The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 14, 1897, Image 1

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    fsrcm ..PP- oi
it nil worry !J
The Dally Astoria n
.. .Family Circulation...
Much mom than tmrb timis a
lAUdi At THAT or Alt VtHU tAPM
is Astoria.
An "Ad "
lit Tm AllONIAN't
" Wnl Culumi,"
Vol. xlvi.
no. ;
Stationers & Booksellers
All the Leading Newspapers
and Periodicals Kept on Hand
Robt. Stewart & Sons'
Irish Flax Salmon Twine
It Is the Best, the Strongest and
Longest-Lasting Twine Made . . .
Dealer In Cork and Lead Line, Hanging Twine, Leads; alio, Oara, Oarlock,
Boat Cooking Utensil. Sail Drill. I'nlnt. lloat Nail. Etc., Etc.
" '7 'n
sT I
try 5 JlijwN
Keif-Mart lii II. uv- I'tmiT Murine Kiielne.
roll I'AltTM TI.AIts AliPltKKrt
HcrculcH Gtm Engine Works
Shield Brand Hams, Bacon, Strictly Pure Lard
Clusrsnt! la IWal In lb Marfcft
The Columbia Iron Works
.... FOUNDRYMEN ....
Blacksmiths, Jflaehinists, and Boiler-makers
Corner KlfhU.uth Hi. mid Franklin At.
Ross, Higgins & Company
R. L. Boyle & Co.
Real Estate, Loans and Investments
H23 Commercial Street. Aattorlc
Astoria Roofing & Cornice Co.
.14 Gravel, Tin and Slate Roofing
NINTH JTRFFT Asphalt Pavln. for Basements, Sidewalks and Streets
Hill I II O I IM.1. I Aenhalt Cnmtlnlt Tl mA Chlnnta Dnnfa
s- oiii viiiik vii i ill miw .jiiiiigiv iwvu
a-4 Repairing of all kinds of Roofs
Clarkson & jflclrvin
Promptly Furnished
Astoria Asphalt & Roofing Co. ?
All Work
Roof Palntinu
.ad Hplrlnu Lky Hoof.,
General Contractor
House, Bridge and Wharf Builder
Using gatin or chrap distillate oil.
llmcine counseled direct with pro
peller shaft, anil no noisy, esslly broken
bevel guars used In rverao motion.
Now Hirk device; no Interns! spilttg
rU' lo burn tut.
Kend for testimonials.
't I1 bu
star.lng inn
up to ?00 hor
We am building thrsn new s'ylr, self.
artiw engines In all !!
IVirv fl if I n fill I Mll rat til it. 1
Boom Company
216 and 217 Chamber of Commerce
" Portland. Oregon
Leave order nt
H.iJ! C-oit-irrior"
lot street
- House Moving Tools for Rent
CililirakMl (ininlillnii Onllnnncc Turn
ed Down As u U "I Men mi re.
klica Tlie) Mrai.l the Nc and Head the
Maynr' Mt(jt "Clean the ahiileCity
Siik. Ilnviily flumes and All."
Vu.ti.liiy Maynr K. J. Taylor re-tui'iii-l
to th.. city council the !"
Iinll gambling inlllin.iui' w.Ui III
vi-:o, ir! I i ii i:u- full ovlng mua
"Airtiirla, W, April 13, IS97.
"T.i tin trunnion Council: I hm.
wit rt return. Kit limit my approval, an
onUmui"- w hinh mu-1 tlw iv.unrll
April 2, entitled 'An ordinance pro
I'Ptfcilc for til- lierlnK. 'tuxliiii. r'k'
ulallng and it-tiruttiliM gaming awl
liNllllllllg luilMN.'
"I linvr irtvn tli iiulijitit iir'ul
('iilili'tntliiii. tuul hav niuluil tlu
iinx'lunloii tluii t liU .mlliuUM wrrultl
tint Iw B'h anluir-oud to the city, cKhc-r
ft-mi a moral, a Iiukiikt, .r a flniui
rlnl ntaliilaiit. My irfijfotlotut to Uiv
or.llnaii.-i' art' in follow.:
"I. Tlio Ili'Xnibiu i'f KujitlilliiK IH
W-italU.. It, anil v.111 wiy V tru- world
that w l.ltfv H In Iw a ktrttlmate
tiinlii'i, ami on.. In whli'h It t rr-
(".'llllrl.' ti IIK'IIKP. It Hill l.'K'lllll-
tlk- MX'Uttl.n nf the MiN-re for the
Kiutil.llnK hug w 1lmt t, may ply
hU ijUI.ii i-nly. It will n y Ho fhe
youth. 'Vhll you nr.- urvW the uitf
.f ;l y.ura )u ItttVi not ill rvtlo.i;
but w Iwii you r.iK-h '.'1 y.ium of iie,
It will l i-ntlfly i-if1tlmat. u nd re
niKMiiilili' for y.'U In wimble.' The
law In, to a i-ri"aln -x'ti-ot, clui-a-tlonnl,
an.l It nlimild !. th.- pur.nve if
rli law 'ti i-llU Jit the yoUliK to Ih.i
li-ll"f tlutt rle 1v i-t iriimliiliiK. w hlotil
pro!l!y ruai.-n more nmw than all
o:h-r vli-. pi i-ii.-nlilnel. In wnmK, aiil
nliolll.l ll'il Ih Itiilnlisnl In. The pur
(h. of l.-irinlntioii r-himl'1 le t'i up
nx well ok i-rlme; but after
rarefully .mil b-rtm! thin nnllim-ic . I
am "f th nlnt n thul It wouM not
hnvo that iff.i t.
J. Thtf !lr,i:iH.iu- f n.uiiblliiK will
lie Injurloiut t, the pty frmii a bual-
n Htaihlpolnt. A bualixnK man. If
he have a family. wuuM hwlint..' be
fom lox-atlnK In a illy when. hU loy
an.l Klilit wouM Iw tnnt at every turn
with the Hhni. '(lamblliiB llnitw.' anil
a tiuiMoeMa limn wiiimut a iiimny
ivmilil hmltute to Invent in-nnnniTitly
In bunlnena in a i'lty where bin em
pltiyeeit will tie educated in the Mlef
that It If t'HHvtable t Make their
earntiw. t the end of ieb. week or
month, rm the -ae may In-, at the
KamhllnK table.
'3. It haa lMen urised that the effeet
iif thin onlhianoe would b- to Im-rener-the
nvenui of the city. I f,iM i-nnll-
denl thai auoh would not bo Uiec
I think the I'ff.i t would l tn''en-
trate the KmlUnK and naloon bual
tiiwM In two in- three larRO ifwnblliiK
hou, and that th rei-dpt from
iramblliiK llrtn.n would be mon than
ciffwet by the lorn In ri-lptw from
llinr Ihi'nmm.
The aiMioutuxMuent yoHti-rilaj' after-
tm that Ma.vtr Tuylor had v.-toed
the R-ambltnif rdlnanee cauaod a ripple
of fxclirnnut thniuKh lhi eivtltv city.
Nothlnff lm talked of In the
elulw, hutolsi and other public plaees.
Tim moinlrw of the police department
woiv Jubilant, and thi ltowvry went
wild. wlUi the exeeptlxm of a few re
Hurts "hpw tlw orillmunoe was fa-
Mrvd. Home of the remark! made
about the ritiveta ore given below bus
kiuwa num. olllclals, wUoon kepers,
Kiunblera, lawyer and loafers:
"The mayor didn't do a thing to 'em,
did ho?"
"My Job la gone, ami ivow I will
havo to rudile for a living."
"I am not a gambler and never have
loon, but I would have lxt that the
mayor wvuld have dirtied that ordl
nanoe. If left his own heart, and
hU Bonne of morality, I know he would
iit have done tt; but under the pecu
lliV olivumiHtHiiKHia of th . -the
attiu'k of tho nlk't' departmn.4 on
dim wide ojhI tho support of a dirty
blarknwiillng nowapaiH-r on the other,
playing ''o K't Into the gixnl graoi-s of
the decent people, with wlmin, an.l all
oOhera, tt tvad tVirMted all rights of
any kind of tolerance, I felt confident
he would alirn tlie bill. I aay now for
the police department 'to continue Its
moral wave. Give them plenty of
work to do. They have singled out
the gamblem; make them enforce the
other equially ea strong ordinandi
Why Dot t-Umtt up tin? T.b, daue
h. ilU, k..-p wometi otit nt ixtrnnmm,
e!i.i Ui tin? nl'lu rriiraiuea to iuiliii
for fainllhn anl woiimti mne a g.o I
cliiLii tortn of it, while you are about
It. I mu a taxpayer; why should not
my wtfe l.e able to walk down Antor
lr-.,t an wHI uji Kxchafig"? Aa to ; tin
ni'i.-al nidi- -f the rnatUT, this In a
ijirt, a)i, 1 believe thenj are Irre.
priiollile evlU whfc h have to . rexu
tatiil; but ibKi't wltMfle out one for
nplte wurk. hji'I bit fur ore (,n
int. In it w.,rw for a young man
i. r lny lo mw a houjia on
tin- ntiiM tluui It Is to be Invtied Into
K ili-rf by a w hltLi-fac 1. palnt-be-
iaubed ourte-m every tlm- he wulkai
tlirouish a -rtairi djttrht:? t lean up
tho whole bo,'ila.nM ."
"I voted for ill.- orJInance on moral
KroiimU kI-wh. and ntlll believe that
IImti. will l. Iitm gambling luius sar.d
lint gambling umli-r llc-ne than no
llet'iimi nyrfunn. You Htvivi aalnorui;
why mil gambling hou. tike 1i-t
evil of Die two?"
"I d m't l.leve tin- mayor's redmis
for his vho are guod. lie is all right
on the money qu'njn; we surely will
not gtt as muoh re'enue unrler a I
gambling lie-line ai the priett me h
'!. but m nvrtit ground the license
syiitem at butter. The sign "Jaibilng
limuw" would be like a dauiger vUrnal
t j a rallpNul engineer 'ruHhhig to de
ft ruotlon.' "
"Now for an all-around ch-an town
f iree IiIk" hint rwilutlon k4 the ciun.
ill to than up everything and give
tin- police mitlung to do."
"I hpe the jh'IIi commuMlonera
will iimriUiu.- their mural work and
make a giwral cfc-an-up."
"Tlie mayor made a ml lake. Gam
bling would tie reduced under license,
uii'l to fitH off vice tn a ooroer by
lt-lf always m turtter than to have It
carried on ovetly In the mot re
HjHdnlMe mi-lloim of the city. Kuropej
and our own large cltlea luive tried
it. by lloii' or a well-regulate! un
l!cnAJ sistoin."
"t 'liwo up the XnuA. doors and sld j
ontramvs now, cli-nn out the dance
hallo and liawdy (houses, and make a
ril ch-an tport."
"TIk- mayor In his tvuaorui for Veto
Itw I. he ordlnuiK'e la)H iitre on the
ik-cum.'d fa-: tliat ll would be a 'U
gaJlaat! m' frf gamblliw. He ts away
off on this priIUn. The levy of a
llivnsii i tYiniikvtlon with the enfori-e-iiu'lit
of hU. r -gulatlons la merely
liu ld-ntal. The g iver-.imml or munl
cljuillly i-intit rogulat'" any trad-,
t rattle or other tnuwartUnu ojn nir ll
i- uNJ-vts wlih ut the k vy of a a:lind,
..r tax. ia a:i Incidont to Its enforce
ment. Merchanw ay municipal 11-
ii- tv-H'j wry where, (.'ften the sums
ho collected arv nvrely nominal, but
they serve their punie. as the ground
wvirk uimn which the system of reju
Intl.m de,ondH r its uniformity and
exHnse. No one wMl contend that the
payment, or non-iaynient, of a tux on
tiiorcharnlite ihas anything to do with
the legHlimuy or illegianiacy of the
buHlmisH. The amount of the tax ex
ucteil from tlie business of llquor-sell-
hig may admit f qmntlon from a
moral HtandKlnt, aa Is w Itneesed by
the dlffiTi'niv of opinion In favor of
high or low- IIohtkv where tlie moral
regulation, known ns 'UkU option' Is
hi fone. It H a fact, however, that In
the advaivo-d ami i-rogroiwlve s.-ctlons
of tin- iut w hire this method of deal
ing with the liquor trafflc U In vogue
the consensus of opinion, after years
of exHrtiHie, In In favor of an extra-
ordinarily hlgli license Instead of a
low one. Tho high lloetwe conducing
to more eftWrttve regulation by limit,
kng the nutmls-r of fvllcrs and curtail
ing the evil extent of the trafflc. Tlie
levy of a lUvnxe on evil off -colore! oc-
cupatioivs doin't tgall? them it
inorvly ntHignlxes trw-lr existence,
Which muHt In- itidured. but the evil
effects of which can be bent nitnlmlxod
by rcgulati.m mid the colltvtlon of
more or lens heavy penal tia for the'r
Major F. M. dx. United States pa v.
master, and hU ckTk, K. A. Palmer,
vfciltiil trt Canby eUrday. The
major said that few inq!e have any
Ma of the iimgiiltude of modern gun-
"The forts at tile mouth, ivf the Co
lumbia river will be models of modern
science. It lis different now from the
days when earthworks were usej, as
f mr.lT". mu for the guna of those
days. Now the big guns are force
against force, and the heaviest cement
Bind comuvte work Is .necessary forthi
foundations for the big hatteri'es. At
Soarborough Head thore will be bat
terles of mortars, and I think the same
kind of batteries will be placed at
Canby; at any ralte, etoniv improve.
nients will soon be commenced there.
NcithiT place will have large garrl
Hoim. The main purlBon will be at
Fort Stevens, where the big rifled guns
will be moututed. The work Is stupen
dous, and, like all luxuries, costs large
pumn of money, but we must have
them. Our government la Jut waking
up to the fact that this Northwest
coaM Is unprotecited, and both the Co
lumbia and It he Sound will soon have
ample protection. Much has been done
and wonderful progress made in the
past Ave years".
0. K, iV X. and Oregon Short Line To
lie I'ndcr One Management.
Tin: v. v. k Ft; a ins control
frolnlily r.rt Of the Mill aid Dc.tiche
Dask Schcne Trsik Line Traffic
Atviciatino Agait.
Ornal-.a, April 13. There la a story
current In Omaha railroad clrcie to
tlie effeot that tlie Oregon Short Line
and the Oregon Hallway and Naviga
tion "oniKuiy llm are V) be omso -Until
under one management. No
one can to antume the rporlbt ity
for the reixirt, but all higher oflb-la'a
asked about the matter say (t la with
in the range of possibilities.
According to the best accepted ver
l m, Kdwln McNeill, at present at the
hoad of the Oregon Itailway and Nav
igation Company, is to be removed and
W. II. Uancroft, general manager of
the Oregon Short Line, will be put In
charge of the systm. Samuel Carr,
president of the Short Line, will re
main tn that plaoe. A practical con
solidation of the two Hnea and their
co-operation with tlie I'nlon Pacl.1c
will in effect establish the overland
on much the same baxis as bc-fore the
reoeivens were appointed and the seg
regation took place.
New York, April 13. A conference of
the board of control and a number of
tlie managers of the Jolr: traffl; a'o-J
ciation wc-re ,sent and gave the,r! porlon of Gmaha JUid
opinion, after going ovtr the ground I threatened with a most disastrous
carefully, as to the legality of the'dood.
aMociatlon. All were acre.-d that the (
aaH'l&iion is legal and ociht to win!
Its (iif before the supreme court j
Alter auj.iurnmeni it was announced
that the iMHtrd. acUng on the advice
of counsel, had adopted resolutions
nifrtvlng o malintain and carry ou: ;
the provisions of the articles orga
nization of the Joint Traflic Associa
ti.m. pending tinal decision by th su
preme court.
lndianapoUs. April 13. On account
of a wreck cm the Pennsylvania rail
road, it was necessary to transfer the
remains of Senator Vorhee, and they
arrived here an hour after the sched
ule. They were placed In the rotunda
of the ca pltol, under a military guard
of honor. Governor Mount, the state
officials, the Judges of the supreme
court and appellate court the federal
officers and city olllclals. first filed by
the oofn, and afterwards came the
citizens, pas-ig in single file on each
side of the body. There was a cliont
by the choir boys at the capital after
the body arrived. The . body was
taken to Terre Haunte at 3 o'clock In
oliange of W. R. McKean and John
E. Lamb, representing the citizens of;
Terre Haute.
Washington. AnrU 13.-Word reacht d
the navy department today from Com-j "We have n-ver stated that Fltz
mander Whiting, in charge of the Pu-isimmons retired or that he would not
get Sound naval station, that the bat-I Jf faunt.
tlcship Oregon had grounded whlUap-,
proac-hing the di-ck Into which she wasj Puree te "tti
about to go to have her bottom scrap-1 Fltzslmmons will not shirk a fight,
ed and painted. The dispatch added ' He has never been a shirk. The talk
that the vetwel liad bent her frames, i of Kid McCoy challenging him is non
or ribs, and the bottom plating In th -j sense. Why, Fitzsimmons tausht him
vicinity of the forward turret, but did 'all he knows."
n.t in any other way Indicate whether Regarding the rumors of the failure
the damage sustained had been serl- of the veraseope pictures of the cham-
-hi win he iletennlnel by
thorough investigation.
Port Townsend. April 13. Shipping
meia here do mt oonceJe the loss of
tha ship Samaria, which sailed from
Seattle, coal ladon for San Franoisc".,
25 days ago. They say she will yet
doubtless appear at her destination In
good shape; that she has been put out
of her usual course by rough weather.
Oakland. April 13.-W. C. Grebe, a
maniac. Jabbed a hat pin down his
throat at noon today, while being ex
amined for Insanity In the courtroom
of Judge Ogden. It was thought for
a time that he had succeeded In kill
ing himself, but It is now believed that
he will recover.
Frankfort, Ky.. April 13. The gold
democrats, at a caucus held tonight,
decided to break no mow quorums ii
the balloting for United States sens
tor. They admit that Hunter Is liable
to be elected now, but they say that
the Blackburn men who refuse to sup
port Martin will be responsible for the
result. If Hunter la not elected after
a few trials they will demand that h
retire. They are determmd that If
they cannot elect a gold democrat th-y
will help to elect a pM republican.
Tlie grand Jury Is not ready to re
port. The state executive committee of
the silver democracy today calll a
stale cnventton, to lie hM June 2.
for the nomination of a clerk of the
court of appi-ala. The committee re t
eratm ita anroval of the natkmal
platform adopted at Cliicago. but la
more ltteral In Che provisional of the
oall with reference to who shall partl
"tpate hi county and statte con vent I in.
Terrible Floiid at Omaha Destroying
Much Iroperty.
OmaJia, April JS. Piling and beard
and bags of sand, old hay and stone
are being fed to the hungry maw if
the Big Muddy at Omaha In an effort
to restrain the manifest Intention of
that erratic stream to resume the
channel abandoned 20 years ago. At
nightfall it looked like the effort might
sucowd, but all hope is hedged about
with provisos.
East Omaha and North Omaha a-e
flooded by the watera that are rushing
from the overfull Miswjurl river. The
realdenta fleeing for their Uvea, leav
ing their pooBesBiona behind. Houses
are atandng In the flood, submerged
In wter from one to five feet detp.
Fields of grain and fences disappear
i beneath the surface of the water, and
trees no longer show any trunks. Thi
flood la pouring In upon the lowlands
of the east Omaha bottom In i
alream that Is estimated to be 20oo
feet In width. It is sweeping south
east ami pours mt Florence lake and
tb.n over the fields into Cutoff laa
In the last 24 hours Cutoff lake has
risen aim. : two feet. If this rate
, continues It to anticipated that by
m"rntnK lake wl" overftow '"lernor, and providing for a aimuitane-
iktithom rv.itilr n ri rl thia avi t ( ra ILaii I Viafi
;fta tbe Lower MstasippU Where More
0ut ;
Memphis. April 13. The river contin
ues to ri3 south of VicksburJr, and
the swift current lu throwing water
all over tlie levees with tremendous
l force. The water Is washing over the
levee at that point, however, and a
break may occur at any hour. Many
people have left the island with their
most valuable effects and stock. Sev-
i " , , , . ' . '
! eral weak spots have been deve.opid
In the southern levee, and people in
that section are making heroic strug
gles to save their property.
Tonight the backwater in the flooded
Miisiasippl delta Is about stationary.
The rver at Memphis continues to fall
At Helena the river ts declining at
the rate of two-tenths of a f ot daily.
The refugees are flocking Into Hele. a
by every boat.
But Not With Kids and Only for a
Good Purse.
New York. April 13. Martin Julian
arrived here today. In an Interview
I Julian Is credited with saying:
a!pions!ilp battle, Julian said: "I can
(only tell j-ou that our latest dlsjiatchea
iare too the effect that they have been
an unqualified success.1
i New York. April 13. The appelate
j division of the supreme court handed
I down a decision tn Brooklyn today re
j versing the declson of the lower court
' In HAfmuino. tn oonnl-niiA th -temoorarv
Injunction obtainel by Charles R.
Grauimui, or Riley Urannan, as he :e
known on every race course In the
country, against the West Chester
Racing Association. The opinion says
that the rule under which Grunnan
was excluded from the tracks was
without force and utterly void. Gran-
nan was excluded from the race track
because he made a present of $300 to
one of the Jockeys.
San Francisco, April 13. Hops So
and 12c
New York, April 13. Hops Dull.
London, April 13. Hops Unchanged
Liverpool, A.pril 13. Wheat No. 1
red (Northern spring, firm, 6s 2Vid.
Portland, April 13. Wheat Valley,
77c; Walia Walla, 74c and 75c.
Efforts Now Iking Made To That Cad
It Is reared Kill Be Fruitless.
The Trkih Coanuadef Reports rrlsoaen
Tikea V'itk HeaTjf Loss To lasargetts
aid Trifling Loss To the Tirks.
Atheist, April 13. The next Import
ant move which will be heard of wilt
be from the Greek headquarters at
Art a, where every preparation poasu
ble is being made by the cl.lxena to get
out of harm's way ts-fore tho war be.
gin In earnest
At Arta a force of about 2,W men,
organized by the Bthnik Hetlrla, baa
either started for the Turklih terri
tory or Is maictog final preparations)
for so doing. The government ha
given strict orders to stop the depar
ture of this force of Irregulars, but It
Is semt-omclallj explained thayt the
Greek commander at Arts, Colonel
Vaasos, Is "unable to spare men to
intercept them." Nobody ever expect
ed he would be able to spare men ta
do no. The Bthntk Heelrta probably
counts him among its devoted mem
bers, aa ft does nearly all officers in
; the Greek army.
n, power are still trying to avert
the war w ith little prospect of success.
It la stated that the French ambassa
dor' at Constantinople, M. Gambon, haa
been Instructed to draught an auton
omous coiistitutfoa for Crete, allowing
the Cretans to choooe their own gov-
ous Greek and Turk'sh evacuation of
the island. It In 6 wurei these effjrta
w ill turn out to have been made toe
j Lnulon, Aprfi 13.
A ! ecU frora
ConAai-lrjople alleges that the Creel
; . .-. -. I ,,n 0 ..Kt1!sk In KT
JI1 IB I" 1111 U a ICtfHIV-l ... ,v-
dJnla, to blockade Salon k and to
! attack Plevesa (the town on the Tur-
i Irtsh side of the erttrance of the Gulf
of Arta), and Smyrna-by-the-Sea, aa
well r to endeavor to force the pasa-
age of the Dardanelles with th? tor
pedo division of the "Greek fleet.
Edhim Pasha, the Turkish command
er In chief In Macedonia, has reported
to his government that the Greek in
surgents attacked the Turkish force
simultaneously at nine different points.
He further says they were completely
surrounded, that several prisoners
were taken, and that the latter have
been sent tt Salonioa. He concludes
(with ertatlwj that the losa to the In
surgents was heavy and that of the
Turks trifling.
Senator Nelson Wants to Doctor the
Tariff BUI.
Washington, April 13. Senator Nel
son gave notice today of three amend
ments to the tariff bill.
One of these abrogates, after the
lapse of a year, the Hawaiian reci
procity treaty. Another declares trusta
or combinations for the restraint of
trade, or to enhance the market price
of imports or manufactures by two or
more persons, either one of whom, la
an llmporter. to be "against the publlo
policy. Illegal and void," and provides
for the punishment of the offense by
booh Imprisonment and fine. A third
amendment authorizes the president to
suspend by executive order the collec
tion of all duties levied upon any Im
ported article, the home produot of
which Is controlled by a trust
I '"I M fc rs
Absolutely Pur
Celebrated for Its great leavening
strength and hea Ithf ulneas. Assures the
food against alum and all forms of
adulteration common to the cheap