THE DAILY ASTOttlAN, SUNDAY MORNIXO JUNE H7. J1EWS FH01H THE WEST SIDE THE MOTOR LINE STILL SON But West Sitlers Have Hopes That It Kill Yet Come Another week ha gone by! and no sign of Ui motor lln that is to bring Astoria u1 tlie West till ckwor lottelher. Yea. there Is nmi sign. About a fk ago the drive wheels ftr the engine were relumed from the abopi at Corvnllls, where they had buen ent tor repair. They were left lying ou the dock In Asuirla for aereml daya after their return, finally being brought to tht aide of the bay. The two aaenger eoarhea are UU la the store house of the Bay Railway at Smith Point. When the new motor train will be started lia question no one outnlde the rail road official can answer, though there are a number oeer here who would Ilka to have n Ido of the time. The tockholder of Uie new Hotel Flavel appreciate, no doubt, the excellent aervlce the railroad compauy I giving their part of the Weal Side. It will probably come In time however. Kearly every one who ha ben to Portland remember the little steamer Cyclone, one of the ftuteat craft ever run on the Willamette. Eh wa in the passenger trad between Stark street and Alblna, and coined money, before the eleetrle ca went Into conn etltlou be tween Tortland and that point. Well, for the paal mmilh certain panic Interested In the welfare of the M Side of Young- Bay, have been seriously considering a move toward putting on a quick and cbeap m. n oi tran- (poruilon between Astoria, maneaion ana Flavel. and it li thought by employing a ream er tlmtlar to the Cyclone their object would be attained. A small, fast l earner, it 1 thought, woald catch the bulk of the traffic between thoae point If Ave cent fare i charged in competition with the railroad motor fere of j 10 and si cent. Tbare 1 no doubt that a ataamer could aflord to do this on a 5 sent commutation rate, aud 10 cent fur single trips. It would be cheaper Iran the railro .d and Juit aj rapid and convanieut. SEASIDE. Ou hundred people paid a vUit to the beach oa gunday last. Anwf thm were G. C Ful ton and wife. R. F. Prae) and wile. F. L Due- bar and wite. All had their wheel and they made qnit a bicycle party. Cap.ajn James T. Gray spent Sunday hut at the beach. Among the arrival hut week were Mrs, A. X. Williams and daughter of the Dalle, who have opened their eotimge for the summer. Mrs. W. F. McGregor with her mother aud sister arrived on Thursdaw and opLd their newly finished and handsome cottage. Ben Young is putting the finishing touches to his cottage. Bis son Sirgfrte-I is holding down the cottage until 1! is nnithed. John L. Carlson aud wlt spent Wednesday at the beach aud ou Monday next will move into their elegant new bouse, where they will speed the in miner- The contract irs are at work fixing up the old railroad bridge. Mr. Bnnsfoid.of the Astorlan, spent Sunday ast taking in th beach. J. H. Johansen has finished potting in anew froot to bis store and it gives bis building s much better spprarsnce. J. B. Glover and family. of t e 0. R. & Co.. and Miss Stacy, will spend the sunnier In U. . Colburn'i cottage. Mrs. D. Morgan, Mrs. C. E. Thomson scd Mrs. F. J. Taylor, spent Friday st the beset), W. A. Pool is building a bowling alley in Grimes' grove on the shell road; H. 8. Bnttertcld and family have arrived for the sens n. Miss Lutie Cake. sf Portland, arrived to Spend the summer with her lather, Dt Cake. Mrs. J. V. Marten returned home Thursday. John Dement, of Astoria, Is ben visiting his family wno at occupying F. Fisher's cottage, F. E. Warren, will open bis ice cream pjrlors soon. SUNNYMEAD. Lumber for planking some of the principal streets south of the depot fas arrived aud work w Jl begin at an early date. It is expected that the bridge across Adalr'i creek wl l be commented the coming week. A new depot for Bunnymead will be built sometime In July. It will probably be built on the site of the old one. It is probable that a water station will be es tablished by the railroad company at Sunny mead. The water will Da tateii from Adair' creek. Tba location is suitable, being about half way between Astoria aud Flavel. Col. John Adair will commence the construc tion of a new residence here in about two weeks. The house will be located on the south !ld of the creek in block 13. WARRENTON. Mr. C. Gramma came over on business Fri day, from Astoria. Mr. Thomas Corb-tt, of Astoria, is at pres ent In charge of the government property at the material yards between tills plaee and Flavel. Mr. Dlnsmore, roadmaster of the Astoria 4 Columbia Klver Railroad has his family located at Willis Mudd's cottage in East War ren ton. E. Rice was over Thursday and Friday do ing some work for the railroad company. Mr. X. J. Grain and family are occupying the Preaeott oottage on tin east side of Bklp auon creek. All baa not been peace and ;quiet In War reuton daring the past wek. On Tuesday It was alleged that a Mr. Falrchlld was indulg ing on tb street in the use of abusive profane language. The assistant district attorney was called into the case, with the result thai th defendant wr tvmn.l over to await the clton of the grand Jury. The bond was flxe.1 at lloo, which not being trth roniing. the accused l Incarcerated In the county Jail at A Mori. The social event of the wvvk occurred at the residence of. Mr. IV K. Warren on Thurs day afternoon. A tea was given by the Io dic to nilse funds to provide for a lecture by Miss Hello Kvarneyditrlng the roniing week. The r was well attended, as It certainly deserved to ho, A sntlncttr,v amount of money was raised. The repast served was an excellent one and thesoeltil hMlntva were quite sucvcsslul Great Improvement has been made on the road bed all the way from Seaside, when' the track has been raised about eighteen Inches. In fact the road Is now In such condition as to accommodate a wry fast tralu service whenever It I deemed proper to Inuuitit rate it. The Pioneer Drug Company will toon com mence the erection of a new store building opposite the railroad depot. Pat O'Hara has his new dwelling house well uuder wh.v, and It will be ready for occupan cy before loug. .Mr. II C. Thompson ha lately been at tending to grading and other Improvement on the property known as West arrentou. During the week Mr. Theodore Kables wa fined 15 and costs, aKgregsting In the whole 1S.X for assault aud buttery on the person of S. Tomllson. The force of men that Is doing track work Is now engaged near the Young's bay trestle, repairing and ballasting the road. A week or so ago the Astorlan made meu Uon In IU Warren ton department of the need here of one or more police officers. Theeveut of the past two weeks show conclusively that the As to-lan wa right. Warreolon ban a good constable, but two or even more good officers would be none too many. Fort Stevens and Flavel. Nearly a mile of the new bicycle track to the beach ha been finished, and work on the balance goes steadily on. There Is no question about the amount of good this road will do the whole West Side. It will not only make a pleasant drive for West-slders, bnt will at tract many wheelmen from Astoria. In time there will undoubtedly be a bridge across tue bay from Smith Point, when It will be an easy matter for the people of Astoria to drive across. By the time the bridge Is completed, the West Side will have a flue system of well paved streets. Th. ... .,n. -t ih new tort, ad as the carriages ate ready, the guns will be In placed in in position in a few says. The ate am shovel will resume opera: ions in a short ti me. Sine the new hotel has been openel travel ing men are cot objects 'of curio- ty but almost daily visitors. Even xwing machine agents find their wsy over here. Miss Lens Sinner Is visiting her people here for a few days. Mrs. Wm. Stooerwasln AMoria the first of the week. Mrs. Fr'derlcksen, of Lewis and Clarke, is a guest of Mrs. Id. Storm. Miss Amy Fisher is visiting Mrs. Z. McGuire. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Kindred returned home Saturday, much Unproved alter their trip to the metropolis. W. J. Ingalls was showing his brother George In gall, ol Canada, the beauties oi our country and improvements, on Thursday. E. I Mitchell has given up his posit!, o at the government works and returned to bis home in Kuappa. Mis. E. P. Ward arr.ved on Wednesday gad .11 remain thruagh t ie summer. Mr. Ward is employed on the government wiri Mrs. Cora Ford and family, of Ilwaco, spent the week with ber brother, Charles Ford. Alice, the blithe little daughter of C. 8 W .light of the O.cldent is visiting at Pt. Adams. Mrs. Charles Jacobson and family have re turned bora?. They have been visiting friends an1 relatives In Psciflc county, Washing ton, the past two months. Mrs.McKnab, of Ilwaco, ii vU'tlnl fn'Dds In the nelg borhood. E. J. Ford and bride an still enjoying tbel h.meymoo.i In California. They may reside there permanently. S Mork has remm4 his old p-xltion on the works after an absence of two years. Dr. Peuden,of Wsrrenton. was very busy on Wednesday, examining many candidates for membership In the Artisan Assembly soon to organized In this plai s. Miss Pauline Bcbuman is a guest of the FlaveL Bh sees many changes since ber former residence at the Tansy Point cannery with her sister, Mrs. Jamea Williams. Mr. John V.Crelghton is still enJolnga rest at "Flavel." Mr. Wright, the genial clerk irf the Hotel Portland, is spending a few days st Flavel with bis family who are quartered there for the sum mer. BIIITI8H COLUMBIA MIXES. A F .rmer Fort Stevens Man In the Gold Country. E. V. Butts, formarlv of Tnrt 8tvn .rlt to his friends here from Burton City, B. C. tie gives a glowing a escrlptlon of the country in which be has Ditched his lent iM i.,nht- lcss many of his friends will be beading that way soon, ue ie it Hereon April 14th anil er nved at bis destination on th l'jth. H says in part : It is one of the wildest Dlacea I have rr looked upon, the mountai n rearing their per pendicular walls into the air on either side of the river for a dls'lfee of four thnnaanH fet The snow is mostly gone from the foothills, but nignsron me mountain sides the snow lies from 4 to 12 feet In depth. As the best pros pecting country la high up on the mountains, win re wen mio juiy Deiore much work can be done. "People from all parts of the world ara (inek. Ing here and many of them ate ldl. In what It ca. led the "tSreat loc Country"' there at nt-out T.N mines in orcrittnn and all paying big money. In Km and and Nelson are ttch properties, but In the Ctrrlhon Creek e untiy the mines are lit y i develoi I. Here t tie Country Is hir 1 of e !, and I ant atrvil It will bv a tlni before capital will interest Itselt here, a It has uo e l the Itos.lsnd els trlct. lhts . no poor m ,'s emin'ry. yet Ihei are many claim . her of ureal v Hie. thoiiwti ! undt vetnpvd, Wi tie tn.tny men ia come In I nr mil the pas three years ami taken out i vast foiiuiies, tlitie are hundreds who hv I gone aw.y poorer than they ca'i "My partner nnt t are i.u liliiig a canoe with which M go down the lake piete,'it g. What the (inure :mlii!it bring forth remains to I' seen One needs pmck and determination In this Country, as wi 11 as a little monec t tut ! "round on. With that s.irt orciuttinatiu ih re are chances f ultlmaie success. AS KCOXOMtO MISFIT. The (krmer turned In Ills easy clmtr, "1 ld in y taxca Unlay," sold he, "And umyhc yon think It's right and fittr, But diirticd If It looks thnt wiiy to tue. Senee I fixed the place, hatnt ttiey had the face T t lx me as much aoiin, by gce!" "Of course, I kicked! and I said, 'by darn!" I'd like to kn.iw If it's sulhln' new. When a man can't fix up his house and barn. 'Thout pay III' the town a:id the painters. too? it don't seem Mr, aud It don't look square To have to pay for the good you do! "Sow Llsur Joues, his fence came down, Aud be burnt tt up ias I alius v.v-,i. Aud hi cows got loose and ranged Uie town But they taxed him leas 'cause his land wa nt cloned. It's like glvtn' a prise for the crossed eye. And the frecklcst gals aud the auubbest nose! "Ef that's the way the eon u try's run. To tax a mau for his thrlviu' ways. It 'pears to me tnat the more that's done Towards linprovin' things, the lex it pays Lt your place ru-i down and disgrace the town. And your cows get Into the road to grase. Paul Pastnor In National single-La xer, I'SF.S FOK SALT. Salt puts out fire In the chimney. Salt lu the oven under the baking tins will preveat their score hlug;on the bottom. Salt aud vinegar will remove stains from discolored teacups. Salt and soda are excellent for bee stings Salt thrown on soot which has fallen ou the carpel will preveut slain. Salt put on Ink when fresh spilled on a car pet will help In removing the spot. Salt In whitewash makes It stick. Halt thrown on a coal tire which Is low will revive lu Salt used In sweeping carpels keeps ou moth FRl'lT AND ITH lK-t. For some years past physlctaus anl other hygienic reformer have been telling ua of the value of fruits, uud we are beginning at last to heed wb it they say. There are few households today where fruit 1 regarded a a luxury. Generally speaking It 1 now cousldc ret the one requisite fur old and young. The most common and wholesome fruit Is theapple, of which we find a large variety It may be eaten raw or prepared In almost endless ways, and is always acceptable. Baked or stewed apple will generully agree with the most delicate stomachs, and are an excellent medicine In many kinds of sic nesa. Although unripe fruit is nut fit to tie eaten raw, green or unripe apples stewed and sweetened are pleasant to the taste, uourlsli ing, cooling and laxative, being fur ii-rlor to pills, oils and other compounds for this purpose. In winter, raw or dried apples stewed, fulfill the same mission. It la said that peaches are the most whole some and easily digested of any fruit, and we can all speak for their toothsome pnMTtles. They are often lnioroperly eaten, however, for we scarcely realize that overripe fruit is as harmful as unripe. We regret every year that the ieacb season Is so limited, and every year the country's stock of cauned peaches Is on the Increase. Two fruits, however, we have always with us the ora.ige and the banana. There seems to be no time when the orange is not popular and agreeable. Whether tossing with fever, parched with the beat of summer, or cele brating the Joyous Chrlstimutlde, the orange Is ever welcome. It Is wise to remember that even the thin division walls of the orange are bard to digest. The Juice and pulp are all that should be eaten. Lemons, too, play a varied part In our household economy, Lemonoge quenches thirst when the thermometer stands at 100 degrees In the shade, or, thickened with su gar, breaks up a cold contracted during the chilly winds of December. The feverish pa tient gulps It down readily, and the pastry fiend regards It as an old friend when served as lemon pie. The banana Is a cheap fruit, and popular with the children. It is probably the most hearty food of any of the fruits, but Is readily digested by the majority of people. To the small seeded fruit of summer and early autumn we owe more than we perhaps are aware for our general good health during those trying seasons. If closer attention were paid to the orchard and fruit garden In summer, and the selection of sound fruit for winter us-, we would have less need of drugs and medicines, and our average health would be much belter. as SIMMONSX regulator7 Tfie Favorite Home Remetfa. For all diseases caused by derangement of the Liver, Kidneys, and Stomach, if Keep it always in the house and you will save time and Doctor's Bills, and have at hand an active, harmless and per fectly safe purgative, alterative and tonic If you feel dull, debilitated, have frequent headache, mouth tastes badly, poor appe tite and tongue coated, you are suffering from torpid liver or biliousness, and SIM MONS Liver regulator will cure you. If you have eaten anything hard to digest, or feel heavy after meals or sleep less at night, a dose of SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR will relieve you and bring pleasant sleep. If at any time you feel your system needs cleansing and regulating without violent purging, take SIMMONS LIVER Regulator. al.H. ZeiUn & Co., ItiUadelphia. TIUN-iH VYOnTII KSOWIXO. s Silt should he placid In I lie wl"r lu which matip.g la washed. A dtt of l nt cloves i i a piece of cott.-n applied to the tooth will ndcit cure tooth ache. A nireof ilaimcl nsally hammed ittitkeaa good 4sh eh th. Th ml r of ntt'ens may be removed by eating a sprig cfp-rsley. A strong solution of ho-ax applied twice ly IU cute ringworms Powdered chalk and err s root Is la one ol ths best dentifrices known. A sprained ankle kept lu hot water lor tweu t y-foiir hours w II soon ties'. In wa Mug tumblers the water slioild )e very hot. but not b lllng, and I tie t w I soft mid clean. A little sp rH of camphor put 1 1 the warr wt'l prevent the face from lo iking grray lu hot weather. A flannel bag six Inches square and tilled with sciHpsof soap makes a luxurious adjunct to the hath. A ker iscn lamp shonl I uevsr ha turned lew -the odor einausting from U la dangerous U met lung. The well beaten white of an eg,;, s ightly sweetened and llav red talth a few nrops of vanilla. Is good for children with Irrltibls stomachs. Cycling tourists, of whom many are.ahroad In the laud at this season of the voir, should for some weeks before atari Ing on their trips do a certain amount of preparatory work. Half the pleasure of a lour on the wheel Is spoiled If the rlder'a muscle are not lu con dition and refuse to do the work allotted them. The preliminary practice need not extend over a loug vrbxl. nor need II !' of great severity. A ride of from three to five mile twice a day, or even once If aunVteiil time cannot hcsissrcd fur the double Journey, will work wonders In making a person fit for Get a You con buy a lot in FIRST EXTENSION TO EAST VVARRENTON At a price within the reach oi -II. Convenient to the motor ami rail way line between Astoria, Wnrrentim ami Flavel. Five ruinutea walk from tho Warrenton dejxit. M"tor ears stop on tlie tract. Two minutes walk from any lot. The lota are perfectly levol and dry. No grading necessary. Planked streetM. With the new motor service between Astoria, Warrenton ami Flavel, First Extension to Kst Warrenton in within a few minutes ride of Astoria, and no more suitable- homesites can be found for pernor. doing businesn on the Antoria nido of the Bay. Already a large number of houses are either finished or under course of construction in this beautiful tracU For particulars call on or address Office in Tribune NO HILLS TO CLIMB IN SUNNYMEAD The surface of the whole tract is absolutely level, and there is no grading to be done before a lot is in readiness for building. Convenient to Astoria by motor or regular passenger trains on the Astoria it Columbia lliver Railway, it makes a most desirable place for a homo. Property is cheap, considering the choice location, and the surroundings arc both healthy and pleasant. Ono can reach Bunnymead from the Astoria depot in 15 minutes time by motor and the fare is so. reasonable that it makes it possible to live IN BEAUTIFUL SUNNYMEAD Bssssassssssssssi tauassssssssssBisssssssssssBssmssss(SBsssssassM ssbsbmsssssbsbsssssbssssbmssi and do business in Astoria. The plat is well watered by fresh water streams and tho main streets are now being laid with wooden pavement. A neat little depot is located on tho property, where all trains stop. For the next few days a limited number of lots will be placed on tho market at a reduced price, and the terms of sale made so easy that they are within tho reach of all. For particulars call on or address JOHN ADAIR, See the Astoria Land & Investment Company's DON'T Until you have Prices so low you IN SUNNYMEAD We have 10 lots ranging in price from $70 to $100, and they are excellent buys at that price, especially aa the terms are very easy. flSTOHLR LiflD & IflVESTVET CO., i 388 Commercial Street. ordinary touring, If the tour covers a period of two weeks or more the rider should save hi nisei I I he first throe daya with the result thnt as the trip pntgnwaiw his improved con dition will carry him any required dMmico, In the liioiinlaltious district! thero w ill he a fnlr ahum of walking, for which the tourist should In prepared, stout shocsae necessary, espccinl'y na Hie nils lea ninlrv protection where there Is much hill climbing to be done J. H. JOHANNSEN The Leading ..Merchant., of Seaside Soils tit-oils Ut Pm'iI K.itk I'ricts. ..CAMPRKH MUPPLIKM.. Home ON EASY PAYMENTS AND' STOP PAYING RENT MASON & Block, BUY PROPERTY looked at a few bargains in Alderbrook. can afford to take one or more. Paints, Oils, Wallpaper THE INDIANA PAINT SHOP Painting and Paperhanging Only Hkiltotl workim-n i-mplovoil. All work j;uarnt'0(l tn tlif Ktumianl of oxfoilt'iifc. Tho best work in Asttiiiit Iuih Ihvmi tlont ly tliH house. C. Tl. CUTHBIRTH, Proprietor. MflMunnn iUntUlUUU 4 Ross, Higgins & Company GROCERS and BUTCH ICRS AMTOMIA AND ISAM T ASSTOMI A CHOICIC KKKSII AND SALT MICAT8 WARREN SMsssssnsssssssssssstsiassasssss Lots 2, 3 and 4 ppQiwri Mr nalssfr Dr. Peao'a leiiuw asrts nil. IlLUlUltUU lUla wond.Hu! f iiaiautrrd loriiir all smvoua ibsrssts, auoh as Weak M runny I.sir iiaiu IVmsr. Ilrailaili, Wakclulusas, Lost alanliuwl, Niglnly h mis sions, Neivouauass, all dialua, luaa ol power lu lisuciollv Oigsaa uT eltlirr aes.eausnl by over esertion, youllilut etima, raeesalr us of IoImccis, opium or atlimilanta, whk-h lead to Inntiuuy, Vntisiimptkuior IiiskiiIiv. fan bcaitl,l lu tra inirksl It otrr Is.a. at ,V mall pirpald Chvulsr Hold by all diugglata Ask fur It. takMoolhrt. Maiiiiiactuiel b th IVsu klr.lllnt Pan, fiance I sua lola liugCo,,dlsulbutlusgcuU Tbltdsud Ysiuhlllltis., I'ottUud.Ui. J. W. CONN, AgooC Atert. WAIiHBNTOsN, OUKGON Astoria, Oregon Advertisement. in block 22, and 1 and 2 in .'i3;