The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 02, 1897, Image 1

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The Daily Astcrtan
' " . Ha a Rsonua
..Family Circulation...
m Ajtosia
An "Ad "
' Wiiil Column,
NO. 125
William Gadsby,
The House Furnisher,
n ft
t1 i
v V "ft. : I- I"
V 3 4 li
I lu K'MtM Suite, riniiiitiug of one l.arc Siilclioard, one
Six f.i.ii l.xifiiMo.i TaKc ami Six linlnif Chair. c "Iter a a upcnal in
lureiiK h! ! u ;m1 riol ilie si"Hi,
We have the Mlowmj; ll.irains also to otfer:
Parlor Suits. " """'"''K 1 '
l.ate Arm ( hair, Ki re.tim l hair, uil soim oak, upiioi
teiel in Tapestry, with Silk Plush Trimming at ? J 1.50.
1'arlur Suits sulian PIunIi, name nuiuher of pieces as the alnvc at $15.
Chamber SiliK M ajl-, finished in a pretty, light lirc!i, consisting of one
lleadstead feel high. 4 feet 6 inches w ide, I Bureau with
lcvrled mirror H:o inches, and three large drawers; one
Coiiiliinatiou Washstand, with two large drawers and cabinet
lielow dr 5t 1.50.
Chomlicr Suits. Cheval Maple Mirror, i;xjo im lies Jm.oo
Ash Mirror, n:o ' 1300
sh Mirror, ;,oxj'4 " 5
Ash t heval Mirror, S.0 17.50
( ak I'm isiiH' Mirror, " '9 5
t ak l'oi ism n Mijror. iSxao " u.oo
Pitting Chair, Cane Seat. Itrace Arm, each 75c
extension Tallies, Ash, ( (out " 5-j.oo
Kit hen Cupboards, w ire front 6 fl. high ' 4.00
Household Treasure Tables, " i.oo
Tapestry HrusselK Cariet, per yard 15c.
Iligt.iin Curpets. nil wool 50c.
Japanese Matting, linen warp. 40 yds 6.50
Chinese Matting. 40 yards 5.00
Always In
A Strict Homo Product,
Special Facilities for Shipping in ('nr-loml It.s. Orders for Keg or
Hottled llccr in any quantity to bo tuUl revvd to
S. E. Utzittger, Agent.
Cor. 12th it Commercial Sts., Astoria, Oregon.
Free Delivery anywhere in tlio City.
Telephone No. M.
City Book Store,
fishing Tackle, Base Ball Goods, Hammocks,
Lawn Tennis Sets, Etc.
Blank Books. Stationery. Type Writer Ribbons,
Carbon Paper and Office Supplies.
R. L. Boyle & Co.
Real Estate, Loans and Investments
R23ICommerclol Street, Antorla
The Columbia Iron Works
.... FOUN D RYMEN ....
Blaeksmitbs, Machinists, and Boiler-makers
Coru.r eighteenth St. and Franklin At..
Portland, Oregon.
n kcil, T. (). It. Portland, for ti 7.50
''van, 1 Patent Koi ler, 1 Cents'
Lager Beer.
The Lead.
Made of Homo Mntorink
The Second
Red Hot Ones.
Steel crochet hook,
Windsor tie
Aluminum thimbles
Wire hair pins
Lead pencils, 2 for
liox, J cakes toilet soap
AH silk rihlion
Tooth brushes
Red Hot bargains
Once .More I'niirn IVIliu Allies Itself
tu Huntlnijton's Kmid.
i-iniD he would nturt. The rmill iih(iw
hn it Jiiht th home to n ml after tht-
shokti.inl is iM)r.pi:M)i:NTimomy.
New Koute From Cbic4jo to I'ortlnd nd
Si rrnntivo lain. Soatberi
to Meet t he CuRipctitio.
Hun Kraiu-lRoo, Jimr 1 The tnnuKurit
lion of through -: r m-rvlc u-twc.n
I'orlhiiht uihl I'hUitk'ci, vlu KiuniMnnto,
nmioiiiirit n few dnyn uiio, l Willi to
In- n move on the part of the flouthrrn
I'm III.' ,ii. t'liion i'lu lllc In omjIIIoti
In the Hi ' rotil.- ik oprni-il Hut ir
dny frwn On- Northrwrnt through
011I Iim n I nl ti rrllory.
It U ntiilivt thill n truffle rrunKimi-nl
h.m hii'ii i-ffi'i'tnl Im-iwin-h the On-gon
H hurt 1.1 no 1111,1 Itto r.rniidi- roiil, cf-fi-rtlve
Hiiiuritny. which nuiki-a the Short
Line n oiii'tliir r.iihrr than u conniv
llini of the t'tiliiti I'luiMc. im It hail lern
In Hi- iut. Ii'irlviil thim of u 1'ortlitnd
iiiiiii.i-tlnii, the fniun I'Hi-iflc him llnki-0
ih f. in uiie wuh the Southern I'uclilc
In .1 iuii to control u iKirtlon of the
imltlc of the Northwi-Kt u. lumlimt the
Hli.t Mm- mul Itn connection.
The t rn rtli Hrninsi tnent between the
iiri'Kun Hhurl l.liie mi.l the Hlo (Irunde
Wenieni In the tlrnt luiiKlhle rvlil.-nre
I hiil the new nmmiKcni of the rowvty
Intend to oiH-rute the roiul Indi-tH-ndently
of the I'nlon Piielno Hyutem. It I an
nrramtentent thui oih-ik u a new trun-
rontlneiiuil route for frelitht and Hiuirn
kit trutnc between Chlfiiito and rortlnnd,
iin.1 hy mi'iin of tlie o-eiin .tennier of
Ihe (iritton Hnllroad mid Navigation Co.,
which I juirty 10 the blif tmfllc deal.
U-tween Chlcnao iind San KnineUco.
Suit Mike, June 1-jPweral of the gen-
enU oftlii-iii of the Rio Orundo Wentern
mid orvifon Short Line roadit will leave
lure tomorrow for , vMt to llutte nd
rortliuid, In connection with the tuml-
iii kh of the new Salt Mike route to the They will enliiUllHh UKenole at the
lo iilnive 11. mud point.
Nebraska People Propose to liulld a Line
to I-os Angeles.
Dakota City. Neb.. June 1.-Th6 Mis
souri River and Lo Angeles Railroad
Comany ha been oryaJilied with US),-
om) capital. Judge A. V. Larimer, of this
city, was chosen president. Tho other
Incorporators are Francisco MoNulty,
Donald Mclx-an, Rolnrt Buchanan, Slo u
City; E. 13. Reynolds Jr., W'eymoro, Ncu.
The company proKise to build a rond
from the river, presumably at 8loux
City, to Lo Angeles. From here to
Onclll, Neli.. it will lie distinct from the
Paolllc Short Line. The rest of th. way
It will be. over tho rlyhl of way McLean
ha ecured. It was hoped to use the
Short Line, but the heat terms for U
were ll.tioo.iHH) and JUHUVHH) for tho Short
Line bridge. The conuwny expects to
build a bridge for $I.U"O,0J0 and a line to
OiielU for l.2iW.CKXI. l
Hartford, Conn.. Jtme 1. T. D. Lufkin,
of Sacramento, Cnl., ngid 79, and Mrs.
A. L. Lufkin, aged 77. were married In
this city today. The bride la a widow of
the groom's brother.
How Howard Mann Won the Brooklyn
New York, June 1. G. E. Smith, better
known as "Pittsburg Phil," speaking lost
night of Howard Mann, who won the
Ilrooklyn handicay yesterday, said:
I bought Howard Mann Just about a
year ago. He was entered in a good
stake race I have forgotten Just what
the amount was and we had Bclmax
to curry our colors. I regarded Mann
as the only dangerous quantity against
us, and finding that he could be bought
for 11000, I put up the amount and took
him out of the race. Belmar won hand
somely. Since then we have watched
the horse carefully and found that he
has good, game qualities In him and
week of Bargains
1 rent cavli
1 "
1 cts pkg
1 cent
S cts liox
1 ct yd
3 t each
at SHANAHAN BROS. this week; dont forget.
reiil'l i; fuM u Kill. I!l ork ut Mor
r; Mirk nli'.wiJ Hkfur.luy Irlid
1 l.i' wiiuu r uii.l In- ill.l nil omo up to
1 x i-tii!loni. Il Inmr twit him nounilly,
timl ! roi "IfJi il li wonlil not In- tf
t.i My on lilm. We re In .oni'-ra.
I r- ilunhi Hl f.ut i uttlng In Ik nlnttliule
nf Btimlny. Tin- mill UiJ u llomnrtl
M inn In 11 Kivxl muil liorM' 101. 1 l. unnr to
I ) ion-. Ut d.rMiil to put him In.
Ill- MUM llllllhll- Itll IllMIK, t,Ut It WAK not
until tiiln lift rnoon that c told the odi-
Crew and 1'iiiMM-nifer IVIltvcd to Mnvi
Iieen Ia,i.
New York. June 1 The Jo-.irnal .ay;
A ciilileiirum from Havana rereivi .1
liiHt nlKht unnouiii--d that the Ward line
crucial In that port tlleve that the
tmnier Valencia ha been wreckpd. The
Viili nda left New York May for Nan
Kau ami outh side Cuban porta. She
wum In commuiHl of Captain SklliliiK
and hail a rn-w of C all told. Alt that
could tie learned laat hltcht wu that
there were le than five cabin pannoti
Ker on tionnl. The Valim-la. reecheJ
NaNHau In wifely. Officer on the 8an
IIhko My that the Valencia left Nn.iu
for Ouantanamo. and he then hail only
one cabin paMtenKer. The othi-r had
illnenilmrkiil at NaaaaOf The " tun to
(Suantiinitmo fully occuple 40 houni, end
a top of 12 hour Is made at that port.
After lfiivlnft then- the Valencia w.ta ex-
Iiecti-d to touch at Ranthito. then pro
ne.1 to Manxinlllo, and finally to Cli-n-fUKon.
O10 moet iiuttern olnt In her voy
ne alonir tin- aoutli coajit. Allowing; for
ruiuilnir time and the uauui itopa, the
Valencia, If alt went well. hr.uld have
enterwl the tortuou pana-ice len.liiiR Into
Manzanlllo bay on last Saturday otter
noon. The cable gram from Havana give
no isirtk-ulam. but otneem on both the
SiintluKO and City of Waahtnicton, now
In port think that If the Valencia I
lout ahe hiu protiahly atrurk on one of
the numerous reef about ManxiuilllR.
rnosPERors Newport news.
Ship Building Hus Made a Turning
Place There.
Shipbuilding has given a great boom to
Newport News, says the Ledger. The
shipbuilding plant, when completed, will
lt the finest and best eqtilpeI in the
I'nltcd States. Three battleships are now
utvKr construction at Newport News,
and thtva guntoai. Tho dry dock is
taxed to Its fullest caiuclty to complete
the work which Is accumulating every
month, and there Is employment for over
3000 men and boys.
There Is a regular line ef stcamMilps
running betwwn Newjwrt News, Liver
pool and London, to carry out the grain
anl livestock from tho West, and the
coal from the Virginia, brought by the
Chesapeake and Ohio to Its deep-water
terminal, in 1ST? Newport News va."
nothing more than a James river plan
tation. Today It Is a prosperous town of
15,000 people, with millions of dollars in
vested, anil Is steadily growing.
What C. P. Huntington has done at
Newport News, on the Atla-tlc, will be
accomplished here by Mr. Hammond.
Durrant's Lawyers Will Again Strive to
Save His Life.
San Francisco, June 1. Theodore Dur
rani, convicted of the murder of Blanche
Lamont, who Is now occupying the con
demned cell at Sun Quentln, does not ap
pear to be at all depressed by his new
surroundings. Despite the fact that he
was watched by two guards, he slept well
lost night and today after on Interview
with one of his attorneys ho was quite
It Is understood that his attorneys will
make a final attempt to prolong the life
of their client by tiling a petition In the
United Slates district court for a writ of
habeas corpus, as did Worden's counsel,
and. In the event of the petition being
denied, appealing to tho United Stntes
supreme court, which dues not meet
again until October next
Tacoma Ledger.
The steamer Hustler last week tOAcci
the old barge Monarch down the Colum
bia to be used a a messhouse for a gnng
of 80 men employed on the Astorla-Goble
railroad. She will be anchored two miles
above Rainier, where there Is a side cut
to be made In the rock bluff from Coffin
Rock down to Rainier. The contractors
for building the road say they are going
to put on a large force of men, and
have the road completed this fall.
Red Hot Ones.
Safety pins, 6 papers for 5 cts
Dress shields per pair - 4 cts
Turkey red handkerchiefs - 3 c each
Clark O. N. T. crocket cotton ic pr ball
Children nazarath waist 10 c each
13 pieces 40 inch black figured mohair
dress goods, worth 75 cts, now 39c yd.
300 yds best Trench Chatnbey, worth
i2'jc yd, sale price S'ic yd.
Mrtrvf Icltprl hv nflti fiimrniftfp !
on Sugar Trust Not Pertinent.
.tetal Scbedale; Keaektd Davis' Amead
Bcat - Cla Blockade Knaaer Cap
tired The fablic Debt Etc
1 Special to the Astorlan.
j Washington, June 1. In tne case of
I John E. Searles, the sujrar trust witness.
Judge liradley ordered the Jury to bring
j In a verllct of acquittal, holding the
I questions asked by the senate committee
j to be not pertinent, and if so, not .within
1 the Jurisdiction of the commttee.
! Wants !.(H',Coi Damages From Hearst
for LibeL
j San Francisco, June 1. Claus Spreckles
! commenced suit today to recover (l.Wf.i.'M
j damages from William R. Hearst, prop
rietor of the Examiner, for alleged libel.
The matter of was contained
In an article commenting upon the recent
visit of John E. Searles to this city and
an allageil deal by which the Salinas and
WatKonvllIc sugar factories passed Into
the .hands cf the combine.
Washington, June 1. The senate made
good progress on the tariff bill today,
advancing to the Important metal sched
ules. During the day the paragraphs
covering marble and stone, china, glass,
brick, and tiles, were completed, with
a few minor exceptions. Messrs. Vest,
and Jones of Arkansas, In behalf of the
minority of the finance committee, pro
posed numerous amendments, which were
defeated by majorities of 8 to 11. The
votes were on party lines in the nviln.
although Messrs. Rawlins and White,
democrats, voted with the republicans to
Increase the rate on onyx, and McKnrry
voted with the republicans against Jones'
proposition for a reduction of the rates
on china.
Washington, June 1. Senator Davis has
Introduced a proposed amendment lo the
tariff bill providing that nothing In the
act shall be held to Impair the provisions
of the reciprocity treaty with Hawaii.
Ho says the treaty contains a solemn
provision that it should not be abrogated
except on a year's notice.
Washington, June 1. The secretary of
the treasury has received a telegram
from Inspector Hampton, at Fort Lauder
derdale, Florida, stating that he boarded
the steamer Plscayne, on a New river
Inlet, yesterday, while she was transfer
ring arms and ammunition to the Daunt
less, and that he was knocked do-n,
disarmed and driven off. The telegram
was referred to the attorney general for
such action as the gravity of the occur
rence may warrant
Department officials say they have no
doubt the Dauntless had just returned
from a successful landing In Cuba of
munitions of war and her capture Is re
garded as highly important The persons
who maltreated Insepctor Hampton will
be vigorously prosecuted.
Washington, June 1. The monthly
statement of the public debt shows that
the debt, less cash In the treasury at
tho close of business on May 29, 1S97, was
t996.6S4.052, a decrease for the month of
H,5G0,'.iS0, which Is principally accounted
for by the increase of over $2,000,000 In
cash In the treasury. The debt Inde
pendent of the cash, was Increased during
the month by $463,215, accounted for In
the redemption accrued.
Washington, June 1. Mr. Preston, the
director of the mint has about completed
hts figures of gold and sliver production
In the United States during the calendar
year 1S96. He finds the production of
gold to have been about $53,000,000, an
at SHANAHAN BROS. Great Bankrupt Sale
Of Kohem's Stock.
Red Hot Ones.
Fruit of the Loom muslin at 7jc yd.
54 inch wide Ladies' cloth, all colors,
worth 75c, sale price, 34c per yd.
Velveteen, all colors, 25 cents per yard.
Lace curtains at 59 cents per pair.
10c heavy outing flannel for 6c per yd.
Shirt waists, at your own price.
tr.'reajs of over fi.'2b,m a compare.!
wllh 1KJ. Tho proiluctlon of llver I
Klven a i'.cH.'iA fine ounces, an
of Vf) ounce over Vi&. '
Washington, June L The house agreed
to th conference report on the sundry
civil bill
Washlnffton, June L The president to
day nominated J. D Haven to 1 Unit
ed State district Judge for northern Cal
ifornia. PRINCE LUIGI.
Starts Out for Mount St. Ellas oa Pleas
ure Bent.
Chicago. June 1. When the Northwest
ern transcontinental train pulled out of
Chicago last nig-ht It carried Prince
Lulgl of Savoy, who goes to Alaska to
Climb Mount St Ellas. Lieut. Cognac,
of the Italian navy, went with him.
The prince says he Is bent on health
and pleasure alone, and he cares nothing
for the glory of ascending the mountain.
"I cannot say mountain-climbing Is a
passion with me," he said. "I am fond
of outdoor sports and for a while was
doubtful whether I would spend (he sum
mer hunting In the RoclUvs or asceid
os me mountain peak. I finally deter
mined to make the attempt to scale Mt.
St. Ellas, partly because It has never
been scaled, and partly because I want
to see the grand scenery In Its neigh
borhood. It Is a Pleasure to succeed In
doing what others have failed in. 1 too,
may fail, but I and my friends will try
and that Is all anyone can do.
"The expedition has no scientific In'er
est so far as I am concerned. Signer
Zella will take some photoxraphs and
perhaps some meteorological obs--rva-tions,
but the main object Is recreation
and health. We shall have only two
months before It will be Impossible to
live at such an altitude as we hope to
attain, and the chances are we shall en
counter tnsurmountables, as were met
by our predecessors."
Colifornlans Coming to Oregon In Large
San Francisco, June 1. As a result of
the rate conflict between the Southern
Pacific and the Oregon Railroad and Nav
igation Company, which has reduced the
cost of a trip from here to Portland to
$130 second class and 5 first class, an
unprecedented demand for tickets has
been developed. Every berth on the
steamer to sail tomorrow was scld and
applications here received for berths on
the next steamer to Portland. Reports
from the Southern Pacific agents Indicate
such a large number of travelers by the
excursion train that leaves tomorrow that
there may not be accommodations for
all on one train. It was explained thnt
many people were taking advantage of
the low rates to spend their vacations
in Oregon.
Northern Pacific Boat to Take Part lnj
the Summer River Traffic. j
Seattle, June 1. There was a well-defined
rumor on the water front here to
day that the Northern Faelfisc steamer
City of Seattle will be sent to the Colum
bia river to take advantage of the sum
mer traffic between Portland and Hwaeo.
S. G. Yerkes, who was formerly In
charge of the Yesler's wharf here, has
resigned his position with a prominent
shipping firm and. It Is said, will have
charge of the steamer. Owing to the close
relations of the Northern Pacific and O.
R. & N., It Is probable that the steamer
will be sent Into the lattcr's territory
under charter to private Individuals. The
boat Is being overhauled at Tacoma.
Boston, June L Boston H. St. Louis S.
Philadelphia, June 1. Philadelphia 7,
Louisville 2.
Brooklyn, June 1. Brooklyn 7, Cleve
land 2.
New York, June 1. Pittsburg 0, New
York 9.
Boston. June 1. Boston 14, St. Louis i.
Second game Boston 12. St. LouU t.
Pittsburg, June L Statements placing
the damages at $100,000 ech have been
filed by State Senators William Fllnn and
I Chris Masree, In their libel suits igalnst
Hun. Richard Quay, son of Senator M. 8.
Quay. Counsel for Quay filed pleas of
not guilty In each case.
Secretary Bliss Sajs Offenders Must
Be Turned Over to Civil Officers.
Ageat Stoach Ordered to Be port J by V'ire at
Ooce Copies oftbe Correspoad
eace Troable Feared.
Washington, June L Secretary Bliss to
night wired Instructions to Indian Agent
Slouch, whose reservation Is in the seat
of the Cheyenne Indian trouble, dire .'ting
him to immediately notify the depart
ment of the situation and to use every
effort to deliver the Indian fugitive to
the civil officers showing satisfactory
credentials. This decision was reached
after a conference between Acting Sec
retary of the Interior Kyan, Acting Com
missioner of Indian Affair Smith, and
Attorney General KcKenna and the ad
jutant general. The report which Captain
Slouch mailed on May 25, and which
reached here today, was reed, together
with dispatches to the president and Sen
ator Carter. The officials are awaiting
with considerable uneasiness the report
from the agent which he was peremp
torily directed to telegraph at once.
The Northern Cheyennes are known
here as a warlike band, easily Inflamed
and whose actions cannot be too closely
guarded. The following la Secretary
Bliss's dispatch to Agent Stouch:
"Captain W. H. Stouch, Agent Lame
Deer. Mont, via Roseburg. The president
has received from the governor of Moo
tana the following telegram: 'Helena,
Mont. May II. To William McKlnley,
President of the United States, Washing
ton: Indian Agent Stouch. at the Chey
eru.e agency, and minor officials of the
United States, are resisting the sheriff
of Custer county, Montana. In "hts efforts
to arrest certain murderers tor crimes
committed off the reservation. The mur
derers are under the protection of the
agent who makes no effort to arrest the
criminals and prevents the sheriff from
making the arrests. Will you direct the
proper authorities to surrender the mur
derers, or allow the sheriff to make the
arrests? (Signed) Robt. B. Smith, gov
ernor.' "Tou should co-operate with the duly
authorized civil authorities as far as
practicable In the execution of the law.
Wire the facts and the situation Imme
diately. Meantime use every available
means to apprehend the offenders aud
deliver them to the duly authorized civil
officers, avoiding violence If possible. The
Idea Is that the law must be executed,
but in Its execution you are to exercise
sound prudential Jurdgment. to the end
that there may be no bloodshed If by
any possibility It can be avoided. (Signed)
C. N. Bliss, secretary."
Salt Lake, June 1. Saltalr beach, one
of the popular bathing resorts on Great
Salt Lake, was officially opened today.
Numerous trains were run from the city
throughout the day and thousands of
people visited the beach.
Absolutely Pur
Celebrated for Its great leavenla)
strength and healthf ulneas. Assure the
food against alum and all forma of
adulteration common to the cheap