The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 11, 1897, Image 1

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biggest and best paper
on the Columbia Blvcr
vol.. XLVI.
Corner Washington and Hrat Streets
IP " ;.
n v. v--
, r:
i 1 . j, ...
TllN -'llii'lllll I'litlor Sllll, li li'l'l". !' ... Ii.irh f I I ti; .i
ln.nln. iilk .!u-li t linl.liiirf".
lli in l Uiiil.. - Siiii. I'iir.lwo.1,1
Il '! H.llil .1 IhtKli;; Kmilil 1 1 . t . o i.!iT iill l i t 11.'. Ill lllir
"Al"! i.lti" i . M.n yi, I I II '. I si 1 1 1 ' t I I y.ililu i. mi, Ii I I. .1.1 ,,li I s I, ml
CVll-ll-.;, ill l.llnr, .1.1 "1 w-f l'l i ,111 flit l mil ; t . ( !ll . !"t
Will il.. ('.! in i .ill .(.iiii l.ii.k !lniiif,li in:r n'hu k ui ( ''. ( Hn.iiiis .iin!
fvci yiliiiii,' In furnish a liniisc.
WM. GADSBY, Cor. Washington anJ First Sts., Portland, OfCOII.
Some Tilings
Complete Salmon
2 Lawn Mowers :
Srvv v vv v v
City Book Store,
fishing Tackle, Base Ball Goods, Hammocks,
Lawn Tennis Sets, Etc.
Blank Books. Stationed. Type Writer Ribbons.
Carbon Paper and Office Supplies.
House, Bridge and Wharf Builder
H. Boyle & Co.
Real Estate, Loans and Investments
B23 Commercial Street, Aatorlct
; i1 ;;
m i, ..; :.. M' I Lit. Ii i.r X . I l'. i.l.i
in Season
Nets, Knitted Web
3 Hardware'
Carpenter's Tools'
House Moving Tools Rneted.
luuii imil Minni-Mitii tin- Siittc (.f
Kl I.I.I I)
six i'i oi'i.i: una;
Hun irs llnililiinp 1clcil"iill liiici nnd
li"i Drnirnicil Spcviiil Tt,n Taken
Surijciitu in the Injured.
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Vol k, Jul;. '." -
A .llp;iti'li In :h,
' !. I 1 1-1 f r. -Ml I .1 i (;. i
It In !- I.. . . I I;.-re ;
pr .-1 111,111 of tl.e
'He I . I II. I. le p : III
i..t tlie Inn,; K.ip.
ifT.ilr In M.i.lrl.l
in. I ttuii ii.iiiial
iW. vlel n r.-iuit. lo H; .llli will
In- I he
','1-1 ill;;.,'. I. ilil ! u!l i-f .. novitVii u, -
lte 111 i. t.ilnllic -I- I'rlv.ite leli-
UrillH ll.tie l-tell .lt to pelMXIH ll'Ti ill
!'., l ! .i .Ii-tlll -l.i lle.l that fillll-
!; I'. in'nmi. un.l I'l.lal hnd plven thilr
i niiirt to with the (.lain
j H..;;;.ii i'.. ;. V i yl'T "lllltlld
j In ( t. i :i I-. ( li i. i. Hint lii-in ral
! f .iiiii... w .'i.i l now In power In Huiln.
n ml nlN fie populif .ye. woul'l not on
any n ,-i-ouiH l n l lilm-t-lf to the comlti
ii.iiiu;! of fo ie ral Weyler n pulley. The
pi. n in lo " ii, I U"ii. nil M Hill here from
Turin Kl, " uml llu n nuppl ml him In turn
l.y I'l.-iieial ill, in. . i er f.inipon.
The n i one-i"Mi.l. nt In Hak'.ta
Ui liniinle renittn that Just pfvloim
In io n. ml Weyl. r'n return to Havana,
lie en. i.iinten .1 nntne uf lioniel'n forecii
neiir Huiii'll Spltlliin. miller eoinm.itnl of
tiunii hlniM II. ami wan fnrreil lo re
ir.ut. I.iivliii; lUiy ile.ul on tin- tlelil nnd
one liunilreil ptlnoiiirn In tin. hiitnln of
the rein-In. Thin mater ha.n In en in tf
I..1..I In elll. liil r. p-ii in.
Till: Sl tiAlt Sf MKIX.'l.K.
I.oiik I l.-lei r.-.l lleh.lte t'lllllllll IH'l'd It) the
Semite Yenii-.Mr.y.
WunhlnKion. June lo The loiiij-lefor-rel
ilil'iile on Ihe" m-.U' liili' of the
tiirlff hill c inn- on alienj.tly at 1 o'vl.H-k
ttiil.iy, after the nenate h i I illiKine I of
the eeifiiln III the mlieiln.f.
Jninn. of Arknti.-im, oinneil .he iletmle,
to nnine extent annwerlUK Alili h h'ii Htati-
lllellt. of I lie nlieaf nell' illlh'.
Vent nevervly yrltlvinml the n:ar trunt
ami inlileil lliat Ihe rates were a further
tilluite to Itn viLnt niumM.
faffeiy. of laiiilnlanu. iilim onpoml the
neheiliilo an a whole. ?'o 'Itml action
wun taken on any feature of the nclnul
ule, furl her than the wllhilr.iwal of tn senate iiniemln'nlii.
Thin leaves the house ir.ivllons of the
hill with nn iinieiulment tnen-nsliiK the
hoiinn illffereiitlal from STri-lK'Ulia to
liK'ths of a cent per isjuial.
The prvi Islons relatlni: to the Hawaiian went over ly mutual consent.
Karly In the ilay Tillman nuulo a lively
speech In favor of the iimemlmcnts kIvIhr
an export iluty on iiKilculliiral proilucts.
The hounty was ilefeatoil, IS to W.
Slniinre'es of an Hlil Miner,
Thouelu to He Lout.
liiiiMiiKo, Mexico, June to. J. X. Il-ir-I.
In. nn Willi n lon while lienrJ
ami a feeble step, nppi-alrtl to the 1'nltcil
States consular ncnt Tuomlay nleht for
help ami foixl.
Ho wan horn In Tenncsseo 77 years njro
ami went to fullfornla In 1M4. Ho nays
lie ti.ciiiiic nsi-ocintcil with the Into Sen
ator Hearst I" minim." ventures. He
inn le coii-l.leiuhle motley, ami In li7S
riinie to Mexico as the representative of
California capitalists, seeklUK mlnlmr In
VesllllelltH. He locali-il Ihe Saint Mal'0
ami Sorocco silver mines for his com
pany. After cleaiinii up ttOO.OOO, Mr. Harbin
wlthilrew from the company and loentpil
a mine for himself. After a serlen of
misfortunes he lost hl money and dis
appeared from view. Th report reached
his wife and two children ut Fresno, Cal
fifteen yearn uiro, that he had died of
Wit. 'Ill
f -l
In 1. I'll
Hi- !.
r . I I
II, III. I'I w
i..l Hi" rr
- .
ill'1" (mill Hi. r.illro.t.l, nouf hw'"l of
ni". lie found it ":i"'rii, v. 'e r. h illee lived un r I. .null.
Two wi.lm uko mi Aim lie. in or. 1n. v-r
f..r II. Kimi'linr ti -1 'H--rinliiif
Compim)' in.ikliii.- n trip In
i.-inote mining camp In Mi KWrr.i M.i
dre mount .itn. w l.-n lii- i nrii' .n-rons
H.irMu l!i I urnltiK to I'lir uiK". Hi'- or'--
iiiii.- I' li'k'i ihi 1 Uic ii w Unit If.irliln
jl( iill.c nrnl viniilnl to return tm:nc lo
Irn rilK In I n nni. A i-iu k ri ;.iii :m
h i .Im I rMll IM'- liriiilt' in, !m t' I.
ri.ij l'1 iii'.ih (or I'll- J'iiiiii' ) . A .ir -n.
a, -i r riK i hi lulu II"- Mio'jni.ilM. fur
J I I ' f . Ml' V.IH I I .I'll; 1.1 I'I IMfllL''!
.in. I
ti.rouk'lt titk'-l lo 1'ri-iiiio Iwjuhl
I l.illl
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I ...nie rry f-.-l.... h i k-t
I .-t
?ito. ii ln-r. ,
in. I In.
r '.'k-t
lu- tr nri Aliotli.
I lor I.:.mi ,,r..; Ji.
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Mi i:lii.l:
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! v. , '. .i i . -; two
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. v lie 1: el !. I :.
. f ,..::. i I,. , Ii.
! . ' k
l.i . (I lioll.k-
J till. 1'
I. l.o. Ill
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i ui.l- i'l. i; l.r one
I :it Ar. I.I-. fni"
t'.i inur.i. o' hl.
li on April -I,
;irr. -til tin rvm.
un i'-r Hi. ii.iini ol
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I'ortl.m.) .iri.i
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ii.l or w or k
ih: xi' inlty ".liie. 1.. haK a l(i
r..iil -ii., v. li. r.- li. i. .1 i r?
'i.l". Iillultl' ll.-re. Il' il.. Ill- iIim-t
; '.;, N tin: Hi.- l..t.." f..,.. r mi.':;Iu.
.1 t... ..1':. . i- M. hi, .! I. . k l!h I.'." i'r!
i r ..ii i l.i ' i iii mi' I r.ii n f.u- t in i.nri'i.
y. i'i ' u:t;.u. pi:fisi i.v.
.il a. .t- f.u, no! 1 . I '..n. II. .i to
t.-ti.i fie Jury
t J.-lu '. . J;. ),;. iru; ;u:i,
H.e ,il.-.;ri, l P. ii, DilH ait'-iniioii li ina
iloAn .in ..,-iiiivni it.iilirr th il u h!le
u.i the il. iy uT the in'i.rnor ui ie
,.ii. I (o the urn ill lury'n Mil.p.eTi and
! Il
to pr.
iuce sui-h p;in rn an It rnulr ii, h-
o .i n.i .e i trti,pctli-.i to do no .y ll.e
'u-ll -l.try I. rain -h o' ll.e 11 .it-- ni.i Hinieiit.
w !il Ii In only i o-or-lliu.te with -in.l nol
.-up. rlor lo tin- i-xrcutlve. The Kovirnor
1 1 i Tenip'. from Ju.liclnl pro. i nn while
In ili. h.irvi- of Inn ilutiin. ami he alone
tin- Ju.l-e of u lit it nu.-li pr s i-nm-n w oulil
mi. if. re with bin i!i:t. n. He Is 'iinena
ble lo the h alone, which may
iniinach him for iol.illui of iltiiy.
I'd; ci i;1;i.ncv kkk'I:m
Kansas 'Tty. June 1" At 1 meetlr.K of
i.nllt men today rrsolullons were adopt
ed nillliiK the att .'titli'ii of coim-ress to
the currency and hit. kinK laws of the
fulled States, ton -III. lint! nn follows
"The last clctlatt .ininlstiikably r
pressed the anxious desire of th." piO le
of the I'nllinl States lor a rectlliciitlon
of the rurreu-y and bankltiK laws, and
to that end we believe that such reforms
must Is- In well dicentcd and Joliliomte
legislation, which mav best be provided
for by iiiilhorlrlni.' the president to -polnt
a comiulsnliMi as pros)sed by tl.e
Indianapolis monetary There
fore, we have the honor to request that
von favor the Kt intl n; of such a.ithorlty
to the president durinu tin present txtra
session .
Ni:V TKIAI. l-'Uli HAMll.TuN.
Oitumwa. Iowa. June In. -All the mem
bers of the lUtutnwa Imr except six,
three of whom were t-nruKetl In the
iroscciitton of Hamilton, the oinvktcd
Selilon tiank robler, ha-e iM-tillomsl the
district judite to im onsi.U r his decision
and Krant Ii I in a new trial, staling that
In their opinion he was wrongfully con
victed uihlcr the evidence. Hamilton
will not be taken to thn iHnltentlary
until the result of the in-tltlon is known.
nainent closed this creniiur. Today's con
1 inker City, Or., June 10. Tho Eastern
Oreion. and Washington Klreineii's Tour
test reunited us follows: Championship
race, linker No. 5 won; time, 52 1-3: linkir
No, 3 second. Flit-men's foot race, dis
tance two hundred yards, Knink Shcltcn,
of linker, first: time, 23 seconds. Special
huh und hub race, l'eiHlleton f.rst, l.a'
Crn ndo Becoiid: 23 1-2 aocondes.
Now York, June 10. The Herald's cor
respondent In Guatemala telegraph that
the irovcrnment has Issued a decree quni
iiuttuliiK for seven days all vessels cn
which cases of fever of any kind have
The 1'aclllc Mall .sleainshis San Jos
and Acapiilco are In uuui. inline at '.he
port of San Jose.
St. Louis, June VI. K. W. Crundill, of
the Western Kl.vtrlc Company, of Chl
cairo, who boiiRlit the Scudder Interest
in the St. Louis Kleclrlc Llcht m.l row
er Company, has sold out to the Edison
llluniltialltiK Company. This practically
combines nil the electric llht companies
In the city.
St Paul, Juno 10. Phillip T. Rellly. vice
president of the St. Paul National Rank,
committed suicide by shooting. No rea
son la known to exist except 111 health.
JINK II, 18'.7.
Gou-rnur I5urld Ktcn!s His Life
I'ntil July 9 Nat.
Out Want I lie Co' mi an tu Hiiht ol
rcderal tuatt Decided Atturne)
(.tncfdl Will Nut Talk.
w inltf, 'nl., Jur.1- I'i -o-rrujr .n-l-
tr. .nir.: 1 u. i runt' n prli vc thl cMr.irif;
j i - -1 1 July
S.ri i'r.i h-Imii, Jura- 1". r;o-,i rn-r
I... 1-i'n r- asoii for icr intir.e Iiurrant un
til July I" thill the I. e;i j oints f oulil tin!
mnll,ly In- .l.n-..-l U-fon- the tim- fixed
I .r Hi. . ntlun tomorrow. He wus
i..lvln, lMiw.-v.-r. that It mlk'ht tnkc
'.Mriy .1 iyn to il,..,., even UiOi;;h tile
j .' lions U- pr.-iM-ritwi at on-'e to the
pr. in. e.-urt: hem the r jirii vc wan
I. . i.-i. -l i.e.-i ".iry. The e.,vernor ban
j stat.. I that it in his Intention to I.; the
''i-a t.-ke Us course iialn.nt tin rr. ml. . ir
! of I I. in. -In- l.mnnt. This he s.ii.l wh.-n
' l,.- ue. not to Inti-rfi r- In behalf of
.tin- eon. i nun. 1 man. Now h- iijs .at
jib. n.r.i.ree must U. c.irri.-l out or he
must l.-an: tin f .-!. r;. I lourtn ba.e
! Mi-- e.n i iiii.-rf. r. with the stnte
J,-.i.r;s in can.. su.-h the one .it is..ue
i Cbarli-n f.irler. who In c.n::i.- I
; for Purrunt In tin- luibian i-orpun p;o
j .., lilies nald l.e ill.l not lis 1 th,.
- M iii.'.-r. ii. nsion in th. matter of t::t
t;n : 'l, ; t.- .l.-. i-km la th rorp-.m
pp.. .-eiil.'s l-.i- n.ii.; triitt he h;ui ; e. ,-1
uii-.M. to iibiain any inform. itiori from
the attorney In reirnrd to the
in.r.s. i ci.urx. ,,f the irovi-rnor. but he
n.lili il that "the alioria y e, n. Is a
irmnl l.iw y.-r. and he know." that tin; I o.-i-iloa
he has taken Is cornet an.1 Cat
lat nlKht that the gov-rnor had d. cl.lnl corpus nets unquestionably ns a
slay of execution.
The attorney tct-neral. when Informed
thai Governor ltudd has finally dc I Icsl
to Iiurrant, to make
any statetii -nt. H.- s;ii,l: "1 will not say
wlu-iher I liaie prepared pajK-rs or not.
Wh.-n I eommen.-e prix-emllnKs It w ill be
in tin- courts, not in the m-wspaiK r.."
Has KeslKiiisI From WcyK-r's Staff and
Will Return to Spuin.
New York, June 10. -A disivitcli to ilie
Journal from Havana says:
Another of Wcyler's generals. Iaiiio, In
spector Rencral of the Olvll Giuirtl forces
In Cuba, and military governor of Ha
vana, has residied In disgust ami expects
to leave the island by the trana-AtlJMtc
llmr sailing on June for Spain direct.
Lono regards Weyler' early recall as
quite assured, and thinks Rlanco or Ia
h i Domlnguei will come out as lils suc
cessor. Roth are unusually Intimate with
Martlnei Campos, to obtain whose .up
)nrt In the recent ministerial crisis
Canovas is known to have made import
ant conedsslons.
Weyler Is rciortcd to have cabled Can
ovas insisting that Minister IVpuy do
Lome demand from the Washington gov
ernment the extradition of Nunex. Cart.i
ya and Arteagu, alleged tillbu-sters recent
ly captured by the I'nlted Stau-s authori
ties on the Florida coast, alleging old
criminal Indictments against threo of
them, said to lo still ivndlng In the
courts here.
Great Ion to Receive the Pres
ident In Tennessee.
Nashville, Tenn., June in. i.ovi rnor
Uushnell. of Ohio. Mayor Caldwell, of
Cincinnati, anil members of the Cincin
nati chnmlier of commerce and police
force and ninny other Oliloan arrived
this evening to take part In the celebra
tion of Ohio day ami Cincinnati day at
the exiKisltlon. Great Interest Is shown
In the visit of President McKiulcy and
Parly, who will arrive tomorrow morning
and remain until Saturday night. Thou
sands of visitors from adjoining stales
an- expected. The work of decorating
the business houses, public buildings and
private residences I going on In every
lxirtlon of the city.
Judicial Congress Assembled to
, range Them.
Ncv York, line In. The Herald' corre
spondent In Guatemala wires that the
lirst Judicial congress has assembled for
the purpose of rt -arranging the laws
governing Central America, subject to
tho approval of each republic. The rep
resentatives are: Antonio Uatres, Ma
riano Cruz and Antonln Snrutva. Oitn
teinala: Leonldas Pacheco, Costa Rica:
Miguel IVIgado and Tibureio lionilla, the
Greater Republic. This lmKrtiint step
may lead to the union of the Central
American republics.
A Novel Plan to Enlist Worker for Will
iam J. Uryan.
Minneapolis, June 10. The National
Volunteer of Democracy I the name of
l n' oiHiil ornriUj'!on wlion.. iil.m
'. . '-Kri-rly ro' l. Th heii.l'iuiirf. r
; at Kl. Iwin,
I,o. nl pollikiaM rf r" lvinK rtri:il:ir
fr-.rn H-"'r..i;irj Hoffrn.'in, who '-xiilalnn
tlni c rtilii of honor nro to ik ninl
! ft all loynl worki rn. Th prt'itilsltn
for ol.i. lining a riTtlriiin In nix muiitha'
innnt w rvlio Ix.forc 1'1, hn
In to In- lniiiiKiirtil prt'itMi-nt. A uunfwn
Ih to l. Iiii-'l uml inn""! on the
(.'rllll' i. Toon thin liiltor Is a p'.rturc
of Mr. flry.-m pr-n nilni to tt hca llf i
ljly a rcrtKli ale of honor. .. rwiinerit
l iiiik)J to havrr hi own photoi;ra.;ih
tiantol on inhere thP hi.a'l xhould I-.
y.r. I (off mu ii (I'-tlaren that In Vfl fine
of then ci-rUln ali it will lie of mor': value
In f. eijrlni an ofTwr than the niloiTient
of ten i-nator finl a hunilrel reprejo'n!-aiivi-K.
He qi'oten a letter frirn Mr.
Cryan irlvlntf a fiiaHl -n'lortnenl to iho
IN TI'K I'ACirirns.
VV.yl.-r's Coreen Suffer !n..s at th
H;;:ids of the Insurgents.
New York. June li.. A dispatch to th;
J'.-'r.i.:! from Havana snys:
I'our thousand Insurtrent from lY.r
-atern department. M by (len'-ral Hu.I-
! r:i.-u. and Qulri'ln I'anil'-ra, have crosm-d
M itanzas, entin d Havana province, nnd
are now men.ulnir the twn of fiulne.n.
l' del Itlo advices re;ort a hot flht
ihr.s days a.-o within siirht of the town
j of f on.sohicton del Sur. Two Spanlstl
captains, a lieutenant and six privates
' re kilbsl. but the relicls were compelled
I to r'-tlre In treat disorder,
j In an enira; m nt ujmn the I-a taiNa
jsuar state I'ort Cabanas. betw n
Marlel and liahla Honil.i. the Siunish col
i umn had thirty an.! upwar ls of
' a hundred w
', T'lin was In Weyl. r's so-t ille .Mi ir.-l
. dlstm-t. The Insurants, after the flsSt.
'. r-tir-I Int-i tht ir fortili.-d KWiti-ins in
- Maceti's old stromrhold. the liubl hills.
v-j,r teU-irnpht-il ordering six 'ol-
umns to march uiralrvst th.-m, but not a
;word of the ,i: I,i I. j. h.. ! -n
cadi.-.! to th :r ,i imnuiet;t at M i lri i
Stockton, Cul., June I'). The m-eslng i.'
the local Insurance agent was m.xrk'.l
by harmony. A resolution Ka
j -le.', rring the signing of the suhml'
j agreement until changes were made. Tiie
I resolution does not state what changes
i are wanted, but It is understood that
j nearly every clause Is objectionable, par
l ticularly the one reducing the commis
sion of the agents from S to li per rent.
Two agents from Sacramento were pres
ent to atssure the Stockton men that If
their agencies were taken away from
them they would resign. Assurance to
the same effect were received from San
Jose and Ixis Angeles. Today is the day
on which the Insurance compact has re
solved to forfeit the appointment of all
agents In Stockton If the agreement Is
not signed and the agent nay that, they
are waiting to see them carry out the
Denver, Col., June 10. A heavy rain ;
storm, accompanied by terrific lightning, !
visited this city nnd vicinity this even- i
ing. which eiiused considerable damage.
The fall of water was so heavy that j
the streets were flooded and many cul
verts washed out. Lightning struck the'
new four-story building of the Studel.a-J
ker Manufacturing Company, setting fire j
to it and causing a Ioks on the building i
and stock of $.(Xi. It was fully Insured. I
There are railroad washout on various j
lines running into Dnever. but none are
of a serious character, so far as learned. 1
Pendleton, Or., Juno 10. Arrangements
are being made here to receive Wm. J.
Ilryan on July 13th. He consented to re
main In Pendleton twenty-four hours, ar
riving the morning of the 13th from Port
land, leaving the morning of the 14th.
Tho railroad companies will run ex
cursion trains from all points. Prepara
tion are being made for the biggest
crowd ever In Pendleton. Rryan's Salt
Lake date has been put one day later
than ut first announced.
Pittsburg, June 10. A meeting of large1
jobbers and a committee of tin plate "
manufacturers will be held In New York (
within a few days to form a pool. Pn-i
vioua to the formation of the association
of tin plate manufacturers the Jobbers ,
stocked up heavily at the low prices, and j
when the association advanced prices the
jobbers refused to be governed by the
as.-oclatlon rates. It Is now proposed to i
combine and tlx a rate satisfactory ti;
lnith parties.
Cambridge, Mass., June M. Prof. Al
van G. Clar';, the famous telescope U lis
manufacturer. I dead at hi home here
of u i-troke of apoplexy. Ills latent fln-l
Ished work, the mammoth lens for the j
Ycrkes telescope, was shipped to Chi -Vga ,
a short time ago.
Portland, Or., June lu. Tho Rio Grande
Western railway officials today estab -
llshcd an agency in this city with th ?
following officers: YV. II. Paul, general
agent f night department R. J. O'Reilly,
traveling freight agent; M. J.
Northwestern passenger agent.
THEIASTORIAN has the largest
reinitiation of anyrpaper
on the Columbia River
NO. m.
Flagship Sew York Leaves Boston
Harbor Yen Sudilcnlv.
TiioKiit r to in: of f for clija
Navy Department Savn Nut. HmeTer Sor
mined li Will look Alter rilihan
terinfi txpeditios.
Homon. June 1. The I'nped State
, cruiser New Vork. the tiiilfnhlp of th"
Norm Atlantic wpindron, with Hear Ad
i Monnim-:'y blcard on boar 1,
I steam, d out of the h irbor at 5 o'clock
j this afternoon, not a soul on board Vnow-
i:ne to wnat port sne is ooun.i, :or win
I only bo wnen t!' hlr whlt-i cruiser In
j well outside of I oston liKht, with the
I jillot over the side, that the scaUs-l order
i will be o ru d, Hnd her destination ns
j certalwd. It Is (fen.-nlly belb-ved, ho'"
ever, that w hen she reach" Cape Cod
she will turn hr nose to the southward,
.and that her twin screws wli not sop
. until she Is nomew here In the neighbor
hood of Cul.a. fir when the atarted she
I was fully provisioned and coaled, r.n'1
, could. If necensary, ko to Gibraltar, or
' a lontr distance w ithwt laylnff In suj-
Washingtrn, Ji.-n H1. Navy depart
, m.-nt officials were singularly reserved
a'no,.t the movement of lh-. New York,
and how-(d reluct jr.i-e to jinswer any
questions. Secretary Long, to answer
to a ui.-e.-t inierrovaii-xi. r plbd:
"The New York Is not goin- to Cuba.
Sue will next ir heard from at some
, point or. the Atlantic coast well north
of Cuba."
The secretary refuseJ to answer fur
ther. It a learned, however, tbat the. cr jlsf r
Is expected to report next at Hampton
Roads, Va and that sh vdl lie al sea
about two day. It ls6tirmi'd that tho
navy department, which ha been charg
ed of late with the whole duty of looking '
after filibuster afloat, has oe. n advised
of the intentions of some formidable ex
pedition bound for Cuba to put out from
some southern port. In such case the
department would send ou orao ether
cruiser usually, but it Is said that at this
i time It wa a case of the choice of the
vessel able to get under way irst.
Has Arranged in Europe Important Rail
road Change.
New York, June 10. J. Plerpont Mor
gan has returned from Europe on the
White Line steamer Teutonic. He ha
been arranging while abroad for Import
ont change and reorganizations In sev
eral large railroad properties, and la be
lieved to have entire success In hi plans,
though he refuses to confirm this report,
further than by saying that the financial
situation abroad seems much Improved.
The deal In Northern Pacific contem
plated by the Morgan Interest i said to
Involve the transfer of the controlling
Interest In the road to a Great Northern
clique which upholds James J. Hill in
the management of the latter property.
This clique consists of the large banklns
houses In Amsterdam, Berlin, Hambirg
and London. The Deutsch bank of Ber
lin Is the chief factor In the control of
the property.
Mexico City, June 10. All existing con
cessions for railways to the Mexican
National Construction Company have for
feited for non-fulfillment of the irms
of the charters. The company, however,
has one line operating from Manz initio
on the PacllU- coast to Collma, capital of
the state of the same mime. This line, of
course, remains In possession of the rail
way, but It loses the proiiosed extension
of this line from Colima to Guadalajara.
Absolutely Pure
' Celebrated for Its great leaveuln
strength and healthfulneea. Assures the
food against alum and all forms Of
adulteration ' common to the cheap
"Nam -