THE DAILY ATS01UAN WKDXKSHAY MORNINd, AlMllIi 14, I1W7. HOWELL & INVITE Their Friends, Patrons, and the ' Public Generally, to call on them and Inspect their - NEW STORE - 510 Astoria Electric Supply Co. Will Conduct Business at 430 Commercial Street Opening on or About April 1 WITH A VTLL LINE OF Electric Supplies Fixtures Fancy Slippers Ladies Walking Cfinac Durable School OUUCo Seasonable Goods Rntbcrs Robber Boots, Etc & Infin Matin A Co. ArB vuu aaseaaas w vw 479 Commercial St TESTERDATS WEATHER. Maximum kctnperafture, 65-. deg. Minimum temperature, 4S.C dec. Total precipitation from September 1, 1. ISM. to date. 80.93. Excess of precipitation from Septem ber L 18. t date, 19.S6. TODATS WEATHER. Fair weather; -warmer, followed by bowers and cooler Wednesday night; fresh northerly winds. TO BEADER8. Tj. "Dally Astoria-" contain, twice a much reading matter a amy ether paper published la A, tori. It Is the- only paper that presents IU reader with a dally telegraphic report. TO ADVERTISERS. -The "Daily As toria" ha more thaa twice aa many read ers aa any other paper pubilahed in Asto ria. It la therefore more thaa twice a valuable aa an advertising medium. tate of Oregon, ( County of Clatsop, j We. tlie undersigned, local manager respeetircly of the Western Cnlon and Postal Telegraph companies, hereby eer Ofy that the "Dally Astorlan" I the only paper pubilahed in Astoria which now re solves, or at any time during our control of said offices ha received, a telegraphic press report. B. D. JOHNSON, Manager W. C. T. Co. J.K. CLAKK, ( Manager Postal Tel. Co. AROUND TOWN. WEDNESDAY. Glad, cheery souls escape many dis eases. Be cheery. It Is a physical as well as divine duty. The wind was black with the rain. He lashed the lake and the plain; He plucked up an oak by the hair; Nor ep Ire nor ship did he spare. But -when he came to the face Of a flower. In a desoiate place, He kissed it down to the sod, and went by, as softly as God. Harper's Bazar. "Gypsine" see Swope. "Gypsine" the finish. only durable wall Sunshades and straw the rule. hatfi are now Where? Next door to Dunbar's. See the window. Ekstrom has the only complete stock of Jewelry tn the city. The Ryan case was dismissed yes terday by Judge Nelson. Just arrived Laird SchoberA Co's Spring Styles. Columbia Shoe Co. Time? Thursday. Place? Dunbar's. What? Egg sale. Next to Have you any Jeweiry that needs re pairing i Take it to Ekstrom's. Muss Pearl Holden ha? returned from her vtelt to Fort Canby. How good tea tastes once a year when it first comes over from China and Japan! That's the way Schilling's Best tastes all the year round. It is fresh-roasted in San Francisco as fast as your grocer wants it At grocers' in packages. A Bduaiof a Lwpur 6mm t rancisoe 61 WARD Tito Live Opoccpb. & 512 Commercial Street, Buy yv-ur mwi cream at the IVn bonnlere; It will not f;Ul to whip. Robert Wakefield, trie railroad con tractor, was hi town yesterday. Home-made candy. Ice cream and dchVute reftvshnients will ho sold. J. O. Murray and J. J. Brum bach were over from Ilvvaco yesterday. Jack Fursey, buyer, was In busneas trip. the Cathlamet salmon the city on a slurt P. J. Meauvy, the leading merchant tailor, 1ST Tenth St. The highest price J paid for fur akina Egg- sale. Do not forget. The doors will be open from 3: JO to 5 p. m. for the school children. John Stark to the new pot iceman to fill the vacancy caused by Officer Thompson's resignation. ( BAMBOO furniture sold at special prices this wvek, at the Rising Sun Store, 618 Commercial street. Thursday, the 15th. Id the evening at 7:30. A program of son?, drills. Instrumental music and recitations. The first lot of flax seed for Foard A Stokes has arrived at Victoria and will suon bo hen? for distribution. A. R. Cyrus has moved his real es tate and Insurance office to No. 469 Bond street, by the Occident hotel. Up-to-date. B and II. "Special" and "Stormer" bicycles. Fully warranted. 45 and $55. Fisher Brothers, agents. It is reported that the fish In Ba kers bay are mt very plentiful, on account of the cold and muddy watt-r. Laird Schober A Co's Lailies, Mlaae, and Childrens fine shoes, spring Style,. Columbia Shoe Co. A stock company ha- Nn f'rm"d In Ilwaco. with a capital of V,.' for the purpose of running a weekly pa per. Sir. S. A. Clark the well-known hor ticulturist and fruit-grower of Salem, called on his Astoria friends yester day. Fishermen's supplies coffee pots, stoves, lunch buckets, net floats, water breakers, hatchets cheap at W. J. Scullys. Mayor Taylor yesterday signed the city bond ordinance, which now makes possible the placing of the city on a cash basts. Now is the time for a general clear ing up of the city gambling, bawdy houses and all other vice prohibited by ordinance. You can get twelve colors and de si g-ne for dying Easter eggs for 5 cents at Rogers' drug store, Odd Fel lows' building. Nearly all of the canneries ree'-lved Osh yesterday, and packing was quite gHwraJ, though none of the catches reported were heavy. H. J. Barling, formerly with the Alaska Improvement Co., Alaska, will be here, eo It is said, to take charge of the new cannery. L. L. Loomls, Ben Wise, J. J. Brum bach. Dr. Parks and A. N. Uohn, of Ilwao, pa?J through the city yester day on their way to Portland. Easter decoratins are being pre pared throughout the city and nature seems to be puDtlng on h?r bst dress fr the great feast of the year. In the circuit court yesterday t-x. Peterwn, a native of Russia, was ad mitted to United StaiU-s citizenship. Court will adjourn this afternorn. Tresoott, the Portland fish man, has engaged, the launch May to buy fish for him. It Is understood that he ,-ill also have a station at Fort Stwens. Judge C. H. Page left on the Pottr-r last evening to attend the funeral In Portland of his .brother, W. W. Pag- the well-known lawyer, who died on Monday. iJave Keith, John Day's, Wm. An derson, Kric Mannalla, !eep lllver; N. Ntts, F. Olsen, Mrs. John Leahy, m. Wyman, Olney, were In th- city yeHterday. M'srs. Normlle and Fasutl.-nd w-re the successful bidders for the rock excavation In the Neirtuoa. river for the government. The amount of their bid was $3,750. The Cresoant Riding Academy la Panic's Celery Cout fount is the Best Spring Mfilicine In The World. It nukes ihc weak strong. We have n. ESTES-CONN DRUG CO. Commercial Street again open. Special arrangements made for private kwons. Wheels rented for "5 vonia 'cr hour, Acad emy, 504 Bond stevt. Ooorlg A Maney have received the contract for tlw governnv.nt brldgv at Scarborough. H.od. The bridge Is a How trust and the iron Is twing made at the Columbia Iron Works. I'n jeune homme desire totter chi t unefamllk frtunuUse pour perfect fon ner win francaa. Veuilles ravvwr bll- lt avec adrocoe t oondltKn) au bu. reau de ce Journal, imu-uue etranger. Mr. Lyman Baloock. who was 'so seriously injured ait the Clatsop mills a short time since, left yesterday f-r his home in Aberdeen. Wash. Ills re covery ts thought to be Improbable, Captain Frltoh, who was in the city Monday, and Hened an agency forth new opposition San Francisco steamer line, returned to the Bay City on the State of California yesterday morning. Contractor Norrnil will soon hAV tlxe Skvond str seWcr cumlted. This will bring much new property Into the market, as streets will be opened and a number of new housvs bullt. All those holding previous Invita tions are invited to tha Alert Hook & Ladder Company's whlat party this evening at the parlors of the comiany. Thrte events are becoming sot'lal fta turvB. Mr. Sloop, .the well-knowti milkman. Is still Increasing and Improving his tine dairy. He has Just purchas"d a h-rl of ftVKh milch t-ows from Marsh land, whin-h w.iv brought down yes terday. The Lacrosse fad seems to hae struck Astoria. With all the athletic games running in full force, there will lie ample opportunity f"r bnki-n t-aK bruised slUns and J-.ints. SlvrifT Hare and IVputy Clinton left .fir Sai-m yesterday nvirning wtih Peter Tust'.n, Harry Haste, Jos pli Terry and O. Iltano In charge, each of whom will serve a one-year term In the pen. The work of cleaning the streets, starte.1 by a few enterprising business men at their own expense Monday morning, has borne good fruit. les- trday several nmre bhx-ks hail the.r sir--t3 cleaned. American Bible Society Repository. Bibles and Testaments of all descrip tions, and In all languages desired. Sold at cost price. Suitable for dis tribution, presents, etc. Repository at Griffin & Reed's, Astoria. A still alarm was turned In last evening by Chief Green, from an Vp- pertown box. to test the efficacy of the alarm syvtm and tlx? efficiency of the department. A prompt response was made by the different companies Rambler bicycles are fitted with G and J. clincher tires, the quickest to mend. Do not pay $50 or $75 for sec ond grade wheels when you can get a'7 Rambler for $S0 or "J6 tar $CT. W. E. Warren, agent, 547 Commercial stre"t. There was a wonderfully brilliant display In the eastern sky Monday night. A large meteor, of bright bl ulsh color, shot downwards In a northerly direction, leaving a trail of tire acri the heavens. The spectaie lasted only a second. The office of the Southern Padflo Railway Company will heraft.-r be found at th Wells-Fargo Express office, Curtis Trenchard, agent, where ticket to all parts of the world can be hod and all information for trav elers obtained. Just rerjelved for Easter, a splendid assortment of silk waists, every or.e a beauty; also a magnificent a-;.'ort mont of dres iklrts In silk and to' n material, at 33'4 per cent leiw than you can buy these gwwls elsewh'-re. I. Cohen, 4'Jl B"iid f.'-eet. Kurtl?r evidence of the miserable condition of the stre-.U of the city was 1,'iven yterday when one wheel of a truik belonirinif to Slu.-rrnan irruWe through the roadway on Bond, le- tween Seventh and Eighth stre-ts. Tlie axle was broken off at the wheel hub. The self-starting Hercules marine gasoline engines ordered by O. P. Gra ham, of WarreMLon, for the botts he is building for John Skibbe and John Iv'opp will be up on the next steamer, an1 as they are something di IT crept from anything seen he-re y4, will probably be watched very closely to sw wnat intptwmiteM! tntvy ai ov.r what pVople famllltu- with ou I ho rlvr. Mr. Wm. llardor. kvii-mI aucnt of tlh Great N'orthorti Unllwny, was down from IVrtluiMl, hnklug aft t ih IntoirsiW of h in,.. n; ativt budsrt of Hlxvries wis a a-id oti., and hi aim) nHid that busineu in tin1 motrop oils was tvry much Improved, tu fa i he Mys that tlmeo mv Intler tlut for two yiux ihimI. tiooil (lute are coming slowly, but nrv (Mmlng' t fiay, kyiim to ln the cplnloit of ihr moivhants. INplc n beginning t pay up ld debts and are commencing to live better, Monday vnlng Jamos O'Coiuwil Otis Hlldcbrund sjut Kml Johnson, thivs of tlt liNidlttg lights of IAkiiM Stok-'-V store. t-,vl to HNirn to rMo tho blcyclo. A I nek MfMt was tihv-; r tho tr'.al ground, and t! e antics of thise b.'si-s ntnde gtMt fun for tho nol(!iliiH. lllldtlinnd's xtcd which pi:-sl.Htl In bucking .'id lh!rt- Its ckler to Its' K'o'io.l. Ilimllv mu le a st.trt fir the mam r-;rvl and a I mo t iHUbM with a lMiMMing cur, which wry tuMrly pkrsuiidil th- man of t'g mw that bike ri.l.5i',- Is not lt It Is cracked tip to !e. t'iMni'II' two- ho-hsl motor g it Into no end of trouNe by its efforts to run !.u a I tho iwwml'y, while J. lin-on's unlmnl Wii:itel tii go kickwunlM ail tiie t.ine, giving that a great denl of trouble In maintaining his rivt for ntoie than ft minute at it time Aftv half a.-t hour's eiv se nil I numerous fsvlls all around further b '"s wt.e poslpomM. Uut night all of the num bers had to stand up to eat their wup ncr. DENY THE ALLEGATION. Astorln, Or.. April 13. Editor A- Mrian.) An ' article in the ltulgot states thut Quong Slug Co. and the Chiiioso I'titon, rtittly f.muetl. hail feoueil orders that no jnore white li Uir. that Is. boys iUl-1 glrW, should be employed tn th latuirrW-n, and that If they were employed, no ChlnamoJi would work In the cannerlo. The Chi me ttvuruobira employ a fon'ituin to smerioteihl the putting up of siUinon. and have ithtng to do with the em. ploymt-nt of white labor. No such or der as thw Budget claims to have ben i-SMUed huH ever U-t'-n Issutd. and If any of lite c-atmorltvi stv (it to employ white lahcr In the citu.-ri, n-i Clilnamun Mil quit work. fr the ream that all inturiu-ts haw alivavly Utvi niiule and It would tie llll(Mille for the Chlnexn Cnhn to Issue any such onlers with out violating ery contnu-t mad-. Th Chlnose I'nlon was irirntl.i f .r the purpose of usHjxtlng n.i-ly and Ior thltuuntn, who were nick or un aUte to work; to hhv il-Hiti-rs, or send them Uu k to Cliina, but no: for the purpi of Interfering with white In. lor. The article Is nlwolutely fiii.-v :ul unfoundtil. Tli- omtrai tors do not care if white la'n.r Is eniploy.'d - r not. CHINESE MERCHANT Cl.l lt. I". S. PltOPOSALS Fult PRDYISb.iNH OFFICE OF LIGHTHorSK 1. spKnit. i.:th distiuct. polt- LAND, OUE(,o, APRIL. 10, 1 Proposals will ! r-i'-lv.-l at thin llif! until 12 o'coH-k m., on Saturday tike tw.-nty-fourlh day of April, ivy for furnishing and delivering .no Is ions for vess. and light stations in tnu (lixtrici Uiirlng th.- fiscal year to end June 30. ls-js. Forms of .np-uil and printed iimcruitlons giving full particulars as to tlie artli-b-s r'-'iilr-I anil the tenns of delivery and pay mont. i-an 1m- olitalm-d at this ottlc. The right is r--rved to reject the whole or isirt of any or all bids, an to waive any di-feots. JNO. P. MERBELL. Command'T, I.'. S. Navy. Inspector llth Lighthouse District HOLY WEEK. .Si-rv'ioes During Holy Week at Clrai-e Church. Tuewlay morrJng prayer at 9, boy choir at 4. adult choir at 7. Wfilnewday niomjng Prayer at S evening prayer and hnlr rehearsal at 7:30. .Minlay Thutnsday Holy Commu nlon at 9, evening prayor at 4, boy cruir at 7. 0ssl Friday Morning prayer and sermon, at 9, partition service (hour to be annoumv.-d later), evening prayer and HPrmon at 7:30. Easter Even (Saturday) .birnlng prayer at 9, Holy laptlsm at 4. p. m. Kat.fT lay Early Comjnurnon at 6:30 a. m., midday service at 11 a m. carol i;rvlce at 6:30 p. m. Easter i.'ommunbm at Holy Iiinf- cents at 9 a m. BUILDERS AND CONTRACTOUS. If you want good lumber and lowest prices figure with the Gobel Mills. W. B. EDWARDS, agent 355 Commercial street, Astoria. Bkio on Ore with torturing, dlafigurlrig, Itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, anil pimply humors, instantly relieved by a warm batb with Cutiotka Boaf, a single application of CfTici EA (ointment), the great akin cure, and a full dose of ( lticcba Uctolvekt. lilctira (Mdtliraafkeattlw world. Porrss D SC Coip .Sol, Props SoMoB. " Dow to Ob ft Torturing llsmor,,'' tfss. ONOV'Q CflU lelii,ndBslrpvrll Bssv DHOl 0 dMflJ liM bj Cotuwu "r. ADVEUTISKD LETT EH 4. Tim following unclaimed letlnrs were advertised at the Aaloiln poatufTIc on April IS. lsstT; lhakey. Mrs. Ibw UtUuid. A, M. Clan II M- t3) Kllett. It. t CI Ferguivui., K, S. Jort:n, C, JoM-frvm, John Joluison, C, Lcnarl, lleniuin Martin, Frank. IS-diMMon, isler, Itithents, Mrs. M. HIhvw. Ml Mills. Hviivl. loo. O, 8wtuik, John W. W a rank a. Mrs, lv M. Wolts, IC. l-KKIilN. Aslrtai, ti, MiMibloni, Knrl, dine. Jarulll, Kiiprlel. Bllloy, Move. Jones, 1. A. Christiansen, Ctirl. Person calling for any of tln above letters will please say "advertised." Additional postage of one cent for each letter advertised Is charged HERMAN WISE, P. M. Hoe-Cake Soap Has No Equal Made under United States patent, it must necessarily be different from all others j Contains no starch, free ; alkali Or WOrthleSS filling GRAMMS & CO. ' Groceries, Feed, , I Provisions, Crockery i and Glassware, i SOLD CHRAP FOR CAHI1 Cor. 15th 4 Commercial We Have Bargains In Property on Both Sides of the By. FOR RENT-1 room h"ti--; 33d and Franklin s:s, II'J per uwnth. Foil RENT-Ttto small r onw rir-, iter opslte i-ourt laue, suitable for i otllcisj, ta-ws or cigar stand. A six rm cottage, new, un lot f'x Imi, Warn-liton, i''. Eauy, or Installment plan. Corner lot. 3.1.1 and Franklin. V..vl50, j 1 4 hoiut, a, all renti-d. A Uiraln ain !.!. terns. U.t ID. bl.k 19. Alderhnaik. :te.i.t bnrg;iiti ofTenil. Ten r'X'tn lions., on North lleach, all funiUihiil. tNs-t II.jOH. owni". who llws in the East, will sell for H. .N' Mt. l.i we have l.n n-r.- of g.l tlinl.-r huid. Will trade for ucr-ngi- on lunch south of Columbia tlv-er. I'ts 7 and 1 Klndn'd Park; ilie.ip for '-tish. Iit i'l. t'!'k New Astoria. With house, barn, cow, clili-l.etif, etc. I'll up .it 1'i'in. A BAIK ! A 1 N CJ'-i aiT-s tn ar Flavel. $1") r lu-nv ii-' terms. Thl-e lots 111 blmk SlllVeey'; "iu-h ooxtoo. Ilnrgiiln at $ J. ('. Very itusy terms 7.'x73 iTinu-r bhsk Ij, Adair'', J1.S00. Stnsit car and paved stn'ts. Se-n room house at Sulde; nud orn hnprivemiits; nicety kx-ated and cheap; terms ensy. House, lot and tani In Holllday Piu-k on Necnuuilcum, $1'W. ash, A great bargiLln. 1G0 acn-s on Elk rn-ck lieacfti, 1500 fit frontag. lli-autlful tract, ult atit? for laylrvg out In lots. Cheap and terms to suit. Lot 9. block 9. Oiiui finrw, S side. House, blacksmith shop; well on property; Jutrt like giving It away at $1,000. A FINE FARM of 130 acn-s on Up per Nehaletn. About one-half of plo-a tlmlM-r litnd, balance paMuro atnd tllleil land; $1,5K) on eaty teriris; Is a bargain. Store building, barn, lnrgv on-hard, pasture land, tilled soil, cumpruM-s a beautiful place near Olrv-y. We are pn-panrd to offer It at a bargain. Choice location Its In Warrenton, New Astoria, Flavel, and other West Hlih; locations. Seaside proix-rty Orlnvei's Orove, Holllday Park, Igan's addition. Ixts In 'Aldorbrook. The most de slraltje residence portion of , Astoria. Cheap and easy terms. If you wbth Ho t"ll your pn.perty list It with The Astoria Land & Inv. Co. 355 Commercial St., Astoria. Or . Printed matter descriptive of Astoria mailed on application. Warrenton Is Columbia Harbor Land Co. CORNER... BOND and ELEVENTH STS. Man on application. NOTll'F. TO CONTUAOToltH. Sealed i-o""J will b rotvlvnl al (lui oltlca of (ho umlomlgnvd until Ftb day. the Kith day of April, isu?. nl 4 o'cliH'k p, m., for i h cotmlruetion of a fiWJiie dwelling for Mr. tloorgo ', flavel. I'linis. atMvlIliatlons and full In format Ion onn bo litalnil at this oltloe. Tho right Is rvTVed to teject any and all bids and to waive any Weds. J, K. FKIUII'SDN, Arohllcot. 17'J Kli'Vcutll st:wt IMt'NP. FOtNIA Htlr of alo l-fnini.'.l nniotnc,s, owner (an 'hnvo atun by applying at this oitlco any paying f .r (his liotloi. WANTED. WA.NTEO A girl botwr-en ths u of 14 and 14. to work In a small family Apply at IttS liond stii-l. FIFTY IHII.I.AHS A WEEK E AH Hyiimdo, Agonts wanti-d In every .n l Ity for Hon. W. J. Bryan's great and only book, "Tho Fli-st llnltlo," The lic-st aoll.T over pnxllliel. Agents llle taking as many as JtHi urdom per week J llewaro of fraudulent liultatloua. S. n,l i for ouilU and li-gln work at ome ; ' conk.-y t,m,,ny. i-ui.iisiwrs. sh f"iirtrn strvel, Chicago. Ktilt SAI.K. KiIt HALE t IIXAI - Ei h n.t, oo. ' now. Imnure at t ie Webfoot Com. j missUxi I Iouk To story ii m.-ie on ExehaJige t-t, ilh n!l in.b-!ti Imptviv. tnenla A p. !y !- W. It ADA II!. i:i Commercial stivt. tfoR RENT. i FOR KENT Elegant rooms, with or .without board; 6(7 Franklin avsnua I i Fun RENT -A nli-ly funlshe. ."imi.( run. Api-ly al tho Astorlan jffl.V. I'HOriCnMIONAL OA HUH SCHOOL Hl'I'EIUNTENDENT. It. B. LYMAN, I tmce. Hotel Tlehe. Corner 15th and Franklin. Hours, flnil Wednesday of every month. a. m. to $ p. m. Ever Saturday. 9 a. m to t p. m. II. A. HMITII, jj-v. 13 DENTIST. Rooms 1 and 3. Pythian Building, ivei C. H. Cooper's store. UK. O. H. EhTKb. I'll YfllCI AN AND flfRCiKON. I MlMH-lal attvnllon to dlaease of women j md aurgery. , nfJlc-e over Pani'gcr , alore. Astoria. rcjhphono No. U I 'II. JAY Tl'TTLE, PHYSICIAN AND SCROEON "fllce. room t and 6, I'ythtnn but dg -'HV, Commrrrlal Ht, Reelilvnce sa;ne. Telephone 96. Acting assistant surgeon I. H. Ma r.nv iopltal servfeo. il. T. CItOHIlY, ATToHNEY-AT-LAW. 441 Commercial alrsat. J. Q. A. IIOWLIIT, ATTORNEY AND COl'NBKLOH AT LAW. Office on Bond street, Astoria, Or. JOHN T. LIOHTKK. ATTOUNKY-AT-LAVY. Offlre, upafalrs, Astorlan Building. J. N. Dolph. Richard Nliea. Chester V. Dolph. DOLPH. NLXON A DOLPH, ATTOHNEYH AT LAW. Portland. Oregon, 14. S. M and IJ, Hamilton Building. All legal and col lection busln promptly attended to. Claims against th government a spa laltv. BOCIKTY MEETINOH. TEMPLE VOIH1K NO. 7. A. F. and A. M. Regular communications held on th first and third Tuesday evening or each month. O. W. LOUNBIlEItnT, W. U. E. C. HOLD EN, Becrolary. "The Louvre" ASTOMIVS MlltbCOlS ENTERTAINMENT HALL S FI.OOHs Fine Music Oemea of All Klnila. Tarn Magnlllraot llara. cvchttbim; mmst-cuss Good Order and Everybody's Rights STKICTLY OIINEHVEI). ASTORIA PUBLIC LIBRARY READING ROOM FREB TO ALL. Open every day from I 'oloek t I N and 6:10 to 1:10 p. m. Subscription rates $1 per annum. B.W. COR. ELEVENTH DUANBJ BTB the Best... THE CENTER OF DEVELOPMENT ON THE WEST SIDE Everybody knows that Warrenton values wii) soon be doubled. It is distinctly the best property on the market. Fine large level lots, surrounded by many improvements at very low prices. Is It not a fine Investment? BI1EM NER A II 0 LMES Nol.'iVium" IMncksmlth HptMMal Attontlon Paid o Htoambimt K. Klrat class ilorsoidioollitf, KUi, LOGGING CAMP (DORK A SPECIALTY IM7 tll.NKV ST., del. till sail 4th. .SNAP A KODAK. at any man eainltiit "Ml nut sieis ami i'll H" iHirtrall ol a "i' Itntnltta. over Willi ileanlit iliuuiilila. Miieti ipiailiy In lli llijuor. , liare luiiflri ar runiiKh lv llr nf limn COMrT AND TY TI I KM IIUOMIIS CO. A. V. A I,I1CN, iH All WIN rjtollrv, r" lour, I'rrJ, ProvNItitii, I'nilll Wfgrbihlfs. t'.fukrty, (iliit.1iiJ f'mted Wate. I' Suppllr. Cor. Tenth and Cummerclal streeta J. II. WYATT, Ptinn, Nu. as AalMle. Or,sa. I IiinKvMi c, Shij) Chnixllcry,. ( iroccricM, I V( vIhI uih, I'AJNTM nrt1 OII.H. eeclal Aitsnlloa Pais Is Surrllei Skl- i? iM l.ublk'dtll'a' Oil s A Specially. Fi3i?or Brothers, Sell ASTOKM. Ship Cluinillt'ry. Ilnrtlwure, Iron St''lv foul, firt0fi!t'M it riovirliollir. Flour & Mill Fc.1. 1'HintH, Oiln, 'HrniHht'Hs latTH SllJiplit'S, Fiiirltttiik'H ScuK'H, I)(Hirn WituloWH, Ar'u'iiltiirnl Imph'mfiiu Wautnis tt Vt'hifK. i - - Emil Schacht ARCHITECT GE0.NIC0LL, Assistant. I orriCK; iKopp's New Brewery Japanese Goods Orientnl CttrioH Novcltlew WING LEE, 543 Commercial St. V. I.. HOHH Real Estate and Insuropce. 110 KI.KVC1TII NT. ofrice Willi K. A. Tnj liir, SEASIDE SAWftllhL. A complete stock of lumber on hand In the rough or droaaed. Flooring, rus tic, celling and all kinds of finish; mold ings and shingle. Terms reasonable and prices at bednx-k. All orders promptly attended to. Office and yard at mill. II F L LOOAN, Seaside, Oregon. Pmprletor. AHTOHIA IRON WOHKH. Front St., foot of 4th, Astoria, General Machinists and Boiler Makejr Lsa4 aad Matins Engln,,. BolUr work, Suaa soal and C,nnry Woik a Specialty. CaatlBfi of All Dtrtptlon, Mad to Oidsr o Short Nolle. John Fox... .President and RuperlnUndwit - " Vlo President O. B. Prael Sirtar Astoria Savings Bank Treasurer Cedar Shingles SEASIDE LUMBER YABD, OFFICE 3T.5 COMMERCIAL BT.