TIIK DAILY ASTORIA N, WEDNESDAY MOKNINO, JUNE 9, 1897. CALHOUN OPPOSES ANNEXATION . He Thinks tiilmn Asr.linlliitlon Im ' ' possible at I'rcscot. MV.S. I.I i: WAK.MLY I'lUISl l) 1U Sytniiaihy With l.l.a-Ca S No Cap lo the War, (id tha DeVaMa llui U (iriitalni. t'M.-llUn, Jlin,. K -'I'llx f'llli'nM" Tribune i'tirriiiiihtil, C'hna, . I'riir, loll' ru,li dm fnlluwIiiK frmn New Vol k : HiM-iliil CuimtilaaliMii-r W. J, Calhoun Wt M'tllllHil hnrn yrnlxnluy fruin Culm May I liu I Iik hml fuiin,..) I lie lintiraaalun l.r.ir IkivIiiM llm alnti-a llwl n'ri' mitl .ih..iIi))' ImttalKa wi-re rli..f uyunta In Urn liwiirm'lliiti. I la had nut Immi Hutu inn iliiyn Imfurt" hn u comlnc l Hit' V lie atrulistll of llin ('ulniil h'0 iln in Uirklim I ho liiKiirr'H'tliin. 1 1 h ihiiih kii i IpHiI I hut lii r-ulliy thn iriiyii f I'uUi fur llm I'uluiii aiul llml hry hihiIiI fm lit ilrH'riili-ly for ltii,u-nd tiiii'n, I'.viryiiiiiia he ul'i'iuiitly uw and ' hi-nr-l miviiothxiUHl ttiU belief. i"iillunin liiul litsinl Dm rHirt of pa t in. i i ii.ii l.y ili iH-rul V-li-r iiml h'l -r'1li.l il in in miinr ili-nrir. Ilia tiny In "ill- l'irt)nl thla iml Ion Iloioull WH tliul llin m. IflruUiill wlil-ll waa r jKirinl Inmnul ln fuund alitna vl war Mryxli.rr, run at llin gnt,.a of tt vn- IM. Tlu. K.ntilli lru h.-l'l it i mm part nf llif i.lnn.l n an iirmy of oitii iMtiliin. wM Hi., iiiniiiwniu mere mnklii miWtlllll uml llflnll till i'.'f ill flilrlt, jlr, ( illlwillll DM Ml lltl.r arl Willi ltr rvlt,-n,-i-a of iirtiiitl warfare- Unit It vat out a 1. 1 mi I .im. iniMit I Iml tm run 1.1 nr tut r4hl of llm our. ami tlml Ilia il. vnutif lion tut vruvi lug. Mr I'lilluiun rauM Iml Hammr that luiy ii..r.i.li to rlvllitn.l inHhoda f Warfare. Ulna mini on nitlmr sl.ln lln waa utnrtuinn lth tv Ii1r.ni-. ( ah.iw l.'ui atr Itl.-a roiiKiiltiial iy )ig autk-ra uiMlnr Wi-ylrr, particularly Dm Bia-rtllaa, wlm fmin a (mrl f tin- r,:ilar uriny Hu h aa lie u nl.- In In Vnntlltain h r .li.illy .-llrrnlly proVMl In Im iwrrvtlir aim,-,) Hn nl.ii h-nrnr-l It wu true lli.it thn H.-.1 (r.M H.Kiniy Wua li..l permit l1 lo pnn ln Ha iirn.-nii f m.ri-y U-iwn.ti tin. ton ruuiriiiliny untilnk. Thu rrftiMl i nm.lr - .ir H-uiilli BuviYtimntil. Mr i'mIIimiiU'i ln.iilrl. mi.l lnvntlintlniia Imvn autlaDi'.l lillll tlml Ilia larttl.in li li. I ufT,illi- imi,., ,y NVnyli-r'a rnt oii.rlilratliiii ixil.r r mil m.iKB. rull Hp .i ihn acmina of Inla fry nl Mntniiiua, irh .l.-l.-rmlncl lilm n lix.h ti fiirihi-r Itilo Ihn I hna of III rar, U'.hiuim. Im Im.l imnn rlioiinh Wnjia Mr. ("iillimiii .n,i noi miach o nu.-i Imi-.riiuu in I lllie n-rii-y aa o otllrr Idlllana of III qtlnatlun, Wtial (l war .11.1 n.it ciuan dim miy fnnra for Iw rnllr.l Hlulna In nu... Ihn w.-y of lflllip-ri.ui y ahoul.l t ml. fid ,y ih ajiiniliilairtitliMi un.l l.y rntinnt tiiirlnir hla atny in PuIm. Mr. Calhoun kv Itrrai or iitirini.iri to (Im ilnnii. lal iiNi.ltniia .. iin...rt.Nkl irrf.-.-tly iiui inn n.iW or iiwiirK.-til la lo in l:il. -iN-iaU-n.'a- l v liankriipiliiii Hain Whllr hf ili.l mil mr ni tuiil Imnhriti'li y, In. f.iiin.l Out) tin. itihIU c.f thn Hiiii- aunt Hua KrowiiaK (..-.ilirr, lh.it faith In Ha (.1.1111 v lo pull t!,r..iii.:h M nlluf i-r n iiliioti Hamuli .irti.llia In llnnrvi, i!n,i t:, in nntrhliiK thn futiim .ran of th liiurr.-iMi)ii. Hpnliia nl.imy in K'-t inoiu-y inu.t nlm, Ni run-fully A,iir,i Mr. Cillioun ul,.. Jmnnl liiil.'li iilmtii thn rirriitl.ui tiiii.iu; Ihn f.vvi.rll.i of ('timittta iiml Wrylnr In tin. M.in. ni r Hi.. tro.iia iiikI nnarii-iul rruru!..ii..it to ,ny, W,, i ,-rn pinna up. nit im in, i not fw 0,1, iir,in,-h f llm Hniulry i lmimtn i-lr. hlh- tint rlmiv.1 with thn ri.ponlt.iy f loiniu Intliiir n pollry of inti-rvoiitiun or of l . Hm-n-tiry. Mr I'ailioun r.-iurn,l from . ... ni.:i ma n Hill 111 II. I.- Up Hint Hi) i-ii.-.iiiuii.in,.iii Mil. mi 1.1 l- Kv, , imiir. to rx--l iiiiiinxntl.tn 'ii thn I'iiII..,! rtluii-a. If Himln will not M-rnilt ilinm in luirrluiHi. thnlr lii.li-fn.t.'iiii- and thr llnltiil Hlnlra at.pa In on thr itrmiiitia f hiiiniinliy or of coinnu-n-liil lnl,r-i, or of nilii-ii roll. Mil, ,ii, o Hi,,p . miirruri.. In hla vlnw It hIioiiIiI Im lth ii ill-iliirl iiml a-rH- lili.l.-il.ur llui! Hint It la not ii Hli-p tuttnr-l nun, k.hi.im 'l l-.i nwlmllutlori of th,. niUr.l populnilon ol thn laliitnl, ii a hn look-. lit It, wnn, Ir Iihi lilllrh for 111,- Cnlli-.l Hlill.H, lit IniM III tli- pr.i..iil c.-iuiiililnn. ,.k o;iiiiiun wna Htnln. with iiiin-h friiiikn.-ari, lint:! to Ciitwna r. ii. I Bnpnhir.iH, u-nl vlnlnin -,ny i-onMil, n,.,. In ivlntitn; It hrr. Air. Cnlho.in , iiiirlii,( ,j mhi iuIv ,,-nH. SIMMONSX 7 TV" Hb Favodie Home Remetig. For all diseases caused by derangement of the Liver, Kidneys, and Stomach. Keep It always In the house and you will save time and Doctor's Bills, and have at hand an active, harmless and per fectly safe purgative, alterative and tonic If you feel dull, debilitated, have frequent headache, mouth tastes badly, poor appe tite and tongue coated, you are suffering from torpid liver or biliousness, and SlM jnONS Livlr Regulator will cure you. If you have eaten anything hard to digest, or feel heavy after meals or sleep less at night, a dose of SIMMONS LIVER KLCULATOK will relieve you and bring pleasant sleep. If at any time you feel your system needs cleansing and regulating without violent purging, take SIMMONS LIVER Regulator. J. II. Zellin & Co., IHUadolpIda. JSP" regulator7 ''WaflaWHaTflKlfl 'rl f' laTaWIt- Ina" (Iniinrul tivf, mil only fur till emir aW III 'hn Hull man, hut for Urn vlnr un.l pniniitinaa with whli'li I ho conaul anii'lill uriilltlnl lllllianlf III thn Cnat'H of nil Aiunrli'iui iilllti'iia, IIDNIJH OV Ol-D NKW VOKKKKH. I rrM'iV ni, liy Workliiuii on Aaliir'ri Niw llull.lltlK Ullo, ! Now Voik, Jiiiw A huiiiun aknlilun niMl hiialinla of Imiii. went foiin-l l.y vrkninii who Wnra niruvulliia for th fouiiiUtlon of Aniur'a thlrty-4lury hullil Inat on thn alia of Ihn truoturn lit llnxnl wny untl lli-rtur atrnnl, lit hlrii Jay Moiilil mid Huaanll Hiiko uail to huv llmlr uftliiMi. Al flral I ha innn IIioiikIiI limy hiul ,lla ovnri.,1 ,1 rli.w lo auinn (irrrii irlni.., liul u liyaluiKlnr il" li-,'l It wa only Ihn ovirllow frinn Trinity rliur-h yaul, whh h rrnlirnrii.l whnt la now llac lor ali. i t mul Urn luii.l aunih fur anviul IiuimIimiI f.rt, Willi" to thn w..I II run low ii to thn North rlvrr In a apl.ui.li.l In w n-llko Hirk. Thnao Ijori. a, In, ili l.i" -,1 limy hum Ix-.-ii thoa.i of illiu'rluua Nnw Vorki-ra, for aomn of th" flral fnlnlllra of Ihn Trinity purlah who Im.l n.-.-ii r,. i. rr.-l llu-ro wmu avlilnittly uvi-rlirokml whin thn ronlmila of llin 'iillh.Trl por- ll.iii of Ihn t'htiri'liyuril wirn tiikmi up lo niiikn room for lu-rior irot mul tin. piivolil-nla Ilia aki..-lon fouii.l toil.iy lay fu. In lliu nnat, fully all f.,.1 I., low thn ol.lt I fomiilnthMi atoiina of the olil Imlhlliitf. It waa In-low thn anw.ra ol Uroiulway. low.r lluui prlvtn vuulia of ol. I Trttilty. nl fifty f.t uw.iy. HK.VZII.H TltHflil.i:, Him la ilolua" lo ll'ivt, a New l r.al.li in Ni-w- York, Jinn. - A apnclnl lo th. Il. liil l from lllo iln Jim.-lru .ia: I'rraiili-m Morni-a a an iIih ply -lio rlri. il at li-irut H.tlral liii l.lrnla iiml ililfl- (iillli-a whli-h have la-nn rnua.-.I liy fne ll.uiul airlfn that hn will r.-ainn hla oiM.-i- liln r.-mria r.r.-lil In Itto Junrlru flMin tlw nulrliinl aim.- that th.' Il.illiin K ,-rriin. nl li la ,1.-. I.I.-.I thiil llin In. I. ni nltliv iiraiilr.1 In ttiillmia Injur.-. I In thr lllo lirjinln r-olt l.y thn llnnlll.in ii.n- ri..ii.nt lima I Ih pul.l without furlh.r iln U. 'Iiimml Uin h.La iirin.iiii.-. thai lie will m-rifl tlm ijfT.-r of thn aupp irt 01 Ihn H..H1.11.1I party of ArKrlitliii un.l U.. i iiiu. n run. 11. luii- for ihn pri l.l.-ii -y. II,- haa laaur.l a. luaiillnalu ilnlurliiK that l.i- will. If rln-ini, ii.n.rii without imrro (Hillll.nl aplrlt. nut will onporUlly ,1, . lolu hltnanlf l llin (-.-i.iM.lnir.il Inlon-la of Ihn roiimiy CI T t'lr 1 1 i:it Cllll.tl'H iii:.m, Inillmui Worn 111 TIihukIh tho Uml ln- inuti.l.il It. IikIIhiiiik.I.. I n.l , Juiui n.- Mra. Jrrry llul, 0111I1. thn yimiur wife of 11 W'nal r'rmikhti. I'oany i-ooiilry, fannnr. .ir- rincnj lu-r four-vur-ohl luii-hti-r will.- luUirlnt un.l. r tlu hiillut liuitlon that thn IaiOiX i-uininiiixlml lu-r In 'In an. Hhn hua nri risar.l.al aa partly Ina.inn for ymr. hut waa nrvrr n-Biinlwl aa .linu.-r- oua On Hun. lay. whllr Dm hualmn.l wna iil.a.nt, alio took hrr luiiKhtnr Into thi uolnnim, auttl nfii-r a fnw iiioumiiia w.ilkol Into thn kllrllrll with thn rhll.l . hrii.t In Imm hun.la un.l rilul.lir.l I; lo thn cook. Thn Intti-r flwl In ti-rror. Whrr, llol.-omli nrrlv,-.! Ina wlfn waa I.01111.I with i-orila A lul.'i.r ki.lf.-. u ahnrp ita a rnmir. wua foutnl i-,.nr,iil.-l 111 l,.-r ill-an. Thv i-h'.l.l'n iH-rt.l, w .ia anvt-mil (r.nii thn Uaty jual ulan r thn alniul.l. r. Wllnl.KrtAI.K tilt.WK HollllKIIIKH. Klfly llo ll-a Hioli-n Trom tVnntrry. Onn liiillnnn linlluliiipolla, ln.1 , Jinn- $.-Thn .llanov rrv hua la-mi nm.ln hy a farmer th it l.lrk rr.-rk rnmnti-ry. flvn inll.o mnllh.'.ial of In re. hua lmnn ulunwl rmptlt-il r-'ivnlly of l.uiinl 1-o.llra. Al lenat Mfty lio.llra wi-m atoh-n l.y chouN In piirth ul ir. A farmer tww lyliiK insir a new Kr-.ive thr hrouil In whhh the holy Im.l ix-i-n l.ur n-,1. 1, amy n nuiiilier or nr.iv.-a wnrr oH-n.-.l mat In elKhl out of ten the Lo.ilra hint la-nri atolrn, 11 n.l In ihr.-n the cof fin, elothliiif 11ml all were mlaalnu, Kv eryom. who hua n frlriul luirhil I pre purliiic to opn the Kruvn. CHUN 1"t)U INDIA. City of Kieretl Will Hull Ciih-uitii. June 12 fur Hun I- raiii la.-o, June S. -The City ol Hv. ri-tl. i-harti-re.1 hy Ihn Kovi-rnnirtit In curry fno.1 to tho atm-vlna" Hlnilooe.t, will null for l iilruttii Junn 12 from thla lily. The rami) will i-onalat almost entirely or .rn eoinrlliulril hy pniple of lllnnla, lown, Kiiiihiim un.l Neliniakil, under the ulriHlilp of tin- Chrlaihin lleruhl, ol i-w York. On rem-hlng- Cnl.-ut'ii. thr u in I n will la- ru-nt Iniiiirilliiiely to thr American ml.-MlohnrlrH mi.l will he illa- trlliuteil hy thrill illi-. rtly to the nl u vim: people. l'nit I'l IlK 1-1 it ill. c.tll.'iirnliin.i lVternilm-il Their Htiito. to Clrllll l'p Hun l-'rniiclacii, June The mnmifiic lurera nn.l pioilucera uanin-iitl,in recently !.-iit out cnmnuiiilciitloim to the ii'l.;ate i.r the pure foo.1 coiiKreaa naklriK thnl lln-y enllat the co-operutlon of Injuria ol triule uml Iniilth, pollen Juilnea and prof ceutlnH" allorneya In the. tlirht for pure food. All thnae who have ailHWeriNl the letter of the 'iiaaaclutlon luyrrro that the work of protecting the cltlicna of the Hiul.. from Injurious iidultci-titlona, na well ii a protecting the reputation of Cal ifornia fruit In eastern market, should Ihj pniHecutiHl with tho utmost vl-or. ' TOIITE JU'HT KXri.AIN. New York, Juno 8. A speclul to the Ilnrnl.t from Corfu stiys: M, ZiiniiiddH, the war minister, la leuv Inir Athena for I .inula. Turkey Is still rtinfiwlmr Thessuly, and the umliassii iors i re ilrinumllnK nn exphinatlou of the porto. FICMAI.K riUlKJLAHS. (liikl.ind, Cul., June 8. The police nrr llrnily i-onvlnceil that the home of Mnn unl IJIiim, of Elmhurst, which waa rohla-d on Pnturdny nlKht, was looted hy two women nnd ono man, nnd on that ns lumption ure lookliiK for female lutrir-lura. , AND NOT SUICIDE The Latest View uf the Hurfmau - C4 In 'Prlsco. Tin: iu)okki:i:m:k ii:noi;nci:i Admit that Hi Accnanu Are Crooked, hut Haya They Were .Made 5o at Notlaial'a lnMance. Hun I'runi la.-o, Junn I - A a. iiaulloiuil arrlKiirrunt of lainic lloffmmra Ixiok-kmH-r, Tluialori KlKrl, wua nm.ln lual nlirht hy Attoriny Henry Arh, ajwiiklnii for tho luirlnrra uf Ihn nmrrhutit, who, hn ,rr:irra, wua lt,llnrut')ly inill'ilerell. 'I'll I a aim. in, -lit wua riiu.lc- In thn prra- iiib of A'ha' purlfi.-r, II, II. Itothachll'l, iiml of Joa. Nnphliily, counai-l for Mra. Hoffman. It rnvli-wa thu tuae, uml ia hi. irifuin. nl uKunt Ihn Hi.-ory of . oh-loV. riK.I'a frh-rala IIikI r Milan for ronvtrul- uluilon In thn illarovery of nnw Mll-ru-aa. w hoar leallmiany, ttwy any, tinrta lo provn tin ullhl for Klu.-I, im l of un- mhrr wlin.-aa who ronflrma tha aaarr'.Uni ' 111 ... I,- l.y KlKel to Chief l-t-t that Im ' liilnul.-l 10 aell hla C-ralllr revolver; un.l t.uy n wi-uiH.n of ureuter powi-r. U In n illreetly ou.-ailonn.l aa to wfu ther hla hooka wouhl com out nil rla-ht un- r rrl t-iamlnutlon, KlKel frankly) mlmllteil lh.il they wouhl nut. Iln nliu.-.i thul he hail niu.li- f 11 Ian nntrl.-a In Iln- lunik nerount In thn flrm'a lolK,r on I'u auififeation of Mr. 1 1 off 111 11 n. aa thn !atn-r uppnrelitly Olil not w 11 lit thn laxika lo ahow hn hu.l l-e.-n ilrawlrnK III rx,ea4 ol hla ri-Kiiliir 11 How .un .-. U lu ll aaki-l If the lK,ka wouhl foot up nil rliihl In olln r ri-aHM-ta, he .nth! that no one Iml hlma. If rouhl ill ii tlu- lMMka l.iiliinrr, 11 a ninny eiilrl.a hml lo Ik. Iliu.lr of Whhh he lilolle kllrW. It wua thn Intention of Hot li. lill I ai .1 Arh lo oniMrn thn flrm'a ,-lKrr u ouut of thn Ixin.lon, I'nrla nn.l Ainerleiin hank wllh thn llrm'a hook of thn aalllr Inalltu Hon, hut 11 nearrh for tho latter provril frulil.-aa uml u lrmuM-rll hua Ix-.-n iiaKn.l for. In nil hla rurliiK affulra KlK. I rmployn I lar l AtklnaiMi, CUu.li Ilurllnxuin un.) Will Tuylor aa hla iik-.-nta. Tiny iurrhaa4-l the horaea for him, niiinuitrd hla atutilr, nritl )n-l at hla illreetlon. Ill all their trunaartlona th. y w. ro reaiwim I hln to FUrl. Thra,- men rhilm I hut Muni waa vrry forliiint.. In hla i)rulliu;a with horan r.u- lint, ami la very heavily a winner on K.i inn. It la aul.l tluit morn than onr.- tliivm iiif.-ma wnrr rommlaalonetl to a iter nu much 11a ll'ai) on alnitlr rin-r. TAMMANY HALL. WXKEItKXCM Committee Xuineil to Cormlih-r the New York City Convention. New York. June .-The Tamm.uiy Hull urf.-renen, wl.l' h la to i-onfer with Mm- llur roiiimlttnea of democratic oru inliu- tlona of KIiiks, guiH-na uml ltl.-hnion I coiintlca an to Ihn Imsla of te'iresi-nin-lion In thn di Itinera He city convention, aa well ua lo cull the convention, hua hern named l.y Chairman Jiim.-a J. Martin, of thn cKrcullve conimlilee. The meln-ls-ra of the committee un1 John Hhrennn. Jiim.s V. Hoy In, Janna I. K,:i;lni(, H.m- lolph liUKKenhelnier. Jiimea McCarthy. Ueo. W. liunk.it mid Andrew J. White. J amen J. Murtln. Vm. 8ihmer and .!- Iiiiat W. IVtera ar rnrnili.ni ex-olllclo. It la stated that seven out of ten mem bers of the committee supported Ilryan and the ChlciiRO platform. ANOTIIKU HA ft CASl'Al.TY, Two riahrrmi-U Snveil hy the Port Cnnliy Life Savlnx Crew. Kort Cnnhy, June 8. tStcchil to the As lorliin.l i.Hirr and Itarkcr hout No. 1'. c.ipslx.-d on IVucock Spit iiliout p. in. Hoth men were savtsl hy the Ciim. Iilsappolntinent crew. One nu.n wits Wiialml i leaf off the boat us Ihn crew- arrived, and wna ulniut to sink when Surfmun 8toncr Jumped overboard un.l an veil mm i ne noul and net were also saved. UKSKHTKI1S FROM THE NAVY. Iloston. June K More than thrco score of men have recently diwert-.tl from the war ships New York lind Masia.-hnsct', l.iKi'U.ei- with those who left the Texas, while she was here last week. Twenty rltrht men took French hvive of the Texas and thirty are nilsslm; from the New York. It Is not knwn how iniiny ne mlsslni; from th" .M,u.t.-hux,-tt. In every cine the deserters Were of fnrclfrn lirth. tiik chii:f MOCUNKU. Alumisln, fill., June 8. At the hc.nl of the funeral procession of Mrs. JulU A. I'errln ycstenlay was hil "Hoy," the jiot horse of the deceased, illlarhed to the can-luxe she was nccustomed lo ride iliirlutf her life time. Mm. IVrrtn died Saturday mornliiR. It wna In nccord iinee with her last wish that "Hoy," wllh crepe iilamt his neck, lead the funeral corteife. Piniplea, blotrhim, lilncklioails.roil, roueh, oily, mothy akin, itching, araly scalp, dry, thin, and (.illiiu; hair, ami baby blemishes prevented by CLTtcintA Soap, the most tlTi'i tive skin nirify inir anil lieaiitifyinz poip in tha world, as woll as purest and swentost for toilet, bath, anil nursery. I .uueura ftmp it told Ihronprhmil IM nrld. Fnmi Dtt-A AKnCniH. Coif , 81 Prop., Rnatoa, V. 9. A. u" lluw Id ltvtnl I'm llMmor,H mil4 ft. EVERY HUMOR riZTT FM1 EfflifMS NHuaMiatMaHtaiHi9iMitiaitMMaaataaaaaaaaaaanauiii i -ti ! mt 1 it dinj'urouH sin wtill an expenbive to buy a liieyclc 1 nil"" it in Iv.iilt y a manufacturer who won't build or own. We cHnnot aI'ord to build poor one any More than you can afl'oru to buy them. MlllltlMlillltltlHUfHIaifMtllMIMIIINtMMMHIMlfllMfMf Colombia Bicycles Standard of the World, $100 - - - TO ALL ALIKE Iliirtf iril Dicyclw. Heeom-I only to Columbia, $00, 50, $45. )H'C Columbia-. $75, while they last. POPE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 132-4 Sixth Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. (k HENRY GOODMAN. Manager. Taaaaaaaiiiaai.ii:n;r?iii.ui;.t4(UiHataaaaaaiaaiaaaaainamnai UNION MEAT COMPANY Shield Brand Hams, Bacon, Strictly Pure Lard . ALL KINDS OF CANNED MEATS Guaranteed the Beat la) th Market ORNER FOURTH AND GUSAN STREETS - - PORTLAND, OREQON Ross, Higgins & Company GROCERS and BUTCHERS AHTORIA AINU EA8T ASTORIA CHOICIC FRKSH AND SALT MEATS SELF STARTING HERCULES Vl! flan hi M Horse I'ewrr Marine KiiRlne. FiHt I'AKTICl LAK8 ADDRESS Hercules Gas Engine Works 403 HANSOM K ST., SAN FRAKCISCU San Francisco TO Astoria and Portland VIA Eureka, I'u I. uml Coos Buj . s. s. homer! Will Mcike Iieuular Trips j Every 14 Ilay. j rasspiiBers ntul Freight at Reduced Rntea. SEASIDE SRWIulhli. A complete stock of lumber on hand In the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus tic, celling and all kinds of finish; mold ings and shingles. Terms reasonable and prices at bedrock. All orders promptly attended to. Office and yard at mill. H F U LOGAN, Seaalde, Oregon. Proprietor. Wanted-An Idea 2 Who can think I or aoma airupia tiling to patent! Protect your trtnaa: thny nu Write JOHN WKUDF.Kul'R.N acya, Washington, I. I'., I T Ibnlr si. all prla udllat of two hundred UiTanUou wanted. A SNAP. For sale cheap and on easy terms, four choice building lots In McClure's Astoria. For particulars call on Howell Ward, tld Bond street. BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. If you tvunt good lumber and lowest prices figure with the Gobel Mills. W. B. EDWARDS, sgent. 3ui Commercial street. Astoria. ISf IIIIIIIM MM MfftlfltffttetM 4MtMMfMMMa)MaMMfl. ....W......I..M mm "The Louvre" ISTORIA'3 C0RCE0LS ENTERTAINMENT HALL S FLOORS FID If Dale. Gamna of All Kind. Two MaKnIflrcnl Bar. CVCRTiniSC riRST-CL.SS Good Order and Everybody's Rights STBICTLY OB8KKTED. ENGINES MARINE GASOLINE i Vsing raaollne or chep dtstUUt o!L Engines connected direct with pro peller shaft, and no noUy, easily broken bevel gears used In reverse motion. New spark device; no Internal spring electrodes to burn oat. Send for testimonials. We are building these new style, self starting marine engines In all sixes up to 200 horse power. Every engine fully guaranteed. TRANSPORTATION LINKS. Are You (jroiiig East? B sure and see that your ticket j reads via I THE NORTH-WESTERN i ' LINE. ( CHICAGO. ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS -and- 0MAHA RAILWAYS. This Is tha GREAT SHORT LINE Bstwesa DULUTH, ST. PAUL, CHICAGO Andt all Points East and South. Their Magnificent Track. Peerless Ves tlbuled Dining and Bleeping Car Trains and Motto: always on nne Have given tbls road a national reputa tion, AU classes of passengers carried on the vea tlbuled trains without extra char. Ship your freight and travel over this famous line. AU agents havs tickets. W. H. MEAD, F. C. BAViOK, Qen. Agent. Trav. F. and P. Agt. 243 Washington at. Portland. Or. OASTOZUA. () TRANSPORTATION LINE. THE OSI.Y UlWIKd-CAR BOfTK FKOM fOHFI.ANDTOTIIf F.allT. TUB ONLY HOl'TE 10 I UK YELLOWSTONE HAflOfaLPaBK. LKAVE PliHTI.AND ARRIVE. Fal Mail fin- Ka am, f'hnhal a- fnitlntlla. Ko. 1. Houtli hni), Monuvanoj No. I. ao rornn. iiiyiritiia. iv l',im. Keallln. VI tori i. Fort T'.wriannd, Klinv-I 'I'lrv, Hp karin, K,-lno B. C.: Trail. B.C.: Mnl- vm, B. C, Kailo, Mia- II: A. M, Hnleua, M. I'aol, M n 7:30 P.M. 'imap'lia, Kanaaa itT, lOtuaha, Council BliiCf.. 1st. laj..t:iilnsao.Wah- llnijuai. New York, Pbll-j i-i,iil,H.t'in, ann all polnla East sod -snub eaal. fJAY.1t.iMlnnnaonl., Omaha, Kanaas City ani i. Paul. Vi I;AYs to Milwaukee and rhl'ago. 4ii liAYS l. aahu,r'in. liiiladnlphls. New York a 4 hvtou,aud otbrr Eaat- ero poinaa. BnKge checked tbron to destin ation ot tickets. For sleeping-car reservations, tickets, maps and (all information, rail on or write. A. D. CHARLTON Aaa't Ge-a'1 Faaa. Agent, Portland, Or. tSS MarriaoBSu. Cor. Third. LEAVE. I ORTLASD, ARRIVE. OVERLAXi EX- '. PKfcHS, for Haleni, f Kinmbunr. Aahland, racramento, lirl'H, 9:3QA-M. Kn Prauciaco, Mo- I Jam, La Anelm, I Kl Paao, New Or- ' leant and the East. i Koteburg pauenger : P. II. Via Wjodhurn, for Miiont Armel, mil- I Daily vnilou. Wean Sclo, I except BroaTiaril e, BprlDg- guudar. Held and Sairon Corrallls paasenger. 't5ao P. M. McV-inBTllle paaa'ar 'S A. M. 6:00 P. M iM A. M Dallf except buudaj. f7J0A- H. 4:50 P. M. Dail) , tbaily except Sunday. eideutaj fc Oneut&l od Fcjflc Mnil fttetn- h In llnoai f.as 1 lUlV l VD llllv n. K a ra ta, Adi VUJ.A DaUliUr( da'rt on apoliratioo. gvKiera sou ui-sris m r.TLMiem poin ara etj-,JH!- A,D JAPAN. CHIN A. HOSOLCLC aod ,v--i,nw. tan ne uuiainen tram j. o KlttKLAND. Ticket Agnt, iM Third au YtHl ILL DIVISION Passenger Depot, foot cl Jeffenoa at. Leare for fSWKr.n Halt at - l2:li, I ii. 5 ii. :4,v H OS" n. m - HI .in n ,.. ouSa:unlava oulr). an.i 40a m iM rnin m. on Sunday only. Arrive at p..rland dally il:l0,a:aua. m.: 1:30 4:I.V 6::iS.l n. ni iaui iu a. iu- 'j ioaDQ a:iu p. m. on Sun day, only;. ueaveior BtiKKiUAM d.Ily except gunday at 4:3) p.m. A nirn at Pnrtl tnd :9U a. m: Leare for Alrlie Muudaya, Wednrdiva and Frid iya at ) a. ru Arrive at lMrii..H Tueadaya, Thursdays and aturdaya at 3:0S rjce auoaay. Except Saturday. B. K0EHLER, ilauaser, E. P.R'H5ER3. Aat. Ren. F. & P, Agt f"mm GIVES CHOICE OF TranseontiDeofal ROUTES. Via Spokane and St. Pad Via Ogdeo, Denver and Omaha op St. Paul Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Free Reclining Chair Cars Astoria to San FraDeiseo. State of California. Wednesday. June 2. Columbia, Monday, June T. State of California, Saturday, June 12. Columbia, Thursday, June IT. State of Cal'fornia, Tuesday, June 22. Columbia, Sunday, June 27. State of California, Friday, July 1 Columbia, Wednesday. July 7. State of California, Monday, July 12 For rates and general mronnatlon call on or address G. W. LOUNSBERRT. Agent. W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pas. Agt., Portland. Or. . e. McNeill. President and Maaagsr. Astoria ani Columbia Riyerjtoilroad TIME CARD. Trains leave Seaside for Astoria, at 7:30 a. m. dally and S p. m. dally, sxca)pt Sunday. Trains leave Astoria for Flavel at 9 a. m. dally and 5 p. m. dally, except Sunday. Trains leave Astoria for Seaside at 10:30 a. m. dally and S p. m. daily, ex cept Sunday. Trains leave Flavel for Astoria at 9:40 a, m. dally and 3:58 p. m. dally except Sunday. Sunday afternoon trains one hour later from all points. For Delicacy, for purity, and for improvement of , v (jileiioa nothing equala Poizoxi'a Powpfs. y -- Ipfl Mart n Arrmi 0.octEN4MsxaJ: OITII llrS oMcPliio , TltAKAPOKTATIOJI tlXES. GO EAST ..VIA.. Library Car Route AMERICA'S SCENIC LINE. Mtal ia Dlainrj Car a l Carta The all-rail routs to Kootenai mining district, via Seattle and Spokans Shortest and Quickest Line St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Chicago AND ALL POINTS EAST Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Dining and Library Qbssrrsy. tlon Cars. Doily Trains sse Fast Tim SERVICE AND SCE3ERY UMEAQCELED For tickets and full Information call on or address A. B. C. DENNISTON, C. P. T. A., Portland. Or. R. C. STEVENS, O. W. P. A, Seattle. Going East? If VOU ARE, 0 NOT FORGET Three ImportantPoints'' FIRST Go via the Bt, Paul becavuss the lines to that point will afford roa the very beat service. SECOND See that the courxm beyond St Paul reads via tha Wisconsin Ceo. tral because that line makes dose con nections with all the trans-oontlneBtsi lines entering the Union Depot there, ad Its service Is flrst-clasa in every particular. THIRD For information, call on your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent and ask for a ticket read. ing via the Wesconain Central Unas, or address JAS. C. POND. General Passenger Agent, Milwaukee, Wis. Or GEO. S. BATTT. General Agent Portland, Oregon. IMiiwaukIe) This Railway Company Operates Its trains on the famous block system; Lights its trains by electricity through out; Uses the celebrated electric berth read in? lamp; Runs splendidly equipped passenger trains every day and night between St Paul and Chicago; the Chicago, nilwaukee & ' St. Paul Also operates steam-heated ves tlbuled trains, carrying the latest private compartment cars, library buffet smoking cars, and palace drawing room sleepers. Parlor cars, free reclining chair can and thi very beat dining car service. For lowest rates to any point In the United States or Canada, apply to ticket agent or address C. J. EDDY. General Agent Portland, Or. J. W. CASET. Trav. Pass. Agent Two routes east. One reason why you should ask for tickets via the Burlington Route Is that It ia 200, miles shorter nnd a whole half-day qulckor than any other line to Omaha, Kansas City and St. Louis, Two routes Eaat via Bil lings, Mont., and St. Paul, Allnn. 1 g.', n For tickets and Informa tion apply to neurest ticket agent or to A. G. SHELDON, Gen'l Agent Portland, Oregon. Beaver Hill Gilman Coal ...Try It For Family or Steam Purposes. ELMORE. SANBORN & CO Agents. Aatorla. ASTORIA PUBLIC MEW READING ROOM FRXD TO ALL. Open every day from I e'elock te l:M and 1:10 to $M p. m. Subscription rates t per annua. 8.W. COR. ELEVENTH WAUM FT.