4 Save time i n . try iTMriirnn The Daily Astorfan . , ' Has a Ranuu , ANU PaMANMT ...Family Circulation... Much mom tmah thp timis At UHllI A THAT Of ANY OTHI AN in Astoria. wks "-mm I'.Xfi II llJ lift w I it n J worry An "Ad" In Tmi AiroitUN'i "Want Column." 1 s3j3? KXCMJSIVB TELKGHAPMIC PHICSS REPORT. VOL, XLVI. ANTOKIA, OREGON: SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 25, 18117. NO. 1)3 GRIFFIN & REED City Book Store Stationers & Booksellers All the Lending Newspapers and Periodicals Kept on Hand LEGAL BLANKS AND WHY DO WE KEEP Robt. Stewart & Sons' Irish Flax Salmon Twine BBC A USB It Is the Best, the Strongest and Longest-Lasting Twine Made . . . FOARD & STOKES CO. Dealer In Cork anil Lead Line, Hanging Twine, Lead; alao, Oar, Oarlock, Boat Cooking Utennlle, Sail Drill. Paint, Boat Nalla, F.U., Etc. SELF STARTING HERCULES aeil-Hiartliia; M) llorw I'nwrt Marine Ktilti. roil I'.illTK t I.AIl AllIlllKM HcrculcH Gh BtiKlno Workrs 40S I tNNIIMI NT., NAM rilANMNt O UNION MEAT COMPANY Shield Brand Hams, Bacon, Strictly Pure Lard ALL KINDS OF CANNED MEATS (luarantMd I ha Hat la tba Markat OKNER I OURTII AND (1LISAN STREIITS - PORTLAND, OREGON IT The Columbia Iron Works .... FOUNDRYMEN .... Blacksmiths, JVIaehinists, and Boiler-makers Corner Klghlv.nth Nl. and Franklin At.. Ross. Higgins & Company GROCERS and BUTCHERS AHTOUIA AINU I'.ANT AHTOUIA CHOICIC KRKSH AND SALT MEATS R. L,. Boyle & Co. Real EstateLoans and Investments H23 Coitimcrclnl Htrcot, Antorln Astoria Roofing & Cornice Co. 34 Gravel, Tin and Slate Roofing NINTH 1TRFFT Asphalt Paving for Basements, Sidewalks and Streets nmin oiitci Asphalt Coating on Tin and Shingle Roofs Repairing of all kinds of Roofs Clarkson & flcrym Room Company LONG FIR PILING Promptly Furnished Astoria Asphalt & Roofing Co. SSSS5-" All Work Roof Painting and Rapalrlng Ltaky Hoof. J. A. PASTABEND General House, Bridge and Wharf Builder OFFICE SUPPLIES MARINE GASOLINE ENGINES fain a; r&aollne or chip distillate oil. Engine conneetad direct with pro. Hlf shaft, and no notay. easily broken bovH gear ud In reverse motion. Now spark dwvlra; no Internal spring rlertrodea to linrn out. Hmd for testimonial!. We are building thean new a'yl. aalf staring marina engine In all ultra up in TOO hrn power. Every mains fully guaranteed. 216 and 217 Chamber of Commerce Portland. Oregon Guaranteed N. JENSEN and R. 0. HANSEN Contractor - . . i - House Moving: Tools for Rent THE NEW TARIFF AND BIMETALLISM I'lon Tor International Conference To lie Held In iishinijtcin, I). C. TAHITI' KILL WILL NOT l)H(i rrocti (nmd for a dual tula Ipua It ll June Trimble I ibe Dtmuirailc limp and ibt Breach Videae. K-ul rKm-nixiiwI'-ni-v. H'iihla..n, April 17.-Turin and 1,1-iiielalllaiii-th.akv two (treat I-ihb of tlx campaign- hitvr iMv-n prominently at the front during the pr.wiit we-k In Washington. Anl tli"'i. )iU, who doubled r irofasd t i lul,l the aliieerlty of the ;rof"' of the republican (Mirtyun cither i'f tin' aul'J'i-la have found that they ww mistaken. A thoroughly protcvilve urlff, one whlrh liKk avftrr Oh Intrnnta of thf fpjiniT ajul .h workliiKinan - lht l what the tw I'lincl-y na-t la to lie In ii It fi uNin Ihc ntJiiuU ik-- hit '.I la in ft Unlay, for th irib. t.!l!Ui- are tlut tt will Unl otiaiB J liy the amntr. ICarncMt anl Intvllla'nt rfforla In t--half of lmirno.Uin:tl lilinctallli'm that la w htU thla k' work mrana upon thivt ubj'"'t. Tlv itli4mi.it rf Hie nun nliwlon, 'hiw nnnM-a havf at rvawly lii-rn alven to th ublir, anaurMi riiiit, vlaruua, ami, tt In h""l, uixaful work. THE IIIMETAI-LIC COMMISHI" iN Th RH'lniiiifiit ,it Hvnalor Wolroit of ("oUirailo, ri-Viri, I'n al'lfii: htivi n- !i of tllliio.a. ami Hon. ('. J. I'alm of Maamu'htihtlt. aa cofniiilanl -IMT" to iav th'? way for an lit!,Tntlonnl n. ffi-rPno', ha a l-n ciMially i-onunml-I 1'ntil thin wk nolntly Un i l-lt ill t :' what lf l'i nl'l-nl'a !.n. ! In tvcm-J to ihla uupa'.Wn. It jwaa known Ihat he waa vxtrvme'y !ii!'.'U1 t'.' tKi? the iro" r w, t 'warla MirryiutJ out th- ,liliff of i party iMkltit to International rona.J- ml i-hi of the allviM- iju,-llon. but Ju-l h.iu itihwi'I to hrlnc thte alniul mi- t.i iliv Initiative nob nly wax ,li. to nay. It !! iii''nrn that, ho uatlitl, lie ha chosen lh- ! lilii. an. I tine nivnt llki'ly to bi aiu-eeiwful. .Vol only haa h ohoaen the plan moat likely to lm auorennful. but the one like ly to lie niit muveoHful. Hy tbl I meant Ihat If he la able to rurry out the ilua tliua InuuaTuratPtl the Inter lutt'.omil ronfen-m-e will N brUKht to the doom f every Amerleun voter, rr.wldent McKlnley'a hox' l that It may be praetlcaMe to hoM thla oon-f.'i-em-e In the I'nlte State and In the eWy of Wanlilnirton. If thla yhall lia. pen every AnierUtin cltlaen will hav tht full lK-neftt of the ill-iumlon whuh thoiv nrlwe. It will be im thoiuih the ini-llinr of the representative of the Kivit mulona wua brmiKlvt 1o hl own ilooryanl. With prensi an liillona i'r ryliiR the full pieN'llnp. of the ferenee, ami the humlreiU of apeelal toi-reapomlenta In WanhlnKtoii rotn mentlUK uikmi the proceeilinits In the impern w hloh 'they represent, every cll l.eli who feela the allKntest ln:eri.il In thlx qipvtlon woubl be able to fol low the proeeetltiiKit ami wtiuly th.-iu in i heli proper IlKht, thus knowing for hlmnelf that the work waa well ilone. The eoniinltwIonei-B w ho are to ko abroa.l to try 'lo brlnu aboui an awe. in nl for a conference art- hliihly m meiubtl by mvniliers of all aj-tl 'S pet-l.lly JiillcoU8 aebvt'.'Uia. yr. Woleott, by rtiinon ,if his lone study of the 'uuwtjon ami dlxeiission ontwM pi'lous trips abroad of this same sub Jvl, will lx of mm h i,-reiit'T value than any man who hud not bad thi-"-experleneea. Ex-Vice rnwldent Sl--venson, O'preHentlnj; the silver element of 'the democracy .ami well-known by reputallon and In person nbroml, will lnjl)inlly command attention: while Mr. I 'nine, as a okise .ttudent on this subject, will prove equally useful and Inlluentlal. It does not follow that tlwse men who are aeix'te for this work are to he the representative of the rutted Utates In an International i-onferemv If they are successful In brlntflntr It about; on the contrary, ll Is exjxvtetl that other men will bo ?e leittod to r'pr'in.t the povii-nment In that conference. T1I13 TAHIFF. Thu poifile who ai-e nssumlnit thoit the tariff bill Is likely to drnir through the summer and keep the liuslneM ef the country In an unaettled condition awaftlns final aotlon nre to be dlssip polivtiil. The next week or t-n days at the fuHtheflt aiv likely to gee the bill orfeotod by the republican mem ber. of the finance committee, and !t Is likely to jret Into the Semite before tho month ends. Prospects, now se 'in (food for a nnal vxte uisa It In June and Ita completion In time that It may sm Into effecit at the oerlnnlnir of the fiscal year July 1. The change made by the senate com mtttee jar much less In extent and miortanee than had been expevted. The pressure for a reduction In the dulli-x mi wisl haa mt lin suco-na- fill thus far, an1 tlie olnuicm aeem to be tluit they will nilt be. The il-maji1 of th aiiitar triJHt f ir rban in the whlule advan1aKiua to them haa IxHm rMrptly rejwtil. The wall ut the Htanditrd O'.X trum and fif sundry nth' r corporation of this c:hara( ;er hJtve siiawl unnitlii-d. Tlwa' dimio- i mix and iniiiiUm,- and other en'-nib of th" republliJio party who had hel lo b able to 'make polltieul capital by rharxliiff iha'i h tariff bill wm favorable to crT"rtkiii Mnd truva rri' dlsn.ptailral'. And they will ron- tliiu.i to Ix- disappointed. Titoriu.K in. the ikw'uatic cam I. While thiwri awe tiMivli.n on smoothly wjlh thw rt,iitpllirui. thi-re la troul aiinmr the d-trHH-rai". Th.' bn-aeh b twyvn the llallej- und the Hryan tar llotw In he 'hij', has U-en wldi-ned and the populist lll- of that party have been jt'vn the t,ld ahoulder. The -l;ba HbniM,n, finding tilmself fnm loatriK hr TMtorty which his ee iiirl '.tl'-s have auunh-d him. devH- ol a re-w fr-ak and atta-kn Rpeak it Itii-d bicauar of hla failure to a- isatit commit te wtwrn rHnmltu-a ww mt needed The Itryan ln of I he denrrf'racy, lielntr so ai-rusvwned to ii-ratlnK wh the r"1ullats. wanted to support J'TTf. but the Halley wlnit oppuiMM It. Mr. llalley, who last fall opmiHKd th oonarrildMlon of thf pop ulist and dttiKN-riLl le iKirt ej, In the campaign, retain (he s&me views to day and (tut (item Into practical op- araition. Aa the leader of the demo. rtlr side of th house, he called a eauciM at oner, and by a vte oft wo I to oiu.. adopted a resolution declining j co-oiK-ratloti w Kh Slirt.n and hla fol lower, thus araJn dfeatlnit the Itry-anlt-s In thdr uttetmK to n.ntrol the d-Mmicrary In the houae. TKAIXS AGAIN HCNXINO. I' .rtland. Airll it The first Eastern mail over the (. It. & N. since last Saturilay arrived today. The O. It. A It Ix-tw. n liakt-r ".ty and Huntington tin . be"ii n-pairiil and all trains are now ruiuiinit on time. ItBSCfK CM'Il. At A meeting of Uxwue flub last nlk-lil the house was crowded to the do r All the nttlivm were In th'lr pliuin. and the Ib-v. X.. J. Trumbull o-ned wlih S'rlpture trading and pni.wr. Kollowini; Is the proirra'n. Ker 'liuiiilx'i- of It was excellent. Tile s-'Iiks by little Mabel lAmm wmv re markable, Immiik rendiT"d wi;h a power an) clearness t expression beyond thai of many adult singers, though she Is only five years of ae and sing Willi. nit accompaniment. She received a wann eniMre from tho surprised and delighted audience: HiH-Hnthn Maltle 11IIUi. IMami Solo Miss Caroline Vouna;. Dialogue Agues I'ederson and Mary lUMTy. Song Five -oung ladles, litalogue Hllma and Ouhwlne Ie derson. Song I'emdby, Mother Mattel tair wm. Heading L. H. reJereon. Pialogui Tile l'ildler Laura St-a-feidt and Nellie Larson. Twv Sng F. Tarker. Song Pear Old Flag Utta Welch ami Agnes Welch. Tli,' eiunittee on program for next we.-k In Hr. Aug. Kinney. Mi. A. H. Cyrus and Mr. Itert Stewart A com mltti'.' for two weeks hence was also apH.lnted, consisting of Mrs. James Ellsworth. Mrs. C. J. Larson and W. F. SniKlcnus Ttirvt? persons signed the pledge THE IIEKCTLKS C.AS ENGINES. Some Fact From a CorreMHndint Kelattng to Their Manufacture. The following Is nn ex-tract from a loiter written from San Francisco by Mr. II. M. Uransford. of the Astorlan, and will Ik- of Infoitlntio to those In t treat ed In any way 1n m.ichlnery or piMgr.slon in mechanical device's: "Knowing that the Hea culcs Cas En gine Works was building several gn-io-line marine engines for the Columbia river, I tixk occasion to visit their slKips and note what the firm was do ing. I found the shops cover about M.OOO square feet and are thoroughly e.ulpied with modern machinery and conveniences for maiuifaeturtng those engl...-.'. "Among the marine englnesi beln built were several of 15 and 20 horar swer for (. I'. Graham and others, for use on the Columbia river and th. Sound. They are the , new ditvet -con nected and self-stiu-tlng type, very much different from anything yet Been on the Columbia river, and will un doubtedly work something of a revo lution. In the opinion of present engine users, n to what constitutes a high grade mi l m-xlern niarine oil engine. "The first shipment of these Hercules, engines Is being made o:i the steame: leavlng 'Frisxo Friday, the 23d lnst, and In about a week one of Graham's launches, equipped with Hercules en gine, will be ready for lnsiecitlon. "I am of the opinion, from, the looks of these englnea, and what I know- of Graham's boats, that those new oraft will be prize-winners. THE DRAMATIC WAR SITUATION Danncr to the Turks Prom Swapping Horse at This Stage of the Came, WAR WILL NOT FINISH SOON bretct Decliici Riia'a Offer the Tirk Ckaiye rlait-bretli Kctreatcd la Order Tarts Kcpnlvd. ICopyrlght, 1S97. by As.KrlatM Presj ) Ixindon. April 24. Tlie laat few da- have devekd a dramatic sit ant Ion. The audden removal of Klhn I'aha, the Turkish cwrmnander-ln-chlef, and the fai-t rbaf he has b-n rwiilacl by 'wman I'asa. the hero of Plevna, baa cblwitI great surprise. No remaxka'ile develo(,rm-nt Is ez- peotwl from the appointment of (toican Paoha, aa. art from the danger of swapping horses at the present rrlt' oal juncture. Oman Pan ha will ba hampered by the sultan's jeaaViu,: de. termination to direct the military op erational from chc Ylldls klonk. Said Eddln Pasha, who Is to succeed Ahmed HHii Pasha In crjmmand of U Turkish army at Janlna, is the gene ral the sultan sent to Cret In Decern bnr Ihm to carry out the reforms In accordance with the sultan's Ideas, but was retal ksl on demand of the powers. Advices re"elved here from Constan tinople say that the war nwa lm the Turkish newspapers !s very meager and altogether falls to give an idea of th; Creeks' stubborn resistance, or the Turkish tons, which must be corwld-rra- b!e. From Athens it is said that dis content ex tots there at the fan? that King Grge has not y-t started for the front. The feeling against P.uasla still runs very high. The Greek gov ernment has rejected Rusla's offer to protect the Gre-k orthodox Id Turkey. RusrU's. eagrflies to do so caused loubts as to her motives and the gov ernment of Greece has now begged Great XWtaln to prot-xt the orji'dox. It is understood thas. In the mt which the king Ut pivjaring he will In vite all Greeks throughout the wor:d to make sacrifices of money a wet: as bloml. Humors in A:hens today that Greek war ship. wete preparing to make a dash through the Dardanelles caused much Interest in military and naval circles. The altitude of the various Balkan state Is closely watched hi political cltvl.-s. Prlnoe Ferdinand of Buifca rla is playing his own game and is determined to profit to the utmost by Turkey's stress, apparently heeaiess of advice, even from Russia. The Servian minister at Paris, in an Interview describes Servla's attitude as being one of strict neutrality. The Servian minister did not think the war would last long. He said the Greeks must not reckon upon a rising In Ma cedonia. According to the advices from Rome relations between the Holy See and Turkey are entirely suspended. The whole Interest of the Vatican la direct ed towards Inducing the powers to en J Turkish rule in Europe with the view of a great revival and reorganisation of the Christian Eastern chutvh. THE WAR WILL SPREAD. (Copyright. 1SH7, by Associated Press.) Iierlln. April 24. The war between Greece and Turkey monopolizes public attention in Germany. The opinion 1 expressed In ivdHical and diplomatic circles that the war will not tinish soon, and that It will not remain loca very long. It is stated in government circles that Germany's Interests have alrea.ly Ihvu vitally engagt'd and It seems to be a foregone conclusion, whatever may lie tho final outcome of the present troubles, that the political readjustment of the OrlentaJ question will nlso lead to the rendjustm.nt ot the ixiwers' alliance. The entente be tween Germany and Austria, on one side, and Russia and France on the other will. It Is believed, become much closer In the near future. A memlnV of the emperor's suite said today: "The main efforts of the pow ers will be directed toward keeping th? Greek war confined to narrow limits, but the success of their endeavors Is doubtful. If Greve meets wtth even :vmporary success, all will be chaos, as there are good reasons to suspect that Bulgaria, Servla and Montenegro are only waiting for a chance to break loose, and especially Bulgaria, who Is lumkerlng after Macedonia itself." NEW GENERAL'S PLAXS. Paris. April 24. It Is stated in a dis patch from Constantinople this even ing that Oeman Pasha's plan of cam paign is to recall all the Turkish forces in Kplrus, leaving only a strong gar rison at Janlna, and abandon the prov ince. The Turkish army In Epirus will be thus able to effeot a Junction with .the army In Thessaly by march ing northward, around the mountains dividing the two province Osman Pa sha would eventually have th whole Turkish army at hla disposal and would be M t dJ a decisive Wow. VOLUNTEERS DETAINED. Home, April 24. Tho draunur of voluntews for Grence Is being preterit ed by the police of varWus t'wns. - THE GREEKS RETREAT. Athens. April 24. p. m. AH te. graphic emi muni oat km with Larisaa is interrupted, but K tj understond the retreat of the Greek army was con. ducted with the best of order. Excite. ment ami dlsqul-l a. Athena beraus? of the sudden alAndonmertt of Larlssa, cvmtlnues, but the tranquility of the city la unbroken. The foreign war shloa have been signaled off Phalerum. SPIKED THE GUN'S. Athens. April 24. 20 p. m. Larlssa baa been completely eva'-uad by the Greeks, who spiked their guns and carried away all the moveable cannon and munitions of war. TURKS REPULSED. Athens. April 24. Midnight. A spe cial dispatch received frotn the fron tier asserts that the Turks, white at tacking Mati, were repulsed several times yesterday. At o'clock in the evening the Greek forces were obliged to give way. The Greeks retreated In good order on K oracles, where they are entrenched. From Art the Greeks occupied the heights of Pootepigadia. It hi believed that the military opera Uona in Epirus will soon be ter minated. TO HELP THEIR COUNTRY. New York. April 24. Four hundred and fifty Greeks sailed for Havre, en route to the scene of war between their native country and Turkey. KILLED BY RUNAWAY. Seattle, April 24. A special to the Ft -Intelligencer from Snohomish says: Andrew Braaten and Miss Clan Gillasple. of Slunroe. Snohomish coun ty, started today to drive to Everett to be nrrd. The horse ran away, and the girl was thrown out of the buggy and killed. KRELING THE WINNER Portland. April 24. The wrestling match between Chas. Krellng. of San Franitsco. and Herbert Greenland, of this city, two best In three, catch as catch can, at the Multnomah Club tonight, was won by Krellng. who got the first and third fail. Greenland win ning the second only. The first bout lasted one hour and a quarter. CALIFORNIA. WINS. San Francisco. April 24. The univer sity of California today won the Inter collegiate games with Stanford univer sity by a score of 62V4 to 4"4. Drum and Carroll, of California, did phenomenal work, the former winning the one hundred yard dash, 220 yardj ami 440 yards, while Carroll captured the half mile and mile run, beatlns Burnett, an Oregon boy. Several rec ords were broken. BASE BALL. Wavh)ngton, Alpril 24. Washtngt u S, Brooklyn 6. Baltimore, April 21. Baltimore 7, Bos ton 1. Philadelphia, April 24. Philadelphia 12. New York 4. Louisville, April 24. Louisville ?. Cleveland 8. St. Louis, April 24. St. Louis 3, Pilttsburg 1. Cincinnati, April 24. Cincinnati I, Chicago 3. THE MARKETS. Sri Francisco, April 24. Hops -Sc and 12c Liverpool, April 24. Wheat No. 1 red Northern spring, firm, 6s 6d. New York. April 24. Hops Tc and ll'iie. London, April 24. Hops i3 13s. Portland, April 24. Wheat Valley, 75c; Walla Walla, "3 and 74c. KENTUCKY SITUATION. Frankfort, Ky., April 24. The ab sence of many republican members on pairs prevented the election of a sen ator today. Their failure to return prevented a quorum. No pressing at tempt to elect Beboe will be made till next Wednesday. HOWARD THE WINNER. Ran Francisco, April 24. The Spree kles handicap for three-year-olds, val ued at $7,500, with a cup worth $1,500, was decided at Inglesdde today, How ard S., by Imp. Whistle and Jacket-Z-ellca, winning by a nose In 2:0s's; Alto max second, Vlncltor third. ANOTHER CYCLONE. Bay City, MaOi., April 24. Oraa, a small village about twenty miles north of Bay City, was swept by cyclone this afternoon. Two were killed and many injured. IRISH SPINNERS MUST COME HERE Result of the Xcw Tarlfr Bill Iking Passed By United States Congress. CLATSOP COUNTY IN THE LEAD Geraua Seed Received e4 distrlMaee" Among tke rarnars Vka VIII lk Tractical Ciperineita. There w ill be a teat made this seaaoa by Clatsop farmers of the practicav bflity of raising flax In this county. The enterprise Is a tremendous on and means mil I tons to the Northwest. Olartsop has taken the lead In Che mat ter in Oregon, and one of Astoria's wideawake mercantile house baa ton about the scheme in a btalness-like manner, as the following Interesting letter will show; Astoria, Or., April 22, 1807. Dear Sir: We have selected you aa a representative farmer of your aeo tlon, to keep in the advmmxmen of your profession for our country's good. We have forwarded to you today, fre of charge, a package of flaxseed, 134 pounds, which will sow one-eighth of an acre of land. It is our intention to have the flax tried for fiber and have some of the same, when harvested, sent back to the Oregon Agricultural Station and to Ireland, where the same will be tested. Messrs. Robert Stewart aV Sons, of Llsburn, Ireland, whose seed it Vs we are sending out, are large and wealthy flax spinners. Tho proposed high duty on flax makes It necessary for them. In order to do business la th United Statei. to establish mills here, and in ail probability it kv only a matter of "push" on the part of ourselves to have them locate near "enoiign fd USThat the whole 'commu nity. If not the entire Northwrest, may reap a benefit from such enterprise. This need not n xssarUy be by di rect d-dlvery of flax to ths mills. It will f j a large extent benefit other trades an J Indirectly the farming com munity outside the flax-growers. We hope you will see with ue the importance of this undertaking, and. although It may seemingly burden you with some .'work, we believe there will be enough patriotism In our fellow cit izens and you to give this matter as careful attention as you may poisibly be able to spare. You will And, also, with the seed, re port of the Oregon experiment station on flax, which will aid you largely in the matter of sowing, etc. Also, a short report of the Dutch method of cultivating flax, which we are sure will be enough to guide you thoroughly. We shall advise you later how, and bow much we wish of the matured flax for samples, which will not be more than five per cent of the crop, which we expect you to furnish us free of charge. Please bear In mind that we wish all data recorded, such as time sown, time cultivated, time pulled, etc., together with approximate amount of labor spent, with about the cost per acre, and your general opinion. Please advise by enclosed postal of the receipt of seed. Respectfully, FOARD & STOKES COMPANY. N. B. If you are not enough Inter ested in this matter, please turn It over to some of your neighbors, or no tify us. A number of packages of seed Still re main, a-id can be bad oy any onewrho will apply for them and agree to make, the experiment under the prescribed conditions. Too much stress cannot be placed upon this subject, and it only rests wtth the people themselves wheth er a great spinning mill Is esta-blliJied here. rA MY ll E Absolutely Pure Celebrated for its great leavening strength and healthfulnees. Assure tba food ' against alum and all form of adulteration common to th cheap brands. ROYAL. EAKING POWDER CO, NEW YORK. IP .Will m