The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 04, 1897, Image 1

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Save time
una worry HSULL
The Dally Astorlan
f iiT1TI'n"?TTf' W law
Has a
Has a Rwla
...Family Circulation...
Much mor than thru timis ai
uroi as that op any othir rapm.
in Astoria
An "Ad"
In Tim At'omAH'l
wnni .ultima.
NO. 127.
William Gadsby.
The House Furnisher,
Portland, Oregon.
mmim'. niRiiwiM'n mi
U SL" t 8- 3"'" I
Tin. I lining R u Suite, rutisistiiii; nf mie I.arj!e Si.lcliiiaril. one
Si f.ioi r.xtciioKHi Tttl'lc ami Six hiriin ( hairs, we offer an a special in
iliu einriit reali-rof the Asi.'ktAv, .. ki-il, I. ). li. i"rtlutul, for 1 7.50
We have the following Special Ilaraiii aUn ti) oiler:
I'srlur Suit-i. CitiiHintiriK f ' Sofa, 1 Jivun, 1 Talent Rocker, 1 dents'
l .ne Arm Chair, Reception ( hair, all snlitl onk, hol
uteieil in Tapestry, wuh Silk I'ltish Triininiti" at $11.50.
t'arlor Sultn, in Sultan I'lush, name ntiinlier of pieces as the alove at 35.
Cham tier Suits. Maple, linishcil in a pretty. liKht hirch, ititisistiii of one
lieadsteail 6 feet hijjli. 4 feet (1 iridic wule, 1 Hurcati with
licveldl mirror hxjo indies, ami three tarc drawers: one
x.'vmbinati'.itl W'a-ihst.viil, with two larye ilrawcrs and cabinet
l.elow for ,i 1.53.
Chnmhcr Suits, Cheval Maple Mirror, i;.?o inches $14.00
Ash Mirror, j..-o ' ij.oo
sh Mirror, 15. 00
Ash I'licval Mirror. i.- ' 17 50
1 ,ik I'-'i! i' Mirror, .' ix.'o " 19.50
( i.ik l'oi isiu i Muror, iSx.pj ji.oo
1 lining ( hairs, CaneScit, Hrace Ann, each 75c.
I.xtensioii I aides. Ash, foot ..oo
KU In n Cnplio.iids, wire front ( ft. hih ' 4 00
I louschold I rc.isiue Tallies. "
Tapestry l'.rilssells ('.irpii, per yard 45c.
In;i.iin Carpets, all wool 50c.
Japanese Malting, linen watp, 40 yls 6.50
Chinese Malting, 40 yards 5.00
City Book Store,
Fishing Tackle, Base Ball Goods, Hammocks,
Lawn Tennis Sets, Etc.
Blank Books. Stationery. Type Writer Ribbons,
Carbon Paper and Office Supplies.
R. L,. Boyle & Co.
Real Estate, Loans and Investments
(23 Commercial Street, Atorl
The Columbia Iron VVorrks
.... FOUNDRYMEN ....
Blaeksmitbs, Machinists, and Boiler-makers
Corner (eighteenth HI. and franklin At a.
Some Things in Season
Complete Salmon Nets, Knitted Web
lli AAAA rfV rfV A Jfi
J Lawn Mowers
5 and P
Building 5
2 , Hardware?
'Carpenter's Tools?
Listen to the Howling Prices
ty$o suits of Mcii'k ull wool under
wear lior fi. 25 Mid.
$ J. 50 suits of im.ii's till wool under
wear for ti.j$ suit.
5J.50 men's all w ool sweaters, in' blue k
or white for -50.
t J. 50 men's ull wool sweaters in Mack
or navy f 1.25
50c men's cotton sweaters sale pri e jy,
50c men' nc'lifcc cotton overshirts
for jc.
25c rneii'it kiiopciirlcni for 13c.
50c ladies laundried percale shirt for 23c
$2.00 ladies, all wool sweaters for
sale price 1.25.
25c ladies 40 gaue extra high spliced
heel, fast Llack hone 15c
25c lodies leather belts in all colors 10c
20c ladies linen collars 10c.
75c ladies sailor hats for 49c.
S2.50 ladies fine black figured mohair
separate skirts Si. 50.
Just arrived Ladies black waists in iarpe
The Only place in Astoria to get bargains is at Shanahan Bros.,
25c children's fast black heavy ribbed
hose, 3 pairs for 50c. J 'J
15c children's fast black heavy ribbed
hose, 3 pairs for 25c.
75c misses' corset waists, laced backs, for
50c per pair.
25c children's natural wool underwear, all
sizes, for 20c each.
Children's dresses at half price.
$2. 00 Children's and misses' reefer jack
ets for J 1. 5 each.
Children's parasols for 20c each.
Children's hats at half price.
IL LLiil lUiA i'- '" ""
Sinnlh Deputy uw in New
Disclose WcUr' I'crfiih,
iiril". Hi- will i.rm- In iu'irt .r ,o-!
plllmi tin- ' onilUlKnn of Ann rldinn nn
Am.-rliitiL I .il.-r.'.t ti.-ri. uml ultti i.i..r.. '
IIUmii if cu'ir.try
frurri In-rM(iiil vx-
in rli iic , uikI m III Ih li.iui run Jlr
Culhoun will wi I'n-Mfli-ot M' Klnli y ami
with whiiK-vi-r lKlit h Inn, tin- .n--
Wi'iii n nTiwinil riirHrntutlf will M.;;-
Ki t m ilii lol'l llial ur on wumc n
aiul i'hllilri-1) In ttu Inluixl uf I'ulia must
Th Kulx lnvi-tlKiitlon I. tliMui, A.
Iiriilli t.-il. ih- nmtt'-r 1 t-xnctly wforv
MK. CAI.IIOL'N Kr.Tl'KXS IIOMK On.r.l Ue l.fl It In FVI.nmry lut. Al
I Hit- rnn' luiili'n of lh- lnvMilKwtlon It
i'oniioito irt-iiiri u roM, whkh h
, r-iiui-tiil G ru ral 10 lti. In It l.c
' :ii Hint Unix li.ul t"n lruuil n a
K ui-ii 1 o( ilia tin 1 Um. hud a nutttrvi mid
: ;ill'!ii. icwl fui1, ilw nlti-nllon of
' nur-, 1 nil. In fart, thui uny niar
jcouii'l lh. Tliin In r'.ailiy ui ti..j
J upon trvldt-ncc which Grrnl t-f di'-lln-:
! iKwitlvrly to eonsl.lfr. 80 ij. imthI
Ifi 1-Iln:-1 (HKilllvrly to mun the ti-jrt
1 which lr. ConK'wtoii .uSmlttid.
Mr. r.ilhmin will U(ort Gi-nral
Th' war for food him U-irtin In llavnna.
In Anton ItU-lo ir--t on May 31 four
nunl.l In ltiivaiirt. 111. ad.ln-M In thin 'm"" "i'"-i"-- '
rlly U known to only a fi-w trujitel ,,r,,,""'- one Mn ec-plttel and thr
frl.n.1. H-Mir i;.un.-t.i I. k mitlve of u,rir,.M..,ni ..w,
An he nfxike to hi father a wlro rrei-r.
and wondtrn bara a-.parat:d thvm.
ranlrd hy the Siu.iioa ) Thisqs Be
nin Vhcre Tiry Vert Wants
fcate if fossilile.
Xi. York. Juno l-Thi- Herald a:
Hi-iior Hiiiilliiiio I'.irr.i. In, w ho until lc-
i-ntly n a di-puiy In the provincial n-
M-mlily of H.intrt Clnr.i provlm;. Culm. 1
nt iirmi-tu In lhl cliy, while the us'-m,
of Ci-ii.-riit Wi-yli-r nr III luoklnif 'on
him, In ordvr to hrliiK him befor a Culm ; '
Han Kranclnco, June 1 Tiie attorney
for TheoiJore Durrant again a ie red I.
His Attorneys Confident His Execu-; 1 lrcu11 Court ,laJr n1 "pp"-1 for
' . i writ of pupersedeaa for the purpose of
liun mil DC iscicrrcu. !Uiylni exeeuUon of aeutence. but thl
j waa denied. Leave to appeal from thla
ideclalon to the Supreme Court of the
;t'rilted Btates waa then made and grant-
j Although It la an open question whether
jln view of the dental of the writ of iu-
i persedeaa thla order of the court acta
a a atay of proceedings. Attorney YVx
irerald wired to Warden Hale to take
no action In the premise pending the ap
peal to the l'nlud Bute Supreme Co-rt,
which doea not meet awiD until October
next. This virtually means a respite for
six months, at least.
mer. The money wits left In the IIIIk.
The crimes were commuted for food.
A rnt:un. Iieiilenant iind JS soldiers
have been Itrouxht h re n prisoners from
CuniiK) l-'lorldii iind condemned to Ix- hot
U-i-.-niM- lin y sold arms and munitions 10
tile OulKina.
It Is now sail that the selllns of cart
rblres to the liutunrenlH Ih common In
llnv.uia province, an the nolIITs lutK
money for fiM.
ii'iu riil Weyli-r has umionuced that his
reconci-nt ration decrees npply to Santt
dlsiliiK'ilelusl American soldier, on hear
rKO de I'uliii a 11. 1 Puerto rniu'lpe. A
In this, culled nlli-nllim to the fii'-l thai
while the four western provinces wore
declared ImcllUil. General Weyler k-?pt
the times us many troops In them us he
did In the two eastern provinces, which
were, admitted to be In the hands of tlu
H n Ifl. llarroi U, ri f.-rrluif to his ep-j 10 a cloe frletiil. nald
My le with liem-rsl Weyler be- 1
itail mini.i lline aicn 1 n-furi-il to side
will) him ntcalnul Ms hitter fin-, the Mnr
I'lls nf Al" xtciiul. the leader of the rule
iv.itne parly In Culm After vainly.
tryliiK li enlist my cietiiMnitluii In his
IIk'U ah'alnul Ihe bailers of my own nr-1
ly, the ceiiiral shiikIh to have revenae
mi toe by llnlillcalillK nie In frauds Hk-
-iiiti-iI In tils own riilMliiry adtnlnlstra- ,
nun In Simla ('lira pravlmv. In which
Si iinr Vldel iippears as a leading chnr- '
actir. orders fcr my arn-st were Issued'
by liineral Weyler. who hrointht all the1
char;i he cmih I think of aialiiHl me, j
eeii that of In Inc a rebel syni.ttlift. r, ,
.ind ordered thai 1 be tirotiKhl licforc k I
court martial of his own partisans.
Warned by hlkh ollicials. 1 was able to
hide until opimrtuitlty offered, wid Ij
boanb--l at 'i nfuKos a vessel for l'on-1
ton. While In. Unit I reci Ived a note serl I
lo tny home by General Weyler. offcrlnK j
lo (nrlve aim foi'nct evi ryihliij; If I Kve '
iiivsi If ei I ilM not heed his offer, la- j
canie I I'Mirne'l that only the day before '
he had one of my servants tortured'
lo extract from htm a confesrlon of my
w ht'ivahoiu. l
"An l Iiik In Iloston a few days nitx, j
I al once came to this rlly, where 1 will,
remain only a few days In-fore salltnn
for Hpain, where I will lay In-fore the
Koveriiiui-nt Ihe proofs of Ihe frauds
conmilitisl In the military administration
In l-'uha, In which General Weyler hive
n ureat share.
"My object In remaining her fur a
rew nays is ror tne piir-.isu or issmnjr a Nt.w york. Juno S.-A kim cUI lo the Jour-
pamphl.-l expiwIiiK the frauds mid cor-jnill from ix,,,,!, .ly!):
Ourtoslty Seekers Mar Monument. o!
lteiiowinsl IVople.
l!osion. June 3 It has In-cn dlscovared
that pieces have been chipped off sev
eral ancient Kruve tones tn ihe old Gran
ary burial grounds here. The stene;'
over the (.-raves of l'aul Revere, John
Hancock and Governor Increase Sumner
all show marks of vandalism. The bury
Inif ground was open to the public on
Memorial Day. and It Is believed relic
hunters then succeeded III obtaining
proofs of their dishonesty.
ruptlon of the iidmliilstrnllon under Gen
eral Weyler. I will mall a copy of my
hook to every Icn.llnir lvolitieal man lit
Spain as weil ns In Cuba, before leaving
the country."
The Herald has obtained n ropy of this
book. It appisils to the Bpahlsh premier
to appoint a royal commission and srnd
it to I'ulm lo Investigate every charge
he makes In the hook.
UefenliiK lo Weyler's report as to the
paclllcatlon of the provinces, SiMior Tlur
I'eotu ridlctibs the bleu and declares that
Ihe iill.-Kcd pnrltlcutlon Is only part of a
scheme between Weyler and- his sup
poriers In Madrid to keep him In power.
Heiior Harroetii Includes In his book of
ficial and private documents to prove all
his assertions.
Bettor liiirroeta declarea that undor the
administration of Weyler every onVlul
place In I'uba Is for sain. Every eerie
sl.istUnl position has Its price. He closes
the book with u declaration that fteti
eral Weyler Is really a monster, well -le-scrllicd
by ihe American press, tils
crimes, ho says, are a dishonor to Spain,
and unless the evils are corrected he le
Kards ns ceilaln Ihe loss of Cuba to
The Hula
OAT.lliU'N' liKTl'KNS.
Closeit by
Travesty Is
New York, June 3. A special to the
World from Jlavanu via Key West says:
Mr. Calhoun KOes home puzzled. He Is
to sail on the Want line steamer. Mai.y
contradictory stories of tho Insurrection
have been poured Into his cars, lie
hua declined to be Interviewed, but your
correspondent has an absolute assurance
ns to the nature of hl views. Mr. Cal
houn la for peace. If pence be possible,
and If need be, for war. He will recom
mend that the war be stopped at all haz-
Wllliam Waldorf Astor has taken Ihe
house nt Westgiite-on-Sea, which was
once occupied for two or three weeks by
the Duke ami Duchess of Fife. The ten
ancy Is for 12 weeks and the rental paid
Is 400 guineas. The house Is small and
unpretentious, but its value has been en
hanced by Its exalted associations, the
rental paid by the duke having been a
moiety of that now obtained.
New York, June . At Hood tide this
morning, the cruiser Brooklyn sailed tor
Southampton. Her aieed across the ocean
will be about 13 or II knots, there helr.i;
no wish or need to press her. She will
reach her destination tn about 10 days
and will then clean up, and by the time
the naval review comes off the Brooklyn
will have few If any rivals as a model
of discipline, cleanliness and beauty.
Smite Asthoriiitg the Appeal Acts is ;
ipso facto Stay of Troceediigs
rrcccdcit Mis Beef Set.
San Francisco. June 3. Durrani's attor
neys now believe that they have positive
ly postponed the execution of their client
until the Trilled States Supreme Court
can give them a hearing. It Is true their j gtrange Controversy in a San Francisco
petition for a writ of habeas corpus Court.
been denied, out from this order of di
nlnl they claim to have an appeal as a
matter of right ami they declare that the
statute authorizing 'the appeal acts ipso
fnetn ns n stnv nf nrnerf-np unrle- fh
, , , .. ,, I the superior court yesterday. The trial
Judgment of the state court until the
HM BVUMUIIUni 111? , V I uua IV
I drew from one witness a virtual coufetf
San Francisco, June J. An alleged for
ced deed formed the subject of Judicial
Inquiry In Judge Hunt's department of
appeal is finally determined. In tnatj
case It Is Immaterial whether the court I
grants a supersedeas or not
In some sense they have a
nn which to base this confidence In the
sion of forgery, ar.d from another wit
ness a direct confession of perjury.
precedent The comroversy before Judge Hunt In
volves the ownership of a lot on Lyon
action of Judge Haw-ley. who allowed at. !strett. T,ie property formerly belotnve.!
appeal In the Worden cose to the United j t0 Catherine J. Wallace. It subsequen V
States Circuit Court of Appeals, the petl-' lnt0 tho ,0,, of Wallace tih-
der a deed purporting to have been exi-
tlon In that case having been flb.4
.ne m-inc. coun. ou- a super- j by hu mo0r on Decentber 9.
seOeas. Ie.ivir Wonlen to whatever pro- djv. -,...- her death. The dt,
lection from hanging the federal srtatuies
acting as a stay may give him.
Durrunt's attorneys expect a similar
ordi r to be entered by the circuit court
this morning when they perfect their ap
peal. That Is. they expect the appeal
to be allowed as a matter of right, but
do not expect the court to formally
grant a supersedeas. They know that
the supreme ourt has adjourned until
October, and assert that the filing of an
upieal will nt least postpone the execu
tion that long.
The contention of the attorneys 1
leased on section TtW of the revised stut
uies. It Is asserted that Attorney Gen
eral Fitzgerald will advise Wardens Aulle
and Hale that If they hang either Wor
den or Durrant under present conditions
they will Ih- guilty of Judicial murder.
He will render an opinion today In ;!ie
Worden case.
Judge Carroll Cook expressed the opin-
now attacked as a forgery by Jeremiah
Sheeley, who sues administrator of Mrs.
Wallace's estate. The deed was acknowl
edged by Eugene B. Mc Man us bifore
Notary Public Thomas M. O'Brien. Some
months ago tho depositions of McManus
and his wife were taken. McManus
swore that he drew up the deed and hu
wife swore that she was present when
Mrs. Wallace made her mark. When
Mrs. McManus testified she repudiated
every statement contulned In her depo
sition because Notary O'Brien told her
that If she refused to do so she would be
sent to San Quentln.
Eugene B. McManus testified that he
drew the deed up at the Instance of Wal
lace some days after the funeral of thj
liU'crs mother.
"I signed her name to It." he testified.
The charges made by Mrs. McManus
are flatly denied by Notary O'Pricu,
who swears that he never saw the
ion last night that the appeal to thejwom--n- Tne no-ar' also flat'y contra-
supreme court would act as a stay of
execution. Congressman Magulre has
asked Governor Budd to grant a respite
in Worden's case until newly discovered
evidence can be presented.
There Is Much Rejoicing In San
Quentln Thereat.
Minneapolis, June S. K. E. Wnlte, the;
special pension examiner who stands con-j
vlctcd In the district court of Hownrdj
county, Iowa, of having Intimidated by
threats of prosecution and Imprisonment
Daniel P. Andrews, of Crcseo, and who
was charged by tho pension bureau of
conduct which nimle. him liable for ar
rest, leaves here today to deliver himself
up to Justice.
Sun Francisco. June i Theodore Dur
rant seems to be breaking down. A mem
ber of the death watch was seated at his
side last night looking down upon him
as ho tossed and tumbled In restless sleep.
The warden was at once notified of the
change in Durrani's demeanor. Orders
were Issued to increase the death watch
and to maintain the vigil with greater
care than before.
Captain Edgar commanded that a
guard be stationed every minute of the
day and night In the cage with the
condemned man. Whatever Durrant may
do, the eyes of the guard will be on him
Three men will watch with him until
he dies on the gallows.
Durrani's father carried to the con
demned man yesterday the news that the
j United State district court had denied
Iho writ of habeas corpus and that the
next tight for life must be made at Wash
ington before tho supreme court.
A special messenger will hurry across
the continent but he cannot reach Wash
ington before next Wednesday. He will
have tho greatest good fortune if he
receives an audience from tho supreme
court that day. It Is probuble that a
hearing will not be granted before Thurs-
dlcts McManus.
Colonists to the South Seas Not Meet
ing Success.
San Francisco. June 3. All is not har
mony In the Protherhood of South Sea
Colonists that left this port on the brig
Percy Edwards about three months ago
In search of a site for a colony on one
of the Islands of the South Pacific. One
of the members of the colony, in a letter
posted at Suva, the capital of the FIJI
Islands, says that Captain Peterson, the
sailing master of the vessel, had assumed
the power of a cxar. The governor of
the FIJI Islands had not given the colo
nists much encouragement In their plan
to settle In the South Seas, and they
were refused a landing on any of the
Islands of the FIJI group. The wrflei
said the vessel was preparing to sail for
the Samoan group, and If no more en
couragement was given them there, an
attempt would be mode to land on the
Solomons. Should they be ordered away
from there, the vesesl will be headed for
Ambassadors of the Towers Meet
Kith the Turkish Minister.
Rissiai. French aid Ctgtisk Aabtstsdora
to Trepare .Icaonada tor the
Coaference Tomorrow.
Constantinople, June 1 The first aitilnf
of the peace negotiators was held ihta
afternoon at Tophane palace between th
ambassadors of the powers and Tewfik
Pasha, Turkish minister for foreign af
fairs. No secretary was present and the only
record that will be kept of the proceed
ings was such as each ambassador wilt
nulla for himself. It Is understood that
the result of the three hours of deliber
Hon was that Count Neldloff. the Russlon
ambassador, will prepare a memorandum
as to the rectification of the frontier:
that Cambon, the French ambassador,
win prepare a memorandum aa to the
capitulations In the case or the Greek
ubJecU In Turkey, and Sir Philip Cu--the
British ambassador, will prepare
memorandum as to the indemnity.
The conference then adjourned to i. eet
again on Saturday next to consider these
Supreme Court Decision Gives Him
Fortune of R0u),w)e.
Great Falls, Mont, June J. Old man
Vance, aged 71. who has for years beeu
a pauper, has Just received word that
the supreme court of North Carolina
has rendered a decision In a suit brought
by his mother (now dead) ten years ago
tn favor of Mrs. Vance, handing down
to him as next of kin an estate valued
at about S4,0iO,0u0. During a recent Illness
he waa cared for by Miss Alice Cross
man, the 16-yen.r-old daughter of a Mon
tana section boss. Upon receipt of the
news he proposed marriage to the girl,
who accepted, and tomorrow they will
be married. Crossman has resigned his
position and with his wife will go to
their southern home.
San Quentin Prison, June 3. The great
riot among the convicts is practically
at an end. Captain Edgar, the guardian
of the prison yard, has the prisoners un
der his complete control and has woa
a signal victory over the men In atrtpea.
Yesterday afternoon nearly 100 men were
released from solitary confinement and
are now wlllmg to go to work In the
Jute mill.
j day of next week and on tho following
! day Durrant must die if the national
Cincinnati. June S.-Nine German Cath- j tribunal does not exert Its authority,
ollc pastors In this city announce that ' The elder Durrant wept us he told his
hereafter sermons in the English as weil son the story, but he bade the con-
as In tho German languages will be
preached In tholr churches. This is done
In furtherance of the spirit of the recent
papal decrees looking to the condition
of Catholic worship In the established
language of the country.
demned man be of good choer and
not to lose heart until the lust hope is
gone. If the Journey la made without
accident a return staying the execution
may be served by telegraph on the war
den. The son said be would be brave.
Oakland, Oil., June 3. Edward
Scheftliin, the miner who founded
town of Tombstone, Ariz., und died In
May, in Oregon, made provision In his
will for his last resting place as follows:
"It (s my wish, tf convenient, to be
burled In the garb of a prospector, my
old pick and canteen with me, on top ot
the granite hills about three miles west
erly from the city of Tombstone, Ariz.,
and a monument such as prospectors
build when locating a mining claim, be
built over my grave, and no other monu
ment or slab erected. And that none of
my friends wear crepe. Under no cir
cumstances do I want to be burled In
any cemetery or graveyard."
The will was filed yesterday for pro
bate. All of hla estate, valued at STOW),
la given to hla widow and brother.
Brooklyn, June 3. Brooklyn 0, St. Louis
Boston, June 3. Boston 6. Cleveland L
New York, June 3. New York 6, Louis
ville t New York 10, Louisville .
Philadelphia, June 3,-Philadolphla 10,
Pltsburg L
Liverpool, June 3. Wheat No. 1 stand
ard California, 2 10 l-2d.
Absolutely Puro-
Celebrated for Its great leavening
trength and healthfulneu. Assured tba
food against alum and all (arms of
adulteration common to the cheap