The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 27, 1897, Image 2

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Telephone No. M.
, i DA7LT.
Bent by trudl, par yvar JS.OO
Bent by mail, per month 60
Served by carrier, per month 45
Bent by mall, per year $2 in advance.
Postage free to subscribers.
All communications Intended for publi
cation should b directed to the editor,
fiuslnesa communications of all kinds
and remittances must be addressed to
The Astorlan.
The Astorlan guarantee to its sub
scribers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising rate oan be had on appli
cation to the business manager.
The Weekly Astorlan, the second old
est weekly In the state of Oregon, has.
eit to the Portland Oregonian. the
largest weekly circulation In the state.
John F. Handley & Co. M-e our Port
land agents, and copies of the Astorlan
can be had every morning at their
band. 124 Third, street.
The result of the Tirw-Gremn war
(s a final and decisive victory for
bloomers and pajaanas over pe;tloata
The panic w4th whi the Greek gath
ered up his skirts and fled before the
onward march of (tapping Moslem
btoumers settled the wxej question of
the invincibility of that costume for
ever. Each day teaches the American peo
ple a fresh lesson on the Importance
of Arbor Day and timber culture.
Down in Texas week before las six
men were hung from a single bough,
e .v. i i i . . . . ..
iiouHiu are alarming inuci-
Uoms of the depletion of timber. Texas
riimwhu. . rt..vft.,Hi., aia t 4 ...1.
f va.-av M vC VMa
ture and the demand is constantly
said that all Che poetry and
glory has departed from the
v.. jtrwt en .tw f.k.
army for the young Americans
Joined It
, . . . ...... .
valted and ambitious notKws. For some
..... .
ine w misgmojeu entnussasts nave
beea Importuning the Cuban Junta tn wlu his llver Inactive and his blood Im-
I pure he ker his nerves and his body
mis courtry. through the Influence of under a constant nervous strain. He will
relatives and otherwise, to prevail on ! nt be hearty when he Is old. The "Gold-
j en Medical Discovery" cures many so
General Garcia to grant them fur- called diseases because nearly all illness
loughs. And now, naked, starving and I pr1n" from the me thing-bad dlges
' ' I Hon snd consequent Impure blood. The
sk. they are reeonttrsj 'to every possi- ! "Discovery" makes the apperlt? good,
hi k,.i. .u , ! the digestion strong, assimilation easy,
bks maneuver to obtain, under the plea and blood ricl, pure
f their American oitlsenshlp, a share j
of the relief recently voted for their ! A !arsr b,aok nat is a Possession al-
oounnrymen In Cuba. The possi t V.Uy
of the escape from the island of many
of these convtrWts te the only ob-
Jectionable feature which Spain sees In
the Cuban relief appropriation of our
oongret-and not unnaturally. The
. . , .
pomp and droimatance of war are apt
to appeal so young American, who ; preparation.
have never experienced any of its hor- :
rars and vicissitudes. It only takes a I
IlMle esperlence to convince them that i Cour7:r' life fiVy day gaining in
A. , I at raoti vefiees.
there to no glory comparable to the re-
eplendent glory of peace, and that war j sick headache caTbT quickly and com
at the best is only excusable In de- ' pletely overcome by using those famous
fenee of humaa liberty and home. I ,;tt'e pills knov n as "De Witt's Little
. ! Early P.lsers." Charles Rogers.
The members of Engine Company No. !
1 have a perfect right to retire from
active service if they see fit, and by
some considerable, stretch of Imasuia- i
tlon it may be also cox'dled that Cey !
have a right to sell the horses and par- ,
aphernalia wrtch were presentel them '
by popular subscripti.n t be usd in 1
trusi; for the protc-t'on t the city 1
against fire. But when a;i of this i ,
said, it is yet a fju -sti -n .f th- irravest !
public propriety whether the pie nt j
depleted city trea-ury fRitht to b
mae to pay any ni ne thaT the tea- !
sonable value of that pr-ji-rty. r;.oJ :
iiorsts are ju.-.t now a dru on the mar- '
kot, and Ju:t as govl animals a.H th.s.
clHiirw-d by the di-gruntb-d and fIrtr. !
tiou.s in'-nibvrs of Company 1 tin l-e i
purchased for icie-holf the prico Oe- ;
iiicLnutu 10.- incm. The fa t !s. it
high time that Astoria : a-s d to i,f-r-mit
its lire department to h- a sxl:,l,
pfrfitical and athlnk- organise -.i-m. and
the costly apjrfiratus w !i: h ha." from
tlnit- 10 time lx-n provided o Jt of pub
lic funds 1 0 be used as a plaything by a
lot of immature youths and boyish
n)-n. X A moliT.-i v.llage a. .y w:i-re in
tlie '-..ur.'try n jv d..-pri'lH cr, the old and
very uaiatiyfactorj' volunteer system,
with its J.-alouies and lack of disci
pline, for protection from the scourge
of tire, and it is high time that Astoria
abandoned that kind of old relic for a
new and up-to-date paid department
If the Greeks of today aj-e the de
scendants of the herofig of Thcrmopy.
lae and Maraithon, says an exchange,
they are most assuredly degenerate
sons. Leonidas and Themlstocles would
not own .them. But It is nt likely
(hat the blood of fine ancient Hellenic
race runs in their veins. They are
not Hellenes at all, but a mixed race,
formed from the various coruu--ilng
naUuti tliat at one Ume or another
overran the oountry. The sunny isles
of Greece since the days of Demosthe
nes have been under the dominion of
the Macedonians, Romans, Goths, V'e-
nnrtians and the Moslwma, and If the
ancient 11M has at all survived It
is so diluted as to be beyond rooognt
tlon. It has bon said that the sur
vival of the Ungtingv Is a iroof that
the race mirMw nut that is not o
clour. The Isiigiingv may have out
llvl thf race browns of its own splen
did and enduring qurtlHii. Put for
ontt1 U v-ntiuM In Its' own land
as a p.vtols among the ppoplo. Greek
liti-rnture was not preserved by iw
ilnvks, hut l-v the Western natdms.
in I lmd i! ii' "t thus preserved thi
'.tviigirngv itself might not have sur
ivol. It K only sl:i,v Urvok independ
ent, that is. si ;w iv'i. that the mod
ern iltvk t-ncuo as a standard or
literary l:!igtnig has been glv.M
form. TV.. iiueslun of the descent of
the present rtrw-ks tins nlwavs been
an itvteivstlni: one, mid perhaps it has
n t yet bo-m settled beyon.l cintr---versy.
'u:t "e do not like to believe
lha; Uk m'tisn'U at l-arlssa belong
to the her'.c Hellenes who mad
ilreive the most renowned of nattna.
It is possible to do this even In re
gions of country where miasma is nviat
rife, and where the periodic fever
which it causes assume their most for
midable types. The immense popular
ity of Hestetter's Sloniaeli Litters is
very largely attributable to the fsct
fact of its etftcacy as a remedy for chills
and fever, bilious remittent, and aa a
preventive of the various forms of ma
larial disease. In those portions of the
West atl South where complaints of
this nature prevail, and in the tropica.
It is particularly esteemed for the pro.
tectlve influence which it exerts; and It
has been very widely adopted a a
substitute for the dangerous and com
paratively Inefficient alkaloid, sulpnate
of quinine. Physlciane have not been
among the last to concede its merits,
and the emphatic professional indorse
ments which It has received have aM,-d
to the reputation it has obtained a:
jhome and abroad.
Buttermilk as now oalkM for at the
i soua water riumer.
TVhy U It that one man is oil and de
crvpid at i. anil .mother hale and hearty
at N' It depends on th care he takes
i nf himself. Often a man's bodv sets
l0Jt of retxiir-th trouble grows until It
lays mm out in wu. n nenevrr n mun
; feels that he is not as well as he omrht
: to 1. whenever he Is listless, without
energy and without vitality, whenever he
j his onlinary work gives him undue fa
I ttsue. he needs Pr. Pierce's Golden Med
t(.al Diseover-. If he ktepa on working
j Pujmonary ",,0,,. ln lu
stages, may be checked by the use of
i Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It stops the
I distressing cough, soothes Irritation of
' tlV? lhrat and lunss' ani lnauM murh-
, needed rep-?- Hundreds have testl-
' r , . ...
Ex-Empress Eu-nle soan starts on a
tour to Constantinople and the Black Sea
That is what Edwards Parker, mer.
chants of Plalr.s. Ga.. say of Cham! er
lain's Pain liaim, for rheumatism, lame
back, 4e-p st-ated and muscular pair.
.Sold by E-stes-conn Drug Co.
And nv.v the ung woman having
rouh!" with ii- r -.h'.e tl-s Is again In
v id-n e.
rible accident to be burned or scalded;
hut the anl aony and frlgh'fu!
dif.iir-m-nts can b quickly overcome
without living a scar by ujlng !
Witt's W't::i Hazel Salve. Charlas
That's the whole secret In
word. We can cure no disuse
unless we can keep up the pa-
tient's strength. And there'
only one way to do that feed
him. But if the system refuses
food? Then use SCOTT'S
EMULSION of Cod-liver Oil
with Hypophosphites. - It o
stops the wasting, rekindles
the vital fire, makes new flesh
and so renders a hopeful fig-ht
possible against ANY disease.
Especially is this so in bron
chial and lung troubles, in the
relief and cure of which Scott's
Emulsion has won its reputa
tion. Book about it free.
Scott's Emulsion is no mysterious
mixture. It is palatable, non -nauseating
and infinitely preferable to the
plain oil. The genuine has our trade
mark on salnion-colorei wrapper. Get
the genuine.
For safc at 0 eta. and $IJ00 by all
SCOTT & BOWNE, Wear York.
The Perfect Pill
Ferfeot in preparation.
Perfect iu operation.
Ayer's Cathartic Fills .
Perfect post-prandial pill.
Petfcct for all purposes,
Not only piles of the very worst kind
c.ui be cured by PoWltt'g Wlton ll.iv.ei
S.ilvc, but enema, scalds, burns, bruis
is bolls, ulcers and all other Kl i
trouble own be Inotatttly rvll.-ved by
Che same remedy. Charles IJogers.
London has lO.iHHi union compositor
i. -
I lie
IVm't neglect a cough biH-ause
weather Is pleiUKUtt; tn'foj-e the next
storm rolls around It may dee!-p Into,
..... , w . ,..,. ...
.Minnie U'lipn v lire is i .wy i, uiiw
and will do hat
Charles ltiger.
its name linpliei
Jaian makes paper underclothing.
It Is rtunate day for a man w hen he
lrt discover? ttie value of Ayer's Sar-
iuiprtlU as a blood-purltlcr. With this
nu-dicine. he kmws he has found a rein-
edy uixn w lJch he may rely, an I that:,,v fn,.mi ,,f Knu-.cisoi In revenge
hks life-long malady Is alast comiiited
Has cured others, will cure you.
Salton Sea S.tlt for baths at
th KstCrnilll IlfllS? Stor
1tl. an J 4r, tins nmLnri.
nii mvv i? i
The trolley jwuHy I the up-t - i.ite
gruitdiihlld of the straw tide:
Chicago cigarette license Is JIM.
There is nothing that causes omen
greater discomfort and misery than the
constantly recurring Headache. Men
suffer less with Headache. "My wife's
health was very Indifferent, having
Headache continually, and just two
packages, of Simmons Liver Regulator
released her from all Headache and gave
tone and vigor to her whole sys;e:n. 1
have never regretted Its use." M. R
DePord. Mt. Vernon. Ky.
America has 1.000.000 trump.
Don't thin your blood with sassafras
or poison It with blue-mass; but nid
Nature by using De Witt's Little Early
Risers, the famous little pills fir con
stipation, biliousness and stoma -h and
liver troubles. They are purely veget
able. Charles Rogers.
It sevms aa though real spring win
ther had actually arrived.
The Weatfleld tlnd.) News prints the,
following in regard to an old resident
of that place: "Frank McAvoy, for
many years ln the employ of the L..
N. A. C. Ry. here, says: 'I have used
Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Di
arrhoea Remedy for ten years or longer
-am never without It ln my family.
I consider it the best remedy of the
kind manufactured. I take pleasure In
recommending It It !s a specific f r
all bowel complaints. For sale by Es-tes-Conn
Drug Co.
The French poodle npan to be
fashion's special r-ardne favorite.
TISM. From the Falrhaven (N. T ) Regls-er.
Mr. James Rowland, of this village,
states that for twenty-five years his
wife has been a sufferer from rheuma
tism. A few nights ago she was In tuch
pain that she was nearly crazy. Rhe
sent Mr. Rowland for the doctor, but
he had read of Chamberlain's Pain
Balm and instead of gilng for the phy
sician he went to the store and secured
a bottle of It. His wife did not approve
of Mr. Rowland's purchase at first, but
nevertheless applied the Balm thor
oughly and In m hour's time was able
to go to sleep. She now appll-a It when
ever she fe-U an ache or a pain and
finds that it always gives relief. He
says that no medicine which she had
us-d ever did h-r as much good. The
:ti and 50 cent sizes fOf sale by Estes-
Conn Drug Co.
Tn- Jangling chatelaine y no longer
oni.T..d Kood form.
Tu tin-
As a rule so-called common s- nse Jy
irr reality uniomrnon.
Guitar and banjo attachments can
now be placed on any piano.
V'. B. Johnson, Newark, ')., t,ayn
"One Minute ('ugh f'ure savd my or.lyj
cnii'l rrorn 'lying by croup." It ha
ave-l thousands of others suffering from
croup, pneumonia, bronchitis, and other
serious throat and lung troubles
Charles Rogers.
There are no rn-wsboys ln Merlin.
For the construetlon of a newer on See
ond street, In Mcfluri-'s A-itorla.
" nei'oy Kiven tnal the afsi-K-
mcnt roll containing the cp,(;, i,w.H.
mcnt for the construetlon of a newer on
Second street, in McClnr.-'s Astoria, h.m
oeen iim-i in me omce or the amlltor and
police Juilice, and Is now open lor in-peo
tlon, and will so remain open until ih-
4th f Jun, Wil, prior to which tirn.. a'T
objections to such assessment roll mut
p. filed In writing with the auditor and
police Judge.
The committee on streets and pubip.
w-ays. together with the board of hh-.'-s-ors
of the city of Astoria, will m-et I,,
the coumll ihaniUrs ln the cliy hall. In
th city of Astoria, on Friday, June I.
W.H, at the hour of 2 o'cloek p. m , lo
review nnd equalize such assessment ami
tie re.ifi. r report tli.-lr actions to the
common council.
liy order of the common council.
Attest: H. K. NKI.HO.X.
Auditor and Police Judge.
Astoria, Or., May 25. VST.
A ride in the open cars Is a cheap sub
stitute for one ln a hansom tab.
New Orleans Mivy Have lo It. sort to
l,-ieliing Again.
New, Orleans, May St!. Italian batred
and revenge Is renlbli fv another
murder In this city, the latest victim
of oold-llKHled brutality Ix'lng I'rca
Into dl l.h'lle. a basket makor. who n
week or so g iHMwewa'il a wif and
thti chlllr-n, A friend,, an Italian,
riuncltHM OiseuleiM, sometime nuo tor
whI several hundred doilr from
I"! I.ielle a-i.l worked 111 mi) Hit' the
Kol giaivs f the lM-ki't maker who
adm.ttiM him to the lotii of fain
ilv an I accortled hlin a'l t'le h.wi-ltality
lie thoilgiX the liillniilcj di'inatided.
1 at wl IM l.lelle npp. nr.' I ! f 'r
tile fvotxlei-s' lOint and in. lie a;llla
j!t amiinst Kraiielsco. elmrKluv h in
jwl'.h :he Hbdiietl-ii of his 'lir,-.' eluld
land claliiilng that lus ftietul had
ie'.-ipisl with his wif, and hid aN. Ink 'ti
III:',- liMMklMjr no hi !l Mlie
'lle said Pi a him" had t ilu'ii lilt wife
to New ork. wjietvuion a enaie
V V- ...L ..Lii... ih.i nrr !
"f the party The erniiK ones weie
i !i.t Anual i New erk. Ihiily 11
t foi;l lt New York. I hilly
l.le'le iipea'. at the n-iitia! s atloti
lu tins city asking for new of bU I t
ones, but no news was tii-n him.
Yesteivlay tlie b.sly of a man was
e eii. lit the Her A crushed skull,
a rope tlel atx-ut the mvk and a grind
stone attached th.-ivto mdlratel uiiir
der. 1'hvi inv.-sdnalion It was found
ihttt the man was 1! Llelle and the
m.llvMitlons i-4tit t" a crime comniltte.1
for fancied or nil! slights upon the
name and fame of this Individual. It
Is thouxlit In view of the f.iet that Pi
Liw:e was s.-n uii m- mrr fnt
' dtinng the day an I Ills NhIv was dl-
i covered N f..r' nltfht tlmt
he was til- on toarl a liuit'-r. imirderi',1
and his body cast Into the water by
the levee. It has also transpired that
Krar.clsco atvl the f.innlv did nt go
to New York, but are In N- url.-on
.ind the prsumptliii lmse.1 Uvn cer
tain facts In Hwssslon of the v.llee la
truit IU Llelle was d.s-oyl on the
lugger In hop of ss-in,r his ihlldivn
and thi-r put to death
A I KOSl'KlTi 'U S H AKI'SllirS.
Thr-e ami Hm'-haK I'ays In the
Without KkI
I . r:
San Plec". May ;ii K Pi.-trlck. a
desert ppp.H t r. has arriv.d .it It. in
ner la this i u:ty ulm: Iti.-a ie fnm
having ten without foo.1 for thre-- ar 1
a half day. Krom the Htory which he
tells n Is unit" w.t.U- that two men
who were with him on the d'scrt are
now deu.1. Ifctrick and Kerr-ns had
ben pmsi-ecting for a -'ar. At Plena
co they up an old Arti' na pros
r nam si .lm!rrii. TV- thrvs
men arrive,) at Saltoti -n the l.'th
insit. From there they -t .-ut for the
S-'in Jacinto nioutittiinis Ijis' Thuis-
lay tletrick wen: on ahead of his
"""n-anion. but they failed to follw.
tie went oacK aiMl round their trail,
which led out on the d,-ert toward
Yuma. He followed the trail fir 30
miles, and Uwn turning back maile his
way nwirly to Hanrr. A searching
tmrty win go out fnn here.
a novel exhibit.
Ames of a Ie. Woman Are Kvld'TC
tn a San Frnm lno r.nir'..
I San Franrlsoi. May JS An lite.-.f
lug and novel f.-tur- th- c tti
i over the will of Millionaire Lav. n"W
in trial Is he fml thnt thv nshi- of
the willow of th- test.Unr. i-:n I e 1 n
a neat little motaJllc th a cireu
lar Hd or rover were .lder- In. hitv
been lntrluiil ln evidence ajul during
the senlons nf the court th- b X m'ril
pis a mnsplcuous 'itlm en the
desk near the wienM.-. Aft.r iid-
Journnient the lx is tak.-n u
ay w-li.'i I
a lot of the exhibits In th.- me The
box was mude twli- tin- usual nil-. It
having len rhe luiei.Ui.n of Pavls
that his ah'S hould nlsr, b. pin, ed in
the receptai'le nnd mingle with this-1
of his hclpmeut In life. But owing t
the scramble over th- .-! t.- i.f the
deceased, his wH'n-a in thin r-p- t
have not yet been rarrW-d out.
Family's Narrow K. - Kr in rha
Kffects of Adul''d l'n ,
San Francisco, May &. Th
.vi r-
threv children of It. Ileum nil
pui-toriej lat iiii,'ht by eatinir fi- con
tents of a can of raspberry J' i!v on
aft.-r eating th- stuff they u r- ,ver-
'me With the most VI .'.! inmi,.
Mr. ie,m,i wh ,,,, i !
h-aith, fairit.-d with the ,,aln. but the j
cries of th" hil'ln-n .Vnn 'l n.ljh nnd brouirht a"1 - tare-.., li.M-tor
Tu. h.T was called and poll. I th- familv
I M ,
I out of danger.
j "The raspberry j- 11 that wa- lx,u,'ht
at a Thlrd-Hir- et kp c-ry," he cald,
"was such vi!- sturT that th
mother rvir th- chlldr.-n .u . t i,-iam It.
To this fact alone they t,(.r
capo. Had they u:en able to mi more
"f the ituff th- p-xuit. n,;eht have
be-n fatal."
Gra-M's Pom, Or., May 21; Th- Iosm
1 .. ... I.. !- .-. . .
. n l:iis inoiuiriKS lire ar- hi fdrcv:
j Independen.: (irjer of 'hPI Fellows,
j building and llxtures, J.'I.Vmi: total loss.
iiisuraiye, ivm. Terr-ll k Son, furiil
ture stock, XUM. almost a to'ul los;
Innurancff, X'Wt. Jewell ft lodge,
farming Implctwtits, MW, partial Fws;
limuranc, wm. J. T. I.ayton, frame
buildlriKS, total Iohh, brick buildings
damagi-l, t.VK; Insurance, ,-ity
fiali, Ill.Wi, damage S.'jwi; limurance,
'Vm. V. J. Rogers, bicycles, partial
los, IU5; no Insurance.
The fire started nt 2 o'cbick this tm rn
Ing from the rear of th" furniture
store. The effective work of the fire
department saved other more valuable
property. The fire l, leVe,i to be of
Incendiary origin.
Kan Francisco, May 2. In the flrat
event toriigtit of lu- fistic carnival at
Woodward's gardens, uiider the auspi
ces of the National Club, Ityan, of Cin
cinnati, was given the decision over El
mer, of San lA-go, In the tenth round.
Jc..'1'Uihle lVopardlion Tor As
slmilat itn: hxxl aiulltcC 11U
lliif? Itic i .nutda mul 1 Vnvm of
Pronioli's l)ikloslion,Cli'crfiil
ncss nnd lVst.Contalnn nclttrr
(.))umT.Moritiiic wr Muicxal.
Not N ah c otic.
Mi SmJ'
fl lY n IS UU
llan i ftmnm
Apcrfrctllonu'dy forforvttiM
tlon. Sour Slonwich.Dian tkioa.
Worms .Convulsions iVu-ri sh
ncss and Loss of Sleei '.
Tac Simile Sitfiwilur of
,iaikf' 1 j l.j
ikact copy or vbapch.
Jtim-mtil. I alntll
i ( u w iiftrrja.,
bcforc mo Arrcn
ri'llDrW irfncthn t.. rrt.ram&Jl
. ... . t
I'HtMlmrg. May ;'6 I'mplre Hurst
was ln tne runeLi f a mob ufter the
gimw tlay, and wus saved from seri
ous Injury by th- Pittsburg players
running him Hit" the -lubhUHe. The
general aonriment after yetcrday's
K-ame was Hurst's favors gave the
inob-s l lie victory, and a repltition
today rapped the climax in the mind,
of the cfw. and atmiit m wall, I
around the clubhouse for the utiipirt
after the giune Hiirnt b,eaine Inc. us
ed and utrui k of the crowd,
was Immediately Juinpe-I on by
mob. Ten wiHs-nien were ralt-d
escort Ivlm to hi hotel.
Sums for ten, some for twenty
some for (hlrty years have suffered
f r"m I'Ue ,nn have been nulekly
and permanently cured by using Pe
wltt's Witch Haxel Salve, the great
remedy for plb- and all forms of kln
dleuw. Chiirle fbgers.
in m trr j.
s 1 r -a v
I Th
j now
' o.,r of i.iir.phor and tar balls'
mak'-s lio:ne r'"lo)-nt
Why ok older than you really are.
wh'-n Hall's Hair Itenewer will o m
pb tely 1. it.,re the natural color, us
In youth, to gray, faded or dl-ivih.r'd
w Wl-lifoot Com ('ill'.
cure no lmv. or sal t
tfiS-CoilIl I)niL' Sfon.
Turlsin eff
'Jan., a eoi ,11..
-ts r-
in fav.
mbll g the
r UKiiln.
Acocrdlng to the newspapers, an Ohio
huslrand became the happy father of
seven children not long ago. Of ths
.-vn all lived hut one. It Is to 1 hoped
he laid ln a supply of Chamberlain's
Cough Itemedy, the only sure cure for
croup. whooplngH-ough. colds and
coughs, and so Insured his children
agalmtt these diseases. For sale by Es-tes-Conn
Irug Co.
"They are dandies" said Thus. P.ow
ers, of the f'nxket. Texas, Fnterpi lse
while writing aliout DeWltl'sMltle Far.
ly Uirs, th famous HUle pills for idck
healache and disorders of the stomach
awl liver. f!harles lingers.
If you want good lumber and lowest
price figure with the Gobel Mills.
W. n. EDWARDS, agent.
SK5 Commercial street. Astoria
Inry MAN wbo w;
ouH know the GRAND
TRUTHS, the Plain
Facta, the Old fsKrataanil
the Krw Ihacoveilea of
Medlral Vlmce a. applied
la Marritd Life, wha
would aVme f r part fob
Una sad avoid future plf
iaila, ahouid wrils fur our
wondarful tittle book,
called "Cnmulete Man.
hoo4 sad How te Attain
It. Toanyearnnat man we wfll mall one copy
Entirely Free, In plain aeslea carer.
FR!F MFnifril M f.?"AqAiu.sT.
MUk alMflWUi VWlj
boiitjj: op
Clorl la pal CD Is cr.!n Mils Mir. It
is s i "1J la t'.k. Dou'i feisw aatass lo tall
jwt aoytl. ajt alia ra tba fl.a or prantM tlisl U
poa. era u.i jus ( u s o i u a-i a
TrilrfTrTitfM,'ir -v r T'faaaa
Tin. ttmki VrVfU
9 tn of ft UuiMfti)Tvw'b ih yak-ton. will tuH lr i-uiv tintol fell ttrts
Ui H k.Hinltii i MiiMliiuk, Nrrv.MM IsvimUn
wtik-b u mrhM'i ir-cH ttiHMntihirrrMiit
Ktl Uihorrrr4it( tmpnlanrf. U Tlhl.Nr riniiii Ulitc, lit
kutrtviaUHl tbvHrtiiarronrftnsul ftlibuiHinU
wk mgw
Hu VTt, Baa ITrftitctaro, AW
Comntfrrlai Hlrt
Tiruilns Pr.
raait'sTnllnw Ksrra
wondnflui ram ail I
i'lll this
n.nnlanl m sum til narTuua ilia-
lm . . UM hmih Pnamr. ilaq laiilia. Waa
Julncia Liat Maiilwwl, NliU Kmlliia, Nortouauaaa. oil drains
l,,asolparluonarUMOrnaol , sMeauaad l?''
U,.n,T.mthlularr.ra,sioraleuul totMW.s opium ' "m
which lead to turtrmlir, OmiimpUooor liuanltv. Can be rarrtcl o
t poetet. t par bos. fc by mU pr.ha.i.iwuiax r. . ... .
brail ilmsslaUL Ak for II, UkS Do otlwr. MaiiurMltirl by !
tXewtrWaneT Uuw.U Krug ColMlbulla
sasala TUld sad VamiiiU tu.. Poruaud. Ob
1 W CONN. AsanL AalorU
For sale cheap and on eay taenia,
four choice building lota In Met 'lure's
Astoria For particulars cull on Howell
Ward. 519 Bond street.
The pnrte.1 iMmiputloiir
la the luteal
i kink In eollTiira.
San Francisco
""..Astoria and Portland
Kareka. Cl. tin ! Coos I3iy.
Will MaUe Heirular Tri
Kvcry 14 Dny.
1'iuuieuger aud f reight at lUduoed
robKl.sNliToHIK KAhl. I
in-1 Mall fur Ks aiim,
hi'hlil'M. IVnlotlhl.
HmiMIi III" ll. Mnlle..IIO
Ah nh 111. 11 1 ie pla 1.1
iiilllM. H'.illl.'. VI lull 1,
Part TnwiiHeiiil, Miftii
Oiirx, S11 kaiie,
It. I,'.. Trail II. C: Nrl-
.oil, 11. r., K wao, Mk-
miiiIh, Hud e, Alifti'uliils,
II: A. M,
MiIi'iih, m. i'mii, m 11
: HO ' . .M,
1 lies (i Jn, K lll I III',
illliHIm, I olllli'M 1011II-,
SI. l"lll,Clil'Hgii,W H-h
button, New York, I'IiIIh
ad lihla,Hisitou, aim nil
polnta Ka.t and oiitli
riAYrltiiMliinoHiil,(linalm, Kamat City
nml -1. fiiiil.
I A YH to Ml wuii line ami ('lilragn..
DA Yd to wanhliiKtnn. i'liilailelpiiiH, New
York IkMiiMi. niil other KaM
ern polnta.
linggage clieckcd tlirou to destin
aliun of tickets.
For sleeping car reservations, tickets,
maps and full information, call on or
Aaa't fien'l I'aaa. Agent, Portland, Or,
asa Merrlaoii St., Cor Third.
Beaver Hill
Oilman Coal
...Try It
For Family or
Steam Purposes.
AgmiU, Astoria.
Nolle,. I hereby glvl that til iv I'mii.
iiiiui iNiiniell of th t'lty of Axloiln has
ilnlel'iniiiiil and ills' Iwrtdiy iletm nilnn
and lul Mul to Improve lloml slroet fiiint
l ho elsl ftlda of lltll slrei-t In the went
side of Will siivnt and Unit such lm
plMveilloll shnll , be inttdo by specliU
.'wnieiit iihii the lands mid prom.
Ifoa liel'elllHftol' ibuk'I'Hs'il mid dealg, in id w Moll ilia hereby deloriiilitml
a. id ib'.liuvd to le belled li'd by such
That the lujida and piviulsm upon
which -Wal a. Willi IK shall be
levies! to defray tlie 0U and ri.ii,
of s'l.-li liiipi'vemeiil nto us follows,
lo-wtt: lNiiiliincltig at the north not
corner of lot t, block t.. us laid out an I
i -,iil-1 by Jolm Mot'luixv riuuilng
them aolilhfH'ly Jlong the w.t IhiiuhI.
nry if anlil lot I ,o (lie outbwnit cor.
nv llieiwf; theiMv wmierty along tint
n'lili-r of bliN ka KU and '.'! to the attutli
ram coiner of lot I, block Si, thence
northerly along the wn Una of I'th atiet
t t.'io iioi Unnt ivrner of lot 6. block
9, tln4ic0 ejtl)' ul'Kig the center of
bliH-k !i! and '!, to the le.rllinest
iifirr if lot 14, bl'K k 1C'; IIikiuv .nlth.
erly lo (lm place of lntniilnK mid iimi.
tuIlM lots I, .'. 1 and . Ilck It I,
!, 1 and 4. block .'.. lots 1, , 7 and ,
I biN-k oil and lots i. . and n, bba k l
all of Mi l 'lure's Aatotin, as subject to
aiioli liiiproveiixit
Tliat mnli linprovnmiit shall iinlat
In removing all old plank, atrlimera ami
catw, piling or (a and dilvlng imw
piling or M-tllug new xet over Iho en
tile Imirtd lwinf and plnelug cat
and Hi iK"r up-m micli pile. ,,r pts
i.tut planking alld tn-t throughout the
full width tlu'reof with Dr planks l--I'Vitw
sklewalk. the planks to w (
laid gmln e.lge up and drew-d siirfai1).
Sldnwalks to 'ie II f-t lvt'l bet onii
I ntt, oiul llih stm-ts and K feet wide
helnr-u th uwl 10th iilreot . and Die
street lo he Improved to tile eniahliahnd
grade, and lu all matter of d.-tall the
Improveiiieiit khnll be aixurd.tig to the
I piano aJid - to i pr wirrd
for Uln aaine and In a.torllaii with
trdlniii-e No. I't. Mating to the lm
provellltMlt of tret.
I'jtiltimtf of ttis einM of such tin.
pmveiiHtit and plan and Wrt.u. .n
of rhe locnllty to tw Improvnl will le
on nie In the ortiee of the Aittllor and
ISilliv Judge for public eJnUialion.
Tluit at tli next n'gulur in-tliiu of
the (mimon I'.Minctl. aftnr tlm final
ptibllcatl'Ki of tbl ix.tliH-. to-wlt (n
Friday, May 31, P'T. the eoid Coinmon
t'oumil will "iii'i'W any objoctlotia
to audi litiproveinntit llng made, and
t a rviiaMwiancr, slgne,! by Ow iwra of
. , .. ..
one IwUf of the property In the alve
diworll-'d dlti1ct. r fllrsl agnltwt iwh
llllpnvr.iintit In tlie orMiV of tbn
Auditor aixl ISdlco Judge l-f,.re said
Jlat day of May, Pll?, tto am h wotk Or
Impcotineiit will Ik. mad rt'pt by
the ottcumunw of lw-.MilSla of all
tlw mml"-ni of Om t'omiiKgi t'ouncil
And unle such reinuiuitraiiae be
filed, tile tVmuion Council Will order
sold Improvement to le made.
By onler of the Ommoo
Attwt. II. E. NELHi'N.
AUd'tor arl llillr Judfoi
AUiria. Or., May 1 H,
turf IlI.OwU l utHOM tntiftnii(if
r)iu rrMiui irk uuUt m iurc
if If ytu irfr lo f tin her i willow
j fury, luUiit tMlMlb ftittt mill ho ariit mu4
mm; Mucuui l'th lit nnjut-i. Hur ? tiruat,
'litiil( 4 iiirr 4'tiort Hhi, l lrrr mi
inr iilo( il.u-ir. littrnf Krliri fa II In r
. tfuk. u l litis hriutUr lil.(Mli l'0UitV
! urotiocur U4iriittimioUiU
. ut ft nil rhlliiiir Iho wtirlii lor
t n.i vfiniiot rnre Tit tli hi '
KKMKllY civ
1 alaauuis leiuulo. CU1CAUU. tUa
rr ... n a un aimioes
"t,! f. t ll,,i,rtl,iM,
1 I urt'l ' la.1. Ha. rmalKirku-a,
lb..,e V Hlnl.'a. til.aalurai di
liwuiM' l4li;na. r aat lnSiitaia
. .ie. --- 11. iij, Irritaliei, ut ui.aia
"ililltl C"l - fi. UralHw. N..i. .lrluhl
JTTj lel ly Itraaslata,
71 "r ainl In blain wrapiwr.
i t-r miirvM co-paiil, fur
m i". mi 3 I-.111.4, ti n.
1'ifi uUr ani uq ri-iaaai
Cedar Shingles
Via Spokane and St. Paal
Via Ogden, Denver and
Omaha or St. Paal
Pullman and Tourist Sleepers
Free Reclining: Chair Cars
Astoria to San Francisco.
8Uite of Col., Monday, Mayii.
Columbia, Hatunlny, May 8.
HUMe of cm., Thursday, May 13.
Columbia, Tui-wliiy. May 18.
HtiiU; of Cal., Hunday, May 23.
Columbia, Friday, May 28.
f Si.
I V :M
For rata ana genera information eall
on r address
00. Pas. AtU PorUaoo, Or.
e. McNeill.
President and Uaaager.