4 THE DAILY A&TU1UAN, SIN DAY MOItNlXU. JINK SO, HW7. gaily Statoviau JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telephone No. M. TEIOI9 OF BI HS KIITH1N. DAILY. Sent by mail, per year J6.00 Sent by mail, per month SO Served by carrier, per month 45 WEEKLY. Bent by mail, per year i- In advance. Postage free to subscribers. All communication Intended for publi cation should be directed to the editor. Business communications of all kinds and remittances must be addressed to The Astoiian. The Astorian. guarantees to Its sub scriber the largest circulation of any newspaper published, on the Columbia river. press; that It must allow anything not positively criminal to 1h spoken and pub lished. This beln so, n Intolerable deal of folly, stupidity. Insanity, nnd non sense mum he uttered In such country. It Is every man's right to Utter his wh ilom, hut also to utter his tolly: and on this last right your free denlien of a free country plants himself, and says his say. England and the I'nltcd Slates see tit each to allow this right. Indeed, In both countries It Is considered quite a sacred rltrht. It follows that all sorts of talk about England Is tolerated her,', as nil sorts of talk alnvut the t'nlted States Is tolorrtted In England. Put th Am rbiii people would Ih very sorry to he hM responsible for all that appears In the "llroad Axe of Liberty." ot Is It-How, I In the speeches of Hon. flllih Program. In congress. And England alo would le loth to claim respiftMllty for the "powerful leaders" of the vinv Uvr, ,r the spmvhes of some hie -headed m.-nilvrj of parliament, ltoth countries have rot only the s un. blessing of fro- s"vh mid a free pn ' they have also a common laminate. Th- compliments of each to the other do rot nco.1 translating. The Intercourse I twecn the two i-oumri-. alo. I THE SEW WHITE run A StK-lctv to Restore the Stuarts to the English Throne. lar and frequent as though they parts of the same. Whatever Is said -i unit l initlnntlv' Itsl II the Ol AuimnHi, i.iv.uiwiuuii j and Is readable hy every m.in who car-. to read. If we sixvko different tongues. half the hitter things s.il.l or wrlttet cation to the business manager. The Weekly Astorian. the second old ft weekly In the state ot Oregon, has, next to the Portland Oregonian, the largest weekly circulation In the state. John F. Handley & Co. s-re our Port land agents, and copies of the Astorian can be had every morning at their stand, 124 Third street ENGLAND AND AMERICA. With a certain class of people in this country there seems to be nothing so pleasant as the prospect of trouble with England. They are small people. It Is true. ..m ..ro.i, wni ri.-, olh(r a, ,tran(tw ejpootlng nothing ohs on poiutrmrw ana newspaper men uiry ,.srtrt, .... ..... ,hn, Americans im accustomed to tvgiivl with a certain amount of good-natured lontonipt tile benighted Hoplc of uion-arvhy-nddon Enrop.' who accord their allegiance to the rvlKtilng Mug and en pcrors of the did World. This feellni; Is In ioksimcaI In the case of those who pet-iist m proclaiming themselves the suhj vts of mere pretenders, such as, for Instance, the I'uke of Orleans and Prince Meter i onajwrte In 1-ruuv, IMti Carlos. In Mln, l'oin Miguel In Portugal, the Kn of Naples, the vlrcind-lhike of Tuvanv and the Puke of Parma In llalv, and the mike of CumU-rland In Urunswlck Nothing hut laughter and rnllculc, how ever, can Is- accordi-d to those ,vc-ntrle n rceu- individuals who uttempi to array litem- hcs bon:uh the banner of a prel, nder who does not pretend, and who, enUar rasstM and annoyed, ratln-r than Haltered hy their homatte, dcvlin-s to Kt.ini 10 them any sort of recognition. And yet then ore a uuniher of fooll-Ui iH-opIc ot this kin,! who have fornnxl themselves In to a hvI-s of assoeiatlon, which they have endowed with the name of the leuirue of the White Hose, brunches o! wnich have actually beon organised in the I'nlted Siat., notably In lloston and In Philadelphia. The avowed aim of the here would never reach England, and English writer and speakers mtcht n.M to their hearts' content at America, and we would sleep undlstiirlvd. Hut a It Is, we are two nations speaking the sam. tongue. and yet totally distinct: enough alike to feel every point of different' as a wrong, and enough unlike to make I White Koee laague Is to change the or us know we are strangers: close enough jder of succession of the English Crow n. to know whatever each says ahout the a rather formidable 1oh, It must he ad- other, and having; that respect for each I mltted. They claim that iuoen Victoria other which makes hostile criticism hit-1 Is nothing bin usurier, and that th ter to the other. lawful sovereign of Great ltrltaln bv Wetouch each other at so many points right of legitimate descent Is the Arch mat tne chances of Jar ami irritation 1 duenws Marie Theresa, wife of that are Immensely multiplied. Were we ut- Prince Louis of Bavaria w ho. as eld.-ot terly strange leople, we would treat each of the old l'rirc Regent. Is destlnml In course of llmo to ascend the throne of it., . .. -i - " ' i r.nglish opinion about America is tholTHE JfXIOIt HRANOH P1e. ine prospeei oi r.y iroui.ie in tng- ow o,in!on for hi,.h Wt, natur iMy carx. STr.VKTS. mini oeugnis tnem. ins appearance oij;l!l merlc iiuaiumuon lor r.ngiHnn encnan;r .u.. .u . , t. ....... ... iii ft-Kiit-u which uieir I n.. ..--it'll ill iiireei lin.. riim tl,.. .1 , ni'hi.i. them: an.l If their w-nrdM ecnvpr th. ir . . . . I .. ... ....r.. ...... ....... .. . v imm i.-b. i, who mtirr.e.1 t niape, 1'uk I There is no remedy tor t!r.s chronic of Orleans. The last male ivpresemam condition of Irritation except in the In- of this line w,i th ...n,,k.. f i...i.. oum vomer upon mem uiemosi supreme ;,.rM!lln , of eountrles. who .ll.sl Much of this Is mere bluster. Indulged ; ter.inces of a free press or platform In because It Is felt to be mere Muster, and j Ent.,anl lh,,.. ,hi, I.ecausc there Is not the slightest prospei't j e a, home, ard b t England urn! u. il e.e. ii. is in-,.,- th l,,la,,.r ..r.,l f n,erl( 4 TeK l:ifty Years Ago. Who could Imagine that thin hen!, 1 1 The place where, In eighteen ninety. (hie That white world-wonder ot sich and dome Should shadow the nations, potych'onie... Itete t tile lrlr w the pri rohlri ted On Ayrr' t'llln, t the world prclcttej. CMci;o like. thy record .haw, aiucc they lUitiJ jo )r .. Aycr's Catliariic Pills havo, from t!u tiuio of their propitrntiou, boon n coiit iiuunia success with tho publio. An J that morula thttt Ayor'a Pills nccomplish vrh.tt is promised for thom; they euro whoro others fail. It was flttintr. therefore, that the world-wide popularity of these pills should bo recognised by tho World's Fuir medal of lS93-a fact which emphasizes the record: 50 Years of Cures. MARIN li NliWS. 1.TK. 1 IIKIII W V1KII, i x. v. . i Il.lll ft It 111 ft Ttndav.. I ' o ui " a cdit.il y Id I ;v s s Thiir.ilii) T '.' iw ( Eriilav , is a iki : s Ntlttiilay I" a .v; : I Similar , .V I II a I MondaV. VI A v. An I s U II ; .1 '.v ; 4 0M I k ; x . t ow wrn, a. t. f, X " h in It h lit It m I T T H V l I A V . 0 ii o i I a 1 a i t: 4i t li' IT 111 jii li. i 1 1 a. j s t II n I " 1 1MU '1 I 1 1 Vt tt low: l.wi I. VI 1','tl llV.I llOkl . I.V M-XsMSUN 1 11 K IV TO IIIM tU l .MIII.1 ItlVrK KliuM a u IIMOIIC. Vessel. Tons Unte l)s lieeme S.el.oli, A III -It 11'' Mill AMU vr. ; I'uiiiiiri.iii, H' li I Kul'lllU't lie, In sll ' i Mil Hire. II r I k i tuniti. Aune.lev, Mr !l . I'l I'Oll . IA ti.is,... ! t'liliu .s.iei.-. It .It ! limilt Hr .1' 1 i iiiniall . it s tt 1 1 .-, Hr Ml .. I li,.Nl-i-el I, lei lee. Ilr Ut If '. I d I ti)s 1 hs, .,..-1, br .li : s in . vi. Kureks. Am "It I"" "'All- s , i . -1 1 r . A N0-T0-B1C CURE GUARANTEED TOBACCO HABIT 0r l.f" ml hntefiolit.aiiiHI stint pros IWpmnrtOilMtmr thsdsalr Wtlaininiiitr fernt. Mu-o-le U HtiHnMt"i ttnrn-nsNl laliis worlit. Mnr viu mi iMimula lu tiitU.a mut it ru to uiKkniiis mvak Iiim'Ii"0 insn tn-ns. tlaoniuiaiiil iiiuituiiu. Ju.l u a l,a. l .,u .ill i litflitvil. Vst'ii",',t tiat to iHitievv ttlil ww4V. lor tir In itliMilutelv MiiMri,itle,i,t liv itriiHHl.li vrr Her Sena l r enr tsvie, isjii i l'"'"'jeit S''d siiii vuiit I.K 4w ." otiiisiiHuwwiMaiMl BiS'J.J I , l 1J 1 t"armU1 by CUaa. ltonr, lruKrlsU 11 HI umrm MANHOOD BESTOREDS T" ? l"v A & S P ',"", '' I'tmi' li ptiTnt. lait, iiIimi. klr rum i.niiif all liar. A ) H'j l 'I't""."' "'itis oiHai.i, an. h na lt Mmihiaai IN ' w Ii'aiiiilliU. Pains III Ilia ll.li,Hvliili.l l.mlaal.lia. Nerviaii IMiIIIIh i 1 I WiaV I'lniplsa. t'litllliaas Ut Warrr, Mliailtlliii- liralna. Varlisa-ala a.'l I V s tlill.lllStUiilt II ,! all luaana tiv llat r IllHliL I'tvvanla m.L.b. Iirsatd ilihar, V, lih-lttf nttleltn-aeil Inwla to HiMrilialiirrliiv aitd BCrORC a an ArTCR S" llishnrroraiil lniMtiaiH-r. t I' Ills. nr. elvauM Uts Uw, Up wa.r vna. aim niun ki.nHTnil Ilia lirliinr,ssiiaiul all UluiullUsa f lr l1llall'tl atnnisthnallil rraluNaiaittall wnak ntaita, I II- it'l : l luikl III' I He I . . t I'l'Al ; I imonir. Hr li I I lilll'tl:ell, I'r ls I ' I I .ui.lrcia. Hr .n I'k1' I mi is. II II. l .iiii.l Ire. Hr . .'" Hea. on Keck. Ill "li I" V I I -1 , , s T- I K file! l,. I'll .IN l hi. ;.n !'' . .VI-.. .. .'Is . i.l III V II A. sl OF THE of meanlne. England, a war between this country and for any cause, or none at all. In 173, alhl the Archduchess Mario Theresa la the only child of his younK.-r l.rthi-r. Ferdinand. The senior line of the Stuarts came to an end with the d.itth of Henry. Cardinal York, and I. "tl . 1V1 If , I l'i'il . 1UHI Nurihii e.i. I'Ki. J l. I ced.. siN I tiafc;.v.d.n m i The ;nilh 'iii IHi. Itallnirn, Captain l-Vrl-m. ii im -I d.' n sii id,. and I k.d at i Tit- li K. , N txli.uf. wl.i-te she will compliie h.r mi;;" h t.iKitiif i-n .""'r.,i of salmon. Tin-: STOMACH CANNOT FUKICHTKIX 111' T'ic fil.tte of i. ' ! ten! iv, left t.p III I i in k on the ho!- I M l el Ii i .1 f p rl er at ' n mi., iiik. and not oft at 1 !" p m.. proce, d:nu on her way Slid had a lame frt-n;lit and Mrtlir Hat tcrarslson of Klntf Jam.s 11. The Whil me Sitme tnini; is uniiertooit Kose I-at-ne inUn ihn in .i..., i. ..r ZT laT j there. In neither country an- these the senior brunch, the junior branch of . v,. .i.. uau, --.ii"- Mnces to te taken seriously. In neither is- Si..r,. rs.e.r...,...i ,i... -....a...... ,vm il IhM- rsnrs.ant fh untlmen, .if il,l.. , I -..iri. luiiim iw-xi in iner- iwieumes, on ine otner sine coumr .. They are Incidents In the free- Onen Vi.-h.. ... ...c -ir.. i.ir 5me wi o. ei.-iiunio.-i ,,prn nhlch ,n th lands line of succession far as ancestry Is i. .lieu luit-B in ooin laiiun. iroin on I 1-nmvrm.l lu.li... ,i......n.i.ui .. w..o..., ,uU1Cr, erapiy orog , the nrtace of the Kreat calm d.-en be- I n(f.h, ,k a o lu I -l.i ,t,la .s,,nM. T . l. . I I ..-v. ...v - i ii.inu;. S...J. i.it, iu. M,K i-i.ii .1.1. I- .. . I . , . . f I 'i'"3 iIJ,e i ivrieviiy vorreei aa lar -i-" -4." f.". i. Brrj. t,0 j;,. nailona. bound :ilmot a. .... , .. sober people, and. as far as It goe,cioy , lf ,h... we .... b. .., , . ,. , , ta nt to compare with it. echo on this j b,,, for tholr own Mke an,, for thJthe vgntevrilh cttury lln1 lhe HO,enM lde- I n-r.rl.ra .... (n maT,t .,k ...... .. I ...... . , j v .si-srs. ui.i. ui.u jici oi eemcmeni crutnttet the order of vm.ur keep peace each with the other, will find, succession and vested the latte complicates the settle- i ,i ,.i. i, i . a v.. I.. . . How much this Ides of the water complicates the settle-' .n tlme. that this Is best don hv ln.t..-iln n..- v .... ., .... I iaiiwii-1 iuu uiuiiuii iii riuiiM' ill nill- ment of any diplomatic difficulty between ' at a deat whlch cau.M the countries has been evidenced many 111-fcM'r.ir al t. of which Queen Victoria Ik the chief i now. There has not been In more thanliinnr n,,i im,.,...,.. ,s.. . u ... ., t( T.. Kni.. i. , .... . . ..... ,.vn .....v ..ii.v. mv wsrv ii.iuv nesi. . iouu vnav eui-nhaif a century, and there is not country sometimes takes It to xores:.. . - I ",ure nun ceniunes. any put forward In her l-hiilf by the White .... .. . ... .rl. nous oanser of rupture in the friendly " ' j. j were any cnance whatever that lrrltatliir are laKen bh exnreissine- ine bn mi.ni. i ..i m. , . .. . i . . . .! "",.. iv.uk .iv" i:.ic of Havana at the Jubilee ceremonies In ...... t,., iproituctd a rupture. Aj there is rupture. Ai there is no insane performance on the other side, in j 9uch cru,nce, It Is slmpl- nonsense to bo tne way or speech or wrltlnR, is suppose! tauhl ;u. if one Is In the mood; to be to express the deliberate conviction of the ,ilk,.n any Way but riOU!ll. e ...in vneni. oi , prh;W)S It Is 1 .. roncirlinn on tv 'h England about America. of th- f ..- ,h .. h. -i ...i,- i.- Towanl no country except Ewrland do;tWr,.n the two countrl-s can never be American writers and speakers, of n cer-1 other than frlem.lv and r.a.W, I th is tain calibre, express themselves so reck-; m.,k issil,l. between America and K.ir lessiy. impudently, and truculently, an. I and a kind of talk whl- h would be en toward no people except the American tur on in neither country If It do English writers and speakers of the j supiK)se,l. for a moment, to mean ,.....ie i n-un- oniuiue in iiui.uuai j thlnf serious. Everyho.lv knows here depreciation, sneers, an.l falsehood . And; that such Is the case on this side of the yet between England and ourselves re-! waU-r. and we will not be far wronB in miions are ciwer tnan fetween any two ; inferring that It Is the same on the o'h Countries on the (,'lobe. TO no COUnt.-y aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 18 OUr friendship an lmiirirf:mf am I, la ...i . ion.it ijwiuci, jji ujji levor oi ine 0i I !i)p,r.n U...... . .v., , . j u 3.. uui von, ... , &nvi I fWld nf thP m..st tt'lrt..!.- 1nr.n-n n ... . In Ulul II- Ir,, -,... A .U.. ...... ' Il.lll ll. between the two nations In mi.nv . " .........i. .u.r uuit v.ie po.n.y ,s ,o i in. ..s.i. vi euiiei iu. ne says; i I ereiy aione, to re exiiniruisfj' to England. To no country Is that Emiland so Important us to ours. A tliou- London, and to convey to gueen Victoria on that oceaslon the homage and resjai-t of his parents, of bis grandfather, the n-Rent. arsl, indeed, of the entire Kingdom of Havurla. While there Is no doubt that fro-n a strictly legal point of vb-w th- m-mbers of the White Rose lnirie In fire.it llrit aln are technically icullty of treason in banding themselves together for the pur- werel poBeof eruleavorlntT to transfer the i-rnwn ny- of Oueen Victoria tx a fon-lifn roval n. r. sonafe who do-s not want It. yet on the other hand the le.-tKiie Is so owerl.iss to achieve anything and so ludrleous In Its behavior, th;it the (jovernment has com.- to the conclusion that any attention ac corded to these milk-and-water conspira tors would merely trlve them the ad vertisement for which tiny yearn, and ave them sev With grvtitcr trash than a lolctu drnsllv; piirj.itlvc. True, such a nt.ill.lne relieve constipation for the time, but at the nt pene of (treat Injury to the Intestinal canal, which It both Inflame and weak ens, thus iinflttlnir It for the performance of .Its proper fttnctlors. Wlbly dll.'eren, is the action of llostetter's Htomach Hit tors, a tonic aperient which pniiluc, ef fects prompt. Itidis.l. but never violent and convulsion;. The purity of Its Nvtaii'c liij;re,llei)ts. Its unobjectionable tl tvor, In cental Iniluence upon the nilin', and I'm tborouchness of its renn.ll.il a. fori In cases of constipation, liver complain!. .t:: l dysiu'psla, comiilrie to ts-nder it the most dei.lr.ible family sv, . :ic. II In Teas. Ixith physical vlttor and substance, trun iiilllll's and Inviconttes the nervous vs teni. and k-ives an unuonted relish for the food. A wlneitluss three tlna-s dally Is alsmt the avcr.iKe dose. .1 Tli rewajii antierets t mil l-virwl lis Isa'tiir la hveauaa tllnsl pst SSnl ar ImtlMan) artlll Prwllll. t't'iiKS R Is Ilia mil y anearn flnr.l I,, euiawllliuul an es.n.ll,iii. looi.ilm.siC la. A wrlltun tnseaittew Ivan sitd nmnar relitriiMt if ai tsivrai iIimsi nul tUact at immumuihI ISMrsi l.vUtsii.it fur vui, liy mail, rieiut fur rsaseirvular ami lriiinmiiiia AvUrva W A V 1, H K UH'I ! M r. O. IUU a, Ban rrsiwau, twl r Hilt OH AH IMi.KliH, i,.s Commercial Htrsel. Us As k A k-.V MANHOOD RESTORED m. VJ !ii"'"iiled loiiur all nciTiiua diaraara, aui Ivllnw Ker Cilia. Tina WMii.tnlul Icuixlia Hlai. tJ K ,,T's s-nas attl nclTi.ua illaraara, ausll aa Wrak Mruiniy .,,0r R fl llialU lmrt. Ilradai ha U'.I.IuIum. I.ul UiHli.,.1 an.i.o. u ' ai.uia, Nrtvouanru, all ilialua, lnaa ol iowrr lit Oructaliv li(atia of uner imts. rausci nv hwhimhii, yiuliiul nimi, v.craalrs uas of .iU.ssmi,iimr,ti,qlUi Whsh I ml in Itinriiiuy, fwi.mnptkmor lilMltuy. Can bf eaiilr.l In seal fw Ut l au per , (. f ,. .y wall nr.pai.l Clr. ul.r Hire HoiJ by all .lni((lala Jk.k ..i ll. tok.ii...ali.r. Vsiiil'aiiiord by th I'raa Mritlclii I I'all" t'lnn-.e laiialwyi l'ii'ii.vi.,vliililtuHugsgtuUs lUttU aui Yauilillltiia , I'uilUii.l, ui, J. W, CONN, AaL Astarta. StLF-STARTING HERCULES 4 MARINE GASOLINE ENGINES A Imii.pn I will le till ell by the r.rltls r. si. hilts of this . iiy and vicinity nt th Hotel Havel on lufsdny rvenliitf nel Tickets can if procured from Mr I l' i.irv. tsJ I-.' I loud atrrel, or J. li. ll. nni :t. at the First National ll.ink. M . Untie Sii.r.ott returtnd front Mun riinit;i last . v.-niiiif She was one of lb ,:r.i.ii.ii. s at lb,- Normal school. Victor Herbert, the cellist, Is II itri"i Ison of Samuel lover, the Irish novelest, and has recently received from his mother (.over's album with trtny sketches and lrsonal letters from celebrities. Tli. Aston.i i-rb k-t.-r sill leave up fur I'ortla'id toninht and tilll pliy the Mult nuui-.h i-ii ven t'Miuii row llyrm u.d a iireat deal of tnilr dress Ink', but m.i. viry parttiiilar to have only tlin I-t to ho found in the market. If Aver' li.iir Vumi- had twen olitaliinble I hen. loulitliss li- would have lol.d lis nnrlts. as o many illstlnculahe.) bih! fashionable ope are dolnn now-a-day. Sometimes It m-ems to wmry woman that she must certainly Rive up. The simplest and easiest work becomes an til most insurmountable task. Nervousness, sle-plesness and pnln hurras her and il.e seem hardly worth the Ilvln. Dr. Fierce' Favorite I'resi-rlptlon was made for her. Pr. I'lerce's Hidden Mi d- Icul Discovery was made for her. The former Is for Ills distinctly feminine, the other for her neneral syetcm. Together they supply a s-l-ntlflc and sin-eessrul. course of tr atment. The "Favorite l're-j scrlptlon" restores healihy, rnjular aetlun to the orKtins distinctly feminine. It forces out all Impurities, strctiKthert 'In tissues, allays Inflammation. The lioid en Medlr-nl Discovery" makes .iiistlle. help lilKestlon, promotes asslmllullon (Ills out the hollows In cheeks and ne.-k with Rood solid flesh and brlrins bnck the Kladsome kIow of Klrlhoo.1. Send 2t cents In one-cent stamps to World's Dls,p.nury Medical Assobitlon. Huffalo, N". V., and receive Dr. Fierce' 1'eS iie fomtnon Sense Medical Adviser. illustrated. Kx S -nator Pass, of Miie.1 bus. tt. a thoiik'h si) years of ae. Is dellverlna In terestlntc historical Iwiiire befiM-e thr students of Dartmouth Colic;. Some for ten, tome for twenty and sottiB for fblrty years have ufferel from plb-s and then have bean quickly and permanently cured by using ! witt's witch llaiei salve. tMe preat reits-dy for plb-s and alt form of Utn dlseus. Charles Rofrent. .Mm- li. rjillol D-s.-n. ibiuirhter of lllorn son.and .lat.Khl-r-lii law of the ilniniutlst has Just made her public d.-luit as a oc Nt at I 'hrls'lanU. Don't thin your bluod with tassafras or piilson It with blue. mass; but sld Naturo by uln leWltt' Llttla Early Ulscn, the famous little pills for c-n stlpalion, biliousness and stoma )h and liver trottbl.-s. They are purely veij.-t able. Charles IoK.r. SDeet W re nlmos, th .amo nl ll - J"- .pin, l " ..mn'iinin, ....... ...... ... v.ii,.ii.j ,ji idiiKuagr ny sneer mncuie. to convey any idea of what I suffered, A QL. . COLLECTION OF ("HANKS my pnysicians told me t.iat nothin; could in the league there are a few titled U(" done for me and my friends were fully cranks ami a few aristocrats with I convinced that nothing but death would I screw loose, as the saylntr Is, but the rank relieve me of my suffering. In June, UM. and file consists of people of the middle air.i tv ens, men salesman for the Wheel- and lower middle classes, possessed of Inir Drug Co., recommended Chamber- social aspirations hut no sort of lain s Pain Balm. At this time mv fontlclal utAndinir- In a word th. Irin.i of m.r. and limb Were swollen to moi-e than mm rau would describe iis t-. nt,...l In eon. war with England would do us uqlte as I much harm as It would England. Tc 1 neither country could It do any possible good turn out as It might. AH this is well understood by all ex cept the most Ignorant, and yet It seems at times, as If the Intention on both sides was to stir ip ihe utmost po!blo Ill will between two countries whose highest Interests depend upon being at peace with each other. How little the bluster and bray of petty politicians and newspaier scribblers on this side amounts to as expressing Amer ican sentiment we here understand. They do not understand It in England. How little the same sort of thing amounts to in England Is doubtless understood there, but not understood here. Each people takes the folly of the other for sober sense, mid allows Itself to be lashed peri odically Into excited wrath by what the other counts as absolute folly. The English mistake arises from the fact that this Is a republic: the people are rulers. Every utterance throughout tho country Is taken to be the serious utterance of the rulers. The Ehillsbman considers that In this country every dec laration that can get itw lf made public Is a sort of official declaration, because it ' is presumed to reflect the convictions of the people; and the people In this land are sovereigns. We make a like mistake. England Is a monarchy. England has an aristocracy, and to the ordinary American mind a monarchy and an aristocracy are powers that rule a coutry so completely that no sentiment can be entertr.lned, or at least expressed, without the government's sanction. Whatever opinion about America can get Itself made public In England Is supposed to be the opinion of the "gov erning classes," or otherwise they would net let it be put forth. Thus ea?h coun try. In the strangest way, misunderstands the other, and from that misunderstand ing each contrives to keep the other In a chronic state of Irritation. It might help matters on both sides to remember that both countries are free, and are. In fact, the only free countries existing; they are, after all, essentially alike in constitution and law. One of the Inconveniences of a free country Is that It must have free speech and a free double their normal size and It seemed to me my leg would burst, but soon after I began using the Pain Balm the. swell- I lng began to decrease, the pain to leave, and now- I consider that I am entirely cured. For sp.I--! by Es'es-Conn Drug Co. Little Men and Women "We call them little men and little women, but they are neither. They have ideas and ways all their own. Fortu nately they soon be ome fond of cod-iver oil, when it is given to them in the form of SCOTT'S EMULSiOrf. Thii is the most valuable rrmedy in existence for all the wasting diseases cf early life. The poorly nourished, scrofulous child; the thin, weak, fretting child; the young child who docs not grow ; all take Scott's Emulsion without lorce or bribe. It seems as if they knew that this meant nourishment and growth for benes, muscles and nerves. :;.y ta try a s-j'.b!:iute for -"' - rt ..-,.. ill. Book telling more about it, fret. It wor' Scott's F M . . .. . For tilt at Kc arJ S:.CC. bv ll N druggists. SCOTT & ROWNH. N,w York. Pftfff" .... Ai-y?!4 tradlatlnctlnn to gentle.lllt.herto the pub lic manifestations have taken the shape of depositing floral emblems at the foot of the statue of King Charles I, In Tra falgar Square, and at the tomb of Mary Queen cf Scots, In Westminster Abbey, on the annlversarie of the days on which these respective monarchs lost their heads, They have likewise stamped their letters with a postage stamp of their own,' bearing Ihe head, not of Cjueen Vletorla, but of Archduchess Marie Theresa, who Is des cribed on the stamp as "Queen Marie IV D. (. Mag. Iirlt. et Illb. P.iglna." Of course the English postomce docs not recognize the stamp, so the White Rose League Is obliged to get over this difficulty by putting its own stamp In the right- hand comer of the envelope, head up ward, and pasting a regular stamp, bear ing the effigy of "Lady Victoria," lth her head downward. Tho hea1 of the association Is a gentle man who styles himself Marquis of Euv- igny, a title which. It Is scarcely neces sary to add, Is to be found In no nobility annual, either English or foreign. One of the most prominent members Is the Earl of Ashbiirham, a nobleman whose whosV principal claim to distinction Is his Intimacy with the disreputable Don Carlos, and the exceedingly peculiar cir cumstances of his marriage. He Is ; man about' fifty-three years of age, who has spent the major portion of his life abroad, has few or no friends In England, Is renowned even on the Continent for nls eccentricities, and after being on one occasion appointed lord-ln-waltlng to the Queen hail his appointment cancelled by Her Majesty a week later. Hundreds of thousands have been In duced to try Chamberlain's Cough Hem edy by reading what It has done for others, and having tested Its merits for themselves are today Its w-irmest Men Is. Tor sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. Sir Walter Ibsant estimates that Un living descendants of the Pilgrim fathers In the I'nlted Slates number atut I.V. '', although li'.'K'O, he thinks, know the relationship. THE OBJECTION NOT GOOD. There are people who have objections to advertising matter In the columns of a newspaper. The ground of objection Is that they do not want to read ad vertisements. Now this objection Is not good, for oftentimes thene advertise ments convey valuable Information. For Instance, how else would the trav eling public learn of the excellent din ing car service of the Wisconsin Cen tral lines between St. Paul and Chicago, or the general comfort of traveling over this popular line. For particulars call on the nearest tlcket agent or address J. C. Pond. O. P. A., Milwaukee. Wis., or Geo. 8. Hatty, General Ag'-nt, :m Stark street, Portland, Or. Tillman's success In passing rb kety laws In South Carolina dues not Indicate that he was cut out for a national lawgiver. I'n't neglect a cough because the weather Is plenjiant; before the next storm rolls around It may develop Into a serious difficulty beyond repair. One Minute Cough Cure Is easy to take and will do what Its name Implies. Charles Rogers. John llrlichf, though a auakcr, kept a diary, parts of which Ills eldest son Is filing to hav published. t'alttat (aaiilln or cheap distillate Oil. Enslnes ptmitsctsd direct with pro peller shift, and no noisy, salty broken bevel xrars used In r verso motion, N'sw spara devil's; no Internal spring electrodes (0 burn uUt, Hettd for l.-tlllOlllIS We nto building Ihise nw i'yl". sslf itnr.liiK marine sntclnes In sll slisa ap to Too horse power. Every engine fully guarantied Self Mtarttng'ftl.lliirse IV. t Marine a nii.s. roll I VIlTIt I I.AK1 AHUHKM HcrctilcH Gih Engine WorkH 40S NlNKlMK ST.. Ut ril M'l Hustler's Astoria Twentieth St. mid McKce Ave. i Good Reason Why Lots ..Are Selling.. Situatt'ti on tlif muitli Kiile of Astoria'd liill. Twt'iity tlcgifi'H warmer and vi'p'tutitin .'50 days in ndvaun of the North niile. .MiigniucTiit niu-ri for m idt'iires, overlooking river ami hay, minny and nhol torcd. Kusy anil natural grades; litth or no grading needed. ASTORIA INVESTMENT CO. 482 Hond Street. li. L. Boyle & Co. Real Estate, Loans and Investments Coitiincrilnl Htrect, Aattnrln tmm UaCJ3iM;,.llsallli1' uThe Louvre" ASToitu s (.om.rois ENTERTAINMENT HALL a ri.oiiiis rill Mualo. Itaniaa nf All Hluila. Two Msgnlflrenl llara. evriiTTfiiNc rntsT-cuHs Cood Order and Everybody's Right HTKH'TI.V OliSKHVItll. Kx-S.-nator Duliois and fienatori Can non and I'ettlirrew will sail July Z fi.r China and Japan, to study Ihe llnaniial ouestlon from the Or'.ntal s'.'tpdpolnt. A. 11. Patter, with K. C. A'klns Co., Indianapolis, Ind., wrlten: "I have nev, r oefore given a testimonial In tny life. Hut I will say that for three years we have never been without Ch.'.mberlnln's Colic and Cholera and Dlarrho;a Hem' edy In the house, and my wife woulJ as soon think of belntr without Hour as a bottle of this Remedy In the summer season. We have used It with all three of our children and It has never failed to cure not simply stop pain, but cure alisolutely. It Is all rli?ht, and anyone who tries It will find It so." For sale by Estes-Conn I-truK Co. . 11. Johnson, Newark, O., says, "One Minute Ciih Cure saved my only e.hlld from dylnir by croup." It has ave-l thousands of others suffering from eroup, pneumonia, bronchitis and other serious throat and lunif troubles Charles Itoirers. Ihe IndlentlotiM from H pal n are that U'eyler will soon lie needed there to paelfy the liberal party. TEUIUBLE ACCIDENT. It Is a ter rible accident to be burned or scalded but the paJn and agony and frlnh'ful ilsfly-uretrien'tH cun be quickly overome without leaving a scar by using Tie Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Charles lifters. tjueen Vletorla has twenty-five xtate irrliures, which are kept In Ihe conch house, attached to liucklnifham palace. a 'There's no use In talking," says W. II. Broadwell, dru(?(?lst, Im Cygnt. Kas., f'harr.lM rlaln's f.'ollc, f'liobra and Itlar- rliip H1.n1e.ly d'tes the work. After t-iklnif medicines of my own preparation md thoKO of others, I Iwk a dose of Cham berlain's and It helped me; a second dose cured me. Candidly and rormrien. tlouHly I can recommend It as the last thing on the market. The 22 and X cent sizes for sale by Estes-Conn I"rug Co. The Henntn continues to turn the 21 Kige of Ihe tariff bill with a pleasant, rustling sound. Not only piles of the very worst kind can be cured by DeWltt's Witch Hazel Halve, but eczemo, scalds, bums, bruls ls boils, ulcers and all ' other skin troubles can be Instantly relieved by Khe same remedy. Charles Rogers. Augut lieimont has ordered a $.VioA statue of his fuvorlte horse, Henry of Na va rre. 'They are dandles" said Tho. Pow ers, of the Crockot, Texas, Enterprise, while writing about DeWItt'sUttle Ear ly Kiscrs, tho famous little pills for sick headache and disorders of the stomach and liver. Charles Ilogers. Ross, Higgins & Company GROCERS and BUTCHERS AMTOHIA ANU KANT AHTOMIA CHOICE FHIiSM AND SALT MIC ATS NOTICE. Notice la hereby given that for a val uable oonxlderntlon Andrew llendrlikson, doing business tut a butcher In that portion of Astoria, Oregon, known as I'nlontown, has this day sold, anHlgned nnd trans fernil and set over to nut all and sin gular his iiriour.ts against any and all persons owing film, the said llendrl kson, and I hereby notify all persons that said accounts are now owned by mo, and that said accounts and each of them niust be paid to me and to no onn else. M. HI'ttMAN. Oated Astoria, Juno 12, lh'j". NOTICE. All persons nre cautioned against pine lng lumber, wood, tyagons or other ob structions on or tn-itr the railroad track. Kuch action Is dangerous to the traveling public, and whether done through cure lesanesH or malice Is a penal offense. Hereafter parties guilty of such pracllces will be prosoculed to tho full extent of the law. AHTOHIA & COI.ITMHIA IllVEH IIAH,- IIOAD COMPANY. NtJTICK KOK AHHEHHMENT VOU HEW Kit ON HKCONIl HTItKET, Mo CM'HE H AHTiiltlA. Nolle,. In hereby Kheti that tlm u..,. ment ma. Iii by Ordinance No. rj.jl of the City of Astoria, conllrniluB tw a.sess. ment on Itoll No. in fr ,,, cohhi ruction of a sewer on Hecond street n McCiure's Astoria, will b., due and puynhlo on the -,th ''"y f J""". iw, in V. h. gi,i t.0ln, ut Ihe ofllco of tin, City Treasurer, and If not so paid at said llm..."., ..'uTtnon council will onlor Warrant, iMsued for tho collection of the sumo. Tho assessment Is as follows; BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. If you want good lumber and lowest prices figure with the Oobel Mills. W. B. EDWARDS, agent. A SNAP. For sale cheap and on easy terms. four choice building lots In McC'lure's Astoria. For particulars call on Howell St Ward, SI 9 Bond street. NAME Astoria (Jan Light Co. ... Ilowlhy, ,J (j. A Howlliy, J, tj. A !hse, W. II., nnd. hslf., Clmiier, Mirlon C Hdgsr, WlllUm.... (IihIisiii, IikiiIi-I iisliain, lisulul Ilaliti, John II ah ll, John Ilaliti, John ','. Ilshti. John Marlon, K. It.. Ladles Vfho Value A refined complexion mot are Pozzoid'n Pot7 der. It produces i soft end beautiful kin. iMorehesd, Mri'KsUt U... I's knr, W. W.. Fsrker, W. W farKer K. I,., n,. ijr'.".i oioiniiiMaon ftioimiH Sherman, Kreilerles... . Hherinau. Kreilcnclc . Treiii-hsrd. (!. J Trnlirhnril, (!, J Triilllhuer. J, (J Trulllifccr, J. (1 ., Wright, Charles in ll ar !! 1 ii i 5 .' . II 17 . I 17 1 2 . I Ifi . I 10 . 7 t H 2 I Pi i IN 7 I" N In .'. in i li :i l l l I -i e in ft i 6 I 7 11 H l .-i ft 17 II 17 II 10 i l Li McClure'i f:u jo " 28 so " HO " 27 IU ' M 20 " 4.1 HO " IM 20 " M 20 M 20 " W 20 ' M 20 M 211 " W HO " M 20 " 2.1 HO " 4.1 1-0 27 10 " 2il BO " 4.1 HO ' 21 Ml " IH JO M 11 " 4.1 HO " 28 HO " 2 DO Hy order of tho Common Council A,,e,,t: . E. NELHO.V, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Or., June 12, 1M7.