TIIK DAILY AdTOJUAN, FRIDAY MOIINING. APRIL 23. 1897. LKUAL ADVICIlTIHlCMICNTH, CIIIKF (Hi POLJCIfl bam:. Nollm U tit'i-ohy iilvn, ilml 1y .inns nf a wnntuvl Umij'1 l.y thu A mil lor ml I'olln Judtfit nf Hi fit)' of As toria, by ordr if th.; Common Council nf wilil rlty, mkI in m directed, rtabd tlvo inii ilny of March Ihi7, and ifttlliat. MAltOAHKT A. li A I.HAM. CuiiiiiMmlliiif ma to levy on lt No, 7, hi Block No. 75, In 'ill.. City of Ali tor In ui laid out and rcrdid by John Hotiur, for a ilUiniiont airtmt - Ittnlit ill tltnrnill ami MSalUMt Until doaor.lied rnA natiute for th Impiovi. invnl of ilrnml Avnimii In the City if AmIoi'Iii, from tlm runt lino of 5lh alriwt l 'tlm al 1 1 tin of U'lh street, Whlolt mli ajoaiiieiit aiimiMi't 1o III mini of I7, I ill'l mi th Kith -ln' of A ui I 1W7, vy tiHin nil of auid l4 No. 7. In Him No. 7ft, In City of An to tin. Mil la ll out and tvviritat by John McClurv, ninl on Ih I run dny of May Jkii7, nt Urn hour f 2 o'nloi k ii, in. of said ilay. In front of the Court tioua i.rr In aald t'lly of Aeloila, Clatauii fount y, (irifHi, t will prav-d to all nt public uucilon, to lh lilirlim ll.l l.-r ih n! ihixirllrxl real iu;i rty to aittlnfy aaal aaaoanini'iit fa" the llll.MVOIIM'll' of lllttllil AVlllll", lO- goiluti- vtllh th ita will chiumiw i.f Huh huIk. Hit 1.1 mIh to lw ror I nliiHl KIil:i gold or silver twin. K. IIALIyliCK. Chw'f of Polio". Imliil, Astoria, or, A fill l.'.tti. It7. 4 '11 IKK OF rm.U'K HA I.E. X'ltlil a. lwrtiy glvnti. that l.y virtue Mf warm nt tMnid l.y tlw Auditor and JNilliw Judirw of tiu. City of Aa. torlft. ta' fipll-T Of tt- ClHIIIIII.il Council of aald rlty. mid to Ilk- diivcted. dated h. Kth .lay of Manti lt7. mill aduloat. MAItOAItKT A. IIAI.HAM ('.iminaiiillii in In liny ii lti No, i. In Hlok No. 71. In tti CUy of An tort a laid out and rro.ril.il by J.dui Mrilur. for a. delinquent atrw.t aMt- mailt dim thrreoti and uiaJiiat miUI ttNfc-rllml rntl ratals for th liniirovi-. moot of Unuul Avniuir In thr City nf Aaturla, from tht llnw of 6th irant to Uw mot lln of 12th atrxt, whlnh aaJil ojai.nmiioiit auumtiUt to tha um of l9, I ill.l on Hi.. Uth itny of Airll lt7, Irvy u(at all of Milil Uit Nil , IMi'k No. 75. lit tin. 'lty of Aatorla. UU-I out ml rixurtlnl by John MoOutv. ami on tlx. Uth ilay of Xly. lt7. t tha hour of 3 o'rf.aik p. ni. of aaJd day. In front of thft'.nirt lno. door In aaM City of Antotrla. Clataoi rtiiinty. nnnriKi. I will proi-rd to aril at pulillr auotlon. to th hlirlirat lil.l.lT, tlm a!v iWirltrl rwU iroi rty to aatlafy aajd aaMnaminnt f.ir thr ImiinivrtiMil of (irw ml avoitun, to. Itoihnr with tlin i-iwia and -xnuM of auoh Jr. Hold aala In Ih- for full. it Htatna tfuld or aklwr mln K. HAMH'K. Clllnf of I'iiIKO. Iiutil AMtorta. or. Atirll 16th. 1M7. 4'HIKK tK tU': HAI.K. Nutliw a lr'ly 1 vn. tlunt ly virtu of a narra.ul iMnint hy tlm Auditor and 1nIIi JuiIkw of Vv City of Aa turla, hy iipW of tho Common Counill of iuUd i lty. iut to ma dliwtiil. ilutixl Um l?th day of Maruli 1!!7, and aiUiiaL M.MtV J. IIAlMil.KTT. Ciiiiiiiaiiillti ni" to ovy on U No. I. In llliak No 72. Ill thr. City of A t.irt l laid out ajid roordii liy J. dm MrClur. fur n di'llnniH'tit atrrrt njo-ai-Iniml dtui thornou and aicanwt unld Uiarrltrd ri"U ilat lr tho liuprovf liMint of (inunl Avriim In tlw City nf Aalorlo, from thr inuM IIii of 6lh Btin-t to thr rtiot lu of 12th atri'i-t, whl. h aajil jwranmiit amoonW in the urn of II9HH5. I did on thr 16th dny of Afirll ls7, lvy Ummi ail of aald lx4 No. 5. In lilnck No. 7J, In the City of Antorla, aa Inid out and rnorvll hy John M.Ourv, ami on llwi 16th dny of May, lX'-T, at tliu hour of 2 o'rl a k ). m. of aoiil day, In front of th Court houar diair In aoVI City of Antoria. Clataop itiiiiity, rt(Mn. 1 ltl .rH-rl towll at iutillc oui'tlon. the hliim-at UddiT, Urn aliov dumrlhoil roal i"i ;rty to aaUafy mild anaiiii-nt t thr lmirovmrnit of ilmiul v'nui,1 to iT'thor with th t mid i-xiHna' of audi milr. Witld aula to hi- for fnllid Ktaiiia irold or allwr coin. K. IIAMH-K. ClUi.f of I'iiIiii'. 1 n.lo,i AMtoiin. or.. Airll r.th. IS'.i7. cnii-; l- ok I'omck sai.i:. Noth. la InTi'liy irlwn. Hunt ly vlrtuf of a warrant ImmhiI hy th Audi lor nml I'nlliv ,linli' of tlw City of Aa torln, l.y ordor of th Commntv Couih H of mild rlty, iind to in illtvetO'l. dn!P.1 tho 17th day of Maivh lM. and IlK'lllllKt. MAItY J. IIAPOI.KTT. Coiiiinnn.llnrf m Ho lovy on Iml No. fi. 111 lll-ak No. 72, til tin' City of A, t.iria iin laid out and rd-onlcd hy J. dm MrClun1, for adidlniiwnt "tivvt anarfn. iniint duo tlwrmm and aKaltmt rid rtoairlla'd mil ntn,t for the Improvi motvt of C.rand Avoinu In tlie City of Aatorla, froin lh eiiot line of Bth atriM't t th wirit Hnr of 12th ativpt. which aald aaKi'aaiiK'nt amount to the um of IIHH.H6, I did on the lWh dny of April 1S!7, levy uiou all of aald Li"t No. 8, In UIK-k No. 72, In the City of Astoria, art laid out and rwordixl by John Motnure, and on the 15th day of May, 17, at the hour of 3 o'clock p. m. of aald day, In front of the Court hoiirte door In ouUI City of Aatorla. Clataop county, Orevun, I wlU proed oaell at puHllo aurtln, to the hlirheat blldir, the above dcwTlbed real lrop erty to eaUAfy i4d aam'aamcnt for the linprovonwnt of Oraiid avenue, to-fc-othfr with the onmln and expenae of au:h aale. Said aala to be Mr I'nlL-d . State gtiVd or llver onln. E. HALLtXIK, Ohl-f of Police. Pated AMorti, Or., April 15th. 1M7. CH1KK OF. POLICE SALE. NoUoe la hereby given, that by virtue of a warrant lasued by the Auditor -and Police Judge of the City of An torl, by oriUT of tha (.Vniuiwaa Couni ll of an Id city, n'lul to ma dlfinitril, (liilad tlm 17th day of Mandi 1HH7, and iiiialiiftt, MAItY J. 1IAUOMCTT. t oiniiiiimUiiK li Ho mvy on It No. 7, lit HIiMik No. 72.' In tlm City of Aa torla aa luld nut and wordm! by J "tin ,li'Cur, f.frali'UnU"tlrrl tMnw. niiml dun tlmmm and KKalnat aiUd diwrrllmil r,l ralatn for Uia liuifnvr iiiont of Oraiiil Avmittti In tlm CUy of Axlml'i, fnaii 11m raat Una of lih 'l'-"t to tha rat line of 12th alret, ii'hli'li mild uwi.aiaimiit annum ta to tha Mini of tm.H!l, I did imi the I 'Hi duy of April 1H7, lovy upai all of wuld M No, 7, In lihak iNo. 72, In tlm Cliy of Antorla, aa laid out Nml r.ninlol l.y John McClum, and on tlm 16th tUy of May, IW7, al I'lm hour of 2 uY ork p. in, of aald dny, Ui front of tlmC'iurt h .ii. d..r In autd CUy of An.'ir:a, Clalaop nullity, Oiotroti, I will pruirad Ui a. at public auotloll, pi the IiIkIudI bid. Iir, Um ali iliwiTlldil rU pro- nrly lo aatlafy anid aaawauii-nl for tin- liiipiovntitont of Ura.ul avi'iint, to. iri'tlirr with tlm cita and fnprium (if iu'Ii miJk, Kald aiili. In hi for I'lil'rd HI ii I in go'd or allvrr mill. K. IIAI.IM'K, Clm-f Of I'ldllr. I 'a ,'! AMl'irU, or., April 16th, ll.;. CIIIKK oK I'olJi K HAI.Ii. NoUon la liiir"liy itivmi, that hy virtu of a wail not Untli-d hy the Aildll'.r nml I'olliw Judirr of tlm City of Aa turla, by onlr-r of tlm Coiniin.n Conn. II of ald city, and to ma dlrtse.!. diui-d tlm 17th duy of Mil nil iv.i?, and j axUimt. MAltV J. IIAlNtl.KTT. ComiiiumllnK um to vy mi I.t .V. . 1, In ItliH'k No. 72. In tlm City of A lorln u laid out ami ri-oonlml by Jnlm Mi Clurf. for a d"lliuiiiil atrtx't nawi uiiait du OmrnMi ami aKahml m'd .. . i ll-i nal iwlai for the lin.r .- miiti if Onuwl Avi-nim In thr i liy f AntorU, fnmi Um iaat line nf 6th M ! In Um iirl llnr of I .'Hi :i.-.- . wlili'h aald a"iaoonl amoutiu in tie aunt f 1 1 ai 6, I did i n th 16th duy f April IMi7, lovy ui all of nuld m N.i. . In Work Nu. 72, in thr City if AMiiria, i laid out uu.l rrronlvil by John M.'liiiv, ami mi Um 16th day of May. JH97. at th hour of 2 o'cl'xk p. m. of aald day, In front of tlm Court h-itiM.. diair In aaid City of AUra, ('laiw.p county, (invm, I will prm-red to aril at public auction, to th liltfli.nt laddor, lb alanv diwrllml rrU prop rrty to aatlafy aaid awmrnt for thr ImpniVMimnt of (Ira ml avnu. lo. irnthrr with tlm cu and rxiwium of am'h anl. Hald anl to b for ('lilt'"! Ktati-a mHil or allvrr coin. K. IIAl.IK'K. lltlrf of Police. I'a;.-. AM4nrU, or.. AkII 16th, PitC. CIIIKK oK PoMCK HALK. Nntu. la Imr'by aitwi, tliiU by vlitur of a warrojit limu.it by the Auditor ami INdliv Ju.Ikv of Um City of Aa lorta, by onb-r of Um IVaimam Council of aald city, Mid to in illiM-t.), datnl tlm 17th day of March 1S7, and aiulnat. IUAKH oK MISHIONtf HKK. CHCIlH. CoiitinandliiK um lo Invy on Ii N'i , 4, In I Mock No. VI, in x)w city of At t . ui a aa laid out and rvoor li-d by John McClur. for a di-lniiu-iit atrt-rt aai'-, mit dur Umroin and aKalnat aald li.rllml til in tat o for the Improve I ni.iit of (Inuid Avi um- In tla City of ' Anti.rio. on laid out ami ntaanb-d by Ati'rla, from tlm immi line "f 6th!Jnhn MiK'lure, and on th 16th day of atnvt to tlm iimt line of 12th iiyi. which aald aatn-amiint amounta In the um of IIM, 1 did on the 16th day of April 1MU7, levy upl all of aaid Lot No. 4. In Hlock No VI, In tlm City i f Aaturla, aa laid out atul recorded by John M.'linv, and on Uir 16th day of May. 1SU7, at Um laiur of 2 o'clock p. in. of aald day, In front of the Court hour door In aald City of A"..nv Clataop riKinty, IH-eiron, 1 will pna-erd to Ml at public BUotion. to the hlKhcat bl.ldiT. tho alan-e ditflcrlhml ral prp- rrly to aatlafy auid aaai'aament for th linprovoment of (Irand avenue, to. K-'lhiT with the cot and cximtia of auch ml. Hald aale to be for Cnlicd Slate kmIiI or allvrr coin. K. llALIK'K. fhlof of Police. Iianil AHtortit, Or.. April 16th, 1S!7. CIIIKK OK I1LICi: HALK. Niitha- la hcriby irtwn. thnit by virtue of a warrant laauiil by the Auditor and I'olliv Judio of tlm City of Aa torlii, by ordiT of thr Cotnmum Couni'll nf aald city, ivcid to me directed, dated Um 17th day of Mnnih 1S97. and imalnat. J. C. DKMKNT. t nmmandliiK me to levy mi Lot N". I. In Itl.M'k No. S6, In the City of Aa t.nla as laid out and recorded by J. din Mi l'luro, f"f a ilelinnuont Htr"et maw- iiiiwil due tlicrron and npiUiiHt auid hwrilad real catate for the Improve nn'ivt of (Viuiid Avenue In the City of Aatnila, from the iM.it lino of Mil atnt to the cunt line of 12th atn-et. wlilih kiI.I aaeaxment amounts to tl.e aunt of 1149, I did on t'h 16th day of April 1S!)7, levy up.ai all of mild Lot No. 1, In rtlock No. S6, In the City of AHtnrla, aa luld out and recorded by John MiClur, and on the 15th day of May, 1S97, .alt flie hour of 2 o'clock p. ni. of aald dny. In front of the Court houee door In aald City of Aatorla, Clataop county, Ornn, I will proceed toaell at public auotton, to the highest bidder, the alv deewlbed real prop erty to aatlafy aaid aaacaament for th Improvement of Orand avenue, to- pettier with the cost and ex pons of auch anie. Hald ale to be r filled States gold or a liver coin. E. HALLOCK, CWef of Police. Dated Atttorla, Or., April 15th, 1S97. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Not'tne In hereby glvon, that by virtue of a warrant Issued by the Auditor and Police Judjre of the City of As toria, by ordT of the Common Council of aald city, and to me directed, dated Um 17th day of Maroh 1897, and against. J. C. DEMENT. Commanding me to levy on Lot No. t, In Itlm k No. DO, In tlm City of A torla a laid out and rmtmWX by John MClur, for a di'llmtuont atriiot mom- nuait due thU'mm ami urinal aula iIi-itIIi1 rvU raiitto r tho Improvf. iiumit if Onuul Avaiiu In tlm (liy of AaUirla, from Um mat line of Dth ai.rmH to Um rmt llru of lztli ntnivt, w'ltli'.h aoJd aaapaariMmt amount U) the mill of I27, M, I did on tho Kth day of Atail K7, lovy iim all of aald Lot No. 2, In IUolt No. K, In Ihn City of Aniiiila, aa laid out ami rixrdil by John MoCluru, and on tlm 16th duy of May, 1CK7, at tlm lumr of 2 o'd'a k p. in, of aald day. In frvmt of the Court hoiiaif door In aatl 1ty of Alorla, Claiaop oounty, Oreicm, I will proceed lo M-ll at public uoitou, to tin hlKhint blddiT, IIm bUv diworllxid ral prop "rty to anUafy auil aawaminl tr th Improvirmoiit of Grand avnnua, to r"l Iht wltlt the mala and ixii of aui'h wuifl. HuJd aale to be for t'lilird Htutra ic'ld or allvcr ixiln. K. HALLOCK, Otii-f of I'ollie. I lan d AatorU, Or., April 16th, CIIIhK OK I'OLICK HAI,K. Nnlii la Imn-liy flv-n, UmU by virtue of a warriuU au by tlm Auditor I ami I'ollif Judir of tlm City of Aa jtorla, by or.lir of tlm (.iiim.ni Couni ll 1 -t aald rlty, atul to mo 'llr.i tal. dated Um 17th day of Mnrifi lxi7, nml I .ualiwt. C1.AKA A. KIHIIKIt. CommamlliiK nm lo lvy iai lt No, 1, In Iin k No. 70, In tlm City of Aa lorta aa laid out ami rYn!d by J. dm .McClurr, for a di-Uniuiiit atrwt aiuma. moot dim thmn and uua.ikit aald l.-MTlUd mal mtata r ilia lmpr,vr. imn of Onuul Avi-nu In Ua- City of Aaturla, frtmi th mutt line of 6th aina to thr iimt lln? of 12th irr . wliU'h Maid aa imownt aniounta to the mm of IVH6, I did wi the 16th day i f April 1KV7. lvy um ail if aald Wa N'o. I, In IlkH-k No. 70. In 1h City of Afiliirla, aa laid out and rroi-dil by John MoClur. and m thr 16th day of May. 1M7. at th hour of 2 o'eba-k p. m. of aald day. In fin4 of Um Court hotum diair In eakt (3ty of Aatorla. Clataop munty. Oreiem, I will pria-tl to aril at public BUottoli, to the hlgliiH! Inddi-r, thv abuv diwrlbod mil pmp rrty to aatlafy aald awoaamrnt for th Improvi'iimtit of (irarnl avenue, to. ifrthrr with tlm cuata and xpn of aU4!h anJu. Huid aal to be for I'nlti-d Klatia ydd or illvi-r coin. K. IIAMK'K, tTllrf of I'ollie. latd .jttnrta. dr., April I'.th, I'!. CIIIKK OK I-OL1CK HALK. NutV la Imtxby gi'-t-n, thai! by virtue of a wamurt laui by th Auditor ami PinIc Judir of tlm City of Aa torla. by onbf a the Oannam Council of auld city, and to me directed. iliUiil the 17th day of Maroh !, nd AKalnat. C LA It A A. FISH Kit. CommandinK nm to levy on Ia1 No. "in Hliaa No. 70. In th City of Aa turla aa laid out and rvfamled by John MoClure. for a drllniimnl atnvt tuoa-Jf-inoiit dur ih.-nion and aaliut aald livu-rita-d rrul il.ite ftr Um Improv. mmrt of tinuul Awnur In tlm City of Aaturla, fnan the nit line of 6th atria to thr rwt line of 12th Btnt-4. which aai.l aam-awmMit amounta I . the niim of IWi.sS, I did on the 16th day i f April 1S97, lovy Uam all of aald Lot No. 9. In llka-k No. 70, In tlm City of May, ls7, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of enid day. In front of tho Court hoiiae door in sot. I City of Astoria, Clataop county. Orei"n. I will proceed ; aril at public amnion, the hlB!iet lilildiT, the alaive drlbd real prop erty to aattafy aakl aaaoawment for th Imiirovemeiit f Orand avenue, to gether with the coata and cximnae of auch aale. Hald aale to be for I'nlted Htatta gold or allwr coin. E. HALICK. Chief of Police. Dated Axtorla. Or.. April 15th. 1S97. C1IIKF OF POLICE HALE. Nitrkv m hereby glw-n, tluut by virtue of a warrant Uued by tho Auditor and I'olliv Judire of the City of A torla. by onler of Um Omnium Council of aald city, and to mo directed, d at ill the 17th day of Maroh 1897. and agiU-nat. CKLKSTIA A. OKAUHAUT. c. mm. ui.Hng mc to bvy on IaH Nf. I, In Itl.M'k No. SS, In it he City of As toria aa bild out and recorded by John MeClure. for a dellniiuont Htroet now moiit due thereon and againet a'lid ..i.i'rllx-d n-.vl eeitate r the Improve ment of t Irand Avenu In tho City of Aat.u-la, from the cunt line of r.th atnvt to the eiwit lino of 12th ateee. which auld nveaamont amounta to the aimi of $1!'S.S5, I did on the 15th day of April 197. levy upon ail of aald Lot No. 1. In ltl.iek No. 8S, In the City of Aatoria, om laid out and recorded by John MeCluro, and on the 15th day of May, is7. at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of. Bald day, In front of the Court houKo d.air In aiil City of Aitoria, Clataop imiiity. Oregon, I will prm-eed to sell nt public auction, to the highest Mdder, the aluove deworlbod real prop erty to eatisfy aald aswsaniont for the Improvement of Orand avenue, to gether with tho ooeta and expense of such aale. Said sale to be for Unltt-d States gold or sin-er coin. E. HALLOCK, Chief of Police. Dated Astoria, Or., April 15th, 1S97. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Nutloe la hereby f-lwn, thalt by virtue of a warrant Issued by the Auditor and Police Judge of tho City of As toria, by order of the Common Council of said city, and to me directed, dated Uve 17tlf ' day of Maroh 1897, and agaHnBt. CELESTIA A. OEARHART. Commandliuf me Ho vy on Lot No. 2. In Block No. 88, In the City of A toiia aa laid out and recorded by John McCiure. for a delinquent stiwt aiwteav- nvent due thereon and agalnet said described real estate for the Improve moriit of Orand Avenue In the City of Astoria, from the east line of 5Ui atreet to tlw east lino of 12th aim whloh sni'l aaneafciiw-nt amounts U th um of tm.K, I did mi the 16th day f April 1WT7, levy upn all f aald Lot No. 2, In Itbak No. M, In the City of A.atorla, as laid out and recorded by John McCiure, nd m th 16th day of May, 1X97, ait tha hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of aald day, In frm of Um Court house door In Bniil (Sty of Aatorla, Clataop ivruniy, freiron, I will proceed P. aril at public aiKrtlnn, Co the blithest bidder, Ih alve diorlld mal prop erty to satisfy Buid asarsament for the Ifnprovetrmtit of frand avenue, to gether with tlm ooeta and rxpenae of auch aui. Hold aalo to be for I'nlud Htates tpld or iltvnr oiln. E. HALLOCK, tib-f of Police. Dated Astoria. Or., Arll 16th, Vtil. CHIEF OF I'OMCK BALK, NutVie la h-irnly glvm, thsit by virtus of a warrant issued by tlm Auditor and Pollmi Judgr of tlm City of As toria, by oritur of the C'tmwm Council of aald city, and to me directed, dated Um 17th day t Maron 17. and against. VIOLA' F. KANT. Commanding nw to 1?vy on Lot No. .1, In HliK-k No, SW.In Um City of Aa- torln aa Laid out ami roooribwl by John McCiure, fnradltniuntitrt ass moot dur iluieofi and airaiimt sa.a di7 rll d n.l .tn.te for the Improve ment of firand Avenue In the City of Aatorln, from the aat Una of Sth ali.i-t to the ouat line of 12th atn-.X. which aald asaeeament amounta t'i the aum iif 119 89, I did on the 16th ilay of April 1897, levy upon all of aald Lot No. 3. In Dlock No. 90. In th City of Astoria, as told out ami recorded by John Mot'lure, and on the 15th day Of May, 197. at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of aald day. In front of the Court h-iuae door In aald (ty of Astoria. Clatsop county. fri-an, I will proceed to aril at public auction, to the highest lildd'T, the alan'e dKlibod real prop erty to aatlafy aald aaseaament for the Improvement of flrand avenue, to-girlhi-r with the ooU and expense of auch aale. Hald aale to be for t'nltrd Htati-s gold or illver coin. E. HALLOCK. Chief of Police. Dated Aetnrta. fir., April 15lh, 1897. CIIIKK OK IfJLICK KALE. Nittlo la hereliy given, than by virtue of a warrajit hawed by the Auditor and police Judg of the City of As toria, by onler of th Common Council of said city, and to me directed, dot! Um 17th day of Maroh 197. and BKahiat. FANNIE McVICAP.. Commanding me to lovy on Lot No. I. In llliak No. M. In tho City of As toria aa laid out ami recorded by John McClurv. firadellniiuonlativet asea m.mt due tlareon and against said il-. rila d real estate for the improve moirt of (invnd Avenue in the City of Astoria, from Um exist line of 5th Btrwt to Um east line of 12th street, which sold awmont amount to the aum of $198 85. I did on the .15th day of April 197, levy upon all of mid Lo: No. I. In Iteak No. 8. In the City of AslortH. as laid out and recirded by John Mct'lur. and on the 15th day of May. 1K97, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. in. of said day. In fnmt of the Court house diair In niid llty of Ait rl. Clataop ixiuiity. Oregon, I will proceed to sell at public auction, to the highest Mdder, the above diwrlbed real prp erty to satisfy auid a-w-wiment for the lnipmveiim.it of Orand avenue, to gether with the coeta and expenne of auch aale. Said aale to be for I'nlted States gold or all-or ixdn. E HALLOCK. Ch!,.f of Police. Datnl Awtorta. Or ., April 15th, 1897. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. NiitKie Is hereby given, that by virtue of a warrant Isfcuod by he Auditor and Police Judge of tlm City of As toria, by ordiT f Um Common Council of said city, and to me directed, da'ed Um 17th day of Marvlh 1897, and a gainst. FANNIE McVICAH. Command tng me to levy on Lot No. 2. In Work No. 86. In the City of As toria aa laid out and recorded by John McCiure. for a dellnqunt street asses?--mont due thiieon and against said doiu'ribtd mil estate for the improve ment of C.rand Avenue In the CUy of Astoria, from the east line of 5th street to the oust lino of 12th street, Which id .ieiimiit aniounta to lie aum of J19S.85, I did on the 15th day if April ts;7. levy upnn all of said Lot No. 2, In ltlovk No. S6. In the City of Astoria, us laid out and recorded by John Mit'lure, and on the 15th day of May, 1S97, at the lumr of 2 o'clock p. in. of said day. In front of the Court hou' door In said City of Astoria, Clatsop ooiinty. tregon. I will proceed toaell at public Ruction, to the highest bidder, tho above doscrltioil real prop erty to satisfy aald aswissmpnt for th Improvomojit of Orand avenue, to gether with tho costs and exienae of such tuilo. Said sale to be for I'nlted States gold or silver coin. E. HALLOCK. Chief of Police. Dated AMtoria, Or., April 15th. 1S97. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice is hereby given, thalt by virtue of a warrant issued by the Auditor ami PiVtlce Judge of the City of Ab torla, by order of the Conimrm Council of said city, and to me directed, dated the 17th day of March 1897, and against. E. P. PARKER. Commanding me tto levy on Lot No. 5, In Block No. 75, In the City of As toria as laid out and recorded by John McCiure, for a delinquent street asseB3 mont due 'thereon and against said described real estate for the improve ment of Grand Avenue In the City of Aaborla, from the east line of Sth street to the east line of 12th street, which said assessment amounts to the aum of SI 98.85, I did on the 15th day of April 1897, levy upon all of said Lot No. 5, In Block No. 75, In the City of Astoria, aa laid out and recorded by John MoClure, and on the 15th day of May, 1897, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of aald day, In front of the Court house door In aald City of Antorla, Clataop county, fweiron, I will proceed to will at public auotlon, to th t'ghest Mdder, the starve d.tiribed real prop erty to sstJafy aald assranm-nt f r the Improvwrmnt of Grand avenue, in. gntber with the coat and expense of aiiirh sale. Hald nalo to be fr fnlt'd Slates gold or stiver coin. E. HALLOCK, Chief of PoW Dated Antirla, Or,, April 15tb, 1197 CHIEF OK POLICE BALK. Nutio la hereby given, thait by virtue of a warrant Issued by the Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Aa trla, by onV-r tf the Comiw.-n Coun41 of said city, and to rn directed, daed tlm 17th day of March 1897, and again ait. K. P. PAKKEH. Corornamllng me to levy on I No. , in Block No. 75. In the City of a-ba-la aa laid out and recorded by John McCiure, firr a dellniUnt atpeet asa mmt due thereon and against aald d'iilmd real ejrtat for the lmptvw. rrmrrt of Orand Avenu; In tlm City of AsUirla, from the east line of Bth atrrtot to Um t-ast line of 12th atreet, w'hich said asseaMinont amounts to the aum of 1198.85, I did on the 15th day f Airtil 1897, lvy uprjn all of aald Lot No. , In Block No. 75, h th City of AatTta, as laid out and rwonJed by Jidin Mot'lure. and m the 15th day of May, 187, at the hour of 2 o'd.ck p. m. of aaid day. In front of the Court house; dr In said fSty of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oreipm. I will proceed to sell at public auction, to the hlgheat Mdder, th above doritM real plp eity to aatlafy sa!d asw-sament for thr Impnvenmtit of Grand avenue, to gether with the costs and expenae of auch sale. Said aale to be for United States gold or silver coin. E. HALLOCK. Chief of Police. Dated Astoria, Or., April 15th, 1897. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Nottce la hereby giv-n, that by vi.tue of a warrant tMHiod by the Auditor ami I"ollce Judge of the City of As toria, by ordif of the Common Council of said city, and to me directed, dated the 17th day of March 1897, and against. SARAH A. ROSS. Ormmandin me to levy on Lot No. 7, in Block No. 71. In the City of As- ta-ia aa laid out and recorded by John McCiure. for a delinquent street -mom due tlverexm and against aald described real estate for the Improve meat of Grand Avenue In the City of Astoria, from ttve east line of 5th street to Um east line of 12th street, which said assessment amounts to the sum of $198.85, I did on the 15th day or April 1897, levy upon all of said Lot No. 7. In Block No. 71. In the City of Xstoria, as laid out and recorded by John MoClure. and on the 15th day of May. 1897. at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of aald day, in front of the Court house door In said City of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon. I will proceed toaell at public auction, to the highest Mdder, the above described real prop erty to satisfy aaid assessment fr the Improvement of Grand avenue, to gether with the ooeta and expense of such sole. Said sale to be for I'nittd States gold or silver coin. E. HALLOCK. Chief of Police. Dated Afcijoria. Or.. April 15th, 1S97. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of a warrant issued by the Auditor and Police Judge of the City of As toria, by order of the Common Council of said city, and to me directed, dated the 17th day of Maroh 1897. and against. SARAH A. ROSS. Commanding me to levy on Lot No. S. m Block No. 71. In the City of As tia as laid out and recorded by John McCiure. for a delinquent street assess ment due thereon and against aald described real estate for the improve meitit of Grand Avenue in the City of Astoria, from the east line of 5ih street to the cant line of 12th street, w hk-h said assessment amounts to U.e aum of J19S.85. I did on the 15th day of April 1S97, levy upon all of eaid Lo No. 8. In Block No. 71. in the City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McCiure, and on the 15th day of May, 1897, at the hour of 2 oYl.k p. m. of said day, in front of the Court house door In said City of Astoria. Clatsop county. Oregon. I will proceed to aell at public auction, to the higher Mdder. the abbve described real prop erly to satisfy said assessment fr the Improvement of Gra:id avenue, to gether with the costs and expense of such sale. Said. sale to be for 1'nlU-d States gold or silver coin. E. HALLOCK. Chief of Polioi. Dated Astoria. Or., April 15th, 1S97. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice U hereby gtven, that by virtue of a warrant Issued by the Auditor and Police Judge of the City of As toria, by order of the Common Council of said city, and to me directed, dated the 17th day of March 1S97. and against. EMI LI Ei SCHLUSSEL. Commanding me ito levy ou Lot No. 1. In Block No. 90. In tne City of As toria as laid out and recorded by John McCiure. for a delinquent street assess ment due thereon and against sa'.d described real estate for the Improve ment of Grand Avenue In the City of Astoria, from the east line of Sth street to the east line of 12th street, which said assessment amounts to th sum of $108. I did on the 15th day ot April 1897. levy upon all of said Lot No. 1. In Block No. 90, In the City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John MoClure, and on Uve 15th day of May, 1897, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day. In front of the Court house door In saM City of Astoria. Clatsop county, Oregon. I will proceed to sell at public auotton, to the highest Mdder. the above described real prop erty to satisfy said assessment for the Improvement of Orand avenue, to. gether with the ooeta and expense of auch Mia. Said sale to be for L'nited Slat gold or silver coin. . E. HALLOCK. Chief of Pollen. Dated AMorta, Or., April liib. 1897. CHIEF OF POLICE BALE. Ntl ta hereby given, that by virtue of a warrant Inwued by the Auditor and Poiic Judge of the City of As toria, by order of the Common Council of said city, and to me directed, dated the 17th day of Month 1897, and against. D. D. WASH. Commanding me to levy on Lot No. I, In Block No. , hi (the CHy of As toria aa laid out and renoriled by John MoClure, for a delinquent atreet asseaa- mont due thmreon and against said dicrlbd real estate for the Improve rnont of Orand Avenue In the City of Astoria, from the east line of Sth atreet to the east Hne of 12th street, which sold aeaiasinejnt amounts to U.a aum of $198.85, I did on the 15th day of April 1897, levy upon all of said Lot No. 1, In Block No. 89, In the City of! Astoria, as laid 'out and recorded by John MoClure, and on the 15th day of May. 1897, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of aaid day. In front of the Court b-mae door in anil CSty of Astoria, Clataop county, Oregon, I will proceed to aell at public auction, to the highest Mdder, the above described real prop erty to satisfy said asaesMment for the improvement of Grand avenue, to gether with the costs and expense of Bitch sale. Said sale to be for United States gold or silver coin. E. HALLOCK. Chief of Police. Dated Astoria, Or.. April 15th, 1897. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice la hereby given, than by virtue of a warrant Issued by the Auditor and Police Judge of the City of As toria, by ordw of the Common Council of said city, and to me directed, dated the 17th day of March 1897. and against. D. D. WASS. Commanding me to levy on Lot No. 2. In Block No. 89, In the City of As toria as laid out and recorded by John McCiure. for a delinquent street assesv ment due thereon and against said described real estate for the Improve ment of Grand Avenue In the City of Astoria, from the east line of Sth atrent to the etmt line of 12tb street, which said ansesuinent amounta to th sum of 1198.85. I did co the 15tb day of April 1897, levy upon all of said Lot No. 2. hi Block No. 89, In th City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McCiure, and on the 15th day of May. 1897, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, In front of the Court bouse door In said City of Astoria, Clataop county. Oregon. I will proceed to sell at public auotlon. to the highest bidder, the above described real prop erty to satisfy said assessment for the Improvement of Grand avenue, to gether with the costs and. expense of such sale. Said sale to be for United States gold or sliver coin. E. HALLOCK. Chief of Police. Dated Astoria. Or., April 15th, 1897. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue of a warrant Issued by the Auditor and Police Judge of the City of As bria, by order of the Common Council of said city, and to me directed, dated the 17th day of March 1897, and against. G. WINGATE. Commanding' nte to levy on Lot No. 5. In Block No. 71. In the City of Ab tjorta as laid out and recorded by John McCiure, for a delinquent street assess ment due thereon and against said described real estate for the improve ment of Grand Avenue In the City of Astoria, from the east line of 5th street to the east Hne of 12th street, which said aseessmerrt amounta to the sum of $148.75. I did on the 15th day of April 1897. levy upon all of said IH No. 5, In Block No. 71. In the City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John MoClure, and on the 15th day of May. 1S97, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day. In front of the Court house door In said City of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, I will proceed to sell at public auotlon. to the highest bidder, the above described real prop erty to satisfy said assessment tor the Improvement of Grand avenue, to gether with the costs and expense of such sale. Said sale to be for United States gold or silver coin. E. HALLOCK. Chief of Police. Dated Astoria, Or.. April 15th. 1S97. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue of a warrant isruad by the Auditor and Police Judge of the City of As toria, by order of the Common Council of said city, and to me directed, dated the 17th day of Maroh 1897, and against. G. WINGATE. Commanding me to levy on Lot No. 6, In Block No. 71. In the City of As toria as laid out and recorded by John McCiure, for a delinquent street assess ment due thereon and against said described real estate for the Improve ment of Grand Avenue In the City of Astoria, from the east line of 5th street to the east line of 12th street, whiuh said assessment amounts to the sum of $198.85, I did on the 15th day of April 1897, levy upon all of said Lot No. 6, in Block No. 71. m the City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John MoClure, and on the 15th day of May, 1897, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, in front of the Court house door In said City of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, I will proceed to sell at public auotlon, to the highest bidder, the above described real prop erty to satisfy said assessment for the Improvement of Grand avenue, to gether with the costs and expense of such sale. Said sale to be for United States gold or silver coin. E. HALLOCK. Chief of Ponce. Pated Astoria, Or., April 15th. 1897. LIST YOUR Property With Us. CITT PROPEUTV T0DAT. We have a lot in MoClure'a command Ing the fuvrst view in the whol"oltjf and convenient to the business portion of the city. Will sell at a bargain. Hummt avenue Is on the crest of the hill back from the water front and commands a vlowof the Columbia rlvr, Young's bay and Iaolflc ocean. Is most d4raMs la-atkm for tvaidenew, and corvwnlent. 100X100 for 9:425. part cash. Ia great bsjnra'jn. Three )otm in block 25, 8h!viy; each 50x100. Bargain at $2,100. Vary easy terms. 75x75 corner block IS. Adair's, $1,500. Street oar and paved streets. Corner lot, 3.1d and Franklin. 75x180, 4 houses, all rented. A bargain and easy terms. Lot 10, block 19. Alderbrook. Or at bargain offered. WEST SIDE BARGAINS. A alx room cottage, new, on lot 50x 100, Warren ton, $750. Easy terms, or Installment plan. , Lota 7 and 8, block 18. Kindred Park; ctxap for cash. Lot 21, block 27, New Astoria, with bouse, barn, cow, cMchens, etc. Cheap at $500. A BARGAIN 2H acres near Flavet, $100 par acre, easy terms. BEACH PROPERTT. 200 acres fine grazing land on North Necarnle, $1,500. All clear. Easy terms. House, lot and barn in Holllday Park on Neoannlcum, $100, cash. A great bargain. 160 acres on Elk creek beach, 1200 feat frontage. Beautiful tract, ult able for laying out fes lota. Cheap and term to suit. Ten room house on North Beach, all furnished. Co $1,500. Owner, who lives In the East, wtli sell for $S00. Lot . block I. Ocean prove. Sea side. House, blacksmith shop; well en property; just like giving it away at $1,000. Seven room house at Seaside; mod ern Improvements; nicely located and cheap; terms easy. COUNTY LANDS. A FINE FARM of 120 torem on Up per Nehaiem. About one-half of placa timber land, balance pasture and tilled land; $1,500 on easy terms; Is a bargain. Store building, barn, large orchard. pasture land, tilled soil, comprises a beauUful place near Olney. We are prepared to offer It at a bargain. FOR RENT. FOR RENT 10-room house. $15 per month; 5-room bouse, $10 per month. S rooms near Clatsop Mill, $5 per month. 4 rooms near Clatsop Mill $10 per month, upstairs. Smalt 4 room house near 4th and Exchange, 95 per month. FOR SALE. FOR SALE. 14 room lodging house cheap. Well located. Lots In Alderbrook. The most de slralbe residence portion of Astoria. Cheap and easy terms. If you wish to sell your property list it with The Astoria Land & Inv. Co. 355 Commercial St.. Astoria. Or . Printed matter descriptive of Astoria, mailed on application. Use Webfoot Corn Cure. No care no pay. For sale at Es tes-Conn Drnsr Store. If you are planning a pique gown, you have a large choice of colors. There are dainty grays and tans, china blue. meadow green, pink and yellow, as well as brown, black and white. No small objection which young folks had to the old-time spring-medlclnca was their naueeousness. In our day, this objection Is removed and Ayers. Sarsapiiila, the most powerful and pop. ular of blood-purifiers, is as pleasant to the palate as a cordial. It is proposed to turn the MTcnlgan State House into an insane asylum. The suggestion is liable- to be caught up In some other States. Two years ago R. J. Warren, a druggist at Pleasant Brook, N. T., bought a small supply of Chamber lain's Coush Remedy. He sums up the result as follows: "At that Ume the goods were unknown In this sec tion; today Chamberla in's Cough Rem edy Is a household word." It la tho same In hundreds of communities. Wherever the good qualities of Cham berlain's CbughRemedy become known the people will have nothing else. For sale by Eetes-Conn Drug Co. Rows of satin straw shape the new granny bonnets of plaited chiffon and mull. These hats are designed for tota of 3 and 4 years. TO t'titE A COLI IN ONE DAT. Take laxative Bromo Quinine i eta. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. 25c. For sale by Chaa, Rogers. Druggist. A Lexow investigation is much lk a trip around the world. You go a long distance and you see and hear much, and then you finish Just where you started. PERSONAL. The gentletnaa who annoyed the congregation last Sunday by continually coughing will find In stant relief by using One Minute Cough Cure, speedy and harmless remedy for throat and lung troubles. Oharletj Rogers. Therea nothing in the arbitration treaty against the white metal, but the silver Senators are still pretty solid against Ha ratification, just the same. They want trouble that's aB.