The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 16, 1897, Image 3

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emu.!" ok inimi'h ham:.
NotUv In hereby lvn, ihiil t.y drills
'of wunoiil Uxiiml by lh Auditor
Mini Police Judge of tin fit)- of Ad
toria, by order if tlu. Coiiiiihiii Council
nf wild illy, miiI u uiJ ulrtried, ilitbd
the ITlh lity t.f March 1H17, and
Ciniiimiiidftia' mt to levy on Ii No.
7, In Mock No. 70, lit ) Clly of As
toria laid nut and rocs-ded ly John
AH'l llll-o. fr a Ui'IHItti.t Slntct flour..
iimnt due thereon nml iwfultiMt mild
tWiMirtlH ral mitiilie for tlm hnpiove-
mnt of (I turn! Avenue In tlm Clly of
Astoria, front tl rnl line of &lh
trool In i)m east linn of I2ih stris'l,
whloli said asiMiiioiit hiiioihHk Iii lh
mini of $17, I did on the llith iluy of
A rll 1KH7, vy upon nil of Mild 11
No. 7, In Block Ni, 75. In tlvf CUy of
Astoria, mi laid out and rononb-d dy
John McClurw, nml on the I ''ill day of
May l'J7. l in lour of i o'i'loi k
l. m. of Mtinl day, In from of the Court
llOIIIHI iI'HIT 111 Mill Clly of Astoria,
ciniiii tviuniy, orrr.xi, 1 will priciM-d
to Mi'li N.I pultile auction, to the 1ilirli
lllllill'r, lll BiMVW llMirl tvni I'M','"
rl' lo satisfy Mold s-eiiiniit ( Uie
Improvi'im-nt of Grand Av-nu', lo
KKitmr wllh III" 11 win and eM.we of
auoh sale. Hold .! to Ik for Untied
Hiibi gold or Kllvnr imln.
Chief of I'olliv.
Paled, Aatorla, Or., April ir.rh, Ii7.
ciiikk k I'cimci: ham:.
N.iIUit to Ixtrhy 1vi-n. ttitu t.y virtu.',
of a warrant Uanntt by tin- Auditor
and lolliv Judifv 1 tlm Clly of Al
t' Tin, by urlr of Dm (miin 11 Council
of ntiil clly, and to ma il;r i'iml. daird
II. 17th ilny of Month 1 197. nml
CiitonmiKUiiif me to h-vy ii lt No.
. In Block No. 7S. In the Clly of Aa
tori a n Ubl out ami reoord.M by John
MiH'lurr, f'" a ilfllnnurtiit tw- iv-"-liinnt
dim thoOTMi iuhI BaLtiwl mill
diwrllml rwU iioi fr thw Improvi-
llxnit f Ortui.l Avrmtn In Um Clly nf
AaUirlo, fnxu tlm i-ont linn of ulh
irnit Ut t'w nml Hit of ISth vinvt.
whloh mtJil Awamnmit imuiiln to Uie
mini of $1 . 1 iU I on dm 15th iluy of
April I OUT, levy u all of Mtll Un
No . IMk No. 75. In llif City of
Ajitorlo. UtU out ami moiM by
John Mv1ujv, aiwl on Dm I5ih day of
May. 1'.i7, at Um Imur of 3 o'H.
i. in. of MtlJ day, In front of thC.mrt
Iwu door In "ul-1 City of Astoria,
i'lalaop county, Hrvk. I "IU irooHl
tonsil at t'tiUti' amnion, t" tlm hlirlimt
lilddrT. llm atvp dwnrllHl rmtl prop
erty lo nailitfy ui a wunnit for tlm
JmprovKiiHMit of Uraiid mfimf, to
irvihrr Mlth tlm nwtii ami pxtTUH of
nu ll wit, rlnlil mla to b for t '
Hlaii-a ir'lil or ullv.r ooln.
Clli.f of I'olU.
ImtM Axtorln. or . Ai-rll 15th. 1"'.'7.
i iT'by irlvn. tlurt by vlrtun
of a HaiTuitt l;jnud by tlm Auditor
and is.lliv Ju.Ikv of Oii Hy of A
iuiia, f utr of llm Coinimm Cimnrll
of Mild i lly, Mid to inn dtiwtiil. 1I11I1M
tlm 17th dny of Maivh 1S".'7. and
MAUV J. iiaiim:tt.
ConuiiuiMtlnir it to lovy on Lt No.
t. In Murk No. 7.'. hi tin Oty of A
toria a luld out and rmrilrl by Joint
MrClur. fur a di-ltnutfiit irtiVnt au--iimnl
duo tlorn ami BKniiwt mild
li-rll-l ria4 i-aliUo for Ilia Improvt
moiK of ilitkiul Avimiuh In tlw Vliy of
Ant. i la, fiMtn llm -Mit lln of Mh
ntrn t to llm root llm- of U'th atrri-t.
wlili h mid aiMi-Hiiiiit aniounU lo Die
um of 11 'Jin 5, I did on tin- 15th dny of
April IMI7. lovy upon all of iwld Lot
No, 6. In liH-k No. 72. In Him City of
Am. Kin, an laid out and rwordl by
John MoCluiv, and on tlm 15th dny of
May, i'.'7, at thu hour of 2 o'rbvk
j. 111. of mUd day, In fivtrt of th Court
Iv.ii- door In iM City of Aitonn.
CJatMop umiity. oiivim. 1 will I'MktJ
to rll at public auiitlnn. Pi tlli hlehmt
Uddi-r, llm iiln- drworlbod roivl rop.
-rty lo witlitfy wild anwtiwiiiinil for tlm
InipitiviMiKMit of (Imnd avnur. to
irnhrr with tlm pooix and rximnm- of
mui-Ii n.U: Hald 1 to Hk tr I'nlbd
Hluli-a ip ld or ullvrr coin.
Chli-f of roller.
Imti-d AtoHii. or.. April 15th, IS-'T.
NutUv I boroby (rl'n. thmt by vlrtim
of a ImkuikI by tlm Auditor
and I'nlliv JinU'i- of tlm City of A
torln, by orib-r of tin- Comiiin. Council
of Hiild city, mini to mo dlit tvl. dntiM
th 17th dy of Mnroh lsf7. and
m.vky .1. iiaimm:tt.
ComiimndliiK nm M lovy iu I't Nn.
. In lllm-k No. 12, In Mm Clly of Aa
torln un laid out nnd rr"onll by J'din
MClur, for n dollJiunontairtM't n.HWiK
nmnt duo llmrxim and aualnut ild
iloKciiliiil r'al for Iho Improvr
mont of firnnd Avpimw In tlm City of
Aitlorlft, fi-om tlm onit Una of 5th
alt-rot to tlu- oiil Him f '-III Htrvet,
which wJd aiwrmonont ainounta to tho
urn of JlllS.RS, I did on the 15Ui dny "f
April 1X7, lovy upon all of mild U
No, 8. In Block No, 72. In the City of
A-HUirla, an luM out and rwordod by
John Motnun. and on the lBth lny of
May, 1S1I7, at the hour of 3 o'clock
p. m. of nald day. In front of the Court
hnuiM donr In mM City of ABtorla,
C.lataop county, Oretpun. I wlU procrrd
o aril at public amnion, to the hlirhent
bidder, the above detK-rlbeJ roa4 prop
erty to nMHfy iwM ai!ipmpnt for the
Improvormmt of arnl avenue, to
jrothrr with the cohu and exneniw of
mu:h mtle. BJd aJo to he ITnltsfl
Rtatofl gold or silver coin,
CMtf of PoUce.
Pated AWorta, Or., April 15th, 197.
Notice la hereby given, thalt by virtue
of a warrant traued by the Auditor
and Police Judge 'of h Oty 'Of A.
torln, by oritur irt ttw Ctmuivn Pinjm ll
of Mild illy, Mid to 11m dU-rnlod, dnlnd
llm ITili dny of MunOi 1KH7, and
Ciiiiiiiiiiudliig liw Uo lovy on ld N'i.
7, li MliH'k No, 72, In tlwt lty of An
lorlit an laid out mid rwordml by John
McCIiiiw, for a dWUinuoiil lrt umhtm.
mnt dun tlmri ain iiKarnet Mild
doMi-rllxd nvl iiul for llm Improvii-
inmtl of Oiiwul Avi iiik' In IIm Clly of
Al'ii'ln, fnMii Urn 'iul line of 5ih
Nt.nt to t'" "-"""I ll'u "f utrt'H.
w'hloh wild amMMiniiit aiuounu to the
moil of IIUH.K.'i, I did on llm I'lth duy i f
April IHI7, lovy up'Kl nil of wild Iol
No. 7. In lllin k No. 72. In tlm City of
AMloiia, an lidd out ami n-irill by
John MnClurw, and on thu I5lh day of
May. 1MU7, at tlm hour of 2 n'clm k
p, in. of wild dny, In front of llm Court
lu il'Kir In wild City of Anuria,
Clntwip umiily. OnK"i, I will prm ml
to im II at public nmiMi, b' tlm IiIkImI
1. 1 1 Id it, tlio nlalVV dlWTllml rnal prof
orty lo Miilufy wUd uwnmiiinit for thr
linprovrtiuiit of (Imiwl nvriuin, In-
m'tlmr wllh llm oiwU and i-primr of
HIM'll Ar. Hill 'I MMlr lo br for I'll I'll)
."in lo 111 rill or ullvi-r uiln.
CMi-f of pi.ll.f.
Hnlr Anuria, nr., A jrll IMh. INW.
Notlun in horby ifivon, Ihiilt by virtue
of a waiTant baiut-d by tlm Audllor
and I'olliw Judirr of tlwi Clly of A-
torla, by oribi' of tho Comiimn Coum ll
of nald city, and to nm dliwixl, diititl
tlm I7l1i day of Munh I NUT, ami
MAUV J. iiaiou;tt
iNiitiinamllnK 11m ivy iki !t Nr.
In HliH'k No. 72, in tin- Clly.f A
lotia am luld out and ritiliH by John
MoClurv. for a ib'llniiiul ntnt iiwm.
uioni dim (Imrron and aualont mi d
d-M rll'd itate for the tinpiovi.
iinmt of linuul Avi-iiu In tlm Clly .f
At..rU, fnKii llm 111 11 1 ;i,m of Mt,
irn to Urn rvrl Uim of I .'Hi mivx ,
wiiioli nald uMii-MMimiit a.'iioiiiiu ti li e
mini of IIHK h'a, I dtd m ihn irth dny 1 f
April Imi7, b-vy u-m all of Mid Iit
No. n. In liioi'lc .No. 72, t. cny f
ArtU.rln, nit liild out mid r.-oirdiM by
Jfin M.llr, and on the IMh day of
May. Hli7. at tlio hour of 2 oVJ.h k
p. 111. of wUd day, rn fnrnt of the Court
Ivor.. d..r In wilil CUy of Aftria,
C.lalMop i-ounty. Orrfiii. I will prorred
to w-ll at public auction, to tlm lilk-li.-m
tilddiT, the alvv (1..tIIio1 rnl prop
irty lo ealtnfy wild nMwrni-nt for llm
IniimiVitiKtit of (Iraiwl avriiur, lo.
lO'tlmr with tlm c-nttji and ixmiuh of
HiH'.h wU. Mold al to be for 1'nlt ' I
Htati-ii gold or iillvrr mln.
(Iilcf of Poll..
Ia;rd Aton, or . April !Mh. li7.
y.otli in hrr-by glwn, thni by virtu.
of a wartAiit lwut by th Auditor
and 1"iHUw Judgv of tlm City of A
tnla. by oribT of tlm Omnium Council
of aald city, and to nm dlrorteil, dated
llM 17th day of MarWi IMC. and
'oiiiimindliut nm Ho lovy oci It N' .
i. In niook No. 1. In rtu- City of A
I..1 In ax laid out aiul ri-oonli'd by John
M. "birr, fic a di'llniu.tit nlrt-rt a-iwuu-m.
wit diii' tin-nun lUid atiolnet mild
ihtwribi-d nvil iKtate lr tlm Improve
mot of Orand Avniii.- In tho City of
Axtortit, fnm Urn kiimi line of 5ih
Hin-t to tin. rimt line of 12lh etn-iH.
which wild awrrwinont ainounta to Hie
11111 of tliiC, I did on llm 15th duy of
April 1vj7, lovy um nil of nald l-ot
No. 4, In 111. No HI. In the City i f
AMtoria, an laid out nnd rrcordrd by
John McClurv. and on tlm 15th day of
May. I '-'J", at tlm Imur of 2 o'clock
p. in. of nld day. In front of the Court
I . uih door In wild City of Aftoria.
Clatmip cirtinly, Oroiom. I will proceod
lo K.-II at public motion, to the hlffhinl
blddi-r, the abow il.toTlbiil ril pr
rrty to miUnfy aald luMo asnient for the
Improvement of Ornnd avenue, to
in'th.T wllh the owtii and exiwnne of
mioh wile. Said wile to be for I'lilnd
Hlalen girld or ullvrr oln.
tnilof of Police.
In".r.l AMorln, or., April 15th, 1SH7.
chikk ok )"omci; ham:.
Notliv in hereby g-lvvn, thiut by virtue
of a warr,i.!it Iiwu.mI by the Auditor
and I'olliv JihIkv of tho City of A
torln. by ord.n- of the Coiniuon Council
of wild city, and to me dlrwted, dated
th 17th dny of Mnnh ls;7. luid
J. C. liKMKNT.
f ommandinir me to levy on It N".
1, In llliH-k No. S.'i, In the City of As
toria tin laid out nnd reconlid by John
McClure, for a dt'llnitiint rtrvet hawkk
mi'iil due thereon nnd iiKnliint wild
diwrllwd real inlate tr the Improve-nui.i-t
of Criund Avenue In tho City of
Aittorln, frtnu the iit lino of 5th
Htii-t o tin- vitt line of 12th etivet.
which Mid ajwewinient nniount.t to tl.e
rnini of JU'J, I did on Hie 15th dny of
April 1M17. levy iiprnn all of mild Lot
No. 1. In Hlock No. 85. In .the City of
Astoria, a Inld out ami recorded by
John MeClurv, and on the 15th dny of
May, 1WI7. mt the hour of 2 o'cliH'k
p. rr.. cf raid dHy, In fnnt of the Court
IvouMe diKir In wild City of Aetorln,
Clntnop county, Omim, I will proceed
to noil at public nuotton, to the hlfc'hent
liiddt-r, tho ulxove di'orlbc! renl prop
erty to eatlxfy widd aswwimerrt for the
Itnpnivenu'nt of Grand avenue, to
gether with the coetri and exienee of
euch wile. Said sale to be for ITutted
State gtild or Uver coin.
Chdef of Police.
Dated AMtoria. Or., April 15th, 1S37.
Notiloe hi hereby given, thai by virtue
of a warrant Issued by the Auditor
and J'ollce Judge of he City of Aa
toria, by ordr of the Common Council
of ald city, and to nut dlreoted, dated
the 17th day of Maroh 1897, and
Commanding me to levy on Lot No.
1, in UUmk No. H5, In tlm Clly of Aa-
torlo, an Inld out aid rwonW-4 by John
MeClnre, fora,delln'untirtnt mhd
mimt dim llKrwm and atralimt nald
dewrllied rU mtiUe for th Improve-
nnnit f flrand Avenue In 1Im Clly of
AftOirln, from ftm earn Una of Cth
l.rt to tlio it Hne of 12lh rlnort,
which wild awo-mnnotit UTtfninU to the
mini of 1127.60, 1 did on Ihn Kmh day of
Airrll 1KII7, levy iimi all of wild I'i
No. 2, In Work No. W, In the City of
Anuria, u liibl imt and record"! by
John MoClurn, tid on tlie 15th dny of
May, IKK7, at the Irfiur of 2 o'clock
p, in. of mild duy. In fimt of the Court
hoiiM.. door In wiH 1ty of Airtorla,
cintMop KMinty, (nem, I will prweed
lnwll at public ain'iloii, to the hlghmt
bldd'T, llm ailve di"rlll nal prop
erly to aatilHfy wUd aw-8mi-nt for tlm
Iniprovouii-iit of (.mud avenue, in-
irethiT wllh tho it and expfnne of
mu'h wile. Hiild ante to bo for I'rilu'd
Hindu gold or rillviT mln.
K. IIAI.Iit'K,
Clllef of Police.
Imtrii Antorla, fir., April 15th, IH;i.
Notlaw In tun-.-by glv.-n, IhuX by virtue
of a wiur.uit inmji-d by the Auditor
11 lid 1'iAUf Judio. lit tlm City of A-
torla, by iM-dor rf the (.Vmini'm Couin ll
f nald city, and to me directed, dateil
tlm 17th duy of March 1 h'j7. and
Coiitnraudliig in to lvy on Iit No.
, In Hlok No. 70, In tlio City of A
lorla an laid out and ri-cordcd by John
McClure, for a d-llno,innt tnl aewiia
iiiKtit dim llmnon and attalnet wild
.l.'M'rtUd r-u4 etal r the Improve,
imwit of (Jnuid Av.nue In the Clly of
Antorla, from tlm emit line of 5th
.,lr-t to tlm Miet line if 121 h eirwt.
MhU-h Hold aiKowiiiKUt junounta to the
mini of, 1 did mi the 15th day i f
April 1HH7, levy liHi all of aald lt
No. K. In li.Kk No. 70, In tlm City of
Artorla, an laid out ami reoonl.-l by
J'Miii MWIure, and m the 15th day of
May, lh7. at the lnur of 2 o'clock
p. m. of mild day. In frrnt of the Court
hiiuw diHir In wtl.l Cily of Airtorla.
Clulaop county, tirim, I will iro-eed
(owl I at public auitlon. M the highest
blddi-r, Ihw iilrove lomi-lbd real timp
eriy to entlnfy wild awwiment for the
lirprovenn-nt of (iraiid avenue, lo
Kcthrr with the cwt and exetiee nf
FUi'h wile, Hold aale to be for Cnlt.-d
H.atin gold or bIIvit coin.
Clrief of Police.
liativl Astoria, fir.. April 15lh. 1N37.
NnOtiK. in hiTietiy gl-en, tluWt by virtue
f a warrant bmucd by the Auditor
.Hid lilir Judire of the Clly of Aft-
t rla. by iril.T of tlm nnm Coun. II
of wild city, and to mo din-eted. datml
llm 17th day of Maroh 1S97, and
Coiitiikindlng M m Ho Wny mi Lot No.
9, In No. 70. In tlm City of Aa-
tirrla tut laid out ami reua"dcd by John
McClure. for a ilellniinit mnvt aanwi.-
nient due thereim and agalnet mild
bwrllxil real it;tte for the Improve
ment of tirsind AXTliue In the City uf
Aahirla, fnun ttm inut lino of 5th
nUi-t to the .-tiet line of 12th tr-.
which Mild a-emii.nit amounu t the
nun of, I did on the l.'.ih duy of
April 1W7. levy uin nil of mild Lot
No. 8. In Work No. 70. bi the City of
,torla, an laid out and rworded by-
John McClure, and m the 15th day of
May. 1KJ7. a the hour of 2 o'cln'k
p. m. of enid day. In front of the Court
houxi? diKir in mud City of Anoria.
Clatwp county, Ornfn, I will proceed
towdl at public auction, fri the highest
bidder, tlm almve dnHTtbed real prop
erly to nAtfafy wild, aa-owment for the
Itnprovenumt of (iraml avenue, to
grther with the ixieta and expellee of
ruich wile. Said nnle to be lr t'nlted
State gild or llvr coin.
Chief of Police,
hated AHtoria. Or., Arrtl 15th. 1S97.
Niittiv h heri-by given, thnt by virtue
of a warrant Issued by the Auditor
nml Police Judge of 'the City of As
toria, by order of the CtimnWMi Council
of until city, and to me directed, dated
the 17th day of Mnroh 1S97. and
Comiimndlng me to vy on Lot Nn.
I, In IMink No. SS, In the City of As
toria an laid out nnd recorded by John
McClure, fur a dellmiuent Mnvt nuww
miml due thereon nnd ngnlnet mild
d.r-'rlUil real eetn.te for the lmrove
inent of Cnind Avenue In the City of
Aatorln, from the i-nst line of 5th
Htreet to the enft line of lL'tli street,
which ud nwwnmMit amounts to the
Hum of $r.'sS5, I did on the 15th day of
April P'.7, levy moii all of snld Lot
No. 1, In ni.M-k No. SS, In the City of
A'tortn. n.i laid out md recorded by
John Mi-Cluiv, nnd on the 15th dny of
May, 1'.7, at the hour of 2 o'ebx-k
p. m. of mild dny. In front of the Court
houae diKir In wild City of Amorln,
Clut!o county, Oregon, I will pnx-eed
towdl nt public Buctlon, to the highest
WililiT. the alove diirllel nal prop
erty to eatlsfy said a-wexmont for th
Improvement of firand avenue, to
gether with the. oosta and expenne of
such wile. Said sale to be for United
States gold or sllwr coin.
Chief of Police.
Dated Aotopla, Or., April 15th. 1S97.
Notloe la hereby irlvwn, thalt by virtue
of a warrant uwued by the Auditor
ami Police Judge of the City of As
toria, by order of the Common Council
of aald city, and to me directed, dated
the 17tT) day of Maroh 1897. and
ogata1 1.
Commanding nie Ito levy on Lot No.
2, In Hlock No. $8. In the. City cf As
toria as laid out and recorded, toy John
McClure, for a delinquent atreet assea.-
ment due thereon and agalnet aald
described real estate for the lmprove
monrt vt Grand Avenue In the City of
Astoria, from he east line of 5th
atn;rt to (tie iit line of 12th tr-
H'lilch wil l awo-w-rnont amoiiiite t? tb
aum of 1 1 HI. 15, I did on the 15th day 1 1
April 1HK7, b y utHn all of al4 It
No. 2, In Wk No. M, In the City of
AetorUt, om laid niX uiril recorded by
John Mitf'lure, and n Dim 15th day of
May, 1KH7, it rhn hur of 2 o'clock
p. m. of aald dny, In front of the Court
hniff" door In wild City of Aatorla,
Clalaop county, Oregon, 1 will priferd
loaell at public auotlon, t the blg-heat
bidder, the ttlive dorlrwl r"ol jirop
i-rty lo auHufy wild oNw-wniient for th"
lmprivemnit of rarid avenue, to.
gether with tlm t and rxpimae of
mull wile. Hold wile to be for 1,'tiltcd
Htiii-e gold or nllvr-r coin.
Clil-f of Police.
I uited Anuria. Or., April 15th, ti.
Nutl- In Imrotry gt"-n, thalt by virtue
of a warrant lneul by the Auditor
an I police Ju'Ikv of Urn City of Aa-
torln, by onlr f llm Common Counill
of aald city, and to me direct, dat"l
tl". 17th day of Marh 117, and
C mrnunding nm to l-vy on I Ail No.
Z. In illock No. M,. tn the Clly of Aa
torla on laid out am rwonm-1 by John
McClure, for a delliutui-nt atn-vt Bee-
moni duo tlwenn and agalniit aald
ieKTlle-d ral ealate for the Invprove-
ni--1 of 'Jrnnd Avenim In the city of
Aet'irlu, fnmn the rant line of tth
tre. lo the enet llru- of 2lh atreet,
w'Mch wild n wcirrinit amount to the
aum of 13 .Vi, I did on the 15th day i f
April lW. levy un all of aald L t
No. 3. In Work No. H5, In the CHy of
Aelirrla, an laid out and rf-orded by
John Mi'lur and on the 15th day of
May. 1M7, at th hour ff 2 o'clock
p. m. of aald day. In front of the Court
lroae d'Kir In wiH (Sty of Aiftorla.
Clutwrji county. Oretfon, I will proceed
tow-ll at public auotlon, to the hlghevt
bidder. Ih atmve diwrrilieil r.l prop
erty to eatlnfy wild aiwrwniiftt ffr the
lmprm'rtm-nt of riraml avenue, t
getlmr with the cwti and eximnae of
rjil'-h wil... Hub eale to be f r t'nlted
Statea gld or allver coin.
E. MALlyit'K.
Clili-f of PoUre.
luiti-d AMorla. Or., April 15th, 1?7.
Notloe In hiTwby given, that by virtue
of a warrant bMued by the Auditor
ami polli Judge of the City of An
uria, by order of the. Comnvm Council
uf fald city, tmul to me dlr-vta, doted
the 17th day irf Maroh 1SS7, and
t oininandltig nw i;o levy mi Lot No.
t. In Hlock No. 85. in the Clly of Aa
torla as laid out and recorded by John
McClure, for a delinquent Mrw-t oi-!-munt
due thereon and agalnet aald
il.-M'rlbed real mtate for the Ihiprove
imntt of (inuvl Avenue In the City i.f
Aatorla, from the east line of 5th
alnM to Um eiwt line of 12th atreet.
which wild awHwnHit amounts to the
urn of IHW. I did on the 15th day if
April 1SS7. levy upon all of aald Lit
No. 4. In Hlock No. R5. In the City of
At Tin, ox laid out and recorded by
John Mi-Clur'. and on the 15th day of
May. 1S97. at the hour of 2 o'clock
p. m. of wild day. In front of the Court
hiuw door In wild City of Aftorla.
Cliitaop xunty, Oregon, I will proce-nl
10 rcll at jmbllc auolhm, M the highest
blddiT, thx. a,lve dtwrlbed real prop
erty to eatlHfy wild awment for th
liuproventont if tlnand avenue, to-gi-ther
with the coeu and expense of
ain't) mile. Said aale to be for I'nlt.d
Stab gold or allver coin. "
CWef of Poller.
Hated Antona. Or.. April 15th. W7.
Notice is hereby g1 n. that by virtue
of a warrant iaaued by the Auditor
and Police Judge of the City of As
toria, by order of the Common Council
of said city, and to me dlrvcted. dated
the 17th day of March 197. and
Commanding1 nie 'to levy on Lot No.
X In HliH k No. 90,tn the -City of As
toria as laid out and recorded by John
McClure, for a delinquent ttnvt asse.
nnint due thereon and against said
d.woribod r.Nil estate Ar the Improve
ment of t'lrand Avenue In the City of
Anbiriu, from the east line of 5th
street to the east line of L'th atr.
which wild asuessmont amounts Xj the
aum v.f J19.S9. I did on the l.'.th day f
AprH 1S97, levy un all of aald Lit
No. 3. In Hlook No. 90. in the City of
Astorln, oil laid out and recorded by
John MoClurv, and on the 15th day of
May. 1S97, ut the hour of 2 o'clock
p. ni. of nald day. In front of the Court
h u door In said ility of Astoria,
Clat.Kip county, Oregsm, I will proceed
to sell nt public auotlon, to the highest
bidder, the altove deniiHieil real jirop
erty to satisfy said assessment fir th?
Iinprtvemiit of lirand avenue, to
gether with tho pints and expense of
such sale. Sold sale to be for Cnited
States gold or silver coin.
Chief of Police.
Pated Astoria, Or.. April 15th. 1S97.
Notice Is hereby given, thalt by virtue
of a warrant Issued by the Auditor
and Police Judge of the City of As
toria, by order of the Common Council
of nald city, and to me directed, dot-!
the 17th day of March 1S97, and
Commanding me to levy on Lot No.
1. in Block No. 8. tn the City of As
toria as laid out and recorded by John
McClure, for a delinquent street assess
ment due thereon and agalnet said
described real estate for the Improve
ment of Grand Avenue in the City of
Astoria, from the east line of 5th
street to the cant line of 12th street.
Which said asHeeament amounts to the
sum of 1198.86, Ild on the 15th day of
April 1897. levy upon all of said Lot
No. L In Block No. 86. In the Cfty of
Astoria, as laid out and recorded by
John McClure, and on the 15th day of
May, 1NH7, mt th hour of 2 o't-vk
p. m. of sold dny, In froivt of the Court
hum door In wi'J (Ity of Aitnia.
Clalwrp ofimty, tregon, I will proceed
to sell at public, auott-in, to the highest
Mddr, thi alrve dwrlbey n-al prn
erty to aattafy m&l aascaairient fr the
lnprovemnt frf fJrand avenue, to
gether lth the cwta and expenne of
aik'h wile. Fald sale to be for l,'nld
Hlate gold or allver Hn.
CWof of Poll .
tmted AWirta, Or., April l.'.th, 1?7.
N'Akn In IxTeliy glvi-n, that ly virtue
of a warrant lMmd by ttw? Auditor
aiKl I'1U Judwe of ttwt City of Aa
torla, by oHr of the CVwnm'rn Couru-ll
mt wild city, an to me direct, dafed
tlm I7th day rrf Mar-lh 1I7, and
Commanding rrie to lejr on Lot No.
2, In Work No. M, In the City of Ar.
torla a laid out anil reoordl by John
McClure, for a dellnquont street aaeea.-
mnt due thereon and agamnt siid
dorlld rJ entote for the Improve.
iruurt of f;iaiul Avenur In the City of
Astoria, from the eafrt line of 3th
street to the euet line of 12th street
whU;h wild asaewwrmnt amounts to ti:e
aum of f lim.ftS, I did on the 15th day f
April 197, levy upon all of said It
No. 2, In Illw k No. S, In the City of
Astoria, as laid out and reoonled by
John M,'lure, and m the 15th day of
May. 1X97, at tin; hour of 2 o'ctock
p. m. of sold day. In f nmt of the Court
trnum door In wiW (Sty of Astoria.
Clntwrp county, fregm, I will proceed
10 sell at public auotlon, to the highest
bidder, the above drlbed real prop
erty to satisfy saw awMinment f r the
Improverrwtit of Grand avenue, to
gether with tlm oosta and expense of
such sale. HJd sale to be for L'nlud
B.ate gold or sliver coin.
Chief of Police,
bated Arttorla, Or.. April 15th, 1S97.
Notice is hereby given, that by virtue
of a warrant issued by the Auditor
and Polli Judge of the City of As
toria, by ontor of the Commsm CoumJ!
of said chy, and to me directed, dated
the 17th day of March 1S97. and
a gamut.
Commanding me to levy on Lot No.
tn Wock No. 75. In the City of As
toria aa laid out and reoonled by. John
.McClure. for a delinquent street asses.-
ment due thereon and against said
deacrlbed real estate tor the Improve
ment of Grand Avenue In the City of
Astoria, from the east line of 5th
stieet to the east line of 12th street.
which eaid aasi wwnent amounts to the
sum of I1W.85, I did on the 15th day of
April 1897, levy upon all of said Lot
No. 5, In Block No. 75, In the City of
Astoria, as laid out and recorded by
John MuClure, and on the 15th day of
May, 1S97, at the hour of 2 o'clock
m. of said day. In front of the Court
house door in sail City of Astoria,
Clatsop county, Oregon, I will proceed
id sell at public auotlon, to the big-best
bidJer, the alnve dowrlbed real prop
erly to satisfy sold assessment for the
Improvement of Grand avenue, to
gether with the costs and expense of
such sale. Said sale to be for t'nlted'
States gold or silver coin.
Chief of Police.
Dated Astoria. Or., April 15th, 1S97.
Notice Is hereby given, thait by virtue
of a warrant issued by the. Auditor
and Police Judge of the City of As
toria, by order of the Common Council
of wild city, and to me directed, dated
the 17th day of March 1S97, and
Commanding, me ito levy on Lot No.
in Block No. 75, in the City of As
toria as laid out and recorded by John
McClure, for a delinquent street assess
ment due thereon and against said
described tvial estate tor the Improve
ment of Grand Avenue In the City of
Astoria, from the east line of 5th
street to the east line of 12th street,
w'hloh sold assessment amounts to the
sum of 1198.85, I did an the 15th day of
April 1897, levy upon all of said Lot
No. 6. in Block No, 75. hi the City of
Astoria, as laid out and recorded by
John McClure, and on the 15th day of
May, 1S97, at the hour of 2 o'clock
p. m. of said day. in front of the Court
house door In said City of Aitorla,
Clatsop county, Oregon. I will proceed
to sell at public auction, to the highest
bidder, the above d.eorlbed real piop
etty to satisfy said assessment for the
Improvement of Grand avenue, to
gether with the costs and expense of
such sale. Said sale to be for United
States gold or silver coin.
Chief of Police.
Oated Astoria. Or., April 15th, 1S97.
Notice Is hereby given, that by vhtue
of a warrant Issued by the Auditor
and Police Judge of the City of As
toria, by order of the Common Council
of said city, and to me dlrwted, dated
the 17th day of March 1S97. and
Convmandlng' me to levy on Lot No.
7. in Block No. 71. in the City of As
toria as laid out and recorded by John
McClure, for a delinquent street assess
ment due thereon and against said
described real estate for the Improve,
mcirrt. of Grand Avenue In the City of
Astoria, from the east line of 5th
street to the eaet tine of 12th street,
which eald asseesment amounu to Uie
sum of 1198.85, I did on the 15th day it
April 1897, levy upon all of said Lot
No. 7, In Block No. 71. in the CUty of
Astoria, as laid out and recorded by
John McClure, and on the 15th day of
May, 1897, at the hour of 2 o'cljck
p. m. of said day. In front of the Court
house door In said City of Astora,
Clatsop county, Oregon, I will proceed
to sell at public auction, to the highest
bidder, the abbve described real prop
erty to satisfy said assessment for the
Improvement of Grand avenue, to
gether with the costs and expense of
such sale. Hold sale lo b for t'nlled
Htate gold or allver ooln.
Chief of Police,
I'ote.1 AHtoria, Or., April l.'.th, 1N97.
Nt; Is hereby given, thmt by virtue
of a warrant Issued by the Auditor
and Poll Judge of the City frf As
drrta, by ordr of the Common Council
of wild city, and to me directed, doted
lim 17th day of Maroh 1837, ami
Commanding me to levy on Lot No.
1. In Block No. 71, in the City of Aa-
toria as told out am reoonled by John
McClun-, for a delinquent street asses'-
mnt due thereon and against said
'VsNTDmd 'read estate for the lmprve.
nvmt of Grand Avenue In the City of
Astoria, from the east line of tlh
trw to th east line of 12th treet,
which said assessment amounu to ti
sum of 1198.85, t did on the 15lh day cf
April 197, levy upon all of said Lot
No. , In Block No. 71, In the City of
AMorta, as laid out and recorded by
John McClure, and on the 15th day of
May, 1K97, at the hour of 2 o'clock
p. m. of said day, In fnnt of the Court
hi mse door In sold City of Amor a,
Clatsop county, Oregin, 1 will proceed
to w-ll at public auction, tin the hi ghee.
Wdd'-r, the above described real prop
erty to satisfy said assessment f tt ttv
Improvement of Grand avenue, to
gether with the coats and expense of
such sale. Said sale to be for t'nlud
States gold or silver coin.
CWef of Polic.
Dated Ajtorla. Or., April 15th, 1897.
Notk hereby given, that by virtue
of a warrant Issued by the Auditor
and Wlw Judge of the City of As-
torla, by order of the Common Council
of nald city, and to me directed, dated
the 17th day of March 1897, and
Commanding me to levy on Lot No.
5. m Block No. 74, tn the City of As-
trU aa laid out and recorded by John
McClure, for a delinquent street assess
ment due thereon and against said
described real estate for the Improve
ment of Grand Avenue In the City of
Astoria, from the east line of 5th
strea to the east hne of 12th street.
w'nich eald aasessroent amounts to the
sum of J198.85, I did on the 15th day cf
April 1897, levy upon All of said Lot
No. 5, In Block No. 74, In the City of
Aatorla, as laid out and recorded by
John McClure, and on the loth day of
May, X897, at the hour of 2 o'clock
p. m. of said day, in front of the Court
house door In said Qty of Astoria,
ai ait sop county, Oregon, I will proceed
to sell at public auction, to the highest
bidder, the above described real prop
erty to satisfy said assessment for the
Improvement of Grand avenue, to
gether with the costs and expense of
such sale. Said sale to be for t'nltl
Slate gold or silver coin.
Chief of Police.
Dated Aiitoria. Or., April 15th, 1897.
Notice is hereby given, that by virtue
of a warrant Issued by the Auditor
and Police Judge of the City of As
toria, by order of the Common Council
of aald city, and to me directed, dated
the 17tn day of Maroh 1897, and
Commanding me fto levy on Lot No.
. In Block No. 74. In the City of As
toria as laid out and recorded by John
McClure, for a delinquent street assess.
nrant due thereon and against said
described real estate for the improve
ment of Grand Avenue In the City of
Astoria, from the east line of fith
street to the east line of 12th street,
which said assessment amounts to the
sum of J19S.S5, I did on the 15th day if
April 1S97, levy upon all of said Lot
No. . In Block No. 74, In the City of
Astoria, as laid out and recorded by
John McClure, and on the loth day of
May. 1897, at the hour of I o'cd ck
p. m. of said day. In front of the Court
house door in said City of Astoria,
Clatsop county, Oregon, I will proceed
to sell at public auction, to the highest
bidder, the above described real prop
erly to satisfy said assessment for the
Improvement of Grand avenue, to
gether with the costs and expense of
such sale. Said sale to be for United
Suites gold or sliver coin.
Chief of Police.
Dated Astoria, Or., April 15th, 1897.
Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue
of a warrant issued by the Auditor
and Police Judg of the City of As
toria, by order of the Common Council
of said city, and to me directed, dated
the 17th day of March 1S97, and
Commanding me to levy on Lot No.
7. In Block No. 74, tn the City cf As
toria as laid out and recorded by John
McClure, for a delinquent street assess
ment due thereon and against said
described real eotate for the improve
ment of Grand Avenue In the City of
Astoria, from the east line of 5th
street to the east Une of 12th street,
w hich sold assessment amounts to the
sum of $198.85, I did on the 15th day of
April 1897, levy upon all of said Lot
No.' 7, in Block No. 74, in the City of
Astoria, as laid out and recorded by
John McClure, and on the 15th day of
May, 1897, at the hour of 2 o'clock
p. m. of said day. In front of the Court
house door tn said City of Astoria,
Clatsop county, Oregon, I will proceed
to sell at public auction, to the highest
bidder, the above described) real prop
erty to satisfy said assessment for the
Improvement of Grand avenue, to
gether with the costs and expense of
such sale. Said sale to be for United
States gold or silver coin.
Chief of Police.
Dated Astoria, Or., April 15th, 1897.
Notk la hereby given, tltait by vlrtut
of a warrant uwurd by the Auditor
and Polio Jurtg of (he City of Aa
tirfa. by order of the Common Council
of said city, and to me dlreottwl, dated
the 17th day of Mani 1897, and
Commanding; mo Ito levy on Lot No.
. In Block No. 74, In the CUty of As.
tori m laid out ami recorded by John
McClure, for a delinquent street ae.
mnnt due tlnoreon and against said
dcrlld real estate for Uie improve
rrxmt of Grand Avenue In the City of
Astoria, from the east line of Mh
treot to the wt line of 12th street.
Which said awieasmetrt amounts to tht
aum of $198.85, I did on th lith day of
April 1897, levy upon all of sold IOt
No. , In Block No. 74. in the City of
Astoria, aa laid out Bind recorded by
John MrClure, and on the 15th day of
May, 1897, art the hour of 2 o'clock
p. m. of said day. In front of the Court
house door In said City of Astoria,
CI at ik rp county, Oregon, I will proceed
to sell at public auction, to the highest
bidder, the above ditortbed real prop
erty to satisfy said assessment for the
Improvement of Grand avenue, to
gether with the cwts and expense of
such sale. Said sale to be for United
HLatea gold or silver ooln.
Chief of Police.
Dated Astoria. Or., April lith, 1897.
Notice Is hereby given, thai by virtu
of a warrant Issued by the Auditor
and Police Judge of the Oty of As
toria, by order of the Common Council
rf snld city, and to me directed, dated
the 17th day of Maroh 1897, and
CommandSwr me ito levy on Lot No.
1, In Block No. 90, In the City of As
toria as laid out and recorded by John
McClure, for a delinquent street assess-
mailt due thereon and agalnet aald
described real estate for the Improve
ment of Grand Avenue tn the City of
Astoria, from the east line of 5th
street to the east line of 12th street,
which said assessment amounu to th
mm of flQt, I did on the 15th day ot
April 1897. levy upon all of said Lot
No. 1. la Block No. 90, In the City of
Astoria, as laid out and recorded by
John McClure, and on the 15th day of
May, 1897. at the hour of 2 o'clock
p. m. of said day. in front of the Court
house door in said City of Astoria,
Clatsop county, Oregon, I will proceed
to sell at public auction, to the highest
Udder, the above described real prop
erty to satisfy said assessment for the
Improvement of Grand avenue, to
gether with the costs and expense of
such sale. Said sale to be for United
States gold or silver coin.
Chief of Police.
Dated Astoria. Or., April 15th. 1897.
Notice is hereby given, that by virtue
of a warrant issued by the Auditor
and Police Judge of the City of As
toria, by order of the Common Council
of said city, and to me directed, dated
the 17th day of March 1897, and
Command ing- me to levy on Lot No.
In Block No. 89, in it he City of As
toria as laid out and recorded by John
McClure, for a delinquent street assess-'
mean due thereon and against said
described real estate for the Improve-
memrt of Grand Avenue In the Ctty of
Astoria, from Che east line of 5th
street to the east one of 12th street,
which eald assessment amounts to the
aum of $198.85, I did on the 15th day ot
April 1897, levy upon all of said Lot
No. 1. in Block No. 89, in the City of!
Astoria, as laid out and recorded by
John McClure, and on the 15th day of
May, 1897, at the hour of 2 o'clock
p. m. of said day. In front of the Court
bouse door in sasd City of Astoria,
Clatsop county, Oregon, I will proceed
to sell at public auction, to the highest
bidder, the above described real prop
erty to satisfy said assessment for the
Improvement of Grand avenue, to
gether with the costs and expense of
such sale. Said sale to be for United
States gold or silver coin.
Chief of Police.
Dated Astoria, Or., April 15th, 1897.
Notioe Is hereby given, that by virtue
of a warrant issued by the Auditor
and Police Judge of the City of As
toria, by order of the Common Council
of said city, and to me directed, dated
the 17th day of March 1897, and
Commanding me to levy on Lot No.
2, in Block No. 89, in the City of Aa
torla as laid out and recorded by John
McClure, for a delinquent street assess
ment due thereon and against said
described real estate for the Improve
ment of Grand Avenue In the City of
Astoria, from the east line of 5th
street to the east Une of 12th street,
w hich sold adRessment amounts to the
sum of J198.85, I did on the 15th day of
April 1897, levy upon all of said Lot
No. 2, in Block No. 89, In the Oty of
Astoria, as laid out and recorded by
John McClure, and on the 15th day of
May, 1897, at the hour of 2 o'clock
p. m. of said day. In front of the Court
house door In said City of Astoria,
Clatsop county, Oregon. I will proceed
to sell at public auction, to the highest
bidder, the above described; real prop
erty to satisfy said assessment for the
Improvement of Grand avenue, to
gether with the coats and' expense of
such sale. Said sale to be for United
States gold or stiver coin.
Chief of Police.
Dated Astoria, Or., April 15th. 1897.
Nature and Easter have combined.
Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All drug glsta refund the money if It
falls to cure. 25c. For sale by Chas.
Rogers. Druggist