The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 16, 1897, Image 2

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Telephone No. tt,
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Sent by mall, per year 12 tn advance,
rootage free to subscribers.
All communication!! Intended for publl
cation should be directed to the editor.
Buslnes communications of all kinds
and remittances must be addressed to
The Astorlan.
The Astorlan guarantees to Its sub
scribers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising rates can be had on appli
cation to the business manager.
The Weekly Astorlan. the second old
est weekly In the state of Oregon, has.
next to the Portland Oregonlan. the
largest weekly circulation In the state.
John F. Handley & Co. jvre our Port
land agents, and copies of the Astorlan
can be had every morning at their
stand. 124 Third street.
raThs "Aatorlaa" hereby offers to donate
Hospital, payable on domaad to rather
DMmaa, kfm lecal ertdoaro U pro
atac4 showing that aay aftoraooa aewa
ease ahllahod la Astoria hat riatod
wlthia too last ninety day expiring he
tore this oder a single peeJal' or
other klad or "talegraphle press report,"
seeelved oer the wires entering either
of the telegraph offices In Astoria, from
ny point oatalde of Oregon.
Astoria, Or., October IS, ISM.
Factory smoke breeds republicanism.
The springing up of factories through
out the South has been followed by
a growth of protective sentiment and
republican membership in a;
from that section. More than thirty
votes from the South were cast for
protective measure In the house, ar.d
the Southern States had thi.-ty-U.ree
republican members In la. it congress,
white In no preceding congress had the
party been represented by more than
naif that number from that section.
When democrats from North and South
Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Louis
iana and Texas Join with the republl
cans tn supporting protective views and
invTOHT i-ami dui, mere can re.
main no doubt of the arrowth of repub
lican principles In that section.
and preparing f.r a season of activity.
One state, IVnnsylvsnla. rovorta
through her lalor bureau that lurt.OOfl
more men are at work In that Mate
than were employed six months ago.
No tariff bill ever )w.ted In congress
received so many Suthern Votes as
did the one wlueh has Just wtKd the
boase. Twwity-flv ivpuWlcans, Ave
democrats, aid one populist from the
South supported the Dingle-y bill in the
Iv'itsc, and the other .populists. from
that section .helmed to vote skip M
it. Protection In the South hits mn!e
wonderful istrldos 1n the last few yearn.
and will continue In the same line.
Millton of capital are now awntiiig
the action of congress on the t ti-l.Y
hill. Its enactment will he a signal
for activity ivnctig the factories if
the East. In the Net growing stvtl.irs
of the West. In the ecu n Held ami
factories of the South, in the nuvnu
fiU'turlng establishment of the Missis
sippi valley, and on the fertile fields
of the Pacific slop.
The police department of Taunton,
Mast., Is trying tt notncwtiAt novel ex
periment to devrvtiso vtrunk. tines In
that plaotv The niuue of every person fllK
are-ifed and convicted of the offense In
question In to he sent to each licensed
liquor vWler In the city, with a warn
ing that If liquor Is sld to tiny of Which
them within lx months after the re
ceipt of the names the iwn so doing
will be liable to a fine.
Cured Him ..iter
Else Failed.
Mrs. A. Inveen. residing at 720 Hen
ry street. Alton. III.. suffered with
sciatic rheumatlHin for over eight
months. She doctored for It nearly the 1 ' '''l suffering day or night
whole of this time, using various rem
Painful diseases are bad enough, hilt
when a man Is slowly wasting away
with nervous weakness, the mental
forebodings are ten times worse than
the most severe pain. There Is no let
edlcvs recommended by fr'ends. and
was treated by the phvNtoiiu.s. but
received no relief. She then used one
and a half bottles of Chmlerlaln's
Pain Halm, which effected a complete
cure. This Is published at her
as she wants others similarly afflicted
to know what cured her. The '.'5 and
50 cvnt slie for sale by list.-s v'oim
Drug Co.
Sleep is almost Impossible, and under
such a strain men are scarcely respon
sible for what they do. For years the
writer rotted and tossed on the troubled
sa of sexual weakness until It was a
question whether he had not better
take a dose of poison and thus end all i
his troubles. 1 lit t providential inspirit-!
lion came to Ms aid In the shape of a
combination of medicines that not only
A Kie-iiehuuin recently visited thin
country, iwent home, and, as usual,
wrote a bNk .lut us. IVrlmpn noth
ing In the Usik Is more gulling to the
ItosioMlntiM than the Frenchman's st.wy
that one of the lending swells of 11, .
ton make a good thing out of tlie bun.
liiesn of subletting pewa III litres
different churches.
lloritiv t.ively once said: "The way
to rissuiiio is to ivmiiin-," speaking of
again putting gold Into circulation
after the wnr. Hut you may say "re
sumo" any iiiimlsM' of times to that
torpid liter of voiuvs and It won't
budge until you take Simmon l.lver
ISegulatot. Mini x pie pom to f lge
that i'ons:i at ion. ltili'tin.M and Sick
lleiiduclie cit- all eatisi- by a sluggish
llvy. tli- liver adlvo.
completely ivstorevl the general health, i
, Maine county cut. which for Veals
bad llv.d in l'..iil.;ul. Wis. when taken
i t'.n k l lis old I in id home, w ent, as II
had l'en lived polo, V. Illllklllvt
Yesterday the Astoria Kumlsohau. a
wipekly German paper, ntde Its biiw
to ithe. public. Its clitor. Mr. Jofcn
Tiaumann. says that It wilr be for As
toria, first, last ami all the time. It
la hvH'ed that the enterprise wll) mvt
with the success it dt'evrvus, and that
tt will be a, power tn the commutdty.
The Reform Club of New York
spreading broadcast over the country
an offer vt newspaper plate matter
with whkih It proposes to attack the
Dlngley bill. This Is not surprising
The Reform Club is composed mostly
of Importers who naturally want a 1c
tariff and are against protection.
tne live nsjsitns since the election
navvie oeen bad ones for the silver
cause. Japan, to which the silver peo
ple were accustomed to ,pulnt as the
most brilliant exponenc of the advan
tage of the free coinage of silver, has
adopted the gold standard at the ratio
4 , t. , . ...
l - vj a. rtucejia, wiucn was ac
counted a. aliver country, has announc
ed that she Is going to the gold stand
ard. China, which, with her 400,000,000
people, was accounted In the list of
silver users, announced through her of
fidais a currency change which is
equivalent to the adoption of the sid
standard. Truly, these are depressing
days for the free silver theorists.
The Protestant Episcopal church, cr
at least a certain section of it. Is con
sidering the advisability of employing
evangelists or "lay readers" more ex
tensively. Even ,the ' .'conservative
Church Standard has been arguing
tor their employment, suggesting that
thtue Is a Celd 'where the lay evangel-
is esjiecially neded, and whfre tfc
ordained minister cannot take his place
uonxmun fc?iwe,"it say ,"rebJs
against the notion, which is without
warrant or noiy scriptures, that the
work of evangelization by preaching
the gospel with the living voice is a
peculiar prerogative of any .j'der In
the church, however sacred."
The only persons who are expr-'Mir.jt
dissatisfaction with the new tariff bill
are the ifvwigners and Importers. Ger
many, Canada. England, and -h.-r for
eign countries are svMldlrur aNiu; tlie
Dingley bill; so is the Reform Club of
New York, which is made up princi
pally of Importers.
The prospects for a fruit crop for the
cvinctig year in uregon nave never
been brighter than at prent, and the
fruit growers are all very Jubilant, and
say that unkas the crop Is lr.Jured by
cold within the next three weeks there
will be the largest fruit crop there has
ever been.
It has been held that consumption
Is hereditary, and the fact that one
person of a family had died with con
sumption was considered & sure, sign
that others of that family could not
escape 1L This is partly true and
partly untrue. A man with weak
lungs Is likely to transmit that wea
nrss to Ws children. But 'there Is
no reason In the world why the weak.
na should be allowed to develop.
Keep the lungs full of rich, red whole
some Mood, and the weakness will
disappear. Decaying tissues will be
thrown off, and new material will be
alisi u.-til the lungs ar? well and
perfectly strong again. This Is the
thing that Dr. Pierce's G-Jd.-n Medi
cal Discovery does. This is what
mak?s It cure 9$ per cent, of all cases
of consumption wherv It Is taken ac
cording to directions. It searches out
disease gvrms wherever they may be
tn the tsidy and forces them out of
the system. It supplies the blood with
rich, life-giving properties. It mak-r
the appetlu? goxl, digestion perfect.
Send 21 cents in one-cent stamns to
World's Dispensary Medical Associa
tion, Buffalo. N. Y.. and rwiv Dr.
Herces Vm page "Common Sens
Medical Adviser," rrofusely illustrated.
out enlarged hi weak, emaciated pans
to ratural slie and vigor, mid he now
declares that any man who will take'
the trouble to send his name and ad- j
dress may have the methyl of this won- j
ilerful treatment free. Now w hen I
say free 1 mean absolutely without cost, j
because I waul every weakened man to
get the benetlt of my rXerlence.
I am not a philanthropist, nor do I
pose as iui enthusiast, but there are
thousands of men suffering the mental
tortures of weakened manhood who
would be cured at ones could they but
get such a remedy as the one that
cured me. I not try to study out how
I can afford to pay the few postage
stamps necessary to mall the informa
tion, but send for It. and learn that
there are a few things on earth that al
though they cost nothing to gel they
ure worth a fortune to some men and
nienn a lifetime of hAniilnt-it to m.,f
annoyed the congregation last Sunday of WrSe to Thomas Slater iiox sss
Kalamasoo. Mich., and the Information
will he mailed In
Cure, a speedy and harmless remedy ; velope.
tor throat and lung trouhi.-s. Charley
In proprtln to Its imputation the
I'nlted Kingdom has a greater numb r
of women workers than any o;her
country and among them no fewer tha i
MMW are set dow n as dressmakers.
Croup and whii;ang cough are
cMldhiHHl'a terrors: but like pneu
monia, tronchltis, and other thrwat
and lung troubles, can be quickly
cured by usLng One Minute Cough
Cure. Charles Rogers.
A Ui-rlln physician hus .made experi
ments which show that certain animals
that we (eat may swallow poisonous
matter Insufficient 'o kill them, but
Bufflclwt, If used as d. to poison
men tvr dogs.
PERSONAL. The gentleman who
by continually coughing w-lll find in
stant rWief by using' One Minute Cough
It ts said of Sidney toiler that
music w as to him a necessity. H- liter
tidy livl In a world of music. He
was always hearing mel.Hlles. and when
he Improvised he had only to play them.
When a cold Is contracted, cure It
at once. One Minute Cough Cure will
sot you on the rood to recovery In
a minute. It wilt cure pneumonia,
bronchitis, croup and all forms 't lung
and throat troubles. Charles Rogers.
The queen of i;re.s-e oat en 1 1 usy
broke with the r -yal family of Kus
shi las; month by sending hack a
Kiisslan dccirutkn. This weok. how
ever. h- is one;, m. re on sjeikuig
terms with tl-m. and Russian ships
aro bringing Kick ".r ek wounded from
1 i the cow -led iin. I sat upon haiitiehes
t avviU! a stieani of fii-sh front
th- i-ov. as Its ma. tor bad fornu-ily
taught It to do
The in t i-mi i.siili of hanii.tiviitlcal
science and the best modern npp'l
ancon are iivui'ol f in coinpoun ling
,Vvr's Stisapdl!la. Hence, though u ry tu eltance ifi a i.iedi
elm', it Is fully abreast .if the ns In
alt that goes to make It the stnndard
. ... . M lavlttsi IIP
ii i vnnnn ukct u? is u l 'i... ""---
rssu's Vsllow Ksrwt
iiMMlKrnii raianif
lli'Kil iisrvtiiia ills.
.eh u Wk M-iiiory, L '
MiZ-. UM MsnlssM, Nlghllr K" - lLVmaaXM-.TSi;
I'mi hsesrrlsd
kl,t.(llreulsr Kim, Stol'l
MmiiiUnliiiwI tijr (lis
Ml niekoi. It lr U.I. s l-.r l.f ''. "''""'
swiutlultd sud VsiuUlli sla. l-oiilsud. Ofc
i. W. CONN. Agsnt Astorls,
...lPM t.Jf llltatH1tl lit ktlf
.id ill MMlltia mi lutiaja i
n ,-tiat irr l'i f iu K t ilt
Sttni. K.l.t.ll4ii la lliasr.Ml.ul H.if V , I l 111 I ttst 'fit' ft'Ult'
t uir Nsw
iiarauteed by Chns Roger, Druggist.
M....i I. : ,.. "lliii I 't i a i'ihi N...1 t.l Mmt.lir. t.tit I. Ils " P .srw
.H4.. 'I'll mr ki'k Hi.iiii ii. wm ' ki tss . t ui w nwv -
Rold and (
l,aSilisli i slsiaWrff
iiv tmi nil tit r
fl BtFOUC ssd AFTtR M.i'r.'
iniinnn nrftTfinm -curiocwt'
., i ii,. t mnrli mo ak un. will mm klr mn )" "I sll "
v.Hia ut lll',n l Urn u. ilo ,n(,n h f Ui MsnH's-V
I im.lll'.l. I .nllllll ll'k,Srlilliil F.ililMkna. S.mi IvLlilln
l'iiiii.r7iniMi t" Msor, ktiismuus l'ris n.s.i .
t.ii.ui.ii"i, it aut ii i- ir "r '"'" '""" 'i,,k ;
.ii.(ill'hrgiswlik I" Mwftii.ih.M
!l Hi l...imrs.U Inipouaer. i ' " ' U.ll.t. UMI
ths ilrtnsrr i,rffnaiH iiiwiiiiiwa
I an
n'rinsssiiiri"w'ii""m"",7' -,., . i,,siMr.t lt
Th 1.W111 .iiitis. ' net rul h Iwiimh hsiu- nliwtT P" e" aw
SMtalllt. Ct'l'l I'KIS K Ii thmil Im.wn I" tsiw IHmmiI mn 'L1';"- '
l.v Ihii , al t-t Ivui, h n'alL "'l l" rassoirealM anil (sniuiuoiaU,
AMnm. Us. MBUI4 IN ttlk, l IX Hut Sns, Ssui rri wk, t VI .tW. ay
Cl (AH itOOKitil, Commercial Htrsel.
The quaitjty of Ixuutlnis shtpss
fi-om rlh' Wist Indl'-s to the I'nltevl
Stat.-s amounts annually to l,-tte-ni l.arriuii avmiue to Irviur avenue.
I ;l.m'ii,iHi and U.ikio,iii0 bunches, valued
at over
Salton S'a Salt lor Imtlis at
the Kstt's-Conn Druif Store
lOo ami 2.h' jut ackajre.
I a caiiilid.iie Hrvan iMill-'d upon Vice
I'r'fldoiit t lobart dining his recnl vis
it to Wiufhlngtoti. It Is observed, how.
ever, that he did not call upon pros.
Iieclive ciUidldate llalk-y.
to I't'ttt: a t in ii; n.i,
Take laxative liroino VJiilnlns Tablsts.
All druggists refund the money If It
falls to cure. 2ic. For sals by Chas.
ttogers, I'ruggUt.
t'se Webfoor I'orn i nrt.
cure no pay. For sale at
tes-Conti Drnsr Store.
If the unlteil armies of Europe should
march at an eightimlle gait, five a-
breast. fifteen Imhest ai-art. It would
require nine e.ndj one-half days for them
to pass a given point.
The f.ish..n.Me Ink -i Purs at pres
ent Is violet odor. b'om. mei use t
g'l !-n Ink. It Jls, a favor te pi m to
use s-vral Inks of varied hues In writ
ing one letter
; t ) the appearance of tne note. If l'.in
E. E. Turner, of Compton, Mo., wri'es s-tlcks t,. its hrfby. we may exp.s t a
us that after suffering from piles forjr,'turn l" 'be illiim'n;it.-d mnnum-i l ts
seventeen years, he completely cured ''' (h" Middle Ages.
i'.n'i sheKs ii-s .l t ' grow thr s-or f ur
-.nirs. but as ho aatbl.' snil ,loe
ll"t dep. 11 I on III" ago or ljc of e
sli.-ll the Miiatl one. are tut ruthlessly
I nod as th'-ugli no law on the subject
xlt-l. l'ettrl tShWN iuoul for money
and have no s,-nt linetlt.
I'liomditiotuil suirend-r. Is the only
terms th. '- fiuiioiut little pills known
This Is thouirtit t add I IvWItt's Uttle Karly Ulr wtll
make with constipation, ask heo,laolie
and stotiuu h troublis. Charlos Kogers.
them by using three boxes of De Witt's
Witch Haxel Salve. It cures ecxema
and severe skin diseases. Chas. Rogers.
Not long since a party of movers
pa-"sed through a Missouri town on
route from the rtvestern part of the
state of Kansas. They had a woe-be-; Wllousness and Sick
gore, homesick, exprwlon on thelr ' Prevent this take Simmons t.lver Tleg.
far.s, which was furthtr emphn sized ; ulator: It keqw the liver ai llf- and
by the legend painted upn one of th- m.ik -s ones (n.f:!on as c mfort.ible i
No people suffiT so much from phys
ical as thr-e bust
ness requires little or r.o rnuscul ir
ertlon. The lack of exercise causes the
liver to lafomt sluggish and the result
is constant Constipation. Indigestion,
Hcadarii". To
Frelert.k II Itldge. who has lived
many years in t'allfl'mla. and who has
glvitn t his tui.tlve town of 'anil. ridge,
Mas . a city hall, a public library build
ing, and a. manual training s hol. at
an exis-iwt.' is? im-e than $1.w.ih), has
d,i Med to r'turn t Cambridge to live
and edu.-a.te Ms children.
t ,Kt i.I. Al'VI'lltTIS 1 1 M K N 'I'M.
NotliN' Is horeby glvi tltut lh com
mon council prop,,n to Improve Xld
tro.'l from Prttnklin avenue to llarrl
son avenue, Harrison avenue from 3id
stits-t to 3Mh strwt. 3ith stnit from
that (sirtliin of the city of Astoria
known as Adair's Astoria. Hold Im
provement to constat In grading said
streets ft a width of 30 fet through
the center thereof to their sstabllsild
grades, and by plonking the atune to
a width f Id feed through tltn center
thereof with now and sound fir planks
ixM Inclt.-.. laid one Inch apart, in
a..nliuus' with the plana and apso
IDeations niid onlluoticis In relation
The loifcl and premises upon which
the special aiaarmtitent shall bs lwvlrsj
to defray the coats of said Improve,
mont and the dlntriot ninbrtulng said
lutprovmnt and lands and premises
to ! nss-xm-d therf r are hervby des
ignated MS follows. t'KWlt
Usrlnnliig si the tiorthstsxt tuTirr
of I n 3 In block T), in Adair's rt "f
l'll'r Astoria, which
claim line totw.-mi th
and the Shlvely It. I,. C, thorns- run
nlng east along tha- trth line of blm k
dewerllssl n-il ilate f"i' Hie lluprovs.
niort .'f ilitui.1 Avr'i'i- In llw lty "f
AsMrta, fnn the '-ust linn of th
alreet lo the stt Hue of t-lll SlO'nt,
vvhiuh nU'l imxoMNiiieitt aiimiinls lo th
nun of IS I did on Dm- I Mil duv of
April INH7. lew uii all "f said lst
No. 5. In No, 71. In tlie City of
Astoria, as laid out iwd r'v-lt by
John M.s'liire, and on the I '.III day of
May, Pi'J?, at the Inair of : u'cl sk
p, m. of said d4y, In fn'iit of the Court
house d'sir It) so si Illy of Astoria,
Clatsop rsHinly. ttriwn. I will pr'Hel
to sell at public ail. 'II-'ii. lo the hlghmt
Ithldi-r, the atstve ilaTll-.t real prop,
'ity to satlafy said aw Moment for (lis
linprov eiii.vii of lirand avenue lo.
gfther Willi iho costs and s'iimi of
si.-h sale Sold sale to be for I 'lilted
Statin gold or silver coin
Chief of IH.ll,-,
latod Asnoris. nr. April l.'.th, li7.
39 and
N'.tttis. a h.-ri-l.y given, thoj by virtu
of a warrant (sru si by the Auditor
and l"lbe Judge of the t 'it y of A
t slla, by of the Ntiinsiti 1 'on noli
point la o Iho f Md city, unl o mo directed, dattsl
AdiUr P I. C. die 7th day of March l::. and
i to the mtrth'Stst oornsr of lot OHunutiidltui lis- lo M y .mi tst Sn.
1 tn thonce south through in i.u No ;i, In the t'Hy ..f ,.
the center of block W to the n..rh.-st (.,ria as laid out and mor-h-d by Jolvft
.-.tnvor . HU . blm-K I, in.M rust McCtitro. for a de-lliiqurtit ltnrl asa
c ute normeast corner ot . Mocg m.m, ,,,, ,tM,fl ,!
II. thence south along the cost lines
of lots and 14 to ths ivorthami o.rnrr
wagivn sheets In big black letters:
ing Home to .Maw."
"cjo. as those hi have much exercise.
Bald hetuls are becoming too fre
quent among the middle aged. 7 his
can be prevented by the tim-ly u.i rf
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re-newer.
A 11fe-slz-d portrait of H-nry W.
Grady was unveiled last Monday In
the library of the University "f Geor
gia at Athens. This tribute is from the
students of the university. Mr. ("Irmly
was born and raised In Athens.
It Is
out by
S-. -tch
long s
j.t Vu:.
prov Id'
Mason, taught
i.i Int'-r-stlng r.u l, l,ro.i::ht
th'- rs--nt anniversary ,.f the
church, thtbt It Vermlly-. mi
n! .r t f :h - r II glut"1
was at the av of 11 a student !
colic,-,., by the aid . f funds !
1 by th- Ke t.-h i hiM-h. I'r. I
pas-tor of the S 'otch . hureh.
him Iit:n and 'ir'--k.
It should be ma.e a matter of public
kmovbslgv-. that I '.-Witt's Witch Hasel
aive will sp.sslHy i-itr? pll.-s nf the
"rig.-st standing. It Is the b mxehold
I'liv orlte fir bunis, scalds, cuts, bruls. s
Mnd s of all kinds. Ctuirles Itog-fns
U n
The Importers of the country are mad
as so majiy wet he'js. They expected
to make millions out of tlKdr excess v
Uniorta.tins prior to the final ennct
awnt. f the LMng-Io;' bill, but ;h? re
froax.'tfve clause introduced at the last
moment and passd by the house has
ujiset tht-ir plans mpietely. Their
hope of being able to import hundreds
of millions of dollars' worth of goods
during the discussion of the bill In the
senate is gone, and they will r.ot b
likely to add materially to the enor
mous stocks of goods which they had
already brought In, to escape payments
of increased rates of duties.
It is estimate, that the ilk industry
of China employs fn-m 40.000,000 to 50,
000,000 persons.
Whon th? spring time eom-s, gentla
Annie, like all other .en.ible per.sons,
will clean? the liver and renovate
the syetm with DeWin's Little Early
Risers, famous Uttle pills for the liver
and stomach all the year round.
Charles Rogers.
New Scotland Yard is the largest po
lice offl'-e in the world, accommodating
:.00 fnV.-ers.
Not only aute lung traiUcj, which
may fatal in a few days, but
dd chronic coughs and throat troubles
m;y receive Irnm.-liat.. relief and be
;"rrri;incitly curel bv One Minute
Cough Cure. Charles Hosers.
'! If
ugalnst said
described itstl rwtato tT the ImproVr.
ntent of (it-aiht Af-niie In the t'lty of
Astoria, from rhr iuat litis of 5th
stCS't to tltn rswil line of U'tll sttvet.
ivlii.'h sail. I aaxraHtiMmi ajnoimis lo ihs
sum of IP' 3, did mi the lMh day of
April J". levy usi all of said lt
No. , in libs k No 71, In the Cty ..f
Astoria, mjt told out sjwl rpnrrll by
east rner of lot . block 0. thencs ,,. m.m..- .,, ,. ..,h ,,,lV of
May, !;. at Us hour of i o' l s-k
of lot If In 41, tli.mce nnst along '.
tiw south line of tlie alleyway running
through blocks 41, 4.' and 41 to th
enter of let 3 In bl.s-k 43, th.tuv
miuth through the enter of lot 3s and
along the eiutt line of lot Zt In Mock
41. and lot 6 In Id'K-k SO to the south
He Favorite Home Remetrg.
"The b.tter -j;,' " she s .ftly said,
From .,ut the a-phub-t I'd shove,
KefMiuse," and she l,!u-h'-d rosy red,
"U-'-au-e. it is the end of I,ve."
Pittsburg News.
Silver has again reached a phenom
enally low price lower, in fact, than
for a very long period. Th5 depression
In Its value, caused by the refusal of
the Lnited States to adopt the free
allver proposition, coupled with the
desertion of the silver standard by Ja
pan, and the prospective action In
that line by Russia and China, have
dealt to the 'white metal a staggering
Wow, which nothing except combined
International action can cure.
Advtoes from all parts of Jthe country
make It perfectly plain that business
is Improving. In the manufacturing
section this is especially true. The
factories of the East and South, as well
as of the Missisrfppl valley, are in
creasing the number ttt their employees
By the pangs of rheumatism, the Joints
eventually berime grievously distorted,
and sometimes assume an almost gro
tesque deformity. To prevent such re
sults by a simple and agreeable means
is omainly the part of wisdom. A
tendon y to rheumatic a.lments may be
successfully cornbaited with Hostetter's
Stomach Bittern, a medicine with the
prestige of a long and successful ca
reer, of unbounded popularity, and of
emphatic professional endorsement. It
removes from the blood those Inflam
matory Impurities which pathologists
assign as the cause of rheumatism, and
not only purifies the life current, but
enriches It, promoting vigor by fertil
izing its source. Dlgemlon, the action
of the bowels and tlie secretion of the
bile, are aided by it, and it impels
the kidneys and Llad'ler to a rfeuiar
and active performance of their func
tions. It is besides a thoroughly re
liable remedy for, and means of pre
venting, periodic fevers.
iwo yearn ago i. j. arren,
druggist at Pleasant Brook. N. T
bought a small supply of Chamber
lains Cough Remedy. He sums up
the result as follows: "At that time
the goods were unknown In this sec
tion; today Chamberlain's fjough Rem
edy Is a household word." It Is the
same In hundreds of communities.
Wherever the good qualities of Cham
berlain's CoughP.emedy become known
the people will have nothing else. For
sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co.
i. v i. . . For all diseases caused by derangement
The Catholic church has at present ... . '
59 cardinals, of whom 32 are Italians. 1 0,e Liver Kidneys, and Stomach, ft
4 riermans. 4 French. 4 Spanish. 4! .eeP il alvV'avs ln the hou af"J you
Austrians. 2 Hungarian". 2 Portuguese, I wl" save tlme Doctor's Bills, and
and 1 each English Belgian, Irl-h, "aim an muvc, iiaiiincss anu per-
Ruthenian, AuitralUn, American. Can. J fectly Safe purgative, alterative and tonic.
adian. j " you feel dull, debilitated, have frequent
1 headache, mouth tastes badly, poor appe-
Tort'.iring. Ichlng. scaly skin erup-1 tite and tongue coated, you are suffering
tlons, bums and scalds are sootheil j from torpid liver or biliousness, and SlM-
at onoe and promptly healed by De ! MONS LlVER REGULATOR will cure you.
Witt's witch Hazel Salve, the best! If you have eaten anything hard to
known cure for piles. Chas Rogers. j digest, or feel heavy after meals or sleep-
1 less at night, a dose of SIMMONS LIVER
The chl-f objection offered to the ; uyr.,. ,Tr, ,, ..1 u..
- -- - w ... . , . wi,, ihv.s jruu auu UI1H(
E'io.V, AIMtll,. 12, s9T.-Heole. pro-I-miiIm
will - n-.eve, at this buLldlng
uittll 2 o'.-l h 'k p. m., Monday, April 19,
lv'.C, fiM- furiilnhJng fuel, lights, water,
mj'lun-niM supplies, washing towels,
muling n,h'-t, and Hprlnkllng -4Urots
f r thli bii'ldlng during tliv ILx-al year
tiding Jinn- ?., s:i". or mn h rtoti of
th.- y-nr ;is may .I.a-meil advisable.
The rlirtit to r-j.-t any and all bldn 2,
l.y the tnvasury depart
west to the southeast corner of UK 4.
block 6". theuco south along the oast
line of lots Ij. 111. :u and 21.
Ill block to I he lerthKOl!
corner of lot 31, tn block o. th.tice
earn along the north line of lots 30 and
2 to the txirth-iLHt .corner of .,( 29,
block K. theme Bonth along the rast
line of lot 2:, I,.m1 til, mid lots 2 and
7 In block 67. to the southeant crner
of lot 7. block 67, thence w.tii along the
south boundary of Mocks 67 and 66
to the w.utlivv.s! t,rne of .t 6, block
66. th.-nc" north tlmmgh th' center of
block 6l to the Saitlthweot nui" of
lot 6, block 61. ihonoe w.-st along lbs
south line of blocks 61, f,J, 63 to the
souUivv.t ci.rner of kt 7. tilock tJ.
whkih h4! Is on the claim tine be
tween the Shlvely mid D. I.. C,
tlunuw north'Tly along said idalin line
to the pllU'e of b.'Kllllilllg, li'lltallllllg
lots 2, 3, 4. 5. 6, 7. blo.k 3'J. tots
P 111. of said day. In frttt of the Court
lioiiso door In said tlty of Astoria.
"iatmip roiinly, iiregv.ii. I )t pro. ed
to iM-il at public auction, to the hlgh"l
bidder, tlie !v e d"e. tll-d real T p
rty tu satisfy said ntmnient fir ths
linpp.tmnil of (iiand avenue, to
get her with b i-onts and .-i-iie of
such sale Said sale to le f..r I'nlt-d
Stat.-N gold r silver iiln
Chief of !'.., .
Dated AMoria, or , April tith. W'.
C. H I'ltnl'oSAI.H Kit I'lH iVISP i.H
1. 2. 7, H. bl. k 3. lots 2. t.
block 40, lots I. 2, 3,
7. K, 15. 16, II, IS.
'ii, 23, 24, J.'i, 26. 7.
n r-N'rv
Dingley Mil Is that It is a bill,
people want it to tiecoms- a liw
that very promptly.
The :
pleasant sleep.
If at any time you feel your system
needs cleansing and regulating without
The Rv. W. H. Weaver, pastor of io,e"t PurK'"K. take SIMMONS LIVER
IT. B. Church. Dilbbure. Pa..
J. Jl Zcilln A- Co., I'lilladclpbia-
the U. B. Church, DilUburg, Pa., rec
ognizes the value of Chamberlain's 1
Cough Remedy, and do-s not hesitate 1
to tell others about it. "I have used
Chamberlain's Cough Itemed y," he
says, "and find It an excellent medl- I
cine, tor colds, coughs and hoarse- i
ness." 80 does everyone who gives
It a trial. Sold by Estes-Conn Drug j
1 r wr i-ti-tin,! 4 on
ilKrr H.OOI I'tdsOM prmiini-rii;
'-areil In Jot:io ilnyf. Y'tl rnn bo trent.:rl
homo forwims iiru under aamo gmiran
ty. Ifyouiii ?1 :rto:"iuhprv.(jwiuc,ri.
tract Uj liny ruilma1 1 nrpsrid ti"Ut
. & wefall I'ifiiro. If yon huvtftkoniner-
1 cury. lo.Jl.le otHh, and still hmva mrhtt mini
A writer In a Southern magazine ' innu..lucoiisi'ntthesinmouili.HreTiiroa-,
, . , ., ...ii a ' I'linples, Copper Colored Spots, IJIeir i,n
claims that the proper utilization of , tn,pirtoftiietiiir, Hair.r:yVbriws fulllrig
1 uim uoailil rUelble ItH r.riwnl ! t. It Is this Becoudury IlLOOIS 14ISIN
value, making Its annual yield not l-ss
than $100,000,000. fVarcely a year goes
by In which some important new pro
duct Is not obtained from Cftton seel.
As baldness makes one loo't pi-ema-turely
old, so a full head cf heir 'gives
to mature life "the appearna.ide of
youth. To secure this and prevent the
former, Ayer"s Hair Vigor is confi
dently recommended. Both ladies and
gentlemen prefer tt to any other dress
w iriimranU'At.ieiirn. V vjllrit the m Mtobr,tl
uat case and ehullenic" the world for a
ftia weoaonotcure. Tilts dl-ssas has slwars
l a Hied the skill of ths most eminent pliyal
liana. j,-,00,000 capital b-hU'd nur uncondk
liiyiial snaraxitr. Absolute prwifaawnt jeaU'd 'fl
r.pfllcailen. Addniaa IIKMKDV CO,
vj Aiaaonlo Xsiavle. CUlOACiO, ILL,
nic S3 la s non-sotaonoos
rmdy for O.irmrrrera,
lj-t. Sp..rmal.irrtiiia,
wi.iii-a. unnatural ,lla
hars, "f anf Inflamma
tioii. Irrilatiou ur ulcrie
tinn of umeoflR mam.
1rscEHMCstS"'MlVi. brna. Non-utrlnsuil.
iliaciHatriJ oll ".
" u or a-ni in plain wrapper,
l.y Xplaa, prxpiOd. lot
H on, .,r .; iMttlw, 12.7s.
ATv.uinT a. ti. ruiUMt.
i la IttU... 'il
I 0ara-.lM W
m - Da-
I'Kl'frtAI.S f.r frh beef and
fn.-sh mutton: ( mine Chief Commls
Hiiry, Vancouver Ilamuks, Wash..
April 1, I s:7. rtn,!e. proiHwals, In trtp-
II' ate, will be received lwre and at
ol!!o.-H of ( 'oiniiilxsarli-s at following
named its, (for fresh li-ef and fresh
iriui ton to le. at that i"ist
only), until 12 o'nlnck nm. .May U
Wt, th'"n op.iied, for furnishing nnd
devi-ry to sublNtenrse department, t'.
H. army, die fresh t-f and fresh mut
ton called for by the Commissary at
pout to b. supplied during six months,
commencing July I, 1SH7: Tiar
r.n lis arid I'ort Sherman. Idalio; Forts
Canby, SKikan', Walla Walla Mind
Vancouver liitmii-ks, Wash. Fresh
beef shall l good In (itiallty and am
Htlon lit f.r lmmelttte use, and from
fore and hind quarter meats propor
tionally, Including all best cuts there
of. Fresh mutton shall be of good,
fat and marketable quality, from
wethers over one and under three
years old. licef and mutton to be
dressed and trimmed and delivered ln
bulk, as prescribed In circular of In
structions to Udders. Proposals will
be aflho reMvyd stating prlcfi nit which
bidder will deliver fresh beef or mutton
of character above stated, and to be
delivered of temperature not greater
than SO degrees Fi-hrenholt. Govern
ment reserves right to reject, the
whole or any part of any or all bids.
Information furnished here, or by
Commissary at the several posts. En
velopes containing proposals should
be marked "Proposals for Fresh Beef
Cor Mutton) at ," and addressed
to undemlgned or to Commissary at
posts to be supplied. W. H. Nash,
Lleut.-Col., A. C. O. 3.
30, Jl. 32.
3. 4. 6. ,
3, 4, fi, 6,
3 4.
5. . 7, H,
22, 23. 24,
I. 2, 3,
21. 2'J. M.
lots 3. 4. 5. ,
7. S, block 67,
4, .
1. 2,
out and reoord'il ty
Clatsop county, Ore.
Astoria, as laid
John Adair, In
EstlmaN-s of the cxnse of such Im
provement and plntiK and spix llb atlons
of tlw I'xallty to t Improved
will ls on llle In tlu? oltlcc of the
auditor and jxillce Judge, for public ex
amination. That at the next regular
1.AND. OltEdON, A 1111 1.. 10, Ij7.
l'riBmaU will be relv.,l at this of
lbi until U o'chxk lit, n Saturday,
trie I wtity. fourth day of April, lv.0,
for funilslilng snd delivering provls.
Ions f. v.two U and light stall.. ns In
this district during the Oieiil y.-ar to
I .....I i.iM in iH'.vi t'.vfit. ,.' ,.1.
and prmtt 4iisrruct.ins giving full
IHirlleiilars as to the artl.-l.s r',
and the terms of ib-llvery and pay.
mont, ivui In oliiii.ln.-l at this i.lllo-.
The rlgtit Is nTV.-.! to rej.i-i ihe
block 4.1, lots ' vvh"l" t l1 of any or nil bids, and
to waive any defects.
Conuiuuuli r. I. S. Navy.
Inspector 1:1th Lighthouse
33, 31. b!. It 41. lols
7. Iiks'k 6, lou 1.
7, 8, block 62, lots
6. 7. , bl'M-k 61. lots
block 42, lots 19, 20, 21,
!'.. 26, 36,
4, 5. 6. Ii. 16, 20
31. 32. 33, 34, block 60,
block 66, lots 1, 2.
In the port of t'pper
Oltloc of (he Water CoininlHslon, As
t.irln, (ir'g'si, April 7, ls;i7.
Notice Is hendiy given Unit Meal'd
proposals will lie received al tills oitlc,
until 12 o'clock 111., May t. IV.17. for tha
f.ou.tlri tt I lo. i.imnin ,,..,.,.11 Mt4t i ..,
" ' " '"' i vuri.iiis vvors nnn materials iu narv
sixty i6'i) are
A Handsome Complexion
Is one of the greatsat charma a woman esa
posseaa. puzzosi's Coonjexios fuwusa
givas it.
10 days from the expiration of the
notice of such Improvement, to-wit: nn
Friday, May 7, 1HII7. the said common
oourudl wilt oonllr any ol.J.aitlons to
hucIi Impiovoinoni being made; and If
a reiiinstran(s, slgncl by one-hJJf of
the property-owners In ttxi above-described
dl.Htrlc.t, be filed against such
linproverneiit In (he oiflc of the audi
tor and police Judge ts-fore said 7th
day of May, 1837, no such work or lm
porvenient will be male except by the
concuminor; of two-thlnls of all the
member of the common council eleot.
And unless sudh romonntrance be Hied,
the common oouncl will order said Im
provement to t made.
Hy onb-r of the Common Council.
Attest: II. K. NELSON,
Auditor and IrUos ludge,
Astoria, Or., April 6, 18K7.
Nolle is hereby givm, thait by virtue
of a w-arrairiit Utsu"d by Ithe Auditor
and Police Judge of the Oty of As
toria, by order of the Common Council
of said city, and to me directed, dated
the 17th day of Murrih 1897, and
Ornimarwlltig cne to levy tn Lot No.
5, In lilock No. 71, In the City of As
toria as laid out and recorded by John
McClure, for a delinquent street assess
ment due thereon and against said
for the Installing of a
light pliijit, to In oiM-iali'd tiy an Im
pulse waiter wheel, and owne.1 ly the
Proposals must Im- uiii.le ,,n print M
forms supplle.1 tiy the cb-rk of the
nnmlfiilsi, and tn full awnnUm
therewith, and miut I iu'i-ompanl1
by a ccrtlllcd clustk of d.-pot In an
amount equal to ten (Hi) M-r cent of
the aggregate amount bhl, made pay
able to tlie clirk of the Astoria Water
Duplicates of bids and iiccomNnylng
specified plans shall In. filed t the
oltlce of engineer on or tn-forv ihs
date previously mentioned. Plitns and
spisillloatlons can lie tte.-n cither at the
olllce of this osnmissksi, or ait tlis
olllcc of the engineer.
W. W. PAItKEIt, f-hfllrman.
H. 0. VAN DITKEN. Olerk.
AftTIIUH L. A.T3AMH, Engineer.
401 Cttl. Hi., fl, f., Cal.
Notice Is hereby given to alj jartle
holding Clatsop rounly warrants In
dorsed prior to Aiwll 2, 1895, u pre.
sent the same to the county treas.
urer ror payment, as Interest
thereon after this date.
Dated this 12th day of April A
n. L. WARD,
Treasurer of Clahrop Owinty, Or.