The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 03, 1897, Image 1

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    Save time
The Dally Astorlan
Has a RtnuLA
...Fimlly Circulation...
An "Ad "
in Astoria
In In Alh'HltH I
' Wahl Colunn,
NO. 126
William Gadsby,
The House Furnisher,
Portland, Oregon.
of imc I.arjic S
ilclxmril, one
ial in-
1'arlor Suits
n;. itiniiu Ri Mini Suite. 1 KiisiHtuik'
t:. 1. v. . t !.!.. .unl Siv IHiiiiil' ( hairs we filer as a ste
,-IA-HMIl ...... ......... 1 1
.lu.r.i.rnl to tc.!.M "I the Asli.k.AV. j. kr.I. I . U. II. . ..riu...u, ,.sv
W- lune il.c Mlownitf Sf iul Margins alvj X) "Her:
uiiMMiiitf uf 1 .S.fa. 1 Pivan, i ratitit KocKer, 1 ieni Arm Chair. Kecrtin Chair, all solid oak, uj'hol-
u-rc.l in Tain-siry, with Silk I'ltish 'I rimminK' at 511.50.
I'arlur Suits, Sulun I'lush. tame tiuuibrr of piecei as the above at $$
Chnmucr Suit. Maplf. I'mi-hnl in a j.u-tty. lixht 1'irrh. consistitiK of one
id-.1. feet hitfh, 4 feet 6 indies witle. 1 Hurrau with
l.evrle.l nutror :io in hes. anl three larfjc ilrawcrs; otic
Coml)itation Washsianil. with two larc drawer ami cabinet
below for 5 1 1 .50.
Chamber Suits. Cheval Maple Mirror, 17x30 inrhc.
Ash Mirror. J4jo ' .
Ah Mirror. .104 "
Ash Cheval Mirror, iSmo "
Oak I'oi isiu n Mirror, ),o " .
Uak I'oi isiir.u Miaror. 18x40 " .
I lining Chair. Cane Seat. Urat e Arm, each.
I. xtciisioii Tables, Ash, h foot "
Kit hen Cupboards, wire from 6 ft. hifh ' .
I I. iiist hold Treasure Tables, " .
'Tapestry MnisM-lls Carpet, jn?r yard
Ingrain Carpels, all wool 30c.
Japanese Matting, linen warp, 40 yds 6.50
Chinese Matting, 40 yards 5 00
Listen to the Howling Prices
$3.50 Miil of Men's all wool under
wcur dor suit.
52.50 suit of men's all wool under
wear for 5 195 suit.
53.50 lueti'n all wool sweaters, in black
or white for $2.50.
52.50 men' all wool tiwcutcrs in black
or navy 51.25
501 men's cotton sweaters Hale price jcC,
501 iiicn'ii neliec cotton overshirts
for 23c.
251 men's Hus.eiider for 13c.
50c ladies laundried percale shirt
waist for 23c
52.00 ladici all wool sweaters for
sale price 51.25.
25c ladies 40 gaguc extra high spliced
heel, fast black hose 15c
25c Iodic leather belts in all colors 10c
20c ladies linen collars 10c.
75c ladies sailor hats for 49c.
52.50 ladies fine black figured mohair
separate skirts 51.50.
Just arrived Ladies black waists in large
25c children's fast black heavy ribbed
hose, 3 pairs for 50c.
15c children's fast black heavy ribbed
hose, 3 pairs for 25c.
75c misses' corset waists, laced backs, for
50c per pair.
- 25c children's natural wool underwear, all
sizes, for 20c each.
' Children's dresses at half price.
52.00 Children's and misses' reefer jack
ets for 51.25 each.
Children's parasols for 20c each.
Children's hata at half price.
The Only place in Astoria to get bargains is at Shanahan Bros..
K.ii uf the highest ruiik throughout . is
mints Caiislcil In
Mi 1 11 th of I'ulunitilu KUcr.
. 1300
. 15.00
. 21.00
. . 4 00
, . 2.00
(In- t'liltil Him. to ih Inti-m ill niil Jf
ol'iKlnil CouirrcM m Hi. umiiurif 011
AiiKUit Hlh. luvliwl l.y the huv,;
1 r. .illil 11 follow.:
N' York Aciulmy of 8-lmri'-l'rof.
j J. J. Hti-vifw,n, of tin" fiilv, rally of
Nrw York, iumI .n l.lwil of thu b ntj
., , t'"n'- 'Vi-niorl (III) Arn.lfmy of Nu
IJrCUHCrS ai ' .Tu) B,ncM-W. H liullou. New York
j i.Iko honorary commlsnlotwr. rhllu'l-.l-
llil A'.,ilrny of Blcri?' Ir. rrnlfer;
' ! iilco (l l( Kut of Uie AintTlcan l'hl!o'h-
! leal fVK-14-ly amt the American Gi-olorlf t
OM1 MAN KNOWN TO HE LOST j Anurlciifl AoiwcUulon for Oi- Ailvanc--
irm-nt of Bt'lonce I'rof. Jiimr. Hull, sub'
111 K'o'wl"'. Albwiy; I'rof. H. K. Km.ron.
Amhmt Collcee: Prof. C. D. WaWoit, !
rive hy Tint Mcuas Lite 5i9 1 1 VrUl-d Siatwi Geological 8ur-trc,-Hlief
c Tet JtlssitQ Saddcsi Ivy. iuhI Trof. W. N. Rlc. Ml.ldlcton
Coll.e i;wlotflcl Boclrly of America
I'rof. J. J. fitevennon. Nw York: I'rof
i. K. KniTron, Aniherm. and Prof. U C.
White, MorKaniown, Went VItkIi.Im.
Mlsrflliinrou. tH-li-KHlc-n I'ror. II. 8.
William.. YhIp: I'rof. C. I. lUHhcock.
Uurtmouth: I'rof. Eu(t-n A. Bmlth, fnl-
wmltjr of AlalMtma ajxl suite geoloKll.
Ml of th? prtvlliKe of Uklnir part In ome
cf the ehk-f ev-nu it the commencem' nt
wimon, p"kulurly that of thv priie rom-tn-t
In J t..ite.
The fniinit l general that the coum-
of the faculty In eompelllnc oe!len'je to
It authority In correct The iiuiientu
! ui the theory that thy were man tern of
, , . . rv, , i. , a , 'the literary within their society hall, end
Uiiltimore and Ohio rcsscd Into Line rtfuMd to adjourn at
bv the Association.
i the hour flxei y the preldVnt. they had j
i to t threatened with forcible ejectmett
liefore leaving.
Ctujc ia Tide Said to be the Cissc.
Do Xot Have to Obsene Tntlic Agrtcacsts
Supreme Coart Decisioi Cise
of .licb Trouble.
y..inl th.' Aiorltiii.
Warivnmii. nrrKuii. June i -Thna
xm III the surf at thl
nionilMit nrr No. " ishI buoy at 'he ond
uf tlx' Jetty, whil- rviumliiu from flh-
iim n .Irownul:
T'.n llfe-MX IlUC TrW
l-no;i. Ah-' Mi lie.i'h. Kmll Ulumer. I'ete
K.-lin iuhI V- Wi'Uomif.'U. The boli and
net .in- invte (iroiK-rty.
.. .. . . . . .. Vnl CiiniMl
mat ITof If. It. Wlnchell. VnlverMty of I ' "lc
wimc unknown. Mli-hliran anil ntnie tceoloRint.
i k-J up Tred I -
(Mnn With Cen-mony The J'reHldenfs
M .image on Forclfn Reliitlcns.
T)i. tlrt Intlmailon rfelvel in KtortJ
VMirnl.iv thai another inutvuy nau mn oew jura, j ia. uiira m n.c
I.I..I iu tlu lona llt of raiimtrophlea ! Ili'r.Utl from alaraiiw aays:
unu.iii; the lower CohimliU nver lll.r-J CoiiRre opened with much ceremony.
,. i, n report hroiiKht In at I -Vloek ITIw Miuiloiia will tie held In Umi umver-y.-t.'r.l)-.
one of Kinney', plunirerf. Lily, the cajiltol having recently been
tluit four U'iits h.ul cm"led In the di'mroyiHl hy nre and a new one now
l.r. nkem Ih oii. tvin-o. k Hplt. un.1 fhatiN-lruj In coume of construction.
. man certainly ilrown!. ore C The mensatfe of the president dealt prln-
Ihe riiiwUitl lumtii wa In Klnney" wr
ilce. ,oul another I" known to twlon to
City Book
Fishing Tackle, Base Ball Goods, Hammocks,
Lawn Tennis Sets, Etc.
Blank Books. Stationery. Type Writer Ribbons,
Carbon Pacer and or nee
K. L,. Boyle & Co.
Real Estate, Loans and Ijjye stment
B23 1 Commercial fttrcot Avtorla
The Columbia Iroti Worlfe
.... FOUNDRYMEN ....
Blacksmiths, IWaehinists, and Boilf kers
Corner Klghta.nth . and Franklin At.
Some Things in Season
Complete Salmon Nets, Knitted Web
j Lawn Mowers
2 and
tilding f
j iiardwarei
Carpenter's Tools?
H.'ulrs. The drowned man U'lonRvd lo
thin huu r lmt. HI" name l Jolui Mar
Jiuilml. What becamr of the other two
. . n.. u 1
mlmltiK mx In an yet a mystery, i -
lU-iiKcn. from New Astoria reported l.iut
there were Ik IwaK ciipuliesl and aeverul
men ilroaiwil They coukl Hive- no par
tli'iilnrn. however, an the Itfe-aalvnR crew
had not yet returned to Fort Stvon
when the train left New Astoria at i
o'clock inirlnu the iluy liwre were
rnl different rumor and reirt from
Itithermen n'tuniliur from the mouth of
the river.
From -ill that could be learned, and
from the fact that five men were rescued
hy the Kort Steven crew. It I evlil .M
that unite a minter of lioata met a
almlhir fat", and were overturned in .ne
hnviker at about Uk chiuuro In the title
The government t (tnMh line lo rort
Onntiy, a well n ttio line- 10 ron oie
ven. were out of uo laat night, the
latter lino tx'lnir down. o that no details
could ls obtained direct irom ince
point. A x-cll mcemrer from the
Aatoriiin vllt.l Kort Steven liuit night.
ami wired what w known there from
Wnrisiiton. It I more than protvible
that the Kort Cunby lire crew also went
to the anHtainne of th fishermen, and
can throw further light upon the subject
aa aoon n they can be reactwd by wire.
Th IsMit tx longltig to Kinney, the rear
and both men were aavea ana saieiy
eonveyisl to Kort Stevena by the Ufa
crsw. Who the othwr men were, and what
bout wv caplied, mar nwer
known. It la mild that the Hahermen
ara more vontuniiome than ever thl ea-
wn, the comparatively "Jf"1 of n"n'
and large numlH-r of boat on the river,
making tho men doubly anxloua to tecure
aalmon. Kvery ywir there ara some cai-
ualtlea. but It would eem that this var
unlea the men learn to )tP of th
dangerou place, the Ht p eataatrbphle
will be largely Increaeed. Another expla
nation of the nccldont yesterday la that
tho mn who calculate tn advance the
hour ami minute of tho turning- of the
tld were thrown out of their calcula
tion by tho Irregulartly of the tides
during the Juno freahet. ami were tnus
caught ouudde when they should have
been headed buck for the bay.
Ijito laat night several fishermen were
eotv who were In the breaker yesterday
at the time of the accident, and they
etnted that Just before the boat were
cnpsUed. and shortly after the tide turn
ed, the water wa as smooth as glass.
All of a sudden, without a moment's
notice, a heavy swell came in and the
water N-rnme rough and the sea chop
py, driving tho boat toward tho plt
Kach man, who had all hi capital In
vested In hi gear, to the danger of his
life, made an effort to save his net That
many were not only not succeasful. but
that some loat their lives. Is the sad tale
of the sea now recorded.
rlpiilly with the foreign relations of the
govrminont. These, said President Ks
lurlei, were In general harmonious. With
referonce to the establishment of a defi
nite boundary Hue between Chile and
Argiwllne, the two government had en
tered upon a period character! led by
frank understanding and necessary con
cessions on both sld4. Negotiations w re
In progresa, but the president said it
was too soon to Inform corumMS at length
as to the results which the boundary
commission had achieved.
The question pending with Peru and
Bolivia the president hoped would be
determined before the year ended.
An agreement had been r-Miched through
diplomatic means, whereby the common
relations of Chile, Peru and Bolivia
would be established upon an amicable
Cannot Do Business Because of Position
of the Liberals.
Madrid, June I. Premier Castillo ten
dered to the queen regent the resignation
of the cabinet, owing to the difficulty
experienced by the ministers In carry!""
on the government In view of the parlia
mentary situation caused by the liberals
refusing to take part In the deliberations
of the cortea.
The trouble Is due-to the recent per
sonal encounter between the Duke of
Tetuan and Senator Comas.
Galtemore Is Conceded to Be the Winner.
New York. June I A dispatch to the
Journal 'from London any:'
The derby today' Is reckoned as a cer
tainty for Oaltetnore, now that Eersnc
Is scratched and Mr. Lorlllard has lost
hla chance of repeating the victory of
Oddly enough, Jacob Ptneus, who
trained that winner. Is also responsible
today for St. Cloud, who runs In James
h. Keene'a colors. There is little or
nothing known here about St. Cloud,
other than lie belongs to a very much
respected sportsman, wnose colors were
made popular In England through the
performance of that great horse Foxhall.
Delegate Elected to the Congress to Ttf
llcld In St. Petersburg.
New York. June t The election of del-
New York. June t The Herald says:
The Joint Traffic Association, through I
committee consulting of President
Thompson of the Pennsylvania and Pres-
has succeeded In bringing sufficient pre'
sure to bear upon the Baltimore & Ohio
rood to stop cutting freight rates and
prevent the threatened dissolution of the
association. The committee conferred
with Receivers Murray and Cowan of
the Baltimore A Ohio at the offices of
the Joint Traffic Association here" last
night. They were authorised to use any
power that was necessary In order to
adjust the situation. The Baltimore &
Ohio was the agressor In cutting rates.
but as the receivers were not a party
to the association agreement. It was diffi
cult to reach them, both because a com
pany In the hands of the court la not
supposed to be a party to a pooling ar
rangement, and because the supreme
court decision holding that all traffic
agreements similar to the Trans-Missouri
Association are Illegal.
Ever since the receivership of the Bal
timore & Ohio, officials have been active
In securing as targe a tonnage as pos
sible, regardless of the percentage to
which the company Is entitled under the
pooling arrangement. Its allotted share
of West-bous4 freight Is T.4 per cent, s
the actual tonnage carried by It during
the last three months is said to have
averaged nearly twice that amount, the
loss falling on the Erie and Pennsylva
nia railroads. The receivers made the
excuse that they were not members of
the association and could not be held
to the agreement that bound the f irmer
management of the company. The other
companies answered this claim by snylrg
that If tt came to a scramble for business
the Baltimore & Ohio would be com
pelled to carry traffic at a loss and the
result would be disastrous to a!! con
cerned. The discontent among the trunk
lines became so great at the unfair ad
vantage taken by the Baltimore & Ohio
because of It being tn the hands of the
court, that It resulted (Inally In a de
mand being; made by certain of the
other companies that there be a readjust
ment of tonnage or ratee so that the
companies falling behind would have a
chance to make up their losses.
8UU others suggested a settlement In
money as the only way In which the
competitors of " the Baltimore & Ohio
would ever be able to even up percent'
ages. But this, of course, the courfs
would not sanction, and the suggestion
was dropped. What other Influences were
brought to bear which caused the re
celver to agree to conform to the ex
Isting rates without being members of
the association have not become known.
The result was a surprise to everybody.
8everal other companies charged with
cutting rate had stated at a recent meet
ing that If the Baltimore V Ohio would
restore rates they would do the same
The demoralisation will, therefore, end
at once.
The tonnage remains to be adjusted
according to the amount formerly al
lotted under the pool
! Important Election of National Officers
I 1 mmrrn Chantfttl
Dubuoue, la.. June t Today's season
of the national convention of Modern
Woodmen was most Important. The el. c
tlon of officers was an endorsement of
the administration, nearly every one be
ing re-elected.
The headquarters were ordered remov-
Rock Island, and the next head
After Passage of Tariff Bill, Kill
Take up Currency Reform.
Coptaii Stoick Conpetett to haidle the
.latter Sheriff Still Isterfering
Otter Vishisgtof. Xes.
Chicago. June t-A Chronical special
from Washington says:
It Is announced seml-ofllclally Uuil con
ed to
camp was voted to Kansas City. The , gresa will not Immediately adjourn after
chaise of misappropriation of fund. ( the passage of the tariff bill. The mut
mlsmanagement, etc., against the head ; Ucan managers have decided in accord
officers fell flat, not so much as being jance with the wishes of the admlnlstra
eonsii'ered by the convention. tlon that they will attempt to pass a
Many changes were made In the laws currency reform treasure aa soon as the
of the order of Importance to members, tariff question is out of the way. It U
Salaries were fixed the same as last tei rr.. contended that the statement recently
except that the head bankers were mlmale by Secretary Gage that something
Jeflersonvllle, Ind., June 1 Charles
Price, a farmer living near Hamburg,
six miles from this city, is dead as the
result of poison from potato bug. Prlc
was at work tn his potato patch killing
the beetles that were devouring the
plants. Swarms of bun's lighted on hie
face and hands, which were soon 1m
pregnated with the poison. He died la
great agony.
the law committee to I0 per day. The
law prohibiting membership to linnor
dealers was amended so as not to affect
those in the order before such legislation
was enacted.
The officers elected were: Head con
sul. W. A. Northcott. Illinois: advisors.
Daniel B. Home of SL Louis. C. W.
Ha wee of St. Louis: banker. George N.
Pratt, Wisconsin: escort. F. R 'Van
Slyke, South Dakota; watchman, E. 1.
Thomas, Ohio; sentry, L. E. Mentch. Il
linois; chaplain. Rev. H. W Troy, Wis
Frankfort. Ky., June 1 Tho demo
cratic sliver convention today passed res
olutions reaffirming the Chicago plat
form and pledging W. J. Bryan the fu
ture support of the democracy.
Trouble at Pearsons College Has Beeri
Smoothed Over.
Fairfield, Iowa, June t The difficulty
between the members of the faculty of
the Parson College and the members of
the Orlo Literary Society. In which 20
or more of the students were suspended
has been practically settled. The three
members Of the graduating class having
made due apology for their lnsubordtna
tlon, will be allowed to) graduate, and the
others will be permitted to enter the col
lege In the fall.
The names of only a part of those sus
pended are kown, every effort being made
by those Interested to keep the names
from the public. It is known, however,
that there are several very badly dis
appointed young men who will be deprlv-
for the Improvement of our finances was
not an klle suggestion, but one which
embodied the views of the administration
and leading republicans of congress.
It is stated, however, that all the pres
ident desired from the present session of
congress 1 authority to appoint a cur-
rency commission, wtieee members shall
be directed to report at the regular ses
sion In December a feasible plan tor
placing the national finances on a sound.
substantial and enduring basis.
Letter Received Yesterday and Turned
Over to the Police to Investigate.
Washington, June .Speaker Reed,
like every other public man tn a high
official station, has received threatening
letters from time to time, but never has
paid any attention to them. Yesterday,
however, one was received of such a
nature that It seemed to Command more
than ordinary attention, and the speak
er's private secretary, without Mr. Reed's
knowledge, turned it over to the police,
who, after Inveetlgatlon. have come to
the conclusion that It was written by
some one desirous of perpetrating a hoax
for senatorial purposes.
This afternoon Police Inspector Hollln-
berger conferred with District Attorney
Davis and concluded that there was no
law covering the case. The writer ac
cordingly will not be areeted.
The sending of threatening language
written on an envelope or on a postal
cord Is Illegal, but the sending of such
tn an enclosed letter Is not
Boston Syndicate Said to Have Control
Over All but One MUL
Pittsburg, June 1 The Chronicle-Tele
graph says that It has just leaked out
that the output of wire rods tn this
country has been cornered.
This has not been effected, says the ar
ticle. In the usual manner, through a
combination arrangement of the manu
facturers. The work Is believed to have
been accomplished by a syndicate of wlr
nail manufacturers operating from Bos
ton. It Is reported that the syndicate has
secured control of every rod mill but one,
either through leases or by contracts for
the entire output
Washington, June 1 A telegram re
ceived at the Indian bureau today from
Agent Stouch at the Tongue river reser
vation announces the arrest of Stanley,
the Cheyenne, Whose admitted murder of
Hoover, the abeepherdet. precipitated the
Indian trouble there. Stouch says he Is
endeavoring to investigate the murder,
but Is handicapped by the presence of
the sheriff, but will ask the sheriff to
withdraw from the reservation, anj If
he refuses, will order him off.
He says the Indians have behaved well
except when the sheriff Is present The
agent has been telegraphed to note the
wired Instructions of last night from
the Interior department directing htm to
co-operate with the civil authorities and
us every effort to avert further trouble.
That Captain Stouch has shown himself
able to handle the difficulty, the officials
believe to be manifest from the telegraph
ic history of th trouble.
Diggers la Pennsylvania, Ohio and West
Virginia Coal Pits Quit
Pittsburg, June 2. The national execu
tive board of the United Mine Workers
of America have decided to order a gen
eral strike throughout Pennsylvania,
Ohio and West Virginia, to secure the 4
cent rate for mining.
More than 50.000 miners will be affected
by the order, and a desperate struggle
between the men and operators will re
sult The order, It Is said, has been decided
on because of the fact that thirteen of
the large cool companies In the ntts
burg district have secured control of all
the lake front dockage.
Federal Grand Jury Finds Cause for Ac
tion In the -Dean Failure.
New Tork, June 2. The federal grand
Jury, after an Investigation of the fail
ure of the E. S. Dean Company, discre
tionary pool brokers, 25 Broadway, In
dicted two men, who, because of their
prominence, are likely to serve as exam
ples to the class of men who have been
engaged In similar operations.
Pan Francisco, June t A. P. Swain,
president of the California Associated
Cycling Clubs, has announced an Import
ant meeting of the board of governors
to be held In Sacrameto Saturday. A
vice president will be elected to succeed
F. T. Dwyer, resigned.
Absolutely Pure-
Celebrated for 1U great leavenln
strength and bealthf ulneM. Assure the
food against alum and all forma of
adulteration common to the cheap