V 11 HIE DAILY ASTORIAN, TUESDAY MoKNINtiv MAY JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone No. M. terms or nvBscniprioN. DAILY. Bent by mall, 'per year t.00 Sent by mail, per month,.... 60 Served by carrier, per montjt 45 WEEKLY. Bent by moil, per year $2 In advance. Postage free to subscribers. All communication Intended for publi cation should be directed to the editor. Business communications of all kinds and remittances must be addressed to Tbe Astorlan. The Astorlan guarantees to Its sub scribers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rate can be had on appli cation to the business manager. The Weekly Astorlan, the second old est weekly in the state of Oregon, has, ftext to the Portland Oregonian, the largest weekly circulation In the state. John F. Handley & Co. sure our Port land agents, and copies of the Astorlan can be had every morning at their stand, 114 Third street pie during the late camraign as the shrewdewt business people of the wwld, ore. now adding me gwu without- murmur apparently fr"m anybody. Probably there are no silver nrtne owners In Japim If tt la true that In a few days Urn battleship Oregon will he tn Astoria harbor, for the pun"'! or reviving the silver service to be precntl by the State of Owpw, the " authori ties, chamber of commerce and bud- noes men have no time to lose In mk-1 ing ptvpanrtlcn for a suitable recep-1 ..s. -N Keep on Coughing it u want to. If von want to cure that cough get A vcr'j therry Pectorl. Jt cures coughs a iJ coMs. A Chicago Judgv rvfusixl to let a Spiritualist serve on a niurdor trli Jury bewails he suM In court that he did hotbellevj a man could be killed, In-thoumtVkxt ooift4Uos W-l hat term. Use Webfoot Corn Cnn. No cure no For salt at Kates-Conn Drnsr store. According to the lutivt report of the Hell lYlcphono tviupiiiiy then me tt-iw soi.fisT telephones In the hands of lis llevivs. In Mi'itxxutir wonwui vt tv lu'f hJf-penny for making a shin, while s HiHihiimui r( five pone for washing II OAHTOniA. It Is proposed In liieretise Mm num ber of bluejacket In the HiitMi nary by ti.StiO, Hulking (he total lOO.Oirt. People who are complaining that the business conditions of 1S92 have not yet resumed, should remember that a nothing equals thm and entertainment of Captain lUtrker and his officers irvl the hundreds of visitors who will K present in the city. There is a svl Held for a clean.) high-grade afternoon paper l; Astoria, j St. Louts has a public library of U5.000 volumes and no place to put I; ' except In rented rtm. ! Seems as If all the t tltlitf we Ilk ills-a-sre wfth 11. a;id all the tlriiKt we don't llki, agree l.h us l-i'op.l lurks In most of the good 1 1 1 : 1 e j ., , , . . , , 'cat, and In Ikenion :ios the g .:H- I Saltonbea bait tor hath 'at f lll0 tt.,,v,i0 ,.f ,r.. it ;the Estes-Conn Drujr Store j i. l t Nature's rait. Nature ,i. the i 10c and 25c per jwkasre. I lint she ran, and if a man III only , I help her a Utile bit Ut the rttlit ttne t. k., .... 1.1.. . 1. no may en wniu ne iikw nun an mm-n and the Kvonlng News, nn Its tm-1 , . as ! likes. Pr. IM -rv e' ...... m a. n-ij ti.x..-, imv . nmv.-l ae.-vt.-e ajid under its new ma. .-iiv .k. .. lets are for people who aiv ! wt 1 uuitgestiou. i-.iriieuiai ly i"r in jo apenvMit, ouo'ht to (Hcir. If the prom Lvs of Its salutatory w be Miod on and there Is tvaii to believe they 1 can It deserves, ant doubtless will have, the hearty encouragement and, (remkm, sluggtshnew of the liver. Jaun suppiwt of ewry vlei-ent c'.Iiien and! Jlee, and sick headaohe; also, to relieve honest business man in the community. COXPITln.NS t'NSATlSKACTOUV. l.on,lon. May tJ.--The n,uy MalPs or- iv-smMdoitt it ratals under date of Ve td'jiday says: A 1. n k l-atlallou t.lay ltmkd the Turks near PUllllpliMi, Tlv tlreeks f mkIu well, but ttwlr ammunition Wiu itv.i, ,tiaiitvl and they woit com i.'il,l :. i'tiiMv The oilUvrs and men In lCplrtm art t.lli.rly displetwe with the head,uttr- ' i.,,. dt.irT l,ir.,lw it.A .i 11 lVeasin IVI-l' ' """"'ts nave ivon piumieriiig thoir xmiatdots, A very UiiMitlsfaotory condition of thlniis tr.oil 1-1 Ayer's Pills are recommended by b ad- w"honl 11 manifests "" " ' r"r'" Ing phohins and druKslsts. as the ' ,,f The Vo:s" ne Uck most prompt and etlleknt retn.Mv for j a"-' WU1' 1,1 ,h,lr tl,,n' Th ' ltl" ln Wllousnesa. nitt.ea. cvvstlvw.ess. Lull-! ,,'1-f,vt biirmony with Xatur-. They '.fitvt a iM-rmatu'.H mv. 1 'r-i take them rgularly only a little while After that, use them occasionally when XOTICK 1'KAIX IX .MeCLfllVrS. j coldn, fevers, neuralgia, and rheuma- I ttam. ! you neM them- att.x'thlni; that w hen you hae eat, n you. ; a-' .Ilsugrtvs with Thia Is the day or ana-tm.s ana aiut- . J Thev n ay le taken just as f.x-oiy tnat.btRwhat .,le need most n.awdays ' J J M ytu would take water or any .xliclne. Mmmons; ! n.Hyv.t v of life. Ontv u.d they are alva-s In fawr. tariff cannot be framed and passed In a mknute, or even in a month. It was eighteen months after G rover Cleve land became president before the Wil son tariff bill was a law, but there Is good reason to believe that the Ping is. the aiiti-billvms me Liver Regulator, the King of Liver Med icines, and Hetter than Pills. "I have used no other anti-bilious remedy for that for ladles of a constipated habit i " , , " , ' , . . It." Laura V. Craig, "IT IS THE BEST OX EARTH." That U what Edwards & Parker, mer. Each yeur about IjO.OOo Is exp-'iul.l Noil.,, is hereby glvvn tlmt the com. n on ouiu lt prox. , estul.lh ii,l e.msirtiot . HVtctn of diiCns In thin porthm of the City of Asloitt. us laid em and rwordod by John M.-tTure and .to:i,. by Cyrus Olnev. u hei. oher; itufter dwnrltHM nul designated s.ini tinutis to coiHilst of tena e.ilta drain ple i.t exectitllig IJ iuhe In dlivnteter, Mild system of Iraltw to be ooiiMlnir :e,l at (he excise Elhwbury, Fla. in sprinkling the streets of London,, if ull property wi the drulnage district lain-- Pln Ralm. f,- rheumatism, lams h sand to prevent the ors.-s from ibacic. detp seated and musi'ular ixiins Sold by Estes-Conn Drug Co. FILLERS. Mexico Is the richest mineral countr) in the world, not excepting Peru. Thirty rears Is a long time to fight I so painful a trouble as piles, but Jacob v 1 1 vtll luMWu A In Uh than Mitcheil. of Cnionrllle. Pa., stnunrled eighteen weks after the Inauguration j thM Klfl(f uore he tried DeWitt's': One of the public schools of Oermany has maxle it oblgatory for all its pupils to learn to ride the bicycle. The Weatfield tlnd.) News prints the following in regard to an old rasldent of that place: "Frank McAvoy. for slipping. w hli It hail be know n and designated McClure's LM'ainas tlstiict No. S, and to lt iiHlrui'tei --ir-lltiir to the THE BEST REMEDY FOR RHEtMA-! pla.-.s and spool Moat Ion to he prepared TISM. From the Falrhaven (X. Y.I Register. Mr. James Rowland, of this village, states that for twenty-five years his wife has been a sufferer from rheunia- by the City nur ami ile,iMltel In the ultliv of the Auditor and Police Ju.lk-v. a,tul niwlng to the charter of the City of Astoria an-1 the ordin ance in relalkm fH.-ieto. tism. A few nights ago she was In su. h pain that she was tn-urly cnisy Tt,.. 1.....! n...l . - .... ...... , , ".nun .,, .,,-iiiif,v uion w nn n Sn,the ss liU aicnwtnent shall lie levied r xt.k-i.- 1 h.,CT. j " v. J . Ji I many vears In the employ of the L..'"'u Mr- ior me o.or. , ,,..rmy ,h (x,t ,lf constructing ,,1 of Ulhun McKWey. and les than , VYltc-h Hud Salve, which Quickly and y. here, : ve : he ha.1 read of Chamberlain's Pain J ,.,., f lna,,s. ,uh ,he dvstrlet em- i dh nine n nw ypassea. tB. pm,ujr " u, chambarlaln's C4I& Cholera and Dt- ,lillm "ls:ettJ r riWr tMe I l-welng said Dralnag,. IHstrt. t. and the til the bill can be passed, and the country has had time to absorb the, normous mass of goods now being! effective in eciema and all skin affec tions. Charles Rogers. Thirteen uuilions sterling Is the year- . t. . , 'sielan he went to the store anil s-urcd nrrnvrs iifninif ivr veil ears or igogtri -am never without It In my family. I b"ttIf f "U wife did nn approve .1.1. 1. ..., v . ,.i.. ,v,!of Mr. Rowland's purchase at first, but & nxviun 11 11, wtji iii.".iif .tic : . . . ... . .... . 1 Units anil 'ImhJ(h to Iv amenm-l there for iuv hn-by ilivlirnated as follows: I '',"t rinlng at the northwvMt i-oin. r of igi ANVcrbihlc lrcp.iration fur As -slmttattii) llw hHXl aikl lietf uU llitg ilic StutniuJu niul lkw U iif IVonvolca Wtcslion.Chrcrrul ncs mvl IVst.Ctinlfllns ncllhrr Dnnim.Morphlnr iwr Muiaal. Not N ah v otic. OUnrStMZUVUtt WIm SmJ- Apcrfrc I Ilrmrdy for f onitlfvi tioa. Sour Sloiiuc h.Dinn tfd Worms jCoiMiLsiorw.rVwrish ucss oikI Loss or Sleep. facsimile Sill nature "f NEW S'OHK. SEE THAT THE FAC-S1MILE 1 SIGNATURE IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY EXACT COPT Of WRAPPER. GASTORIA it sot wu u t:k. Dj'i ii yo ! lk ' - r'! t ' i. foa" a ".n wy w (we..' -M Uul ) rt C A 8T 0 t lX Hustler's Astoria Twentieth St. unci McKee Ave. 1.1...1 .. t ..1,. u j,, i ! nevertheless applied th lUilm tiior-.i,,, u. !,!, k j- .hi-i-..-. ,hr.-.,,..K ruahed In by Importers. It b nmm-,!, value of potatoes gnn In the Cult-, r90ommetMng ,t - It a sreclnc f ,r;oughly and In nn hour's tin was a'.le, th). ,VIllt of ,,H.M s a(1 a able to expect a resumptioo of activity led Kingdom. by the manufacturers, and consequem Iy prosperity among the masses who will be affected by that activity. There are too many people with pre maturely gray hair, when they might 1 avoid K by applying that reliable and ! effective preparation. Hall's Hair Re-1 newer. , all bowe! complaints. I tes-Conn Drug Co. For sale by Es Canadian apple growvrs say that bar rels made of paper or pulp boards pre serve apples better than wood. 10 g to sleep, fne now appii-s 11 win n-! nrll..ut r,,? f (, - ,,ll(.k 4T ever sne iei-ia an acne or a i i i t,,Hl. mtxltt t1ig the east line ..f tlnds that it alwn-s gives n llef. He , - M k : ,,, ,h ,lin.,h,.nw, 1n,.r i-s that no medicine which she had.l(f j M,u.k T3 WIVV ..,,. north line of block 73 nJiil "2 to the Preserved fruits, ln a state fit to be eaten, have been taken from the ruins of Uercuhuieum. and The Southern democrats who are now favoring protection must have been reading the remarks of John C. Cal houn on the tariff of ISIS, when he said: "When our manufactures are grown to a certain perfection, as they will be under the fostering care of the govern ment, ... the farmer will -find a ready market for his surplus products, and a certain and cheap supply for all Ma wants; prosperity will diffuse Itself through all the country." Calhoun onlv abandoned this theory when he found TJ "J' '"'"Iby continually cougWng will find IJiwmT-i ill Urc wonu. Not only acute lung troubles, which may prove fatal to a few days, but old chronic coughs and throat troubles may receive Immediate relief and be permanently cured by One Minute Cough Cure. Charles Rogers. The inhabitants of the United States. used ever did her as much gd. The 25 and 30 cent sisee for sale by Ksies Conn Drug Co. When a cold Is contracted, cure It I at once. One Minute Cough Cure will I The Rank of England employs al-ul set you on the road to recovery ln'l uw nwn- H "lar' l"' a minute. It will cure pneumonia, j vrtti.Ung p.n.. of attrt i4w. bronchitis, croup and all forms of lung!lr annum. throat troubles. Charles Rogers. " " CABTOIUA. More than 11,000.000 yards of tweed; Tht ti are used annua lily for clothing ,he!iiJiiMsi mate population or Lomum aione. that manufaoturtng industries were not PERSO.VAL.-The g-entieman who E E j,.-,., of Compton. Mo., writes annoyed the congregation last Sunday U8 that ,Ufrering from piles for ; l.-ks H VI. ss and V to th. '"" seventeen years, he completely cured jeast .s.nwr of lot 5. bbx-k P). H'PtJuiK eorniToflot i. hlk "3; theniv south al'Hig the it Iki of bb k T2 to the northeaMt curner of lot 4. block inemv eiwt along the north line of block ) t the iKirtluitat .-iirtwr of lot 3. blork . tliemx- south along the e.i.4t I In- of lots 3 and t. Ak , to the utiiest corner of lot . blmk 1HI; thenoe west along I'M south Ihw of b,H-k to tile suthn! innw-r of k't 5. blm k S9; thenre south aklg the tsut HtH. of blork to th Ut!l'ijt corner of kit 1. blmk tl.'i. thotlee w.t along tte south line of -Ut.'l- thcniv a. Good Reason Why Lots ...Are Selling... Sittiatt'ii oil tiif Houth hide of AntoriiiV lulls. Twenty ileri't'K warnutr ami vrp'tatinii : tliiyn in hi I vn lift f tin' Nrth fiilo. Mniiilitt'iit nitfH fur rt itli'iift'H. tivcrliMikinj; river mi' I I my, minnv atnl nlu'1 UtihI. Kn.xy ami natural trutlt-H; little or no gniilinn ih'imIchI, ASTORIA INVESTMENT CO. 483 Bond Street. jstant relief by u.dng One Minute Cough them by U9ng tnree xea 0( i)v witt'a j south along the eawt line of bt i. bl k being established in the South, to thus UncondiUonal sun-end. U the only!" '"Z t, k V Ah"rl ' " ucn " tu"' " ' " " " " , , . . u A , Lnn. thoie tlmo,u ..,. ,. vnownif th' g ,0UblH, Charl and severe skin diseases. Chos. ilogers. thence wet through the .-.mter f lots irn wwn.,lu.ilnxKn. -uw.. r...,7 , t.. Rogers. ,5, ,uu 7. I..k in: to th- ivrthw that maufactures are springing up in' is DeWltfs Little Early Risers Willi mm 1 s ' 1 UraiaiiS MANHOOD restored-e: KrnitnPf ron' T.lln c T'iU iMIfmi rw ml J r.ntnl lnriirn.il barvmi. itl SMS, urh M Wnak ktinanrr, Lasolllrdn 1-iixir, IIwImiIi., W.ka. Iuiuom, M MsiihixM, nmnilf roniaiuiii pra.ini.iMM, an hi.om, is ot pnwKt In Unall. orn ol nlllirf Ml miiml tjr orni. lion. Toulhlul.min. .ipraUr. iw oi inlwrau, nnlum ot lUsulinl which Inui to lurtrmllr, ('Miaiimiitliinnr Ituanllf. n b. rrrml la vast poeloL II par bm. lor t bf Biil n,iMfc Clrrtitu fraa. Mold all ilrunUu. A.k lur It, Uks do otli.r. M.nutMlnrvil tr I make with const! DatJon sick he&rlaehe Ike South, the theory of protecting, and gtomach troubM. charie, Rogers. them and thus aiding the agriculturist is again taking poesession of the South- The state of MLesmii contains 44, ern mind. jOuO.000 acres of land, i:,000,000 of which It Is said that more than 90 (r rem 1 j Laplanders are the shortest peo;.!e ()f raihvay pa.-H.-nf.-rs m .;,..Klaiid trav- !in r.un.pe. ira-ir aeraKe nnin ii:i;..H thinl-.-lu.-w. They contribute mates, & inches; remaies, oi. , ,,. ,j ,v, r,.,,4 are under cutllvatlon. it Is not so certain that they could check revolutions within their own bor- lt:ie .if lot :. bl.nk 1:; thenv nor:h alotiK the mut line of lots : and Z, atanit ' bl" k 1: to the southwest cotn-r of ' l"t :, blm k 101; tlhiMU-e w.nt to th" jMnuthueat corner of lot S. bloi k 1ih. Acocrdlng to the newspapers, an Oh o Croup and whooping cfcgh are: t.Vnc tmrth along tlM- w.t line of lots husband became the happy father of childhood's terrors; but like imeu-N and 1, block 10 to the wrl.huet or- c,,,,.t . ;seven children not long ago. Of the monla, bronchitis, and oth-r throat' n-r of lot I. blm-k 100; thnce east along aTiMl LATE THE SLLGGISH KID-iven all lived hut one. It la to h hooe-1 . ........ ... , , 1.11U iuiik uiiuum, uuk ue ouu Hly , inriii ii.ih 01 oii a i"" oj iiii- 11 n tiiwem 1 TTS u. 1-1.1 1- 1.. -.1 . ,..i,- ' ; Cough! 'orni-r of lot I. blmk W; theti'-e north along the went line of bliM-ks H."i and It to the north west corner of lot S, blmk Plate gloss dwrs Imply hostility imfl j :'5; thuru-e it to th- siutheast corner contain the suggestkm that the pe .pis' of lot 3, block "(I; thtn-e north along the dwelling within the houne have n-ehlnp .nt I In? of lot 4. tilk :fl.tothe northwest to hide In their lives. ;oor:T of lot 4, block "1; thetnv east to the northwest corner of lot I, block 7.1; Torturing, Ichlng, saly skin emp-i th'vu north along the west line f m tlons, burns and scalds are soothed js. blm k 4'J to the northwest corner of at once and nromntlv healed hv Ik. lot H blm-k i't u-hloh I. the i!iu of .na; ana mnammatory elements, pro- As the strength of a building depends Wtfs Witch Hazel Salve, the h.st 1 -glr,i,lng. I The lots and blm ks upon which Shc- It le initereeting to learn that Chili ana urazu nave rormea an alliance to seven an uvea oui one. 11 is 10 oe nopei an(j jun)f trouble can be keep the peace to South America. These i ne laiu m a supply or inami)enain s curei by using One Minute two countries bound thus toe-thr , , . ; Cough Remedy, the only sure cure for , Cure Charles Kogers. two countries, Dound thus together,! In addnloi to Ils tonic and cathartic ! oroup. whooping-cough, colds and wum uu mucn to prevent me Dreaxing promes, Mostotter-s Stmach Bitters coughs, and so Insured his children out of war between other states, but ' sxercfc a beneficial Influence upon th?j against these diseases. For sale by Es- kionet'tt -in. K! 'i ,1. 1., .- .. V. ' . n H. ' M n les-conn irug to. Kldne-s and bladder, when they are In I active, by stimulating them to renewed I -?nii, mus iopenlng, as it were, a T I la tfkutimatMt I Kjj 7 ". t t-r iwnl cit rhm ders. The Brazilian republic is not y Sluice for the escai of impurities whose 'silks now worn by American women -e?u!ar channel of exit is the organs of! are of American manufacture, urination. Among these are certain ab-! A .'.Vt. ! W V , ', Ul , 1 bw all ilrunUu. A.k lur It Uks Do otli.r, 0. -jt4. rma MoiiiniiMtxi.. i-sna. rr.nra. iiu-iitu pru t. uhmiiumih ajiu KDUii aauialiuniaaa isiaaui !.. ruruauu. vt. ins J. W. CONN, A.aL Astsrl. twljmin)tinMWli. nni0oi,ra pnra lunmrer inita.im.1,. ',mlm f,,. i.,i,.,ii .. forin. t.il.i-1,.0 I. llio tftrkiMit iinrM.ffM.l 11, ifi iiiji . .. . f.ttl IO llt.k, O,. WORK ll, ii.ni.4. 0 nl in.n .iruiw. vImii.ou. .ivi u.iioii .'.i ! a 1. .. 1. i- w.w ', - mmj, lur.ruran rw.,i,ii.'ir tfiLlnnlo...! in diu.rfi.i, sill S. da. Bold and Guaranteed by Cha Itngers. hrugll. eight vare old, and on two occasions since Its establishment It has l-f-n threatened by serious revolts, while the internal troubles of Chill have meterial- ly ninaerea tnat natn s progress. Fer-jney..) and bladd-r themselves are also haps the governments of the two! benefited by this stimulus, as their in- countries expect to receive aid from I 8cllrtty 18 usually a preliminary to their and life-giving, Ayer's Sarsaprilla Is population, llng a d.-. 1 -a.-j each other In the event of a civil up- -u...,.BU,;,,rao.elnjuryxoi.nesy-upon tne solidity or Its foundation, so known cure for plies. Chas Rogers, tern if nt witirely expelled. The kid-1 health depends upfn the condition of the blood. To expel Impurities and Tmrii.g ISM, W.2y, i tnlgnuits 1-ft Irish cause the Mtal fluid to become vigorous ports, or S.6 per ,m of the e..;lmat.d .t 1 disfraxe and disorganizatirm. Thy also; the moet pfjwerful and eff -ctive medi- ;, B o.mpaiv.1 with 1W. rising. An alliance for that purise might accomplish something at a crit ical moment. People who assumed laot fall that the; United States lias not enough money, J xiierlence, in o.mm'n with other por-jclne In ue. tions r,f the yst.-m, the potent invlg-i arative effe.-t of t!he Bitters, which' In B"etn a nvsnkey .urthrmor fxrrects diddered con-1 ride a wlieel. It wears the handle bars: Halve J;tionsof the stomach, bowels and liver. ; very low, and n a persistent ron-her. : longest standing. I.il asfKMiinent Is to be levb-d to to de fray th" cowt of coimtniotlng said "y-tli-m of drdUw are as follows: l-ts 1, 6, 7. S, blmk 49; lots S. blm k 41; .An 7, 8, block 47; lots 1 . ': 1, 7, . block 72; lots 1. 2. '.. 0. 7. S, blm k 73; lots 1. 2, 3, . 7, S, blmk 74; lots 1, 2. 3, 4, 7, n, block 75; b'N 4, 5. 6. , 7, K, , 2. 3, 3, 4, 4. 5. 1, . 7. ft. will be interested to know that money ln circulation today in the United States is nearly 140 millions of dollars greater than a year ago. The treasury figures show the circulat'on on April 1, 1S97, to be $1,69,000,6M. while ! that of April 1, 1896, was about $1,32, 4C3.0O0. That additional 141 millions la a very tidy little sum. the a case purely of quantify i It should be made a rna'brr of public has learned to knowledge that DeWltt's Witch H:iz.-1 will speedily cure pl!- .f the It is th" household: block 7; lls 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 8. :. . block K i favorite for buras, scalds, cuts, brul wnem tne spring time comes, gentle i and sores of all kinds. Charles lioir. I -r.-d 1,2'0 bills. It was Annie, like all other sensible persons. rs i At lis rvnt K.-wion the Missouri; egishiture - hot. i :i The present condition of affairs in the Philippine Islands apiears to be that some twenty-five thousand insurgents have taken up their position in tiie mountains and are there offering a de termined resistance to the Sjianifrh Troops. This is practically a duplication cf the conditions in Cuba; and there seems to )e no reason why this sort of "warfare" should not be continued indefinitely. i uk vfuusm ana tree silver advo cate are losing their grip In the South. BUU prohlbklng the making of gold contracts, which have been introduced in the legislatures of several stales ln the past few months, have been In ever case rejected. In ail the mews from Japan about the adoption of the gold standard there Is not a word to indicate any complaint on the part of the people. -The Japs, who were pointed to by the silver peo- 50 fib of Goal A day v, uld kc:p your rooms warn in -wirTc:4. But that small stove will burn only twenty-five. Hence, ;comfort and misery. A certain amount of fat, burned daily, would keep your body warm and healthy. But your digestion is bad, and you don't get it from ordinary fat food. Hence you are chilly, you catch cold easily, you have coughs and shivers; while pneumonia, bronchitis, or con sumption finds you with no re sistive power. Do this. Burn better fueL Use SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod-liver OiL Appetite and digestive power will revive; and soon a warm coating of good flesh will protect the vital organs against the cold and the body against disease. Two tUes, 50 els. and $1.00 Book free or the asking. SCOTT & BOWNE, Nrw Ycric. I wlH cleanse the liver and renovate ! the sy-etem with DeWltt's Little Early i Risers, famous little pills tir the liver ; and stomach all the year round. I Charles Rogers. 3. 4. i. , TEACHERS' KX M INATIOV $20 REWARD. The Finnish Rrotherhood hereby off'-r $20 reward for the recovery of the body ! of John O. Hendrickson, who was' drowned on May 1st. A LEX. HOLMAX. Financial Secretary. BUILDERS AXD CONTRACTORS. If you want good lumber and lowest prices figure with the Gobel Mills. W. B. EDWARDS, agent. 3" Commercial street, Astoria. Regular quarterly tea hern' e.varnina. tlon will be held at th- MjIi s,io,, building, Astoria, Or, li.-1inirig at 1 1 1 o'clock p. m., Wednesday. May U. U:i7.'' All applicants will tie pre-ent pnmptly, '' and continue Until the rloe. '- . ... i. r.xaminaiion for frtate illnlornas will : be held at the .same place, V unlay, May IT,, 1897, b-glnning at 9 a. rn. i H. S. I.YMAV, Superintendent of S'iOi ioH. Clatsop co'jnty, firegm. ,6. 7, (i. block Ml: lots 1. 2 7, K blm k 87; lots 1, 4, r., 6, 7, S. blm k Wi; lots H. I. 6, 7, 8. blmk M; loLi J, 6. 7, K. block 90; lot X 4, Ii. B, 7, 8, blmk 9,'i; lot '), 4, 5, 6, 7. S, l.lm k 9, lot. I. 5. 6. 7, S. b!m-k 97; lot 1, 4, 5, , 7. 8. blmk 9S; l iti X 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, block 99; lots 3, 4, 6. 6, 7, 8, blm k 100; lot 4 and the n rth half of lots R, A SNAP. I k THE OBJECTION NOT GOOD. There are people who have obJe.tloni to advertising matter In the columns of a newspaper. The ground of objection Is that they do not want to read ad vertisements. Now this objection Is not good, for oftentimes the advertise ments convey valuable Information. For instance, how else would the trav eling public learn of the excellent din ing car service of the Wisconsin Cen tral lines between St. Paul and Chicago, or the general comfort of traveling over this popular line. For particulars call on the nearest ticket agent or address J. C. Pond, G. P. A., Milwaukee. Wis.. or Geo. S. Batty, General Agent, 246 Stark street, Portland, Or. j For sale cheap and on easy terms, (four choice building lots in Mct'lure's Astoria For particulars call ,in Howell j& Ward, 519 Bond street. f THE TRIUHPH OF LOVE l Happjfand Fruitful Marriage. rry MAM who would kn'.w th GRAND racn. the I, H .. a the N'rw bivi,. r4 Wedl.alVIe,,,.,..,,,.,,! to Married Life, who would .ton, f, r l l? ,vo1'1 '"" PH falln, nhouM writ, Sur called o.oft.,.ui. ... hood and How ' tuin EDtlirj"1?' T.n "e wl" mail one col i Kntlrely Tree, in plain sealed cover. 1 1 ERIE MEDICAL CO., ftffifitfVE I.. 7, , block 107 all in the City of As j torla, Halitop county, Oregon, h laid I'-ut it'id mxwdeil by John McClun? and extended by Cyrus Olney. Intimates of tlw exiM-nse of xnid : drain and plan and seHllcatlons of ! tin? locality to be drained will le on fll In tlie olllce or tne Auuuor arm i "iic- .luilge for public examlnaitlon. That t the iK-xt regular meeting of the Common Council, after ten days from the expiration of the nll of such Im provement, to-wlt, on Friday, June 4, IS97, the said Common Council will considiT am objection to such lm- provement being made; and If a remon stnnce Mgnel by owners of one-half of the propTty In the above described dlHtrlct, be filed against such improve ment in the office of the Auditor an 1 Police Jurlge before siJd fourth day of June, no such work or Improvement will be made excel by the concurrence of two-thirds of all the members of the common rtouncll elect. And unless such remonstrance be filed, the Common Council will order said Improvement to be made. Iiy order of the Common Council. Attest: II- B. NELSON, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Or., May 11, 1S97. f(7$ HAIJH00D RESTOREDS I W 1'Hiii.lriO'nlllii to Hutj, r-iiLinu,,, inh Tj J!l V " f"mlU'n. 1 1 slot all Im e.l.r.l,,"r,,i1iA;lri llllilhnmmiif lmwilM,v J '.kbv ... '.' Th rimon unfrmni r not rami br Ixa-mra mi hmtuaa nlmty nr mil m ImnMarf auk FrsMUMIH. t'tlfl l)KN E la Mi only n...n rml b, mn wIOmko . n-.r,u," WolitTH5J U boi, ill (T,r I,T malL Hrml (or rasartrruuir and ir.nuiui.ial, ' '"' Addraa BVb n EDICIS CO., r. o. Uoi V Baa rrandaw, (W. rrnuib CHAB ROOERB, 45 Commercial Htnmt. I'lC fl l a flofi.lMitMmnrt rn."il f,,r lli,nnrrh,ri i;ltrVl 'I"-!, hrrmni,irhir, vi hiii, s n n a In r a I ilia 'hanfm. or any tnrUmma Mtt u miiiw. lion. Irrllalleli ur HI, era 'MI-I.U KuiHiM. tlol i,f Hi r mrlii iff vN3 Cotarin Pi), tiranf. Nun MiflnKi'iii .non:i,a rrj iim iy iirtiKsiiia, U. a. t, jifl nr "r1 ,n P'a'n wrupwrr. rip. Pl-IM,'I, II, l III, r 3 IniIIIx, n.V,. ((ri'iitur ario n ri'OUMl STOCKHOLDERS' MEETINH. Notice Is hereby glw.-n that tlie an nual meeting of the stockholders of the Astoria Building and Loan Asnoclation will be held at the ollliv of the sec. r"tary on Tucslay, May II, 1X97, for the purpose of electing directors to serve j one year. ; The election will be by ballot, nn.l will be held from 2 o'clock p. m. until i o'clock p. m. CHAB. S. WRIGHT, Pres. Attest; FRANK L. PARKER, Secretary. ( For Delicacy, " for purity, ami tr liii,,nnr,lt , , fom, I Qimliill nothll.K ,.). p,,,,,,.. p,,,,,,, I HlLDDD P01S0.3 A SPECIALTY Zzvl tm a Jliiarr lil.ooi, l olsoS lie,,,,,,,.,,,,: 11 l-""'" "' -tat.. V..,,rnniH,i,;,' iiJJ.'J, w':"iv r "!? """ h"a " '. M..!IIIJB 1'u.li li..l . . ""O llllllrs. Ciimier i I L. '."' 1 i.t uanuf n..i:i. u.ii.r:'""- ' r - - - - -- ( , -( nr r Trunin ft' r lillllnir e,u. una nmiiiiiiKry l,,,, ,,0J ir. gusrsiiuvh.ri.ra W m., , Z?m '"""' and I rnllVi,en lb, worliVi'ir a HelilrU Mi; ah III the m,..l,,m,7 ,7 "u .ni,.il.arauljr. A ,lt .,,, ' :...K.IW,n. A(l(lr.. otlll i I. M "!v JiF Macule 'l.uWI..CUIOAii,lV I:0 CIlICAtiO, ILL. 'I REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. The following deeds were filed for rec ord at the recorder's office yesterday: Grimes Grove Land Co. to f. I. Peterson, lot 5, block 11, Grimes f;'"ve JUT. 00 Joseph B. Hull and wife to Sarah Mudd, wet 40 fet of lot 8, block id, and east 10 fern of lot 7, block 13, first extension of East W'arrenton , R. M.-Warren to J. R. Hull, same projierty Just above 00 C. A. Bhiveley and wife to Wm. Rehfleld. north 50 feet of lots 7 and S, block 14, Hhiveley's addl tUm 21 00 C. G. Palmlx-rg to L. Ijirw-n un. divided half of lot 4, block 11, Warrenton 2 00 00 i i i -w-w.aBJBBSJBaSBBBM ft mm II mm . B VII W "S Hill i.aia,ana Iraile-Markifthtalnedand all Pat rm buiincomhicd , MootMTf ria Oos omens OsMa)T 0 V.t.st omet and wc.nj,, piHr,,, Lmo Til? tleI remote from W,!,ll(i,,n ,m ndW.'d.i!lL" V "Photo., Wilh deacrlp- i. ; j i""r"i"i or noi, nr ol tharfe. Uu, lea 1,0. rl, ml .,,, I, "'; irJt r?M'M'T. ; ",? Oliiain l'lBia," with en, l,.7 Add-M, 1 ' """I MU"m" C.A.SNOW&CO. Beaver Hill am Gilman Coal .Try It The open cam are doing active mt- vloe, but there are many who will agree with the conductor who called them I "pneumonia peddlers." For Famllv nr Steam Purposes. ELMORE, SANBORN tt CO A a ati u, Astoria.