TUK DAILY ASTORIAN, SUNDAY MO UNI Nil, APRIL 18, 17. gaily glotovimn JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telephone No. t TERMS r M BUCRirtlON. DAILY. Bent by mall, per year Bent by mail, per month M Served by carrier, per month 4& WEEKLY. Bent by mall, per year 5 In advance. Postage ftve to subscribers. All communication Intended for publi cation should be directed to the editor. Business communications of all kinds and remittances must be addressed to The Astorian. The Astorian guarantees to Its sub scribers the la r us t circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rate can be had on appli cation to the business manager. The Weekly Astorian, the second old est weekly In the state of Oregon. hits, next to the Portland Oregonlan. the large t weekly circulation In the state. John F. Handley & Co. sire our Port land agents, and coplee of the Astorian can be had every morning at their stand, in Third street Tk "Aaturlaa" kerehy offer to donate ONB71HIMJKKD DOLLARS to St. Mary's Bospttal, payable on demand to Father Dirlniaa, whenever legal evldenca la pro daced ahowing that any aTlernoon news paper pobllehaa la Astoria has printed within la last ninety days aspiring ba far this offer a atngla "special" or other kind of "teleg-raphle pre report, raoeWed over tka wires entering- altker f tba telegraph edlcea la Astoria, tVoui nay point onUlde of Oregon. Astoria, Or., October IS. PEACE EE WITH TOt "Than the same day at evening, be- , Ing the first day of the week, when the doors were- shut where the discip.ey were ascmibled for fear of the Jens, mme Jeaus and stood in the midst, and aaith unto them, 'Peace be unto you " St. John, 20-19. What could be more comforting to the W;naeiK disciples than the sud den and unexpected appearance of their beloved Lord and Master: Jus: a frw short hours Jiefore tbxy had, on the arly morning of the third day aft-r His cruoiaxion, the first day of the week, visited his tomb and found there the stone rolled away, the linen clothe laid aside, and th Master gone. Pt apair seined their hearts, faith failed, and In the evening of rhe same day they assembled together to take coun sel, i Mary, however, who also visited the tomb the same morning, stood without -waiting and weeping and was rewarded with the first glimpse of the loved Master alter his resurrection. Sorrow at once was changed into Joy. the birds began to sing, the sun shon-?. and she went on ber way rejoicing, to tell the chosen oiee of what had happened. In that closed and- darkened room at eventide what gloom and despair: The Lard crucified and his dead body stokm away from the tomb. The linen and the napkins left behind, but where wae he? Oh, the test of faith: Then comes the blessed Savior into their midst. Peace be unto you." Can anyone doubt the great peace and Joy of that moment? The Lord did not atop to question their faiju "Peace be unto you." Only a few days before some of them were with him In the agony of the garden, and could not watch with him one hour when the trial came, but wiheh the victory was won, he said, "Sleep on, now, and take your rept." Yet on this supreme occasion the only greeting Is "Peace." On this slad Easter day wers not the ditcipH Joyful? DU they think of anything else save that "The Lord Is risen?" What e!ee could matter? What worldly troubles could be considered when the dear friend and companion, the Jierfect man, the Son of God, who had worked with them in their daily Ufa of toil, had healed the sick, made the blind to and had naved tlje.r snuU from eternal J'.tith, rKiijjearrd j to confirm his precious promises? Lei j the bells ring, the flowers bloom, and j all nature Join with man In paeaiis j for the victory over death. "Christ i- j risen!" is the Joyous refrain that swell: all Christendom today, and 'through the voice of ages will ever resound, "p.-u .-e, be unto you!" I In a larije number of Meth'.dist s r ng conferences, at this moment In s-ssion thrJughout the country, an effort is making not alone to secure the aimif sion of women asi delegates in th; con ference of the church, but .to secure in that body and In the annual or local conference a lay representation eiuU in number to the e'er leal representa tion. It has been for only about twenty-five years that laymen have had any official voice hi Methodist affairs at all. Even now tlie affairs of that church are far more In the hand of -the clergy than are those of the Presbyterian, lArtheran, or even Episcopal churches. The oontantlan now going- on Is for an equal vole. The chief opponent of it among (he bishop 1 Bishop John P. Newman, of San Francisco, who w ill be remembered a the friend and Wash ington paetor of President Grant The , clergy are, as a rule, Indifferent. At sexvial conferences there haw been held u.1 year lay commute meetings to agitate the subject, and In some conferences lay organisationa strong In both Influence and number exist The lay voice In the local conference Is a-niKht In order to help In the as signment of iastor. As aiicn. It would further Invalidate the old Itinerant sys. torn, now wvll shattered. The larsor hiy vole In the general conference issouirht for ho gvd. say the petition em, of tbi whole church. The content will fitH this year, but it Is certain to continue, and laynuvi w ill tln.illy succeed in their demand. Two oi:.!s of M'lt haw failed to prosper since the e'eet!o;i .f SleKlnley. One of i'iu, classes Is c-inpsvl nf sl ¬ yer adV'V.ites tho other tin- cu:s. The elooslon of McKinley and ihe re.e tlon of the five silver pre.wltl n s:iirt.'d similar action by s, me other nations which ihnd been looked to s supporters of the silver theory, and the friends of free coinage haw wfcneswxl with dis-nA- the transfer ef Japan. P.ussla and 'China to the gold standard column. Tlie trusts have also fared as badly. The railroad comblnatMnsv. the sug.ir trust, the Standard Oil trust and nvsny minor onranlxatVms of this character have received stunning Now within the fmv months sine the election of and will suffer stiil more when the new tariff law goes into effect and deprives them of the advantages which they have enje-yej under the Wilson law. Mr. Bailey sarcastically express. himself as glad that hs constituents have not reached the stage where men use perfume and wear corsets and wo. men smoke cigarettes and near bloom ers. If this is tntended to afford a sag. gestion of the young gentiems-Ts lm. pression of "society," it fc1 not. .-ays the Washinst-.n Star, sun-rising tha.: he shys at a dress coat. It has been he;j that consumption is hereditary, and the fact that one person of a family had died with con sumption was considered a sure ign that others of that family could not escape it. Thus is partly true and partly untrue. A man with weak lutigs is likely to transmit that weak ness to nia children. But the-re is no reason In the world w hy the weak- nets should b allowed to develop. Kc-ep ths lunfi full of rich, red whole some blood, and the weakness w.ll disappear. Decayin? tissues will be thrown off, and new material will be added until the luns are well and perfectly strong again. This is th thing that Dr. Pierce's Golden Med:- cal Discovery does. This Is what makes it cure 9S per cent, of all cases of consumption where It Is taken ac cording to dl.-eotions. It Searches out disease germs wherever they may be in the body and forces them out the system. It supplies the blo.d wf.h rich, life-giving properties. It mak.-s the appetite go d, digestion perfect Send 21 cants in one-cer.t stajnps to WYrId's Dispensary Xleilical Ass.ia- tion, Buffalo. X. Y., and reo.4ve Dr. Pierce's 100S page "Common Sense Medical Adviser," profuely Illustrated The government is said to be spend ing 12.000 ta day in ? trenthenlng this levels below- Memphis. The levee sys tem Is one of the c?tliest failure that has ever a ided to "the bur-fcn of tax ation. Unconditional surrend-r, is the only terms thse famous litte plKs known as DeWHt'3 Little Ear'.y Hisers will make with constipation, sick headache and stomach troubits. Charles Rogers. It is paid that the people of the Uni ted Statf.s smoke 115,J.) 'ons .f t tacco every year. V bixly iha a temptei to weigh the cigar -tt-s. Tl tl'ltfc A fOl.ii IN UNI; I.1, Take laxative F'.r,mo .vulnine Tablet. All druijtfis.s r.'uii! the money If It fails to cjre. 2V. For ?ale by Cha. Kogers, Druggist. E-'twven buynif Easter g . 11 th purM; loilj '. e'-y V.iu Vyvt r I'i and a- hi;- '-nJ.rine :ti simmonsx regulator7 He Favorite Home temeQ. For ail diseases caused by derangement of the Liver, Kidneys, and Stomach, 9 Keep it always in the house and you will save time and Doctor's Eills, and have at hand an active, harmless and per fectly safe purgative, alterative and tonic If you feel dull, debilitated, have frequent headache, mouth tastes badly, poor appe tite and tongue coated, you are suffering from torpid liver or biliousness, and SIM MONS Liver Regulator will cure you. If you have eaten anything hard to digest, or feel heavy after meals or sleep less at night, a dose of SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR will relieve you and bring pleasant sleep. If at any time you feel your system needs cleansing and regulating without violent purging, take SIMMONS LIVER Regulator. J. H. Zeilin ft Co., Philadelphia. A GOOD TIME TO KKEl' Ql'lET. When you fed that hlewa are crowding I your brain Arl struggling fvr ardent cxprvtev.on; WlHn Impulses come which you soaris can nstrain To arise with awe chaiye or cvnfes- slw; Wlwn jiur inimwt motUvi pcrsuados yim to sixstk Opinion which ftiWy run riot; When the' thoughta (miiu fast tlmt your sul -NUns to shriek It's a mighty goM time to kxp quiet Indianapolis Journal. wKi:Noni:n and kaokko. Hy the angs of rheumatism, the Joints eventually lmie gric usly d s; opted, and sometime assume an almost itr l)V,,sii,,n whether he hud not better lesnue deformity. To prv-vent such re. a ,1,, (f pnon and thus end all suits by a simple and acivcjihlo mentis ns (iutles. Ihit providential Insplra Is certainly the part of wisdom. A tl,m ,.)UU(, to his aid In tho shape of n tendrtney to rheumatic a.lments may Pe eimtlnatlon of nnsl'ciues rh.it not only siKwssfu'.ly cNmbattcd with Hostellers .nipletely rest.ri'l the i:neia! health, Stomach .ltltters, a medicine with the oul ,,1;,irv,Hl his weak, etiniel.ited ( arts ptw;!ge of a long and successful il( niitutnl slie and vigor, and he now reer, of unbounded popularity, and of ,itv,lro that any man who will take emphatic professional endorsement. It t. trouble to send his name and ad removes from the blo.nl tlvse Inllam. ,iivss may have the method of this won matory Impurities which pathologists i,.rfu treatment free. Now whsn 1 assign as the cause of rheumatism, and M) fr,v I meiui ubsdutely without cost, not only purities the life current, but because I want every weakened man to enriches It, promoting vigor by fert.l- K,,t the beneht of my experience. Islng its aource. Digestion, the a- t.on i am not a philanthropist, nor do I of the bowels ami the socretloii of the HWl, Hs an enthusiast, but there are bile, are aided by It, and It Impels thousands of men suffering the mental the kidneys and bladder to a reruiar ' torturv of weakened manhiHHl who and active perforiuanc of their f ine- would be curvet at one-e could they but tlons. It Is besides a thoroughly re-! get such a remedy as the one that liable remedy for. and nnans of pre. cured me. Do not try to study out how venting, periodic fevers. ; I ran afford to pay the few ostage stamp necessary to mall the Informa- When President Krugvr. tf th Suth tlon, but send for It. and learn that Afrienn Republk. iloxnt like an edi- there are a few things on earth that al- torial in this nuirnlng v&ivr, he sup- though they cost nothing to get they lrevtt the Journal's pubh-atUm. There are worth a fortune to soma men and are officials the I'nlted States who mean a lifetime of happiness to most must envy Kruger his powvr. of us. Writ to Thomas Slater, Box 3.vs, , IvHlamaioo, Mich., and the Information Mrs. A. Inveen. residing at 7 Hen-! will be mailed In a plain. eled en- r' street, Alton. 111., suffered with velope. sciatic rheumath-in for over eight months. She dootred for It mrly th If reciiUMoity is itoo.1 fr anything It whole of this time, using various rem- ought to lie able to wotv a"jiu by glv. edieas reoonunevded by friends, and lag Janui-'ea bnm-s;ti.j iuhI water- was treated by the physicians, but melons In return for rum and g.ng T. received no relief. She then ul one and a half bottle of Chamberlain s Pain Palm, which effected a complete I Sl ebtoOt ( Ol'U ( IlI'O. An cure. This Ls published at her reciu.et, I'lii'e IK) pay. For "Oilf i'.t IN- as she wants others similarly afflicted to know what cured her. The 13 and 50 cent sixe for sale by kstes-i. onffi Drug Co. King eV-erve Is uuonvl as saying he cannot e"iniproranl the stand taken by the powers. The powers are llmlltig King Ge.rge !h;mr-If nvnething of a thrv-aet charado with no key attached. Croup and w-houjang cough are childhood's temcs; but like pneu monia, bronchiUs, and other throat nil lima rn vi 1 ,teai r&n' he auii'klv 1 r ,n rvv....K cured by uplng One Minute Cough r. , . r) , Instead of wasting his valuable time In a vain effort to reorganize the dem ocratic party, Mr. Hill should proceed at once, if he wanta to nnaln a me memto of It, to have the thing stuffed. PERSONAL. The gentleman who innoyed the congregation last Sunday by continually couching will find In stant relief by using One Minute Cough Cure, a speedy and harmless remeily for throat and lung trouble. Charles Rogers. Tho mam who now on the floor of congress' or anywhere else attempts 1 to block the way of returning pros- . , pity will on find hlmeelf crushed beneath the weight of public MPlnW When a cold te contracted, cure It , at once. One Minute uougn cure win : set you on the road to recovery in I a minute. 11 ui oure i.jicuiimuin, 1 bronchitis, croup and all forms of lung and throat troubles. Charles Rogers. I A New Yorker has been offered the post of dentist to the emperor of Ger many. He ought to acc-pt and compel William to cease Bhowing; his teeth at every fresh war scare. E. E. Turner, of Compton, Mo., writ j u that after suffering from plies for seventeen years, he completely curea them by using three boxes of De Witt Witch Hazel Salve. It cures eczema and severe skin diseases. Chas. Roger. Now the bacillus which cauam bald- nesa has De-ti ux-a.it-i uy a r r.-n'ji savant. Dr. Sa.b.urand, and vaccina tion Tor loss or na r .may next in ortlir. Two years nco R. J. Warren, druggist at Pleaant liro-k, N. Y., l.ought a nmall sui.ply of Chamber-1 Iain's Cough Remedy. He sum up ( th result as follows: "At that time the goods were unknown ln this sec tion; today Chamberlain's Oouirh Rem edy Is a household word." It Is the Hunn In hundrerls of communltlna. Wherever the g'lOd qualltl' of Cham berlain's CoUKhnmedy b:com.; known ih; p"ople will have nothlni; el(w. For sale by Estea-Conn tPJff Co. Why i it the manjty dir ihat you v.iih to lose always finds hl way li-k iKime, while the family ret can t le 1 left out on the porcjh for thr minulos vithout d3iapriarin8 frn the face of the earth, a though an abyss had optned and swallowed him. Torturing, lohing, aoaly skin erup tions, burn and scalds are soothed at once and promptly healed by De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, the beat known cure for piles. Chas Rogers. A meeting of New York clergymen the other day dlacaisKCd "The Ideal Newspaper" and arrived at a conclu sion satisfactory ito themselves. It Is now in order for the newspapers to discuss "The Ideal Clergyman" and de cide what he should be. OASTOIIIA. Hi tit naili trtrf I FREE TO EVERY MAN ;THE METHODS OV A UKKAT THICATMENT FOU WEAKNESS ' OF MEN. Which Cured Him .Uer Everything Else Failed. Painful diseases are bad enough, but when a man Is slowly unsung sway wttli nervous weakness, the mental forebodlass are ten limes worse than the mst severe pain. There Is no 1. up M the mental suffering day or nlKht. Sleep Is almost ImposslMe. and under such a strain men ni-v se-mvely resnii stMe for what they do. Tor year tho NU.llor r, UMd iossiM on the troubled sea of sexuiil weukiirss until It as a .(nn 1 f 11 ,r Store, Which would you rather -g.-t ymir ol'l .--hia-a half-'lcd or buy ,ur wife an K.lsi.t txwinot? Americans are the most Inventive people on earth. To them have been Issued niiorly 600.O.H) patents, or more than one-tlUrd of all the patents Is sued in the world. No dlsevery of modorn years has be-n of greater benefit to mankind than Chamber lain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Hem.-dy, or has done more to " pain and suffering. J. W. a relieve ugn, of :Oakton. Ky., says: "I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Clmlra and Dl ! arrhoea Remedy In my family for sev : era years, and find It to be the bent medicine I ever used for cramp In the stomach and bowels. Fur sale by Estea-Conn Drug Co. Fortuniut.My. the atit .-natorlal r olutii.n dinvted against Spuln contains an If. It Is a go l wiml in this connec tion. Thirty y-ars Is a long time to tight ) (ralnful a trouble as pll--s, but Jacob MituhU, of Urrfonvllle, I'a., struggled that lung h-fnre he tried I'l-'Wltf ll'Lti.h lln..t HaIv w-Kli-h miu-klv nnrl ' 1 permanamtly cun-d him It Is dioally ( 1 cwlrtl One of the saddest features of elec tion la the how-4t-laptienisl eelltorlal after 'the remains have bwn pr-par-l f.r burial. OUR NEW TARIFF. The Anvrkan Irrtectlvc Tariff Lea gue issued an official irlnt of the new Dlngley Tariff within a feav hours of the time it was iiu-d by the House of Repreflentatlvcfl at Washington, on March .Hat. This brrxKl, imprhenlvii Interpretation of the Republican pint form should be Htudied by i-very voti-r. Any of our readiT can obtain a copy, without cluixge, by w-ndlng a postal can! p-'lU'-st as follows: "S.nd me a py of No. STD." Ad- dra W. F. WAKKMAN, Con. H.-c. 125 Wet 2:M St., N. Y. 0l,lnlm!, ,IifT(.r lU1 to "the mi-rlm of fvTnr Mack's forrt pr- Tvatlo:i 'bill, but th; f:uit that It Is oppm-il by ith. m.n .,, are d-Mtr.ylntr the f.irwtsi j a Mr,r)(, Il(rfnt ln ilM favr Tin; ltev. W. If. Weaver, pnst .rorl the I', n. Chun h, Iillbiburir, I';i., rr-c-"k'nl.rrs th! valin o? f .'hamberlaln's C'mt'h Ititn-dy, and do'-s nut h.-sltiit.; to trl! oth-ra about It. "I have UKenl Chamb'-Tlaln's Coiiffh R-ni'-l y," In says, H'and find It an excell'-nt medi cine for cold, coughs and hoarse ness." iVi d'rf-s everyone who k)v? It a .trial. Sold l.y Kst-Conn I 'rut? Co. Th-re may be snp iloubt as to the ability of our new battl'w!ilffl to put up a flch't, btit th-re cam le no valid objue.tlon to the irur dHlarU skiiv tary of the navy on that particular Hoore. VEAS1 m CURED AS IF BY MAGIC. Victims of Lost Manhood rhould send ft! once for a IkkiK t l..it eiiiliilnt liwv, full manly vlyir Is fconily, (iilcLly and fx rmiuii-.-itly nitororl. No lima su ffarl r.( froi'i wrakne.aa con Hf for'l to Ignore th: timely a 'i vii IIKk tells boi; full atreliulli. fliv Telnrrment and tone are Imjiai-twl to every portion of the borly. Kent with ponltiv proofs (sealed )re toanynianonaiipiicaliuD ERIE MEDICAL C0.t BUFFALO.K.Y. Hustler's Astoria 'Pwentioth St. niui MclCee Ave. A,,,:: Good Reason Why Lots ...Are Selling... ASTORIA INVESTMENT CO. 48a Horn! Street. Vl-SSllLS OX TIM- IO' n.. mi. I i Biwird rrrrj KfliUvi r.': nil ll' 1 " seal 1 IV kltl'inll.- HrlllnilthW.l (O'elMHI... elui ('. 11 l..e , Miti.itu.. N KW' IM I.K. N. S. . j Hr .till' Hi.iielu IKerr Mr hard i'ralr I r AM'hKM1- Hr dark uiuhrUiil lllrlMlllit. Hr .! Kiil,r u jTh.oinou. MlMIU'K'l 1 Hr bai . N.tun i UKKKHKNCKM saiin- tl oiv pi lt-3..-Jl. Total lonil.' "ll 'lie U'"'U L . ,aS avaXia" j k.iiui a lainviM v.ia or dlaraxra m3 , .iviiixm . wis m ww ,, OTvimiiat r ' I" mi' in. I'nlliiiaa. lu Marry, kliiau.L .:iiiilkn. nrrnor arrCtl u Hiasurmraut imaniaar-r. rrili:r.olaaaUwUf, IM BirOHl IMSIIIS kl.lnainamlllH.tlrli.arvnr.anaulaaiiiiuurluaa. mm CI'lfPftmt atrrncf hana anU raaUiraaatnall waak ortaua, 1 ha r Mm nrTvrr ar rntl ntrxl b a-mr la baraiaat nlmrf Jiat enl ara Iranhlad wtlk lroatallll. I t rl ! la lhan.il knuwh an Sla A Wllllrrt ll'allr,' lifi-n ai"l iwnraai ll ail twiir) ,mi mt aaavt a aVUUUMH.Iauf l.iil...i. 1 1 r o. h iiiaii. ik-nfur vasanrrular awl Irauniwiatla Aiiun. unoi.11 iui isa ir. u V.IIA." l'.'.it:KS, li 0 vi xeiniiNOi. at a' r''1 00VMIONTS ID. Anvnna aaMtnl1 a .kal.-ri and daaeiipli4) aiar qui.-ilr a-wrfaiii. lira. aliiar an horanll.Hi t. pnMiaMT itanlanla. r.iiiRiiinlrlltia alrt.'ll omlltlalltUI. lll.l.wl airaiK'T I'Trufllia IwlaitIS III Atuartea. lla haa a W alli,.tiu irftlea. I'alanla lakn Ihrai4lk Miuiu to. rwalf facia. uutR- III lb. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, bvan'll illr Ulnar ril. l,ro.i rimilatlna of nr Mir ilie ) irti it wli, trnii. 9.uj a ar IIUBifc iu,iith.. ia, Mnwn nilaa ami liASU boua u.i I'iikk Km Um Aililraa. MUNN a CO., 31 Uraaaaav. tlaw Vara. Cavr,and InJr-'.irU nlsnnl ami all rl ml bcinrtacon.lui tnl lr MOOia.TC fCI. Oua Ornet 1 0rroiT u, . Partar Orrici iiij we ran ar. uie flrnl in leu luu lliaa luuac rcmorelrnm Wali:nKti. Send modrl, dcaain ct fSmn., wilh BMcrlp lion. W alvu, II pairnul'ia nf r4, Iraa ol ibifSf. lt:r l 0"t d ie l.il worm ia ar. urril. A l.nillT " llnw lu lll.'ain I'arrala," artlh mi 5.1 tame 111' Ih. U. b. o4 lurin cououin Mnt (re Aiiiircaa, C.A.SNOW&CO. t Oli. PATf NT OfFiCt. WatBNinOfON. 0. C. litiiniTTinii 1" " - t Beaver Hill Gilinan Coal .Try It For Family or Steam Purposes. ELMORE, SANBORN & CO A Handsome Complexion in ormof tl," nr ,a-it ( ImrniH u woman can give It. Signature Is printed la BLUB diagonally across the OUTSIDE wrapper of every bottle of (the Original and denulne) Worcestershire SAUCE farther protection mgminst HI Imltmtlona, f Aganu for th Uoltsd fttatat, JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS. N. V CASTOR IA for Infant! acd Children. 1 .I'M. j A am VI 1 aal n l 1 bai rfil' 1 Vi. V .. . . r ( na.t 11 111 tiiiiii j - - - ill. aaaaa.,aaMaaaaiaaaai I " " " " i x 1 -T . on x 1 t t ' Situutt'tt on tliuHouth fitli' of AntoriaV hillc IVt-iity ih'groos wiinut'i anl vttAtion 30 ilnyn in ntlvanco of tho North niilt MrtgnilU'i'iit nitt'rt for r- lttoiici'H, overlook i nir nvir niui hay, Hunny and nhol tfi'Oll. Kay niui nutural urath's; liluo or no gnulinn iiooiuh WAV TO 0UKG0N. niMiaski. iHI ll.ilt.'Ur, (luilirlc Co ). Ul.llsw A (', IVWj HUM lTVltOOAl ITTllUiAl lB1ililAl 17m ItUAl r lor, Vow I i'o IU lour, uullirl. l o ItWKWAl t Iron Nam. lima lu INO-H..VJ MANHOOD RESTORED "CUPIOtNC" Til to m rt Vmi lalU VltAll.r.ll.aa,MK,iik r rnrtt l.yu.uii. will aiiicklri-ura v.mn( ail , r. i.l U.o (aiwrauta uraanA aiall a. Manh.V KlllllUllfl lftla VkVaPIW! f 1 1 .mi. all l.aara lriiar t ntalil. VVfllti Hk Ik it uai'liara,aTlik-hlliHlrrir,-kr. Im.1. loHpaniialunraaaaml rmi i eura viiikmiI an iaraUia. atti Mllnam rmljr liieura vIiIkmi! an er-rau. wiurna.1 ir ail Iwiira !a m4 man tku r7,aa rraikEo,na, utt Commercial Btraet mm poisoi it r l'M'T IH.IK'll l UI-KlS Barmanamlr CI I 1 -uradln Ul.'AJ .lava. Vi'acantbalriau.lai . '1 dtKioiaf.iraiinw rloluti.araaluaKaam4t- I , - 3y. Iff1'!'" rl.ieiiii.barai.aaiU. un. If a isiay trartloi tr .ail aMlorer .aLr.ai lrtitt'ullHtalriilU.l t tall l.xjoa It raliaaiaaumai- 1 1 ibarira. it aa lain.. 4 I cury, liMllita liotta ! raina, Sluetiual'alelia k, aii'l .oil hata..-faa al Mina, Mucnua I'aieliralninouih. orai nrt4b, V'liltplaa, CnpMr 4-lari Stua. 1 l,-ra oa ..t bartulll'abidr, llnlrur Krahrow. (alllnu oil. 11 la ll"a KHumlnrf HI.NII eillsoS Yv narwlra lorara. W o aainl U10 m-..l olvall aaaaa ana (hallauaa lha aurlu lor a , urn weoanio't rura. -y n ia di .aaaa hji'.m aillael(halilll a lb rniMt arulaaui .ir-l AttU.UOU aaiiii.l twbn d our a.M-'i"U l.l iQii' out a-ti Ir irur. aanl iaalr.1 i .kjn.i raamar. Aba, ilulr liruoi. aanl iaalr.1 t'tMIK KISI1IV C'Ck. 'Uralk.a. ,Mna imiK wi siat""'it aaaivia, luivaia n.L. nu ! la a ann-ainanii. fralr li.r U4n..frtia, 1 1 S . . r at a I .it r ll a a. Whllia, ttaaalaral Uta tiaria, r aiir lanairttfia 1 m i,i. linn. Irnialb-n ur uu.ra 'r.MM a,iHiai i. in i.r Hi a it 11 . aim illl &" Ta waa... Dan aairiarun 1 ay lira (( lata. ir ant In alaln araaar. Ir aiaiaa retail'). '"I ?i m. . r t U.111 'irvular avii vi to nlttat INDIO Absolutely Dry and Pure Tropical Climate Pronounced by PhyHicinna the rnont Favorable in America for HulIVrers from . . . Lung Diseases and Rheumatism ; Many Remarkable Cures The objection urged scainat Indlo la I tha past by the larga iiumbara h I otharwlae would hava ban clad to taka ad van I a-a of Its Imnefir-ial clltnata, has Ivan a lack of sultalila acoommodatloa Tha Soutaarn Pacific Company taka plaasura ln announcing that veral Commodious and Comfortable Cottages have juat been arocted at Indlo lutlaii. that will be rentM to anpllcani at ro auuubla raU-. Tiny am furnlahad wu m'xlrn convanlen-ei, supplied with p n artuHlan water and ao situated as to lv occupants all lha advaiitaifea to ha du- rlvod from a mora or leas protraot'4 renldencn la this dHllghtful oilman. (From the Ban Franctnco Argonaut.) "In th heart of lha great deavrt of tha Colorado which the Houlhern t'aulllo traverses therd in an oasis called Indlo, which. In our opinion, la the sanitarium niveaiiaai ion, liii. jur un lain iiiumuvw., there Is no spot 00 this planet ao favor alii." O. T. Stewart, M D., writes: "The purity of tha air, and th eternal sun shine, All one with wondur and delight. . . . Nature has oooompllahM o much that there remain but little fur man to do. As to tt possibilities a a health reeort here Is tha moat perfect unshlne, with a temperature always pleasant, a perfectly dry soli, for rain Is an unknown faotor; pur oxygen, dens atmosphere and pure water. What more con be desired? It is the place, abov all others, for lung troubles, and a para dise for rheumatics. Considering the number of sufferers who have b.n cured, I have no hesitancy In recom. mending this genial oasis as the hares of the afflicted." INDIO Is 612 miles from SAN FRANCISCO and 130 miles from LOS ANGELES Fart from Los Angeles f),oo 1 ffaf llaWaia mm 1,1'lliAli AKVICHTIHKMI'lNTM. NOTIOK MXTKNHInN Ol"" CUM. Mimci.vi. itTitncr, Nolle la lii'ivhy kIvcii (hill III Cum. Hum Onincll of th 'lly f Antoil, (Mill nop iviiny, Hlitt nivaiMi, liav d. clili'd and ili'liirnilnoil lo cMciid i'm mikiinIiiI t r-:, lu the lly uf Aainilft, tho betilmilliK, ti'iniltm slid InLrina. liHin Hinis, 11 11. 1 tlu liMid In b i'iiii- ilulUllial lalllir hi'll'lllllfliM' ili-Or-flbril mid set rorlli, nnd no nwrn fully up piura by llw ri-rl. mill, plala nnd surveys nf ail Id piMpnwd e..i.iii nf ('iimmeiiiiil sii-"-!, now n rlli In the nltli- nf (he Auditor Wl'l I'iiIIi' Jlldllt, niui wolimeinl mid iloaerllf-il In I'rdl nam N.. S:':il, imflilml "An orillnanot i'iiiitlrnilii tin- report, pint nf Niirvey, of the pivp.i"d t"'lial 11 nf l'iiinar olal atn-et," approviKl Mnni li7, mid Ih t'.iitinii'n Council of tlw eiiy of Anloi'lii, rlutw.p e 'Uiitv. i ire,-bnv-llig HiM-i-tiiJiinl by In veal Unl l.n and lniilliy nnd n eiiiiiliirt(luii nf Hi tee. iinl tlmt . II. Maiwll, (' A'. Kti.tin and T. Trulllniier iii each illsln tmflel frvloldt-a nf lit I'liy nf Aa- toi'ln. and ii'i km to ny "f th ni or iniani lntreted lu any pi i'ity to bn appiMpiinml f.ir the rutrtiial.m of CniuineiviiU sint n" pi-nviilii.l by ir, dlnnniH N.i. SMI. entiilcd "An unlU III.IK illtlllllultlti I In- IVaM'l, plat f survey of the ptvad rilniialiin nf (Vininien-tnl s(iiit." appmved Maruh 52, W., and that uii nf mii M-a.ma imajaeaa tho uiin.lirWU.uia nf Jurors) ttl flivull t'ourt of th HtU nf oro. K'Ui, for tl County of 1'ln.to.p, In that they and ench of tlwiu ai tills mala clUietia of (he Culled HU(a and nf th rttuta of (lrernNi, ovar Um a of :l yivwra. and ar and have l n r-al-dents and Ingal votnrs "f Aapirla. Cltnixip ixnuily, ur-Hroii. and of lit wards In which they imw iwUI, for m ire tbun iui yi ur Ituit pat, and eaoh of ttioir inline m mi ih lm rll nf aatd Cliatnnp ouiiuy. and Hull eacih nf lln'iu ar auhjecl to Jury duty, and thai vaeh iui'1 nil of aald sIkii- iiojhikI prniM, after Inviotlttntlun made, are ntltl and ipislllted 1.1 oM as vleiver as riuird by lb cluul.'r nf th Otjr nf Aalnrln, mid p-asaesnlng all th iUa. Ideations niv"nry llwri-fT as fully and aiiliafaclnrlly apNam 10 th Ctnv limn Coiiniiil, at-r !! Invmitumlnn mid tifnri-mlil. and "icli nf aald named .rma haliiK by a tl(li lillnlllcllt. filed In til olfle nf the Au dit. r u.l I' .II.- Judge, lunlnu dnMare. that (hey p ma-w (lie lle.,a4ly ipial. IHmllniiM tn act i vl"era af"ieaa.ii. the aald J II MaruM'll. C. W. o.n and T 11 Trulllns-er l in.l liny are hereby iilHHilnted vl. nen In vlewr Ih plliua etleiialnn f ( 'nilllln-r lal ntr-'-t In tli City nf Am.-rii, n de arilNed l.y (lie Survey. r and emb .dlo.1 In Ids aij. rnjK'rt, which ..! r.'i"rt iis idirpled by the 'iimti.n Cnunoll nf Hie Illy uf Aal. Win. Ill aald Ordl. iiimio No. J'.'3I. ikI ar Iwreby mithi r nd and rinoutit to make the as--iiiieii if ImmnIh and ilniniM-a In i'l'iilnic and iMildeinnltig nf amd Com. men Int stret. as miilf(l hy th" rnar Pt nf tlv City of Aal.ia; thai raid leers h'-reln apiKlnll ar h.rty r iiiri iwid lnslructl ! meat at the .III. of Ui AihtHor and I'uilce Jmlga in 1110 City Hull of aald city Astoria ..11 Hi., mill day of April. Iv7, .( Ibe (mux f ll o'clock In th f. 11111 Km of a.ll I dliy, mat tin 11 and there In 'ual Ify as sui-h vleiiera na iulrr by th 1 Iwirt-T nf die I'll y ,.f Ast irta. Thnt die laundivrl-i. la-irlii'ilnn. tr iiilini", int'-nii Hate pMnts an.l dawiip. tl.ni f th pr"erly to l mterrd upon and iiirwlinnl fr th ppipna-d (. -iinl. 111 of wild Cnimiieri'liU si i-e( nre d.r!ll nji follows, d-ll: I tv but I nit at a (Hilnt marked by a tai-k In tlw enst Ihi of Hevrtil.'.tth streot. at It IniennKill'm with th a.uth line (.f tNnmnuiriilal etrtvt, whii-h p lnt 1 "11O f.t luirth, 4 ilnirrrwa !S minutes wiwt and 30 f.mt luirth, HH degn-oa JJ tnlnut.-a not of a kIoii iiintiiiinetul at enmT of tin' llilitww-tloii if Hvn. tia-nth ntriait with Franklin avenue. In Hhlveley's Astoria, which lack Ih also lh Tiorttiwwil nrru-r of blis'k 1.52, In gdvUy') Asiorln; Uienoi running emit, nrly and pnrnllel with tlw north llns of lUcluaiigr trrt f ll wntt Hn of Twnnty-thlrd stn-". rstartsletl, a dla. miuhi of 2 1 no f-t; th-tic nortlmrly and lit right lUiglns to Ule linrth line of IfruhiLfwrP strt 0 at; Uwtiw went erly ami mralle lo th north lino of Kxiihanw alnvt 2b0 fnt. to a llnt nf IntenKH-tlnn with th cant lliut of HeventeonUi a1r-"t, M fti-l, northerly from th pUic of IwirlinUiiK; thono snutliinly 60 f'l't to tlw place nf Ix-ifln-nlng. Said Htrlp of land nnrlh nf and ii'ljiu-erit to lotn I, l,lm-k 1112: lot I. 1. 3, X 3, a. .1. bi-H-k l,.k blonk l.l-M k i:il ; i:i; I2M; I2S, lots 1, lot-i 1. lots 1. ..Ih I, l.lock 127, nil In Shlvoley'a Astoria, and also lylnx imrth uf mid mljiuviit to Illlfhl.i-iilh, Nliietii.iiih. THTiilleth, Twuiily-Hrwt and Twi nty-ai.Miiid slrils. Thai all of said described real noxTly and all of snl.1 lots and blin ks urn situate In tho d 1st riot (nibnuvd In said proxmeil exterwlon of ComiiHTclal stroi't nnd all of a. portlone of said bits will Ih enndemmed ami an appnUsetnuiit of I'll Iwn ullt and damn-H ntiiililnir to lhi owners of said property will Ikj made by said vlwre ntonwald, All pr Hnim owning or Inti-n-wnal bi any of aald proporty to bo condemned tr said propnrmd ?tonsliii of ColumiTolal stroet are heruby duly and logally no tified if the acHons of the Common Council pumuiuit to Uw nwolutlniw and ordlnaniK hTrtorVre adoptod by said Common Council for said exten sion of 0nvm?rcl.l streeit. This ivotloo Is published by order of the Common Council and pursuant to the provisions of the dhartr of the City of Astoria relating thweto. Daitsl at Astoria, Oregon, April 1, 1897. II. E. NELSON, Auditor and Police Judge. A handsome novelty In the way of playing cards la called "the Ugo pluy tng cards." On the face cards and ftcee are iplafitogra.iiha f all the leullnir room burn of It he profcaaaion.