop, r food,
' I'll In tiila
you lur. I- Klvril It Ilia
tlnn," Hie i-iiHiiialiial c ii-uii-l
noinrn Imtr di'iu"l
limit d, ' ulrla
Ih. lr alii iiilmi
nlliioal rx'iualvrly lo (In-
deVi Inpimiii of Hn-lr iirma nml b ifa Tld
la n K rent mlMiikf. WmiK ii in t d, i t i n
more Hi. ill lit. It, to lllvr rillliil till llllnll
In lln- Vt Inpnii-llt of Hrir or-rana
Tit" r-a i.inl in ma work inn. Ii linn tit I
ly If ilia thai m-iaiia iiif w.-ll ) t pjpi d,
"U'l. ;. (.id mat K'a 1,1 '.' r , !.: I
II. lull K Hie H aiiii-r aliniild l.n-li In r l
r.i 1t !lnt, Mt, nn fn,.l, atnlt na alt ajti",
lili.a, I i re inaat . t-(, wl oie w in ill ! Ir il
tilt. I , -,' (ilrl lii'l't in i-il I i-it. I ul
.a., nl. I iiriuk milk, pli-nly of II. Ii,-i'-t..l
Vt m nhr ih, iitlil ti in ll Hn in to H tii'i I
III. II I ) all I.. Ioi- all" llll lt' tlf. Ill In i. -I
I' K'.ilar triilnlna "
rtaiiiiiforu iiiolniiror llul intlon hnilda wcra
a(l to bind entUiii akirta. ltti Hilly a f nllnu
aonj-cdifii bnuiJ canm into vi-kuu f ir l.i,tliii-
eottou K"n. and a liia-u lam. I of thu unite
kind In l). n iml nml liu. ii -nr tut
dicura Tlii u l inilMi.1 nro piilterni il afu r
tho trulvctwn and woven wmalid akirl bunt
Ink') familiar W vcr)'viiu and ttiu ci-nully n.r-
UiKiuiiljr, mull and fnbrira nt liko textiiro
rtt ptrfprahljr flitinhi-d w nli a nnrioiv jilititt-.l
Of lnili d (tan rullle of thu li.nlt rial, tt l.n lt If
I'l-lii'd, of coiirmt, i thu ihp nkirt, thu latter
la-.nK ' "t ahorUir tn ae .-uiiiiiindate the rullln,
mcu thn rullln nmat by ito ii,e.u, piulru'lv
n find tho outaido aktrl
li.ini nlk uiretna In faili y erimr lil iidiii(.'
are n frifiieit attlrclioti Inf alula that aru Ul
uy wntii elihur with kitt of wtfd caiitim in
mini color or of black iitlb-i with a lualio
nn iliHK that of aatin. i li'-Wer fur tho
ilii i-i-i- thuu bliwk briKfelt'l auk. l).""-.-It tho
..itt. r ia lar-juljr wort-, aiuull pntti-tLa agntu
jai't nihil if
The i;;.ty Uaek taffeta ia hkew me rhnu i
for linny waiata. Hoinan iin' are u -t j
an!int;, l.'.ia tui.e In tJttfetaa elm I'y dt vnit .J
lo iviti'. AneXcoitl"it;i;;v tin-any P., It tie u.ny
rt.iiiH.-ir aitch a wniat Mid a .fti nkirt ul
ttlni a I.iU-ity -.'intro or ailk.
kirta Ha itnio either five of icrt-tl -itrea.
I '.e rippli) iu akirta it utl.i-r rujrjjvrt-I Utan
l':.i' I iliti a nt t! back nl a new Cve-i'ntt J
km i
' I ii ( tii t.iniH.
a!i i!.f !u!iii.n i reducvil by
I at ll... I ... k
in ttie it iy a!vhh ni.i very t: it.
e.-ll.jit i. -Ii. lllue f nl Way a rt
r in n ti i .titti u l..a- him. .' t
In ..Hie n
H.' t-i i inn-
I Mi. tn
11 1.:... In the
wi-.-i.fliK i--l
I ... f.. ttre it'.t w hit.
!:..- til f.t l.i!Ui tlnta
, ti ti-iU nut tttf
',:ia ar.ivll lt ;N
piatt-.l ar N'Ht
.-l.arli.ilii; Hlnl are. Ja'ii..t;-.. '.
.i.iiivu, a.lit" they Kuv a
tk ill t'atinHjr the tmler int
tin. Itiirtt In ilt'i,t 1
.1 it il- ate Mil lJ tl.c
IA While With
iit.'icr blin k or white ti'ita The utility v. il
,o l- worn iii lliii ear- or tit ii-ai!iLata i. ,f
:hi.'T"ii, white with while or lunik il"t. an. .ill
U Intu and ii.i-.ely or widely aeatteied.
Jlluo ami l.rotvn !nl!..n vt tin ii.umlAin
Jieir popularity Titer ttie worn ! .! j- ou r
ainc ht. Only tl.O ii'ct I' :e
.niilted to the I. nl. the veil ben.-: in'micd In
nil liK.-n ly over the fate, a pattiit ttnj
fa In. til it). - lo (or Summer but ul.c that
ut.oi of the Krote-upie when d"Ud l.y no loitjcr iruui.K - k'nun TKt bu,t-
Vt 'kia and other aceeaaoriea l.;...M'lli 10
; ,;'.na in lie lip by rii"t.t fnticiliil mutlva
We treated t.t ..iiln.'t,e braai iliH'orittlntt.
Id o itud 11 .I. il. -ll lam bnini-i, u
rea.lily ii' ie nt any iftfUi cnuuter at
aru the wn-halao bia.ii. uiv nml on rnll'Lj
and I'laitiiii;.
Tti.y ll . nneea of linen baliate etl-red witli
Iliiiiit .ii 1-tcu braid are iiael s a Iruiiiiiin-t
f..r it Ikavercl orcamly, tJ.oult they tvr.ltl
.ti.inalt ly la) used to tritii a gow u of llti)
aitie lu.iti-rial.
ll.'tli bl.ivk-and'W into iaco iH-adinu arc act
alnlttf ll." tupa nf hi ma of Saiiiili rullle
wilhnui On) u-iial threa.hiiu vf nl.lain. The
clli-vt : iiuvi-1 inn I ilautiv With simple
mean very clinrttiin-; re-.ulti tuny now 'jo
ttltaiuvJ in ll.o Summer piw ti.
The licw'uitt foiil.tril n.lks liavo in addition
to thu 1 wave linen ami marks atlkitaaiis
varvin; 1mm n atuiiil dot to a disc as laru as
A ihir tweiity lho cent puH-e. White de
ii;na on iiavy.bluo, Uioii(;!l often
Copad ill inferior innhin'j o( ailk, eohtinuo to
ptxajty first placv luuoint these Cvtol Summer
The ttieon'a Jul ilec m reoiisil'lo for the
preference ahown f ir purple printiliK on
llitik crmitid. I'.i'M'ila, old-rose and other
cvl".-i apja'ar on black or w hile f-routitln in
both the tlota mid larire apreinliii-; ilevtcea.
linitlilcd frills of considerable fulness give
nn orimiiit'iilal to coat hlevvea t'f exct p-tinlt.-iliy
Mini; lit.
A practical feature of tho umbrella petti
eont is a yoke that ia deeply pointed in front
mid round and sh.iU.nv at thu lack. Ita
ornaiiicntal feature is a deep Spanish llotltice.
A while dotted Swiss or a Dowered, organdy
(town may be tuppleiiieiilcd by n large Leg
horn Iml in the triminiiig of which decided
originality Is displayed. Krills of very narrow
crcaiii Viili iiciciincri la-jo eilging overrun the
cnnvii and half of tho wido Wim. At the left
mdc a w hite nccordii'ii-plaitcd chiffon rosclte .
lustattis n buncli of while tipn. Yellow mid
wlniu rosea aro clustered under tho brim nt '
the Icfl side mid ft chillon roisetto provides 1
delicately harmonium uiminitig fur Uiu riht 1
riqutt braids aro disposed in vnrions way.
They may lie set over all tho skirt scams or
only over the side-front seams from llio lower
edge to iho kneo mid arranged in a trefoil nt
that toitit Tho name idea may bo followed
III tho jacket.
An Eton costume of corn-flower Uno piqui
was enriched with a braiding of white cotlou
loulacha from Tht Dauitator,
Tho two most critical times In a worn
nn's life nie the lime which nuike the
pill ;t wonuin, nnd the wnmiin a mother.
At these times, lr. l'lct'cc's Favorite Pre
scription Is of liH-iilculul.le value. It
Ktrennthoiis nnd Invigorates the organs
distinctly feminine, promotes regularity
of the functions, iilhtys Irritation and In
tin 111 mil t Ion. checks uniuuiinil, exhausting
drains, nnd puts the whole delicate or
Kiiulsui Into perfect condition. Almost
nil the Ills of womankind nre traceable
to s.ime form of what Is known as "fe
mul.' I'ompliili'.t." There nre not thiei
cist s In 11 hundred of woman's pi-cu'liir
dlseiise that Pr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription will not cure.
Painty statuettes representing u dup.cer
with skirts outspread cost only seventy-
!VC C. TltS.
"They are dandies" said TIus. Pow
ers, of the Crocket, Texas, nnterp' Ise
while writing about PeWltt'sLIttle Kat
ly Kisers, the famous little pills fi r slc't
hendache and disorders of the stomach
anil liver. Charles lingers.
much Iced tea produces nervous-
Sick headache can be quickly and com
pletely overcome by using thoe famous
little pills knov.n as "DeWltt's Little
Early Risers." Charles Rogers.
Designed Fxpressly fot the "flstorlan"
Ey the Butterlck Publishing Company
Amuiiif tl.O notnhlii K"r"t'HM thai amiii 10
irivu univuraitl aallafavijun tho Ktun holda
Itrimiimiiit iwny. ll ia nnvlo Uj, u, mik, cloth,
vi Ui.i mid moat all ul tho citnn fuhrica and
w It en It iiia-ita over a aiilrt-Wuial ul v,u,e ho-
ttanii K britflit color lli c-flwi ia chic and t
emmi K, In ll.B llluatraliou an Kuii Jhckii ul
btiiwii cloth oa'ita over a al.irt-waial of (fftcn
Ciiitniliinv ll.itt lata a ill-:.!' I.ul-lti wliilu lifien
I'iiilnr mul vt I, Itu tig and i:li,i with ailvur
Hi. la. The Kion Jnckct Im-) an ftlirattiro
iiiil.iurv nir; It fxtt-ii'la quito u tlo w-aut.
in i'. iiat l ui UiU center ol iLo lion aiid
(:.ri: v!! i' r.r t.ukkta pir.K, with
.iiiKiii.v ami I'.iiihf.:;
l-ltaa f..r Si. ii, nir rn. arc -.- i.eiailv re
ft in .1 iiiih giaim.ilt.-, ui.d the little tr-iV is
In .jia nlly it. nit- nl hni .c il, t ic , crrtiim
it in tins. it. why it a...:.:- ul as nnr
inn n t may ap.i h.pi t.i.e. thi-y Me mi annpir
-.1 aci .l. mil 0 .,. innal la? ,t:, almlid.ilti-C i.!
t .- to tiii.-i.i. .t:iy .;i-."tc of f-i-.Hi .!-.
Ti.i-. i-e tup l;tit'ait ! is n.cK-it il,ii'.i i.r
! i. . i. .lei W'-.n.. ai.-l a tel.lcf scan ttliiel. U-r
at tl.t: ttHisi (m.if '.w.'c taris
itr mil fall ii. deep (intra ai.. tl.t
! Ti e
l tints tita:
(juJiiitliy and !-.:! in w(uari- onl-
. Sv "-.0 x
lino lielow tho waist A do.tblo frill of plaited
chiffon Wirdors tho wrap below a soft rucho
of riblain, ami riltlmn bows aro tacked on tho
shoulders. With iho v:mp is worn a six-pioco
skirt of taffeta silk. I no pensive Ii t tlo wnuis
are niade of silk grenadine, broctiJiiI, figured :
nnd plain silk and light-weight cloth. Jot '
trimnung, lace, .nscruoti nil nwwn,
w.lh lace and chillci. planum, and me-
le'lmtertek ..i.tern for hls ,me Is
v n a at.le ov A lien lmnnar. eit-lu
slve iigent.
There is hardly more than a tint of pray in
the tono of a (tin straw braid walking hat.
With this straw blends admirably the pure
whito silk draped on tho brim, which is given
Ltnn bv a veil of cream applitiutS lace, tho
arrangement providing a soft nest for a rather
largo gray -and -wliilu bird with a long tail
fixed al Iho Icfl side. Color is contributed by j
a bunch ol pink roses fastened at och aide .
if the hack under tho brim. I
Multitudinous uses are found for black and
whito accordion-plaited frills of mousxlint de
toit, Liberty gauze, or chillonette, as it is also
culled, ami grass linen. Tho frills vary in
width; soniu aro made double, tho double
edged being pulled or a shell cITi-cl produced;
others aro laid at intervals in box-plaits, and
a third class is shaped in Vandykes. Uows
of satin baby riblain in contrasting or corre
sponding colors are set on some of the plait
ings, though entirely plain ones aro just as
The Vandyke plaited frills ap-H-ar ou many
dancing gowns of crepe, chillonette or silk in
tho form ol Herthas, brctcilcs or slccvo frills
in bodices and iii panel fashion or as foot
trimming-! in skirl-1-
Along tho closing ol Russian blouses the
tailings are cascaded, rather fuller ut tho top
limn at tho Mb mi, tho sleeves and neck
being tdso adorned with the samo graceful
trimming. . ....
Kussiun crash and oatmeal cloth, which is
verv liko moiuie cloth, nro two substantial
linen fabrics a.lapiablo (or outing suits in
blazer or Kton sttle. With such costumes
aro worn shirt-wtnMs of wash silk or ol any
of tho ginghams or French, cambrics do.
Provision is mailo in the patterns of most
fancifully designed sleeve for two lengths.
in.. extciRliin: to Iho elUnv for ceremonious ;
gowns and 0110 in regulation length for geu
end wear.
The eltcct of a Turn O'Shnn'cr crown is
achieved in a largo Leghorn lint with turquoise-blue
chilToitctte dolled in self, upon
tiie cmtvn being row iimu row of pulls
llhick iclvcl is tied alum the crown in a
bow ill fronl mul til the it'll side is set 11
black leather minaii and .1 uiacK uis: cite
A line ot heavy tunic -'Uiu wire
fastened lo its ccntoi sustains the brim, winch
drtaips over the face m front and is gently !
rolled al the left to show a uuge chuu of I
the gauzy suit! nml ll ft large pink roses,
)c irniiiiiiiig oeii g supiwilca by o-indeau j
ami exiendiiig 10 the back. From Tht DtUn
i 1 In I' Il-k pattern lor thla la t-intuiiii- f "
' Nn. 'd; l.y Ail rt en-lu- yVy.gSrl---.
HKU kk1!;k. with iiu.irit
I j ha Muor Ciatiitrie lor irl la itnUMy ti:t
moat at,,ii addition inn i-e fimtlo to
j tho Hummer wrilrolaj. Jt in appropriate for
city or roiiMry and In laai-lul in atyio
aial pr:iii;,il in et-miiriK linn. I i,e ji-.rH.
tloii wiil I i.-i-ii a in, ii-u i,t :,-,. HltlmnKl,
ustyfi m n-ieil lliiti.,-!,i,nt. Wl.lto ,u C,J
aro ina'K'iiiicI mi.. I bn.i.l nml htt kiii1.roiJjrcJ
aii'itor provitie anilnhlo (lironi'iiiii.
Tho lull -.nt ia -kepiy i.eii.iia.i Hn) (a '
trimmed with WiJ alwte U.o hu1 a
aleercleM utider-waist snp;-orts it. Ti e fronts
of the blouse open in V shape, showing the
facing on the uiiiler-waist, and a tailor collar
that is prettily curved at the lower ed-p at
the back has broad curved ends meeting nt
the top of the cli:n(C.
Tho full slct-ita are finished with ..-;,.
lands. Tho mode will most frcpiemly to
made up in serge or fiurmel and sonictii-,t m
cinil linen, liuwnan craah or batiste.
lint llulttriek i-f Iti-rn lor Ibis coslume l
No via; for sale byAitirt Imnhttr. exclu
site mrn!.
.-f- ! :: a i tk ;::;.".' toilette
- .- ..nil ..ii.-r I'K .-ruTTKl" SII-K
. t to - i .!':;' lo vaii-.-tr h the deii...s for
! -irt-M :- - I,:.-. S.niiiin-r aitd itceuuity is riot
v... ' I-. ....V ol.f anjiiiit t of the waist but
.vt', a t.tricty in s'ertes. yokea and
.t ;. ;. i.a-'l.ts.s of ihstribit:i!ij: fulnes-t. An
mi'.. i ,i!y prt tn style i sinnvu at this llgure.
The tuliti'-a i.. nl ran -;il la-1-otmi.'.'lr in gaihcrs
ni tiie itts-k iii.'i si.iiTiitgs at the waist in Mul iiria.pi: sii.htly over the boil; at the
- d . The gkirt j. tti,
' ''' .Uk, woolleu or waaimble
(l-i'il iiotla
A iuiletie of this slvle is cool and becoming
for afternoon wear if the shirt-waist is niado
of lawn, dimity, organdy or any of the thin
materials offered at this season. The skirt
may bo of washable cheviot or covert cloth
or of pique1, linen or batiste.
The Hutterlck pattern for tht costume Is
No. dlTV; fur sale by Albert Punbar, exclu
sive agent.
A Swedish Buptlst church of - mem
bers was organised In West Ferndnle,
Wash., oci May 23.
The leading current event In vhurch
circles Is th.; iciivenlng of live Ondev
orrs" at San Francisco.
The First Colored llaptlst Church of
Portland was successful organized on
June 13th with a membership of 12.
Kcv.Marshall Law, rector of the Church
of the Advent, Oakland, Col., left on the
'Jtuh of June for the east, to be gone two
Rev. P. M. C. Harris, of San Francisco,
sniH'rintendent of the work among the
Japanese, Is now on nn official visit to the
mission In Portland.
Tue Vatican authorities are said to be
contemplating a number of new Kplscopal
Sees in Russia In consequence of the sat
isfactory relations established with the
Russian government.
I Pastor Hnbotenu of the Portland First
! Church, has not been 'at well for some
j weeks, and has gone to San Francisco
1 for 11 rest of n fortnight or so to see
! If he will not regain his old-time vigor.
A elerg man, who was also a wit. once
1 preached rather a long sermon from the
I text: "Thou art weighed In the bulance
und found wanting." After his congre
gation had listened for about an hour,
some began to get weary, and went out:
others soon followed, greatly to the an
noyance of the minister. Another per-, . a ki,-. .-.lil.-.l Tho
!.. ly -le-u . are citit l'lelt-il with straight
dills nl.-l t;.e Mi.vii iv;lar has a shallow tuili-
i 4s
son atarted, whereupon the parson stop,
ped In hla sermon and said: "That's
rlht, entlcma-n; a fast aa you am
welKlKil pa out." All the others WRlted
until the m-rmim wns wuled.
Dr. If. O. Carrol. tt 1st lean In ehur
of Ih religious division of the renaus of
Ifcifl, fatlmalta that Iher are fHI.-WO
memtwra enrnllc! In the loadl m younir
p'f-tde's ornanlzallons of the f'ro'rat nt
f.'o.TKrrgatlonallsts In Callfornlu huv
Ineren-K-d In thn laal lwranly-flv ynr
'mm Mi i-i In ! Siindny
srhoida lh. mrmlx-rahlp haa lrii-r'a-d
from 5,i"S to U;'"i2: linevolenres !o th.
churches) fnrn Vi.Zi lo M3.529.
;;lshnp roate.- wua honored by Iloston
il-thallam, Jur.n Tth. Adtlre .ase hy
l!lahi Maill.-Uli-il arvl oHi-ra attratcl
affi-ctlriri and revrrwic for him In com
mmra.tlon of tho !wniy-(lfth nrtnl
versury of Ms ciinarcra tlnn lo Ihe epla
cofiary Th- ti-nlh annlvrraary of Cieoriff Roliert
nrjl Annie M. Cairns was observed nt
Hnptlst h ad'iuariera III Hnohomlah,
Vi'aJth., June lllll In a moat dellKhtful
ntiinner. Kvanirlllat Calrna hal Just re
turned from an iht months' auci-ssful
cviuik llatlc camp,.lirn In ihe ea!, In
Philadelphia, Iio!on, Chlcaxo. Iuisv!lle
anil !-evr.
Tdr , i Hie Cr-rntr f i'i' nil
rhureh at Ashlar.d, Or. ftm, K-v. F. O.
Ft ni !-. lii Juai rv.turw-d from the
Rrnrral as mltly, and a two mo:tths'
vacation. On the of his returc
h.- wa fo rto to the church.
blt h he foui'-l nearly foil of his people
n;d frb-nd. who h td e: me to?.iher to
wipomt- him hoirr-.
1.1 Hunt Char. has akd Mls Mar
ni'. rite Who.-.. b -auilfijl Chinese
Ctr!t'..-.n Klrl. to l-e the repr.-a-n!.itlv
of Clilnrae womtn at tho World's Con
Kritw it Wom.-n to held In London
n. xl sumrnt r. Miss Whonir was educatxl
In tiie clrl s misnlon school of the Meth
odist I'.in.rd. ami Is a rod example of
.he "new woman" of China a Hew
woman In Christ Jesus.
Variety is the keynote of prevailing fash
ions, liirersity is shown as much in decora
tion a. in the construction of gowns, ami pro
ditraliiy in tn:i.ninig is ihe rule.
Organdy dresses are all frills and puds. In
ouc instance a group of narrow if tho
ortiameuuj factor; in another it ia bauds and
frills of filmy lace; in a third a tasteful appli
cation of embroidery that looks like the work
of somo defofingered needJeworker; in yet
another plaitinsrs of chiQoo, mmiuUvi or sotuo
kindred textile.
Ik-aides these trimmings, extra touches are
given by ribbons. That patience must supple
ment skill in the dispo-iil of these various
trimmings is evident, but tho result usually
comtensate for the labor and ttie average
woman accepts the task cheerfully.
Yellow, blue, ceriso and watermelon-pink
atripea vary the whito tailcta grounds of ma
terials frequently made up in dancing dresses.
Voire glace Louisiucs are new and admirable
for entire gowns. In these the warp ia al
ways white. There are other place LouUinea
without tho water-marks, and half-inch check
Louisines for waisu, the colors in the checked
variety being navy-blue, heliotrope, blatk or
forest-green with white. Truly, there ia no
dearth of alluring fabrics from which to choose
the Summer outfit.
A saddlo gore is introduced aa a novelty in
the skirt of a two-piece cycling costume.
The Kton jacket Hares gradually from the
throat and may be made with or without
One of the newest cycling skirts is divided
at its back olges, includes knickerbockers and
is made with a saddle seat having full fall
ope uiu gs.
The eAttpeaii par rxaMenct is tho walking
hat. The trimmed sailor, so long a favorite,
though not deposed, occupies a far less im
portant positiou than it did. Tho walking hat
is sufficiently varied in style to adapt it to all
types, though tho differences in tho shaping
of brim or crown by which this is done are
not pronounced.
The large hat with the drooping or bent
brim is worn with dressy attire on tho drive
or promenade, while the walking hat, like tho
trimmed sailor, more often accompanies tho
morning gown, though there are dressy ex
amples of it suitable to very elegant gowns.
Leghorn and Milan straws are seen in large
hats, the fancy braids being still made up in
other shapes. From Tht Delineator.
Economy is something that everyody
tries to practice, and yet Just a tittle
ovtrstKht will rob the most
frugal and thrifty family of a year's sav
Ings. You want to do as J. P. Hick
mar.n. of Montlcello. Ga did. He writes:
"For six years I have kept Simmons
Liver Regulator iu my house, and used
.1 In my family, and have had no need
for a doctor. I have live as healthy
children as you can find."
The traveler who for the day runs
away to the mountains finds the laurel
1:1 gorgeous bloom.
A dose Is always seasonable is a
dose of Simmons' Liver Reg-'lator, tiie
"King of Liver Medicines." It keeps the
liver active: the bowels regular; prevents
biliousness: nnd promotes digestion. In
fact helps keep you well. "1 have watch
ed Its effects In families where I have
practiced and tlnd It admirable; both al
terative and tonic In Its action." Dr. T.
W. M.'-sou, Macon. Ga.
The very correct maiden has colored
studs and sleeve links to match each
hirt waist.
"Last summer one of our grand-chll-Iren
was sick with a severe bowel trou
ble." says Mrs. E. G. Gregory, of Freder
lckstown, Mo. "Our doctor's remedy had
failed; then we tried Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera tmd Diarrhoea Remedy, which
gave very speedy relief." For sale by
Estes-Conn Drug Co.
It Is the surest way to win a woman's
Ill-will to guess her age as greater than
it Is.
Some for ten, some for twenty and
some for thirty years have suffered
from piles and then have been quickly
and permanently cured by using Pe
witt's Witch Hazel Salve, the great
remedy for piles and all forms of skin
diseases. Charles Rogers.
liustlea and funs are both small this
Don't neglect a cougrh because the
weather Is pleasant; before the next
storm rolls around It may develop into
a serious difficulty beyond repair. One
Minute Cough Cure Is easy to take
and will do what Ms name Implies.
Charles) Rogers.
Their Sale in Astoria and
Vicinity Reached Enor
mous Dimensions.
Think of hundreds of boxes of Pr.
Hobl' Spar.iKus Kidney Pills btlrit aold
In Astoria In a single day. And thl
of a medicine thnt waa little heard of Iri
this vicinity a few wei-ka ngo. No Rmotint
of advertlalnK could produce auch mar
velous tals. Tho who hava used thla
remedy hnve received guch benefit thlt
they recommend It to their friends; that
tojr'iber with the opn, frank and honest
manner of its Introduction, la the proper
explanation of It succcms.
It la vitally Important to jood health the kidneys should be In perfect
order. Hundreds upon hundreds of the
ailments that humanity suffers from original-
from the fuct ihat the human ptirl
1r of th blond uro not performing their
work properly, and, like anything ebe
thnt U out of order, should be repaired.
If you nre a sufferer from backache,
rheumatism, gout, general muneulnr.
w..ikwss, neuralgia, headache, nervous
exhaustion or generally run down, iro to
your driiRKlst's at once, and make ttie
Ix-st Invwmon! you ever m.-ule In yoiir
life for cents. Ge-t a box of Vt. Hobhii'
Hpnraiis Kidney rills from your ilruif
Kil. and In a week's time you will have
und.rsone a chanffe for the better Ihat
will aurprtse you.
Greatly Benefited After 14 Years of
A mrt-r called on Mr. E. Coon, of
No. Straisrht street. Grand Rapids,
Mich., who. In reply to hla question, told
the follotvlng resinrdlnsr Dr. Hobbs' Spor
;tffus Kidney fills:
"I have suffered for fourteen yani
with kidney complaint and have been
treated for by a number of
physicians: also taken a lanre quantity
of patent medir-inea without Improve
ment: In fact., I got worse, getting so
had that I havi; bevn unable to leave the
house for the past two years. I have
had such dreadful pains across my back
and In my right limb. I have been un
able to bend my right knee. My hands
and feet were swollen to twice their nor
mal slae and I was compelled to us sup
port to move around. I began to take
Dr. Hobbs' Sparagus Kidney Pllla six
days ago and noticed a marked change
-it once, as you see; the swelling baa dis
appeared from my hands and feet nml
the pain has left me entirely. I walked
six blocks yesterday without much trou
ble, a thing I have not been able to
do tn two years. I believe now I will
ence again be a well man and can safely
fay that Dr. Hobbs' Sparagus Kidney
Pills are the only remedy that haa ever
given me satisfaction. I heartily recom
mend them to all who suffer as I have,
r Straight Street. Grand Rapldm Mich.
Dr. Hobbe' Kidney Pllla
Odd Fellow' Building,
Few medicines hare held their ground
so successfully as Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral. During the past fifty years. It has
been the most popular of all cough cures
and the demand for It today Is greater
than ever before. Prompt to act and
sure to cure.
There Is a lot of moral backbone In a
well-fitting gown. ,
Mr. C. L. Hasbrouck. a druggist at Men
don, Mich., says all of the good testimo
nials that have been published by the
manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarhoea Remedy could be
duplicated In that town. For sale by
Estes-Craln Drug Co.
The woman who can cry easily seldom
feels deeply. (
The adult scalp should be thoroughly
washed occasionally to remove the oily
particles, the-n apply Hall's Hair Renewer
to give the hair a natural color.
Very thin note paper has an essentially
foreign look.
When going Eaat travel on the North
ern Pacific Railway. Quick tlm and th
only line running dining cars. Train
leaves Portland dally at 11 o'clock a. m.
Norfolk Jackets retain their last seas
on's popularity.
Use Webfoot Corn Cure. No
cure no pay. For salej at Estes-Conn
Druff Store.
A double chin can be cured by correct
TI. ha- I -
The tea Jacket is much Jauntier than
the tea gown.
Tks ha- J 1
French cashmere Is much favored for
house gow ns.
Tti fla
il ml ll
ll n