The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 14, 1897, Image 2

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Telephone No. .
terms or si BscitirnoN.
8c-nt fcy mall, per year IS 00
Bent by mail. per month W
Served by carrier, per month 4S
8ent by mall, per year U In Advance.
PoMsfc'e free to .ubsortbers.
All communications intended for publi
cation ahouM be directed t the editor.
Buslnosa communications of nil kinds
and remittances must b addressed to
The Astorlan.
The Aatorlan guarantees to Its suh
fcrlbcrs the largest circulation of anv
nener-iijur published on the Columbia
Advertising rnte can be had on appli
cation to the business manager.
The Weekly Astortan. the second old
est weekly In the state of Orvgon. has,
next to the rortland Oregonian. the
largest weekly circulation In the state.
John F. Handley & Co. mv our Tort
land agents, and copies of the Astorlan
can be had every morning at their
stand. 114 Third street.
sue. It Is no credit to llie council or the
city that IInvo prexwdlng have bot
so long delayed. It 1 to bo feariM th
the history of the depot building may
le the history of the ratlnxid - flam
nuwHi w ill have the laiter tvsidy a Kvig
time before rhe Hple nf Astoria arc
nsidy for It.
l,t wirh ottlxiMi nf Ast'M-tn. .
he v this Item. gi to his gtwvry.
; man and buy a und of tea. and care
i fully ixo the pnVv tha: he (Mis for It,
i a'M vmiatv that pt-iiv witf what he
i t.,;d (-T the f.uiv made of tvnK wy
hiv. nMi;'i irv If the result of It's
viimer pays
.1 he must o very dull
nf e iti;" o,ie:'.slon. Vet
ut.CV.e t'"M supers have
mv.wtUtitt -n !.. n
prve t' Him that the
th. tariff, th
in his p.'W.T"
...It.irM of
the ami n-.y to ...'!" ;ht an .u-re.c
tar.iT rates fa"s ii'ii th".tt-.r
st l hv.jurtor. ."d r.t up :i tlio
c .:: .-r t-f : thi'tjrs must bo
y.i: ;a 'i m i are i1. '.'! or
rt ' i -r:i Kt".itK
wi:: to.
I'lf'Tl'.l ill
lie 1; Xott s
f t a In A.tortA
m tea t.v.ay
Or. t put ft
fervtf. f. nn.
him M imp
t':"v fvo-t
, -viv :s N-t ivn th
and thtv me:ii!'.s a
V ijvi tl.m ia a little dlf
i tt .1 use ismvajn or
.h.'"es:y which Induce
that there Is now or was
i ,t,o ;.ny tiWiiT at h'.I on
cost more th.iu other mcvli
cines. I'.ut then it cure luoio
than other mctlicincs.
Most of the cheap coui;U
medicines merely palliate;
they afford local and Ut.i;
rary relief. Aycr's Cherry
lVetoral dvs mt jwlch u; or
palliiitc. It cures.
Asthma, UrcticU-tis, Croup,
Vhivping Couj;u. and every
other coujjh, will, wltcit i t'.vcr
remedies fail, yield lc
Cherry Pectoral
The emv of Kheunm.l-m lu often' I.Ki.AI. AUVKUTISKMMNTS,
ta,l m.sllcal klll. but It's nvvin:i'ii ,Nvwv.
hn.s Ixvii Very easy by an iK'e.isionH!
use of Slmnnm. I.lver ltettila'lr, ll
keeps tlu liver vll iviiiilrtted, iuil lho
system fiw fivm !mi. Therein Is N'""' bois-l.y jhvn that the com
IV mm of health. I have iisol II '. " " ' ' ',,n' 11 W'l"" " PstublUh and
r yeiun M litdtotllen and C.ms4l- 'onsiriiel i .lyxleni of dtuliw In ttul
patU.n. and nl found It Kl'.i one re-. Iu-tlou "f the Clly .f Ast,tit.. its laid
lief n'in a touch ,f i;le(,ina:lsin" ''u: and rec.rtlvd by J., hit M, fluid and
N'. llURh.i. Iat-l.sbuiv. N. M joviomled by I'yrua iilney. as
. 'inafter lei titled n,,, ilcHliftmi, d.
Tin- oM fa-hbvie.l bla. k silk ison Is " "d drains to ,miHt ,,r (,.ntt
Ivlutr rx'MvM. I1''"' ot . veelin,. .
. . i in. lie., ill dtiuiieter, said -lein ,,f
When a cold ts conl-iotiM, cure ll di ams to be c.inti'u.'i, ,l ii( t In- , vpense
at once One Minute iVuith Cutt will of all irociiy in the ,li niiian,. disiilet
s,t yell on the tMa.l I" i-eeery in
a mmute. It will , uiv pneamonla.
biMHi'Iillls. civ up and all form- f In K
and throat trtubla. I'liaele- IJoKei"
S -n ai",!':i.,s had '
i.'.v.l. I'ver, !s uel
i: i -'vity al'xiit them
. Net en:- ai'utt' tiin
i may pone fatal in .i :o i.
ol.l ctu-nee c-us!is and t'avi:
f nvay r,-'eie tnvm.'v' r iiof
,er:n.ui":itly euiv.l !. ''
'CoukIi Cuiv. Charles lio-StH.
r ubl.
vt.l !
M mi
The trawlMnp public j well as Vm
visinens ii-o of AsMrtii. (-w-ould N (
jrntvijy cnnve:iienc-v3 if the rrt!aj-.J'
boats wvre allowed to land their
i vipers and freight at the Inner d.s-ks
first, a-nd afterwanls t-tura to the can
nery docks for such work as thty haee ;
to d thre
The u:isjxikat!e Turk was oriitinal'.y
A Tartar. i:h a n,we as flat as tlnw of
the Hun s .i!iil'd by Wetem Ku-
im;.'wv in the fur;!i century, a nivd
fcnf chin a-nd s I'liiit e-s, but (lilOitn
. maTi'vtt vh the nations he hits
coniiu'rNl has t'vatwl his nose,
stf.ishtoiied his e)-s a:ul brought his
chin n prnvint no- sitmewhat more
lwn:ns than it was before. The
Se'.juk Turks "'rst apjearvl In history
as a trilv of Tartars about V. P. Tw.
wo th- y v-v y,i. t- il a ;Kvrt of Aniunla.
er str-.ce eaieM f!-"tn them Turc i
rvvn a. Tiv y iiad emu lated from Tur
k -ten. U-i-.(! pit-sst-J forwanl by sviv
axi tri!s in th-ir nsir. Aft.-r their
ivuj.a::i f Arm-")ia their eneroach-
s r.ts -n A.-ia Mi.'er be-pan an! stead
V,y cv! f-.r several hundred yeiv .-
Th- v Srst ame into Kur-i- in b.v
a !.vr,:e f.i-ie ef Turks fr ssi::s; the
!: ma as m re nar.os rapy by
the Rmp-for !l .r.iat.'S'. to assist hlrr:
i:i a orittt wKh a rival f r the throtv.
Fr 'in rhiit t.'me un'il the close M the
!'twu mh c. ntury t.ieu a-tvunce ir.t
Eun'W was yt--aly. Aft,-r their re-
l-f"re the walls of Vienna ta
. by J. hn S-.biki. of Po!aid, the
The detivxratic attack to the Di.tR-; wave of Turkish atinvssion U-itan to
ley tariff mitrht have wne fvirce It the ; iwvle an. siniv then the Turkish pwer
0nuhe sitw of the revival ot busi
ness c-mtlnue u multiply everywhere.
There Is tncrwLseJ (bHixuvl for laNq
and lruTvaseJ trade, ciosxl n.tlls are
reopwilnff wiuh tnt-pttivtl frevfjo.'.cy
a-5 every-.hiri(r Imlii-ares the ?o -d time
otnin,; wtiich it exi-"c! l that a
r-'puWicroi would ir.-aujrurate.
It has a record
years of cures.
Send for Uia "Cureboc
Y freo. c
? J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass.
i-traw I'f i ,t .
iv s: initxvM i t
-t item- of the
1 a I
avd .iiiioi
Jioi'llierly iiIoiik the we line of Hit sliel
la Ihe noi'Micast corner of lol ll, block
!'l IIikiuv illiMly iiIkiim tile center of
bl'ks Aft ami WI, to the n.M'lhwi'St
corner of lot II, block tlnnoe South
ei ly to (he plaiv of bi'ttlnnliitf and con
tains lots 1, J, :l mid 4, blm k 0; lots 1.
it ami 4. block M'; lots e, ll, 7 nJid K
I'liwk Ml lulid Iota U, , 1 ami S, l.l.s k 6
all of MeClure's Atorlt, as sulijin-t to
auoli llupiMveineiit,
Thnt suih inirovenoMl shall loiudHt
lit loiuoUnit all oll plunk, strliiKoin and
caps, pllliiK or posls and drlvlnu liew
I'll! jib or sotlliifc- new pimts oer the en
the o,iKtli tloixsif ami i 1 nt-l nu cups
.111,1 Bll'l mTa llMMI allcll piles or p si!
a id plallKlUK sal,l ntlis-t lllivmnle'llt tile
full width ihere,.f wnii Hi- pi,,,,!, be
t,.'.dt UI.I...V ,ill.M ll... l,t,,,,L. I.. t... It . ll
and ivtlliltliil to be pe.,i,',l , ., , , , , , .
' '"''Malt L' P'l I II .! II II II II. I ,i l-rt.L...1 ulllY l..ri
Sidewalks Pi Is- 11 fis-l wide belwis'll
loh and llih sliis-ts mid s f.-t
b. iwiKii ttli nJid PMIi Hiiiv-ts, and the
sM'oei .i be mpne, o the o ilnl'llsli. d
Made, and In all mallei .l. ,ii ilm
lllipl-O ellieitt Mini! N' lle-,Mi Uii I" tile
plaas and rsi Itb at ions to be pi--iaiis1
for IMe miiiiii' an, I ta anoi da me w.lli
I'nl'iianei' N .. I"'il, i- lHiiiiiS o i'n, mi
I" . IlK-lll Of StINS'tS.
I s.lnwlti'S if lie 'p"oe of hlli h lm
pi i i i'iii. nt and plniM and Bins-UleWl iin
"f III' o,:,V 1,, . Illl,, llr, ,ltt
o . l l l l i !i.' !' . e "f I he Aii lllor and 1
I'oilee Jlldlt" fur U I il !- eVIJ'll lallna 1
rKI'.S'iNAl..- The uto man
jiinv.oye.l i-;e i. oti-atlon la.s: S n ul.iy
l'iy conili.iia'ly cauhlni; "III :l"l in
. statvt r hef by u-nR"ii" M 'ntite ' uc i
U'ure. a speM tuid h.irtr.:e-
f r and Iun trml.l. s I' .a: ! --
w hi, h .-li.ill Ik- known and ilesinnalel
a, M.i line,. 1 Iranian ii"e N,
an I lo oe in iiti in till necor lln,: t n,,.
s i' .10.1
' tin. i'il xiiriev r and ,!.i..,.i:e.l I
. m tlie oitlee of ill. Auditor and Police!
r .liid..'-. and aiH-oidlni; to tllt. charlni'l
ot Hi.- City of Asiolia ail the ordln. '
.!'- ;: le'.lilntl I'V'tet.i. J
ll r'v- land-, a ill promts upon w :.. h i
it : -'..!al a "rtnieii: ''ball ei !,-.
!.t:av 1'ie .sw.1 of ns( rue i pi sa:d i
in of ihata.s, iiji.t the ilistilet em
ie.K- said In-iuiuu' m, iii. t. a ,,) r.
!. I d 'ol'i;.-.'S ;o 1,. a-e.i.- l tli.-rn j
are hovb ,le,,;ii il, , as folim,. j
r. .'i'i.iic at Hie a. r. lni . it .'r o'
t:i liloi k l.'i tlienee i-ust t'lroii'-tli
.1 iner of h.'k p'. I nd I. lot u
i he.!, l e. i r.i i' ef lo! ! .i, !, 1
.. e solltll lA'S'li t le east 'I,,,, nf
.". I'l.s k K. to the n .rthe.'irit .nin.r.
t .' Mmi, Tt. thonee ia-t atone, (lie,
th o"e "f M.i k M mil I :.' i.i fie
lie.; n.i'r..r:.. i bit,
1 .tiolu; 1 h.. ,.'il
' ' t ilea t i ni'i .-r
II. A. HM I t'll.
Itoniiis 1 ami 2, pyililnn llullillni,
avei t. , Cooper's slurs,
1IL t, 11. KHTKH,
Hpeelul siieinlon lo (llaitsscs of wiimsn
sad nursery,
orMea in or Dnni'snr's ntnrn, Aiturls.
rnlephona No, U.
mtlee, roomn ft and l, I'y I liltt it bulld(.
.'. US t'ollilneivlal HI, Itesldencs S4ltl.
Telephone tMI
AetliiK itsslnlniit siiikihui t'. H. Ms
I liio hoNpltuI service.
T. no WHY,
4'W Ciitlillliirelsl ulrset
ATTi'ltM'.'Y ANH CiU NHI l.i'K
i UHei
cm Hnftd trrl.
Aal'irls, IT
HIN T I.MMTlllt.
i lifter, ll.lnlN, ABttirUll I'loetlhs
i ho
J N. Ihilpli
PI. I r 1 N i
t'lisslrr V I'nlt'h
i. il. .
a . . s t .
' l- s
b. 1.
,la '
I i
Ir a i
' - lie?.
Meet of the hous -s atv done up .n
summr attire, though the furnace Is
still botr.K ivnx.Hl to do a little work, j (uls!mt be, am.
p., a.-a t
Ai-vvr.l'.tiu to the tieiv.iipei'.
I seven
the happy
n t lorn; at.
i. an ''Mi o
f.ith' t of
nf the
Salton Sea Salt for butlis Ht j " v' " ,,ut u t0 1 " " 1
the Kstes-C'onn Uruir Store!"" t;1 " ""I'l'iy r rh ami ter -i -i
tlt. Mini ttur llUfkao-M. Oovuh Kemedy. the only sure cure for
W'sberai Mounts aiv bi-itininc to np
I ir.
.i-oiip. w h.siplnir-i'om.'li.
omchs, and so itis i r- -1
Ktiinst the iset-es. 1'.
t.-l'on:i I'rtiir Co
r s.i
.1- and I
!e by ls
"IV-st .il
-ti Ii '. I
I" 'T o' l.-t ."
-.; tile eaM
',; '. h i.s
'Ill ii . st
i-ks t''i.
oe of bl -4 K ',: to
f lot I., K vi,
IU . iie ol'lll line of blo.-k
i'l. isi ,,ii".r ,,f ,, -,.
no null aiunw ih"
lo i '. t'.. t,,h K
i' i a : e. in r of .t
. ' " t tt.i.aic I i.'
! ' i ' . i"' i t ii.- h ut lime
bl'VA then,',' south
ll.l" f beieli to til
!' H'f of lot bilk k '.'"..
i 1 1 : -lb" 'iilh hn.- of
and '.'' t., i ho uiii-
l I I.I I Ml lie il. 'M ivkiiit llieeilllli lllj
tie i-omin.'.i Council, sfl.-i- ta, Ilaal, iH.l.pjl, N I , 1 1 N A 1'i'l.pll.
pub: lev: I m of thU i to iill; unj ATTolt.NKVrt AT LAW.
1'tMay May II. K:, tin- sni, Couiiii..ii , 'ri,im, orron. ti. M slid .
1'ouiiiii i.i'.'. . .ii . . . I . i- ai u'. i M..;is Munition Hull. Hurt All bnl n'"l eel
to inch lln.l' belli J in, 1,1' a. id ! 'wthMl I'llUn . .r..lll'tly alflliln,! IU.
If a ii'in..nstaiiee1 h!k'".-I by on n.-rs of !
.lie liivl f of the pcp-Hy In tin. iil.e
Ayer's Tills are reiVmiiie i U d by
itiir physicians and d: Uf-'sl-ts. a
:ivsl prvmp: and eftlci-nt ren..!;
b:!t nisness. naus-a. ivtleties-.
1 ad
t'.e itldl-
.-.l.-t eortier of lot l.l u'K I'll, then.'
- nth alonit th . n.-t line of lot 4. bis
ti.; to th.. eeat-r . f l.-t M." k l"i
' 'i"U' e i. -t ihiiniKh ii.' i.viIit of lot
". : and 7. bb-ck 1"T t . tin- ie rtliu.-
rllkil .IlKtriet, Is- f 1 1 t imaiil such
l.'llpll.l elllillt 1:1 Ihe o'tl..,. of the
Aullb-r and INdlee Jtldk-e satd
.1st day of May. Is'1'. no sin h uk or
li.iprn em. nt will l- inii.le e.Tpt by
lb., e .in iin an f of nil
the (".I'lnl"'! of the C-inini..-i i'uuiii il
tt. unless sueli i entiinsti-ttiice lie
Hie. I. tlie C si'inou " on. II will order
s.i' l eini-nt lo t o made.
ty older "f the i ' .nun. n '. ai nil II Ii M il.Si 'N'.
Au I'loi- mid I'nll, r Ji li;e
A ... t i. i 'r . Mai I.:. I-''?
Claims niinlnst Hi" sn rrniniuit s -
TliMPLK !.!) 1-: Nu I. A I" and
A. XI ' llesuliir eiiiiiiniiiili'stloiia .l. on
thr tlrst iiii.I Ihlril Tu. day evcnlns nf
vai h month.
(I W Lot'NrtllKllltr. W. U.
K. I". IK'I.I'liN, Hrtrr
K. K Turner.
es.ion, sluv!i;ishu-ss of th? liver. J.iu.i- lls ,n f,.r
f Ceniolun
ufTeriri-' fro
I.' h j,
111 I'l
HriUsh Clurr,bia was about t- piis
a bill preventins Anuruan c-.tizvs
from F.x-urir.K' mine Uc-c-e- ;h.r .
but when it was discovered t.'uit it was
Americans who were develo;cns the Industries, ami that such a bill
would kid nvorly all minine Industry
in iJntisri Columbia, th- : .ill
pnim;:ly killed. The Amerii-a-is are!
really the benefactors of th-? coun.ry. Pu':
deniocrats had ever fhnwn any ainiity
in iDr.struvTtins tariff measurvj t'neni
selws. The full measure of th r c ina
bilities in this dir-'tion was re.ra!-.-.
by the "tK-rtldity and .Ush. n r" tariff
which Pnwi.ien.-. CI -wlan 1 de-. un. -d,
w hich he r.-fu.-ed to sti, ar.l wti;. it.
ireitirif.- o.j the statut.' b-.-lc by the c-x.
pinnioti of tbs '.inn !iri$.. ha pro-i
ta Ik-- wortilleisj f r v".ta.r rev-.-nu o:
protn-cti in.
has ti-n ..ti the J.s-Iine.
Patrons if the public si' ca.ii s-e
no sense In a pdicy wide. a r-movrs a
t..-:iT fr.-rn a irwl- wi-.ii h sh ha;
just iearneij hi.w t . t-aoh fr .rn a v-ar
exp. -.-!-:'.( lui.) j,.jt.s h.-r in e.u-... of
a irrad-.- r -luirir.s in e.,tir :- re v
o'ur-t of study, and punils r.'i
have to b- i-iiied by a di;:.,'.--..;
nieth .1 . f dj.-ei;:!i:-. Mj,-h a o .i,r-". ii
is b-ib .-. .!. Is :in f .:;,.'.ve.l in any ot.-.-r
city in ;ii nniniry, bu: t:te er. n-e.
.-Np.'; p.';, ;,; ' v.,., , ;
-V.totia l jird xi .iy f.n
:.! for v ! i -i ;..
diiiarv ;.."!:-.
. l r
l . clothes ami downy cushions
br;r. 'inly a nesrative sort of comfort
ti the woman who Is suffering with
.- 'tlie lis. as.- or .ierntnremeit of the or
tta.ot !-'.ir,ct'.y feminine. cl'th-s
a-.l -otiie n.-itidps make the pain and
l ie diseor.ifort M- m less. 1'Vrhaps the
R?n-.-. nr . it; st a.T.v-t.'d and th'.; in
;urn JisVirt'- the di?.-stiin. X-.thls?
v.;;: .-v.-.- n-imp'.etf ly relit-ve but a rad
ieal 'tr-. The start of f.wa'1'd ' fe-
rn eor.piai!p.:-" may be a vrry slight
thlr.-tr tt d'i I. It may be thnt In the 1k: .r -..nt- siruill hyirlenle m-asures
1 s: ;. th.? trouble. Certainly at til-!--, a little bit of the risht med
iitt.e v. ej;. stop P.. Wh-n the trouble
b. .n? w.,rs, it is hard.r to ur". but
-'til :: . a. i l.rf; , u rI. Dr. Pierce's Favo
r.;.. P".-s.';"ipti,,:i will jos'tlvely cure
ar.y tr.'j . f this charaeb-r. It may
-i'.s upon. It aff. rli
las? Ins r !i-f to a w-nnan hie nat
ural r.eol.'.-ty has kept her from co.n--1
1 ! : ti c a physU-ian.
S- -1 iii ..tits i" one-c-rit sa.n:js t j
V.'-.rl-i's I -ispe.'isary .I-..l: al An'ooia
!!'!. 'I't'f.d . N. V., and r"'-ive rr.
': -'.. !"- pace "Common Sense .M-d-
" irfus"ly Uiusttat'd
dice, and sick headache: also, to relev--wlds,
f-vers. r.eualt;ia. ..nd rheumatism.
sevente-'ti y.ars. Ii" o.iii;.:-'
them by ii' tii; ihr e t.. vs o i
Witch Hazel Salve it e it-s
and i.-v. re .-'ni-i d'.-.-a-.". .'h;i-
if. d
bl . k
-: In..
I -tier
Much tr.Tiiive-1 o!orM law n skirts w id
take the plaiv . f silk uri.-s for summer
TI .- -!
Mo idav
air-i din
ular n.nise.cii'ariinit :
There ar- ti many p-ople with pre
maturely pray hair, when they mUh: croup and who.
.ivold It by applying that retbibl-- and ' cl.r.dh.Mij's ter. irs.
effective preparation. Ha Ts Hair Ke-newer.
It is funny to listen to th- theirie;
of untr.urrM men reyTinllns the man
aironmnt of women.
tnotita. bronchitis, and
and lutii," tr .ubii.
-ui-e.l by usin Ot.e
'ure t harl s I big- s
n- e.m :(i
i ..;
an be
" s i.'.. :! iit h a'.etK t'l'- w.-t ll i.
t" i .nid I. bl.'k I 'o to Hi,- -,..i" n . .
"i-s n- r ..f l.-t I. bl... k !"'. ' i -i . i
" ..nit tine of b'.k k !"' to th n .
".rn.-r . f .. 1. bi... I. th. ; .
i Colli,- the West line of '.to.'., V,
to tile tl.Tt ha i-st i.ii'l'.r of iot
I"., th.-liee iMSt t" tile s .lit lie. l.i :
are of lot Z. bl'k l"'.. ih.-n. .- i ..rttt .
, :. U- .-. .-I Iin of lot I. '.'1. ;'..; . i
throat c.r. . r of .. . bl. k ih -i.-
int. k ly ,'ie t'...rthn.'.t iwi'iht "f l"t 1. b
I'oiik'h th.-.-i... nortii alo.'m' i i in,,
' li e ll'T ll
: mid :
. 11 I of
- t I . . a
I. '. k i
..r lot -,1
til . 1 -'
I'llll I'ltJlli'l'I'iN N"T
Tie -iv
1 1. I
't II .1 .'S
hi., k
e .I'll' -tat
. h'.i.-it
. -a-
tii. n-.l"h.i.
. which 1 1
11 S tie
rt. !!'.;. .a
it. I !
I mi"
As the strength of a building depends i c
utjn th.? solidity of its foundation, si.
health del-ends upon the condittor. of Tortui-iiu
the h! sl. To e.;-.-l Impurities atd tlons, burns and
cause the vital fluid to Iks-.. me vicerous if. one ar..! pren;
ind IIfe-Kiviiif. Ayer's Sar apr III Is Witt's Witch liar.
ichlriLt, s- tily
Sea Id -
the mist p-iivi-fti! and
cine in use.
itT -ctlve
tn-d - known cure for p
lire - .)
.; ! ' y
... th
( tic tiw : kr. i .'.'. v h :h r
pu: i-n furs or orandt.-s
rlress.j tho morn' n its.
l.i.- k r.i to
..t . i..-k I
T.i.- l.-ts and bl" I s
: ii n.-s. s.-ui.-nt is i . I
fray I t- est ..f .
- -ti-in of di ai. is are ,
1. '.. ii 7, v bl . k
Lin k P. lots 7. V,
i , ".. ;. :. v blo.-k :
'. ;. :. i bio k T.t;
.. :. !: k . i . i-1
s i.
0 k T'
,. of I O
1 IUT O'
!'e p.1ple W lio llllV" - obj '.'tl his
Iv.-rd.liiK malt' r in the n .1 u inn i of,
.1 tie ll ...plll-i-r 'I'll" k'tleind "f obje.'lliill
ts that th y do it. t want to ren -id
ii"-tl- i.". N'on tins ol. .et ton In n t
k- 'or ft.:.! m i ill-.- ad e tlie.
iiievits iieiiei lalil.tbie Inf rmatton '
l'(- In-ia ice. ho i ,-ls.. would the trav- j
ebio: labile 1 am of th- ee-Il m dln-
liur car s r I f thv U l-ictt"!!! Co-i- j
! trill lln.-s between Si. I'uul and Cliicuirn, i
or the K'nierul infort "f Iraii lbiir over i
(tills iMipiilar line 1' t pai-tlciila: s call th... e. nr. it tlek.'t ilk'.-tit or nd I
J C pond. ;. P A . Mll'i auko -, Wis .
or li.ii S it.ltty. Ak--I.t i'10
S'ark i.r.i t. portlimd, i 'r.
A complein stock of liimls-r on hanl
;lu the nniuh or dnsscd. I'l.Mirliig', ru-
lie, cellliiK and nil kinds of ntilnh; innld-
Ink's and uhliiKles. Terms re"iiabl
uud pi his at bedrisk All orders
promptly nltsndi.l to. l Oh, p and )r)
. it mill II V U Ii'lAN,
' i'-uslde. i in-rfon. Proprietor.
Cedar Shingles
HMA.MII.K l.l'jt.:it YAl'lt.
U' Kli i: 3ii CoM.MIlIti IAI. HT.
. It -p.
I led to '.. de
I'M 1:11; -a.' I
i. f ii ...
1 '. lots '..
k 17, 1 .t-
i.-'s 1
I"t'.' I.
when one
When the spring tim :n-s. CTit'.'..
Annie, like ail oth.-r sensible j er tu,
will clean" the liver and renovate
the syetem with D-Wltt's Little Marly
FLisers, famous little pills I r 'he iiv r
and stomach all the year r.'ind.
Charles Hofrers.
T'';.. M.-yll-st wh U a .ov.
trre.'it'-r itie-ta..-'. e p. tii.- sif-ty
1 'Strda-'ts a ri I tijl '.'.'ti y hors
the bust p.KMKiy mi: liiir;:-
iiti.-n.ii surrend r. is the
i farr o ia little i lls known
if.'s IJttle Karly P.Isers will
h const ii'ation, sick hea.lach
:ti. h tnuhlts. Charb-s iioK-rts.
d-l ,;;,.p.
if It. - i.
;ra.l"r- :-
" o:. - :
rev ,i!.r
it of 1"
n th- taM' .nd umbrella"
iuri-"ls anl lad link,
tianly announce itJi. fact that
out of place.
ly ta.
it. f.r
an d tj
It llliltlp b.
policy f,T Hair, mend put , or
twelve th .usu'id .JoiltMv i.t d. p.-. p.
prowments befo,-.- t. ,..; uny a,,ur.
Uinec from the city auticriti.-s t.,at a
ativ.-t would be m a- to mai'
them available, but lt te n..;;ir f j,..
nor manly to twit Wm w.n lt a. lhjs
time. He was nagged Into buil;lins- tlie
dep. long: before he had any roJS;
to use lt. In order thnt tlie people m'.xht
have "ocular demembration" that he
tnt-nded to keep fain, wj.f, lhem Th.
deKt has been finished sine arly in
th winter, and while the council is
now proceeding? as rapidly as ps4ble
with t.hie te-lioue lejral routine which the
obwuruuncy of WlllUm Welch and other
obatructlunists has forced H to pur-
From the Fairhav.-n (S. V.i Ib-irls -r.
Mr. James Rowland, of thl-" viila-e.
stab-s that f'-r tw.-n'y-live y.-ars his
wife has been a sn'T.-r r from rheurna-
j tism. A few nights airo sh was In BU' h
jp.'ii-n that she was n-arlv .-rtizy. She
I s.-t it .Mr. Jbovla..! ! for 'h- docor but
h" hal r'-ad of Chart!'. -Iain's 1'ain
Ralm and ins'ead of ? Irts for t':- piiy
jsician h'- w-nt to the .-tore and s -cured
Din toui; of it. His '.vtfe did not approve
of Mr. Icou'l.'utd's pu-ch;t-e at !:rst. but ,
n.-v-. theies" applies the lulm t l or-'
otifhly and in Hn hnir'.i time ".' i ' ablej
to K" to si. '-p. She now aid. II s it '.vle n
O .;.- Khe f; -l.n an fjf:h i r a pain and
lindi that i'- always sslv.-? r i ef il.-i
says that no nv-die'n v. lileh -he lad
us-d ev-r did h-r as rnix-b -' "d. The1
f : .' V I-! i Mi i i
."t-y-s. r.nrr.rmn
You hear it in nine out
of ten drug stores.
It is the reluctant tes
timony of 40,000 druggists
that Scott's Emulsion is
the standard of the world.
And isn't the kind all others M
try to range up to, the kind
for you to buy ?
Two tilts, 50c and $1.00.
- on, .wi lo. i , ., ::. i, r, r v. !,;,., ; i . , 1 ;
- - : i. ... ;. :. i. i.i" k -Tt ; is ..
It should be a ma t-r f p i'. 11c -. 1. I. '.. 6. 7. . ' !" k -. 1 ;
knoa l-d.'- th'-.t ...VI",'. W i'eh H 7.. I 1. .. t. I. '1. 7. V Id , k - ; I t
'.iiv- '.nil t.c-dl.y iii.h j i .-s ..f tr.. i, 2, 1. '1. 7, S. i'io k It.
1.. tu-t startdiiu-. It is th- h ti .d.old 1. -'. I. I. i. '.. 7. 11 . k '.'.. Id.
'avori:.- for biiras. M-ald- en'-, brip- s I. .. t. I, '.. 7. b. k ot
and s-to -f all kir.d Ci.ari... ...K.. t ... :. i. :,, c, i, ,, i,4
ere. l, il. I. a. '.. 7. v I.'.- k -; I .is
I. .', :, i. :,. . 7. i.'.. i I e-
'1 h- . .ii.' i .n ..f rn, ....,.. - :i', 1, .. .;. I, r., il, 7, i. l.l.h-k 1". lot-
xp.o-i.. Put most s'.t. .-';,, ,,i f.,., ... - ul,d tie. p. tth ! nif . f I I,.
" ' -- ', 7. i.. k In all in the 'My d As
Usf V .-Moor row iv. "'n''- 1.. ind
1 f 1 . i- nt I. id recorded by John M. Clur- un I
.(Uiv no pay. !, s,(,. ,,, ,s. iy , .N r; , ,;,.v
t'S-('0llll Hl'llir MOIV. .. !,.,(.. of the ,-m. se . f -itld
hum a". I plain and licitl c s . f
p. ...''. ..- 1 . 1, o t r ! ' ail';, to I-- drain-d a 111 b" on ill
1.1. n's s il l- us f.,r in ! .1 " in ti I f 'In- Ai di or and p..:e-
. . I , f,,,- publ.c cx.ihilnutl.n. TitM
Thir'y y i s l a l-.ri.r -i, t. .-ht '"' '" ' x; I' -'nl.':' m .-tin-' of the
si 1 painful .1 foubl pit. . 1.,. j .,,,!, 1 -.tiiii .11 ''.1.111;. af'-r ten days front
Mit.-h-ll. f l'id .t.v.iie. I'a .. i.-i-iw) ' Hi' ii of th- o Ice of sin. 1 lin-j
'.hat. 1 -tltt ln-f .r - .. I i- 'A' 1 tt 'si ' e'. id, ''V't. 0,1 l''t , lav. June I, ,
Wit, h Muz I Sa. ..,.(.". ,,, , j,y :,nil '' -n d v.ti.tnoli C un. II a. 11
i. rtii.iri. rd.:v i or- ! h ' i p .-i ia,ly r ..i.;. lions to socli lm ,
':'.;;.. In !. in i ;.n! u 1 1 .. i. ,. .irf.c. pi ...ii.etit h. i.. it maiie; a nd If a re ii.-n
"i "i.-i I'hiri"-' I: ..-i s' i . .. c.. i . n.-d by , c.i n. i s of ..a. -half of
i .- pro.-.-iiy in the abc,.. d.-oriiclj
.-"p. f i.i' i.p.i . - in,, in ii'iiiot, . hi. d .. .on t .ii.-n luo.r -'
-h i i f lifitin, i t'i 1 1 in ,e i. Mb . .T ih.- .Vnli. r nil 1 1
. . i 1 oil. .Jii.Im." b. f..i. -..Id fourth day;
and ."') cent "iz-s for fru l,- f.'o.
il by 11
. i J
jsnA M 0 N S i
to l. .'tiC'l .-(
in n:;..ny p t
oid. 'I'd' coll
lay part;.
i) Of t'.e
!. ail'
f Jiitn
rn i.
of I .- .
' inn
.'i n I
v-ty lit'ht.
That Is what Kid wards . Parker, me:
chatitft of Plait. k. 'la.. ay of Ch an' er
laln's Pain Ralrn, for rli'-urna' inn, lame
back, dJop s'-at.-d hji'1 mu"ular paJn-.
Sold by i;si'-''onn Dniir Co
I'-, K ri c i ii a vVv nTTf v
f ' S 'il-UWI.rlll r -
i iiiids of
I Cllllll ii
ill,. ".HP
II. in ..i '
i: nt lo
.; r ..r ti..
t :
A ad it
M'.lk of l'llpl-'lejll'lil
.1 hi tile ! .P 11 IT I' I"
II I he nu nib. is of the
"... i.
i i' io n 0 ra n. 1..
u:i. Ii uld i.t-der
... n. nd-.
' 'oitiniori I ' .iniojj,
II 11. .N'lil.-'ON'.
n- end Polio. .In r
III. 1
Marshall &
Elmore, JSniitxrti
Xr Co., Auciiih
I'r Ii froni ih.. mills for iv: nshliiK
! livery ball KU.iriintei-.! Pb-u.,. riip .rt
' any Imp. rfei tlotm. I : Ii WA 1 : 11 iK IMI
'I'A'I'l' i.N'S livery ball iiiui-l Ih- ii. inked
"M A I :SI I A 1,1, i- CO, SllltllWSItrilV
MILLS '' Muiuf.'U liir.-il from relivi.-d
ll.vx s.e. lally for cnl.l MltlA
I'lSIIIMi S.. tlmt every bull b.arn
the MALSIIALL :ib..
ii. 7, , y. in. ii, i::, u, n-piy pfs
!-'. I-. II, I.'., I - ply JO'S,
i. V '. I" -ply Hi's
Astoria and Columbia
River Railroad
j rains i-ae :-. imide for Astorli i t
7 ::ia avrn. dally und X p. m d illy, ex.0 t
Sut. day.
Trait'" I'll." Aspirin for Kitn'el i,t
'! a. in. dally an I !i p. in. diiil.,', pxeent
T ruins le iv Astoria f.r S a; Id- nl
I'l .tn a. in. dally and ". p. m du ly, fx
cop! Sunday,
Trains leave l'lav. fr Astoria m '.'.in
a. in. dniiy and il.Vs p. m. dally eveeot
Sunday itrpiiiiMn iralrm oil" hour
. i later fntiii all points.
I'ront St . foot of It!,, Aiii. I ta
C'TTnl ,V iciilnists ami Go;lor M.ikeir
I .i 1 nj M Iik'Hi, . ,n S'.m.
b- l I.nn.ry Wi.fll s.,l'!v
w.ri,-. U VI I1' tlptlnn. M.J. t.i ndi .
h'.rl N..!l.
b.t.rt Tut . I'rMtl.trfii ma Htiirl!iindn
I. Ki Vlr
ll Prfl Hwrvtary
Antorbi Sitvlnt; Mank Tr.surr
rJ;;JV, i,, i i ... i,...o.,
1 1 ''"' "Nrs ' ' ' ' - I" ".'" lor ,
c -''j " i " ' H i " 1 1 ' " " " i t i .n
V 'i.
I e.r N,. , v,!riiiTi,l
.iill t.r I), uhUi,
Ii... . ..ifi.1,
'I Pi
I For Delicacy,
fur p.-rlty . mid for lm; r..i . nt. at ,. (l, ,.,.
fj.ii toa ,..! Iilnw .,.,! .,,W,rB
' r.
.Mav 11. Idi7
Hb Favorite Earns BeiMg.
.-"n.l'.i'iT IMI'P'i'i'i.MKNT
I.- Ii reby ilv..;i i hut th" Coiri-
W ft
tr'. m
-1 ffi'1"'' '!l'"ll ll'Ist'S ..'tlllll,.,i!lf
M F. ur.-dlti I. t. .,!.'. In.. i V. ,ic n!.n lo'ili lm
; 'i'3'l,,,'"r " "'"'" I'"' nil'..''"' nii" Kilirun
f ' Wt i y. If cl 1. 1 f i I, i ''. iii,, l.iTii ,.e wl!lo,i,H
'" li.ifil-1 i' r.i'i.ninl hnlrlliiM. Kti.l
'iir,f. 1 ! : ,.; ; . en I r . n Ii t lUn Inrr
. , ,. .Ii.l.i t , t.i. il,, .ii 1 n li.i.n ii. I. r. Ila
. e. I nn n. ! ii, .i- i. Sure 1 1, run,,
p . ... 1 i.piirr c.,l o , I p.ll, I l, it. n
. '-. f '.'" I .1 1 ll- r lo ,.i'i ' i I illlnv
1 '. I! I'.l I.,',' '. l O v l.i mm I 'iImin
a,,.,-,.,,!,.,.,.,, ,,, .,v , I l, ii ,,l,,.
I t .11.,'S IllKl 4 II ill I.. till, tl '.' Ill f.,1'
v r"ii '" ', ,i; rn... Iw . ntnrr
. -Ir.i I lie nl. Ill ol I ii.i 1. 1 rilllrit'llt pliy.l
ens. ,i(IO,llllll r,,.i!,l I.e., i.i i,i,r unri.ti.ll.
.. iitirni,ty. A li.,..l at .. pi-imfi M-r.l M.nt.tnl
h .'. Aitio. oui, i;i in iv ,o
' '1 Aliuuniu l.ii.uli . I'll OU, ILL.
Beaver Hill
Gilman Coal
...Try It
Por f?amly ot
.11.2.1 I'urcoscs.
Tljr imttiK Pr, rcnu'ii Yflllnw Nnrro
I'illn. 'Mils winiilerliil. nnnisly
Kiiiirnntecl lorurntiil iii.riin ill.
J'.etw-e,-n th; y-ars I'l'i'i aid l'-) l
irtVt Tnrrp-nt ptdd ii';,. Irihai.i ai'ts of
Iiuml's? and ltdfast ii'Vi'i'i'Si' p.,.jnds
m.frluiK to .tiable tre-rn Vi Xir! Iri-ii
lltn-n at less than "st.
The To'estfleld and.) S'-wb prints the
following In regard to an old resident
of that place: "Frank McAvoy, for
many years In the employ of the L
N. A. & C. Ily. here, fiy: 'I have u &
Charnlerlaln' Colic. Cholera aral iJi
arrhoea Iit-rnedy for ten years or longer
am never without It In my family.
I consider U the best remedy of the
kind manufactured. I take pleasure In
recommend In gr lt " It lg a gpeclflc tir
all bowel complaint. For Bale by Es-tes-Conn
Inig Co.
moil ('out. ell of Hi,. I'liv of Aslorla has
For ail diseases c.-jst-J tiy derangement d'!teriiii-iiis (ind i,, r. t.y determine
of the Liver, Kidneys, and Stoinach. ' "'id int -nil t , impp itontl Htre.-t from
Keep it always in tlie house and you11"' 1J,i hl''e "f nth t r- t to th- ivm.
will save time and I-loctor's Bills, and Ki "' !,lh ain--t and that mich Im
have at hand an active, harmless and per-; ,,r"v""""lt ,M' "u,e ''y pu lai
lectly safe purgative, alterative and tonic. , '"w'KHr,"'nt ",'"n Ul" '""' Hl"' l'rPm
If you feel dull, debilitated, have freutietil ! I""H h"r"'""'"r d". citHii ,,nd .I.kIk
headache, mouth tastes badly, poor appe- nft"' HT"' whl"1' ,ir" h"''",,y ';"-'ninod
tite and tongue roati-d. vn ff.rin ;)" liuv'1 ,'" '""""flt-d by nu. h
from torpid liver or biliousness, and SIM-1 i',r7' ",1''''t; ,
MONS LIVER PtGULATOK will cure you.! iTu 7 "H
. . , , , f ! which K,wia ii.m, nt hiill -
If you have eaten anyth ne hard to ,.,.,, ,, ,m ., .
. ' . , ' fi , " levied to defray the cm nnd rxperm ti
uii, wt ict ucdvy anci iiirait or sleep- i ,,f
less ai nignt, a dose of blMMONS LIVER
REGULATOR will relieve you and bring
pleasant sleep.
If at any time you feel your system
needs cleansing and regulating without
violent purging, take SIMMONS LIVER
J. ll. Zeilia ; Co., I 'lilladelpUU-
H'i'-h riipr'iverii.-nt ure n follows,
to-wlt: CoinmeiKdriK at the northwent
corner of lirt 1, b!o k 5S, an laid out an l
THfrdj?J by John Mt-'.'lure, rurnilnir
thence southerly along the went bound
ary . if nald lot 1 to the douthwetit cor
ner thereof; thon:e westerly along the
center of blrx;lui 59 and 25 to the south
east corner of lot 4, block 24; thence
mum, nui'li n Wvnk Meumry, Imii tit Hriiln 1'itwur, iM.limh, VVkw
Inliien, Unit MiiiiIiikvI, N I k ' ' 1 1 y I'liiilwil'iim, Nurviiiiminiw, nil drains,
InMtif Kiwer liKJinitiriitlvo OrKHimol uliher mix raiixiil l)r ovrr-uxiir-tlnn,
yt.utlif ill Trirn, otremiWo umnl liilnition, tii'luni r ntliniiliuit,
which lend to IntlriiiUy, Ciiiiminiiitlmifi linwtilly. tn ho nirrlod In
el iHKiliiit. tl pur Ikix, Inr f'l.hjr mill prepaldr Olri'iiliir Knm. Hold
t.y nu druKKlaU. Auk lor It, Inko lm nilier. IT'tiiiiliiiitnreil hy tli
ii U...H..I.... i, i i, . . ff . ,llLrll.iiLlii
mrwwmJm nun mu iiiiotu, I nrm, r ruilii". iiiit-i.i vtu vu. " '- m
UiillUi AIHJ BUIHJ aitcula, Ihltd ud Yuioldll tl:. l'ortlwid. Or.
,T W CI INN. -..nt A'.t'.i'l.
l fit lu MlVitv HftSir WDWW.fc?H,!
in i in ... , . T" : i:r.ll-l -! Hi UH) (Titfir. .i.lli tt (t.itiiM n In IHlluVN Ml
t(f lll('i.
Kll nt ,L i:r 'II-1 1 Mill Hi I ill! ltfU' tit Itntlili n It. Ill tl.ivn und ll n.ivita
i-m. i nt " '"Tli ni'in Bfr'iHK, VHl),"mh ntft u.ritntM If. i 111' try It hii, Nl will IhI (It)
-'' ) u ti ("i K v, nut t nif, f .r niri Kit; i.hti' ly jn ir,nt(ft-i i tiruuult niry
r leiofch't t 'V'rtHwn ftt it ml Hm'ih' V'mr l,ifn a n t wrilH'ii tfnarauUiu ttitd
'XUKtli.ltUAUULMUI 4JO., (litdiuiiwi Aeiv lurk
Bold and Onarnntpfd by Chan. Kokth, DruKldt.
m j -r
Thin irritl Vertlil
tlieidl (tiii.u Kruti'ii phynleliiii, will quickly nur.i
van or rtl. nit id llin ki ih ruuie i, i.,, i,.-l, , f,i mi,.kl
J nwimiilu. I'hiii. In Urn Hik'U, Bienliml Kinlnilniii,, Nitv.hi. llH.llltif
i'llittile. TinlltliftM U Marry. ImIiaii.iIhi. lir..iB. vM.wM.iu
t'.iiiniliiiiUiiii. 1 1 ibi! ll linar. hy tin i,r tilitt.i. Hiwi-nn quick.
Ilf M of lllwiluirxi. Wlllell If nut rliM-Wiirl lnitili, tr, Hrwriiitti.rti,i .nrf
BCFORC ana AFTER f" ''''''"""""'npoi'ner. 'HIIIH': r.rlawuwi ui.Uwr, UK
I fc ' w n. klilnnu.... Il.a nil,... r, -11 I. ......... I. -
CtTPIIlBJIW utmriff Uim. nn'l w.iUc iimna.
Th. r.uun .r. not ciitwl by lon'tor. in beratim nlnotf pr ennt " lronlili1 frllh
P.lall(lh Cttl'l ItKN K I. Ui only known tflnli tn curu wlllioul .it lM.r.Uoii. Kilr.ltiKiiil.
la. A wrllln ITirnleitlToii4 money rvlurnwl If Hi bnnt tiimi not .Haul Duuuuutuimu
U)0bo,li,by mall. HnU for rH..clrculr nitd
AddrMDATObHEOIClaB CO K a Box JW, 8 Fr-tmtoo, ad. JbrJbMsy
CHAS ROOERB, 459 Commercial Street
J IT' ' I -'