THE DAILY AST0K1AN, FRIDAY MORN INK, MAY 2, 18SI7. HOWELL & INVITE Their Friends, Patrons, and the Public Generally, to call on them and Inspect their NEW -HIGH GRADE - Ladies' 1 tyllih Oxford TKt. s Tha latest ttkaem. In fit. ' Mood u4 Chocolate fthadj fwOtltC ' "97 PHnf 5tyle. VIClllo 1 Largs Aasormnit. Bicycle Shoes. John Hahn & Co. Ar. Wen iatr4 479 Commercial St. On and after Jane 1st KNAPPTON S Dry Fir Wood Cut in any Length Delivered - - $ Uncut on the Dock - $2-00 A cord of wood requiring four boises to deliver, , Fifty Cents Extra. Telephone or Inquire of NEW SHAPES . In. Ladies' - Sailor - Hats .at ... ALBERT DUNBAR'S YESTERDAY S WEATHER. Maximum temperature, 72 dog. Minimum temperature, 43 de. Precipitation from Soptembor 1, ISM, to date, S4.SS Inches. Excess of precipitation from Septem ber 1, LW, to date, 16.76 inches. TODAY'S WEATHER. Fair weather; warmer. AROUND TOWN. FRIDAY. A man cannot speak but he Judges him self. Evtry opinion reacts on him who utters It. Emeryon. Decoration Monday. day will be celebrated The flnetrt strawberries In the market at the Pacific Grocery Co. The run of fish was decidedly better yesterday, thoug-h there Is not much in dication that the river is falling. Captain Thornbul, of the Glenmorag, la Riving his ship a coat of paint, and will keep hr in good condition I jr float ing next week. Coin special brands of hams, bacon, lard and canned meata are the beat In the market. Ask your grocer for them. The Foard & Stokes Co. have con stantly In stock a supply of the finest ice, which they are prepared to furnish consumers. Miss Klnzln will give a party at Fort Canby tonight, and the Wenona will leave at 6:30 p. m. to convey Astoriana to the fort. Steve Grafrg. Nehalem: A. Llr.dberg, North Shore; Andrew Houge, Frankfort; Hans Iverson, Skamokawa, and N. 130 aier, Young's river, were In the city yes terday. Ross, Higgins & Co. are still In busi ness at the old stand and will give aa good vaJue for the money as anyone. Entrance to their store from east side while street repairs are In progress. Good tea is easy to get nowadays. Get Schilling's Bestoi your grocer and your money back if you don't like it A Schilling & Company aan rranciKo Ki Was Snore lis Co WARD The Live Grocers. STORE - 510 & 512 Commercial Street, GRAMVIS & CO. ; Groceries, Feed, Provisions, Crockery I and Glassware, SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH or. 15th & Commercial. F,rty of prunoa for 1 at the C. B. Smith rlls pure cream; no crn jtaroh or gtflatlne usJ. Pest cud of cofftv1 In town at the Model Rostaurunt, W Comnurcial stre?t. State Fis-h Comniistorier Jama Craw font, of Ws-shlntrton. I In the City. Two rxxinds of choice full-woljtht but- from a trip over th lino and wVk rnuk ter. Sc. at the Pacific OrxKory CO.-5. , lng ap lnp.otlcn of th took M. Jitm fllrycU L'tti u arrlired today. Columbia Shoo Co. Turks and family, of llwnso, pnt ' Pr. jvMerviay tn the city. Choice dairy buttor. full weight, 25c, at the Pacific Grocery C). Buy ycur aweet cretutl at the Bon- h.-nnlr-tt wfU not fail to wblo. I Mrs. C. J. Tronohard and daughter. Anita, will leave this morning for a visit The business hUe Ort Doh.l streot, ; ooob r. in California. 'between Ninth and Fifteenth, have ar- i ranred by private ubcrtption for four ' 'n Tu.-s.lny, Jun.. 1. i-d. from .ill TilUmook croanwry butter Is the be:-t aldltlonaJ strwt lamps, go that ort!on clul.s In tho i 'ncon-W ..s.'d-nrtun fi.ot made In Omton. Bolved freh ivtry of HoimI street will le an up-to-da.te '"'U loinruo will moot at liwa.-o. i'tn f d wek. Ask your grocer for !U ; Hhoroughfare. ajid with Its new pave- lowing loams nro ont. n-l. lhvu-. I',,rt ment will be the most popular stre-t Canl.y. Chinook. Iaiiih !;. a. h. ih -..ttn School children, you are lm1tl to call in the city. ; Ast;rla. It Is llk.-ly .-..u!h Pond at Crow's galUry, anl for the small sum will also i-ntor. although thcro h t.-. n of 73c you can secure one doion fine; photos. Call and see samples. P. J. Meany. the leading merchAnt tailor. 137 Tenth St. pald for fur skins. The highest price A larije shipment of fish jt:ano will be made on the San Krm -ls-o sttuir.t-r tit s morning by the Oil Works. Cream, cream, cream; fresh every morning; guaranteyd to whip or money refunded. Smith's candy store. A regular snap for school children this!0-8 a ",tl, slow ,"''aua" company week at Snoderass's Tallerv-. The neat-. est and best photo for il per doxen ever takes time to get out the best pdlna. offered In the city before. Call and see; them. i Today is Aseeiwlon day. There will When going Eart travel on the North-! a celebration of the holy communion .m c.n.... ri.,ii, .na kJo Grace church at 9 a. m. PJuhn Mor- -' - - " - .MM. " "J . WW. .US only line running dining cars. Train leaves Portland daily at 11 o'clock a, m. Now is the time for cockroaches to begin to be troublesome. Our Electric Paste will drive th-m all out of your house. Charles Rogers, Odd Fellows building. When you want a real life-like and arJetic photo, don't fall to call on Snod grass. The work he is turning out now Is ahead of anything ever made In As toria before. It Is understood that at the meeting of the school board next Monday th. alaries of teachers will lie adjusted and that In most Instances reductions will be made. Chas. J. Summers, Boston; Chas. Milll- ken. Portland; C A. Eastland. SklDanon: T. M. Ruble, Indianapolis; V. J. Smith, Taeoma, were at the Parker House yes terday. Captain Salte, of the steamer O. K., yesterday morning picked up an anchor am about 11 fathoms of chain off Fort Stevens, making the fifth anchor recov ered by him In two years. Winnie, the li-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Stewart, of the Lewis and Clark, died Wednesday of consumption. from which she had suffered for six years past The funeral will take place today from the family residence. Chief of Police Halloc k has lx-en busy for a number of days past Inspecting sewers and the sanitaiy conditions of property. As a result of his work all the stores have sold out evi-rv piece of sewer pipe In town and have ordered more. As flowers for Ix-'orntlun Dav are ll- i)i to very scare-, you had better or der bouquets and designs in good season. Designs will be furnisaed at reasonable prices rind all kinds of flowers at corre spondingly cheap prh -H. Place your or ders at once so as not to be disappointed. Smith's candy store. Captain We,-,Ji-n, of the American bark Seminole, now lr,ii,- at Knappton, P ft last nl-ht for the Sound, where he will take command of the British ship ICI1 brumien. The Kilbrann.-n .vent ashore at Port Wilson about a year yj?o, was sold, and Is now b. Ing rebuilt nvl will hereafter sail under the American flag. Captain Peasley, of Ban Franclaco, will suoewsi Captain Weeden on tho Seminole, and Captain Weeden will return In a fw days and turn the ship over to him. Burleigh the Cash Grocer. 33 Cents Tillamook Creamery Butter. '23 Cents 10 lbs. Prunes. 15 Cents Hires Root Heer. 13 Cents i lb. brick Maple Suar. 23 Cents 9 lbs. Rolled Oats. SHANAHAN BUILDING. Telephone J A Tir Rhubarb, IV Iht pound, at the Pa cific Grocery Co. Vlahtag Taokla anil 9inrl1nv )ool at ke York oaiiy Mora. Twvtuy pounds of sugar for $1 at ttv Pacific Grvx-ery Co. H. A. Kuiht, th wt'll known truvvllni: man, of Am Kntnolwo, :i. In t:io city yestfiMay. i Tho AMortrtxik tvso hull nlno li i tht Astorlim for a k:ii'. to tiikc pluoe Sunday. Ros. Hlgfflns i Co. havo taken the atr-noy for the famous "ComvlUs" flour. Three carloads arrived heru f t thorn yeatervlay and they will t.-om now on furnish deaJors with the shuii at mill prloca In lots to ault. t.n(tineor Jamloson rvturneo etirt ly jcuKion to insiruci ine cvntractora to nur lr" the work. Th tunnel near Ityiitrs I jn' ll be f.njshod In atoit sixty J.v- I The offloe ot the Southern raciflc Railway Company will hereafter be ftunJ at tie Wells-Fargo Kxpresa of - . flee, Curtla Trenchar-l, opent, where tickets to all parts of the world can be had and all Information for travelers! obtained. Th (.ommittoo on tiro an.l water has '..., ,.,., ... ..... . ... - .,..... h' council to pay th- !!- asko.l for No. Is horsos arul apjNiratus. Mr. Mcdrou-or, : who was opiossl to paying that price, has yioldod to the w ishes of thi ma.orlty. The tior- have tvon repl.uv.1 in tho onsino houso. Contractor Wak.-nVM was In tho el'y yesterday and s-iid that ho ex.-i. ct- il to close the gap on the railroad lino 1h--tween Tongue Point and the Kaglo rsji-ru-ry by Jurw 2n or July 1. The work will have nothing but the h-st, ar, 1! , .. ,L ..... , , , 1 - 18 wl" vlslt tn V'9" tnl8 evening to administer the rite of conilrmafion. '"""""' ii"ini.-,i tn.. roiiowing suh Servlce at 7:30. Evening prayer and "mltt-: Kliuuice-K. C. linghes. F. confirmation at Holy Innocents, I'ppi-r-town, tomorrow (Friday) at 3:30 p. m. :nn, I nompson. The comml'tom will A number of prospectors returned yes- mt at the call of the chairmen, and tenlay from the Ijewis and Cowlitz rivers from th" "P'rll manlri-ftted nt tho m-eilng among them being Thos. P. Chrlatlensen, " m" snfely OMNiimed that the grout R. B. Rasmu3st-n, George tenders and Mt Fourth of July oel.-bratlon in th O. W. Webb. They report that there Is "'story of Astoria will be h. Id this viir. rich mineral In that country, but the ; trails are so rough that It Is Impossible Judge McBrld closed the present term to get It out at present. Th-y staked off of ,hfl circuit court yesterday. The most a number of claims. ; important decision rendered was In th. ; case of August Hllstrom vs. William Northern Pacific railroad trains leave Portland daily at 11 o'clock a. m. f r Tacoma, Spokane, and the East. CI e connection made at Spokane for Ross- land. Nelson. Sandow and British Co-: lumbla mining camps. For maps and . Information call on or address ; C. W. STONE, I Astoria, Or. i Miss Nellie Busey Is preparing to I open a Kmuerganen scnom at ner rest-1 linfA 93 r!ra.nrl ovmiiia Pat-Mi. .i.k. . , .. - .1..1 sA -.1..'.Ia . . I - uctu w tiuci uiktuu tuiu training for tnelr children would do . well to consult Miss Busey. Her terms : will be found entirely reasonable. rne namoier is me nit or me zvm j century. It has many Imitators, but no equal. There Is no reason why you shouldn't Jolm the throng and buy a Rambler. A wheel doesn't cost much in the end. Easy and convenient termn can be made. W. E. warren, agent, 549 Commercial street. At Grace church last nlgnt Jflshop ; Morris held Ascension day services, andim''"' ex-Sheriff Smith. The court held at the close confirmed a large class, tho 'that. " tho f system was Ii for.- at following being the members: Mrs. V.-'tlw t,m, the printing wtoi -lone, the er debrand, Nell Crosby, Mr. and Mrs. Hnr- i Hht-rlflf was rssnslble for the d bt. rlson Alien, Clifford Brown, Alice Has kell, Edith Ohler, Edward Lewis, Chas. Wright and J. S. Hltchen. A ir;r con gregation was present and the boy choir furnished the music. Ebenezer Murray was taken before Judge Gray In the county court yesterday and examined as to his "sanity, lie was pronouncerl Insane. The man comes from near Contralto, Wash. He seems to think he Is being followed and Is afraid he will be killed. Otherwise, he Is ipilte ratlon-il. , .u i.i .t .... , , . . The .authorities of tho Washington state Insane asylum. In which Murray was once confined, have been asked to take charge of Mlm. If they re.'us" he will be sent to Salem. Fancy Trtiek river Ttl!amiok cwm- ery butter, 3.V, at the PuWtlc tltwory icv. I Th ottloe if tho Uiniictur haa hoen re 1 moved from K! Commercial divot to it Dunne strvct. Captain Murtlii Foard I seriously thlnkliiit of fitting nit the Herman bark ; IVtriniiMW u hotel for annum r Wl jors to North livavh thin st.n. ; Monday evening sixteen from 'In- tv loldonl ami Pfwtiil How bowling teams ! mut im many from tho Mtrveis minora and Junior mil pl.-iy u grand match game t tho A I' C .il ll'VH. I tt was rvporlod J ). Ibws yester day dlscovoml a fly which he d"ctard ; weighed on iiml 11 half poinds, and II Is not tly lime, cither. Tho animal was to haw Kin hoxc.1 and fliii'r-'t l'at s it sivolmon of Orvgon's product. Illish grudo California bntndicM and wines for family, cooking, medicinal nml table purpose. "Piiv.ito Stork." "t'nsim Rye." "Old Hickory." "Pi-ido of K. n lucky" nml "lloruilt.iKo" whiskies In or Initial packages. lniMrtsl wines it tt .1 Ibiuor t reasonable piie-1. I'nrKon'n Family Lbjuor Store. I'VJ Twelfth stir, t. W. F. Scholbo, the popular ciK-tr man. ufaonutvr. la now etalIWt.-(l in IU ni'w Hvtartprn, 474 Commorclnl trtt, whfrt h hn. a full lino of ilomoatlo. K.y 't atul tinp-TtiHl clKars ant th-' twit of amoklitK tot'iii'iva ntul ainokiT ar tlcli. t"!lv him a call. A now rtvor nor t'o h-i t. fittiM tH-twi'1'n Astoria .m.l II lion, liu'lu.ll"r all Ini. r:n .11 i; Ttio flno Mtiimii-r "PlUtlm." ' ii In.iumi Inii'i. t'ro . I.h.lli.f ".lIMillll A. lfc ItraiiH. will in.'iko round irM 'Lilly. o.'rt Sunday. lfat-ii: P.tlnl. r itt o ' n. m.. ri'aolilntr Astoria at i ' . 1. in. IPC at ttio h'ourti'.nth slrt wharf, aid purtttu,' on hiT ri liirn at I S. I n nipt tlmo and tho lo.t son I o It lit d for ImiIi paasonKorK and frolsht. Tho llardntan piano mi.I i! :'io r ii il v lri.'s,la" aftt rn.Mu. furtiisti.-d !' tho vv,.y MUn W;M M ,,v(iir, coul,, ,v ., .,.,,, ,,, ,. ,, . Tw . ;v,.w intrt:moni o,o r.- olod day. and at tho arvMm lu Jrs.f , j,,w,.it n, .mim C. C. Mnnon tt to an Improniptu comvrt. tisin? ls:h plant'. !n 4lin'ts. which ilt llKht.d th. ir audi a-'v At t o'ol(H-k thw tnott'.lriK tl rv-ifrl. Z''',' xwol to l nam.Hl Kr.d :row-n. c II d for two t'cors In tho Muir solo-i. n. n oallod viHn to pay (or his or lo". h' ..!! ho had no nin v. T!u ! irti iul. r ho wax jokimr. tm not ,'.''ti:i t'i" monoy, threw tho l. r in hl ac . Th man want.-d to t!fc-h's ftI,j J ,-,; ,tl, I, hut whon hp m the ' r stop nrovinj ho ran nutsido m l Ho n klckod In a wind iw if th. man 1 housf. ii , ind put Imn OWir nrrotisl tho some doubt about that 1 h- fan- , v . . . , a:ns nr.- h.arl from Th- nii-n:ts rs of th.- I will eon test for, tho :ian !oi- Ml-, .-r ti phy i.ns. ntod by Mr ;... rs-.- I: i r; !. T?i.- K. nii. ha.s din o-.i-M thir if h: ii-r to vtv.- Interest In i. gt.r si.rt, fruit. l:.-nd and tit off. I!f S.IVM h'- tt-.irti will c, irti. an- at la.--Is i lit.- ,,ir- tli nt. st. l-.l.t'l At th- mass nii'- tir; last night to eon-bli-c.-l.-hrailoii, a l.irg.. r at i!u- ', r- h-'us--r a Koufiii or July Illltllh r ! fp s "ore pn -nt. M iyor Taylor . all -1 the ni.stliur to trdr. and aft- r sum.- ills u. Hlon. apilntod tho following commit-t-i of general urrungomont. with full power to apisiint suh-commlti. : ;ray, Messrs. Stockton, It.ed. I:, wh y. ( W. Fulton. It was d. to o- .-l,rab- mini juiy i no g.-nerai P. Kendall, George Hartley. Voenl mi sli Messrs. Short. Wyatt, Bark -r. '!rlf. P,',,'r""n- Th,H c"" M of int -rest to p.-r son,, who hilv'' l""'"'1"""'! horn, st-a. I tin.-, 1 ' Kn rraunui.-nt measure.-. Some y"u" ,uto "''rom d.-odod to P, t.rsn an ln"'r"Ht ,n h"' hom"M,"'' "-" on conoiium mat, wnen the latb-r madn final proof, rme-balf of It would be ,,.( -I 10 uiiHirom. I'cterson made final proof two years ago, but refu ie. t ) ful nil his agreement, on the kduii.1 thi.t it was contrary to law and could not he enforced. The suit was brough- to corn- pel Peterson to live up to ihe contract, - r - 1. . . .... , rom neia mat such an agreement .... ..... .. . iiecessariiy compeP,M perjury, as In making final firoof th; laws of th I'mted States provide that tho settler shall ti,k.. oath ini no aiono is interested In lha land. Judge McBrlde believed Peterson innoci - ni or an attempt at frnud. The demurrer was sustained and privilege to mo an ami-nowi complaint extended. In the case of J. 8. Delllnger vs. Cl.ilsop county, the demurrer was sustained n,l tho plaintiff allowe. till June 1 to f) .... .,.,.: . uuuMaiiu. j-ne unit WRa brought to compel the county to pay fr I printing matter, valurvl at jrfl.'M, fur " -"nenn nmiin. rnc court was RACIER TO ASTORIA And Kcturn in One Day, Steamer Pilgrim, A. L. nnAZEE, Master. Will leavo Italnli-r dally, except. Sunday, at 6:30 a. m., touching at La Uu. Mav- i K' ri- htella, Oak Point, hnifl.. lifr, i Catlilarnet, Skamokawa, Brook!lld, I'll- i, Uo,.k ol,i(.r arriving i nth street wharf, Astoria, at 10:.Vi a. m Leave Astoria at 1:30 p. m., calling at way landings on return. Fast time and satisfactory service guaranteed. New This Week Alen's Bicycle Suits, Men's Golf and Bicycle Hosiery, Alen's Summer Dent's English Kid Gloves-all sizes, Ladies Separate Skirts, Ladies' Shirt Waists, SOc upwards, Ladies'and Gents' leather and web belts. Ladies' Summer Hosiery and Underwear. C. H. Cooper's, Tlie LwCtulltiK Dry GoocIh mid Clotliitiy; iMcrclmnt of AHtorln. MEN ANl TEAMS WANTED.'rwn are wanted, by day or sta tion work, on th1 Astoria & Columbia river rallf-ad. Apply to II H. Schwntltn. Kiuippn. or It.ttii.-r. r, n. Tonu s must apply at K.inler only. IB inkyman, dkiiaut a m.v.s. 1 1 FOR SALE. ! It SALE A J. S. Mun ly Imprned frii-tlon drum hoisting engine. Slxo of boiler, 7x:"i fft; cylinder, 7xU' Inches A llt-Ht-cliuw engine, altuoot us gd a now. AddnwM "A," Astorlan olllce. --.. . ; .... - - - MEN WANTED. r, Railroad hands wanted for Immediate work on truck. Apply at room 4. Flavel block. A. & C. R. R. R. I FOR RCNT. I FOR RENT Furnished rooms, en j j suite or single, by the day or month.1 Hotel Tlghe, und.-r entire new manage-1 mont. Gntit reduction In rates. Mrs. I (1. V. Porter, manager. Ct. Eleventh I and Franklin. FOR RENT Several well furnished, nxmis for gentlemen cheap nt rormT of and Seventh streets. No. VA S-vcnth. I FOR RENT The store now occupied by the California restaurant, 571 Com mercial stwt. J. H. M.insell. ' . I ' FOUND. KOI'ND om-hiilf net an.l lines, plckcil up at buoy No. 12. Owner can have same I on proving ownera-np ani (iiiyuiK no ex- i penses anl salvag. Apply at Elmore's 1 canrwiry; I FOUND Adrift, near Tongue Point, a Columbia river fishing boot, painted gray outside and yellow Inside. Owner can have same by applying to John Smith, on Lower ttnag island, proving property and paying chaws. f hete tmv CPUle jrp ineriorl 4l to Balsam of Copaina, uiioeni or imecnon3 ano.'itti CURE IN 48 H0UHi the tame diseases with- KizLA ouf nconvemenre. Warrenton Is Columbia Harbor Land Co. CORNER... BOND and ELEVENTH STS. Maw on application. , IV ! Underwear - all weights, PROFESSIONAL CAUDA II. A. SMITH. DENTIST. Itwims 1 and 3, Pythian Building ovi c. II. Cooper's slur. Dll. (. P.. K8TEB. PHVHH'IAN AND SfRITEHN. Hlioolal atlnntlon 10 dlaeoaea of wom.ri nd surgery. imc over !ar:s'g''i- .torn Astoria. Telephono No. U. Mil JAV Tl TTLK. PHYSICIAN AND Ht'KfiEON Olllce. rooms 6 and t. Pvthlan bull,!. 631S t'oniinrrrlal t, Ib-sldpnc. samn Telephone 94. Acting assistant surgeon IT. 8. rtn" '"'"Idtal service, " - - Ma- " T. CltOHIIT. ATTOItNET-AT-LAW. tn CummarclaJ street Q. A. IIOWLRT. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office on Ilond street. Astoria. Or. JOHN T. LIGHTER, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Office, upstairs, Astorlan Building. C. C. HIIOWER, ATTORNEY AT LAW Gumlorson Building, Astoria, Oregon j rj0ph Richard Nlx.a Chester V. Dolph. DOLPH. NIXON A DOLPH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Portland, Oregon, 14. 2S, W and 17, Hamilton Building. All legal and col lection bualn-as promptly attended to. Claims against the government ipe jlalty. SOCIETY MEETINGS. TEMPLE LODGE NO. 7, A F. and A M. Regular communications held on the first and third Tu.sday evening or each month. O. W. LOUNSBERRY. W. M. E. C. HOLDEN, Secretary. A. fu ll alii ' llM llfMiari If the Best... THE CENTER OF DEVELOPMENT ON THE WEST SIDE Everybody knows that Warrenton values will soon fee doubled. It is distinctly the best property on the market. Fine large level lots, surrounded by many Improvements., at very low prices. Is it not a fine investment? If llv,rJ la Any Part lit lha Cll. MOCII cV ULLIiTTI'., AKtw IKIt lloml Wtreete. Tidpliimp w. J. 13. WYATT, Phan. Is. Aalafla, Ort Marti wore, Ship Chnndlery, (roccrlci, Provlnloimv PAINTH nml OII.M. Sptcial Atttntlna Psla I. luppllnf tklpa l7 idu) Fisfyer Brothers, Lubricating OILS A Specialty. ! Sell ASTOMIs lllij) CllAlltlliTy, 1 la rd w a re. Iron St'F, Coal, ( irocprifs rroviMiunn, Flours Mill I'tt...!. PainlH, ( i 1 h , Vuriii-'iiPH, lalJJJJITH Stipplit, Kairliank'ti a! Iourx Witulow Atit ulturiil Itnp't iiit'iit U';ioim tt Vi'liicli i. Japanese Goods Oriciitfil CurioM N)veltlcH WING LEE. 543 Commercial St. 44The Louvre" .".TOrtU S CORl.roi!i HNTI ; RTA I N M I :NT MALL a ri.ooits riuo Mualc. iaiHa uf All Kindt. Two Maiuinranl Kara. fvrimnixi; riRHr-citns Coed Order and Everybody's Rights NTKUTI.V t)HKKVKI. .SNAP A KODAK t muj man cuiiiliif mil ol mil (tor. and )ou'll net a Portrait of man btlmmlu over wain piea.aiit ttioiiichts. Murh iimill)f In Hi" Ihpion we ti.e lo offer sro enough 'v plrato sor uian. COMK AMI THY T1IKM MUCH ins ? CO. C. P. KJAERBYE, M.A..M.D. PHYSICIAN AND Sl'BGEON. Oradtiitioil from Coimnhngrpj t'nlvars. slty. I'lamans of women a Sn-c!nJty. N, Commvri-Ul strost, Hhanaliaas building. Hours, 10 itn 13 n, tn , 2 to 4 and T lo P. nu A. V. ALLKN, DfALU IN Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Fruit. Veietablf. Crockery, Glass and Plated" Ware. Loggers' Supplies. Cor. Tantk and Commercial stfaeto- Emil Schacht ARGHITECT Rooms ,v 7-J 1 8 Portland Saving Bank Bldg. Portland, Oregon.. SEASIDE SAVPiL A complete stock of lumber on hand In the rough or dressed. Flooring, rug tic, celling and all kinds of finish; mold ings and shingles. Terms reasonable . and prices at bedrock. All orders promptly attended to. Office and yard at mill. 11 F L LOGAN. Beaalde, Oregon. Proprietor. ASTOfllfl PUBLIC hWW READING ROOM FR1 TO AUa. Open every day from I almk (a l ia and l:M to t:M p. to. BUDcortptlon rata M per annum. B.W. COR. ELEVENTH DUANI WT. f Gambrinus Bottled Beer.