THK DAILY ASTOKIAN, TlU'liSDAY MultNINU, APRIL it), lll!7. gaily otovtmt JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telrphon No. ftt ,, TKRMA OP CBSCKIPIIOJ. DAILY, Sent toy mall, per year $4.00 Bent by mall, per mon 60 Served by carrier, per month 45 WEEKLY. Bent by mall, per year $2 In advance. Postage free to ubaerlbor9. All communlcatloni intended for publl. cation should be directed to the editor. Buxlnena communications of all kinds and remittance must be addressed to The Antorlan. The Astorlan guarantees to Its sub scriber the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising ratea ran be had on appli cation to the business manager. The Weekly Astorlan, the second old est weekly In the state of Oregon, has, next to the Portland Oregontan. the largest weekly circulation In the state. John F. Hundley A Co. are our Port land agents, and copies of the Astorlan an be had every morning at their stand, 124 Third street. ,Tk "Astorlan" hereby sITkn to doaai ONtMl'MRKD mLLAK Is St. Mary's Bospllat, payable oa demand to Father VMsHi krm legal rldenro I pro taord showing that any afternoon nrws- paprr pnbl tubed In Astoria ha printed falrrtu .fcraUSi" thar kind of 'tlgraphlc pre report, MMlred over the wire entering either f th telegraph antra la Astoria, from any point oaulde of Oregon. Astoria, Or., October IS, ISM, SUGAR BEETS AGAIN. A rwvtit dispatch from V,-ashington tated that the secretary of agriculture was busily engaged la diatributtig bee: seeds to such farmers In various tkna of the country aa had aigniticd their willlnrneeo to observe the require-' ments of the tests to be made with thei view of determining what aeoxions are adapted for zrowine- Iwh o,in a TOnl perage of sa.-chtulne matter to make the industry profitable, The .Vstorlan has not heard that any seeds have been applied for by Clatso oounty farmers, but since It ie possible they may feel some alight, passing u- terest to knowing bow the enterprising farmers of other localities will avail thernsel of the magnificent opportu- nlty tiua presemed to advertise their ' u e r wBage in tne cutuvatrm f what pramieea to be one oc the be payng crops raised in America, paina have be taken to learn the most im- Dona fa.,- .n, th, ....- at appears mat the gjvernment was Induced to engage in these experimems iargely through the Influence of a pr-mi- innheer mar. In V-Kut. . tj.: T Oxnard who if not theoLeer u JL ' manIfloeDt ura "Is habit ; neslect CiMgtL For all ,nnlt 1 , .l I h0lifo'hep"ne,;r-"".0f obedience to his officers, and h.s;an(1 Iun dt Aycr. rh-rTy Pec. of .he pioneers .to the movement to:readlne to die railKT tha-, surrd ?r ; torijll to th, v. neJv. It ta lnvaJ. tntroduc? ih? bo't ;mir liHiiitro n thU country. Mr. Oxnard pres-nted ... over half the quantity of oeeds the sov- OlilkmAftt Kan nn1lAnAj4 . jjjl... ' v. t, uw.riuuuoo, are ruined, the capital rises and retires and the remainder have been purchased trembling, while all the reformers are by the agricultural department All the ' hunted dow n, and even the religious eed is Imported atock. and the entire '' Btudwlti' who "-PP1 to Korn as rr,, . . , . ; condemning the present regime are or- amount to be used is about five tons , . , . . , c lJ 1 dered bock to their homes to starve each farmer getting from one to two there ln quiet. After four hunired pounds. Quantifies of seed have bren ' years f unbroken rule this is the con sent to the experiment stations in many dkt',jn of Turkey, and then because the of the states, and applicants of states Levarnins of the -. . , ,rhy people, we are told that we ough: Where there are no experiment stains , Li ipa,Mz, with the"macull.,e Ott are getting seed direct from the depart- man." amd not with the civilized Greek. roent. nie department does no: rec-jm-; mend the pla-ning of the seed in lully i or rocky soil, and suggests a light,'' anrtv n.i fairly it, i 1. . 1 , , -"" u.. Contrary to the general supp 4ir.ion, thjrtantly and hopelessly bad is tians department states that as a rule u s ' f'-rmed. In fact, from a fine, if brutal not beiieved that warm clima:e favorable U the growth of the brvi varV etles of beets. roiinerj are recommenaed to take r- .. .).... pounis tit the grjwn beets and send,'1"' m"st hopeless of Aiatir des;ot- thorn to the r.eares; experimental 34a tkm for tet. If they yield more than 12 per cent of sugar their cultivation will be regarded as entirely profitable; otlwwis?, not. This work of experiment In largely for the purpe of asc-ertaiiini in what kxalitles it will be profitable V es.ah lish lieeit sugar factories. After the factories shall have be.-n (.s.ablish-d, the further deveWpment of the cul'-tir? of the beet among the farmers will fol low aa a matte:- of courss. Th tes method, of cultivation, fr-rlil-zitio.i, etc., will be pointed cut by the depart ment, but must be determined for each section, it is reasonable to assume, by the exirlence of the various experi ment stations. The outlook li pro mounted by the secretary of agricul ture to be extremely Interesting and hopeful. The results of the experiments will be published ln book form, a-id at tributed all over the world. Not only will the establishment of this industry bring profit to 'the farmers directly from the sale of beets, but many thousands if not millions of dollars will be ex pended in labor and construction of the great plants required for the extraction of sugar. The farmers living in the vi cinity of any of these plants will have the advantage of an increased market for their other products by reason of the large number of hands employed, ana the extra population they will other: attract. It ta a pity no interest Is taken In the subject In ClatH'P county, but It seem absolutely Impossible to arouse any dlsixxsrtlon on the part of the peo pie to do anything for theciaaelves to ward the development of the gtv r souroes and pslbtIltlo which are known to exist to an' encouraging de gree In this vthn of Oregon. The cul tivation of sugar beets will ptvhably te taken up by our farmers, after th stat of. Washington ha d.inonstrui.M its adaptability to our climate a-ni anil. )ut th. or. am of the Industry, ok w ell as Its best adwinising effects in tli-uct;!i!t Immigration, wi'.l have then been lvuped by other looailtivB. THK PKTKSTKP Tl'KKS. Who re the Turks and what have they done? They left their dtvvts on tho frontiers of China. a:ul invaded Europe for purpose of plunder. T"h -y nMohod the ojuI of tln'lr rosouro ind would probably have been driven back. when, as Dean Cnurvh in his won ie - ful jiT on this subject has d-j i'H-d. their kader hit upon the mfonial de vkv of denutndinK a tribute of oiilidren Instead of certain Imposts. Out cf those o)tildnn. none oX them Turks by blood, he rmed tle "New- Soldiers,"' the JtuilsRarKs, perluu-s the mt fv- nuoaow eianuing army which ever ex wted, anu wtut theni his auci-esr.- co:wurevi Coneitantinoivlc. and th whok? f the eastern emilre of Rome. and nearly conquered Hungary, but ik hrnini hib iu IMh ...nli v to tW P'v - ocneu inai niarmiK-etn eiiire in mej"'e n n mtien. aieuicinoi spirit of Tartars which is the spirit of ; safeguard ta absolutely necessary to detructkn. They have founded noth- nulify this dang?r. As a means of ing. Improved nothing, built nothing, j fortifying and Acclimating the system have' produced no literature, advanced so as to be able to resit the malarial no art. sent out no Ideas among man-! poison. Hewretter's Stomach Bitten la kind. They have shown no conception I Incomparably the betrt aind the nHst I of government except despirism. jup - , mietAl u )utiw.Vu Pdclalu n m 4 ; by masacres whioh Included both sexes, and destruction which exten-led even to Ute animals and trees. Of tluve end - ; k aubjct-race the?- have no; cone:!,- ated one. Greek and Tl.iv ...vh-if k,.. hive last cast off their yoke. There h no ieopie .v. the wvrld stimmLsslve as the Armenian. whooVy - ed the Roman cJefrfii;,y for centurits. but even he cannot tolerate tiw Turk. Grwlt Ioathe, Mnu u; a lRUe island Crete, fignts him lu i.d ', 10 hand. The Arab, w ho Is of his own I ! fal'.A, i.i;dj iiitn to be the worst t f bar- uartans, and rises againeit him in armed u-3iu-icotoLi at least once everv live jvars. The dateetation of him U in fa t not European but universal, and is kept "own in every province only by sheer lemT f ln 0tKxruul- the boldest and " fitrhtln mu Nor is there the slightest hope o improvement. On the contrary, in vurkey everything. Including public tue- u rapidly decaying. There never 8UltM "ad as the present, or i eecure: th V"1 are unlve.-sal- bl I the admirers of the Turk and u f r ; soldiery, let Batuk and Armenia an- 8e'" tor lhelr charactt-.-. p,-nmK Survives In the Ottoman CX - t'aa ascendency of hi caste, an ajt-n. i denCy 'hiuh wlCh hJra n3 l "i"t l k"l Jl Cristiams wo will not suhtni!. Kv.. .k. I"t us admrt tliat the Turk is mi8u-i 1 e 1 M ms a'1""" ! they: 1 can point to another race in which. If " ' " ".-". i;ii.Fa ur uittc-a uy uxi H:utiunai ap- v' e '"v""-- "Y tnose a,jmrer.v acknowltrdgement, !n- ajJiMdir or peasant into a pa-ha ! It Is no: in the leat with Greeks .jua j J Greeks that we ask Englishmen to s m-1 ; pai:nize, out w itn a:i curistiai ,nd Arab subjects or what appears to us j isms a dej)OtLsm which has no fatur., I which Is kept up by naked vl W- nce Th: Gun Goes Off instant! when you poll the trigger. So sickness may come on suddenly, liut it takes time to load the gun, and it takes time to get ready for those ex plosionscalleddiseases. Coughs, colds, any "attack," whatever the subject be, often means pre ct ding weakness and poor blood. Are you getting thin? Is your appetite poor? Are you losing that snap, energy and vigor that make "clear-headedness?" Do one thinta build up your whole system with SCOTT'S EMULSION of R Cod-liver Oil It is the essence of nourishment. It does not nauseate, does not trouble the stomach. And it replaces all that disease robs you of. t A book telling more about it lent ( free A for it SCOTT & B0W;e, New York. o m .3 .fk I 1 AVER'S PILLS " listing vileet. for Year, to coniiwii.ii. vitli..itt iMiiii'itule to fml much relief. I si last lrie.l Aver'a Pill., ami teMIfy thai have l.-mel cn-at heurM fm dielriiM. Kf r two veaiH WHt , !.,.,, of time pill everv nli!iit."-ti, v, luw max, s Kt Main M., Carlisle, I'a, COiNSTIPATION. w'sisjaiajawinMawpaM ' 1 i B,v"1 I hind It no memorials etceot a hundred ruined cities, as many d. ; ; la-ted provlnoa, and the deadlv haired i I of all over whom ft sptrtt-ptivalyxing j rule ha ever extended. We know quit ! ; well that the "Oreat Idea" of tin1 Hreek j Is a hour's Illusion, that the ! l.oers of organliaiiun, which could ; alene ftive him a ohance, Is no uiorv ' with them than any family like the; 11 hoii.i"iw let; but tf they can cle.t,- J , the wny fr the liaitsbiirgs, or even f r ;h; UomanofTs. thoy will have done a j : grtuid servkv for humanity and to :he; ! world. Itetter any ' rule whatever, or! even the anarchy which would fllo I si-if-gover:mnt. th.n the rule of the Turk, which IavM Salisbury at this m -ment, against hia own con v kit ions iuui hU own m:'.(it'e( m, under ilerman prwoure, helping to keep up London Swtatir. SEIIIOC8 rtANOEU ' Threaten every man. wiwoan or child , living in a region of country where fever and ague is prevalent, since tlhe 1 svrms of TiutlarkU dlsea are Inhnlo.l jftvm the air ami are swallwevl frn ! ivpular. Irregularities) of the stomach, I ' li r ml tX V,-if VTWMl rAirtk Mi n 1 n rin i but these are tieJUy rectified by the : B'tter. The functions of dlgvstlon and . cro:lon are -jolsted by Its u and a vigorous as well as regular condition CiWlStl- ..!ti,in ami ohvslou ar. fhu A .fende.1 against the inroads of malaria by this ' matchless preventive, which Is also; 'a certain and thorough remedy in the! worst ca. of Intermittent and re- mittent fevers. Rig k htua of chiffon are gr atly demand. i " i Stilts are even more difficult to man- age than a blcj-de; that to the reason1 I Presumably that the small boy so i thoroughly enjoys them. , j Spring, gentle spring. n"ly h " can be um-om- I Ciltnn Slot Sal foi. Itutha of vlr-'rho I'ctoc.Pnnii i- lOf and 25c per package. Life can be made ever so much m r? : endurable when you have depend- Ue I frtnj,. .n - v,. mnr. f.,,1 .lt. than . . . . uaMe i cough. In cases' ct crmp, whooj;inirj bronchitis, and la grippe. Pearl and silver bicycle handles are uwl by those who wish to give their wheels an aristocratic air. TO CVKE A COLD IN ONE DAY, Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. ' 2oc For sale by Chas. Rogers. Druggist. Some of the new wall paper look as though an ld-fahkmed gardener had taken posession of them. The beard, mustache and eyebrows! may be made a dealrable and uniform brown or black plication or BucKlngnam's uye for the whiskers. It is a noticeable fact that the feml- n.n t.-Uram elthT runs over ten wv.rds or Is most appallingly brief. ( V)up and w-howrlnir cough are ; childhood's terrors; but like pneu-I foonia, bronchitis, and other throat and lung troubles, can be quickly ?ure by using One Minute Cough' r'ur. Charlr-s Rogers. j The Turkish soldiers ran fight, ' 'h-y '.) wenr bloomers. 1 Mrs. A. Inveen, residing at 720 Hen-; ry street. Alton, 111., suffered with : sciatic rheumatism for over eight months. She doctored for it nearly the ' u rv.le of this time, using various rem-j edle recommended by fr'ends, and : iw. treated by the physicians, but j rv lvel no relief. She then used one j irw a half bottles Of Chamberlain's 1 I'ain Halm, which effected a complete cure This Is published at her requi-st. 1 ai rthe wants others similarly afflicted ! to know what cured her. The 25 and o0 cent size for sale by Estes-Conrn Lrug Co. j A ri(?w attajhment for po?l tables con. ; I Hints of a serif of tracks extending j j from the bottoms of the pockets to the j ; e.-tOs .f the table to roll the bails Into I th- rack. 1 I I'EIISONAL. The gwntleman who I annoyed the congregation lat Sunday I by continually coughing will find ln- Want r"Jief by using One Minute Cough : -ur;, a speedy and harmless remedy any imp.Tf(tIons. BEWARE OF IMI for throat and lung troubles. OharP-s j TATIONS. Every ball must be marked j "MARSHALL & CO., SURE WBBUnT ! MILL8." Manufactured from st-lented The r fff sanctity Is apparently flax specially for COLUMBIA RIVE It peppermint, as It permeates the air in' FISHING. See that every ball boars uhur;h even more emphatically than in- i the MARSHALL label, oense. Certain cough lozengs thus , 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14-ply 40'i. flavored are undoubtedly responsible' 12, 13, 14, 15, m-piy co-g. f'r this fact. ', 7, , 9, 10-ply 30's. T. tv!o:.M Ab Humid . and King in-orge: iy you have divide! to right; bin don't wvirry (Wid sup plies. Tln Tnlted 8tatc 1ms pi. my of rv.rythltiK to sell. Spring s full of terrors to nil whose constitution Is not able to rewist the sudden change) of temperature and other Insulubrltle of Die etin. To put the system lit condition to over come thceo ev'.K nothing Is so elTellve xt Ayei's SorsnprlllR. Take It new. Tso WolifiMt (Vmi I'lirt', fine no pay. For s;ili tM-l'oim I rutr Stor. To alst lei;lmieis in leuirilng (. rule the wlv.vl a new device liai an truck, on w hich atrlly w los-l s hiiiic. to w hich th. lU yr Is ait :i he. I ly imj... t prownt faJllnn, the tl. or l.-int i tl,M w iili tuiNCAl ciiMci t,i I,, , p (li,. u !nvl :ralKhl. When any mi t .f the l dy s,i'; doing the work that tut lure lutci'dod it t.i d , It puts the whole system out of tune out of harns'iiy. Sickness III on iiac of the hdy Is likely to, run Into aS part of the body. When children j stand n row of hrlcks 01 oiul. they kivx-k the whole row down by uiwettlng ; oih brick. That is exactly w hat hap- peiw to the hitiltii w hen the bow - fail , to perform their proper function.. (Vn- !stlatlo:i makes trouble all along the , ii.'.e puts the liver out f oider. Is bad fr th kidneys bad for the stom i actio. It lHlda In the txnly i4onous j matter, a:ul because it cannot .. any j place else, it gets Into the Mood. The I blooil carries It all over the system, i That makes sluggishness, hutMitude, twul breath and foul timte In the mouth. 11 lis r i1h .Hxiniu he with gas and enuavs windy N'lching. stoxt d'gestkv-i in the : slxtnache, uses sur stouiache, he.ti-t-i burn and headache. You can avoid all 'such trouble, for Ir. Plen-e's l.tsaiit IS'llot.i I'l'KK constipation and its at tendant evils. Suul L'l ivnts In one-ivnt stamps to Ir. It. V. Pterve, Buffalo, N. V.. f.r his "Medical Adviser." It la a lk of 1(XS Ikiges. profuwly lllustniti-d. As the cat of war C'uIhi iiuis: now take .A back sheli'lf there Is enough of lv left to do so. CASTOR I A for Infant and Children. bat rmrjav i Th Kamtas l,egisla;ure adjourned without iwtsstrg a law agnlnst appn- ; Jicltis. Two years ago r. j. w arren, a ' drnggtet at Pleasant Itroik, N. T., ! bought a small supply of Chamber a tuuKU noiiK-uy. no puiiat up the result aa follows: "At that time the goods were unknown In this sec tion; today Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy Is a household word." It is the samn ln hundreds of communities. j Wherever the good qualities of Cham j berlaln's Cough rtemedy become known j he people will have nothing else. For by Estea-Conn Drug Co. ; . ; : " the l-.upn-im rlght-r shouM ever run h. n-; of ammunition they might crotite havoc by breaking a few chunks off th4r names and hurltiig 1 them at ' he f. A felt want Is that gnawing at stonuu-ho after you have eaten a meal, ami can't eat any more, and y-t there la that fwllng as though you had eaton nothing. What 1 then la a (l e of Simmon Liver Ilegulat'jr, the brtit Dyajei)sla cure, for that la what that gnawing means. Simmons Liver Itcgulator la all that is recon; ! mended for Indigestion." A. II. iiyc'ie, I Inlin, Ky. ( A rrovel .device for generating elec. trinity cone bit ,f a hollow cane in which a long Hllrn latter' 1 planed, the in duotim ol being .; to the hand!" and sturrounil-d by two remov- ; able banils attai-.hed by wlre.4 to the Ki) for use aH pole In giving eb-ctric tr.'at. nwnt. "Complete Mdlli How to Attain It 1 Vomlcrfiil New Mrdlinl liaxik, written for Min only, una py may be lm frf, waled, In plain envel ope, oa application ERIE MEDICAL CO., 64 Niagara St, BUFFALO, N. Y. Marshall & Company's Twine Elmore, Sanborn S COaa ARCntt Fresh from the mill for 18!I7 flahlnir. Every tell guaranteed, please reiwt I i AVctJc Uittlo Pronardlion for As - slinilaUns5Hk:KHXlniulUt'v1iiU lliig (tif Slouuiihs aikt ttonvU of lYonioU's I'Jiiiostion.Cltfcr ful ncssnikllli'sl.Conldliis nriltrr U)niiiT.Mor)tiiuc nor Mineral. Not Nahcotic. WIm SmJ- AVOW Utt rfoj JliW Apcrftf Rrmcdy foi f onli-v-lion, Sour Sloiikuh.niautwca Vonns.Convulsioi IVwrish tirss ami Loss or Sleei. Tac Simile 5iStuitur of NEW S'OHK. 5?! txACT copy or wrappcb. Hustler's Astoria Twentietli St. and McKee Ave. i Good Reason Whv Lots ...Are Selling... ASTORIA INVESTMENT CO. 48a Bond Street. - Beaver Hill Oilman Coal .Try It For Family or Steam Purposes. ELMORE. SANBORN & CO Scuta. A.torla. ooDpaisof r w witiini onurrcrT. Ul7 III (, 'ill-iOM prrnif.piri. tirrolnlfttoUdata. uran iiaUrw m hoiuiifrauuj iirli-ounilxraaiuagiMrau 1 tT, If T'lt; I.Tfrr La ' ZffiV.VfluuZ2 cury, Tii'llilir imtu.h, an.1 .nil bar .. hr. , rn"...M..c.HiVniii..i.,rri' ihrca., ! l'i,nilra, t'opjii-r i'oloreil S1.11H, l lrar. on ' ,n, partolh.U rtr. Ilnlrut Kyahmw f.llliie I rwa ti ,11 1, ll ra in.. p.rriiii.ary iii.dimi l'Hlsi) ; runranu-Dtoriira. Wolii-it ihnm t nlmi 1,11a raara aru rn.iuvut;n tlm ivorlU lor a riiawerftaniitrur. t'tiia ai' h i aiar tiultlaainnakillotttiaiiiiiatnuiiuriit iihyal ; nma. .t,in i i , .i 0r 0iir,,nnfc iuui paaraotr. Atraolnir iirirof. trai-iiMi , ( ;0lcia.n. adfln-M Kllfi IlKMl- DV CO. -J Maauoiu X.uuyle, CHlCAI.O, ll f- fiOVRKNMRNT 1'ltOPOHAlS ! WANTIOI). I'KOI'OSAI-H f..r frt.h l-f and j fresh mutton: rilllcA CmYf Commls-j nary, Vancouver Harriu kH, Wiish., ' Aril 1, ls7. Koal.l proiHrrali, In trip, lic.ite, will ! rvceivitl h-r. nnd at ' olll's of Cmmil.!irl.Ti nt following; nam p"HW, (f'-r fr.-sh U-ef and fnnh ! mutton to Im- ddivi rtl at thnt jKiit only), until 1: i,'n.K-k nm, May 1, IS!7, th-n i-nfl, for furnishing and d!lvTy to snbl.-t'-nc d-piirtrn-nt, IT, S. army, the frcn!i l--f urnl fr.-sh unit-, ton f-n.ll.-d f'rr by the fomrnlmary at! Pont to le Hiipplk-.J ilurlnif U months,' fomm.-nclng July 1, ISIiT; !,,... ftar rarku and i'ort Sh.-rrnan. Idaho, Kirrts 1 -ini)y, .spirttnw. W alla Walla mnd ; aii....nv.T i.ami.-K, wain, fresh . be..f Rhall io if')0'l In finality and am-' dltl-m nt for Imtnediate ., and from I r.r ,.n,i 1.... 1 . 1 rore and hind ipmrler meats propor- tloaally. Inrluding all b.-Ht ruts there- of. Krr-Hh million hIihII be of itood ' fat! rrtpl.', l.l M1 j 'luallty, from 'luiuity, rrom eim.Ts ov.t one and under throe ' yoars old. li.-cf arid rnuttfm to be ' drMK-d and trimmed and dellwrwl ln I ,, , . . 1 , ,,- , nrcuiar til in-! at ructions to Mddi-rn. 'rorxmuls will be aJt reM vr-d k la tine- n.-i.,. , ...mi. bidder will d.-llver fresh beef or mutton of characu-r above stated, and to be dollverwl of t.-mrrrature not greater than 60 dei;rer-s Fahrenheit. Govern ment retv.Tvcs rlglit to reject the whole or any part of any or all bid. Information fumlrtuvi here, or by tmnmiHsiiry at the tx-viral poata. En velopes containing proposals) Bhould be markel "ProprsalH for Fresh Bf (or Mutton) at and addressed to undernigncd or to Commissary at pts to be supplied. W. H. Nash, Lleut.-Col., A. C. Q. 8. OABTOIUA, tin S3 rj i TH T1S1 SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERT Borrui: of CulotU It ftt is Is sm-iIm Mtlet enlr. It it nU la bulk, Pca'l '.lo Sctum to tall ..a taythltg 1m tb 1m or ft remit lUt It li it "Juit aa gaol" sad "ill anir ttarj par- q .- pet that joa (t C a o-T O-B I A. lit ttlMf. HituaU'ti oil tlit'Huutli fit of AstoriuV lii!ln. Twenty deroofl wtirnu r and vetrotntion JJO tlavn iu atlvanre of tlu North nitlt Magnificent si tea fr rc- itlences, overltxiking river iuui bay, sunny and tdic tered. rauy iuui nuturai gradi'.s; httlo or no gnuling needed ni 1 aon.'T'rn. ftuMJr ttr lkm.trrli.aa. "", S.rraaiurrk. Uhlix, aaaalaral Ji hara. ur anv Ibdtak. 11. u, imialka ur ukra tln ut a, a n a mm. CT braaa. S09 aainaoai INDIO Absolutely Dry and Pure Tropical Climate irronounced by TliyHicians th- L', 1 .1,, t ,, niosi p avoraole 1 11 America i .. a' C lOf HUfltTerS ffOm . . . Lung Diseases and Rheumatism Many Remarkable Cures Tha objtotlona urged agalnat Indlo la tha past by tha large tiumbcra who otnerwl would have bean flail to taka advantage of Ita bvnaflclal climate, haa hn a lack of aultalila aroommoilatlpn The Houthern I'acinc Company laam plwaaura In announcing that aevaral Commodious and Comfortable Cottages have Juat baan erected at Indlo atatlan. that will be rented to anpll.anta at r-a onable ratna. Thuy are furnlnhcd with inodnrn convnlrj jm, auppllvd with purl artesian water and so sliuatfd aa to glvr occupants all tha advantage! to bs de rived from a mora or leaa protract' J rwilJ.noo la thli d.iUvhtful cllniata. (From th Ran Franrlaoo Argonaut. ) "In the heart of tha great dmert of tha Colorado which tha Houlharn I-ucltic t-'averafra thero ! an oasis callml indlo, w in UT ln,"l. th." """r""1 of the earth. W be!lvi, from personal VoatlifatIon, that for certain Individual., tlmre Is no spot on this planet so favor- ble-" ii- r. Btawart, u., vntu: "Tha ourity tt tha air. and tha eternal aim. purty ahlne, fill one with wondxr and delight. Natur haa accompllahed o n.uoh that thM ramalna but little for man to do. Aa to Its pormlhtlltlea as a health recort-hara la tha moat perfect unahln, with a temperatura always plcaaant, a perfeotly dry soli, for rain la an unknown factor; pur oiyian, denaa atmoaphara and pur water. What mora can la desired? It la the place, abovt all othars, for lung troubles, arid a para dise for rhaumatlca. Conaldorlng th number of - sufferer who have bees cured, I hava no heaitancy In reoom mending thla tenia! oasl as th haren of th affllcUd." INDIO mm f ft 1 m 4 i I a W M M MWW m 1 r,M Baat'tflluCilailt -..',a n Umsstaan. V V ".li. J Jr' slais rarsr, 0. B ' ' Mil . V rv n ant r ' Cinuiar arn va rwiam Is 6l3 miles from SAN FRANCISCO and 130 Allies from LOS AN0ELES Fare from Los Angeles $3.00 l.iaiAI. A I V K I IT I H K M K NTH, NtTltK (r KXTKNHION lr OIM MIOItlMAIi HTIll1: H'P. Nlri la Ib'ivhy nlvi'n I hilt III CiMIl liion 1,II of tlio Clly of Ant.iM. Clitlanp iniiny, Klivto, hav il. oldod nnd doiermliil lo ntinml i'hh inoinl Mir.'ot. in Iho 'liy f Aalorta, tho beglnnliiK, l'nii!mia nd lntnna dlitte Minln, nud IIm land to b miii iIimiuiioI iK'Ing hoii'lnafler ilr-si-Hlwd and Mi-t foilh, and n iii"r fully ! peam by IIm n'l'il. nmi, plala mid norvoyri of wild pro",l pt'iilon iu Conuik.'n liil ali'l. now mi din In tha otlli-o of the A ml Itor and Tolloo Judiia, nil. I ombliirnl mid il.orl!o. III ldl. iiaiuv No, iM, tuvtlll.ol "An ..rdliimioa i-oiitlrmliiit lln' report, plal of mirvay, of the propowsl rnUMial.'U of t'.uiitiior. olul atrvol," appiMvihl Maroli '-3. I'HT, and the Common Ciincll of llio oily of .Vloi la. Clnlxop roiinty, nnv i'i l'v lug anoMMakMil by lnv-ilirutln nnd ln.ulry nii.1 nn rxunitniiUoii f tin" rar. oia tlmt J. II Maiwo'll. ' A'. and T. t . Trnlllimor me ihi -Ii .Haiti trr.l fiwlmld.'ia of tho Clly r Aa. torla. ruid no kin lo a 10 of lh n..i of Pomona Ititen-nl."! in miy pr.pmty lo Iw ii4pi.rluln for Hie rtl'Miaioii of Coiiiiiii.-lai slreot n" provl.lnd by 'r. N.i, rial, onlltli-l "An ortll. H1.11.W .iitlfmliiri tl' tM'ort. plai f aurvoy of llvn pi.iMaMl rutonnloii of ( atr-l," avpcnivwl Mmh .3, tsti?, an.1 that h of naJ I r-n Ikuaarwa tha iiinlini'ntloiM of Jiii-iih of tho 1 'trim! 1 lotrt f lh Hlale of tr gm, r live County of Clat.p. In that tln-y and raoh of thom am wlilta main illlliui of the I'nHavl HUlna and of the Ktata of (rKii. or tho aa of '.'t yu, and ai- and hava b-on r I donta and legal votara of AaUirt, Cllasop iunty, i'rrou, and of tha warxla In whJrh tliey now ti.ltt, ft mora tlvan one yrur lost pat. and -nh of thlr iiaiirPi aiw on Ilia la r'U of said Cliata-.p mtinty. and that aoh of tlioiii are aubjeot lo Jury duty, and that food and all of "old above- nanm pt'rAMu, afir lnv.-tiati.'ii nuiU, ara onlltlrHl and iiainrd to aot aa vlewrrs aa miulrl by llw ohartor of th City of Aatoria. and i.wmnint all tha qual Ulratlona nm-naary Ihrrefrr aa fully and ihitlfa'torlly apii 10 tit t'otn mri .iinoll, at-r tht, hivraitttfatlon nm.lrt afonvutld, and rw.-li of ruld naiirnJ iK-rwua hailng by a wrllton atatinuiit, filed In th rtla of tlx Au ditor and roll.v Judg, havftu doiar.l that tjl.-y lite no. y ipial llli-tttloua to a t aa vli-v.-r af. trld, the aald J. II Mnnm-ll, C. W. :iona and T. . Tnilllnicr be Uul thr-y ara lir-rvby tt(nlnls vU-rrrJ lo vinw tha prop.vaml of Coiiiiurr.-laJ atrrrt in tla City f At.rla. na da ai rtbnl by Iho Hurvpy.rr and .iiiI.mI In his mild r"irt. which a a. I report was ailopte.1 by the f.min n Coutirlt of the Clly of At.-rl In a.iid Ordl miw No, .'31. aihl ar Iwrvby author lard and eniovvrtvd to niako the aa-ra-unnt tf Iximrtta and .Uuiaa in oKnlng and condemning ,,f iui I'nin. rnr.n trw(, an re-iuiml by lb cnar l.-r f tlw City of At.a-iH. Ih.ti raid Mr ..r herein apiMdnrnl ara h.-mby rrinlril and Instructed to tut nt tba ofH of Uk Auditor and I'olloe Jti.lfa In Ihti City Hall of said city of Astoria n tlm 3oth day .f April, Ml. at tha hour f 10 o'clock In the forenoon of a.tbl day, and tlmn and tlvrrn l.i -iiial-Ify as Much vlev-era aa tvtilrd by tl. cluu-tr of the City of At Hia. That tlw ltiii.tnrl.. la-sinnlng. tr mliiiin, lot.Trnelliito p.lrita and ils.-r1p-tton of tho property to lie ont.-ivd upon ami onititi-minM tr tho prpoa-d ex tcnaloii nf nald Corimwriiai tr-ot ara drwrll.l as followa, t.-1l; H-KlmitiiK at a joint nuu-kad by a tai-k in tho .ut Irno f Hovnitonth atroot. at It lntersiiin wlih th a .uth lino of tNriinw4'olnl ntiwt, whl. h point U TOO foot north, 4 WToa !i tnlnutas wont arid 30 fret north, ti drenea JIJ tnlnut. oast of a Mono monument at cwitiT of tho f So'.n . niti wtth Kianklln avmiue, in Hhlveloy'a Aatiia. which took l alao tlio rx.rthw.-at pnrnor of blm-k 1 .13, In Shlveloy's AMotin; thonoo nuinlng ravat-i-riy and Miralkl with live north Una of Kx. haiign Htront p tho wont lino of Twenty. third n I root, cxtondod, a dta tancnof IKK) foot; itioiuH n.-rtlntly and at rlgltt ang..a 10 tho north lino irf ICxi-hango rrtroot BO fnot; lh')iw wint erly and iianillel to the north line of ICxoliaugo at roe t 2100 foot, to a point f IntKrwHtloti with tho ant tin of S"Vont.mith str-t, 10 tVet, tiurthorly from live pliuv of lMtrinriiing; thotioo southifly CO fo. to tlwi rlav of lmgln nlng. Said strip of land north of and ndjiicont to lots 1, 1. 1. 3. 4. 6. A, a. 4, ft, . 1, 4, 5, , 3. 4, r.. . 3. 4, 6. t. 3, 4, r,, . block 1.1.'; lota l.lix-k l:il ; lota I.I'M k I.W; lots 1, bbftik IL".l; Iota I, hlck I2H, lota 1, block 1L'7. all In Shlvoley's Antorln, nnd a!o lying north of ami ii.IJiio.-nt to Klghlii-tiih, Nineteenth, Tw-nt.-lh, Twimty-first and Twi-nty-an-rntid strveta. 'J'tuit all of said d-c.rllxd rcvil pniporty and all of suld lots and block ara situate ln tlie dlnliint eiiibnuvd In said proMmed fXtonoloii of Coirnn.Tcial Htria-t ami nil of said portions of wild lots will iw condemned and hii apimiJaoiiKTit of the Ixm oll t and damiitres riultlng to the ywiK-nt of aiiJd property will be mud by said viewers afor.wn.ld. All per sons owning or lntoni-stM hi any of said property to lie endemn.-d for said propowNi exti'MHlim of (N.iiunenlal Htroot are hon-by duly and legally no tlMcl of the action of the Common Council pursuant to the retaliation and nrdinanrx-a hTtofore adopted by said Common Council for said exten sion of Commercial street. This notice Is published by order of tlm Common Council and pursuant to the provisions of the charter of th City of Astoria relating thereto. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, April 18, 1897. H. E. NELSON, Auditor and Police Judge, A Handsome Complexion Is on of tba greataat cliarma a woman can poaaeaa. IouuMi'a CoaruizioM Powdmb Rivaa It.