NIK DAILY ASTUIUAN, SATURDAY MORNINU. MAY IS, .!-. gaily gloionau, JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Tlphon No. t. terms or VHsrBirnoN. DAILY. Bent by mail, per year 6.00 Bent by mall, per month 60 Served by carrier, per month 44 WEEKLY. 8nt by mall, per year J2 In advance. Postage free to subscribers. All communications Intended for publi cation should be directed to the editor. Business communications of all kinds and remittances must be addressed to The Astorlan. will l.ave them strandeil on the hllla of thotr Inherited estntos. While these grwit changes nave 'tvn under way. what has Astoria boon d. lug 'to prepare f.r the future? LKile or nothing can Ih shown to her credit. Even the proposition to build a ire: to the now depot was blm-Ke.1 and hold In Abeyarav In the city cuino-ll. inuil now, when within a few .lus the ra'l road 'trains will be landing -on iters there, ami only the (irsl st.'! toward hfiiriiiK llu Mnvt were lln.shed ,t il-.e council nn.;ing Thursday ntghl. Th.- street snouKl tx In us:' today, l-.very i:her pnpos:tlin has me; with a sli i. '.Inr fitt or has Uvn bmiod d .; by livlwrss that the promot. rs of en. ti-rpriMO have Uvll fr Hell to d ' tttil in ;li cold spray from :h. ir gmcs. I. thm to Iv ;!u h;s:.-ry of every d. n advance the c!t. or can the tev who have :-l.-.-d at the front tlirvugh newspaper published on the Columbia i river. The Astortan guarantees to Its sub- ; tllU,k j.)ful Uu,ir Milvvs tcribers the largest circulation of any , .... ... , onougn ot tne i :i!ca;:o-r.-.niie sp.m to j build here such a comim-;vla', iori as Advertising rate, can be had on appll-p'ur ,!A;ul'i " cation to the business manager. i have? Wind and tide ;.: for n man. ... ., , . , . . i and if we do not now avail outs.-i' es The eekly Astorlan, the second old- i est weekly In the state of Oregon, has. ,r ,h "l lrtuuity. a ne . a and new next to the Portland Oregonian, the j people w HI secure our birthright by the largest weekly circulation In the state. mere expenditure of a Utile enterprise. John F. Handley & Co. .ire our Port- j Tl sulv- wo S1'' of "ur 1''uuls 10 Und agents, and copies of the Aatoriaa get Ue railnKid here at ail anyoody can be had every morning at their would !ave done as much or em re. and, 124 Third street. I,,.. ,. . . , , . ..... . , . ; V ha did Spokane do? What did Se ' i altle do? They gave finely their tcst water freK property and depot sites. right of way and, aervs and acrvs for : car shops and subsidy. Did they ever regret It? No; but are today doing the business that Astoria should have had i years ago. Let us shake on, then, the lethargy of the putfi.arouie to the conditions thai confront us. and sacrifice. If needs le, the Inst foot of ground, or th last del. lar that will help make Astoria v l.-u 1; sh.'Uld be. and start :, with the new town, and make the fortune, l lg it little, that awaits hard work ar.l honest purpose. OX THE DOUBLE QUICK. Every turn of tha daily calendar re- I veals new features ta the development ! of Astoria, and the pace is becomin so rapid tha.t the breaih is being taken I out of the croakers who have been so persistently looking at the dark side of the picture. The Astorian has for more than a year past told the prog ress of events, and predicted that when lrelini!nary work was put well under way and the foundations laid, the su perstructure would be so quickly added that thos? who were waiting for the railroad would awake some fine nior;. tng and find It at their very doors. These predictions have already been realiiwd in almost every particular to day.' Not going back further than last fall. a careful review of the situation shows m AYcfic tabic Preparation tcrks-slmilatiiiihcroiXlainlHovJuti-tiiig itic Stom;vchs ami LViwls of nrn rromotcsDiviostion.Chcctrul nc5s amt lVst.Contdins neither OpniiiT.Morphinc iKr Miaaal. Not Nakcotic. Jiimf: IM n i fUrw; Apftfcct Remedy forConstiw- Hon. Sour Stonuch.Diarrhoea. Worms .Conuilsions .Kewnsh ucss and Loss of Sleep. hi lac Simile Signature of NEW ; YORK. THAT THE FAC-S1MILE SIGNATURE OF IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE OF 1.1 it". At. ADVKIlTlsnMKNTS. NOTICK 11UIN IN M.Ol.VltKH. Not loo Is hereby nlxvn tbnt the nun lion .ounoll ptv.,e to cwtutillxh mid oon.(rui-l A s.vwtem of diivltw In tlmi IHMilon of the City of Astorlt. m laid out and reM-ded by John MoClutu and extended by CyriM Olney, na here Inafler lonribe.l and designated, said drains to ooiwlst of ten a eolla drain pipe ivot exooedlng j !iuhe,4 in dliuneter, said Nystem of drains to W oonslniolrd at the rxMe or all piMKM-ty In the dralmtuo dlslrb l which hall be Known and dentgnnlod a Module's I raina:t I Met riot No, j. .in.l to i. oo;isini,.,., according t the pla is and sixvilbilloiui to N- prepared by the dty surveyor and dei.utled i.i the oiM.v of the Auditor Jld Police Judo-. :id .t.vonllng to the ehnrier or the City of Asl,.rla and the ordlll .i.i, tn relation t'l 'ietu, The laud and pivm!i tivn which the sp.vlal a.s-ssiiioiit ml u levied to defray the ,f .Mnsiruotlng said sytein of drakiM, luid the district em bracing said I'nilnngo IM-drlot. and the l.oi.l.-i pn-mlts-B to U nsssol there f.'r aj- herel.y doU-natcl nn follow h: i I j l'ci;l?iiiiiig nt the iiorihit i-oi ner of h: . in block 'K thence east thixugh TMANaniMTATHH LINK"' northerly along the west line of !Uh sttl to t!u northeast oiruer of lot , bbs k H; tliotioi mjIm1,v along the center of bl.w'ks ti." and M. ( the li.rtliwel om'iMM' of lot It, bliK'k Ml'vl theiKv south oi ly to the plnoe of Ih'kIiiiiIiik and oon- laliM lots I, .1 and , blck .'.'.; I1 I, :', i and 4, block M; lots 1, (I, " and . j bUvk SI and lot II, A. 7 and X, block M, i all of Mct'lure'a Aslorla, as subject to suoti ImpiMveiuoitl. That suoh Improveuu'nt shall ooiixlst In removing all old plank, stringer and ' cap. pIlliiK or post ujid driving new I piling or wt 1 1 u; now a over the en tire loiiKth thereof mid placing l'tt' tiik hm Y iml I K o ink Ki I oW.sidnK aii.i slt'i niei-s iiioii siioii piles or i tnd planking said nti-oct thixuuhout thf, full width thereof with Mr plunks lw . ! twcoii sidewalks, the planks to tx fl it lal'l grain etlo up ami dressed sorfiK SUIowatks to ye It foot Wide iOtM-'r 10th and Itlh slns'ts mid s feet wide TIIK tINI.V IH.UNci ( All M"I'TK CHOM POItrl.tM'Ti'lllK MS" I.KAVK So. , , l ION l l' KK. I'lillTI AMI All It I V K viiSi an rtiin 1 1 1 ti m J EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. CMtori ii pit tp la c:.f-i!: Mtttt only. It f ot ioM ii built. Dcu't Alio -.Toa4 to Mil yo tayihiu,; ! n ti f! or f romiw tUt it 'it n Jtit a (roi" and n il sniwfr mrj jn- poM. ' r S, UiAt yon got C-l-H-T-O K-l-i. a j . & of belw.H'ii llh a-nd loth ti-v-. and (he slivei to Im Improved lo the established K'rade, and In all mutter of detail tho llllplMVeliii'lit sluill U no-oid. UK to the plan and ' (o be ptvpaicd for the Milne lunl In iiicoi danco with i mlltiance No., rolallnu to the pn plovemellt of HltwtK, I I'williwten of the cpone of nich im pco oiitoiit and pliuiK and i.-in.ail.i of the loi-allty to lw Improved will I II; A. M. ,. Moll lei h aliiit. I'lielllll't. ('.i.l.illlil, Meiiltl lr, ,1. Melili'.-tiue u rii.ii iiituM-u r I -nllllt. . ,lt1e ! !'' .i ;-iiii l'i h.i-ii.i, r",-io i ilmrv, "il' litni1 it-'t-Uinl II (' I'r.ll II ., S. I ! ;eli, II I . hl". Ml i oil I llul-r. i'i"' i"l.' II. I. Ii i, m I'.eii, M ii I ' llr- . K !' 1 '!. Illiiill.. I ein.i"l 1 1 i IT -. ; t. I- "0 1 Ii ' !(". ,oli .; IllUl'i V I'll" : . I I'I H "I'M. " j .ilila iia.l an-l Mill . .l I It 1 II I.. Ill I'lo ..III... .,t ll, Villll,. - illi.l the i--ntor of hlooka ill IS ainl i' to Die1 i. ,i i i . , . m"i io rollce JildKe for pulillc i-xainluatioii. noi-iaivKi roriM-r or lot i, iii,k j;,; thence wuth abnx the Mt line of In T. blk JT, p the northeant coriii-r ' lot block ;j; tlf.n .!,, ,-,r KrMuy, May IM-T. the w,nl fomtnon noi;i mi oi iiim-kN 73 ami 7. the c.Hi.ororio.Mh::. tho,vit wl(,h Unvr,,yv.m,Hit ,. ,.,.., e.-,.,M in,- fNi?i line or uiock " tile .1 wthea- t corner ..f lot i. Hirk Ml, I I II. ..lIMl .,!. lit.. ..,!. tl.... I.I...... I '.xl t the n ;-t!v..iit corm-r of lot .1, i P tY In Mltm.-ni' -ll- 'Ii II I ! it'll. Jl. V t In M II,, iO Ii' l l'A In K'll1 . " I"1, V ,k a . II... .... .i I rril I'oln.t h.iioa. I'tly I . . i a . Sum ..ii,. t l- I.i ili-allll- A .a I I'se Webfoot Com Cure. enre no iiav. For sale at Ks- res-Conn Drnjr Store. When a cold to contracted, cure It at once. One Minute Cough Cure will that thousands of tona of the finest , set you on the road to recovery in and heaviest uleel rails, sufficient to ! minute. It will cure pneumonia, lay the entire line, were landed in the I supply yard at Flavel; n.:ies of tele- j gmpn pMiea were siacneu up in tnei Some novelises in hamm-x-ka have same yards; H,W0 cross ties were con-i8ilk?ni draperu. tracted for and delivered at FlaveJ in J I along the Une; rig-ht of way matters' bronchitis, croup and all forms of lung and throat troubles. Charles Rogers. The cure of Rheumatism has oftvn taxed medical skill, but it's prevention were closed up; a new depot was built ; has been very easy by an occasional in Astoria, as well as one in Warren. ' use of Simmon Liver Resulator. It ton; the new bridge was built across 1 keeps the liver well regulated, and the Young's bay and the track laid into I Sys:em f,W ,rm vtMn- Thereln 18 the secret of health. "I have used it Astoria and up to the O. It. & X. djck:'. . , ,. , . u"'ifur years for IndiRtion and Con.s'- the track was re-laid between Warren-' patijn. and ai found it gives one re ton and Seaside and the new track ! lief from a touch of Rheumatism." built between Warrentc and New As- X- HuPh. Lorisburg, X. M. toria; the big dock was built a: Flaw;-, . 7 , , i cant have txi ma.ny runles cr. the hotel at Flave; , yoUr sumtwr gl,wn. and con;pl!y furnished from tjp io. bottom; the grade was finish-.! from; Acocrdlng to the newspapers, an Ohio Tongue Point ten miles east; four run- husband became the happy father of dred met, were kept busy all winter be- ;"ven chiMre! lon 0- of th , seven all lived but one. It Is to be hoped tween Uoble and Knapcxi; tunnels were K i.m . , . . , , , " he laid in a supply of Chamberlain s built; new engines and rolling stjck Coush Remedy, the only sure cure for were added to the equipment of l rt- croup, whooping-cough, oolds and line; numerous trains were run dai'.y ' COUKhs- and 80 Injured his children between Astoria, Seaside and Flavel; trestles were built In the city wrst of Tongue Polm, and twlay finds the trains about ready to run lto the ien Astoria depot, a largely kicreaVd force ' of men at work tn the grade -a--t ' f, the t(yntraoi;n. pnl several gang's of men under Hup rin jtndent Irster are ballasting thr old against these diseases. For sale by Es- tes-Conn Drug Co. S) far this nwnh has been raor" like April than May. fel MANHOOD BESTOHEDSS: R2 ,i v ,JMc. .i tuui or ot tin' ruoau i.ii.-i,i, .:, .it.,i,...i IH i- 'Vl ' I. A In.mnU. l'ai! lll lh, Rn-k ,iiili,l ,,i. .,. v ... i ' ti 1 . J1 1 unm. to Mairy. Kitutu..t,na- lrahi. v' nil .uiunrauen. i aiei". aji,- nr nav er runt. l',v,-,': iui. . Iifel iiiai't!rri., wlikb ltnolchi-W-l lea. fa lu r.rK-rmaterrli.rM ami yarroar irrrn " mnorinrautimpowwy. i iiii;veuuu'uf, ua acruntv ana r 1 en ki.hraumtllnrtnwTrowmniotmUuupuriiia rrPIStXB atiwrUieimknit reatormJl wknri:mnk, T.i rrAaon aufTrn-m ra nol care.1 bf Inriom la bcauar ninety per rrnl an troobl4 wttrj Prtamllla. Pt'tvl OKNK la Lhonly known f ttirtirv without an iw-nUkuu kto. Mtlnv,hk k.a. A written romntelTn an-l menjr rlurm-l If til hem 0'n nol cilucl m pvrouauwl i ur U10 a Nr. i r,.r f-Va), hr mail. tM.ntl for rmks rlreuUr uil tmrniottaLU, Addim DA VOL Jl EOICIS K VO P. U Bol 178, tUa Fnncttcu, OO. - ,a 5w CHAS ROGERS, 4o9 Commercial Street. block "0. Ih- till- W.llth ubMlK I he si: of l,c, : and ti. libs k :M. i. ;!io !,Mit.ea". iMrm-r of .,t i. l-l- it ta; tlios w,-.t alonir tfie doitt.'i llm nf l...o !KI t-i tin. nuti-tlitt corner , t b.-k V.i; (hence south aliic the enut Itiio of Mm-k :.' to th 'iithotjt corn.-r of lot 5, bl.vk W; thoiuv wot otn the nouth line of hlii-ks . !;, tw i ( the south east cirtMr of lot r. bliK'k b; tliene,-.-uth along the cant line of lot 4, Mock 1"T to the enter ..f lot j, bl.nk 1T, thi-nce vnt tlti'ouk'h the civitor of lo; "i. S and 7. bbn-k i'17 to the imrthnmt lt:n- of lot 7. 1.1 k In?; then.-e ii"r'h aloMi; the tti-t line of lots 7 and !. Mock In7 to the mmthtteai -.,rn-r of 7. l'io.'k l'KI: r.'iesii-a. w.-t t i the llrll'l I'naa. Agalil. Ii.lllalol. DA) Mwrrlaell I or thlr.t. That at the next tno-tliii; nf ltnoene.1 eliis kc.l tliroil toe ('otiuiioii t'lHincil, nfl. l III.- dual aliou liekela. pubi:iv:.u of this notice, lo-wlt; itt For Kleopum car reaervuiiuna, lickel lilii and full liifoininliiiii, oil oil Council mil any itbieottons write. A. I). CHARITON a rcuionstiuico, ti-tit-.! ny io io-ra if ne half of the property In the above diwrll-d diwtiict, In- Hlol nKittnot uch itnplMl ellli-lll in the OltliV of the Auditor und I "ol Ice Juilito l. f .re said .'1st day of M.iV. i'.T. no sn, ti work or ItopiMVoinctit Im- made -Xivpt I the oonouriuncv of tnih-thtrds of all the inemlict of the Cotuin-ui Council And tinleiM auoh retnonstruiuv. te filed, tho tSiintiion Council or,lei said linptvemeiit to Iw innde. !y ,.rl.r of tho Common Council. Att.wt. II K Ni:i,SiiN. An t'tor an-l ivilco Jii-Iko As: rt.i. or . M i y 1.'. is'.i;. Of. Two routes ciM, 1025 miles 1047 minutes- ri-.TITloN. San Francisco TO Astoria and Portland The I . . I I IJII'llil' , - 'ir 11 v ,-i o,mcr 01 lot , nioeK i'ai. j;ioiico north alont; tlw !t a-nd I. bl,s k bJi to the norlhet cor- ! tu-r of lot I, loi k l'X; thiu-e e.ixt al wm llltotl Sljlt .,. I.,ll,..,t ..,.....- ...1 ... ...,. ,.,, a,,,, f ,tm-k l'1 to the n.rthwe. ...r ..mrvniim I'nii: oiuir; - ,, , ,,,.,.1, 10c and 25c per Ill(kno; VIA .corm-r of lot 1, block W; then.-e north i along the west line of bhi ks SS an I to the tiorthwoHt cirner of lot S. bi k Trull spring cleaning Is well u:uI.t;TS; thence eut t the aoutheast Corner way yu never realize how much tm.h"f 1"t 2- ,,l'"'1 T,;; tlnxv north along tin- vou cam aivumulate. 1 ot i"i i. oik ,v.t. tne in rtnwest To the Hun. County Court ,.f County, iHegmi: uii . rlk"inil, Auditor and v -e of lite (ty of A-totlll. .u tlnn by virtue of a re. 4 til ion dulv .l.1 ite 1 t lino of lotii,y . OuniiHUl Coutuil of the City of A:ortn, hi-o-by M-tlthiiia ymtr luwi.iraMo tskly p vacate all of tliat p,ar'lii of tile t'lty Ceinelery l .-at.-,! m Ca,t p, In "r,n I th County of 'I i recorded mi p t1at.iiv. -tnie of (ir-'!i. Eureka. Cal. and Coos Kaj . s. s. homer! THE REST REMEDY FOR RHEI MA-TISM. Frm the Fairhaven (X. V.) ! Mr. James Rowland, of this village. .1-111 , T , .. . " " '"Klr iripti states that for twenty-five y..-ar hla.lul oioosvinent i, t . ,.VJ to to orwr of lot t, block "'!; thence east to tho northwi-Ht nirutr of lot 1. block 7J; jtheuMv north along (he w.-st line of lot bik 49 o I ha" norihweft iv.rner of lot , bliH-k i'i, hloh l the place of lieKtnniiig. The and blocks upon which hc- le. Every 14 Days. wife has been a sufferer from rheuma-1 fray the iit of c.iu4:rtictini : iism. A tew ntgnts ago sne was In su. n "'"tii or nr.u.t are as follows; pRSseDirers and Freight Ht Induced fain that she was nearly cray She 1 l'-t .", .'7, . blnk lots .". 6. Kates. CASTORIA for Infanta and Children. 'pirt'.on of nui, I cemetery In ftli. a tt.-w oliLf ih..f-,,r iii.. s.-ni .nr. Ki.wuuni ror tn.- doctor. &ut;W. k t; lots 7. H, block 17; .ts 1. :, 3. j ,..,.,. Pri,v,,, f,. ,, , "f iuui reau 01 v namoerioin s 1 wn . . . 1. mocK 1.. lots t. ;t, t, , Ilaim and Insteotl of going for the phy-j ". . 7. s. blis k 73; lots 1. 3. i. I.j Riclan he went bi the store and s-cund :, 7. S, l.lis k 7i; lots 1. .'. I, :,. ,j a bttle of It. Ills wife did not approve1 liaili Of fne of the lt evidences tha: Ayer's Hair Vipr is an article of exeptt mol merit is tne fact that t!i- den.and for It is ronstantly increa.-ing. No 'ne who Uf-s this infmparable dre.-ing thinks of trying any other preparation for Uie hnir. t Mr. Rowland's purchase at first, hut bb nevertheless applied the Ilalm thor oughly and in .n hour's time was ahlc to go to sl.-ep. She now appll-s It wh- n- Z, ever she fo-ls an nche or a tialn and I L "fP ftnil that it nlw-nva rlv.-y ltu i 1 says that no medicine which she had l. u-d ever did h- r as much gisid. The 1 1, 25 and 50 cent size for sale by Estes-jl, Conn Drug Co. ' 1, ; 1. The tam-t house cat acts Pke a wlldjl, animal when It Is ls-lng ti-nnsH,rt. d ' .', X. block 75; lots M-k 7fi; lots I, I. .1. i, ; from pla'o to place In a biL-k--t. PERf?OX. I.. The gentieman annoyed the cong.-egation last Sunday ss-i"ssi.,ns. hy continually couching will find In stant relief by using One Minute Cough Cure, a speedy and harmless remedy f t throat and lung troubles. Charles iloy-rs. Thow who must stay in town diirlns the summer r-irard their bath tub us who' of irrv-ater value than any of their other The verj appar-ntly t,arr-v it-atucr had th-'ir day. belts have line to Seaside, laying new rails, put ting In switchts and laying new ,;a n What does all this mean, is the men tion frequently heard fr:n the los observer. There Is only one reply to mak- ;o these inquiries. The railroad Is more rapidly than was anticipate-i, : nl Mr. Hammond, In the face of hard times, ha.s tn re than carried out the letter and sjelrit of his contract. .f.. than this, there are well-known cap italists In East, and soni- llvir. near at hand, who are only wai'ing the projier moment to launcn l;ito -r.- ! t-.-rprises of great magnitude in . ur midst en u-rprises which will mak- tin' pail brigades and bring honie-S'.-ettei s to Astoria en tei prlses which will be I .. , . I Ih- wi k'-r s-'t;.-". and chairs followed by all kinds of business Jwuv I signed f..r smw,.r u.-e come in unusual- "Ten 1 '. ' ct ,f r: il3n are inv il ids." savs a Men ri'dic-al authority. At th- l-.-ist -tifht out vf th'-se t -n, It is frvf- t'. allow, a."- suff ring from s.nt,e form of b!o-i.l-d:.-..-:..-e .vnlch u per-i -item u-e of Ay r'.- .Siirsar.nrUla v: Ml! 1 be j'i-- : . . ur'. Th'-n, don't b;- an Invalid. Th- ;r.;. . '"'.u- is ' Whav-v i.'intur-ly : who b-ass of his HUie."ior f .-r.'.iin-s too p'ti' to be true. r may bo tho cause of ;,r--rray hair, it can b-- r r-tor-l color a-' in y .uth by Hall'.-Sl'-liUn H-i'r Jtenew.-r. "IT IS THE RKST fl.N KA UTH " That Is what Edwards & Parker, mer chant of Plains. !a.. say of Chamber- Iain's 1'aln Ualm, for rh- umatl.-m, lame I drain and plans and seolMeatlotis of back, deep s'-atd ajid muwuiar pains, i the locality to Is- draln-d w ill be on !H- lots 1. 2, i. : ., 7 , bhK'k v;, l ,ts 1, 2. -t i. 5. . 7. . bio. k 7; lots 1, . block S ; Jots , bbsk S'j; lot. block 90; 1 1 1 S, bbsk lota H. bl.s k W. lota . x. bl.s k ;i7: lot.. S. block !'"; I its ! t, block I ns S. 6. 7. . block l'sl; lota 3. 4 and the north half of lots 5. I;. 7. . bl.s k l7-all In the City of As ; toria, Clatsop county. Oregon, ns laid nt and recor.Ie.1 by John Met lure and xti-rided by Cyrus oiney. I Ksllniatcs of the exs-nse of snld 2. X i. 5. . i. :.. 3. i. 3. . 3. i, 1 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. A, 7, . . . , . . l tuui IS tlK-riof. as fJl -ws. to wit; All that oi'toi, f 0m City Cemot -iy at Clatsop lying lu'itlt of a line Ii aaii south of 74 degroaM, Ji) in.incaa ,sl. w hi. I, line i.mmi-ii r at a point on th,. east Isiundary, which -dikt Is IT l.-K-re.- 17 niinut.-n ami, r,si fei from the sotitheunt ctini.T of hahl cn.-!ery, as tin same ap-ars of record on b.s.k 2. pag'H lj and 10, nsi.nls of puts of Clatsop imuity, Th. City of Ascorta, a inunk lvil iir .rntloti. Is desirous of vaiutlng rk:d of said cemetery In order to vac itlon Inter rorv w !tl, any of (he lots lie; otoforo sol I in said ceuietery. N'otl.v Is llell-by KlVell that tile .'llv " " of Astoria, by K. S-m.u, Auditor bb'Ck (ij; ; -.,.,1 l.,,n,. l. 1 - ..'.,- , .,01 ... nn- 0111, r Coo.-. , vii. ate said p:at of the i'i y; 'et,-..-tei-y l.sat.Hl at Clutsiip, In i'lat.P County, ir.gon. i Saturday ttie Uth. day ..f June, v.i7, th,. regular term ' of said court. Any ientoii Inter- ej; the world s twoid for ,.nf l.sta'ee fist luitnlng tw-KI by (lie llur.ltif too It.aile I'ebniiiiy IV, a .o. lad trttUi made h run HOT lt Hoes- fnll ('hi cgo to Ih-tivnr. dl. Il'i-r of In.', mils, ill ItM llllprei .-.b llto 1 llllt.- if II bouin olid 11 inlnut.H. Al lowing It mlt Hie tun was 17 houtv and 77 i.iti ut'-s, nn.t ilu. twr( rats . Hi,- I 'i ml leal aa hour Write for l-.k'et oUi how pin wu ina-l" Wilts) also for Information about rntes and train ol.-", v II tho Ihiribiir'oit ltoiit, to 1 inutlui, Kiuisjs illy. SI, lHlia, Chleu-i. and all other S..uth-r" and f'.aot. rrn clt rm Two routes .ur vis I'-lb Units, Mont , and St Paul, Minn SIIKI.I'uN. in l A.-ent. p. -i-Caiid.t 'iN-gotl. s'..l I 1 Astoria and Columbia River jteilroad TIMIi CARD. Trains) leave S-all.i fir Astoria at 7:.1i) a. m. dally and 3 p. in d illy. -ait Sunday. 1 Trains I- u. AsI-tiii f ir K.avsl at It a. tn. dally an I 1 p m dally, .innt Sunday. Trains l.-av.. Asbriu f r rt.-aj.l-lo t 10:30 a. m dally and i p in d.-i ly, x- la herel.y notllbst to apMnr and sli w l'"rt h(""la' causa-. If any there Ix-, w hy the pray 01 1 Tra1"" e-av Plav.-I for Astoria at l 40 f Ih- H.ilt..n,.r should mrt grant-d, ' tt- ",- ,,ull' a'"1 3 :s P- '" '1 -)' sxcopt Ity onbT of the Omnium Council jHunday. II. K N'KUSH.V. J Htlnday afterti.a.n trains one hour Auditor and Poll. Ju.Ue 'j'f " Mitts. Astoria, 1 ir , May , 17. Thirty years Is a long time to fight painful a trouble as pil"s, but Jacob .Mitchell, of L'nlonville, fa., struggled that long before he tried DeWltt's Wit h Haz'-l Salve, which quickly and rx-rmanently cured him. It is equally ff-etlve In irz-ma. and all skin affec tions. Ch.irl.-s Roger. Sold by Kstcn-Conn Drug Co. N'o IS to pal" to un bTstand whis; 1 arnu" yoursa-lf iuit. f up-to-date s.elal lif. ally I ic 1 Wont.-- In the olllce of the Auditor and Police .lodge for public examlnaillon. That at the next regular ni'-etltig of the ' oiiitnon 1 oiincll, aft. r t-n days fro'ii I the expiration of the notice of snob Itn- tirovem. nt. mi Friday. June 4, E. K. Turner, of Compton, Mo., wrl'.os ' thesnbl common Council will us that after ufT.-ring from plb-s fr I 1 ond.-r any dlmis to such lm-seventei.-n years, he completely rr,., j l"ov . inertt Is l.ig made; and If a reinon them by uslnt: three boxes of I)- Witt's ' tr;m-, slgn.-l by owners of o.-ie-hnlf of tin- property lu the above l-i ril e I Signature U printed In BLUE diagonally 1 across tho 0UTSIDB wrapper ' are largely l.K'- '11.1s: Uey .,k tt.,ui t 1. ,.,,. ,.. n oe ,,e., ui'-.r surroun-nngs !in,l sltln ,!1h..!.s- l'h I' an-l dr-ad a moving as much as they ; 'lo th - br.-aking of a friendship. 1 It Is always th-- worn in who horribly from rrt'il .! ti - r v, vit'-d to s-nd -h.-r siiirin..-i' on Sl g'-rs SUll.Trf y.M-lit. for the carrying on of the multifarious j ly affairs of a great port. Within th"1 next three months great changes will take place In Astoria. There will ar rive here within a few days, in all human probability, one of the greatest railroad kings and financiers in this or any other country. We are now v in fronted by conditions of activity, call ing for the exercise of sharp, quick Judgment, executive ability of the first water and union of strength and pur pose that knowj no defeat. A fw of our business men and property-owners realize the crista of the day, but the few can do nothing alone. Co-operation only can take advantage of the fide In the affairs of Astoria that will sweep" on to a rapid acconiplUlni.eiit of the fond dreams of years. P.ip Van Winkle dreamers must give place to bard workers, or the tide of prosperity ."ti-;k' sh;tp-.s th:s s'-ason. When th'.- spring time corri'-s, gentle Annie, like all othr-r sensible per.vns, will cleanse the liver and renovate the syeb-m with DeWitt's Little Early lUsers, famous little pills for the liver and stomach all the year round. Charles Rogers. Weakness of Meii Quickly, Thoroughly, Torever Cored by ft new prfertvl txrintifie mettauo tiistt tsaoD'it fail bomtia ftid. oq fel iru- Ercvd tii first day, fftl eoettt every (Jay, Xi know VQurMlf icmif aniotiK Dion In body, mind and h-art. I DmJDt and Im ended. Krerr obtUcle to happy married life removed- rve frc. will. enrify. wb'-n failinff or loflt, are restored by thia tratm-nt Ail iMk portion of the body enlarged nd etrenfftn ened. WhUloroar book, with iplanationa and proofs. tMDt aealod, froe. Ofer 2,0u0 refereace. 64 NIAGARA ST. bLFf-ALO, N. V mimm ERIE MEDICAL CO, The Westfieid ilndj N'ws prints the following In regard to an old realdont ' of that plac-: "Frank McAvoy. for oroup and w-l.ooping courh are many y-ars in the employ of the I... childhood's terrors; but like pn-u-X. A. & C. Ity. here, says: 'I h ive med monla, bronchitis, and o-h-r throat 'hamberlain's Colic Cholera and D-. an,j un(? trouble, can be .,.,1,-kly arrhoea Ucm-dy for ten years or longer ,jy l,,. 0n(. M1,Jte ,.f,UKh -sun 1..-V.T wiinout. ix in my ramny. ,-ur r'harlcs I consider it the ls-st r'-rnedy of the1 kind manufa.-tured. I take pleasure in' T1. ,iispliy ,,f Kt.-tso:,'- bl.-v-le hats recommending It. " It U a specific f ,r fr tnt.n mirtH ,.,,:,,., f,r ,w. , oow.o.u.w.u,. rr Bii, y . h(. ,,lan!) ,,h K,;jn 1)rr,( , tes-Conn Drug Co. lM!f !ng th- b-inl- It is not wise ti ie photographed in a hat. Kvcn those We flii-miil very rri b,k ridiculous when viewed after a lapse of several seasons. THE OBJKCTIOX XOT GOOD. ; Torturing, Ichlng, wraly skin erup ! tlons, burns and scalds are soothed at once and promptly healed by Oe Witt's Witch Hazel Halve, the best 1 known cure for plies. Chas Ilogers. blank'-t are b. mr i.,-.! in mere are people wno nave objtlons n.-arly all the large hob-ls and summer to advertising matter In the columns of! boarding house. Tii ;- blank-t- are a newsparr. The ground of objection ' iy w.v.,ty-fiv,? r,- a pair and a-e is that they do not want to read ad-a prMty as they are healthful vertlserri.-nts. Xow this objection Is not g'Kl for oftentimes th-se advertise-' merits convey valuable Information.' For Instance, how else would the trav- ellng public learn of the excellent din-1 ing car service of the Wisconsin Cen- tral lines between St. I'aul and Chicago, 1 or the general comfort of traveling over this popular line. For particulars call I on the n-arest tickft agent or address J: C. I'ond, G. P. A., Milwaukee, Wis . I , fw. or Geo. 8. Batty. General Aeent "re1 limilt Stnrlc tr-e.t Tortla.n fir titPMl . ' i It should be made a matter of public kiuiwledge that DeWltt's Witch Hazel .Salve will speedily cure iib-s t the longest standing. It Is the h msehold favorite for burns, scalds, cuts, bruits and wres of all kinds. Charles lowers. OA8TOIIIA. district, Ire fil.-d against smh Improve mont In the olllc. of the Audlior nn I I'oli.. Judge b f .rc snJd f.Hirth d.iy of June, no such work or Improvement will bo made except by th" exneurr-m e of tvvo-thlids of all the members of the .oriirnoii council .-1.-.-I. And unlets such rotii'Tist ran.-e b II1. .I, the Common Council will order said Irnprov.-irniit to be made. liy -rder of tim Common Council, Att.Mt: II. K. XKI.SO.V. Auditor and l'olr Judge. Astoria, or., .May II, -'.. iiO.VlJ KTItKKT IMI'IOVKMEXT xotici:. a J fat. 1 1 hJ 1 GO EAST ..MA.. Library Car Route A.MIlltlCA H HCKMC 1,IN;. of every I " J bottle Of ;T'"' ,lll r"11 '"'"e I" Kootenai mining district, via H.-iittl and HpokatiA U . I .. I -icon IP I l)lnin. tnr Carte .ilUst 11 Dust (the Original and Genuine) Worcestershire SAUCE .'olc; is hereby given that the Com mon Council of the City of Astoria has determliwl and hereby determine and int-nd to Impnve llond street from itu; cist side of 11th stre-t to the went sli.- of !ith stn-.-t and thai such im provement shall be mode, by special ,iH-Hmerit upim the lands and rem ises h.-relnaft.-r d.-scrlls-d and d'-slg. natwl, and uKI.:h are hereby determiner! de.-lan-d to lie bnficfltcd by such Imj.vcment. That the lands and premises upon Which special IUW.W1111 nt shall be levied to defray the costs and eXK-nB"ti irt su -h Impmvem'-nt are as follows, to-wlt: Commencing at the northwest corner of lot 1, block M, as laid out an I Trrdj"l 'by Johh Mr::'lur-. rutirilng thenoe southerly abmg the west bound ary if said lot 1 to the southwest cor ner there if; thewe westerly along the center of blocks C9 and 25 to the south east corner of lot 4, Mock 24; thence A m farther protection agalatt alt Imitation. ' AfnU for tbs Unlt.d 5uts, JOHN DUNCAN'5 50N5. N. Y ;wf t:Ut'nr M 1 iw'f, Up. rrimi nrrl(..-i, if t U i Ut. A H tiltr, U It I. it t II T it I ilia ,.u'.i" t 'Hi, i,r ulri .-11 ,..---..-, 11 ... in'it hiii Fit fill f hi fun Lh vh fn, bi.ififn. Nm intiriiiKritr if" .''tf.o ITTZS! H"M hy oK- irj::. 'ifflllw n rMiirf For Delicacy. for purity, an.) for liimrovtmiQtit of tha mm, on jiothlng'sl'iiiis roxnwti's Powiikh. 1 m- I H. .' nlLOOD PQISQN A SPECIALTYKW. tlury Iti.OOi I'OJHON pernmnfiitlf 'urt'fl In litbi'AU dnya. Vrn c-fin bo trrntnt at home tr Mimo prico utidor unme KiiHru n tr !f rottprrfiT tfonniehrn .' wNlo-.r,. lrarttti);iy rnilroii.t fnrnamlhotnlbllli.sini IK harjr,.f toi If yuti kitvotukftn nmr ftiry. mII(1 imtiiNli. und utill linre ttthnn und rfiini, M uco'tfl l'fit'h4ilii luo ali, KorTbroK,w Villi!.'. opr Colored Niotn, I'lrora m iut iinrt t 1 ht bxy, If iiiror I yr lirnrvn In 111ns nl, it la this HcoiiJury lll.OOI) I'OJsoS Te nBrnt tocur. Wi,irtttben" 't olidU .mt cmii und dialler. tho world for it i ;ifmvnetiiinfitotiri. Tlilfl dt-nnm hut alwiiri lit led Clin nklll of th nioat rinluant pliyal huitw r00,00 cn i Ha I tfih'Pd our unr'mfii lunnlgnarwitr. A(ni.liitflproofafiiil Jpaledna -, P Mriitum. AXr-m HHHi. JtK1KUV CO. Mwiinlo 'mtlmB ClUtjAOUi ILL, Shortest and Quickest Iiine .(). St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Chicago ANll A 1. 1. i'i 1 1 NTH KART Through Palace and Tourist, Iilnlng and Library Obsrva. tlon Curs. Doily TrninH ...FHt Time HKItVICK AND Hi'KNKItV CNKA(Jt'KLKD For tlckots and full Information call on or address ' A. H. C. DHNNISTON, C. P. & T. A., I-ortland, Or. II. C. BTKVKNH, O. W. I'. A., BeatUe. FOR PORTLAND (VlaKi,,,,,,,,cj,tl,,w,. Md Kay 1.1IiIIiik,; THE STfAMER H, C, GRADY aK'tl,Irt,,.t on all trl,-