The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 09, 1897, Image 2

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Telephone No. 6.
A . . t i
Sent by mull, per year
Sent by mall, per month.......
Served by carrier, per month..
. .
. .45
while Ivefore any anon oonatttntlonul
amendment a Mr. Coohrnn'a receives
the endorsement of nnouirh ntste Ugls
luture to mnke It operative.
Bent by malt, per year 3 In advance.
Poet age free to subscribers.
All communication Intended for publi
cation ahould be directed to the editor.
. i .i.. f .11 fcln.ta!
Business communii
and remittance must be addressed to
The Astorian.
The Astorlan guarantees to Its sub
scribers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising rate can be had on appli
cation to the business manager.
The Weekly Astorlan, the second old
The tUvuhllcan National ldue hn
taken an eminently proper step ly do
daring that only didoiriue who tudors
the party '.platform may participate In
tho l.Wue convention at Ivtrolt In July,
The nmn who 01 (for from the party pint-
form on the money question la not a
republican. He bclowcs In the pop-HT itlc
fold, and has neither (virt nor lot In
.1 gathering of representative republican.
People who are ,imlnir that the Im
proved bulms conditions have not ar
rived will perhaps be interested to know
that a careful Inquiry by the liuffnlo
Kxpress results In an estimate that PXV
V men who were Idle In the autumn
of 1K have obtained employment lncr
that time. This at least Indicate the
dawn of the arrival of prosperity.
I If It proves refractors-, mild discipline Is
the thing to set It right. Not sll the nau
est weekly In the state ot Oregon, has, j dughta and boluses ever Invented
J A, M. ll l .'1 V '
Ui. ui ft Mum ft,i;h.i n,1 h m.ti.
rumls-v.., -i i u it -i tT'J t . 01 111 M 1
neitnad'y H, ;. (HsiTsi! I 4 Is,!
Thursday pM hii' Mnll!IM '' till
KrliUy... 11,10 "! n . i ,v i H s 0JI),VI,I)
Saturday 11 U t! oH w Sit i 4M-0j 4,VJS
Hunday., nl It Is.; I illtutfu; l,V;.
Monday.. 14 lus.T.1 i I V 4:1 I ! .
next to the Portland Oregonlan, the
largest weekly circulation In the state,
John P. Handley & Co. J-re our Port
land agents, and copies of the Astorlan
can be had every morning at their
stand, 124 Third street.
can do half as much to remedy Its dl
orders as a few wlneslassfuls say, three
a day of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters,
which will afford It speedy relief, and
eventually banish every dyspeptic i.
bilious symoptom. Sick headache, ner
vousness, sallowness of the complexion,
fur upon the tongue, vertigo, and those
many indescribable and disagreeable sen
nations caused by indigestion, are too
There Is a chorus or condemnatory I onen perpeiuaieo. in injudicious ooing.
chatter going up constantly from the An Immediate abandonment of such ran.
dom and ill advised experiments should
be the 'first step In the direction ot
cure; the next step the use of this stand
ard tonic alterative, which has received
the highest medical sanction and won
unprecedented popularity.
free eilverite because the present admin
Istration is making "such slow progress."
Cun sny one of them point out an ad
ministration In the history of the country
In which as rapid progress was made?
It is little more man tnree monins since i Powdirej borax thickly strewn around
William McKinley was inaugurated. andthe pipes and closets, when closing the
In that time a bimetallic commission has I house for the summer, will greatly leS'
, , . .,, . . 'sen the number of roaches.
been sent abroad to open the way Tor,
" ""' " Mr Klao Horneri proprietor of th
the prison doors in l uus nave oeen open-i Burton House. Burton. W. V.. and
ifd to American cilixens: money nas:otie of the most widely known men 1
frH-i t tht uian.1 tn fee.1 the' th tate, was cured of rheumatism after
j three years of suffering. He says:
I have not sufficient command of languac
citlxens of this country there who are
suffering I or toou: a special comuus- ,0 convey any Klp, of whftt j
loner sent to learn the facts upon which J my physicians told me that nothing could
to base action which is Intended to carry j done for me and my friends were fully
... ... , . ., . convinced that nothing but death would
out the enunciations of the platform In ,
;ieuee nie im my siiuenng. in June. i4.
regara to u; a warsnip nas oeen s Mr Kvens, then salesman for the Wheel
to Hawaii to protect American interests lng Drug Co., recommended Chamber
there, and perhaps to open the way to ! Iain's Pain Balm. At this time my foot
definite action regarding her appeal fori111 Umb were swollen to more tha
. double their normal site and It seemed
have been made as rapidly as respect j f began using the Pain Balm the sw
for existing laws will permit: and a tarht
bill has been framed and passed by one
branch of congress, and Is now under
discussion by the other.
These critics forget how things went
four years ago. The democrats insisted
that the people were enduring tremen lous
burdens which could only be lifted by a
free trade tari!f law. But the democratic
Ing began to decrease, the pain to leave,
and now I consider that I am entirely
cured. For sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co.
Meat should not be used oftener than
once a day in warm weather, but when
used it should be of the best and most
nourishing kind.
Almost every man in America has some
.digestive trouble. When men meet, the
congress did not move In the mti:t?r of greeting usually Is. "Well, how are your
the tariff until the regular session of
That deveiopes health talk. The man
ex tigress
vlJeueu, uuir iiejiiius can i
'3 i,noi a luuuMi. jruuoie is men
Cleveland's inauguration; and it was nine I lake no care of thpmsHves Th,.y oa,
months more until that tariff Dill became'. is though they had copier stomachs and
a law. President McKinley has been In ! rowels of brass. By -nd by, overworked
j nature reN-ls. Then came h-adaThes,
nervousness, bad blood, liver and kid-
ney troubles. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel-
law In less than three months njre.
office just three months, and the tariff j
bill is well on Its way. It will be
: lets furnish help for constipation and lor
Can anybody point out another ad-1 pid liver, sick headache, dizziness, sour
ministration which accomplished ts much , stoni!tch. lo. of appetite. Indlges-.ion. or
. . . . .. , ,. , . ; '-'lspepsU, windy belching?, "hearth in,
iin and distress after ating. and kin-
ence" dred derangements of the liver, Btomich
and bowels. Accept no substitute.
The discussion about the terms of peace I
in tne tast nas orougnt out very dis-. Corn meal poultices are too heavy In
tinctly the fact that Turkey means to re- I cases where there is great tenderness,
tain Thessaly for the time, If possible. I "axs-ed and slippery elm should be used
The Sultan may wish merely to hol.1 the
province as security lor his indemnity j Health and happiness are relative con
untll he gota a better, or he may want ditlons: at any rate, there can be little
to keep It, exactly as Germany kept and , raPPns without health. To give the
, ., . ,,, i MKiy its run measure of strength and en-
keeps Alsance-Lorraine. His German1 . ., , ,
lersry, the blool should W kept pure and
adviser would no doubt desire him to do vigorous, by the use of Ayer's Sarsaprllla.
this, and if Turkey were a 'eally Inde-j .
pendent nation, its right to keep subju-i
gated territory could not be ouestloned : ...
i ' steam Laundry will move
by any body. Another point in favor ofjthHr new building to 522 Franklin ave
the claim is the fact of possession, which j between Eleventh and Twelfth sts.,
tn war as well as law is nine-tenths ofi'"'"' ,h"y wl" have fre'i-.Iy Improved
faculties. On account of changing loca
tion, business will be suspended for a
few days only, will call on our regular
the game. No one can make the Julian 1
gire up Thessaly, which the powers male
him give to Greece in liSl, and which
he has now reconquered against the will
of the great eastern powers, except by
force, and hence England and Prance
may be any day brought face to face
with the question. Shall we let P.ussla,
Austria and Germany settle this matter
among themselves, or shall we threaten
war as a consequence of the retention of
Thessaly? Twenty years ago a question
not unlike this was presented to DL-rndi
and he at once threatened war; this
Drougnt on the Berlin conference, one
of the results of which was the cession
of Thessaly by Turkey.
customers as soon as possible
Net at all discouraged by the knock
out blow the income tax received by the
supreme court, Mr. Cochran, of Missouri,
has Introduced In the house of represen
tatives a resolution to submit to the
state legislatures the following contltu
tlonal amendment: '
An Income tax shall not be -ionstrued
as a direct tax within the meaning of
section 2 and section i ot article 1 of the
constitution, but the congress shall have
power to lay and collect a tax on In
comes derived from any source whatever,
without regard to apportionment or enu
meration. The populist contingent of the country
Is aa hot as ever for Income tax, for the
silver standard, for packing the supreme
court and for governmental ownership
of all railroads, lighting companies, and
so forth. But it will be a very long
The es:cnce of life :s force
Every brcitAycuirea;!.;, very
hiztt te t, tve.-y mclicu of
your hanJ, takes force. The
measu c of f orce we call vital
ity. If t!iis is lacking:, there is
loss of flesh, lack of resistive
power, a tendency to catch di
sease easily, es'ccially a tend
ency to Consumption. For low
vitality nothing is better than
Scott's Emulsion. It supplies
force by furnishing; the nourishing-,
strengthening- elements of
food in an easily digested form;
enriches the blood, and builds
up the system. When ordinary
food is of no avail, Scott's
Emulsion wi 1 supply the body
with all th : vital c ements of life.
Two sues, 50 cts. and $1.00. All
If you will ask for it we will urA
you a book Ulling you all about Scott's
Emulsion. Free
SCOTT 4 ROWNE, b'rw York,
There Is one true specific for diseases
arising from Impure Mood ind a debll.
Hated nrvtius system, ami that Is i'alne's
celery compound, so generally prescribed
by physicians. It Is prolwbly the most
remarkable remedy that the sclentltlc re
earch of this country has produced.
Prof. Edward E. Phelps. M. IX, I.UP.,
of Dartmouth College, first pres yibed
what Is now known the wjrl.l over as
Paine' celery compound, n positive cure
for dyspepsia, biliousness, liver com
plaint, neuralgia, rheumatism, nil ner
vous diseases and kidney troubl.'S. per
the latter Palne's celery' compound lias
succeeded again and again where every
thing else has failed.
1 .
Jit 3 i
'.V. .0 .1 .It.
.V H ,Y IV
IVirtland. tr.
The ImlU-i, tr
I nmlllln. Or.
N.rilip.itViivh Js,n-I .1
w euiita'itiv ,h -o. ;
I e tloii, Idiilui L'..'i-
eler, Idaho.,.! ! I-U I
0 i il,l J
r toil ,
' Ml
The steam-r S! tt. of Callfornlii will
arrive this uumilug from k' Isc v
The J.iptiuene bark Teiikio Muni lll
arrive dvvvn fr.uu I'orll.ind UHlay alih
a carco of lumber.
There are people who have objection
to advertising matter In the columns ot
a newspaper. The ground of objection
ia that they do not want to read ad
vertisements. Now thla objection Is n t
good, for oftentimes th,te advertise
ments convey valuable Information.
For Instance, how else would the trav
eling public learn of the excellent din-
Ing car service of the Wisconsin Cen
tral lines between St. Paul and Chicago,
or the general comfort of traveling over
this popular line. For particulars call
on the nearest ticket agent or address
J. C. Pond. G. P. A., Milwaukee, wis
or Geo. S. Batty, General Agent, :
Stark street, Portland. Or.
The steamer Homer will sail at
o'clock this morning for I'ranclsco
and coast points with it itoo.1 passenger
and freight list
The rivers continue to fall. Very warm
weathvr prvvulled Sunday and Monday
nlsht over tho Columbia river (nln
The snow In practically' nil gone und
further high water will not occur.
The China steamer Monmouthshire,
Captain Kvons. arrived from the Orient
yesterday and left up tho river. She
left Hongkong May 12 and Vokohumi
May !4. and brought over ibout lj pas
sengers and was loaded to the hatches
with tea. eonVe. silks. mattltiK. rugs, rice
ami curios.
Don't thin your bl.od with sassafras
or poison It with Mue-niasa; but aid
Nature by using LVWUt's Little Karly
libers, the famous Irttle pills for c n
stlpatum. Mliousnrss and stoma ih and
liver troubles. They are purely veget
able. Charles Ilogvrs.
ii n
AWttctiiWc Preparation for As
similating the Food ami Itctf dia
ling ik Stomachs ami LKwvU of
new .ml Iks! Conldlns nt'lttwr
0nuin.Morj)tiluc nor Mineral.
Not N ah co tic.
Artcrftf I RrmcJv forConstlM-
lion. Sour Slonuch.Dianrkica.
Worms ,Coimil.Mons .FoNvrish
ucss and Loss or SLEFI.
Tac Simile Sitf ture of
NEW Sl)ltK.
1 - , . . .... . ..
VISIONS li pal tip in (is-il.-s iwtlltt asij. i
!. k.,l ! k..". n.'l .UrtW .r.rtf.. IimII
vV! Ta oU..-. it on llis r' or frumlw last ll
it U si coJ" sod nir swrt par-
poM. ' 1 lUt 70a (t C I B-T 0 B-l A.
Two or three thlcknesss of newspaper
laid on the floor beforv laying matting
will treble the length of life of the matting.
There is no Joy In the world tqual to
the happiness of motherhood. A woman's
health Is her dearest possession. Good
looks, good times, happiness, love and Its
continuance, depend on her health. Al
most all of the sickness of women Is
traceable directly or Indirectly to some
derangement of the organs distinctly
feminine. Troubles of this kind are often
neglected because a very natural and
proper modesty keeps women away from
physicians, whose Insistence upon exam-
nation and local treatment Is generally
as useless as It Is common. Dr. I'leret
Favorite Prescription will do more for
hem than doctors In . It will do
more than the hundredth donor can un-
ss he prescribes it. It Is a prescription
of Dr. R. V. Pierce, who for 30 years has
been chief consulting physician of the
World's Dispensary and Invalids' Hotel.
at Buffalo, .New Tork.
Send 21 one-cent stamps to cover cost
f mailing only, and get his great book,
The People's Common Sense Medical Ad-
,iser, absolutely free.
Don't neglect a cough because the
weather Is pleasant; tcfore the next
storm rolls around It may develjp Into
a serious difficulty beyond n'l'alr. t':ie
Minute Cough Cure Is easy to take
and will do what Its name
Charles Ilogers.
Hustler's Astoria
Twentieth St. and McKee Ave.
The skin may ln kept soft by the tn.
of r.iln wat.-r. or adding almond or
;owdt-rvd Ik.-ih to hunl water.
w. b. Johns.. Newark, O.. says,
"One Minute Cugh Cure saved my utily
child from dying by croup." It has
ave-1 thousands of others suffering from
croup, pneumonia, bronchitis and other
serious throat and lung trouhi
Charles Rogers.
l!y rubbing the range with a n-wpawr
after frying will prevent th nsn-sslty
of freijut-nt lhuklng.
rible accident to be burned or scalded
but the pain and agony and frlgh'ful
disfigurements con b quickly overc ime
without leaving a scar by using le.
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Charles
Dusters ami all house cloths should
th-iitly h. nnn.d and c.irefuliy wi.),c.
, v. ry week.
'They are dandles" said Thou. Row-
f-rs, of the Crocket, Texas, Enterpilse
while writing about DeWIU'sLUtle Ear
ly Risers, the famous little pills f T sick
heailache and disorders of the stomach
and liver. Charles Rigers.
A decoction of copperas ;hould le use.)
t least onc a week In every drain in
house to remove odors and germs.
A leak may 1. temiiorarlly closed by
a mixture of y.-llnw soap, whiting and a
little water.
A. H. Putter, with K. C. A'.klns & Co.,
Indianapolis, Ind., writes: "I have nevtr
lfore given a testimonial in my life
Eiut I will say that for three years we
ave never been without Chamberlain's
olic and Cholera and Dlarrh'ca Rem
ly In the house, and my wife would
as soon think of being wltnout Hour ts
bottle of this Remedy In the summer
a.on. We have used It with all three
our children and it has never faded
to cure not simply su,p pain, but cure
bsolutely. It is all right, and anyone
ho tries It will fnd It so." For sale by
ICstes-C'onn Drug Co.
A lamp chimney may be made brilliant
washing in very )t so;ip suds and
n-dng in hot clear water.
"There's no use in talking," says W.
Urowdwell, druggist. La Cygne, Kas.,
'Charr.b-rlaln's frolic. Cholera and Diar-
'k Remedy does the work. After taking
'dlclnes 'it my own preparation ir.d
those of others, I took a dose of Cham
berlain's and It helped me: a second
dose cured me. Candidly and conscien
tiously I can recommend It as the best
thing on the market. The Zv and 00 cent
sizes for sale by Kstes-Conn Drug Co.
Hundreds of thousands have t:,c:i In-dur-Ml
to try ChumU-rlaln's Cough Hem
dy by reaillng what It has done for
others, and having tested Its merlin for
thdnsi Ives arc today Its warmest frb nls.
For s ile by Kstes-Conn Drug Co.
lirooms and brushes will last twice u.
long If they are hung up Instead of left
Jl towels should Is- thoroughly ilrlid
before th.-y are put Into the hamper.
Good Reason
Why Lots
...Are Selling...
iSitiiuit'ii on tli- south suit
of A-turiii's hill.
Twtuty tlrj;!ft'S wnn.H'r
nnl Vfj't!ititn ;o days in
mlvante nf tin North siilt'.
MniiilitTiit sitts for n
itlfiicfs. nvtrliMikinji rivn
anl hay, sunnv ami slu-l-tcrt'tl.
Easy hihI natural unalt'i;
;niliti limit'!.
48a Bond Street.
Ikm of (amawa Kranrb pt.rUrUll, will tuk klr cul 1 11 all 11. r-
k. vinu or uivun ui 111. u.niiii lllfV,., r,l m M,'t
l'lwmi'lU, I'sln.lll L" I 'k.rmlnl i-.mll,,. -.. Nrn, yi.illit
X WV r mpln, I'lilluiM Mrrr., ir.l,iS V,
V - t'tiiiilnt'n. It il'M Jl lr br rtsjr if iilcht, f qnh .
Du( fjiat'liftrv1 MUU'li If fMjIrhw.s) IrsAita tr Hpriiia'rrhiM m1
nrrrtor . M Arrro " i(inomro( impuunrf, i "ii:nt;riruaKUaituvr, um
oiruni r 1 tn kli!niirwidllinrlnrnnintaUUnpurlUft
I rmintMr .iMdsihMManil M.liraa aniaill ss ak ...WMnsL
f UMallU. (H'l'IhKN tC ! thrOfHjr kixin fmw1 Ut eurm wlihut n oiwrMthm. tuvir'imml,
X A written yimpmntpt rtvta ktid vimnmf riifrfml If ji lwt iltsr nui stlfeci ytumuvt lur
Lu0 ti, iix firfV'i,hr mtOl, for m Kurt mil at and ifailmuiiuOh
Atldnm lAVl HCD1CIVK COP.U IPis X7tB mjctaco,(VL r-Ut
CHA8 ROOER8. CommurcUl KtrL
Ht.-flltiols rv INirtltutd daily
ft.llown: Alder sliwt d.s lc n. in,
iuuI 7:41 p. m, Ash slrM d-x k 7 . m.
and p. in.
I-ttVi AstiHlS,.
C, It. slid 1'. H. N. t,i& a.m.
and t:h p, 111. O. It. A N. dock, T
A. Ill, .lld 7 III,
HatunUy tilghl sIsaiih' Iihivvs l'ort
uud fiuii slrwt disk at Ai
p. in. ami Ash atroot dock at 10 .
in. Htdioiluls inoludsa Buuday nbxM
boat out of IVM-tland uid AMort,
but no Huiidar niorninf boat Nbjt
boat from l'orllsjid oonnoois wtU
Stcnmcr "Mil I K"
st Cathlainat at 5 a. in. dally siostA
Momlwy r Wcstjiotl, Clifton a4
Knappa, and all landl&g on UrscM
U. II. HVOTT, iTfSldsat.
K. A. Hrly, Aisnt, I'ortland,
C. W, Htons, Ant. Astoria
Tnlsphons No, U.
Marshall &
131 111 ore, Snnborn
& Co.,
l'rth from Hk iiiIIui for t7 flshlnj.
Kvrry iMtll Kuarantonil. I'lna rssirt
ly linifm ItKWAUK or IMI
TATION. Kvery tMtll must m luark4
MII.I.M." Mnuftt.-titrv fnuii iMiwl
fliui mHHlally for t 1 1 .1 ' M l I A IllVEIt
FIMlll.Ntl. Sw thai evsty 111 tra
the MAUSIIAt.L. labW. 1
. 7. . . 10. II. 12. IS. H ply i)'s
V.. 11. H. IS, lK-ply M a.
7. . . 10-lIy JO'S.
N 11""' IH.tHiU l'OIHO;; (rmfMHHif
rrt 4i mt nuiPiul fatfjftnU tiil b4H.an4
n hnm,ic (4iii limp irrah"inutr
fjry, Fttiul l'(tiali. ih1 mU bn trhM muS
'iiiiil, i'or i'ortt Nituis. I lrr o
lit iwuf. iinirtr 1
mirtr r rrnrti Mllln
jut, li this ftcntiir)- I1,OOI I'tllMtS
VI S' y Kiirutrltocuiell otrr-.u. di--., .uch WVnk Mrmury !..(
'1 1? if ","in l"u""- HwUrh. Wakrluliin., Lo.t Munltoud, Nightly itml.
ytfc. ,' IfW 1' """ Nerrounr, all drum, Um vl p.mrr In Ucucrativ. Oij.d. of
I . I "'her , cauwd by ow cifrtLm, yoiilhrul rmira, h.tiI uw of
.'jl n Sr "'T),opliini orlimolanta. which Imd to Infirmity, O1n.11mptk.t1 or
f.l'f lk"-J' ,n'l'y-t-nbcrTiedlrieatt)ockrt 1 ooprr (,,. ttUt U by mail
V ' 0 t"'l"M Circular Kr. Sold by all drurvl.l. A.k fur ll. Uk.nocihrr.
Vnmilnrltirrd l,T the P'an Mrdlrtne l o . Pan. V ,irr laiilil.
Vxut tu duUlbutlU(SgcuU Tliltd iud Vamblll bl , rurllaud, or.
J. VV. U)NN,, Aalu.1
itrs fin toNtoeo In any aaara'
Oter lilt) in boiM arild. Jffl mr) enra. omr. Its nowffr In dwtmy tlxOnlrs fin" tobaoro In anr
form. N-li-ta4) u to llw world. Manr aalrt VI pounria in Mldaraanrl Itiiarirf
falU to Oman Ilia weak IniiMiteDl man .truuif. vlnumua and mairriotln. Ju.l trf a tMic. Vuu will Ihi rto-
iilitl. Wwcipwjl fou 1.1 ImiIIv. what wa af. fur a cure la atmilutnly nnaraiiUMNl uy druinrl.ta ararf- IM-na lor mr IKmtlrv "N,n t I 'H,a-0 -MUl atl'l rtnioan imir l.tie war, wniwin BUI
IreaaruupU. AAanu l UKB l KJLLASii AtMHUt (X., L aiaao wr w kwrk.
Hold and iiuruni.-'l by t'hiw. lto.-r.-.. lniMKlai
1. 1 ' 1
rmnilrufT, which cwic so rmn h li h
lni of tho Hrnlp, run lo cured by Hull's
Hiilr It.-n.-wcr, Im-ciiiiim. It Im a rorri ctlvo
tonic fur the Klunda prod'icInK dandruff.
Sick hi-ndiu:ht can b ftilckly and com-plati-ly
overcome by ludnif thow f:imou
llttl.. il!ln kn.iv.n 11 h "DcWItfn Little
Karly ltlsrm." f.1iarloi lt-ig,T.
Signature If printed la
BLUB diagonally
cross tho
Window :ill In- bcllllllf illly pl'IlHiied
by t -lriK ;t rieWHpuper ln-.tcnd of n rbdi;
for drylnfr.
A elck head-'iche can freiu-ntly lie cured
by the application of a mild mustard
planter to the pit of the Htornach.
Use Webfoot Corn Cure. No
cure no pay. Tor sale at Estes-Conn
Drnar Store.
A poultice nhould 1 mixed with boll
In(f water and boiled for a few minute.
It help them to retain the heat.
Jvonomy nomethlni,' that everyody
trie to practice, and yet Just a Utile
oversight will nometlmes rob th mont
i'rn?al ind thrifty family of a year'ii av
!ncn. You want to do a J. I'. H!fl;
rriann, of MonteUo, Ga., did. lie write:
"For six years I have kept Himmonii
Liver Itegulator In my houxe, and used
It In my family, and have had no need
for a doctor. I have five as healthy
children as you can find."
Fifty Years Ago.
Thi. U the way It wai bound to look
When grandfather had hit "picter took."
These were the shadows cast before
The coming of Conjurer Uaifuerre
And his art; like a girl in a pinafore
Some day to bloom to a goddess fair.
Men certainly were not as black, we know
As they pictured them, go years azo,
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
began to make new men, just
as tho new pictures of men
began to be made. Thousands
of people fronted the camera
with skins made clean from
blotch and blemish, because
they had purified the blood
with Ayer's Garsaparilla. It
is aa powerful now as then.
Its record proves it. Others
imitate the remedy ; they
can't imitate the record :
50 Yesrs of Cures.
Not only r!!e of the very worst kind
can be cured by ijeWltt'a Wltcn Hu::e:
Salv, but eczema, scalds, burnn, bruls
Ik ImIIh, ulcers and all other M.I )
troubl" can be Instantly relb-vd by
Bin- fame remedy. Charles Uoirsrs.
Jk. .V-
j wrapper' . Mfy
1 '
of every
bottle of
(the Original
and denulne)
M.r artuf I
w. nsranlM loeur. Wa.iKr. ibm . olti-
Miw caaa aiMi riiMiisnaw 11. o wuria for a
... waoautl.1l.11r., 'i ina Ui-a.9 ti . alwar.
. illU thaaklll ul ih in.- lulnwnl .hy.l
u-vl tfVaiaiilr. Ali.lulfffr.traM.ei analr-1 ,.i
'Xi.iiii. AJ-'' tlMK lit'lKDV CUa.
tj atawiaie Xcuul. OllCAuo, I IX.
at kiiy mail euniius out ui
mr amr. aiid yiiu'li f a i,f a mui brimmliiK
,ii r wlin piruid Ihountila.
Hisrh tull:y In the lipnr.
wa iikv. tuofli arr ptii.ujtli to
I Ira., any man.
nucjims & co.
Front Ht..1 foot of 4th, Astoria.
General Macninists and Boiler Makes
Land ant Mtr l-nf'n... Buli.r ,r. tiaaa
beat nl Canntry Work a StKlalt.
Callni of All Dacrlptlns Maj. 10 Orl.r n
Slier; Nnilra.
John lroi....m-sldnt and HupSrItit.ndMit
A- ro Vlc l'r..ldr.nt
O. II. I'rssl HTtsr
Astoria favinas Hank Treurr
Kvery cooklmr utonsll nhould be Im-,
medl.itely lillwl after UHlrur with lukewarm '
watjT, 1
.Most conirhK may be cured In a frw
hours or at any nit In a fow days, by th
iiw; ot Ayr-r's Cherry Pectoral. With
siif h n prompt nnd sure remely ns this
at hand, thr-rn Is no nwd of prolonlnff
the HKony for weeks and months. Keep
this remedy In your hour-..;
A llttlo salt put In the reservoir 0
lh lamp will mako a clear, steady light.
Some for ten, some for twenty and
mme for thirty years have suffered
from piles and then have been quickly
and permanently cured by using; I
wltt's WlU.-h Hazel Halve, the (treat
remedy for piles and all forms of sltln
dlnee4. fbaris Iloirers.
MatlriHses should lie turned dally to
prevent them wearlnic unevenly.
A pall of unpacked lime left at.wdlnn
In the odlar will remove dampness.
Mm a further protection Bgaiaat
Bit Imitation.
' Afsets for (bs Halted 5tatM,
ao vtAr
Anyone sending a skatrh arid deaerlpllim mar
Ouleslr 11, froo, whutliHr an liivuntiim Is
pniimiii). piuniiiiile. I'liiiiniiiiileailiina atrlntlr
oraillritintlul. Ol'leat MTHiuiy fi.raeeurliiK tmlaiila
111 America. Wo hav. a Waalilnyleii i,nir.
I'aiMiiia laktn through jrlunu a, Co. rM.lrs
spwla. uotloa In th.
beantlt illr lllintratfld, larseat elreiilatlon of
anv Mr, b.iirnal. wwHr, trnia;i.( a Teari
.Ulna iii.rntl,.. f-,.,eirjin euplt-s and UAso
boo 14 OH 1UTKMTH aunt Im, Addriws
301 Ureadway, Mew York.
Caveats, and Trade-Marks nhtaliwd and all I'at-J
Vnt buunraaconilurtrd fur Moocaarc Fiis. 1
OuaOrrie(isOraaiT( U.S. PauNTOffict J
Aim .oiNiiKi mo lHtitniiu icfct inua man inu
remoto from WaMhinutfin.
heud model, drawing of phntn., with diarrip"
linn. Wo adviar, II pairniahla nr not, Irra of
liars;.. Our fr. li'.t dua till halrnt i. ar. ur.d.
A PSM.HICT, " H"W toOl.lain I'al.iila," with
mat ol aaiii. 111 tli. U ti. and lurcign uiunirlw
wnt tree, AUdrraa,
i Qpp. Patcnt Orrict, Wavminoton. 0. C.
k r3ThM tiny CapviliV ','
in DJI52IM or M,;; "i, -N
Ciiliebt of Injoction'i .m-l;'. , r . .
rime iki ab u n I : . .
ww.b , " ' vj ri ,
me tame diseases with-
Vr iff riru-rhtt, I
4bW tlM a ulaittr.
s sa 1'fasaa.u am ftlaslalaa
.f14 wn-amannons
fr lii.nnrrliwa,
li'"?'. "Prrnai.irrhu-a,
"liltoa, an natural lia
; hargxs, or anr In ll. in ni.
linn,,,,, , ui,rw.
...... v. iN .ir.uiia ni.rn.
t,n. vtuiv. Mnn,
7 srnsa;iau,
nr s.nt In rjlaln wr.nn..
'','' jri, li
ll (II, .,r S U.tlle., i.7J.
Circular wnr un ruiuu.i.
Emil Schacht
Portland Savings Dank Bldg,
Portland. Oregon.