The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 03, 1897, Image 2

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Telephone No. N.
Bent by mall, per yer ..$6.00
c ivw II it At mstifH ... -KO
Served by carrier, per month 45
Pent by mall, per year S2 In advanco.
Pcmtaee free) to tubacrlberg.
All communication Intended tor publl-
cation ahould be directed to the editor,
Bualnea. communications of all kinds ;
and remittance must be addressed to
The Astorian.
The Aatorlan guarantee to it ub-
acrtber the loreest circulation of any
ucu&paper published on the Columbia
Vdvertlslng rate can be had on appll -
cation to the business manager,
The Weekly Attorlan, the second old-
eit weekly In the state of Oregon, has,
next to the Portland Oregonlan, the i
largest weekly circulation In the state.
John F. Kandlev & Co. r our Port.
Wai airents. and eonlea of th A.torla
can be had every morning at their
stand, 121 Third street.
Tomorrow's eight-page Astorian
contain the usual quantity of selected and
original matter for family and general
rewdlng. The spectai features of tilts
Ccfg edition will be the full text of the
Interesting address delivered by Mrs. Dr.
On ens-Adair at the recent Pioneer re
union, held In Portland, ami the first ln-
stullment of a series of fashion cuts, de-
tinned expressly for the Sunday Astor -
tan by the famous Butterlck Pattern Co.,
of New York. These cuts an.l fashion !
articles will b published regularly here- -.the jevvopmct of new atom. The used
after; they will represent lhe latest jup particles In the blood are sifted from
changes uml styles in women's garments,
and will appeair in the AsOrian simul
taneously with their Brat publication In
New York iind other Eatern fashion
lairs. It should be understood that this
lahion matter Is not a reproduction by
o::ie one of the plate syndicates of old
cuts and articles which have been pre
viously published In fashion Journals, but
Is comDOsed of entirelv new and original
patterns, never before In print, and r hich
.e eciur..ej, iu raM,
under a special contract made with It.e
Butterlck Pattern Co.
Thousaais of hec-.est people In
communities were deceived by Jxigus tin
peddlers, who held their ware, at rUto.J!irourt the prowrbtal Hn and come out
ulously high prices, and asserted that it j unwrinkled and It Is to be had In all
was because of the McKinley tariff, i
Tbede wago; were sent out by demo-1
crate authority, not to pedds.-, but to
misieoa voiers usguf tiw laroiers. ins
scnems was nrsi meu i uie western
aod Kiddle slates In the congresiic-nal :
elections of lSe. and the same scheme ;
was worked in ether stales In It.Z
A similar attempt to fool the farmers
is to be tried this year In certain secilor.s ;
of the country. The old tin peddler
wagons have bee:i drawn out from their
mums j)ia.- icijoi.., una uuie
bearlng allesel quotations from distln-
guislied Americans which are distorted !
Into support of the free coinage of silver.
now worm less man oi nai
It was at the date at which these utter-
aiices are said to have been made. Thee
wagons are being paraded In Ohio and
ether states where campaigns are In prog- . . , .,. , .,. ,
! tend 21 one-cent stamps to cover cost of
ress by the class of men who proved so J mailing only, and receive free a cjpy of
dangerous to the great cities last fall InjOr. Pierce's Medical Adviser. Address,
the dissemination of the seeds of a.-.arch-1 World's DLpensary Me.'.l:al Asso-latlon.
F.uffalo, N. Y.
Ism and not.
They profess to be engaged I.-, obtain- , . , , .
Portieres made on the principle of rope
Ing subscribers for a free silver publl-! portieres, but consisting nf strings of
cation, with which they are giving away shells, h:ve recently been Introduced,
a book written by "Coin" Harvey, whose .The shells are strung on a strong twine.
rroulhlnKs are now recognized by every
Intelligent citizen as not only false, but 1
Intended to deceive and breed disquietude
and danger to the republic. These men
are supported by the owners of silver
mines, who thus seek to Induce the Amer
ican people to supply a market for their
products, ard are endeavoring to do this
by falsehood and the spreading of doc
trines dangerous to the perpetuity of free
Everybody knows that the statemir.ts
of this class of fakirs, who were an Im
portant feature of the campaign ol l-'.'i,
were absolute lies, and that their work
In the great cities In sowing the seeds of
dissension Iut fall was even more dan
gerous. Their appearance In the country
districts now will -be resented by the
good people of every community.
"Who pay the duty?" Is an old ques
tion which nil republicans and former
republicans sliould be able to answer In
the light of experience. When a heavy
duty on rails was Imposed, more than
thirty year ago, men wrote ponderous
essays to prove that the farmers and con
sumers were taxed outrageously because
rails were made more costly. Then the
country Imported about a third of the
quantity required, end paid over fsO per
ton for ircn and I10S for steel rails. But
In ten years the production had so far
Increased that Imports practically etop
pd, and the country paid an average. In
1S77, of for Iron and tKi for steel
rails. In ten years more the home de
mand had Increasod more than three
t lold, and yet the production also rose
more than threefold, and while Iron rails
went out of use Bteel rails averaged
&7.12 per ton. Now the country Is able
to export rails to India and Japan, and
th cKt to Amerlcnn If $14 per toil.
Who hi. paid the duly? New York Tri
bune. , f
Strange ratAlttles happen often enough
in l hi practical rvorld of our to keep
.illve our miperstltion. Several year ago
hRii Maxwell, young r.niili'hniiiil, wh
hung nt St. 1ahi1 for the- murder of Ar-
hr rrvllor at the Southern Hotel. The
fanum trunk crime la now hlMorlo. Tlx
'father of Maxwell made every effort to
a hi on, pleading aiimwt to til
tr..,.ii.i-, wlih Governor Morehouse, who
refused a pardon. Oraiy with Krief, the
,,,,f,lriim;i.t.. father called down a c.ire
j h, Bn, a wi,0 hl(1, ,,ythtng to ilo
with hi
son' death. The atrnnciwaa
jof ,:U
j Nie-rvhou
I own life,
j f;1t.,iiae
has -en amply Illustrate!.
c, within a few year, took his
followed ly many dunees-tlng
to other paril.-t.mni In the
lease. The latest 1 Maxwell's executioner.
j MioW j.-ortlll wno went violently
ffaiw last week.
Opinion to taking t.niuan life a a
; punishment for crime Is gradually in-
15111s In oppoeitlon to capital
punishment are Introduced at the
of nearly all the lesislatures, and In
Colorado the attempt to abolish It was
igueotssful last winter and Is now a law.
1 Rhode Island, .Maine. isconsin aim
Mlchlgan Jutve laws forbidding the death
. penalty.
LATED. The kidneys exercise most Important
functions, which are so wearisome that
; tax to the utmot the strensth and
j e.nljra:ce of these busy little organs.
Every breath, every pulsation oi tne
heart, evury movement of a limb, every
:t!.ouchL makes waste, a.-vd necessitates
Mt. and dissolved I : a watery fluid by the
"kidneys, whtch then discharge this fluid
Into the Miulder. A truLi of disasters
i to the system would follow If these
ashes," so to speak, were not thorough
ly strained off aad dls..-harsel. This U
the ciisi when the kidmy Kcome Inuct-
; ive. Hosteller's Stomach r.lttcrs, by re-
.stori their activity, not only kev;
! 0n a a most lmiortant outlet for Im
purities, but prevents diseases of tlw kid
!'""' themselves, which when Inert be
;come liable to fall a prey to uunetes.
Lriaht's disease, mephitis, albumanurla
, x 0her maUuit9 jially Ucldent to
- them, wnirl:. although not special'; rapid
i in their progression, are particularly ob-
, stlr.dte and fatal.
I No fabric lernls Itself more gracefully
Jo the uses of the :ec!!!Tee tha-i crepe de
chine. It falls in the most artistic folds.
It U ROft on, nllaile onnueh to he drawn
I How many young men and younj
'women are cut off Just as the fjfire
. . ..
seems brightest and fullest ef promt;
Th are ,ken awa by tDe dlSse
w hie"! causes over one-six'h of all the
deaths in the world the disease which
doctors call consumption. There Is abso
lutely .no reason In the world w-hy con-
f jmptlon should be fatal why it should
be even serious. It is a diswis? of the
I blood, and oan be c iret! absolutely and
1 always by puritvinu and enriching the
! blood. The only exewtl,i to thlg Is the
oase where the dlsea-e r.a been neg-
k-cted ami Improjierly treated until It Is
stronger than the hody-untll the
'has become si weak as to have lost the
ability to recuptrat?. Dr. Fierce's Uold .-n
MeJlcal Discovery will cure is per cen:
lof all cases of consumption If used n -
'coriling to directions. It also cures all
'lingering coughs, bronchial an.l throat
"affections. I
A art- susceptible of a great number o:
"One of my sick headaches," you will
hear people frequently say, If the
otnidaint wa? hopelessly Incurable. As
a matter of fact, Ayer's Pills not only
relieve sick headache but effectually re
move the cause of this dNtresslns com
plaint, a-d so bring- about a permanent
Weak Lungs
Hot weather won't cure weak
lungs. You may feel better be
cause out of doors more, but
the trouble is still there. Don't
stop talcing your
because the weather happens
to be warm. If you have a
weak throat, a slight hacking
cough, or some trouble with
the bronchial tubes, summer is
the best time to get rid of it.
If you are losing flesh there is
all the more need of attention.
Weakness about the chest and
thinness should never go to
gether. One greatly increases
the danger of the other. Hea'
the throat, cure the cough, and
strengthen the whole system
now. Keep taking Scott's
Emulsion all summer.
ur sals by all druggists at soc and Jj.oa
The Same...
Old Sars&parilla.
?!,.. A Tl, rl,t
Mrs-ipArill as it was made ami
sold by Dr. J. C. Aver to ytnr
ago. In the laboratory it is
diacrent. There iiv.leru nppli
slices leud sjvcvl to fkiU aiul
ticrieiice. Tut the sarsapa
lV.A U the same old sarsnpnrilla
hit tn.ule the rcconl - J' en r
of en re. Why Jon't c K'ltcr
it? Well, we're ttim-h in the
condition of the Viop and the
rasnberry: " lV-Uess, " he
"Oiod might have tmnlc n
better berry. Tut doubtless,
also, lie never did." Why
don't wc better the satsapari'la?
We cau't. Wc are usiii the
mmt elil ifn that cun! the
Itdian and the SituiiatU. If
has not been bettered. And
since ire make sarsaparilla coin
pouudoutof sarsapiirilla plant,
we see no way of improvement.
Of course, if we were making
st uic secret chemical compound
wv might.... But wx-'re not.
Ws-'re making the same old fcir
saparilla to cure the s.une old
diseases. You can tell it's the
(imi oU nariiapariUa be
cause it works the snrns oM
purr. It's the so ereign blooil
purifier, aud ff' Ayrr.
I. He-ause II nffords almost Instant re
lief la case of pain In the stomach, colic
and cholera morbes.
, Bev-iuse It Is the rennvly that
never fails In the most severe cases of
lyso.tory ami diarrhoea.
3. liecause It Is the only remedy Wit
will cur chronic diarrhoea.
. Because It Is the only remedy
will .prevent bilious colic.
3. It is the only remi !y r!it
will cure epidemical dysentery
. Hvcituse It Is the only remedy ti' it
cm always le dcen!ed ujon in c.t.-cs
of cholera k:tfanlum.
7. Because it is the most prompt ar .l
most reliable medicine in use Or bow, I
V Because It produces no bad results.
9. Bocnust it Is ple;.ant and safe to
10. Because it has saved the lives of
more people tr. .: ivl r In the
The 25 arxl 50 cent sixes for sale by
Estes-Conn Drug Co.
The old-style English burege Is revive I
In qualities almost as finer us gr.os
cloth. Patterns of this material urc
shown In new varieties and colorlnits.
and another pretty fabric Is Turkish
crepe In lovely summer tints.
There are people who have objection
to advertising matter In the columns of
a newspaper. The ground of objection
1 that they do not want to read ad
vertisements. Now th! objection Is n-d
good, for oftentlme th-we advertise
ments convey valuable Information.
For Instance, how elae would the trav
eling public learn of the excellent din
ing car service of the Wisconsin Cen
tral line between St. Paul and Chlca&o,
or the general comfort of traveling over
this popular line. For particulars call
on the nearest ticket agent or address
J. C. Pond. G. P. A.. Milwaukee, Wla..
or Geo. S. Batty. General Agent, 2it
Stark street, Portland, Or.
The newest t-book has r.o slg of
silver or gold on Us fa-e but U heavily
emljosse.1 with flowers, animals and 'he
like the work of its fair owner who has
become very deft in bather d.-cora ti . -.
Economy Is something that everyody
tries to practice, and yet Just a little
oversight will sometimes rob the most
frugal and thrifty family of a year's sav
ings. You want to do as J. P. Hick-
mann, of Montlcello, Ga., did. He writes-.
'For six years I have kept Slisnions
Liver Regulator In my house, and used
it In my family, and have had no need
for a doctor. I have five as healthy
children as you can find."
Two features of the summer dre- are
Its close, fit and the elongated waist. It
seemingly be too long nor t'o
narrow, breadth stampinif It as not up
with the times.
If you're in doubt whether your trou
ble Is Indigestion or dyspepsia, Just take
few doses of Simmon's Liver IP-giilatur.
It will settle the .whole ifiesMon. "I
have tried Simmon's Liver Regulator for
lyspepsla and find It Just tlx- tiling to
relieve me. A small dose after ma!s 1
ure to prevent lwligestlon." H. S. I'er-
ki .s, Shdron, Ga. "It Is the bet medi
cine to aid digestion." J. J. Black, Dun
can, .Arizona.
Ivory-toned cashmere, blue silk for the
blouhe, bands of Ivory' lace, tiny pe-irl
buttons, and a silver buckle for the gir
dle are the materials for dainty house
Some for ten, eome for twenty and
some for thirty years have suffered
from piles and then have ben quickly
and permanently cure1 by using De-
witt' Witch Hazel Salve, the preat
remedy for piles and all forms of skin
diseases. Charles RoKers.
Iiloovl-purlfiers, though gradual, are
radical In their effect. Ayer's Snrsnpa.
rllla Is Intended as a medicine only ;ul
not H stimulant, ex'-itant or wvithri.
Immediate results may nor always follo-.v
its use; but after a reasonii'ole tlnie. ; er
manent l--.etit Is certain to be realized.
Use Webfoot Corn Curf-. So
enre no pay. or sale at Ks-tes-Conii
l)rm Store.
Not only pile of the very worst kind
on be cured by lnVltt' Wltcn Hnut!
.Uve, but rcxctim, scalds, burns, brul
! holts, ulcer and all other sKli
trouble win tie Insln-nily relieved by
Bhe same remedy, Charles Roger.
A woman n.ty not have a simile do
mestic virtue but If a man conns In and
discovers hei sewlna he at once Jumps
to the co vl slot) that be Is a veritable
household mxuIcK.
lMli't thin your blood with anssnfras
or poison It with Mu-iim.s; but aid
Nature by uslnir IVWIU's Little i'arly
Klsor. the famous llttlp pills f ir o n
stlisuiott, biliousness and stoma .' and
liver troubles. They are purely xevt- t
able. Charles Honors.
When a UDlitnil s th. I !
wouldn't marry the bc-d ni x luuis i.i-:
,-.u rot vi-.inv.i h. r w.-iI Iiih; cud
will U iut as iikmi as rie ,-in t .1 in i'i
t.i proix'-'e.
"Last summer one of oer uratid- -1:1!
. j - 1 was sick with a cv. tv l uiii I trou
ble," e.iys -Mr. K. !. Cri-gory, of I't-.-d, i-trK-town,
Mo. "Our doctor's remedy had
tilled. th,-n we I'''. 1 1 litis I'ol.c.
t'hoUra mid DtarrhmM licin.-dy. which
u.iie lery ic.-dy relief" l-"or sale by
iXo-i'onn ling Co.
Shlrruu's .iid tn-..-itto(i- ot la,.- tn-k.
the clo.-e-tltiliu !!.' of lb,- tilt - m.-ii-tner
drej" a tittup of Nmuiv ii-r It to.
fill laci-c-Uid frill or V-mdike pol:..M
V. R Jolinson. Newark, IV. says.
"Ono Minute Cush Cure saved my only
child from dyltiK by croup." It has
ave I thousand of other surTcrtng (ro:n
croup, pneumonia, brnchltl and other
serious throat and lung trouble
,,'h.irles Itogers.
And "w the uht ol Itaht tr.-ks on
the pop h ar-'l the 'Ink'.e ol the t hi )o cr
m.indolla t-siin.- ther rrm r.k I ilm 1 1 . ; t
the ummer girl l In her elem.-tii
TKItltlPLK ACCIDENT.- 1: Is a ter
rlble accident to be burned or scalded,
but the pain and ticony and frlgh'ful
llst'nu;-einct,ts Ctrl b- quickly overc une
w ithout IcavPij; a scar t y ;isl 11; I .
Will's Witch Har-'l Salve. Charles
,i.i-l fool
I I:
,- d tr
i:i.l Is
Mr L. II iibr.ei
it M. ii-
don. Mi- ll . MV illl of til, .-I t.-i.i:.o
ii' ils have b.-.-n puMI-h..-! by il.
manufacturers of i "h-imN-rl. il l's Coll.-
I'hol.n a ! I'iarh-a It.m.dy
.liiplti at -.! In '.hat tow n, Por
Estcs-Cniln Drug Co.
hired bathing tult Is not so bad a-
the beginning of the season, but wh 't.v r
vtrttie it did ssess passes away by the
time August arrives.
Don't neglect a cough because the
weather Is pleas.tnt; before the next
storm rolls around It may devalDp Into
a serious difficulty beyond repair. ti"
Minute Cough Cure Is eaay to take
and will do what Its name Implies.
Charles P.ogers.
Sorti- women I: I r itiu to k- ,
date e:. so !ar l. ''.. d It that It
to r.-a!ie wh. th.-r th. y nr.- a.lvai
Hundr-ds of t'luusands h i-, e I..
iluced to try Chamberlain's Cough it. m
rdy by r .icing what it has done for
others, and having tested Its roer tor
themselves are today Its warni--t fr! r
For sale l y Estes-Conn Drug ('.
Chiffon veils are a lsn 1
W'.t-i ' r
l. ill-.
WhOSe faee Will b-eonie di--'.gt
a looking i iss In warm wiath
Vou may hunt the world ov-r ar-,!
will not tind .. nether m.-dh-lrie 'in-i I
Chamberlai.i's ce, Ch-d-ra Ma
rho a Lem'dy for bowel lu-npial ts
is phasar.t. safe ,-ind reiinble. I'or -a
by Eti -.'im Drug Co.
TDe Favorite Horns Remedg.
For ail diseases ca'jsed by derangement
of the Liver, Kidneys, and Stomach, q
Keep it always in the house and you
will save time and Doctor's Bills, and
have at hand an active, harmless and per
fectly safe purgative, alterative and tonic.
If you feel dull, debilitated, have frequent
headache, mouth tastes badly, poor appe
tite and tongue coated, you are suffering
from torpid liver or biliousness, and SIM
MONS Liver regulator will cure you.
If you have eaten anything hard to
digest, or feel heavy after meals or sleep
less at night, a dose of SIMMONS LIVER
REGULATOR will relieve you and bring
pleasant sleep.
If at any time you feel your system
needs cleansing and regulating without
violent purging, take SIMMONS LIVER
J. II. Zellln & Co., I-tllaUclpliJa-
Emil Schacht
Rooms 317-318
PortlnnJ -Savings Rank Hid,':.
Portland, Oregon.
AVcKcLvWc rTcpdMiionfor As
similating llic foot! rttul lit-v1 "I'i
tuig llio Sloiiiiidw mul Howds of
Promotes Vitleslion.CIec rful
iicms .nul lli'sl.Conl.ilns iuMUrt
0miin.Mor tUimo nor Mineral.
Not Nam c otic.
JmMm SmJ'
My Jnvo '
Jipfnmmt -
-luve .
1 ! KW
AporftYt Hi'inotly forfontirvv
tion. Sour Slonwicti.lii.ii ituica
Worms .Convulsions Kowrish
acssantlLossor SLKKI.
Tac Simile Si-JiwitH.f rf
1 I
I' t-ap'rO'liflln
1 & ii
U 111 " 1 ! I HI in"" , Wa
ijrl fi?' j JJJ (J Itenol (uuin Krwirli 1'Iijw.Um, will .jul.klr rui iie( nit 11. i-
V - I laittljwiu.m, ll lel R'l l.ei ,r tine ,,r ii:!it I'trt-eai iiul, k-
Urwiof U.wlairgrt, Itb-h If mtl i-hr, lt.tle.. te NperitmforrlHr
Ar-rrn " h.rir.i Imr-'wner. rriptir eieiiuiu, im
and mr 1 c n t.iaffrign.l irifiiirtirr err " ftll Umu'IUfc
It otroRt
M ririm
ICrllirlK lernlliiin'l re.lMmll w menu
'1 lie r'-Me-n ii-iiTef,.r. r loi mre,l n i-i,tra u hk'iiiw ninwr per reni mrm rrni wun
rtiklltl. i'l'l'l lKN 1. 1 Ihe only htuiwn rvmeiW In ctiri. wlihoal an tjr-iwit. Iiiu leatlmenk
A. WNIlil fflirnlre flvetl ftl'l tllenev relurilMl If ! iiw il.ira nul J.- ft if Hwl I UIa
tvn.n'I I BiMI. twnd (,ir raatlrlreulwwel IralllllolilKl,
AiMieu D1KIL MKUICIMM CO P. tt tiul rM,Bn muctaixi.CM. Pwttiltl
C'HAH liiM'.KKS. fommervlil PlrM-l.
Hustler's Astoria
Twentieth St. tint! McKee Ave.
Good Reason
Why Lots
...Aro Selling...
482 Bond Street.
R. L. Boyle & Co.
Real Estate, Loans and Investments
Com mere In I Htroot, Antorln
STARTING I HliiriliiKjiX) Hi,re power Sliirlne Kmrlnc.
Hercules Gas
i'- v. ;
Ross, Higgins
CiJt! ! pit up lit cm-iIi Mtlct only, ll
b.I leM ti Pou't K' f.-itnt la m!1
foa tajrtt'.lu t'.it ro ht pl. or prom'.M tkl ll
la ''Juit n ire. J " ti ".it tr mrj for
... ' B. lUl jv9 fcet C A S-T-0 R-I A.
l' MftfrV, I liittti.tlttf jirnlea, Vfl.-,.'rle m- h
S'tu .iliVl nli tiif Milltl) xiilr
nf .-l'i'iaH hillt.
Twenty them's wuruuT
anil Vfftutinu o() ilayx in
iiilvaiu't' nf ih North nidi'.
Mnsuifirt'iit Mitt-H for n-n-ult'tici's,
overlooking river
niid lay. nunny ami nhul
ternl. Kasy ami natural j;rHdn;
little or no railing iifK I
Monmouth, Orcuon
ieil il r Narmnl o'ir. nl tine.- yeari
i-nlor jenr wlnillv rnf(-,,i,ni.
1 r.tinniK flemr.iiient nf nine miMle. l(h .'ml ehl,ri-n.
la.irin 1I011 nii'l Iniln 1111 In 'y iniie. ;heiH.n
t in .mil Viii'41 -1 ,l lur imiI,h-
llio .S'lrnilll illplmuil la ree.,K 1. hy law n TAIE
I.IKK Cr-UIIKIi A IK 1,1 . , 1,.
igii: expeiikn. liiKlim, Ih,iik, IhhihI mirl IhIkIiik lal
irMiiimtel)'f, i.',wi ,rr tenr.
-tuileal. llini iliein.i-h ,, lll'i (m per yer
.'.ieaili- tcr-ele ni-i-epifi) from hluh leioN.
H',l!oi(ili-. I'tl'-erfallV kenl ua 1 ,li'utl at,
T. 1. f'A.MrilKI.I.. ITi-.I lent, or
W. A. W ANN, Heerediry Knenlly.
L'ninK KUHne or cheap dlitlllat oil.
Enirlneii cnnnect1 direct with pro
(Her nliaft, Mini no nolny, enslly broken
ijev.-l (ream uiiwl In revemp motion.
N'rk' spuik devlct; no Internal spring
eiecirodeii to burn out
Hernl for tentlrnonlali.
We bt! building thene new i'yln, lf.
itar.lnii niurlne engine In all uliei
up to 200 horiie power.
Kvery engine fully guaranteed.
"The Louvre,
Pin MukIo. Ilaine. of All KlniU. Tw
M.gnlllrent liar. rmsT-ciAss
Good Order and Everybody's Rlghti
& Company
R. P. Elmore
W. H. Harrison
...Open for Special Charter.
Salllni dal u anil Irom Tlllarauok
anil NthaUm oVpantl upun
Ih tlir.
Waul A''l 1
O. U. A N. CO., I'urll.nd
ThK Railway Company
uimratM Ha train mi Ilia famoua block
I.lgtila Ua tralna ly il irl.liy through
out: I'aea tho crlelirale.l pliH-lrle berih rr4-
In lamp;
Ituna aplKlnllilly r.iiliild paaaengur
tralna avery tly and iilgl'l lirtwaeo
Ht. Taul and ChU'Mu; th"
Chicago, nilwaukcc &
St. Paul
Alao oiicrati-w atrm-hetl vnatlbulad
tralna. carrying Ilia laiml (rllaj
nMiipartineiil eara, library buffal
ainoklng eura, and pataea drawing
riKim aleepera
I'arlor eara. frea r-llnliig chair rrt
and th very lxt dining tar aervlo.
Kor low eat rale, to any xilnt In tba
fulled Htntn or Canada, apply to
llekPt agent, or addrra.
General Agent. Portland, or.
J. W. CAHICV. Trav. I'aaa Agant
ii' vein aui:.
00 rr l oMiiitT
Three Important Points
KIItST- Uo via I lie Ht. Paul becauaa
tha Ultra (o that l-olnt will afford you
the very beat aervlca.
HlXli.N'Ii See that tha coupon bayoni
Ht. Paul reada via tha WUeon.tu Can
tral hreauan that Una make c.a coa-
neetiona with all tha trana-ootitlnantaj
line anierlng tho I'nlon teot thara.
d It aervlca I flrnt-claji. In every
TIIIItl-ror Information, call on
your neighbor and friend -ttm near eat
tlckrt agent -and ak for a ticket reed
ing via the Vee,,nlri Central llnea.
r addreaa
Urneral I'aaaeng, Agent,
Milwaukee, Wla
f'r GEO. H. HATTY,
tieneral Agent,
Portland. Oregon.
I7J Hf
A Spf.lalty.
Sell A-WIA
Ship Chandlery,
Iron tt St .,
( iroccrit ,(i PriiviHimiH,
Flour Mill Fc,.l,
I'Hints, ( ils, V'arniMlifM,
Fiiirlutiik'8 ScaloR,
I-oors it Window,
A jji'ii-ulturftl IiiiIi mont
Wagons it Vehiclt.
A Handsomo Comploxion
la one of the grenle.t rlmrnia a woiimn ran
po.a. 1'uUUMl'a CUHCLKXION 1'uwuka
give It.
For Infant! and Children.
T.I he
ll ml I.
Irieso tiny Copulo m,-. 'i:', i, 1
to B.ilsam nf Cnn li
viom-oj or III Hcnons niK' ' I
riioc in ... ,,. , 'i
,k..k. I T . ,' . -
the ame diseases with-'"
out Inconvenience,
W,f r all ,r,fftr
Tit fu
ll all.
Til fie-