The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 02, 1897, Image 1

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    W fill frt 1 lBJmmi ifflff ittfL
"Z : .--7- jr . fcPS iS
THE ASTORIAN lias the largest
c!rci:!:.tIon of any pper
on the CohiintU River
KU. 151.
....The Housefurnisher....
"CaJsby Blocks
Wasiitnpton tni First Streets
vV un41Rf
L Miiitli'. AiujiilT, t yuril 8I2i jjj
Miiitli'. Attiiinier, t yfl 8I-1
MiM1ur'iii', H-r ynfil ' ' 1
Vi'lveL, lrt nnnlily, per ynnl
OnWer lUly iirtiMrU, ht vnr.l 1 '
Higelo lUly llroMfk ikt vanl 1 -"
lt..iinry ltttmsrU, t yard
Alex. Ninilli . H'Hi It Titry. ikt )r. 75
I'nli.n.le Tapestry, per yni
Tnprairy l'.riiwk lunlium, r yaul
Taprslry HrtPrU. Ut f-r (
lUjaU Iti-nvy Ingrains, nil wmil. per ynl
l.xlr Super Ingrnliin. nil wisil, T yard o
I'atk Mill Infrniii. iU w.i1, it-r nr.l '
Ingrain (Vint, nil wml. wr yard '
Ingram (Vpl. linlt wool iht yard
Coltim limn 1 Durniu. Ji'r )nl
Linoleum, per yard, M
(hi I'lotli, rr ynnl, from
l.nwn IVm !m. 4 fori lung-, pnii led rod. cnoli ? '-'
('lililrr S'ltl Aim Hm'kt'Pi, riu'll - -i"1
I.t.rgi1 Jl-iu lloikris, miilnlilt' f"f initd.mrs or rcb m
Kidding I 'liui1 Sluul. cniivwt i p. i-'wl" -"
Itnl.v i'lirnni-n. full 'J'". K'""' 'Htl rni'. from .. .'i l
IN frini-riili'fi. fimiily ii' '' 1 "
Cm. It Miivm, N. 7, Mlitnllff (" iitflit ll(iu'ki''l . . i "
Everything In stock to furhlsh a mansion or cottage throughout
Open evenings during the summer till 8 p. m.
K U..ohI..... i-r vaf.l I I' fri
Bombs. Firecrackers, Torpedoes, Flags,
Festoon Papers, Lanterns, Balloons, Etc.
The Largest Stock In the City. Wholesale and Retail.
Country Orders Solicited
Shield Brand Hams, Bacon, Strictly Pure Lard
OuarantMd h. But In th. Marktt
Cut! Cut! Cut!
We have postponeil the auction sale until Into in tho
Beason, and have cut the prices
So in to ninke tlitMn lower than any place in Afctora.
Space too small to mention prices.
Come ir? and sec the Goods and Prices
v Everything marked in plain figures. Dry Goods,
v Clothing, Hats, Shoes. Etc.
FRIEDMAN'S, 600 c"c
Kquililiciini Dciiilt 1'jmn Miinv I'lnnl
I'uint to lit Miiilc.
Will he let! I'rjtlK.ilU unci.iiclicd fc4i
thai Dill hill not Mrct l(ciuirt
mcon ot the ('itcrnmcHt.
Wii.lMiKi.iri. July l.-Tlw r-iu1.ll ii u j
li' M whut Ihry .1.-c.l.'.l nhouM l tln-lr
In hi ciiu-u. on the In riff Mil lonltrht.
Tin' nin-iln nMMwA fir Muri- tlimi
Xhrif luditu iii;. I wan iri'l".' ( of Im '
. i
liiiruiiit r.-:it, whl h wn t ot run
wit haul .t i!l.liy of tuit.J.'i .ilili- fr I
IniC. Amonit th iAnl .lr- I'll.! w-n
I hi- fiillnwi it: T'i T'lirt ri iint.irut
,ui,. ' . l wlih'lr.iw tlii. orlk-liuil
;l.;niir. i'liniiiiti.- provt-iim tor h il'it
mi ti- l unit in IIHTi iw of l 1 1 lit" I" '
l.rr l on l.r.r. i.ii'l to i'nl'lr for tn
on liil . ! uto- k tni i.i-ti'iii
Tlo- if r.'nt.-r p.ii l f Hi.- tlm.- wn iiIim
to thr. provl'loii nu.iliit tru!. Tin- il -
rUli.ll i,ll thin ia Oil till- l.iall ; till'
r. Mirt liy tli jmllWury fuminltt. In i
oiMoi tu ,iny . ffort to iti.u-li irut
irull. In tin- t.irlff Ml!. "t'U- roiiiiiili"'"
I. .i t li.M .1 n Hi ir ut whl -li Hi- wlioli-
iii.:Imi wu kim..' our i l.rntli l!h
tin- otin r ri imUl -iin w-ti -.i im, Im lmlliu i
Itit nit unit Cha:i-l.'r. It i llo-rr U -i'IiM
thnt It wool. I l mr.-n..-ly iliftli-nlt
to 1-ri-tir rllivMon wouM In- if-
fretlvr. iiti'l uim.i tli It Wn
liiiiiillili- iin.l t.r-.w l-.- t :r ! ' (.):.- It Thi
r-iHirt wn m.i.lH n'rorilinr ) th" niiirua
iin-1 a r. nolulloii. iiuthoritlr t: tin- l'fi'"H
tiitlon ot ii i nnii n'lm-"t i r v 1. 1 1 r. In
ris.nii frmn for tl.- .luin.i In i-f-f.-t
of thi- termn of ll.r Wllmui law.
hl. h ni ik. ii It unlaw (til lo form ft trimt
In lniHirl- l nrth i . a. a..iiil
Tlil ii Hrt mil. . I o n k"jh viifori'iia
.r.i-.-t. .wp.'.-lally on th- pif-t of tin
i i .-i..itor. aii't th-y m rc rt illisl
to with 'lrll It ",! i...r'-.l imt.
oih. r I titsiuH that t)i- tr !i! itlo.i of ,i
ii. a-,tl-!nit jr'll.! W '.il l h ull to
a I i;ii .Ii 'vati w hi' h i oul.l n A ftffonl
,i l.iTiir .l.luit.-, whl h -I'll. I 1'. ut-
tor... at tli.- '. tlm- Tin hiitmi
of tin- iio(otH('i to rii-.ilr from ,t . I'i-'ii-.'.h.
.1 lax on U.-r aii'l a t. mi'i.rarv
.inly on t. a h- l to unlti- a fi oim-.t.-il i'l
iM.,ni im fo th- unoont of r.-M nur
tin- tilll w.niM 1--1-1 XI my -vatori ix
,r. .-.l th.- iiihiloi thai th.- v-l.imi- wmiM
,,( . ..,iiii to th.' l-'Ul.'i -! if tin- oV-irnm-
nt It w l:i ri ior:.- to th:n vh w
that ii i!i i'niili..'it!iin n.i r-a- lnl to pro-
hi.- K.inii- turm of tax on tm-k tra:i
in'ilmi. Th.- 'l.-talln I thl. h. mi' wi re
ot ili' I h it upon, hut I. It to thi' II -in. ;K
-omniltiv t irfv t.
iiM.Hi llli.ii.-.iitS MA UK.
T.irlit liill Niaiiy (or
- Sal iini Spruni;.
'Inal Vole
YViihl!iilton. July 1 -The lliiame eom
mitti e ntlfferiil (S. Viral '.UK tsl le-
leinen iliiiln- the luovrem of tli lanil
I. Ill ili lmle to.l.iy. hilllit .h-l' ate-l til time
Imiioriiinl oti. Cotton tiauirliis; a.
lila.eil un ilie free IM. J lo i uiul et.l
lou tlm, itlno, hy u vole of ;i to I". The
ili.ty on white pin lumlier u reilueeil
Horn J to i pel hy a vote ot 31' to
31. '
The .'meiiiliiunt on pi e o-iiinloii'il the
Uieati'it nuriu'lne, ami letl to u K". t'-il
lueakiiiw up of party linen on both nhU s
of the i liamUtT. IMiiIiik the early nt.iKen
ot the ili hate the July on lumber, In
cliiill w pine, wan plu'eil ut i'i after n
piotraeteil content. ToJay Teller
to the ooulent unJ moveJ to iilaoe white
pine lumlier oa the free lint. The nineiul
lllellt .! JefillteJ by the clone Volvo!
to il, four ri'publloar.n liaker, Curur,
llannbtoiiKh a al yii,iy--Jolnliin with the
Jem r.iln. popullntn unJ nilver repiiUl-
citiiK In the iilllrmullvc, while three Jem-ut-rutn
Wlilto, MeKnery mui Murtln-vot-eJ
with the nptiblli'iinn In the :'millve.
1 Howl u tip thin clone vole. Mantle
r.ioveo 10 reiiuoe ine rate on w line pine
from tl to 1, mui II nun currtctl by n
majority ot one. Two ipubl. unn Ilaker
iin.l Ciirter vuteJ with the Jemocriiln
in tho neitallve. The bill In now com
ploteJ with tho exception of the reclproc
ity .aertlon aatl ionic conipniatlvely minor
pnracrnphn. Much proRres was miule
toJuy In clearing up Jet.icheJ iai'iiKriiphn
heretofore pancJ over, unly three of
tliene coal tut', pot.inh ami Ita renialn,
so that thi ne Items, the reciprocity nee
Hon the brief Internal revenue ami
aJml Isii-atlou provslonn are all that re
main of the bill to be JsponeJ of before
the tin il vote Is taken.
Will I'robably
Not Be HclJ More Than
n Week.
Wimhtiifcton. July 1. When tho tariff
bill reachen the houne after It hau p.iscil
the ne In not probable that there
will be an attempt maJe to opponc the
motion, w hich will be either illtvctcJ by
Chairman Dlimley or by the operation
of a onler, to tlinasree to the
nenate amemtmcnts and sen J the hill to
conference. The republican leaders will
avoid debate. Mr. Palley, the leader of
the minority, sold today that he would
not oppo'e the motion to pet the bill Into
conference, provided the republican
Hiini' t ii ri'iiwiMlr llni 'or
iiih'iti' Hlun IIia Mil In r''i"rtcl to
th- liif'lro. Ill' llimiKllt Hlt'C or
:nr fur iiI:i il thai Utuf
Hftlllit l milllrli. A.
Tli; vtliniilr of tli tun. tli; llll
In- I : ritfiTi ii' raiium from two to t-n
i.i;i, 'nil tin- lnl opinion In lh..t tli.'
i onli rri will n port ilif t ill Imi' K i
w !( from mm Moiula)-, If It (.(mn-ii over
(mm ttw :.ti Hi tin- liitti-r .lit
lt(i-Klill.l. TO tJItl'.KCIC.
U .iliiiiio i, July I It In bmli-rntoo'I '
tint tt.- ;r.nliI"M mui n.i-c-tii VV. Kix k
l.lll, liUi- ll.uit m-cn tJiry trf Mute, for
the 't of minlHtt-r to tlrn-cv. Mr.
ltorkli!ir ii ifi lit n t nl will not I i
tru ly u In any M-nm; Imt tmmil upon
'h; rx.-ri-.'tf'- un n il!) anil til
iiii'i-ll. nt work w. tit It- n the oYimrtmrnt
of nntir. Hi- fill-mi thi- illiomiitlr
m rvlre itn far k im lkkl.
W.iHhliwton. July l. -Tht- liu.uioi k ln
l!u.. iron), Im l.i I'luho iii.i.riirn to
'lm-n (tr-atly XiiK-r;it.-l.'i-lvnl
t.xl.iy IliOlniti ttkit thi-rc U lull
III (If UixIm (or alarm.
(In ut lntrri-Ht (A t Un: Ii to HMf t'onti-t
to T..kf I'litf Twloy.
rouKliki'-nl. N. Y., JlI' 1. Thf -c-oiul
varlty ruc ovt-r thi' llulon rtvtr
four-mlli- cmimf of th- rri-wn of Colum
Ii!h. IVnisiylvM flu urxl Conwll will take
ilm-, tl'.li- ml wuti r j rnilttlnts. tomor
row itfti'MKiun. In-twi-cn thf ho urn of
iiml 1.3), I nuHuul Inti-n-dt iittiic!.f 10
thr content, owltu; to thi- parilrlimtlai rf
thr ("or.n-ll rri'W. which no timlly li-fi-ntid
Yali- mui llurviu-il hint wci k. an tin- tli
fiailliiK of Corm-ll. or the nmiuhlnf of
the rv-"inl miolti lnt wi-i-k. woulj rail."
the ftKwltu:i an lo wh.'tlw-r C'oltimhla uml
rerimylvnnlu nhouhl not lie mlmitttal to
tin- futon- cemtentn In whlrh Yale and
Murvnnl tnki- mrt with Coriw-ll.
The Inut !on here tunUrht
Iriiiln to the U-llef that Cornell will not
ili-f.ittiil. lint It In aix) ciuiil ujior.
like tfiKxl nuihorliy. thnt her crew will
have to row an they never rowed to fore.
.l nl that with aj.y kliul of favorable con-
lllliK.e the rreorJ iif lust week will lie
rut iiniler.
The lnllr.itlciw are that the weather
mnUtiiiRx will ! ritvontMe. In the
Irawinit for intnltlon thin afternoon Cor-
nll hail her iiniial luc-k. iial ilrew tile
outHl.U. whi n- the ehh ttile tiown ntrori,--I
t This l the thlnl eon.-. uUve time
that I'lrriill has ilniwn th- outihle poki
tion I'olumlna ilrew- the nhr' ami the
lYrmiylv.tnfu i r-w the ..milwtrh, or miil-
lle liluce.
KltlHtlVS of lli-l (iiv.
ini'tnlotw Powers.
n Tre
i hlmiro. July 1 An ordinance cr.ipow
ri the .MetroHilltan Traction Co. tc
build inori' tluin two hundre.1 miles if
treet railroads In Cwk county has been
passed by the county Unird. '
The way has jthus l-n paved for it
iflK.inllt' eoniMnatloa of the street rail
ways of Chicago with every suburban j
Il e now in existence The tm-w company j
is cnpit.-ilizi'd for $1".'"'.'"". nnd amonc lis
rumoriil Imckers are .mention. 1 the fid- i
loiilni;: J I'letreismt Moriran. I'. A. IV
Wl.I. n.r. W. H. Llkms and Charles T.
Vi t'ki s. tom'ther with Rhe men haekirt.- :
lie ( Klictrlc Comiiny. No money i
ompif.Matlon to the county Is provided
for by ordinance.
Colfax. Wash., July 1 John Leonard,
the murderer of Jacob Malqulsi, will not
be handed tomorrow, his case having
iH-en appealed to the United Stntcn su
premo court. Wednesday evening Loor.-
ard was taken to SiKikane. the ottlecin I
fearing mob violence. The fear seems
to have been groundless. Until Wednes
day It was supposed that LeonniM would
be ha.nt.-iil notwithstanding his appeal
ills attorneys had permission to nppeil
from Judge Hanford. but could not suc
ceed In getting a writ of prohibition from
the state supreme court or n reprieve
from tho governor.
Wednesday. Attorney General Winston
tnntrucitHl the sherlft that the
appeal."" i"-'-
constituted n stay of execution. The np-
peal will caused a delay of eight months.
even if tho judgment of the state courts j
Is continued. j
I.os Angeles. July 1. Mrs. John Brad
bury, wife of the well known young mil
lionaire, nnd II. Russell Ward, n yoc.n :
ICiitfllshman, have oloed. It Is believed
thev left 'this cltv o.u the northbound
train last nltht. nnd It Is wild thnt their
dislli'.atloti In Australia. Tho elopement
is tlm senuii of a compriinilslng escapade
of the lounle at Sa:;ta .Monica several
Jays ago, which shocked the four hen
Ired nl ni l the gosslppliu; tongues
iwaggtng. Ward has abandoned nm wne
and two children, who are touring Eii -
rov for pUasnre.
Salem, or.. July l.-tSpeclal to the As- iip thus:
torlan.) The supreme court today refused j During the last three weeks there had
to grant a certificate nf prolmble cause beea so much talk of the miners want
of stay of execution l.v the case of Lm- ling to strike, that kit the meUng of the
uel Nelson, sentenced to be hanged at!
Grant ' Pass tomorrow for tho killing of
Charles Perry- Governor Lord declines
to grant a respite.
Secretary Gage Says There Are Good
' Resources Ik-hind Is.
Condition ot (invcrtintit is alt tfait Could
be Detirctf-Hoarding of Cold in This
Country fii Stopped.
New Y'ork, July L A special to Uie
Herald from Washt-yton iwy:
"Tim overnmc;it flnonciul affair, are
In kooiI nhiiinv." nuld Secretary Gujee In
.1.-1 1 tervtew. "We have come to th
end of the flncal year with a good resour-.e
Uliifid un arl biinhtor hop for the
future. I fi el assured that by the lime
J a :ie S), l, rolls urourul the govern
ment's affair will tic i.y better condition,
wnlle the people of the country will have
caim for lau.nk fulness that a new era
of proMierlty has set In. With the end of
the lineal year IM5. o: year ago," con
tinued Mr., "the gold reserve was
only tll.W.M. or Just barely above the
thiort-Ucal reserve of a hundred millions.
There wits a fear that before the year
was over there might be ry large tx
ports, eomiM-llln the administration to
'nmili tnsue bonds for gold. Now we
not only have a gold reserve of N41.000,-
'", but there Is not a cloud In sight
as to Its continuance approxltnatelr at
mat very comfortable level This Is the
mwit hopeful Ik".i that I see In the pres
ent cundltion of the government's finan
ces, for when the country Is ill right and
the government all right, the gold reserve
Is sure to be all right, and vice versa.
"At the end of this fiscal year, looking
over the otliclul statement which has
I been ovi my desk, the condition of the
government Is all that could be desired.
There Is no trouble with the gold re
serve, that barometer of confidence. The
buniftess mo., capitalists and lnvesum,
not only of our own country, but of the
world, are content with our sitiuitlu.: and
prospects. All the nervousness which
formerly held us tn Its tolls has disap
peared. In Its place we have
I in Hit- future, coatlilonce In the govern
ment, confidence In ourselves. The hoard-Ir.k-
of fol.l has rtopiicO ami much of the
1 yellow mail that was piled away during
the depression has come out and gone
I Into circulation.
j ' The closing of the rlscnl year brings
Jus nearer Ij the passage of a new tariff
ilaw which will jrlve business a settled
j condition, we Ikiiw. for a long time. That
!lt will also give tne governmem dufflclent
'reve .ue for Its needs, doing away with
the deficit, we have satisfactory evi
Go Out on a Guneral Strlh
Sunday. Will
Tern' Haute, Intl., July 1. The Express
will say tomorrow:
Next Sunday, or prior to that day. cir
culars will be placed la the hands of
nil bltumS ous ndnent In the fiutel
States, calling them out on a strike. It
'?s estimated that men will be In
volved. Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Il
linois itral jiiru tf West Vlrtrlnla a.-.d
i Kentucky will contribute to the move
ment. The strike Is to enforce the Cr-
lumhus scale of Si ceata per ton for
' Pennsylvania; till cents for Ohio nnd In-
iliajui, nnd 55 cents for Illinois coal.
Gambling nnd Social Card Playing Pro
hibited by Law.
Butte, Mont., July t The law prohibit
ing gambling In Montana -went Into effect
today and was universally observed. All
games were shut down at 12 o'clock lnst
night nnd the nickle-ln-the-slot machines
were stored away. The law even pro
hibits shaking dice for the drinks, and,
uccoi JIng lo the uttort.x'y general's con
, structlrm. makes the playing of cards
In social gatherings unlaw-
Lives and Proiierty Destroyed In
Philippine Islands.
Manila, Philippine Islands, July 1. Ad
dltlonal details of the eruptions of the
M.iyou volcano Ire the province of At-
"avo. wows mat i.t innaoiuims oi me
village or utms pensneu. ine village
F L.- .1.. .1 .. 1 nn.t V.
' as ;ieinij miumiaii i"".i
t . i ..uii, ,1.. n-i.
crop i i"" ticiiuu iiiiv-je... m.
of IMayou has been asleep since
Miners 1:1 Illinois, Pennsylvania,
Ohio and .West Virginia.
Pittsburg, July 1. The exact situation
'us to the mtaers' strike may 1 summed
national executive board ot ine Mineworg
iers' Union tn Columbus, last weolc, It was
deckled to order one In Pennsylvania,
Ohio, Illinois a-nd West Virginia, but the
order to upnd work has not yot been
Mi:t out. As the I'lttsburg (Untri'Jt Is the
pivotal point urourxl which the coal lra.l
revolves, a convention was called for Sat
urday. At this convention It Is thought
the miners will almost unanimously vow
for a general siispw.isloii.
In the meantime, the word will be nt
out to the miners of Illinois, Indiana
ni West Virginia, and they will follow
the lend of the men of this district Eus-
penslon are to date from Monday. It Is
possible the HIljoI miners In some places
will strike tomorrow, or any time before
the fixed time to stop work Saturday.
The officials report the men In the five
bituminous mining state to be restless
and wanted to strike instead of waltlr.g
a few days lo.tger. Several small strike
have occurred. District President iKilnn
of the Miners' Union U an Interview
"There Is no question that Saturday's
oonveoton will declare for a strike to
occur at once. At all the mines where
tn men are working under Individual
contracts, tl ts doubtful If the me.) wl.l
come out. Many of the big companies
have thoso contracts with their men and
and th latter are satisfied."
Great Contest Ended and Affairs V 111
Remain Private.
Pa.i Francisco, July L The Hanticg
will contest is at an end, and the affairs
of the eml:nt Jurist mill not be aired
in public Miss Viola Keller, or Mrs.
Viola Hastings, as she my led herself, has
waived her claim to a share of the IM,-
imj estate left by the late Judge, and in
lieu thereof has accepted a modest sum.
Tbo suit has beea dismissed by consent.
as the court record snows. The terms
of the compromise are not stated, but It
Is generally itrjlerstood I hut the sum was
between IIO.W) and S12.4O0. The case was
dismissed on the day set for the trial.
New York. July 1 A dispatch to the
Herald from Cairo via Paris says:
The advance toward Abdul Hamlil will
be resumed very shortly. The Intelli
gence department staff will start for the
front as sooa as their head. Colonel Wln
Sate Bey, returns to Cairo.
Several disastrous fires have brought
desolation and ruin In Tan tail, some sub
urban district, of late, and the number
of people redertd homeless by the tires
at Aboo Tor and Mit Hobeish la JjO and
913 Respectively, while the identified bod
ies of the unfortu-iute victims amount
lo T3 and !S npectively. The spread
of the tire at Ta.jtah was most capricious,
some ihouses being left Intact, while
buildings all around them were burned.
In one ttance the fire leaped a distance
of M) yards, aa intervening house of some
what more substatlai build than ihe
others being left entirely untouched. The
loss is estimated at about W.OOO pounds,
not a penny of which was covered by
Providence, R I., July 1 President
Benjamin Andrews, of Brown University,
has returned from his trip abroad. lie
talked freely of his Journey, but refuse 1
to nay anything concerning the recent
action of the corporatloui, as he regard
ed it as a purely personal matter. He
had heard no rumor that he contemplat
ed resigning, but on the cortrary he t
preparing to take up the university busi
ness at He Bald he was not in a
pesllion to say w hMher or not Mr. Rock
efeller had made a large gift cf money
to Brown.
Niagara Falls, July L The American
Association of Wallpaper Makers has
been organlxed with the following of
ficers: President. C. W. Page.Roehester:
recordlr.ff secn-tary; D. W. Cow-lei, G10-
versville: commissioner, Charles H. Crelg,
New York.
A board of directors was elected, con
sisting ot twenty-four members and on
which are prominent wallpaper dealers
from Louisville, Washington and other
cities. The association starts with forty
Chicago, July L Chicago 13, Pittsburg
Louisville, July 1 Cnclnnntl It, Louis
ville 4.
Philadelphia, July 1. Brooklyn 2, Phil
adelphia lii.
Baltimore. July 1 Baltimore , Wash-
ii.gton 3.
New York. July 1. New York 4. Boston
Cleveland, July L Cleveland 6, St Lou
is 2.
Roseburg, Or., July B. iSpeclal to the
Astorlan.) John Zarchary pleaded guilty
to a charge of burglary and will be sen
tenced ITuesday.
Wayne Drollinger entered a plea of not
guilty. Fred Pilkl:tgton has not yet been
arraigned. These three are supposed to
be Implicated la the burglaries at Rast
and Crltzer's mill, and the soldiers' home
during the winter.
The grand Jury Is investigating th
Cow creek holdup.
Anderson. Ind.. July L All the tin
plate works In the gas belt, particularly
Anderson. Ellwood, Atlanta, Gas City,
and iIiitielier, closed this morrii..g In
all the districts governed by the wage
Trial of the Competitor Crefc;ill be
Delayed for I'olicy's Sake.
But Meantime the .": Are Lan'n.aishittn'in
frison Rati in t Critical Condition
Fierce renting Ones On.
New York. July 1. A Herald dlnpatch
from Havana says:
The trial of the Competitor crew will
not take placo for several months yet,
unless the United States presses the mat
ter. The authorities her hesitate to
bring the men to trial for diplomatic "
feasor. They realize the fact thnt If
the law. of Spain mean anything, an' are
not to be brought Into disrepute, the sen
tence of the Competitor filibusters must
be a severe or. ; On the other hand,
Spain does not desire to aggravate any
hostile ifeeUn that may already exist
in Ithe United State against her. It
was JuM about the middle of July that
Consu!-Gcnral Lee, by direction of his
government, pressed here for an early
trial. He pointed out that a lung delay
had already tnkej place, and declared It
unjust. To the consul's letter General
W'eyler sent a mwst Indefinite reply. He
txKajrt ly excusing the delay on the
ground that proceedings on the part of
the froeecutlca ,iad consumed mu.U
time, and now, he said, the lawyers who
had been assigned to the prisoners nail
been given until the end of July to pre
pare the defense.
Il conclusion, he stated that It was
Impossible to say when the trial would
1 brought on." This means that It nan
been thought best to delay the trial In
definitely. In the meantime the Compet
itor crew are Ifirtgulshing to prison. Some
ot them caijiot stand the confinement
much longer. They are not treated badly,
so far as Spanish treatment of prison
ers goes in Cuba. Americans -ennnot
real lie what the confinement In CaNinas
during; these hot month means. When
Melto'., for example, wns taken prisoner,
he was a remarkably fine specimen of
"-nf-crid. Today he Is broken down be
yond recognition. His shoulders are
bowed and his frame wasted to skin and
bone. Disease among Spanish troops la
Santlage de Cuba has been so severe thnt
hen Ger.eral Weyler ordered the move
Into the Interior again against the rebels,
the only soldiers available were conval
escents. All over the Island tilwase
among the Spanish troops Is Increcslrn;
at a fearful rate. Out of the thousand
mtn in the Vesar IhaUallon tn del
Rio, nearly TOO have been rendered unfit
for service by malaria. The hopitals
In Havana nre crowded to overflowing.
General Ruix Rivera Is daingerously ill:
The priso-crs' doctors have performed
a delicate operation upon him. and he
is mow In a critical conditio-.
The Herald's correspondent in Matan-
za.9 reports a fierce or. Sat
urday between Spanish troops and a
large body of insurgents. ' Between 60
and "0 Spaniards were killed and wound
ed. The rebel less Is not known. Gen
eral Mellne, who was with a column o:
men, came to the assistance of the Span
iards nnd was badly wounded during the
ensasottent. There are 1'. the vicinity
of Matanias KOO Insurgents, well armed
and equipped. ;
Tne rebel leader Guaracra captured a::C
killed two Spa ish spies near the city
limts of Matanxas on Sunday last. The
correspondent also vouches for the state
ment that the Spanish macheted 17 pneif
Icos, mea nnd womenv who had left town
tor a plantation to get food.
Chlcugo, July 1. Miss Maria Straub,
well-known as a composer of church and
Sunday school hymns, la dead. Ml
Straub was the author of nearly !ixi
hymr.e, all of which have been set to
music by American composers.
Columbjs, O., July 1. Happy Jack, the
horse that paces unharnessed, reduced
his record two seconds, making a mile
hi 2:05. ,
Afcsc!ute!y Puio
Celebrated for lta great. ;(.v,
strengtQ and healthfuiDes. Asuri
n tl.
food against alum and ail t
. t!
brand. KOYAL BAKING row