The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 29, 1897, Image 4

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We have just
Gold Coin Stoves
and Steel Ranges
From Chicago, which we guarantee superior
in every way to Anything on the market, and
at a greatly reduced price
Call and see Jthem at
Formeily M. C. Crosby's Store.
High Grade Candies at Lowest Prices
New Lot
Ladies', Misses and Children's
Kid Spring Heel Shoes
Columbia 5hoe Company
523 Commercial Street.
Ladies', Misses
and Children's..
Prices Reasonatlc Foil Value
Complete Stock of Serviceable
Boots and Shoes
John Hahn & Co.
4 479 Commercial St.
....THIS WEEK....
We will close out oar
stock of
L.odieV""i CHlldren's
....At Half Price....
Cor. Ninth and Commercial Sta
Not a flower
But shows some touch. In freckle, streak
or stain.
Of bis unrivaled pencil. Cowper.
Astoria won easily.
Ask your grocer for "Papola."
Beet meals 10c, at Casino restaurant.
No dyspepsia If you use "Papola."
Mr. Fred Norton la again at the OWc?
"Enlisted for the War." Swope will be
Ice cream by the bushel at C. B.
The football team beat Nabcotta by a
core of 3 to L
Mr. G. M. Hawes returned yesterday
from Portland.
Bee Rose, Higgins & Co.'s offer U sell
goods for cash.
Bee Ross, Higgins & Co. for fresh fruits
and vegetables.
Miss Pearl Holden spent yesterday with
friends at Fort Canby.
Remember, this Is the afte'noon for the
tea at Mrs. I. Bergman's.
C. B. Smith sella pure cream; no corn
taroh or gelatine used.
Leave your orders for wild blackberries
at Ross Higgins & Co.'s.
Foard & Stokes keep "Papola," besides
a full line of fine groceries.
Yesterday the Parker House opened Its
dining room for the season.
Born, to the wife of Captain E. P. Par
ker, Sunday morning, a son.
Mrs. Otto HeJlborn and son have re
turned from a visit to California.
A regular old-fashioned prairie schooner
appeared in town yesterday. Its quaint
and well-worn appearance caused no lit
received car if the Celebrated
Lace and Button
tle comment as the vehicle passed down
the principal street
Boys', Youth's sad Little Goal's Ox
Blood Shoe. Columbia Shoo Co.
Best cup of coffee in town at the Model
Restaurant. 461 Commercial street.
Buy your sweet cream at the Bon
bonnlere; It will not fall to whip.
Mr. Walter Stokes, of Foard 4 Stokes
Co., !s in Portland on a business trip.
Mr. John Carlson and family will move
to their new Seaside cottage :hl3 morn
ing. For roofllng and skylights go to the
Astoria Roofing and Cornice Co., J Ninth
street ,-, - . . . . ,
''Enlisted for the War," a play full of ;
fun ami patriotism, at Fisher's Opera
house July 1
If you wish to see something you can
enjoy and laugh at, go to Fisher's opera
Jiouse July 3. ,-,. ..i-
Mrs. Phil Cook, on the Sound, a former
Astorlan, Is reported as being v?ry ill
with pleurisy.
P. J. Meany, the leading merchant
tailor, 137 Tenth St The highest price
paid for fur skins.
The sons of Mrs. O. W. Lounsberry,
with a companion, are vUP.Ing with Mrs.
Alex. Compbtll at Seaside.
Mr. J. V. Crelghton, chief clerk of the
Northern Pacific freight department, is
still rusticating at Flavel.
Tillamook creamery butter Is the bei-t
made In Oregon. Received fresh every
week. Ask your grocer for It.
In Sunday's issue the daily records for
the week at the bowling alleys made Mr.
H. Wliie's score read 33 Instead of 3.
The Misses Joe anil Lou Allen, daugh
ters of Mrs. Thoma-s Crang. will arrive
today to spend the summer in Astoria.
The Warrenton and Sklpanon nines play
ed a game of baseball yesu-rduy with the
score being 1H to 15 In favor of the former.
Sam Oliver's men. who struck Friday
for higher wages at the seining grounds,
went to work yesterday under a compro
mle. One of the proudest men in towi Is
Captain E. P. Parker, who Mas com
menced to euueate anoth:-.- steamboat
The Clatsop mills, Astoria Box Co., and
other factories are running full time find
have hard work to kefp ahead yt t-.eir
Mr. E. F. Thayer returned yesterday
from Portland. He was recently In Ciil
cago, and has resumed his duties on the
steamer Lurllne.
Saturday Inspectors Edwards nnd Mc
Dermott examined the boilers of the
steamer Astorian, and pronoun?ed th.-m
in good condition.
Flro works, flro crackers, flags, bunting
and China lanterns at the New York Nov
elty Store. Order from the eonntry
promptly attended to.
The baseball game in Uppertown Sun
day, between the Alderbrooks and the Ar
torlans, resulted in favor of the former
by a score of 43 to 27.
Jim Hare will be a living monument
to the memory of General Grant at Fish
er's opera house July 3. Admission. 50
'and 25 cents. The Fourth of July dance
the Cash Grocer.
Sack "lVifinl Kiiov" Flour
3 gill pail Snti
50 Cents
1 e can tl no Syrup
50 Cents
Pail Jolly
25 Cents
4 pkv Corn Ntarcb
Telephone JJ
thin year will be given the evening of
tht 5th. at Foard Stokes' hall. UulUs
' j The- sheriff yesterday sold ill li. prop
'erty In the county which u levied mvn
'for unpaid taxes. In most Instance the
'county the purchase
Mists Belle Kearney, of Mississippi, v 111
j lecture In 'he M. K. church. Tuesday even.
ing. June !. Miss rvearney excels 111 nn.
logic and splendid oratory.
The Rev. Mr. Short and wife will return
this morning frm Flavel. where they
have been attending the conten
tion of the Episcopal church.
Fine piano for sale cheap. Will take
part payment In room and board for 'nan
and wife. Easy terms for balance. Ad
dress "Piano," care AstorUo.
Full set of teeth. Ih; warranted. Pain
less dentistry at reasonable prices. Pr.
D. S. Stryker, dentist US years' experi
ence), 5a Commercial street. Astoria Or.
When going East travel on the North
ern Pacific Railway. Quick time and the
only line running dining cars. Train
leaves Portland dally at 11 o'clock a. m.
Readers of the Astotian who sre hunt-1
Ing houses or rooms for rent, furnished
and unfurnished, may find something to
isuit them tn the Astorlan's for rent col-
umn- . ii .--
The Red Men's excursion the Fourth of
July promises to lie very lamely au ndej,
and an Interesting event. The train will
leave the Telephone dock nt 1:30 Sunday
Owing to Rev. Mr. Short's detention In
Portland, this Week's rehearsal tr the
boy's choir will not be held un'.ll Wednes
day afternoon. Instead of Tuesday, as
ar neunred.
When you want a real Ufe-llke and
artistic photo, don't foil to call on Snod
grass. The work he is turning out now
Is ahead of anything ever made In A,s
torla before. , - .ju
r -
Bonfires were built Sunday evening at
Flavel and on the hills of Astoria, '.n
honor of the entrance Into the hurbor of
the United States monitors Monterey
ami Monadnock.
- - - mm ' J
Ross, Higgins & Co. are still In busi
ness at the old stand and will give
as good value for the money as anyone.
Entrance to their store from east side
while street repairs are In progress.
A gentleman who has Just return-1)
from California says that Southern Paella
officials are making preparations to ship
to Astoria the material for erecting sv.
eral elevators at the mouth of '.he Colum
bia. Notice has been received that Mr. Tur
ner Oliver, grand chancellor of the
Knights of Pythias, will be In Astoria
Friday, July 7th, for the purpose of ex
emplifying the unwritten work of the or
der. A new Invoice of perfumes for the sum
mer trade Just received. An assortment
of choice odors of importers and domestic
manufacturers; also Queen of Violets In
quantities to suit Chns. Roge.-s, drug
gist Fred Rosenstock will publish the official
program of the Fourth of July celebra
tion. All who wish to secure advertising
space on the program should call or. Mr.
Rosenstock early. In order to be accom
modated. Don't forget that the tea to be given
this afternoon and evening by the ladles
of St. Agnes Guild of Grace church, nt the
residence of Mrs. I. Bergman, lie
one of the mot enjoyable social fun.jtloiis
of the summer season.
Contractor C. G. Palmbur already ha.
110 feet of the new bicycle path com
pleted, and will finish the rest of It by
Saturday night. The graders probably
will have their part of the work done
about the same time.
Ross, Higgins & Co. have taken the
agency for the famous "Corvallls"
flour. Three carloads arrived here for
them yesterday and they will from
now on furnish dealers with the same
at mill prices In lots to suit.
Surday afternoon the funeral of the
late Captain Phil Johnson was very large
ly attended. P.f-v. J. J. Walter conduced
the first part of the servlcp, the remainder
being In the hands of the Odd K'.-llows,
of which order the captain was a mem
ber The Pioneers Odd Fellows and pilots
jPire Works d
Fire Crackers
WING LEE, 543 Commercial St.
attended the funeral, lincrmciit was
made at tlrevnwind tvinetery, the stsani
or lairlln carrying out passenger tn
the funeral. Captain F. M, Hcuutmikcr
rvad the service.
The young ladles of St. Asiies lull. I.
elntce church, will give an afiernnon ten
and musical nt the residence of Mr. I.
1'iriiinan, No, J't ISohd street, this nflcr
nKn, A cordial Imitation Is extended 10
all church ptsiple and others to al'ctid,
Some little uneasiness was manifested
yesterday tn the various (tunny oilier,
in av-unt of :he hint given In the imilrf
of the fees of oMclils. It was stated In
a n argument In the Kill ease 'hit there
was n defect In the Oregon law ill tvg-ird
to this subject.
Messrs. a. S. Tee and Frank Spittle re
turned yesterday from IVrtlmd. While
there they attended tile Kplsciei-il cjnei.
linn. Mr. Spittle reports that the cen-
ventlon was one of the most Interesting
nr. I harmonious church gatlterliws 1 ol
he ever attended.
.l is A An,l.'M,'n V II. I'littcrsotl. I
Ucld, tleo. Whltuker, IVrtland: A. tUvk
er. Albany: The. Itoylr, Kliappu:
Alei'nrthv Ann Vriinclsco: S. It. Thomas.
llrooktleld; V. S. Ward. St. Louis: 1 V.
Homier. Chicago, registered nt the Parker
House yreterday.
The following cltlsens spent Sunday at
Seaside. .1. W. Williams, F. J. Ta.r
and wife, Mrs. A. l.eberninn nnd il.uiv.t',1. r.
Mrs. K. J. Smith an I son, W. Tltnson and
wife. Mr. and Mrs, IVIlinger and daughter
Mrs. V. It. Painter, lr. O. 11. K.stes. i It,
Cooper, Ceo. Xeland. Walter Smlih.
r.eHrt ree'lve. yesterl iv from the
unnerle stateil that thcn was I decided
Itniirovement In the run of llslt. The
trapxr and seiners nr doing Mrii.ul:ir
ly well. There nr many Units .-(shim;
In the tipvr river, the number being
much larger than usual, and th llshermrn
are making good wages on the. avrniKs.
A new river s"r'lce hns been lnnugu
rate.1 between Astoria and Rainier, ore
eon. Including- all Intermediate landlt.KS.
The tine steamer "Pilgrim." Captain A.
u Ilratee. will moke round trips dally,
except Sunday, leaving I'.alnl.-r at S:3u
a. m , reaching Astoria at H:'. landing
at the rourt.-enth striHt whnrf, and de
parting on her return at l:. Pn-mpt
time and the best ervl-e Is guarantied
for both passengers and freight.
The railroad line between th' O I!
N. dock and Tongue Point. Is now vcrv
nrly completed. One small gi.p of al. tut
2m feet near the browrry. remain to
N cIomhI and another one, snmewluit
longer, in fn nt of the fishermen's can
nery, rppertown. will be rlosml up In a
few days. The contractors ur.. w..rkln.-
hard and will pndxitilv hnve tile w rk
done by July j, ,
Northern Pacific railroad trains lint
Portland dally at 11 o'clock a. m. f r
Taeoma, Spokane, and the Fast. Cloee
connection made at Spokane for Ross
land. Nelson, Sand'W and Rrttlsh Co
lumbia mining camps. For maps and
Information call on or addrews
Astoria. Or.
In the window of the office of Frank l
Parker Is a Cre-so-nt bicycle which has
been donated by Sherman He Thing to be
mined for the Iwnetlt of the l.leyrle path
to Hammond Park. It Is on n frame wl,h
an electric mejtor allai lied iin.J It Is an
!en g less how fii.-t It tr..i ls In the air.
All day long people have been hulHliil
watches on It but no two ngrue ns to In
speed. It has twen suggested that a rml
cJ cycJonntcr l.e placed on the wheel
V. C. Itarrett, W. S. Still. Chicago; A
Anderson. O. S.Walehstrnm, F. A. Knipp,
A. A. Wright, T. II. Davis, Al ltetts. H.
Schmidt, C. II. Iodd. F. W. Condor. R. I..
Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Neville ami sou,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kehn, J. V. Crelgi
ton, M. M. KorefT and wife, D. 8. Lnshlrr,
Portland; W. Evan ami wife, I'. p. A.,
Frank Klan, Fort Cnnby: C. C. WcGow
an, Chinook: R. F. Volght, F. II. Med
ton. Jus. Shower, Pan Francisco, wire
guests of the Occident yesterday.
Work Is being pushed with clgor all
along the line of the Astoria Oobln mil.-,
road. Messrs. Howymnn ft De Hart
have now about "fl m-n at work, and ex
pect to bo able to employ Pjmi in u kl'.ort
time. The side cuttings along the bolt's
on the bank of the river prgf-s rapidly,
and with seven dredge at wor on the
tide lands, piling up an average of nearly
ion yards of grade each per day, the line
Is extending very fast. There are some
pieces of heavy work to de, but it is
thought they will be get through with In
time to have the road completed this fnll
The Fourth of July celebration, It Is
predicted, will lie a credit to this city,
artel will bring m.'iry to town.
No better sele-ctlon cejiild be made In the
the sporting management than Messrs,
Peter Grant and C. J. Trenchurd. Roth of
these gentlemen arc '.horoughly post-d on
all klnels of sports, and will m-e that the
program Is promptly rarrte-d out to the
letter. They have provided a most ex
cellent i ntertalnrnr nt on taeir part. tvM, h
III be duly appreciated by the public.
The officers 0f the A. F. C. have secured
the sanction of the P. M. A., so that their
me;mbe-r can compete In the hundnd
yard dash and 120-yard hurdle, as well as
Special Cash
From now on
The list of articles which come under
this head is too long to publish, but a
trial order will show that we mean
Some Things
Complete Salmon
t V .A. W tV A f
J Lmvn Mowers J
Srvvvvv vvm
For 5ale by
In tin. ot!n r contests. The rtmt two ileitis
will utxliMibtfdly bring out a number of
young athletes, who Mil rrcelo llli T il
hanillciiis.. Illiyiie nun and numerous
other events for young and old will be
in th' cards. The chief attraction PI
is. the mounted broadsword content, to
take pl.u-e on Van Duson's grounds lie.
iween the champion, Itaron Mali bin mid
his tniln.-r. This will Iw a treat which
the pcpl I'unnot nfTurd to miss All rli-
trl.s by amateurs, which will be r'
without fee, must 1st In by Saturday nlitlu,
the third.
Miss llelle Kearney's lec ture' last even.
Ing. ul the Methodist church, under the
itostdcv of the AstorU brunch of llie
V. C. T. t'., was enjoyed by a good-sis d
audleiH-e, ceHniussl of some of the l-t
and nuwt Intelligent of Astoria's cltliens.
Miss Kearney Is nn excellent public p"uk.
er. and her address was replete with lug
In. I, prople tlc. and persuasive reas.mlir:.
Th.-r are tame who heard Mls Keanuy
but went home with n stronger sentiment
In favor of the rati., of temperance, and
a hlglu-r and nobler Ideal In life. It Is
an entirely modest estimate of .'.ll-s
Kisirn.'s I. attire to say no lie'ter un
the same subject bus perhaps ever lerll
,1. lu i re.l In Aslorlit
I - - '
The larxe ow re:ntly built by the
Trulllnu-er s was suc.-essfully launched ttt
nccn yesterday. In the laun h from ;he
disk at the old mill It was necessary In
turn the scow cimiph bly over before she
struck the water. The nrangemi nt Were
carefully plained but It was txpeitcd that
she woald l? at Mist partially filled with
water lief ore shu righted In the rln.
The result was so satisfactory that after
.:e was In the water It was found tiiat
but a few gallons of water was In her.
"Julie a number of people were present lo
si e the launching and all expressed them
selves as dellghteel nt the success of the
ui.dertakliig. No wire was broken ov.t
I,, r Is.w nor v.ns she furrnaly mimed.
At the meeting of the general arrange
rru-nt committee for the Fourth Of July
rrli Trillion, wtili h wns h-dd 'us: nUhl,
the various suh-commltters r-Krtesl all
arrangeme-nts pnu-ll'iilly completed for
the greatest cclelratlon ever held In As
torlu. Answers have l.t rcelvel rom
various organisations which will appear
In tho procession, lioth from neighboring
towns, ns well as Uie civic anel othr :itv
organizations. A grand display of .'Ire.
works In the evening Is assured. Mr,
I'eter (inint, of the committee on sports,
h:ot received from Huron, th broadsword
man and his men, a contract for their
apM-ariince he-re on the fifth, the day nf
tho ccle-brntion, which wns exe-cuted an l
returnesl to them. Astoria, apparently,
drM-s net Intend to take a back seat for any
of the cities In Oregon In proportion to
rible accident to be burned or scalded;
but the pain and agony and frightful
disfigurements con be quickly overcame
without leaving a scar by using He
witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Charles
The) whole life can take on a new phase
In twenty-four hours.
we will give
-Ross, Higgins & Co.
in Season
Nets, Knitted Web
tit II, lino- r
Carpenter's Tools'
Seaside,-Sunday, -Jaly-4th
civen by
Train leaves Telephone ilnck at villi
The Aslxria Military IUn.1 will I hi in
Jtblgti Cltiveluinl will deliver tlieornlinti.
Round Trip Tickets, . . $1.00
Children Udweeli Sge of VI
nu.l & )ears, HAM-' F.UJK
There will he jili'tity of ginul smrl on
llie program.
"Enlisted for the War"
l'lli:ni.NTi:i AT FISIil'IlK
ul'Kll.l llot'HK. HATl'llDAV
tiik koi. lowing caht f
llob Tri.esworth
SVilder Howell
IIom'U Jetlks
II II. Vl.hibn
. M. F. Hardest)
Fred lury
Illralll Jenks
J. C, 8wo
Crimp (colored)
General Grant
J. w. i;rw:i
J. W liars
Colonel lloxsr John Young
tlaylle liinord Mlm J sslo Jewell
Mrs. Trueswi.rth Miss Ida Anderson
.Ma tllr Trucswerth. . .M.s Kay l. b rman
Admission to all parts of the house, U)
elits; th ki is fur the theater and dni co
Monday evening ut FiMird Htnkei hall,
j cents i nch, single lb ki ts to the ilull l .
cents, or II fur gentleman and lady.
I.llill.-M Will Hot le lldmltted flee to til
dance, bill must procure tickets.
lance, but must procure tki ts.
187a Sy
A Specialty.
Ship Chandler
Iron it StfH!,
GpK'brie A Provisions,
Flour A Mill Feci,
Paints, Oils, VninWlif,
Loggers Supplies,
Fairbank's Scales,
Poors & Windows,
Agricultural Implement
Wagons t& Vehicles.
And Kcturn In One Duy,
Steamer Pilgrim,
A. L. imAZEE. Master.
Will leave ftalnler dally, except Sunday,
at 6:30 a m touching at I Du. Mer
gers, Stella, Oak Point, Eaglo til II,
Knappa, Clifton, Westport,
and other landings, arriving at Hth
street wharf, Astoria, at 10 a. m.
Leave Astoria at 1:M p. m., calling at
way landings on return.
Fast time and satisfactory isrvloe
Phons No. 68
Astoria, Orsgos
Ship Chandlery,
SfMClal Atuntloo Psld te Supplying Ships.
Front St., foot of 4th, Astoria,
General Macninists and Boiler Makat
Itei tni Mar Englnss, Bullw work, Slssa
botl tnd Canntry Work 1 Specialty.
Castlogl of All Dsscrlptlons Mads to Ordsr ot
Short Notlca.
John Fog..,, President and Superintendenl
A. Ia. Fox Vioe President
O. B. Prael Secretary
Astoria Savings Bank Treasurer
ruit hint.
Full IlKNT-Furnished house, r"tiily
tor liniisekepliMI. Kxt baliua slivi'l. n
ipill'c uf H, T, Mr Ken II, ,
l'tH KKNT-Twu clean, slx-ruon col
lages, liupilra of W, J. Hculley, 4.11 tlnnd
street, or 4lt li'.xclmnga slroel,
I 'tilt ItKNT-Klght-room hmise nil imh
siiwt, near (I rand; I'.n wr month. As-
tnrln I ai ml H liivpstnii'iit Co., VA Cum
luerelnl strrs-t
l''nll IlKST -Nlce twii-story, elglil Mom
collage, centrally iuti1; rut l.n, Hlusrt
Hios, Hll Coiniiiere'lal slret,
Full II KNT-Furnished room, centrally
located: ill Kxchattst street
Full IU.NT.-Two rooms furnished for
Hlllit huusekeepltig, over VJ t'ointniriinl
siii it; 113 pur iiiiMith, Astuiiii I .mi I mid
Investment t'o.
Full IlKNT Furnished, M
suit or 4nl, by the day or iii'eilh.
Hotel Tin lie, under nitre new iiuuiaga-
iHout. tlient mluL'tion In ratoa. Mrs.
U, V. Purler, manager. Csr, ltovenl
and Fianklln.
FOR UK NT -Several well fuinUlM4
rooms fur Kelillnliivu cheap at corner
uf iHiiiw aiul Kevoiiili streela No, 11
He ven tit.
Full IU.NI' To upstairs rooms si 4
Flrvotitlt strrot, N, W. corner llnrilsua
avenue Inuulro on preitilK.
IUIIimsJ hands wanted fur Iminedlsl
work on track. Apply at rsuti 4. Kiavsl
lilm k. A. C. 11. It. It
,M'i:i lly an rlerleiiwl tt'tinan.
la ii eh niilns lo do .VUilnss "H." Atiif
Inn littler.
Ft)H HA1.K.
Foil HAI.K i first tm inlbh "uws
fur sale ut a l-iiisil", also 1 good Walk
l.i-e, Alililv at lllefflie
rt)ll HAI.K A J. 8. Mundjr lmpr.,ved
friction drum hoisting miiitue. Hl
boiler, 7x2H feet; cylinder. 7x1: Indies,
A flnit-vtas engine, alta.wt as gs4 as
now. Address "A." AslorUn uftli'.
l'iiM An iinitr-lla, on. the sidewalk
III front of Asturla National I tank ilntirr
can iwiirt saiiip by calling at Astorian
unlcti sud mytng for Ibis notlcs.
c. c. n now eh.
liundorson tluildlng.
Astoria. Oregoa.
omce, upstslr. Astorian tluildlng.
lll. JAV Tt'TTLli,
omce, rooms 5 and 6. 1'ylhUn bulldg.
um Commercial St. Ilesldence sams.
Telephone IsJ.
Acting assistant surgeon V. S. Ma
rine hospital service.
Mourns 1 and 2, I'ythlan Hulldln,
over C. It. Cooper's store.
DIL O. 1). ESTlCfl,
Special sttenllun to diseases of somas
and surgery.
OrTlce ovsr Danslger's store. Astoria.
Telephone No. U.
Oflloe on Bond street. Astoria, Or.
4M Commeretal street
Cheater V. Dolpb. Richard NliiaT
Portland, Oregon, 14. it, H and IT,
Hamilton Kulldlng. All legal and eol
Inctlon busln ss promptly attended to.
Claims against the government a spe
ilalty . ' -a
A. M Regular communications held on
the first and third Tuesday evenlsg ot
each month.
E. C. HOLDEN, Secretary-
For sale cheap and on easy terms,
four choice building lots In McClure's.
Astoria. For particulars call on HoweU,
A Ward, 61D Dond street.
If you want good lumber and lowest
prices figure with the Oobel Mills.
W. B. EDWARDS, agent.
, at any man coming out of
our store and you'll get a
portrait of a man brimming
over with pleasant thoughts,
Huch quality In the liquors
we have to offer are etiough te,
please any man.
Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Fruits
Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and
Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies.
Cor. Tenth arid Commercial streets.