Save time Ttc Daily Astor fan Has a R)iU AND PlRMAMWT ...Family Clfcplatlon... Much moi than tmp tih as LAk'iR A THAT Of ANY OTHM fAPta M Astoria. Ei hiiI worry An "Ad In Tm AtfokUN'l "Wnl Cuius. KULIv ASSOCIATED I'KKSS REPORT. VOL. XLV1. ASTORIA, OKKtiON: TI'KSDAV MOUMSO, MAY ty, 18!7. NO. 100 GRIFFIN & REED City Book Store Stationers & Booksellers All the Leading Newspapers and Periodicals Kept on Hand LEGAL BLANKS AND KILL THE BUGS Whale Oil Soap Mild Phoenix Spraysl Spray Pumps 2- FOARD SEir- STARTING HERCULES oiMUrtliif to llnrw I'imrr Marine Kiiclnn. roil I'AKTK t HcrcuIcH Gom 405 HANNOMK T., UNION MEAT COMPANY Shield Brand Hams. Bacon, Strictly Pure Lard ALL KINDS OF CANNED MEATS uunrantwa I ha Utl la tht Marknl OKNEk FOURTH AND (JLISAN STREETS PORTLAND, OREUON The Columbia Iron Works .... FOUNDRYMEN .... Blacksmiths, flaehinists, and Boiler-makers Corner Klgnlnnnlb HI. and Franklin At. Ross, Hfggins & Company GROCERS and BUTCHERS AMTOI4IA AND liAHT AHTORIA CHOICE FRESH AND SALT MEATS Astoria Roofing & 34 ninth iTRFFT Asphalt Paving for Basements. Sidewalks and Streets Jt Asphalt Coating- on Tin and Shln.le Roofs Repairing-of all kinds of Roofs Qlarkson & McIrvin Boom ComPany LONG FIR PILING Promptly Furnished R. L-. Boyle & Co. Real Estate, Loans and Investments 023 Commercial Hired, Antonio J. A. PASTABEND mmr General Contractor House, Bridge and Wharf Builder-House Moving Tools for Rent For Sale at the atore of E. R.HAWES. J. N. LAWS, manager. OFFICE SUPPLIES Tree Pruriors oiul Pruning Knives & STOKES CO. MARINE GASOLINE ENGINES ' 'In gasoline or cheap distillate oil l".nlno connecUJ dlmct with pro i..r nhnfl, and no mlr. nnally broken i-f imh und In rover motion. 'nw npars device; no Internal spring eieclrodm to burn out. Hnd for testimonial V r building ihrMt nw ylv, if. tnrlne mnrttw Mucin's In all nine up ( ?oo horn pownr. Kvery vnglnn fully fuarantnod. I.AKH A IHUCrnn Engine WorkH MX rHAXCIMCO Cornice Co. Gravel. Tin and Slate Roofing 216 and 217 Chamber of Commerce Portland. Oregon "SUPERIOR" Stoves and KariROH are SIMPLE TO UNDERSTAND. GREEK AND TURK TO HAKE FRIENDS So Says the lky Sultun, Without the Intel unt Inn of the I'owcrtt ;iih:i: acci I'ih tiii; ti.kms lriocd Bv l-traium Uln Ouipica - Of luniii Aclmlninr at ion Set lp (.recce n Aikcd InitMraiioi nl runert. !:id'ii, May - --private advices ro ''"'Vl"l 1" l:n.i from ('nntnntliwiplu 'l-ilur.- ihut t(!lii luu rxprenned Jifi 'inpiifhy r..- King (ion-Kd and tlmCrck cabinet. hw lunul, In hi 'iii1iiii. wnn f..r,.-, ,y rvvotuiUMiiuy Unt at Alli'im iu. Alexandria. Tin- mllii.i, u ,i ling i,, iii.- ad-vl..- ..- Hin. i., . :.,im it,,. WBr ni)M. Wty and ....... a Turkcy-Gie-k "'') upon i tie i.iiiiiiliaiuiuit evncim ' '': "f 1 hrn-aly a. 1. 1 dvtr. Finally, It In U.. t)i- utilMii .l.-wn-n to d ! with Jiw llt I, mil not I hp, uk h the ki- cm. U i HCI IMKI. l.ntiKMt. .Miiy In - Ttu- lir-k 11 wt hun li ft V..I-.. tul th- h'riH-h. lullan lui'J HrliUii Kii.wlilili.i( n-ituUn. Tin- on In 'in;--! rikI m t -- m-iiIiM liy lh TurkUh (r. A luunU-r of Un lat ter Imvr lak't) iltlinin tn th-i ur Im-ikIiI. Ttw I ulk if th ot .ni4ji nrni). lK-v.r. Iuw U-n wllh iltmtii mi. I la incj-liiiiif In niHtlMr di r.'tli.n. giiatuitii i.f nrnm. lunmunl Hon mi I a nunilxr "f nm!n!iUMtit cr (illli'l i in. Tui-'kikIi,,.r ul Vul.i. All III.- ln-tKliti o.miiiniiiiR 1'tinn.uln nr.' ii" ii-uiIiiI by the Turku. I.illi.-m I'n.-liii, t;n- TurklKh r-nnitinn-il"r, nil i.f hi. li.xH-rnln mi. I it numtwr f nihil i f ! i.-r ru:ik l' l"vn l-i iruti-l mi I ii rtiiy ..f Turkluli 'llll.'M hil- ! !! .nmtril. Tl T.KS IN i uMMAM. (.illtil-MlMiii'. , M;iy III - K.llH'lll l'n- hit. th.- i-.niiiuin.liT In Thu mily, !ni.i ! I. iiiul i V'U'.tliio t. th.. ii 1 1 ii I i . r i.f ur k-lvint; th.1 le taiU ..f th.. tH'.'U(.rtli.'i .f Volo hy tli' TurklKh ti'ltnlutinlloii tlHTv. thf u Itll.lmu ul of th.' !n-'k llt't from llml tn ami tin1 im'Ixiiiv of Iiuk nuan liihn if inu:iltl'tw "f nr. II.' him re lUi'NiisI lluu TurklHh UHh'tim olllc-rs l. wnt l Viilo t limurv tin' c.inll.'iu-aiu- f lnulno nt tlmt ort. C.KKIX'i: At'fKI'TS OiNDlTltiNS. Ath.-tm. May lil-Tlw nndlt.uni In nlnll on ly I'.i'riniitiy. ll- thief of which I that Urwo hll irlvo Iut for chum nt to the tinclili' f Auton omy Or-te. will In- nccv".ed hy the tiriM-k i'Vciiuniiit Tlie mte uf thf INMVern hW llit Vet lH nvHlted, hut It Iiiik Invti ilnnvn aiul Ik to the follow ing effect : l"Nui the fmnuU ile'liimtlti hy llieH' Um.1 he will ri'ull tiiT troop and tuxrw to Ktich an uutonomuiui rc Klme fir frete hm the Miwer In their w . h. m Khali .l.'in IhkI niul a.x-.tit un ri'nervnlly the o mum-In of the jiowerK they fll Inti'iveiie In the Interrol of The note will i.i'olmhly W invKcnleil liniinw lifter the Herman mlnlnler him iviflvol liiMtruetloiiH. fAI.I.S UN TIIK lnVi:itS. AtheiiK, May in 4::W p. m. It In tilti-il Hint the KoverniiKNit Iuik tlinfteil it note to the wen ivqu.ntljiK m-lla-Ih.ll. Athenn. Miiy H.-:3 . m Ualh. tiie Jiremler, uml M Sk"ulotiilm. mlnUtpr of foreign annlin. hu.l u Ioiik Iniervlew thin aflcm.ion with l. rton. the ltrltlsh rciinenlatlv. w hleh cHU."e.l coasl.ieni hie iMiumenl. It i. to he con nected with the peuullns Inlei vcntlon of the iH.wern. A illKitch ft-oni lvnioko (iiiyn that luiivy ralnn there prevent tlKhttni;. NO FlUHTINti AT IMIMOKOS. noun -knn, Miiy n. -I p. m.-fp to thin 'hour there ha ltn no llthtl iK here Ih'Iwvch the Turku and th.- lin-eki. THE I'ANI AT V !-(. SmnleiiKkfn Kctivat Wiik Onlered From the UrtvUti Hen.liiinrter. New York. May 1" - A dlspntch to the World from CluilW, lir.we. kh.vk: lienernj Smole'i-klV hrlcali- contin ued lo give buttle to the Turk fcl-oirt Vel.wtlno nfler the crown prlmv had retreated fixm I'hnrsnl.i. frontier, and In the enemy'n country. threatnnr the Turkih rear. Then ttvTliwk anny wan defeated nt Mali and mtrvated to rharnaln. nlandonlng lATina, Thin time the Turkn luid bro ken throiiirh the Greek line near Thar nala and a Keneral ivtr-nt wan order ed to the third line of defense at Do-mukoa. A fr1)f)ilfil jmlihU.' mwui-'l nt Vol Tin- iimlti l ly 'if l!i drm-ko f:l null U.i Ixilltoki Ui'linvliiy rilKllI an.) ili. Turklnli furi'i-n ruiUii I'hnr na'ii 'llmrixliiy nurpiiinir. Iiut Otn'-rnJ Hino.-iii.kl k-pt "ti ItulillnK. A furV'tin nifUK itiiit t'"k (iliuif Krl'luy. Thf Turk put I" ""HHi tli. IIk !' Ifiiim lur-l fi'Mii tli 'tk nt I.a. rwtui, nri'l thin nrtlll-ry wim u"l with KllkriK 'IT'i t, 1I rr il'-nly ruttrn. hut 'i"i"rrtl HtiwMixmkl w.-rm IioIiIIiik out l.mvHy ami hnA lrtvn t)i? 'winy lin k nllKhlly wlwn t1tii rrlvl fnm h"ii1'UHrt'm PoniniMiwllnic him to r lfnt U Almyru. Till Kan lh crftinl (int.- (A'.'K'rnl Hinoliiirkl hiul rvoflved rnr frnn lii'nl'iunrli ni t nln.ilo.i a Hwit.n. Tl nmt rajiw afltrr h hitil Klhutl!y fur-l the IU-vJ i on th. tthun (i.-niTiU Hiiil-ukt InftHn un di rwit""! tho rt'lrmt ft Alrnyrm. Kvi-ry. Nly tr.l to 'ttM fiom tlut t"n by wntiT. Th'fv wim n di-mli- nrrnmhle t tr tlw r-tn, nhh-h wT cr'l"d to Bji ulni"t. muMttiK many to link. HA HO TKI.KilHAI'HV. A New Hyntem Trfc-d In New York on Hundny. Now York. May 10. Tlwre wan nn ln ertitltiif exhlMtkm yeHuwrdfty of a re- rvtly lnveiarl )-ntein of ra,id tele graphy. It wan Riven In the Pn:al Tel,ra(ih iHllhlloB The nynU-m U in- teiKlml to ! aiiilled directly to ordi nary tWi'itrnph llriin.and to In- oTated hy rurrnit. now In nr. It la not a yt-m w hich w ill cnnK te In aped wlh the Jnon wortla a minute one re (MitJy dewrllMNj, hut It cotild In' uH In OJCUHi'tlon with that njntetn, fend- liin nieMAcet over the name wire ax the name time, Junt an the Inveniora of that wyien declare the rllnary Morne ayntem tnhviht tie 'jwd. What th" new nyntem will do. la to double or treble the numlx-r of wonlx rtntt iim be M-nt over o, nlnfle wire and tnln without reulrlnK the r.Tntom to learn anything l'yiid tluU which the pn-neiit U'irw oi'ratr know niw. The result In ncnrtiiplixhed by the addition to ntu-h ortli of a net of very almple Uwtrumatiln. like the W"l-tntoi- ny tnii, it n-Iiulren Uie jr-Wirutln of the ini'? i a atrip of paper before It can tie put thruiKh the rapid automatic oerul. r. but lt.i livwibn Haim for It evrnj dlKtlnct advantuir.n over the Whlti,:ie, lntti In iTd nnd acu lacy, OMAHA MAYOKS. Lively Tline f'T I'omennion of the Chief Otllce of the City. Omaha. May 10. Kx-Mayor Ilrontch In IntriNiched In the niayor'n otllce, (ruurdc 1 by police. Mayor Moore at 11 o'olck made a formal demand for poKKcnnlon of the olflix". rtroatch ahut the door In hln face. Moore. ijulikly relurtv-sl to hln private office. The new city council oriranlxrd tht mornliiK. It rernxniaea M"oresi na mayor. Thin afternoon Hroatoh went before JudKe IViwell. of the dintrlot court, an 1 ecu red an order rentralnlnjr Moores fnin undertakliin to exerct.'V any of tlu funetionH or pirratl-en of mayor. The order la returnable at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. At the name time M.mreft went tn-fore Judre Keyner ard tiindi' npplicntlim for a writ of munda mun to compel Hroateh to rellnqulih poton-KKlon of the o!llie and recordH. JuiIki- Keyner will twvir the applica tion tom.rrow. The whole cime will then come on Nore live three Judge of the district court and be nettled, llroatch's conhm of police ntlll guardn tho imiyor'n ollhe In the city hall, but no effiwt h.m If '"'I nwide to dlsponsess them by force. A YOl'THFl'I, 1I1CYCLK T11IKK. Chloao, May in Iialxy Oay. a pretty little trlrl, 1J yearn old. daughter of A. M. lay. a Ixnirvl of trade operntcr, wim arnvted yexterdny by tho Uyd I'ark Hilli'e, after cmfelng to the theft of a bicycle. Onlny wiuited a whivl badly, nnd. when her father would not buy her one, she took a girl friend's lulvhv, rented one ami kept It. Her bicycle hro! e down mil the man to whom she bok It for repairs liappcned to 1h the owner, and he catiKiM her umnt. The gli'l was placed in (ilmrge of Matron Todd at the Hyde l'ark station ajid kept until late lost nlg'ht, when she was released on Nuida. Her grandfather Is a millionaire hi New York, and she luw an uncle 11 v. Ing In Kenwoivl who Is a millionaire and an extensive operator on the Ixmrd of trade. O. 8. Potter. L, H. Srt-ley, S. II. Hrown. Jr.. IViitluml; H. S. Uemsteln, H. Jiunb. n, Snn Frajiclsco; O. P. lUudelmch, Grayson Lewis, St. Louis; S. H. Sl nlnr, Chicago, wore, guetrta of the Oc- oldcnt yesterilaj'. 3 DAYS ONLY. New Stjle Wraiipt'rs. 8:.0() Wranier at 82.25 2.75 " 2.(ii 1.75 " " 1.00 1.25 " " .(JO COHEN'S LOW PRICE STORE. 191 Bond Street, HOUSE RESUMES PUBLIC BUSINESS Simpson lp to His Old Tricks and Again Tries to Harass the Majority. di:m(m:kats lack harmony Yottt Keene Diicnntd. Bt No Actim Tiiea-Cihaa Kcuilntioa Tkct lp It Seute - Hilitr Nt' Wttfchlnirtoii. May W.-The )v,Ua- v. nay reuni-d ttw of pui lh bulrnn whiuh ha 1 l-n aHnd,d al:ie the Indian appropriation WH wayi -tit lo the coii f t-ik e, three -ek huh. The .iituld.-rali,i of the iwriate aniendini ntn to the nundry 4vll ai' prlatloo bill wan tnu-r-d uiori, under a nlal order privldinK f'r a recio, earh day until It to dlino-d of. Slmp Kn purU'-d hi taetlen of'the lant fevr w k, attempting- to harran that ma jority with polntn of no iuorum. but without uicin. ad the democratic luck of harmony on the aubjeet of par ty iiliy wan auln In evidence. On ttu question of the addttinn of the ape- clal niler the d'TnoTat divided. Hailey ami hin rollowera voUhk with the repub lican and n-vera deimMTata, 1m luillnic McMlllcdi and Uianl, with the potnilla-a asafcmt the order. The vole resulted 111 to Cannou. 1:; charge of tiie time of the majority, yielded lj mlnutea to Laiey. chairman of the committee nn public hliiiln of the.houxe. wlm i)li'a'il the forent reM-rvation amemlment. No ac tion was. taken on the aino.iilnn. nt. HINCKLKY WILL CASE. Washington, May 10. Attorney W. II. H. Hart, of California, for Mr. Flur coce Hlythe-Hinkley. who "curvl the prrt-rty of the late Henry T. Hlythe. ma.le a motkin to diKniLsa the can.- la th supreme court tmlay. Hunlon. of Vlrgiiil.1, fur the rotite-siajits, opp'eJ the nn "lion ami denied that tiie case had ben liroulvt to tho nupn-me curt merely for delaying the iierf.-cting if Mra Hlnckley'ii title to the estate. It Is claimed by the contestants that an Mm. Hinckley la a subject of Orest HrlKun she uld not hirn-rlt la'id In the 'tilted States, and the stale r uM not enact laws permitting alii n to Inherit huid. The court took the ianrs and reserve1! the decision. rKKSIOKNT TO GO TO I'TAH. Washington. May 10. By apisdnt mmit. a large delegation of Western nenatora. repnwntatlvea and promi nent men called upon the president thja monitng to invite him to attend the send-centenary celebratkm of tlie founding of halt Lake City. I'tah. Tre. Idont McKlnley promised to att.-nd the celebration If, at the time net, congress was not In session and the state of pub lis business would permit. CCHAN liKSOLCTIOX. Washington. May 10. Tle Morgan Cuban resolution was dUcused at con siderable length in the senate today. For the tlrst time since the debate be gan the opivsttkn sentiment exprssel ItM-lf. The speeches were not of the kind to stimulate the galleries, telrg in the main calm and dispassionate re views of the situation In Culm. KEPUKT DENIED. Washington, May 10 The report tha secrt't negotiations tf great lniortance are being carried on between Spain and the rnltcd States In regard to Cuba Is dented at the state department. NEW TKIAL DENIED. Wanhigtim. May 10. The supreme court today denitd the petition for ft relharlng of the trans-Mlswuii fivlght nssot'latlon case. Washington, May lO.The agricultural department crop iiHrt shows wheat S0.2, against M.i last month, 7'J May 1, last year. ITALY' NOT TO RETALIATE. Home, May 10. In the chamber of JcDUtles today the ni blister of finance. Senor Luzzatti. tvplylng to Count d-' La ltK-ca, suld it would be a serious error lo ri'taliate awiinst the Cnlted States, since the Dlngley bill permlia a new o.invtmtlom. Italy, the minister nld eil, will oen new negotlatkvis to prtiect will open new neg.tlutiont to protect her exports, which Include all her agri cultural products. JCDCiE McAHTHlTv DEAD. Portland. May 10 Word was received from Wnlla Walla that Judpe L-wis L. MoArthur died there this aftenuxm of kidney trouble, after a severe lllues Jud,-vi McArthur was United States district attorney for Oregon during Cleveland's first administration. Judge MeArthurs remains will be ta- b-rr.-d In I 'oik county by the aide of lb w of ex-Kenator N'-nmlth, hla wlf.j'a fat Ikt. KILLED I!Y A HOTEL HUB. Portland. May 10. Fred Klngley. a 'Jiirrnan lafiorer, wan run over thta af-1 iTw.m ot Hixth ntret by a hotel bu! and killed. Klngley leaven wife ziA . two clilldren In Oernuuiy. IIATTLKSHIP OREGON. Will Ii.. in Antorta In a Few Daya ir Get Her Silver Service. HeaMio, May 10. The battlonhlp Ore gon waa taken off the dry d-k at the Puget Hound naval atatbm Saturday at 9 o'clock p. m. She In now taking aboard the coal and ammunltkn which wv- dlmnarged before entering the d k. and on getting thta aboard w.'U come to Seattle. Here a abort atay will be made and the Oregon will then go to Astoria to accept the ailver avrvice preaente-1 by the State of Oregi. The board of tnqulry appointed by the government to investigate the cause of obstruction found In the channel when the Oregon was docked 'mill eonven to morrow. A BLOOD FIGHT. Stopped l;i the Fourth Kound, but Hon ors Go to Choynekt. New York, May 10. A twenty round bout between Joe Choynnkl and Denver , Kd Smith tonight was cut short by' Fieferee Itoche. who Btopped the bout after two minutes and eight seconds of fighting li the fourth round. Smita frequently took hold of Cboyn- skl'a hand during th first three rounds and was roundly hissed for doing so. Choynnki had any easy task, for h? , knucked Smith down hi the first rounl) and the Denver man took nearly the full ten seconds In getitng to his fee:, t Choynskl was always ready with left Jat and sent them om Smith's face' repeatedly. At the close of the third; r.iund Smith's face was badly pun ished ar.d the blood trickled over Choynskl'a body in the clinches. The . foul tactics of Smith in the fourth ' round made the referee caution him. The fight ""as awarded to Choynskl, and there were cheers and groans from all over the house. GHEEKS TO ABANDON CRETE. Now Only Wailing Intervention of the Powers to End the War. New Y'ork. ilay 10. A Journal dis patoh from Athens says: Prime Minister RalU says the Greek trooa will be withdrawn from Crete. The government having meed of all troops, he said, has decided on grad ually withdrawing our army from Crete. This would also facilitate ar rangements with the powers which j have been officially intimated. Greece has officially notified the foreign minis-1 ters of her Intention to withdraw from Crete and has demanded admission of Greeks ships within the blockade for this purpose. Greece now awaits the official oter of the great powers to make proposals of ieace between her and Turkey, if they please, but w ill not ask for it. An official note fixnm the powers will proba bly be presented at once and ail de- j pends on Its terms. The report In the papers of an armistice is not true, but an armistice will probably be agreed upon if ;eaiv negotiations are opened. THE NICARAGCAN BOUNDARY. Ex-President Cleveland's Commissioner Has Arried on the Ground. New York. May 10. A dispatch from Panama to the Hernia says: The Herald's cores indent at Mana gua, says that Alexander, the englnee'' appointed by President Cleveland as a member of the commission which has in hand the settlement of the boundary dispute between Osta. Rica and rlca agua, has arrived at Managua and was received by the minLter of foreign af fairs. Tiie commissioners then started for Grey town and will begin their work there. ADVERTISED LETTERS. The following unclaimed letters were advertised at the Astoria postofflce on May 10. 1S37: Aned, Elius. Reck. Hanton. Ryrd. Miss Nellie. Casey, W. C. Co-k. Henri (2 Dean, G. W. Fulton. E. A. Johnson, C. Kamgoss Kelkkl. Larson, L. E. Leyan. Dell. Napier. W. J. (2) Peterson. Victor. Phllbrok. Edw. F Iteia, Mrs. AnnaSchotield. Jno, B. Josefson, John. Smtgn as. Miss F Persons calling for any of the above letters will please Bay "advertised." Additional postage of one cent for each tetter advertised Is charged. HERMAN WISE, P. M. m ii ,k OUT ON THE LAND Safely Placed In He! Cradle and Hoisted On the Kays. NOT ONE HITCH OCCURRED la Spite of Tredictiois to the Coitrirj Ei pcrieacea .lei rroioictd tke Work cfce .lost SicccsMil Tkey Ctef Saw. Astoria onoe more oomes to the front a a winner. She hao denvmatnuted that she can build ships an well as a railroad, in nptte of the predictions to the contrary. When the Astoria Iron Works se cured the 120,000 contract from the gor ernment for repairing and remodeling the light house tender Manzanita, As toria's neighbors on the Sound, the Wil lamette river and at the Golden Gate, ail predicted that the Manzanita could not even be drawn out of the water upon the ways prepared for her at Smith's Point. Ten days ago the ship was turned over by the government to the Astoria Iron Works, and last Friday the work of stripping her and removing the butters wae completed at the bonded warehouse dock. Sunday he was towed around to Smith's Point and yesterday, the weather being fine and very favorable to the undertaking, at 9 o'clock in the morning President John Fox and Superintendent Harry Anderson, a ship carpenter of long ex periioe, oonunenced the work of hauling the snip out of the water upon the ways. It is safe to say that a more successful Job of the kind was never undertaken. liong before the appointed hour hun dreds of citizens and all the water front man, including Captain Gregory, of the Manzanita, and Chief Engineer Rleor-ls, who are overseeing the work for the government; Captain Randall, of the Relief, and many cithers, bad gathered at the shipyards to witness the novel sight In Astoria of rawing a large vessel from the water upon the ways. After fjhe cradle was propely fitted to the bottom of the ship, the tackle and gearing all in place and every detail ci. re fully arranged, the word was given, the power applied, and slowly the Manzanita began to rise from the waters where she had been In service for so long a time, while shout went up from the throng of anx ious spedtators. Not a hitch occurred, or a screw loosened anywhere, but steadily, at about the rate of one foot per minute, the good ship walked out on the land and was finally settled la her place, where, during the next ninety days, she will undergo a great change. Capt. Gregory and Chief Rioords were highly pleased with the success of the work and warmly congratulated Messrs. Fox and Anderson end their corps of efficient workmen. Captain Randall, who hasj had much exeprience in such matters, said to an Astorlan representative that he never saw a cleaner, better and more success ful piece of work of its kind. "It Is now more than probable that vessels which have hitherto annually been called from the Columbia river to San Francisco to have thekr bottoms clean ed will now have that work done at Astoria" Does any one doubt that the Initial steps have been taken towards the se curing of a regular dry dock, needed more than any other one thing, per haps, by Astoria harbor? All h'xnor to the institution patriotic enough to make the start. THE MARKETS. San Francisco, May 10. Hops 8 and 12c. Livenool, May 10. Wheat Firm; No, 1 standard California, 33a lHd. Portland. May 10. Wheat Unchang ed. New Y'ork, May 10. Hops Dull. T.rJon. May 10. Hops Unchanged. QU0EO Absolutely Pure Celebrated for its great leavening strength and healthfulnees. Assure the food against alum and all forms of adulteration common to ithe cheap brands. ROYAL. BAKING POWDER CO, NEW YORK.