The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 02, 1897, Image 2

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gaily; glotoriau.
Telephone No, tt.
Bnt by mail, pr yeavr .....16.00
8nt by mall, per month W
Served by carrier, per month 45
Sent by mall, per year 12 In advance.
Postage free to subscriber.
All communications Intended for publi
cation should be directed to the editor.
Business communications of a!l kinds
and remittances must be addressed to
The Astorian.
The Astorian guarantees to its sub
cribers the lariwt circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising rates can be had on appll -
cation to the business manager.
The Weekly Astorian, the second old
est weekly In the state of Oregon, has.
next to fbe fortland Oregonlan, the
largest weekly circulation In the state. )
John F. Handley & Co. :vre our Port
land agents, and cop lee of the Astorian
can be had every morning at their
etand, 124 Third street
The republicans of the senate are de
termined to get the tariff bill through as
speedily as possible. The democratic
leaders have announced that thty have
no disposition to delay the bill beyond a
reasonable discussion, while the republi
cans themselves are willing to forego
any debate beyond that absolutely neces-
sary, for the sake of hastening action. !
They realise that the stream of foieiRni'8
coons flowing ., .h ,n,rv i. no,
uaeiy 10 oe at ... cnecsea until me out ,
gets upon the statute books, and that
the manufacturing and business Interests
can not resume activltr until thev at
least know "where th. y are at" !
. . . I
In view of this fact, the republicans i
generally are disposed to hasten action.
both by example and by smoothing tbejj.
way for the bill as much as possible. In i
avoiding partisan controversy. On Ii;e ;
other hand, sSose who are opposed to the i
" r
wool and sugar schedules as framed by j
the finance committee and they are very j
numerous on the republican as well as
... ...
the democratic side of the chamber will
. i
"Ul rm"' 'r "liiety lor icuon on,
the bill to lead them to consent to the ;
adoption of these schedules in tl-ir pre-
nt form
ThfM la nA - V. ,. 1 1 . U . . i
.... to ivomsii iw iiiv.i; ill. ii .
a majority of the senate, and perhai a j
majority of the republicans In the sen- j
ate, are determined not to a-cept the i
sugar schedule as reported from
finance committee, but do desire
f bn
ne I
adoption of the house schedule, which
they believe to be less advantageous to
the Sugar Trust. While it is doubtful
it . . .
.re alIt
reduced rates of the wool schedules that
there is on the sugar schedule, the West
ern men are resting in calm confidence
that this feature of the bill will be
amenoea, oy either restoring the nouse
schedules, or at least advancing them to !
nearly that rate.
It Is quite probable thet this may not
uone. unu. tne o.u gets into tne con-;
ference comlttee, for the chance: of g. t- i
ting enough votes in the senate in laor
of advancing the wool rates to control !
h- a , i
..w, KnnMj .a buvu. ll l. u IlUe IS tUU U ,
however, that the house will refuse to
agree to the wool schedules as they nw
stand, If adopted by the senate, and that
this will send the matter to the confer
ence committee, at which time the repub
licans of the senate who are opposed to
the reduced rates will serve notice that
the house rates must be restore,! before
the bill can get their support.
It Is known that several democratic
senators expect to make lengthy speeches
on it, but it ls thought probable that
the discussion of the bill by paragraphs
and Items may close with ten days or
two weeks, and it is hoped that a vote
may bo had by June 20. Should the con
ference which will follow prove a rea
sonably brief one, President McKlnleyj
may yet realize his ambition of signing
the bill on July 4th.
A dispatch from Washington says the
sub-committee of the senate commltt-e
on foreign relations, which has been In
vestigating in connection with the Alas
ka boundary treaty the question raisec
at the last meeting of the full committee
as to the effect of accepting Mount St.
Ellas as a part of the boundary marked
by the 141st meridian, has practically
completed its work. The committee ls of
the opinion, after the Inquiry, that th
provision ln regard to Mount St. Ellas
Is not a serious matter, but as a precau
tionary measure it will be recommended
that the treaty be amended so as to de
clare specifically that the acceptance of
the peak as a boundary mark in deter
mining the 141st meridian shall not be
construed as a concession of any terri
tory which the United States may claim
under its purchase from Russia along
the seasoast It is believed that this
amendment will preserve all the rights of
this country and at the same time re
tain the mountain as a landmark.
The announcement that the Spreckles
will have the tug Relief put on the dry
dock at Smith's rmnt lntemt of sending;
her to San Kranolsco, ns usual, only pov
to show that Astoria ho alrvady mad
s mark as a shipbuilding port, and Hint,
an predicted by the Astorian. the Astoria
Iron Works ha laid the foundation for
a second fnlon Iron Works In Astoria.
The Sprjckles mould never have ordered
the Relief, to be overhauled here ha
they not had confidence In the superior
fnrtlltlos and workmanship of Atorin
new shipbuilding company.
Clatsop's flan experiments, from re
ports already made, promises to be most
successful. The seed planted has grow
well and plants nr now of a tr.'od
helcht. Careful attention will demon
strati- that the Industry enn ho cum
on here us well a In Itvlnnd.
coMri.Kxiox.u. IXIMOATIuXS.
The complexion of pTotis whoe d p s
Itlon Is cut of order, who .ro bilious, or
I who lack vigor, always exhibit an un
healthy tint. It Is by emulating th
' bodilx- origins and promoting digestion
and assimilation, that the parchment hue
indicative of lit health. Is kiiilhi-d from
the chicks. To rectify the fault of
; tonic will assuredly result in renewed
inch 1'ttters, an invigorant and altvratlv
which removes those obstacles t renew
ed strength, physical cotnfsrt an I per
sonal attractiveness an Imperfect diges
tion and secretion, ami a disordered con'
dltion of the bowels. Persistence In the
use of this Inestimable corrective and
ntolc will assuredly result in renewed
physical regularity and vigor, will tend
to Increase bodily substance, and cau
the glow and clear color of health
return to the sallow, wasted cheek
Black gTvnadines made with triple skirts
are very charming for summer wear.
There are people who have objections
to advertising matter In the oolumns of
a newspaper. The ground of objection
that thev do not want to read ad
vertiaements. Now thi objection Is not
good, for oftentimes thte advertise-
mens V8juable Information.
For instance, how else would the trav
hng public learn of the excellent din
'0 ctiT service of the Wisconsin Con
tral Hn St. Paul and Chicago.
or the general comfort of traveling over
... , , t ,
this popular line. For particulars call
w nearest tlckot agent or addresa
C. Pond. G. P. A., Milwaukee. Wis
r Geo. S. Batty, General Agent, 246
Stark street. Portland. Or.
. , . , .
A alschargeil organist was popular with
the choir of the First Methodist church
of Waltham, Mass.. so the singers struck
cr h!s re-irstatement. The organist was
given nis position at once.
Dan0ruffi ,Wch cause9 M much u..
ing of the scalp, can be cured by Hall s
Hair Renewer, because It is a corrective
tonIC ,or the glands producing dandruff.
, , - , . ...
Mr. Isaac Horner, proprietor of the
Burton House. Burton. W. V.. and
one of the mol widely known men in
!he state- was cure,i of rheumatism after
i three years of suffering. He says: "I
have not sufficient command of language
to convey any idea of what I suffered
my physicians told me tliat nothing could
lw (ione for me and my were fully
onvinc that nothlne but death would
relieve rr.e of my suffering. In June, l'-Cf
jMr Evf,nfi th,.n .!lIwman for the WneeI.
' ird- Drus Co,l Chamber
Iain's Pain Ealm. At this time my foot
and limb wer swollen to more than
double their normal size and It seemed
, w me in i-k wouiu iursi, out soon UIleT
r ,an UilnK lhe Paln the swc,
ln! began to lecrease. the pain to leave,
and now I consider that I am entirely
cured. For sal- by Estes-Conn Drug Co.
r.erotne. the painter, has sent a remark-
able equestrian statutte, one-fifth flat
'lral of Bonaparte In Egypt." to
'h saIon' NaPlen ls representeJ dreys
ln ear'y Egyptian costume
A. H. Patter, with E. C Atkins & Co.
Indlanctpolis, Ind., writes: "I have nevtr
before given a testimonial In my life
But I will say that for three- years we
have never been without Chamberlain's
Colic and Cholera and Dlarrh'ra Rem
edy In the house, and my wlf would
a hooa think of being without rlour i-s
a bottle of this Remedy in the summe:
season. We have used it with all three
of our children ami It has never failed
to cure not simply stop pain, but cure
absolutely. It 1 all right, and anyone
who tnes It will 1 nd It so." For sale by
Estes-Conn Drug Co.
The :ate Pearly Derby, of Salem, Mans.,
was one of the best-known geneolo.-lsts
n tn.. r-':d Pr;,-eB. and for thirty
had been employed to make genealogical
-searches In nearly every state In the
Don't neglect a cough because th
weather is pleawant; before the next
8 m 'S arjuna 11 may wvenp into
a serious difficulty beyond repair. One
Minute Cough Cure is easy to take
and will do what Ks name Implies
Charles Rogers.
The long neck chain grows dally more
elaborate and more expensive proportion
Itching, Irritated, Ksly. cruned Scalpt, dry, thin,
and filling lialr clesiued, purified, ind betutl.
fled by warm tbampoos with Ccticuba Boir,
sad occulonsl dreutogs of Ctrricrcu, purest of
moments, the greatest iktn cures.
Treatment will prodae clean, healthy Kalp
with luxuriant, lutroos hair, when ail 4Im falls.
Sold thrrmrhont tht wortd. Form Dies jssClut.
Coar., Sol Props., Boston.
at-'1 How to prodaei Luxuriant Hair, siaiUd fro.
CVIMQ AM C10C with rirai lnnttT nlinaA
OnJIYCt UN lint bj CoTttun Juuttiaa.
Li ti Z A u L i
n II di OUS
Ayer's 5arsaparilla is
for all diseases that have (heir
origin, in Impure blood. It is
than other sarsaparillns, bet
ter made, of better ingredlenta
ant by better methods. Its
wcord'of cures proclaims it tho
Foulard cfKvts are so much in vogue
that they are s-en In palnmas hs well ns
Paris freu-ks.
Salton Sea Salt for baths at
the Estes-Conn Drnir Store
1 0c ami 2rc per jiaokasre.
What a drvndful thing it would be It
the commercial traveler found It iliHb'iiU
to sleep in strange bed.
IVm't thin your bbtnl with sassafras
or poison It with blue-mnss; but aid
Nature by usinK DeWltt's l.lttls Karly
Klsers. the famous little pills for Ml
stliKiUon. MHousness and stonwi-ih and
ll-vr troubles. They sre purely vesrt t
able. Charles Ro-rs.
To te absolutely content with one s s.-tt
and one's curroumllntss must be to ui lilev
the truest earthly happiness.
"They are dandies" said Thiw. Pow-
ens, of the Crocket, Texas, Enterprise
while writlnK about IVWItt'sUttle Ear
ly lUsers, th famous UMIe iHllu for sick
headache and disorders of the stomach
and live-. Charles Ropers.
To rtde tandem Is very much easier
to drive tandem, as many a wonutn bus
learned since they took up the bicycle
Some for ten, some for twwty and
some for thirty years have suffered
from piles and then have been quickly
and permanently cured by uslnit Pe
witt'a Witch Haiel Salve, the great
remedy for piles and all fornts of skin
dlseattes. Charles Rofwrs.
The little wagons that look like
chairs with handles are favore.1 for baby
outlntcs In preference to the retaliation
VT. B. Johnn. Newark. O., saj-s.
"One Minute Cuph Cure saved my i,nly
child from dyiny by croup." It has
aved thousands of others suffering fro:n
croup, pneumonia, bronchitis and other
serious throat and lung troubles.
Charles Rotrers.
The tmson absence makes the heart
row fonder Is, presumubly. b.-cuuse the
parties concerned do njt have a chance
to get tired of each other.
Use Webfoot Corn Cure. Xo
cure no pay. or sale at fcs-
tes-Conn Drnir Store.
Paderewski Is a widower, but has one
son who heiran playing t:i; piano
when he was 7 years old.
Sick headach? can be quickly a;id com
pletely overcome by using thtx'e fanmus
little pilLs kno n as "DeWltt's L::U;
Early RLers." Charles Rogers.
The sword and bell of Latour d'Auvtr-
Kne, the nrst grenadier of i ranee, has
tust been presented to the I'arls Musse
rible accident to be burned or scalded ;
but the pain and agony and filgh'ful
dlsf.guremerrts can b quickly overcame
without lea1ng a scar by uslnt; De-
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Charles
Mrs. Langtry possesses a dressing bug
which ls. perhaps, the costliest of Its kind.
It Is adorned with gold and Jeweled fit
tings, and cost ST.jOCi.
Not only piles of the very worst kind
can be cured by DeWltt's Wltcn Hazel
Salve, but eczema, scalds, bums, brula-
is boils, ulcers and all other skin
trrubles can be Instantly relievd by
the same remedy. Charles Rogers.
John Vi". Greaton, the wi ll-known chem
st and metallurgist, who Invented the
Hoy used in the 5c piece, died 8t hi
home last week, In Brooklyn.
It Is a great mistake to suppose that
a simple tonic gives strength; it only stim
ulates the stomach to renewed action
To Impart real strength, the blood must
be purified and enriched, tnd this can
only be done by such a standard alter
ative as Ayer's Sarsaprilla.
August McCralth, widely known as ex
secretary of the American Federation of
.abor, has returned East after a visit in
Colorado, and is nw employed on the
New York World.
Th re. Is no joy ln the world e'ual to
the luipplne"S of motherhood. A woman's
health ls her dearest possession. Oood
looks, good times, happiness, love and Its
continuance, rbrnend on her health. Ai
most all of the sickness of women Is
traceable directly or Indirectly to some
lerangement of the organs distinctly
feminine. Troubles of this kind are often
neglected beeause a very natural and
proper modesty k'.-np" women away from
physicians, whorie InnlKtence upon exam
Inatlon and local treatment Is generally
as UKi'l h as It Is f-ommon. Xr. f'leree-K
Favorite Prescription will lo more for
hem than to doctors In Vii. It will do
more than th'- hundredth doctor can un-
leK he prescribes It. It Is a prescription
of Ijr. H. V. I'ii rre, who for ?) years ha
lj n f lib-f i iinmilling physician o' the
World's Msix-nnary and Invalids' Hotel.
at Buffalo, New York.
Bend 21 one-cent stamps to cover cost
of mailing only, and get his great book,
The People's Common Sense Medical Ad-
Iser, absolutely free.
linuS" jntf stir "
"Tlu'iv's no Use In tulKlns," s. W.
II. ItriNidwell, dnmr.tst. l-i t'Msiie, 'v.s ,
'Vlmir.tH-rl.iln's (Vile, Cholera and Dlar
rb.e Itemcdy does tho work. After taking
mrdlcltiMi of my own preparation tt'd
Ihoso of others, I twk a dose of l'hitm
bcrlnin's and It helped mr: n second
dose rurvd me. Candidly and dum-len
tlously I can rveommend It as the Nsi
Vhlug on the market. Th l and .V cent
slsrs for sale by Kstes Conn Prug Co.
A Clevelan.1 Iron wiMks has nlmllshrd
9aturvlay ork. olutt to the Snturilay
half holiday law. The comimny says II
does mil pay to heat up the furnace for
lve hours work.
Kool when It sours on the stomach,
l-xm- lnnutritle aim ,.itt holoni'-.
It poisons the blood, nml Unit i,..nd and
Innly suffrr in coinK'qu-ns.. Is
n.vdl to restore inrfeel dlsvsiloit l
dose or to of Ayer's Pills. They never
full to relieve.
Kionomy Is somcthlim that v.-ryUnly
tries to praotlco, and yet lust a little
oversight will sotuetlires rob the m.'St
fruit. il and thrifty family of i y.tir's
savings. You want to do its .1 P. lli'k
man. of Momlo. l!o. Cm., did. lie writes:
"For six years I have kept Simmon I '.v
er Keiiiilator In my house, and usid It
In my family, and have had no need i r
it doctor. I have (He as healthy chit Iren
us you can rind." i
The labor eonmilssloner of California i
has Bono to Hawaii, with the view I
InvesttiratlnsT the feasibility of supplying i
the islands with tahlte laUir. to supplant'
th Japs niul t'hliu-M now emploviNl. i
lli:mlrels of thousands hive been Up
duel to try Chamberlain's CoiikIi lb ni
idy by reaillutt what ti has d.ine for
others, r.pd havlni; listed Its merits for
themselves uro tolny Its :irm-st filents.
Kor sale by Kstos-Conn Pruic Co,
Ijist year ."-Si.Hv; p. rsens v Sited the
Natlivial Cillery In I.i ndon. a dally aver
aire of i.313. a dally Im-rt-ase ef v ov. r
the year tiefore; i.l7 tHrsopji aw the
pictures on the Sunday durlim which
tlH- irallery was kept ol'n.
tatfaa. A
The I'nitid Static ,!.-p, n . r! f nrl-
culturv has contributed thro:.h the chief j
of lb,, n.'.'.l division, a fari!:i r -u.dert t,f j
the Cnlverslty of, ;' ' h tu-.i
of herlmceous plants to tt-.-.r 1 1 m T U.ri j
XliaS-. .. ,
Ttie Favorite Home Eemeg.
For all diseases caused by derangement
of the Liver, Kidneys, and Stomach.
Keep it always In the house and you
will save time and Doctor's Bills, and
have at hand an active, harmless and per
fectly safe purgative, alterative and tonic
If you feel dull, debilitated, have frequent
headache, mouth tastes badly, poor appe
tite and tongue coated, you are suffering
from torpid liver or biliousness, and SIM
MONS Liver Regulator will cure you.
If you have eaten anything hard to
digest, or feel heavy after meals or sleep
less at night, a dose of SIMMONS LlVER
REGULATOR will relieve you and bring
pleasant sleep.
If at any time you feel your system
needs cleansing and regulating without
violent purging, take SIMMONS LlVER
J. 11. Zc-IIIq & Co., Philadelphia,
Marshall &
Elmore, Sanborn
6c O., AgcntH
Fresh from the mills for 1S7 fishlns.
Every hall guaranteed. Please report
any Imrjerfectlons. HE WA Ft Id OF IMI
TATION'S. Every ball must be marked
MILLS." llanufacturwl from select'id '
flax spi-clally fur COLUMBIA HIVE It
FI.SHI.VO. See that every hall bi ars
the MARSHALL label.
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14-ply 40's.
12, 13, 14, 16, 18-ply 60' .
7, 8. 9. 10-ply 30's.
, j
For the construction of a scwi-r on Sec- i
orid street, In McClure's Astoria, I
Notice is hrely rIvmi that the assms
mnt roll containing the special assess
ment for the construction of a sewnr on
Beeond street, In McClure's Astoria, has
bien filed n the ofllce of the auditor and
police Judge, and Is now 0JH.n fur mnpec
tlon, and will so remain ODon until the
4th of June, IS97, prior to which time all
objr-ctlons to such asspssment roll must
be filled in writing with the auditor and
polire Judge.
The rommlttee on streets and public
ways, togi-ther with the board of asxens
ors of the city of Astoria, will meet In
the council chambers In the city hall, n
the city of Astoria, on Friday, June 4,
1897, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., to
review and equalize such assifSHment and
thereafter report their actions to the
common council.
Hy order of the common council.
Attest: H. E. NELSON,
Auditor and Police Judge.
Astoria, Or., May 26, VHH.
4 -i- ry
A ' - jitA' ';ea.
Shield Brand Hams, Bacon, Strictly Pure Lard
Ousrsnised Ids Hit la th Marks!
fHin. No-lo-baiMa ihu untol tarv'bio.t in tlm rtirbt. Many asm iv mhiihIi hi luilajra and tt hnrev
fEalU 10 n-ia l'e wsah limil-nl nmu alroiiii. vltfxwuaaml uMiielu. Jui Irt a Ikh, l uu will lm iIik
" ted. niHVi ou loiiel what w ar. fur a ,iur U atMoiuutlr iiuiiatii0i ,y iirttMtfUu swrr
r. S Ii wr tHu'ili'l " l.ri ' 'hMiacHi Si-ll ami Mmiian VoMr l.ll Aa, wrllton sustsules and
Ul,. . orvaa lUalala.atU.NUlks.MlUk t..tVlMwr Asw M.ru4a,,w,H,
Bold and DuarantsiHl by Chaa. ltoers. druggist.
m manhood restored;;
(en ul a laiuiiua
xeiia or u !.
I ....... ..I. I'u,,..
I'llliMIra, I'liUliiaaa
'-"""". . -
I mil'ira, I'liuillwai
CimtMiMlUiit. It
IX m ill UM'ltant.
all txirnmel
BtronC ArTCR
kiiluvvaaiul ilia
Ul 1 rK a ,u jwa
t't-IIOKJM atnoiKihenaainl rvalnraaiiiall mI miiaiia,
Th rraaoii aiin-wr ar In, I rwl by ls lora la ImfiiiM titnsly wr eant an InxiNxl H
saftatttla. t-t'l'lliKS K lallttftiriiy knnwn rmeriy lnrurwarlilitHit an es.rataui. kitiirailinont
aia, A rin.i SMmnieiirnnii niiiy rriiirnw u ail tm uiwa tiiruvis ishiiiuim tama
Lit) a twit. al (or f vtll. hv titatl. Hml fir rsssrlrvular aiitl Ipautuutnaia,
AiUrMS WIVOL jir UU'I.Mt J-, U llol UTt, uta rriioavs,tia Prttutt
CIIAS 1UU1EUS, m l-iiiumen-lal 8trsL
ri W fesa H !",u,r',' '," " tua tliarsars, ausH aa Wrak Mcmmv ,,WuJ
- i' ' w
r. r JrWf f "'"" W""".iill
....... -e. ..u-ei i-r
Hustler's Astoria
Twentieth St. nnd Mclv'ec Ave.
Good Reason
Why Lots
...Are Selling...
48a Bond Street.
Emil SchachtjCedar Shingles
Koomt 317-JiH
Portland Sating (lank Uldg.
Portland, Oregon.
A complete stock of lumber on hand
i;i th rouah or dressed. Flooring, rus
tic, celling and all kinds of finish; mold
lugs and shingles. Terms reasonable
nd prices at bedrock. All order?
promptly attended to. Office and yard
u mill. H r U LOOAN.
Seaside. Oregon. Proprietor.
st any man coming nut of
mr store and you'll get a
portrait of a man brimming
uri-r wild pleaunt thoughts.
Mu.'li ipi.tltly lu the lliiuort
i' hT to offer are muiugh to
lilru. any inan.
Japanese Goods
Orlentfil Curio
Novel tle-H
WING LEE, 543 Commercial St.
Signature la printed la
CLUB diagonally
across- tho '
wrapper '
of every
bottle of
(the Original
and denulne)
Am a further protection mgatnrt
all Imitation,
f AfsaU for tha Uoltsd Mate,
C IflO wnrlhof lovtlyMuilc lorMrty
Ji I II . Caslav coniktlni; of ioo nag" -full
slu Mieet 7-lualc of thn -h
I'.'tt, fcrljrhti il, llvyllrM and moil popular -s-
lectlont, MHh voral anj InMrumrntnl, -fr''Ti
up In Hit moat tlr-i'Mil n.jnner, 'n- -eluding
four large size fortralu.
CAHM'-NCITA, tht Spartllh Dinar, '
PADCRW8KI, tht (treat Planit,
- - I4r..auau Th.i.. VHA.. VI 1 I. f I... 7
m'vshjws; i in ana new inn uiy. -
lib (rent Vr.ial.
IMIUnr.llli-Slew He
) raiieb iiiUii, will iimeklv euiv i..u el all n. r
in iii eji. ru ,.ii(i, aiu ii , J! JK,i,li, i.L
i, at.u ll.... L.... , ... -
.. in. i' . --v. n, r. iiiiHiuiiv, nprvinia iNn.llili,
tit Ma
til Marty, Mliauallii liralua. A
aloia all lnr br ilar or litslit. p,vpni ,pii. .
wltk'tl It niitehr.'VfHl lna.1 tn Hnvrllialiirrliih.. ai..t
Inipoiam-r, t'lH:S V. eliauawt Uiu Uvuf. u
urinary timaiiaid sll LumtiriUaa.
o,, Mamiuuu, (Kigiiuy Kim.
iliaii luaa ul power lii titu,,i,v Oiaaa, r
or aetiais. yoiillilttl yrrura, raeeaam Ma of
J, tV ')NN. 4sm. aln
Situate), iit Un- Houtli t-iiU
of AbtriuV hills.
Twenty tU-grt'os varnier
niul vogftatiim 150 ilayn in
n)lvanct of tht" North Mtlo.
Mjinnifu't-nt HitcH for reru
itleiH't's, overlookiiij: rivt'i
uiu! hay, nanny aiul nlu'l
tort'tl. Kasy ami natural radt's;
littlo or no gradin1; iicctlt'ii.
Front 8t.. foot of 4th. Astoria
General Macninists and Boiler Maket
land and Mar Eoc'naa, RiHIar vuih. Sua,
boat anil Cannary Warlt S(-nlallv.
f .llr of All D. rlfll. r, Ma4 to O'J.i oc
hhurt NuMca.
John Fol..,.iresldnnt and Hup'rlnicndant
A. U Foi Vies Presldrni
O. H. Prasl Hax-roiarj
Astoria Savings Hank Treasurer
Open svary day from I 'clock U I I
and 1:10 to 1:19 p. m.
Subscription ratss II ar annum.
H; .f It I nn.fMilaVtnfMM
I f-f .wlr ti.r fiiirrlitt.,..
; H dti4, annituril ill
"tltTKt. Ilf allltf
tion. Irrllaili'ii i ui.rav
ritttU tauuiiM, ,n hirin
l,tllC'H", Pa lTnrl. Noll mt lltjCKlit
MM T I'rtiirvULA.
or rnt In plain wrppar,
lr priwl.l, Ii
It iii. r i l.,ui... fj n.
riri ular ariii vo miun
Iheio tiny CajuuiM
' re
to Bjlsarn fit' Cu,:i i, '
Cnhrbs c Injoctions un'
the tame diieavs with,
out Inconvenirnre,
W. fir ,, ,,,,
For aale chi-ap and on easy ti-rms,
lour cnuioe iiuiiiiiiik In McClurc
Astoria. For particulars call on Howell
Ward, 619 Hond stn-et.
If you want Rood lumber and lnweat
prices figure with the 0b l Mills.
W. H. EDWAItDS. nKOnt.
355 Commercial street. Astoria.
The Louvre"
a ri.ooiiH
rina Mualci. Ilamri of All Kinds. Twu
Msgnlllrsnt Itara.
Cood Order and Everybody's Rights
Phons No.
Aatorla, Oragna
Ship Chandlery,
Spsclal AtUntlon Paid to Supplying Bbips.
4U Commercial straet
........ ,... ,. ernmiuiania, witH iron l,. Inliriiiilv.CnriatiniptMinr
liiviney. i an be i-sttlnl hi tni puekrt I. so . fc ,y mad
PiT-iaM CltvuUr Kies. (told by ail diU(vl.i. .k ( . uk', ,i,olh.
Maiiu-Litiml by th. v..t sfnluint f . Pan. V.n-, I Itar.a
liu t-u., ditributiuf icuu. 4 Uud ui Vaiuhill m . ruill.ud. or,
l-Jf (iaULallNl U
Wl frH t till
Arc Yon (Joiiitf KastV
ll aura and ass (hat your tl'-asl
rad via
Thia U tha
CI 11C AC. O
Aiul all roiiitH Km: iiii'l
Thslr Mnin.'sn Trsrh. I'vartaaa Vaa
tlbulml luiitng and Hlrapliia- Car
Trains slid Muitu:
always on
Have tvn this rua.t a national reputa
tion. All rlaaaa of paaarliaara carried
on tbs VMtlbiilsd train arilluiut lira
ibarss, Httlp your frelr'il anj traval
ovar this famous Una. All siita hasa
W. II. MKAt), r. f. av:.ou,
(.Un Acut. Trsv. r nnd IV Aft.
It WaahliiftiM at. fnrlUn.l nr
San Francisco
Astoria and Portland
Kiirt'kn. (' il. ami I'm ly.
Will MoUc Wvutilrir Trips
Kvcry 14 I )ty.
I'liaar ti tiers nnd freight al lUduccd
Hti-umora .-vn I'm Hand dally M
fiill.ia; Aldnr sliwt 1, k 4 l.'i a. nu
and " AU i. in. A all t i r t dx k 7 a. m.
and p. ni,
Ii-vr- Astoria
f. II. nnd I'. 8. N. dixit. ti am.
and .15 p. m. l. It. A N. do. lt. T
a. in. and 7 Ml
Saturday lils-lit alewmnr Irarn I'urt
and fiuu Al.b-r trrat do k at Y.ii
p. in. and Ash atrnrt dock at 10 p.
in. Stdinduls tnoludM Buiidajr nlM
Isiat i'Ut of IHirtlsvnd and Aaurts
but nu Sunday iimm;n tamt. Ntfbl
Ixial frum I'ortland omnrnMa with
Steamer "Mil I K"
at Cathlamat at t a. tn. daily aiosp4
Monday fr W.stiKirt. Clifton 14
Knnjipa. and all laiidtts im OrrfSMI
U. II. HCDTT. I'resldanL
K. A. Bndsy, Aic-tit, Portland.
'. W. Htuna, Aant. Astoria.
Tnlpphuiia No, 11.
R. P. Elmore
W. H. Harrison
...Open for Special Charter...
balling dates to and Iron. Tillamook
and Nchalcm drpand upon
Ihs wtslhtr.
For t'rtlght and Pstacngtr
Pates Apply To
0. H. A N. CO., Agenta.l'ortl.nd
tlary lll.ulu rol-lorl ponnanantlf
urndln IfitiiSoilara, Y illrnfl bn.intoil iaa
tionio foraauiv prii:oiiii'lnr anion if iiin.ii
ly. If ru pn fur tonmiohara i. e wiilnin.
trnrtt'itmr nil Iron U fainand Imiol bljla.nnd
ty jhsras, If wafall Ihihiio. If fi'iiharatnaaniiisr.
tuny, I'Hllitn iiotnah, and ailll hars orlma anil
puna, M iicoiia l'HU'lirs In iniiulh, Hiiro Tbroat,
I'linpls, tloppnr ('iilorrd Hpula, Idrrrs un
mr part of tho body, lliilrnr I'vnlirima fi.IU.iar
ant, It la this rloomidi.ry Hl.ool l'Olsn.9
w. gnaranUMi toenrs. Ws aoliriltlis mnat obatl
ikio caaas and abMllenaa world fur a
pnai. wniiannfiteiirn. Q'hli dl.saaa has Sloan
bullied tbn skill of Ilia iniiat umlnniit pbyal
clnna. SAOO.OOU eaiuti.1 bohinrl our unnurJk
Llonal aTlarajitr. Altsolutn jpronfa iwnt anaird on
apnllcnlk . Addrnaa ('(KIR HK.MKDY
rail Alasualo I'aiusla, CUIUAUU, iXL.
iCveats.nd I'mdcMarkt obtained nd all m
ent buiinM conducted for MoDZttATC Pel.
Our Office i Opposite U.S. Patent Ornei
mid wo i nn r tire jmirnt in leu time tliaa lbuic
ic mote frum WtMhiiiiwru (
i bead model, drawing or phnto., with descrip
tion, Wa aivi, if paicntahla or nt, (rca ot
charge. Our fee not due till patent i sccurrd,
A PAMPHLCT, llfw to Olitain Patent," wlth
coat of atunaln tha U. S. and furetgn counuiaa!
tent free. Addreaa, ,